Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Dec 1888, p. 4

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 fW B-.a 'M .i It C. W. Butledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, DEC. 20, 1888. CHRISTMAS NEW- YEARS. The festival seasou is at hand, and whild we are all, more orless,aDimat ed by happy anticipations of family gatherings, social pleasantries and general Christmas cheer, let ns not forget to remember with thanks the •'Giver of all good," and show our gratitude by acts of bonevolence to- wards those who may be destitute of the necessaries of life furthermore, we may benefit, old and young, by taking care to practice moderation in bating as well as drinking during the season of (P. P- ?.) â€" poultry, pudding and pastry. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" Buffalo has 1,993 saloons, which yield $264,000 in licenses. â€" -A good vein of natural gae has been struck at Tilsonbursf. â€" The Ontario Legislature will meet on the 24th January. â€" Two car loads of cotton were shipped last week from Kingston to China. â€" Rev. Canon O'Meara, of Port Hope, died suddenly on Monday last, aged 79 years. â€" Imports of Canadian apples into England this season are nearly double those of last year. â€" Mr. George Routledge, the well- known book pubhsher, of London, England, died last Friday. â€" In a recent accident four miles below Maberly, 17 C. P. R. freight cars were wrecked, causing a loss of about $50,000. â€" The result of the recent cseneu: taken in Toronto is a population of 166,809 exclusive of Parkdale, which will make it about 172,000. â€" $15,500 was raised in the Metho- dist churches in Toronto last Sunday in behalf ot University Federation, mak- ing $160,000 already raised by To- ronto. â€" Canadian lawbreakers will now have to think twice before taking re- fuge in Mexico, as an extradition treaty between that country and Great Britain, in which our Ottawa author- ities have heartily concurred, is all but definitely concluded. It is very sweeping in its embraces, and includes no fewer than 78 offences, from threats to extort money up to pynacnitardism and murder. be produced bv our local talent, they 1 only havmg had a few evenings prac- tice together betore appeuiog before their audience. During the entertain- ment a short intermission was given when an impromptu charade was play- ed a word of three syllables m four acts by Messrs Blackburn, Richardson and Petch and Misaes Richardson. Leitch and Damude, which caused considerable mirth. The evening's entertainment was closed by the Orchestra, God saye the Queen. Close and steady practice by the Sabbath Schools are going on for the coming annJversarys here the first on Christmas night by the Presbyterian S. School promises to be one of the best programmes they have yet ren- dered, a very interesting Christmas Cantata under the leadership of Mr. J. G. Russell is being prepared^ Bexkel«7 Standard Correspondence. Change or Business. â€" Mr. J. W. Lackey has sold his mill property to the Mitchel Bros. Extensive opera- tions are going to be carried on by the firm, and to prepare for which large changes in the machinery are being made. We wish the new firm all suc- cess. The entertainment in 70 school last Friday was a great success. The en- joyment of the audience was somewhat spoiled by the noisy behaviour of some over-grown and badly behaved boys who made themselves a nuisance to every one. Everybody is putting on hoUday faces and preparing for the great annual festival of Christmas. [The above came to had just after the paper was printed last week.] POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel for purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than tlie ordinary 'kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul- titude of low East, short weight alum or Shosphate powders sold only in cans. BotaTi lAKING POWDBB Co., 106 WaU St.. N. Y. To the Electors of Holland Township Gentlemen, â€" Owing to illness in my family I am oblige.