Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Dec 1888, p. 5

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 \- -^â- y 'I"wyji :a;ja«tac-i'aTtfgyw OOpS! OCK 2y Books. books' 5, ETC. rties par- 'Ck, prices tore. E )octr aud Plaiik Fac- .-hixiery, everytbing low Battons, r second to nofle ia ;very departmeiit, nage. 3 Promptly. Jndressed ancy Turniiigdone. tance. USE, stripes, cbec'-s â- aahtneres, gref^ irnisiimgd. /^^f 3t command »•;- fro^ $5.00 a? • In these gooJ* ,^*' '8S.- ^5 W/J. McFARLAND Is opening out a choice and elegant assortment of Christmas Goods, suitable for Presentations. One case Gents' and Ladies' bilk Handkerchiefs, 25 cts., 40 cts., 50 cts,, 75 cts. and $1.00. 17 dozen Ladies' aud Gents' Kid, Silk, Wool and Nopa Buck Gloves and Milts â€" all prices. A iarge and elegant aBsortrneut of Men's Fur, Astrican ftiid Scotch Caps and Turbans, Tlie best ,^4.50 Persian Lati.b Cup in the Dominion is at McFarland's ;o raoie appropriate Christmas present could be given inij lady than one of McFarland's stylish Braided or Coiubiuation Dresses, ranging in prices from $5 up to $14 fiT one of our superb Sealett Mantles* Miss lireran^r has tallied out several this season. IMPOKTED DIRECT Handsome Hand Satchels in Plush, Leather and Vellum. See them. See the new oblong Purse with oxedized claspa. Plush Work Boxes, Plush Music Bolls, Bronze Hand [Mirrors, Match Safes, Whisk Holders, Ladies' Toilets, China Cups and Sancers, Vauses, Silver Peppers, Silver Salts, Silver Butter Dishes, Pickle Dishes, Butter Knives, and a thousand and one rich, elegant and useful suitable articles for prebentatiou. Gents' Plush Slippers, Gents' Silk, Gashmero and Wool Mufflers ;- choice goods direct importations. 100 Boy's and Men's Overcoats. 300 Boys' and Mens' Suits all prices aud sizes. Ladies' Wool Shawls, Hoods, Facinators, Braided Jerseys, Mantles and Mautlings. My store is crowded from cellar to garret with goods to suit all persons, high and low, rich aud poor, all equally welcomed at the old established reliable hoaae. 1 must not forget to say that no Xmas dinner will pass off right without some of McFarland's fragrant Tea. The grocery stock is replete with new Eaisins, Currants, Essences, Peels, Spiceo, Sugars, and everything to mane you happy. When in Markdale come in and see us and^ don't wait until the choicest lots are sold, bat come soon: and come often. Wishing my thousands of customers the iisual greetings, Yonn faithfully. W. J. McFHRLMND iSast Grey Conservatives. Tlift annua! meeting of the East â-  Grey Liberal Conservative Association was held iu Markdale on Friday last '^vben a good attendance whs present. The cliiof business was the election of â- ofiicL'is foi- the ensuing year,, which resulted as follows President, Thos. Kells Vice-Pres,, TiioH. (jilray Eecording Secretary, Wra. McLoiighry Treasurer, James DISTRICT DOINGS. AN INTEBESIJNG SUMMARY FBOM OUR EXCHANGES AND OTHERWISE, PARA- GRAPHED FOR STANDARD READERS. Orillia is to have a daily paper after Ist January. Lodge No. 833, A. 0. U. W., has been organized at Beeton. D. Douglas, harnessmaker of Diin- Brodie Corresponding Secretaries, ^*^" ^^^^ "^^^e an assignment Dr. Joluiston, Maxwell, and W. H Dodiioii, Soulilyn. TOWNSHIP VICE-PRESIDENTS Eui-brasia, Wm. Brady; Osprey, John Ciiiitou Coilingwood, F. Srael- ser Ilollnud, A. Freeborn St. Vin- cent, N, ^eii" Siilliyan, Jno. Sparrow; Meaford, Hugh Chisiiolra; Thorn bury, Thos. Andrews; Markdale, William Douglass Artemesia, K. Watson Melaiicthon. J. PoUey Proton, J. ..Abbott Diiudalk. Thos. Hanbury fSbcluunie, John Skelton. Aud'tors, Jatnes Elliott and C. W. Piutledgfc. After the business of the meeting was concluded Dr. Spronle, M. P., treated all the members of the Associ- ation preaeut to a free dinner at the Markdale House. Note. â€" Tlie prasident received a letter fiorn Joseph Eorke. M. P. P. just after tlic meeting was over regret- tiijg his inability to be present. ITotewortliy Success. ilauy readers of the Standard will remember W. M. Wright, formeily of Flesherton, son of Mr. Wm. Wright, of that village. He is now an M, D. in Bellevue Hospital, New York, and Irom the loliowmg clipping, from the New York World of the 23d November, his many acquaintances will learn with pleasure tlie distinguished success which he has gained "Little two-year-old Wilson Shiffer, whose life was despaired of a few weeks ago, yesterday left Bellevue Hospital cured. He is the son of Jules W. Shiffer. a compositor on The World. In September last a pet dog jumped at the little one, catching him by the nose and knocking him over back- wards. Several Staten Island phy- sicians* examined the child. He barked like a dog and had other symptoms of' hydrophobia, but would drink water. The doctors were puzzled, and said they could do nothing. Then the child was taken to Bellevue Hospital. Several prominent physicicns became interest^ m the peculiar case, but 20uld not fathom the trouble. Finally young Dr. Wright, the house surgeon, solved the mystery. He dis- covered that the sections of the child's skull had not properly knitted in the rear whore the bone is softest, and that the edge of one section overlapped the other. The fall had aggrayated the pressure on the brain, and as the barking of the dog was the last thing impressed upon the little fellow's con- sciousness, he imitated in his. de. lirium and so gave raise to the hydro- phobia theory. Dr. Wright, by a system of compresses, forced the sec- tions apart and maintained them in the proper position until the edges united. With the removal of the pressure on the brain the boy's im- provement began, and yesterday after- noon Mr. Shiffer had the extreme pleasure of taking his little one home once more, rosy cheeked, well and ^appy. Miss Chichester, the nurse at fieJlevae who has watched over the :hild in its sofferings, actually cned at parting with her tiny charge. Alex. McLaughlan, of Shelburne, is starting a heueiy with 300 hens. The G. T. K. is about building an elevator at Midland with a capacity for 750,000. $475 was the receipts of Mt. Forest Methodist church anniversary services held last week. CoUingwood is to have either a large addition to the G. T. elevator there or a bran new one. CoUiiigwooQ wants a street railway but the county council has refused to grant assistance. The Dolierty Organ Co., of Clinton have offered to locate in Orillia for $40,000. A Buffalo buyer was in Shelburne last week aud purchased 1500 balsams for Christmas decorations. Bruce's large grain house at Beaver- ton was burned down on Saturday last with some 4,000 bushels of wheat. Wm. llutiedgp, of Mulmur, got his left hand, smashed in a cutting box last week and had to get two lingers amputated. A fire occured in the upper story of Wilson Bros, furniture warerooms in Owen Sound last Thursday morning which did some $2,000 damage before put under control. Frank O'Neighl, the burglar who was captured in Holland Centre last fall, had his trial at Owen Sound last week aud was sentenced to seven years hard labor iu the penitentiary. The Creemore Advertiser says that Plewes Spence, of Creemore Roller Mills, are making an average of 100 barrels of flour a day. Plewes is a brother of A. Plewes of Markdale. It Changing Their Resting Place. â€" Twenty years ago George L. Wright, father of Thorp Wright, and Mrs. Wil- liam Wright, of Flesherton, died and was interred in the burying ground at Markdale. One year ago last summer his wife, and mother of the aforesaid parties, died and was buried in St. ' Louis, it was decided to bring the old couple to Flesherton and place thetia side by side in the cemetery here, which was accomplished on Monday last, under the supervision of Mr. Van- zant. Mr. John Gilchrist, who assist- ed in removing Mr. Wrights' remains from Markdale, dug the grave for de- ceased t^venty years ago. â€" Advance. Bmln Basrg'ed. An army of one thousand men, more or less, congregated at Ormsby's swamp, 9th line. Euphrasia, on Tues- day last, fully resolved to capture the bear whicih has frequently of late been seen in that locality. But they were unsuccessful. On the afternoon of the same day Mr. J. E. Richards, ot Rock- lyn, in company with Messrs. John and Richie Gardiner, quietly wended their way to the woods of the latter gentleman, and iu less than two hours returned with a good sized bruin. Mr. Richie Gardiner chopped him out of his den, while Mr. Richards and Mr. John Gardiner stood sentry and simul- taneously fired the fatal shots. The two "whooped 'er up" in true Indian style when returning to the Capital with their "game," and there was big excitement for a time. Jack has pur- chased the claim of the Messrs, Gard- iner and will ship his bruinship to the Queen City for Xmas, if he does not decide to open up a Zoo at the Capital. FUN FOR SALE. Lots 46, 47, 48. 49 and 50 in the 1 range West of T. 8. Boad, Holland, 250 acres, 150 acres cleared, well fenced and under cnltiTation, balance 50 acres hardwood and 50 cedar swamp, dry. Good frame house, frame barn 30x50 and other good outbuild- ings Two orchards bearing. Well watered IJ from Berkeley Station, good road and all necessary conveniences. The proprietor is going to Manitoba and will sell reasonable, apply on the premises to ROBERT CABTER, 228-42 Berkeley,?. 0. BOARS FOR^SERVIGE. On the premises of Christopher Irwin, lot 119, second range East, Artemesia thorough BERKSHIRE torms $1 at time of service also a Chester Waite, 75 cents at time of service 429-32 THOMAS IRWIN, Proprietor. FOR_8ALE. 100 acres in Artemesia on gravel road, on© halt of which is within the corporation of Markdale. Apply on the premises, WM. S'l-EVENS. Markdale. No». 12. 427-40* ~~FARIVI FOR SALE. Lots 109 and 1X0, in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Artemesia for sale. Terms to suit purchaser Apply to H. D. IRWIN, near Markiale. Aug. 31st, 1888 "The Week, one of the ablest papers on the cpntinent."^iaenpiw* Anurua. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. A Canadian Journal of Politics, Litera- ture, Scienct and Arts. pnBLilMXB evebtJfbidat. 91.00 for Four Months. TO SGHOOL^TRilSTEES. The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of School Fumitu-z-e, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS,, etc., of the latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. O.' 181 ANDREW McGILIlirS TEACHER WANTED $3.00 per Year. For School Section No. 10, Holland, male- or female, with second or third class certiA- ' cute. Apply with tesiimonials up to the 24th inst. to FREDRICK STAFFORD. Berkeley P. 0. Dec. 4, '88. 430-2in THAT HACKING COUGH can be quick- ly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. For sale by R. L. Stephen. seems to be hereditary for Plewe's to be millers. Dr. Landerkiu, M. P., shot a fox last week. The Post says: "The doctor marched home with the skin thrown ovor his shoulder and appeared to be as proud as if he had secured the scalp lock of John A. Macdonald." The opening services of the new Presbyterian church at Chatsworth on Sunday the 9th were an entire success. $280 was realized at the Sunday collections aud social which followed. The News gives a grand report of the services. Upset. â€" As Dr. Jamieson and J. P. Telford were returning from the sup- per in honor of Adam Turner, of Markdale, the other evening, in turn- ing a corner too quickly the usual re- sult followed. It looks as if the Dr was making a job for himself. Markdale Karkets. FaU Wheat W 00 to »1 00 Spring Wheat 1 00 to 1 00 Barley 60 to 70 Oats 32 to 32 Pease 55 to 58 Butter 17 to 17 Eggs 17to 18 iPork 600to 6 60 40 CATABBH CURED, hMtth and sweet ^reftth fiecored, I7 SfaUoh'a Catanb Bmnedj. ^ice 50 eents. Nunllnjfetor tne. For sair i'otatoes, per bag 35 to Hay .10 00 to 10 50 Onions, per bushel 75 to 1 25 Hides.. 4 00to 5 60 Sheep Skins •. 60 to 70 THE WEEK has entered on its SIXTH year of publication, greatly enlarged and improved in every respect, rendering it still more worthy the cordial support nf every one interested in the maintenance of a first-class literary journal. The independence in politics and criticism which has charsMsterized THE WEEK ever since its first issue will be rigidly maintained and un- ceasing efforts wili;be made to improve its literary character and increase its value .and attractive- ness as a journal for the cultured home. Many new and able writers are now, or have promised to become, contributors of its columns, aud the constant aim of the Publisher will be to make THE WEEK fully equal to the best literary journals in Britain or the United States. As heretofore Pmop. Goldwih^Smith will, from time to time, contribute articles.' London, Paris, Washington and Montreal letters from accom- plished correspondents will appear at regular in- tervals. Special Ottawa letters will appear dur- ing the session of Parliament. THE W£:EK in its enlarged form will be~ the same size as "Harpers' Weekly," and the largest paper of Its class on the continent. SESD rOS rSEE SAMPIiE 0077. C. BLACKET ROBINSON, Publisher, 5 Jordan St., Toronto NOTICE. Notice is hereby {river, that after the publi- cation of this notice in three successive ibsues of the Ontario Gazette aud Markdale Stan-, dard, J^jim Hutchinson, of the township of Euphrasia, in the County of Grey. Farmer (creditor of the said James Gibsotj) will apply to the Surrogate Court of the CHiuty of Grey for a grant to him of letters of administra- tion ot the real, and persooal estate and effects of James Gibson, late of the Town-, ship ot Euphrasia, iu the County of Grey,, deceased, who died ou or about the twenty- first day of Octb;n-, A.JJ. 18^7. haviiit.;, at thfe tim!of '.ii,s ilfjHtu. his fixed place of abode in th" .srti I tinviit^liii) of KapiirAsiii. The next of kin re iiliux lu Ontario having re-, nou.uce'i uj favor if :Le a)-jilicant. IV UcCUf.LOL'.TH. yolifiior for s-iid. .Ino. lluiol^uijou. Dated at Mankdale ). this 30th day of November, 1888. f, CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. For sale by R. L. Stephen. TO THE PUBLIC. Having leased the wood department of McKenna's carriage block, I am now fully prepared to execute all kinds of work in my line with neatness and dispatch.:£;All kinds carriages built to order and the best material used, together with good workmanship. Repairing promptly attended to. We as Mr I ^^*' '°^^^*^ invitation to all who GROC_ERY. I hereby draw the attention of the public generally to the fact that I have opened out a select stock of GEOCEEIES MAKKDALE CARRIAGE -:- WKS. â€" AKD- PEOVISIONS Telford got the side of his head badly j ^aj require anything in our line to bruised aud scratched. We hope to call and see us. We want to get see him all right again soon.â€" Grey acquainted ard trust our acqnaint- Eeview Oysteb Supper.â€" Mr. W^m. Milne, for the past ten years Township Clerk of Osprey, was entertained by his friends at an oyster supper at Mcln tyre on the evening of Nov, 80th. An ' address was presented, to which Mr. Milne replied appropriately. The usual loyal and coraphmeatary toasts wore given. Mr. Milnu intends leaving this section of couutry, where be hai resid- ed sixteen years, and removing to Portland, Oregon. â€" Dondalk Herald. For lame back, ride or cbest, use SliQok's PoKOiis Raster. Price 35 oiita. ForMdebr ,B.L. StopiMB. BDceship may prove mutually pro- fitable, GEO. MATHEBS, MABKiiALE. SHILOH'S COUGH and Conraraption Core is sold by as on a eoarantee. It cores Consumption; For sale by B. "h. Siegfyeax, STRAYED To the premises o| tiie iiii«tei(siinied lot 4, con. 12, HolloDil,. abeqt tiie 1 jUi of K«iv. kat fiior oalves^ Mfer «ahM aiul one steer call.- Tlieo«ii«reaab«fe^miMl]9ri^|^- iog pcopflrfyttid'piv^ «r next door to Mauley's drug store. My stodc is all new, fresh goods compris- ing all that is usually kept in a first- class grocery, v\^o Flour Irom Ford and Plewes' roller mills, same price as at the inill Gjrahain Flour, Oatmeal, Brau, Shorts^ 4ic., c. PRICES. iiOW A:JI TERMS CASH. Produc» taken iu, exchange. A call is respectfully solicited. Wm. Stephens, MABKD-AijE. 5(. McNiiUy, practical manufactnrei Wag- gons, DemocrAfts, Buggies, Sleighs, Cutters apd everything m the line. The best ma- terial used and first-class workmanBhip.. Satisfaction guarautee1. Repairing, Palnfing ajitf Trlmmine: pi:omptly. attended to. A cull respectfully solicited. 1^- Stand opposito the Markda e House. R. M'NALLY. â€" IT fAk'S TOâ€" «31-M taetuaot. $20 REWARD, This reward will be pnid to IIia petson gxring saoh iuloqpstion as wiU letid to the pxoseeatioa and Jbavietion of the' person or penona who iMtve titkeii ttinber offki81, â- on. 1, Eaet T. S. Boad, HuDMsd. i B.WEST, 230 Adeliide St., Teni^ T^. AND THAT IS THE lorlkB B w Ue^e. OAVEJV SSOXTTS'O. The best and most practil^ course cf study. Tbo best teaching talent.. ° Tue best occonimo lation for students. The best methods of instruction. The best results from that instruction aftor. ' 6tid49nts graduate. Foraunnal aunouncehiect givii^ 'fiirticulsis. ngsidlug Va» coxaae of stndy, tinas c., address-' C. A. Fli^MINO, Fbiscipai.. Owen Sound. Kov. ist, 168S. r~ BOu FOI sEines. A tac Blaek Biriulnra Boar, en Jtt, Can£E^ Siq^mwia. T«ms 75 emU m^ â-  tiui»qBii|«rvioe. B0B£.8S1XL. p%iSi â- "Â¥:' i. â- ':•'-.;- «»!:- ^;.;rt«!t '-^'^-j.i^

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