Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Dec 1888, p. 3

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 Hi 1 jiMJ.ip^v^ipiimpip System. Ihe result. J*^«. 'oped. TkT •*«»» Re tide of *»»•• » set them wf," -^ in which theva^ I with showB, raa^ ;.L'fe is becomes .sr^reotypedioj^ »'ne^.:ectinednoa ^â- 1' nason every ^P" into a trad? „^f^""°nha»cor. omin,:ion in the* tt It has very 1*,^^ ^as^urkeyaarefor [ems of nearly every 7 being crystallizad tor immature iatel- undue exertions bv anes and what-not eyes of their fever! ' a bag of oats mav nose of a lazy horw 1 to mend his gait. in this respect that â- ^rm by the innocent brain of ambitions •elesaly impaired by to the icfluence of Id honour, and the ce which are insep- i system of making ation the test of aU a test of the kind to ought to be applied or so severely as i« cess of pulling up th is progressing is iither vegetable or often. The mod- children by and for is a nineteenth cen- honour many poor sd to pass through tmosphere of exam- 3ve and have their t many of them ao- 3 from which they asury. can't give you any of flour is too hig 1 a leg of a nice of chocolate. im, I have had too 1 1 am dying for a the Sweet krried, Hattie, and Msibilities nd la very rich. ' it all very much e«d. land? mow is this world, he bitter with the aventioD. ime arrangements als, when in the be made use of ity of action was 16 replied, "and that necessity U by what mode of at that condn- r of invention. Bottle. boy to your gal- en," eaid a drag- • Think yon oa« ^r:as the ooofi- at. Yoa'Ufind »»f e howe^. a»n pat the «â-  ,d he bade the son, a mist^^'^J' photographer's nd him in5« htnated aU the leboyquietM* bnt in T^ e apothecary" le legend ^^ Bnsly npwt *« Btimidattog *»• MIBGELLiNJBOTJS. One of the very best sources from which the farmer may get ?fund practical ideas jbout his business, ann much interesting and useful information of u. general kind is the II ^jnerioan AgriculturUi" which is publish' ed ic New York. Infoimation has reac' eil ua that it ia not necessary to go so far es Loriilon, England, to fiod an instance of cheap eaa. It appears that a: Jickson, Mich, toe price of gas waa reduced on the 1st of -tober to 30 cents per OOO feet. The gas is a water gaa, bat i« nanafactured on what is known aa the Swedish system. It ia stated that Comwal!, Ont :3 soon to be supplied tdth illuminating gaa on the same terms as in the case of Jack- son. If gas can he profitably supplied to consumers in a small place like Cornwall for 30 rents per 1,000 feet, the citizens of loronto would like to know why they are charged $1.25. T:ie Grey Nuns were founded as a reli- ^ir.'js order in Canada absut a hundred and fifty years ago, the mother houae being in Montreal. " La Minerve " ot Thursday contaiaa an' interesting account of the pro- gress of thia order, from which it appears that it now numbers* in the Djminion 1,301 perscus, namely, 1,080 professed nans. 141 novices, and 88 postulants. They have a hundred and two c stablishmenta in various parts of the country, spread over twenty- three Roman C ttholic dioceses. Some of the Democratic papers in the United States have been claiming that, al- though President Cleveland waa defeated in not securing a majority of the Electoral College, he did get a majority of the popu- lar vote. In Texas there waa a gain in the Democratic figures of. 30,000. in Michigan 20,000, and bo forth, apparently greater than the total gains of the Bepnblicana. The latter, however, refuse to idlow that the figurea from the Southern Statea can be fairly included in making up the pipular rote, for Repnbli.'ans contend that their voters are not allows d to cast their ballots in the solid South, A Mr. Tuke, of Rotheringham, who died in 1812, by his last will and testament left a penny to every child who should attend his funeral, with the result that over 700 youngsters, who diin't care whether school kept, were in attendance. All the poor wo- men of the parish were made happier by the bequest of one shilling to each; the bellring- ers wi^re left a half-j^uinea "to strike off one peal of grand bobs" as the exact moment the body W8U9 inearthec and seven of the oldest navvies were to have .i guinea for "puddling him up" in his grave. An old woman, "who had for eleven years tucked him up in his bed, "was made richer by the sum cf one guinea. His crowning.' act was to make one endowment by which forty dozen penny loaves were to be thrown down from the par- ish church steeple at noon on every Christ- mas Day torever. The following is the percentage of water in some well-known articles Wheat, 15 barley, '5 oats, 16 rye,12 rice, 13 beans (fitlc), 15 beans (kiciiey), 23; peas, 14; turnips, 88 carrots, 83 rye-flour, 14 barky flour, 14 ma'z? flour, 13 Indian coru flour, 14 oatmeal, 14; wheat bread, 44 rc48 rye bread, 44 to 49 cane-sugar, 5 linseed-cake, 10 flash, 77 akin, 58 bones, variable, 7 to 20 beef, 74 .veal, 75 mutton, 71 pigeon, 79 haddock, 82 trout, SO; sole. 79; tea, 5 coffee, 11; mangel- wu;zel, 85; cabbage (leaves), 92 cabbage (3ten:),, 84 mushrooms, 96 fungi, 86 to 95 potatoes, 75 water-melons, 94 cucumbers, 'JU viaeger-plant, 95 wheat-flDur, 1^ to 16 cocoa, 5 manna, 10 fij;8, 21 plums, 75 apples, 80; gooseberries, 80; peaches, 75 ej;gt (entire), 74 milk, 87 blood, 79 to 83 gastric juice, 07 cb'-ese, 40; hair wobl, horn, !) to II brandy, 50 whiskey, 47 lum, 30 beer, 90. There- are many renikncios in the civilizi tion of the United St.-itea, like the r;igc for divcrctf. for example, which do not promise well for the future of the republic. The lendr-ucy to seize other peop e's property and belt for a foreign country is another. It does not confine- itself to bank cashiers and civic officials, but has spread into the ranks of society, atii';ting young and old, even young girls falling victims to the pre- vaiiiug rage. A girl of fourteen has just been taken back to New York by her mother, having been caught in a Canadian city. She got held of a large sum of money and fled with it. The nursery door needs to be double-locked in view of such cases as these. The crop of anarchists in Chicago shows no signs of giving cut, and the quality is also lirst-rate. Evidence is being taken against certain prisoners believed to have had some connection with recent dynamite plots. During the progress of one of these ca^.ea an informer named Chleboun waa giving testimony icplicating Anarchist Hronek, one of the men under arrest. " Hronek told me," he said, "that he had a bomb ready to thrt w at President Cleve- land's carriage when the President was here and would have thrown it had not Schneider and Nekolatnda dissuaded him." This will give rise to the impre!8ion that the number of Presidents assassinated in chat land of free- dom may not be so large as those who have narrowly escaped a violent end. From Zanzibar it is reported that the English and German admirals, in the Sul- tan's name, have published a proclamation to the effect that the blockadewill commence at noon on Sunday, and that the fleets are to take their positions to-day, the German vessels on the south, from Wa: ga to Linde, and the Engliuh on the north, from Wanga to Lamer Island. The Sultan is still ill. Heavy and coLsiant firing was heard on the mainland yesterday. It seems that the vea- els Sophie and Carola were fired at from the shore, and thereupon bombarded the coajt. They also landed some men, who found two dead Arabs. One German was wounded. It is rumoured that tbe Arab chief Bushiri, with 800 soldiers, ia aauembl- ing the tribea at Bagamoyo for a freah attack. There ia renewed agitation in Great Bri- tain in favoor of the payment of aalariea to members of the Imperial Honae of Com- mona,battha prejudice againat the traaa- action is ao strong that many yeara may elapae before it ia adopted. Great BritidB, Spain and Italy are now the only Eoropesn countries which do not pay their parliamen- tary representativea. Franoe pays $1,800 a year and Pmsaia $5 a day. On this contin- ent Mexico, the Argentine Bepoblio, the CTrited States and Gaaada all pay the mem- bera of thrir legialatorea. Hie picaent sys- tem in Great Britain, which prevenu poor men from entering P^liament, niUeaa, like the Irish ^ationaliat membera, they can in- duce their oonatitnenta to anbaidiae them, haa done anffident harm to more than oonn lierbalanoe its advaottgea. ^TThe London " Dikily Telegraph" pointa ont that while forty yeara a;o the world went crazy in favor of youth, the preaent tendency in public life is to worahip dd age. The Engliab people in particular believe fervent- ly in old age and grand old men. There u, however, an awkward aide to the worship of old age. " For at least ten years," says the "Telegraph," "the Duke of Wellington delayed needful improvements in the British army for about the same period Lord Palmerston stifled reform. And, if one- day the realm u split up into two, three, or four sections of jarring nationalicies, it will be because reverence and gratiuie led the multitude to accept any proposal, however wild or sentimental, made by that remark- able man who excels in his old age the ora- torical achievements of the strongest speak- ers of the past." From all quarters come complaints of the arbitrary conduct of the (lerman authoritiea in Samoa, and nnleaa aoms change takea plaoe in their treatment of other Europeans, there ia likely to be a aerions diplomatic proteat from the Engliah and United Statea Govemmenta. By the lateat advicea the situation in SiMnoa waa very complicated, and a battle waa pending between Tamaaeae, tbe usurper, and Mataafa, the successor of Malietoa, who waa deposed by the Germans. The German marinea and sailors, besides giving aid and supplies to the usurper, have been guilty of several attacks on English and American residents. An Englishman was met on the street by a night patrol of the Germans, and knocked down and otherwise brutally maltreated. Should- the American and English GovemmeoTs take joint action in demanding redrens, the Germans will doubtless find it prudent to make amends. Tne balance of trade against the United States for the twelve months ending October 31st was $41,354,089, while the exports of gold and silver am3unted to $26,000,000 more than the buliion imported. A Re- publican journal, in commenting upon these facts, says that it seems the United States can no longer pay for what they import with the products of the farm, the stock range, and the cotton plantation; they must continue to pay with coin, unless the manu- facturers wi)l come to the rescue and send the fruits of the loom and the anvil in ex- change tor the neceEsities or luxuries obtain- ed from foreign lands. If the manufactur- ers are to do their part in paying for the imports, the tariff policy will have to be modified, and assuredly not in the direction of further restriction. In any case, the fact of there being an adverse balance of trade is not particularly alarming but some of the American journals are apprehensive that unless the drainage of coin is stopped there will be grave trouble caused thereby. The habitual cougber in church is being rapped over the knuckles by the London Lancet. His existence not being confined to any one part of the world, the views of the great medical journal may be noted. It is held that too often the cougher disturbs the audience through thoughtlessness, and a little restraint would remedy the matter, and even "when basis of disease underlies the explosion, a little self-control could usually do something to lessen its force or its fre- quency. •' The admission is made that honest ccughers do really exist, and these are re- commended to refrain from using the vcioe during the service, and to rehort to madici nal aids. The public eye is, therefore, upon the cougher at present in England. How much of the complaint is due to the bad ventilation of churches the London critic does not seem to consider, nor is any light thrown upon the curious fact that the chorus of coughs comes just when the preacher is making some interesting announcement, or winding up a brilliant sermon with an elo- quent peroration. It is said that the workingmen of the Western States will make a big effort to obtain a reduction of the hours of labour. A great convention of labourers u planned to be held at St. Louis in December, which will consider the advisability of a general strike in the interest of the eight- hour movement. The strike is intended to take place a year from June next, and the long preceding uterval is to be employed in or ganizing and in making other preparations. An eight-hour law ia in force in Illinoia but it has not worked to the satisfaction of everybody. The effect of substituting eight hours for ten has there been to cause a loss to married men and slow men. The former suffer by having their wages reduced, the latter because they cannot earn as much in eight hours as they did in ten hours. No doubt the shortening of the hours of 1 bour will give work to miny now unemployed, but would the condition of the present wage-earners be benefited by the change? This is a question which has not yet been satisfactorily answered. Blighted Ambition.' Billy â€" Hello, Jimmy Why don't you oome ont an' play wid the fellers Jimmyâ€" I dassen't. BUlyâ€" What for Jimmy â€" You know that book we was readin' ont in de barn T Well, I run away and was troin' to be de " Scourge o' de Plains," but before I got to the Sont' Side, pop ketched me. Billy â€" Aw, come on out. Jimmy â€" I dassen't. Pop took my pants and hid 'em. Why? Why saSu » single moment, when yoo can get immediate reli^ from intern al m r external pain fay ^e nae of Polaon^ Kerrfl- ine, the gnaX p«n care? Nwvilfae hM never been known to fikiL Try 10 sample bottle. Yon wffl find it jnat m commended. Neondfi^S **W*»«'^^"^B^ headache, and all aiiular oompluatB diaap- if 1^ uag|D'«]MR^W"#lw na«^ A Bedeeming Featme- Diamal dudeâ€" "Life haa no oharma for me. Isometimeathinklwiahlweredead." Misa Blunt â€" " Well, th«ve ia one comfort about niicide. It UEoall^ atrikea the rigl^ person." pear Large bottUi f5 cents, at ' ' ' Sf^J^i Winet Wraumaid Bong," bat tiuu grcataat ni Omb M," "Wine ia a mooker," and aong ia good to "aootfa the aavage," bat women reapond to evoy aottre power auid aeatiment of the homan mind when in Jiood ^n ^i^h But wiien afflicted with diaeaae yoa will find diem tanteliiiiu(, ooqoettian, oosa and hard to pleaae. For all 'female uompl untt," aiok headache, icregnlarittaa, nervonanen, proiapsaa and other di^laoementa popular- ly known aa '*feinale wvaknesa" and o^er dia oa aee, pecnliar to the aex. Dr. Pieroe'a Favorite Presctiptioa ia the great world- famed remedy. Anna Catherine Green, the deteo'are atory writer, wricea with a lead-pencO. Don't Bead TMs for $500- For many yeara, through nearly evary newspaper in the land, the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are thor- oughly reaponaible, ^nancially, •• any one can easily ascertain liy proper enquiry, have offered, in g xd faith, a standing reward of §500 for a case of naaal catarrh, no matter how bad, or of how long standing, which they cannot cure. No, Lucinda, women are not called the fair sex because they like to set up Christ- mas fairs. Love in a Cottage. "Chally," said Araarantha Jane, "I notice that your apirita recently seem to be babbling over with happineaa. I am glad to aee it, but do tell me, dear, what haa cauaed it?" "I will," aaid Charley, aa he encircled her waift and imprinted a kiaa on her invit- ing lipa. "You know for a while I waa mebmcholy, blue aa indigo â€" ^had no appetite, waa biliona and dyspeptic, but die nae of two bottlea of Dr. Pieroe'a Golden Medical Discovery has brought me out and I am bright aa a button.' I feel like a new man now. Jane, name the day aoon there ia more of thia medicine at the drug atore." Montugue aaya there ia no torture that a woman will not endure to enhance her beauty. Consumption Sutely Cared- To theElitor â€" Pleaae inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeleaa cases have bt en permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have con- sumption if they will send me their Express and P. address. Besp'y, T.A S LOCUM, M. C, 164 Adelaide St. West, Toronto.. The turkeys and chickens are beginning to roost high and far off. Mrs. Oscar Wilde has written a volume of fairy tales. CoflE Ho More. Watson s cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. T. W. are stamped on each drop. Santa Clans. Well, what of it So does a cat. ITCHDTC PILES. • Symptoms â€" Moisture iiitenie itching and etinginsr most at nixtit worse by scratching. II allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer- ate, becoming very eore. Swathi's Ointhint stops the itchinsr and bleeding, heals ulceration, and In many ossea removes the tumours. It is equally effi caoious in caring all Skin Diseases. DR. SWATNS ft SON, Proprietors, Philadelphia. Swaths's Ourt- MSBT can be obtained of dmggistB. Sent by mail for 50 cents. •' "'â- â- ^â- - A.P.428 CANOES. Send for 111. Catalogue. WJI, E.VGUSH, Peterbore, Ont. KnI i i InU GearKetown.Ont' MAGHINES TO Save Time -Send for illustrated cf our Patext Pini.b83 CiiOTubs Like. ready very soon. Tarbox Bb.s., Toronto, Ont. catalogue It will be GANGER. ULCEP.i, tCROFUIiA etc., cured permanently without l|the knife. Apply to DR. W. L. dSIItH, 124 Qasen Si. E.. Toronto. f TO LOAM on laa. o.vjjt Bates No delay. Oorresponaence solicited e. iff. D. BVTLEK, Financial Agt. Established 1360 72 King St. E., Toronto. TOKOXTO CVTTOre SCHUOL.â€" Gentlemen deiiroua of acquiring a thorough knowledge of garment cutting should visit us. Scientific and reliable systems taught whereby perfect fitting gar- ments are producei. Circular with full information on applioitioa. S.COaRIOAN, Prop.,122Yonge St., Toronto. CANCER ai._ ramors CURED i noKnite; book free. Drs. McMICHAEL, No. 63 Niagata St., Buffalo, N. Y. CAIICAHC CASINCS-Season ^AUOAbC portations of 1888 -Kew Im- English Sheeps, V Finest Amencui Hog Casings. Orders filled for any desired quantity. Wiita for prices. JAKES PAKK A SOJT, 41 to 47 St Lawrence Market, TorontOa 7017 MAY HAVE ONE I Just send your name and address, and 10c. for age, and receive by Mail a HANDSOME e!B ANDE£BCH£IF,and The MaericNeedle! ' AddresBiWhiton Novelty poata SILB Astonishes everyone Co., Toronto, Ont Brilliant! Durable Economical Diamond Dyes excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. Kone other are jus as good. Be- ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials, and give poor, weak, crocky colors. To be sure of success, use only the Diamond Dyes for coloring Dresses, Stock- ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, c., c. We warrant them to color more goods, pack- age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond and take no other. A Dress Dyed ^or A Coat Colored Garments Renewed A Child can use them At Druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free. WELLS, RICHARDSON CO,, fitONTREAl., F. Q. 10 CENTS. WHY YOb SHOULD USE SCOTT'S EMUI.S'^ON 01^ COD lilVER Om. with HYPOPHOSPHITES. It is Palatable as Milk. It is three times as efficacious as plain Cod Liver OU. It is far superior to all other so- called Emulsions. It is a perfect Emulsion, does not separate or change. It is wonderful as a flesh producer. It is the best remedy for Consump- tion, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wast- ing Diseases, Chronic Cough and Colds. Sold hv all OruggisU, BOc. and $1.00. The leading CANA DIAN COLLEGE FOR YOUNG WOMEN. St. Thomas, • Ont. Seventeen graduates and certificated teachers in the Faculty. Nearly 200 students la?t year. Oraduatini; courses in Lifer itare, Music, Pine Arts, Commsrcial Science aad Elooatioj. Low rates, gooi ^O rd, thorough work. M;!Liug-hUa Hall, costing 820,000, now open Kleeint Dormitories for On mo'e students. Addtess PiisciPAL AUSTIN, B D. ALMA; LeatherBelting BEST VALUE IN THE DOMINION. F.E.DIXOHGO. MAKERS. 70 KING ST. I, TORONTO Send for Price Lit8 and Discounts. Brown Engines IRON AND STEEL BOILERS ANY SIZE. TORONTO ENGINE WORKS, PRINCESS AND FRONT SIS. J. Perkms Go. Toronto. LADIES, LOOK: mUE WOOLS, all eolors, 8e per oz. SHETL\NO AND ANDALUSIAN WJ0L8, 8c per oz. Saxony Wool, all co'ors, 10c per skein; Ice Wool, best quality, 10; por bill; Embroidery 3ilk, every shade, lOc dozen skeins Arrasene. ail colors 30c dozen skeins Filoselle, best quality 48c anl 83c dozen skeins Macrame Cord, 13 cclors,' 10c bjll Fait, extra quality, yarda wide, SI. 00 per yard Woolen Java Canva' all colors, 45b yard. Always on hand the newest mater als for fauay work, at lowest pricei Letter orders have prompt and careful attention. Goods oan be sent to any part of Canada by post. W^it^ f n price list. A trial solicit- ed. HENRy DAVIS, ImpDrter, 232 JTonge Street, Toronto. Please mention this paper. ARE YOU BALD. IS YOUR HAIR CRAY OR r,^:.;t Falling Ont, Try Dr. Dorenwend's GREAT y^^SJifiLSf^S. GERMAN HAIR MAGIC. Hair Tonic world. It is the finest in the CZJ Price il 00 per bottle, or 6 bo'tles for 85 00. Try it. It will nake your hair grow thisk and strong.- For sale by all drugiosts everywhere or send direct to tbs manufactnrer enclosing the amount. T o u.n g M e n SUFFERING bom the elleats of early evil haUts, the leanlt at ignonoee mnT tolly, wbo And theaaelTe weak, oeiT ons and eskMistes; also IfiMiii.AsaD and Old Hn i^w are broken down from Ue effeoli ot abuse or over wofk, and in advuMd Uts lael the oonaeqneaoes of yoathtnl ereeas, send for and laad M. v. Lnbon's TiiisMuu on the Diseaaea at Men. The book wffl ba aantaasji^. aiiy uddnaaMaoalpt ot â- moo. NipgBn, â- .Atmit^i- /j ""'«â- ." Allan Line Royal Hail SteamsMpt ' Sailing during winter from Portland everyTbursda^ tax every Saturday to Liveipool, and in sum mer from Quebeo every Saturday to Liverpool, caliiot at Londonderry to land mails and' passengers fa Scotland \nd Ireland also from Baltimore, via Hall- tax Buf St. John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightl} during summer months. The steamers of the 6ia« gow IlJaes sail during winter to and from Halifax Portland, Boeton and Philadelphia and during suic mer lietween Glasgow and Uontreal weekly Glaago- and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phlladelphi. fortnightly. For freight, passage or other information apply to A. Schumacher Co., Baltimore S. Ounard s Ut. Halifax; Shea » Co., St. John's, Nfld.; Wm. Thomj; son Jk Cc., St John, N. B.; Allen b Co.. Chicagc Love Alden, New York H. Boorller, Toronto Allans, Rae k Co., Quebeo Wm. Brookie, Phiia «• phia.: H. A Allen Portland Boston Montreal. Stained Glass POR CHUBCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M'CAUSLAND SON, 76 KiniT St. W., ToroBta. RBAUriFUL 8TOT.' AND^GOLDEN OEMS ot BeBgion TtungM," by f. W. Bnel and T. De WtttTalmitge D.Q.; btautifnl lllustratiens. color- ed and p]^ haodsomaiT boaad large quarto back pl.in tjpe and ju^t snob a book that takes tbe eye aft a glance terms to ageota extra liberal. Wiluah Bri««s, Pablisher Toronta C^VELPH KDSINKSd COI.LESB, Guklpb, T Ontâ€" fifth Scho'astio Tear- Iti gradoates an nowcm|do}eJ aBok-keep r^. Business Managen* StenoK aph«r«, etc., by many of the largest busmeaa hcu.*es iu Ounada and ttie United States. Toung man andwomeii d'f.-iriog a thorough business education will consult their own welfare by attwding heGaelph BusineDS College For term* and pirticu ar •, addreaa M. McCORMICK, Prln ipaL Win. Breadmakei'a Yea^ b tU tmbjtct befonma-^ Mamm» tried all the rest, SoOwkmrmtieithehest, [i^tt^^ *CauM hef brtai U the tfkUest, her fmnt art Ml Andveeatatlthepaneahe$ the dare tet beforem*. BUY THE BREAOMAKER'S YEAST. PRICESCEini i'AXADA PES9I4KEBIT LoanSmagsGoipany IACOKPOR4TED 18K. Head Dice Toroato St., Toronto Snbgerlbed Capital, 9 4.5M,0M Paid Sp CaplUl S,50«.M* Total Aaseta.. 10,0M,«M The enlarged capital and resources of this Oompanr, together with the increased facilities it has recently acquired for supplying land owners with cheap money, enable the Directors to meet with promptness and at the lowest current rate of interest all requirements tor loans upon satisfactory real estate security. Application ma be m:de toe.Hnerof the Companr** loca Aporaisers, or to J. HERBERT MASON,Msnag'g. Director, Toronto IADIE8' Dress and Mantle Cutting by new and improved this TAILORS' SQUARE. S tisfaction gnaranteed to teach ladies the fuU art of cutting all garments worn by ladies' and children. PROF. SMITH, 319} Qa°eo St W.. Toronto. Agents Wanted. WANTED. EVERY J MUSIC TEACHER in Canada to send tor Special Catalogues of Sheet Music and Musio Books, WE SELL CHEAPER than any other house In the trade. Manufacturers nf BaDdlnstrument? and Dealers in all kinds ot Musical Merchandi:e. WHUEY, ROYGE GO 283 Yonge St. TorBOITTO, OEUVS ARE DANGEROUS! Don't wait until yon are burnt out or robbed Boy a Safe now and sleep easy, and be sure and g-t prioes, eto., ot the NewChampionSate. S. S. KIMBALL. 877 Craig St., P.O. Box 943, MONTREAL.P.Q. STANDARD CHOPP ING MIL LS. USESBESTFRENCHBURR MILLSTONES FINEST CRINOER INTHE WORLD NO RENEWING PLATES AS IN IRONMLlSi W)i? E.W.C?-Bramtford CAtiADA.' dOHffSTO|§FLUIDlEEF Si ^^m^m^k^'M^mmid:^

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