^ to withdraw from the contest as a candidate for the Reeveship. Wisbmg you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, I am, Yours faithfully, William Nobton. \i. =Greeliiigs -AND- neaiierton. ^Standard Correspondence. Rev. Geo, Hartley of Holland Centre occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church and the Rev. Mr. Jansen of Kings College, the Presbyterian pulpit m this village on Sabbath last. The last sitting of Artemesia Town- ship council for 1888 was held on Saturday last. So far as we can learn 'he township business was in good liauds and well conducted throughout the year. So far very little is being said about approaching elections in this locality. The Oddfellows concert hero on Wednesday evening last was a decided â- success, the programme was well sus- tained from first to last. The soloa by Misses. Cnristoe, Armstrong, Van- luseu and Mrs. Blackburn were well rendered and duly appreciated. E. E. Richardson, tlisq., in a song made his -debut and did well. Master Ed. pos- -sesses a fine voice and will again be apprfwiiited by a Fleshertoh audience. The name of the Scottish Vocalist, J. li. Anderjon, Esq., brought forth bursts of applause and welcome, Mr. Anderson still retains his old time â- enthasiasm in song and was loudly encored again and again. Prof. Parks, ^iohnist. appeared for the first time before a Flesherton audirace and de- lighted his hearers, the aged mosioiau liaodles the bow with wopderfol dex- tartly. The ttaaic ,bj tbe Orehectra under the leadership of E. YanZant, Ef^q.. -was a Tety atea^i^ psrttof the •atertai n iB t nt MttMdici^ wbtk can Editor Standard Will you kindly direct the attention of our Division Court Clerk, Mr. Brown to Vic Chap. 51, section 52 on page 550, Consolidated Statutes, where it reads thus â€" "A table of fees shall be hung up in soire conspicuous place in the offices of the several Clerks. Pro Bono Publico. Financial Statement m mi K â€"OF â€" TlieYillageofMarkdale. 1888. X»CEXPTS. June 15, Bec'd from License Fund $U0.00 ** as. " fine, Benson v. Caswell... 5.00 " fine, Caswell v. Paterson 5.00 Ju^y a. " Pound-keeper (Mabee)... 1.00 (Miller) ... 7.00 21. " Police Trustees' balance 3.31 Bept 15. " Statute Labor, 335.00 27. " Glenelg Council 118.68 Nov. U. " Artemesia Council 128.00 Dec. 16. 'â-  Tax Collector " Back Taxes, lots 18, 19, 9) U8i.OO Sproule's survey 20.85 " Co. Treas. Taxes Non-Bes Lands 15.24 ' Co. Treas. equivalent on acct. Co. bridges « 17.57 1944.65 EXPEHDZTUBB. June 28. Pd. J. C. Fell Co.. seal S6.00 SO. 5. 19. S.Morrow, road work 7.60 H. Hamilton " 1 00 P. J. Bitchie ' 75 July 8. Morrow, " 2.50 John Whitby. Petition for In- corporation, Assessing, c. W. .T. Bowe, lumber aojo 7.60 C. W. Butledge, printing 32.52 Aug 15. G. 8. Bowes, lumber 13.86 C. W. Butledge, advertising... 11.30 B. C. Bryden, half salary B. C. Bryden,preparing Voters 12.50 List 6.00 Wm. Lucas ^k Co., Pro. Note... 105.41 Fred Dundas, Impounding ... Joseph Bproule, road woA... C. Johnston, gravelling road... SO 93 25.00 18. 8. Morrow, rand work 4.25 Oct. 1. 2. W.Lyons. " 4.37 Haskett Bros., account 20.00 22. Boswell Hutchinson, blanks 3.87 0. E. B«ynold8, road work 35.63 C. Johnston, " 68.50 26. C. H. Bowe, 1.87 Nov. a. Agricultural Society giant 10.00 Geo. Warling, lamber 61.84 9. Brass Band grant 20.00 10. W. L. Young, Returning officer 4.00 Exchange on cheque 25 19. J. W. Sproule, furniture 19.60 Dec. 1. Bev. Mr. Casson, refund statute labor 1.00 B. Offleman, charity 4.00 12. Jane Nethercott, charity 3.00 15. B. C. Bryden, postage, o Wm. Brown,writing Pisburae- 5.00 ments, dkc 10.85 Joseph Sproule, rood work, c T. L. Moffat t Sons, stove 1.86 6.00 17. Haskett Bros., stove pipes, c 4.48 ThoB. Mathews, rent, wood A Uvery C. W. BuUedtoe, printing W. J. McFailanc refnnd on 1.60 2.70 County Bate 836.87 1064.47 Thanking yon for past favors, and hoping that by square dealing and close prices, to have a continuance of the same. I "Wish you all the compliments of the season. Yours respectfully, S. BREADNER, Jeweller, -:- Markdale. GROeERIES -FOB THE- HOLIDAYS. Having purchased the Grocery and Stationery Stock of Mr. J. E, Sproule, Markdale. I have much pleasure in announcing to old customers and as many new customers as wish to pro- fit by cheap bargains, that I have made large additions to former stock consisting of fT^ C02"E"EES, •1944^ WM. 1,. YOUNG, Tbvascbeb. Markdale, Dec. 18, 1888. CAME BSTBAY. ,. About the l«t September ktt on h^ » Cm.. 12. Holland. Animi «Ute yau • l^^iiifor. The ownar it raQDwMdto imp9ttf pay ^ig« tad,t^ iSSS of the choicest brands, and as CHEAP:':AS:':THE:-:CHEAPEST, and every other article in household groceries. Seasonable Vegetables purchased at highest market prices â€" such as Apples, Cabbages and Boots ot all kinds. Oysters of tbe best brands by the plate or in balk. o Markdale, Deo. 1, 1888. 4I0LI «^ ^^ -» Si^ .*â- â€¢' ^^. Tc -.., ^^. 4^ ^^' P.0, „ CHRISTMAS GOODS! CHRrSTMAS QO on^ -ATT- ANLEY' AN IMMENSE STOCE Cups Saucers, â-  Vases, -â- ':-" Storey Books. BIBLES, HYMN books! ALL KINDS- PI IKH 2IF^"'^^^^^ C^SE, rLuOn 3DZB:^3SI2T Cases, ALBUMS TOYS, ETC. Liberal discount to parties par- chasing large quantities. Call and inspect our stock, prices low. an ley's Orug Store. Markd E FACTORY Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door aud Plaiiv Fac- tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everyihing being new, I am now prepared to turn outj Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollow Batte, [FRAMES, LATH, FENCE PICKETS, c., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner seconcl to aofie^m Canada, knd haying engaged superior mechanics m eyerv departmeui. would now respectfully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to flU Orders Promptly- PINF LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain aud Fancy furniiigaou Carefui Attention to Ordes from a Distance. 808 THO5. McNEA. 'OH and -AT THB- f KT THB* TORONTO HOUSE M A full range latest styles ot fashionable Dress goods, m sf"Pf' greas and oombination, from 10 cents up. Black aud coloreil cftshmar .^^^^.^ variety, from 25 oenU to 76 oeots best values io town. Coat »" ^^^ aoths, cheap, stylish and popukr. In Tvreeds, gents' f'jr"^^""" ^j »tr and caps, stook complete and varied and prices which must com ^^ ^^ traction. In Beany-made Clothing we offer men's suits fro'P ' ^^: which, for style and quaUty, cannot be excelled. Every thms ^^.^^ ^oU and Shoe line ffom the heavy stoga tothe finest Ladies' kid; i'» ' ^,^g ^^k onr borne mamifiwtacBalwaye take the lead. Having adoptea ^.^ ^^ syetcn^ we hops ta ooBvinbft OMtomers that It pays to do basmess Iwr© tolyeiik man is nol.i;et«iMd to carry the "lame docks. ^^p jjxsmsstimm j^x c solicit .f^^ i- ij*. %\ ^JTi. -J^^tijf I* ^. .J^i mm. BROWN Isc Oue case Gents' and La 40 cts., 50 cts., 75 cts. ai 17 dozen Ladies" and C Buck Gloves and Miirs â€" A large and elegant asi .-and Scotch Caps aud Tui iianib Cp in tlie Domiuu No more aiipiopriate C any lady ihini one of Combmation Dresses, rar â-  m one of onr superb Sea iinrned out several this se w. East Orey Conserv The annual meeting â-ºGrey Liberal Conservativ \was held in Markdale o Tvben a good atleudance The chief bus-ness was t •officers for the ensuing resulted as follows President, Thos. Kell? Ilioe. Gilray RecorJii Wm. McLoiigliry Tres Brodie Correqjomiin^ Dr. Johnston, Tvlaxwell Dodson, Sou!il3n. TOWNSHIP VlCE-PBKi Euphrasift, Wm. Br; John Clinton Coilingw ser; Hollaud, A. Fieeb cent, N.^eu^; SuUiyan, Meaford, Hugh Chislioln "Thos. Andrews; Marki Douglass; Artemesia, Melaiicthon. J. Polley Abbott; Dundalk. Th^ JShelburue, John Skelto Aud'tors, James Elli \Butledge. After the business o was concluded Dr. Sj treated all tbe members ation present to a. free Markdale House. Note. â€" The prasidei letter from Joseph Iloi just after tliC meetiup; w ting his inability to be J ZTotdworthy Su( Many readers of the remember W. M. Wrig Flesherton, son of Mr. of that village. He is in Bellevue Hospital, IS Irom tlie lollowmg clip New York World of the his many acquaintani with pleasure the distmi which he has gained "Little two-year-old whose life was despairec •ago, yesterday left Bel cured. He is the soi Shiffer. a compositor c In September last a pe 'the little one, cat;hii nose and knocking 1 -wards. Several State eicians examined the c like a dog aud had oth •hydrophobia, but woul The doctors were pu; .they could do nothi •child was taken to Be Several prominent ph interested m the pe could' not fathom the Finally young Dr. surgeon, solved the ra -covered that tbe secti fckuil had not properl; rear where the bone is ttiie edge of one sectio â- other. The tail bad pressure on the brt barking of the dog wi impressed upon the 1 seiou6ness, he imit: lirinm aud so gave n phobia theory. Dr eystem of compresset tions apart and mai the proper position united. With the pressure on the brai proyement began, at noon Mr. Shiffer 1 fdeasure of taking hi once more, rosy cl Itappy. Miss Chich B^evae who has child in its suffering pactmg with hertm ^ABBH CUREI %pMi Msored, fay Shili mm.^vaita. NmbI}! M^-^^

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