Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Dec 1888, p. 1

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 'W^ -♦»» make iest. ne lere lahle On e to â- ay iee nil u. t s^ best, "^^^ a stiff j^' ^^ CB,^3 ceat soon triu " 'w be iu. This ieeiu at TaUorlnff and Ctaat'a Tnr* iilB'hIiig' Sateblulmiuit. A SELECT STOCK OF FAU. GOODS NOW OPEHEB. 'Ue to f«V°^ayn.e„n?e7f'»«'tT„, acka i^fn of id. mthe equal to ir'^VjVi'T.lxitter,^! whole let a '^™«"' in thB also brin./„,, '?^"'e to. 2 «ecou,l ...,e f/X^ J'""'dbe icku^'es;or ,in :.„" ""â- on •TTEU STATS OK xn-SGS uitorcst. fe bjt«',-c:i foro'im « • ttle 'nargin.tWifi^ con^L-iHn-;o. botwJn 7" pries here for ^^^ r" ' 2. cnts per pom,,! T -r,u.Utie.o/;::ifc 1-i to io CfJJU-i 'At • .e.1 to net onW i^e^^rS J'^e t le producer h, bsSt^ abuDj^K t.adj margin W ' ^e ot the homo deman.l f« ^S n.vK.t for it, w„ Qigh our lov,-...-pri«od butter: i u-ere nond enough to wwant \{i •-â- Â«. L"C It be remmnbcred " "•"" "' 'I'lestion o. price* I,' a po- sib,^ future tradrf, not ahty. Ut course the futur* kied to ',.. po3.!,le involves ot ta-i lo-.vor grades of oar' uprovcd, which caeaus, a? we re improve o;ir mcithods of ckiiig. shipping, etc.. ohaaeg Lie treitte I of in subsequent ire (ve may well pause to re- antities of '•store packed" been sold era as low as ten whicH might have been sold its and upwards, if only it ud i»ic;cc i in a way to coto- •â-  En;:l!sh market! Dff upou thi.s question is the •ather, certainty, that from L PRODUCE WILL BE LOW. icticn and .stiff competition Lirely linnginK down price* uee. We may as well sell ig elsa at a low price. la- on-;ider the gen;e'al "coao- of batter production, W3 Drefer to produce butter at Dducing low-priced wheat or ese. The following extract ertson, of Guelph, will sliow uomic advantages of cheese- v(,'d by actual results, aud •makiu' are even preatcr. uotab y in canuection, with It of ciieese factori^-s., h«»- ricts fr^'m the fate of ppeed- iproductivo. It has largely daetive caoacity of ediauet- ied to their yearly carninp' :ouQties liavj beao made increase in the fertihty of ojLs. W'pre tL'.z annual re- vtra earning power capita- nt. it would represent over liars." Let it be understood ;ion of butter is urged ai to supplant that of cheeaa, plomeut it, w pi ic( :i wili be general, it utter will not hold up more ;t any other farm prodnot^ r products demand for sna- ture less intelligeuBe and ;he papers read at the con- SmitliV it was stated that ad fhllen in value less than dity/' ,, for butter can hardly De- low in England to allow h the L'ritisb and Europedtt St intelligence and enter- e able to bring like qa»H- lew-world vigor. A^"" tand perhaps dearer labor fDS AND LOWEB BENTS. of modem genius have a. nihilate distances lfl« u of the old world hasa ape the cost and rents ot If we canaot make afe^ noes of the day. an^ "' a prices are afr^ °^ :he European producer ow better authority o^^ future prices of higU prices for ch^e^ ot very bngW-JPe^^ P, t cents per 1^- may ^^^ .t any rate, oar ^^^ ice mUk cheap enough^ aatpriceata^J;-^^^ se at as low » ^^'^eB evere competition ^^ e first forced oat oi natter, we may be hj^ n market; but to aBO«^ ahead of °«' »^/ai »* .rofitable one- ' ^e* )M.8fli,ii»' v.- ,; Sbiloh'a «»»n:T^^ ' • "HEVv^ TO THE LlIvE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY.' XINTH YEAR.-Xo. 4n2. MAKKDALE, THUKSDAY, DEC. 20, 1888. C. W. BUTT-ET)GE, Proprietor. GOODS Wiiable for Presents ooK READ Local ^aiid oilier Items. ANDYOUWILLBECOHVINCED. Notices in thexe columvn intended fo benefit mni/ individual or Society rrill he charged ten eenti a line for the firxt innertiov and five eent* a live each sub^eqvevt insertion. NO TICE. â€" Correspfndence, communica- tinns,. Advertisements, £-c„ nmut he in thit ojfice by noon on Tuesday to insvre publication that Keek. -AT- lif iij'tr tlian from any other firm be- t\v» tji Oranseville ftud Owen Bmind. Yv'e li ye jnst opened up the finest • ' JfMAS GOODS vtr s-howtr u Marlcdale iu F'AIVC Y 'ASJiS, CHILDREN'S CUPS and SAUCERS. MOUSTACHE CUPS LSD bAUCERS China Tea Setls, ai'e stock to cIiookb from, Dinner ktis, Tuilet Setts, Glassware, which xc will sell cheaper than any bouse nJMaikdnle. In tilfe Grocery Line we Lave Lem- n. Orange uisd Cition I'eels Ne'y rnuts. new Dates, new Figs, new aism?, all kinds new Esseiices. We lave the largest s'^ock of Confectionery )ioiight into Markdale. Nuts, Cran- icriies. Digby Chicken, Finnuu laddie Fiesb Oj'sters leceived 8 imes a week. ViflNES i LIQUORS ThoFO requiring a "Drop of the Oater" can depend upon getting it ood aiKl pure at BENSON'S. Bottled Gin, Brandy, Rum, Wine, Scotch -and Irish Whisky cheap, "Dirt ?beap" for Xmas and New Year's jade. Good Ales and Porter. Compliments of the season to all LLEBSillt. a. H, Benson. W, J, Benson, ffATCHES, LOCKS, JEWELLEBY, SPECTACLES, '^ILVERITV'ABE, PLTJSH CASES FANCY GOODS. The most complete and beantifal stock of the above hnes for the «lD®J®TB The shortest days have "arrove." A NEW stock of Albums at Hamilton's photo, gallery. Mabkdale Conncil meets on Thursday evenirg at 7. Dec. 20, A merry Christmas to all, with the compliments of the Editor. Mr. Stephens, teacher in Berkeley school has been re-eugaged for '89. See Miss Burch's stock of Boots Shoes before pxncfaaslng elsewhere. The Fanner's Adyocate is 28 years old and abounds with health and vigor. Large ears are said to denote gener- osity. The mule is very generous with his heels. The chopping of 150 cords four and two foot wood wanted. Apply to George Ireton, Glenelg. Mr. Andrew Beattie will crush grain every Thursday or alternate Thursday at 5 cents a bag. S. S. No. 6, Ar*^emesia has engaged a female teacher from Bracebridge for 1889, a Miss E. Scott. Hot meals at all reasonable hours at the Mansion House, Markdale also good stabUng. C. Reynolds. A good shop to rent newly finished, with plate glass front, excellent stand, apply to T. McNea, Markdale. All kinds common furniture selling at greatly reduced prices. Call and see for yourselves. J. W. Sproule. Oysters Oysters â€" If you want good Oysters go to Sarjeant's he gets them direct from Baltimore. All selected good meats. Wanted 1 â€" 500 tons of Hay, for which the highest market price will be paid. Give me a call before you sell. J. H. Carson. Economy is the parent of integrity, of liberty and of easn, and the beautious sister of temperance, of cheerfulness, and of health. No better or cheaper funeral outfit can be had than at J. W. Sproule's, Markda^le. Every requisite supplied on shortest notice. Wanted! â€" One hundred tons or more good dry timothy hay, for which the highest price will be paid in cash. Wm. Littlejohns, Markdale. John H. Dundas purposes opening his painting and dravnng classes on Wed- nesday, Jan. 2nd. A complete stock of Artist's material on hand. Holland Centre Methodist will hold their annual tea-meeting on the evening of New Year's, day. A good staff of speakers is named and other particulars by posters. The latest horror is a report from New Orleans that a riot occurred on Sunday last between the whites and blacks in which twelve whites and 160 negroes were killed. Mr. Jansen filled the Presbyterian pulpit very acceptably last Sunday he is expected to be present at the S. S. Anniversarv on Friday evening, also to preach again next Sunday. Fine upholstered goods a specialty at Markdale Furniture Warerooms. Call and see our stock and get prices. If we haven't what you want we can procure it for 3'ou promptly. J. W. Sproule. When buying holiday groceries drop into Stephens' new grocery store, next door to Mauley's drug store. His goods are all fresh and as cheap as the cheap- est. It will repay you to pay him a visit. Mr. Alex. Merckb, jr., has sold his farm to Mr. R. Watson his next neighbor. It is a choice piece of real estate and he realized a good figure for it. He mtends moving to British Columbia in about two months. RnsseU'sJewellery Store FLESH ERTON, ^t prices that will astonish yoa. Call and see our stock, it will pay yoa. A COPY of the Christmas number of the Montreal Star is to hand. It is in eyeiy particular superb. The pictures are in- deed handsome, its reading matter and finish artistic and altogether it is a credit to the publishers. Last October the Standard predicted a fine November and an open winter. So far correct. The meteorological authorities at the Toronto Observatory report November as having been the mildest for fifty years past. Wonderful developments are being made in the practical i urposes for which electricity may be employed. An indi- vidual in this county is working out a scientific problem on this line whicn will startle the world when complete, which will likely be e'er long. Our brass band is fixing for their an- nual New-year's eve call and tovm serenade. Citizens who would prefer being undisturbed from their comfortable repose will do well to call on W. J. Benson the treasurer, prior to that night and "whack up." Anniversary sermons will be preach- ed by Rev. John Ball, of Woodford, at Walter's Falls on Sunday next, morn- ing and evening. The usual tea-meeting will be held on the evening of Christmas Day when a good programme is announc- ed to be rendered. Admission 25 cents. The pews in the Methodist church will be re-let on the last Thursday in December at 2 o'clock. Pewholders who wish to retain their sittings can do ro bv calUng on C. W. Bntledge the pew Stewart any time up to above date and paying for same. Temm strictly cash in advance. Miss M. A. Torrie late of Owen Sound, fashionable Dress and Mantle Maker, wishes to inform the ladies of Markdale that she has opened a dress and mantle making estabUshment opposite Mrs. HoUingshead'n. Good fits and satisfac- tion otherwise guaranteed. A call re- spectfully solicited. Christ Church Christmas Tree enter- tainment will be held in the new Rink Hall on Thursday evening, Dec. 27th. The programme will consist of dialognes, vocal and instrumental mnsic, and to close with a Christmas Cantata in two acts entitled "Tho Message of Christ- mas." Admission 15 zents. i. ,..gU, â- 4^ ^^m Watch, Clock «ud Jewellery repair- ing perfectly done -and satisfaction guaranteed every time %^ EUSSELL'S Fleslierton, Giving and receiving presents is the order for another week or two. Wouldn't the Standard for a year be an appropri- ate present for some friend at a distance? Jnst try it. The Daily World is a bright, newsy, spicy paper thoroughly Canadian, and we will supply it to subscribers of the Stuidazd, for $2 a year. The regular price hdng $3. L. 0. L. No, 1045.â€" Officers elect for 1889 Jas, Elliott, W. M, Wm, Brady, P. M.; J. W. Ford,. Chaplam; R. W. Blakely, Recording Secretary Thomas McM ea. Treasurer F. Sarjeant, D. of C. Edward Brady, Leetnxer. Commit- teer3?Wm. Walker, Jas. Walker, C. A. I JoluKi^n, «f oseph Bichardson and Wq. Levi, Rev. J. W, Holmes, chairman of Owen Sound District, will preach the anniver- sary sermons in the Methodist church next Sunday morning and evening. The annual tea-meeting will be held on the evening of Christmas Day. Every necessary preparations is being made for a pleasant and profitable time. The last meeting of Markdale Lodge A, O. U, W. was largely attended, being nomination of officers for the ensuing year. Tliis Lodge is over seven yeazs organized, and is in a prosperoos condi- tion and meet every alternate Monday evening in their hall, over Bae's failor- iug establishment, which is spadons and yery. comfortaUe. The retiring W. M. provides the oysters for nest meeting while the W. M. newly elect famishes Ova Mechanics' Institute is growing in interest and strength and the demand for books is increasing from week to week. Master Fred Moffat, the Ubrarian, is a faithful and courteous official while Mr. Thos, Moffat is a most efficient sec- retary, and the success of the Institute thus far may be largely attributed to the well directed efforts of those two officers. Farmers, â€" If you require anything in the harness hue give IVIathevrs a call. He is noted for using good material and employing the best workmen, and you all know it pays to buy a good article in harness. A splendid stock of horse clothing and robes, the best and cheap- est to be had. Trunks, Vahces, Whips, Harness Oil, and in fact everything in the Une at prices which defy competi- tion. The Presbvterian Sunday School en- tertainment will be held in the church (D, V.) on Friday evening, 21st Dec,, commencing at 8 o'clock, when the school hope to offer to the pablic the "Prize Christmas Cantata," "A medley" consisting of choice and select music, solos, bell ringing song, reciations and tableaux. In order that none may miss this treat, the admission is only 15 cts,, children 10 cents. Change in Business. â€" Mr, Joseph McCullough, late of Meaford, has pur- chased the pump business from J, T, Quinn, of Markdale, and is now in pos- session. Mr, Mc. is, we understand, a thorongh practical pump maker, having had considerable experience and is now prepared to meet the wants of the com- munity in his line. He warrants his pumps five years, which is an evidence that he understands his business. We bespeak for him a prosperous business and wish him success. Grip's Comic Almanac. â€" This well- known annual, for 1889, is now in the bookstores. For ten years Canada's "own and only" Comic Almanac has de- lighted her people, and the new number is decidedly the best of the lot. The calendar pages are unique and ingenious; the double page cartoon, "Irrepressible Tng of War," is first-class, while .there are several full-page cartoons of no less merit, and any number of side-spUtting illustrations. The letter-press is capital reading. Ten cents will secure the book at any newsdealer'b â€" a modest tax for BO enjoyable a "melans;;e," surely. Many thanks to my numerous custom- ers for patronage during the year now closing. Yoiur continued support is here- by respectfully soUcited. You will now find me next door to the Roller Rink, where I moved this week. Special at. tcntion is dravm to my Women's, