5 m â- i i sii il *5 i. F. NALSTED, M. D. â€" â€" PHYSICIAN, SUBOEON, C., Holland CJentre' Will be at Berkeley every Tuesday and 'Friday afternoon from one to four o'clock. 390-ly. Or. Sproiile, ^PHYSCCIAN AM etIBGEON, ]Vr ^!^ R. li I ^^ X^ E. office â€" Manley's Drag Stcnre. C A. McBRIDE, Ml. D., L. R. C. P. S. EDINBURGH, '0/ffice at Stephen's Drug Store, Late of the London Hospital, England. I*. TklcCullougrli, 'BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, «Sso OfFICE-^OVER McFABLAND'S STORE, MABKDALiE. Mioney to ILo£Ln. 9 O GOME BABRISTEES, SOLICITORS, o. Officesâ€" Owen Sound, in Vicker's "Block, Poalett St. Blanch oflace in Markdale, over McParland's Store, on Friday and Saturday ' orery week. J. M4SS0N, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Massok. N. B.â€" Private and Companv's funds to invest at from B to 8 ner cent. â- â- -\ ' BBOWV. DrVISICN COURT CLERK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, c. CommiBsionerj in B. R.c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly KUeaded to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se- earity. WILLIAM STUART, K1MJ3ERLEY, â- issue.: of Marriage Licenses. Money to 'Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few Jj'arms for sale. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GKADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of Bach month andalso atMunshaw's Hotel, Flesher- ttm., the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. ' Commencing on the 7th September. MOMY TO LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf Pomona P. O MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE. ONT. J. £ Marsh. Pnp\ ' W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER. CONTRACTOR, ARCHL TECT, Markdale. R. J. SPROULE, FLESHEETON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn up and Valuations made on shortest notice. Charges very low. Apiily to K. J. SPBOULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Plesherton. THE TAILOR, is prepared to make yonr clothes neat and trim. ^3io latest Fashion Plates always oil hand to choose from. Bemember, over McFarland's Store, Jtfarkdale. 6 PEE GENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property at lovest rates of interest. Apply to B. J. SPBOULE, Conveyancer Postmaster. Plesherton. IMOrVE Y to LO^VIV Frivato and Company's funds to invest in Beal Estate at current rates of interest. r ASKS VOB 8AI£ AHB TO BEVT. All business private and confidential. Apprais- er for Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Company, Toronto. 408-34 JOHN WHITBY, Markdale. lasterer and stone mason MABKDALE. Is prepared to take contracta in town or country. Calcimlning and Wliitewaehing a specialty. iVonUily Fairs. Oranffevilleâ€" The second Thnrsday in eMb month IHnidAllc â€" TufsdAy before orAneeville. Vleshwton â€" Monday before OruigeTtile. Markdaleâ€" Satnrday before Orangeville. Durham â€" Third Tnatday in eaoL iBontn. CUiatsworth â€" ^Monday before Doriisn. Holland Centre â€" Saturday beloreChstsvarth IMeaville â€" ^Monday before Dtoiiaiii. ^Haaovtr-^Mtdar ^ore DobaiD ooooooooooooo o o ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo. o o ooooooooooooo â€"OF- Christmas Goods â€"AT THEâ€" Popular Dra g STORE, It will do you GOOD. "YoTirs r3spectifally, E. L. STEPHEN S^^r:^ i-"V- o o c c (« CO o o 5 « ca 09 01 S QQ oSog OQ PM -t3 V2 O Eh U2 C0 O o f^ ^O „.^) rtf D M CQ ^O CCJ (D o fl-j O OQ '^^ (D OP S rW 5 fl'^o/15' P 043 c8'o 0) 043 c8 (D J K Q X q: ID h K z K 0) Z Vi h K U. U. J h o Pi CD a o •iH o c8 s O s 09 o CQ rH 0) m 43 43 PM WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyepepeia and Liver Complaint Sbiloh's Vitalizer is guar- anteed to cnre you. For sale by R. L. Stephen, s' PHOTOS Secure the shadow e'er the substance fades. Tbis is a good season of the year t have your picture taken, and HAJVI I bTOJM ' S is the place to get eatisfaction. Any size or style taken true to life and finely finished. -ALL KINDS- TmA9^i0 p -ALSO- Albums Selling Cheap, You cannot do better in the city call and be convinced. J- HAMILTON, MAEKDALE. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Sbiloh's Cui« is the Remedy for jou. For sale by B, L. Stephen. J. McKinnon S":;^,^; give satisfaction in all kinds light and heavy harness and harness goods. Sepairingpromptiy attend, ed to. Whips, brnsbes, currr combs, c., to suit the tiade. A ci^ respectfully solicited. J. v-r'*- •%"â- â- -. 'W^- The cbuncii met pursuant to acT' journment on Nov. 80tb, 1888. Members all present. Muiutes of last session ol council read and con- firmed. The collector wae instructed to strike from his roll $8.00 vhargRd to Wm. Clark for statute labor on E^ lot 11, con. 6, as the path master certifies that the labour was performed. The Eeeve and Deputy-iieeva were appointed to examine and enquire in- to the circumstances connected with the claim ot Joseph Fawcett, for dam- ages, said to be done to his horse un bridge, and report at next meeting of council. The Treasurer was instructed to remit to the Secretary -Treasurer of the iSydenham Insurance Company the sum cf $1 .65 payment of assess- ment on Insurance poUcy of the Town Hall. By-law No. 401 appointing polling places and Deputy Returning Officers to hold the next Municipal Elections was carrifed through the different stages (uid passed. The Deputy Beturning Officers appoiBted are, Alexander Hall, John Y/ickers, Tliomas Ellis, Thomas Abercrombie, Alexander jiirskiue, James Struthers, Esq., Nathaniel Curry. The Beeve's orders ware issued on the Treasurr to pay as follows, viz Georga; Beekie, $24.42, repairing .bridge nn 21 and 22 side line Wm- Keenan, $10 00» work on 6 and 7 side line, con. Si Dougald Campbell, uO cents, retiiovkig obstmctions from under bridge Mathew HutciuBson, $2.50, repairing culvert and approach- es to bridge Albert Bowlings, $1.80 payment for cedar William Boyd, $1*2.00 relief for W. Gihay, Indigent; Bubert Armstrong. $2,90, repairing on 18 and 19 side line p John Clug- ston, $25.00, part payment work on 18 and 19 side line John Sewell, $18.00, work on 27 and 28ide line, con. 6 Alexander Kinneai, $10.50, work on townline, Artemesia, the council of Artemesia paying an equal amount John Mclnt^re, $6.00 work on townline, Artemesia, council ot Artemesia paying an equivalent David Marshall, $4.50, work on town- line St. Vincent, the council of St. Vincent paying an equal amount W. Stewart, $16.50, to pay men for work on 6 and 7 side lino, in the 4th and 5th concessions James Lawrence. $20.00, building bridge on 8 and 4 side line. con. 4 Albert Clark, $2.50 repairing culevrt, side road 17 and 18 con. 8 John McKenzie, $10.00, re- lief for B. Powley, Indigent John Mathews, Indigent, relief $10.00 James Boyd, $8.00 building culvert on 8 line, at lot 14; Thomas Gregson, $8.00, work on town line, Artemesia, the council oi Artemesia paying equally James B. Fawoett, $22.00 payment for cedar plank Charles Johnston, $9.87^, work on Nelson's Hill town- ai« Honor Judge MaopW, HJtt at 1 Mn. on T.,../^' A 1 eawct Tuesdav 'PtOtiil grand jurow-answered the roll T"^-W edMr.Davi,3.Crawford,o..elrr^elH. they ret«ed t«. thegiandiarvVJ "" iy found a 'true bill" agSS^' t chi TW« are on each of two mj^^^^i^ breaking and larceny. Tljfl« ' "^â- ' BIX I for balanceof an account; i^""^*^' posed of. J. on the civil list. NoTTEK fit. Gibbonâ€" An E.XOK...SMIX11.-AU0:; tr- I ancu of a liquor account Tl, 7 ^- ' brewer in the town of -Owe., sV" ** defendaiU is a restaurant Crlr*' cf OrauReviUe. The defence I!^'""^^ pleas, ^t up tliat the defena.U^:;^-' had no license to sell ^u,,,.„'^^«""»t. part of the currency of the ^.^.^' """S' Actwasinforceinthecou.; ;tf"« and that the plaintiff wasawafel'5;«- acts whenhe supplied herwithaleC!' to time. Argument on the Wi ;. .owed in the action posti:::; morrow afternoon. Jas. Masjon Q r plaintiii. Jno. Creasor.Q. C .fo;d;fe;j^' MCDUFFY V,. C.P.R._py„iig ij^ Glenelg township, and has for neijuJ Mr. Campbell and Mr JJeaton. The C pT crosses all th/ee farms. Plaintiff aUe-.edtki the part of the three tarms whica Uv bT of the raUway track Lad bten feuced in and used by the three owners as a wmaoo pasture that about the 4th of July j^^t the " railway fence on the Beaton farm waj iara and that about the 2.5th of July oaa of plaui,' tifTs colts had been killed by a passiiy traiy that the yehie of. the eelt was {80 ov 5100 Several witnesses for the plaintifiiwere mU; ed and* examined, af ten which the defeadants' council stated that he woald not advanceany evidenee and ar^jued that the action shoiiid be dismissed on the following grounds Jjt That plaintiff had not proven any negligeace on the part of the defendants 2nd, That while an agreement had been shovNu to enit between the plaintiff and Mr. Camobell., that they should use the rew of both farmr as a common pasture ground, no.such agrei- ment had been shown to exist between plain- tiff and Mr, Beaton that therefore, bo far as plaintiff was concerned, drfendants were only obliged to maintain a good fence acro» tiie plaintiff's and yit. Campbell's fame. Action dismissed. James Masson for pliii)- titt J. B, Alesworth for defeniiaatB. Beg. Vi. O'Neagl was disposed Wed- nesday forenoon. The prisoner was anai(Br ed. and the indictment charged him with breaking into Carson Price's store at Holland Centre and with the larceny of certain goodt. He pleaded "Not Guilty " after which the Crown wound around him a very strong chain of eyidence, Constable Galbtaith produced a complete kit of burglar's tools which he found on the .prisoner, also a revolver. Verdictâ€" Guilty. Sentenceâ€" seyen years jio Penitentiary. Alfied.Srost.for tl» Crown; J. M. Killwurne.byKqpesljfortheprisener. Policed v*. MBtroBD occupied the great- er part of Wednesday afternoon.. The plain- tiff, Col. Pollard, sued the town of Meaford for »200 damages, chumed on sccount of bodily injuries received through the alleged riXTH YEA1?.-Xc .OOK! RE A iNDYOUWiLLBECONVIM coobs f/iable for Presi -AT- line, Artemesia Council paying an .^^^ ixiju.«= x^.,«. e equal amount Freeman Burritt, J defectiveness of defendants' sidewalk. AiJ- $8.76, building culvert on 3 and 4 [nment postponed. until to-morrow afternoon, side line, con. 8. Council adjourned uuti' the 15tb day of December. BOBBBT DCNLOP, Clerk. Jas. Masson for plaintiff JohnC^eawr for defendants. Gbejohton »». Gbahamâ€" Ab» nndefesded case, was the last case on the dodtet, DSasBon for plaintiff, Jasr l3i»i;i%.^iU»U .i, ^^il 'â- i.v;'»B^4'j With the new year Grip enters upon its thirty-second half-yearly yolume, a iact which speaks eloquently for the merits of this unique and fayorite Can- adian journal. No former attempt in the field of humorous journalism in Canada was ever snccessfal, because in no form- er case was there the happy combina- tion of elements essential to the success of such a venture. In the first place, an uncommon fertihty of invention is required to keep a comiic paper abreast of the times, and this must be backed up by an artistic ability equal to the task of interpreting the happy thoughts evolved in a popular majoner. Secondly there must be the solid basis of ripht principle upon which to build. Truth, honor, fairness and good taste are all as essential to the success of a comic journ- al as of a magacino of the highest class. All these features have, from the fijrst number, distinguished Grip In a high degree. It stands to-day alongside the very best productions of its class in the world, and enjoys a fame far beyond the bounds of Canada. To Canadians it ought to be more and more an object of patriotic pride, and certainly but little can be said for the patriotism of any Canadian who pretends to culture, and can afford the price, whose name is not found upon Grip's subscription list. The subscription price is almost ridicul- ously low, when the rates of similar (and not equally able) journals elswfaere are considered. It is only two dollars a year, although the paper ccmtains siK- teen pages filled with bright original hnmwoftien and pencil, wid always gives, without stinit, politioal oartoona on paasing events, vhwh foe pomi, pow- er and humov an aartainly^imsarpaMMl manvbHrnonaapt^eKoitiiedav. For onrselveB WIS earn my ite* Grip is tite JJMy first journal w« ^ca aad enjoy on «»• ttitiyal of out weddy ezdiaAfmi. ua ins belieye the mam\i\t^ df near- It eray o^itotr fai the owntrr. Get it «wl88»w«Bjo«t fWt !r^ ^- â- â- â- 'â- â- -'.â- â- % " • -â- ' i'.\ â- •;ii--"t"' BnsliiM' l^eoaU Impobtant to bomowers, *lftW' P"' vate funds to loan, apply to ^- ^-^ Fariand, Markdale. ^^^' Wakted Iâ€" 100 cordsiWDod iE«chMg« for stoves. Markdale. Stove P^fiiy' Take Rejuyenator Bittew to kJP ycu from catching cold, ow" "' Smith, the barber. Telegraph and DailT P»P^ nearly coyer rental, can afford tff_ goods and do work at closer prices »*» any otherjeweller in Grey CooDtf. A. Brcwn.. jeweller. Span horses for sale, one 9 and o« years of age; will seU one or both^- Littlejohnr, Glenelg Weekly S* The FamUy Herald and ^^ is without an equal as a ^^' j/fof and wiU be sent to end of ^^ ^^ »1. Leave your subscnption « Standard Office. ,^,iwith The Weekly Globe for l*^ Jg^ribe baknce of this year free.^ '^^. .tttia office .»a»vej«^ NbAT AMD TBDI .-For StyU*" gjg. garments made by »• getyov ments, oyer HiU's store. beef by *r I, you want to bay^/„ej|fc quarter go to the JJ'gJ^fcoBt "^^ i^feet-^ cents per aj^ 6 for hmds. • o«3«»" ^^^^ POLisB your sUven^re. «| ^^^^^^^ 20 cents a bottle, at Brown Can furnish yop «»T ^T^^^sf^ W^' i m. V;^ ?^^»- ,^i â- ^ eHper than from any other fii ?etn Oi-angeville and Owen be We hj-ye jwtit opened np Ihe tllJMAS GOi ^larkdale in FyVIVC Y SES, CHILDREN'S CUPl rCERS. MOUSTACHE !D SAUCERS China Tea ge stock to" chor se from, 1 ttF, Toilet Setts, Glatsware, will Fell cheaper than any M«rkdflle. In the Grocery Line we liavo Orange and Citioii Feels nuts, new Dates, new Figs isms, all kinds ne%v £sseiJt h re the largest k*oc1 of Conlect )ught into Markdale. KutS; iiefs, Digbv Chicken. I iiluie. Fiesh Oysters rece: les a week. 1NES i LIQU( IhoFC requiring a "Difip iter" can depend upon geti od and pure at BENSON'S. Bottled Gin. Brnndy, Rum, itch and Irish Whisky cheap pap" for Xmas and New Ide. Good Ales and Porter, jomplimeuts of the season t \H, Benson, W,J,B he most complete and beaut of the above lines for t AT CHE LOCKS, JE^WTELLEB SPECTACl ILVEB'WABE, PLUSH CASE FANCY GO -AT- O iossell'sJewellei FLESH ERT( It prices that will astonish and see our stock, it will "Watch, Clock and Jewell] ^••g pertectly done and Koarauteed every time at iUSSK Jleshertl '^â- X "^M: •'.R %.' SSii--tc ^â- ^â- "Ste.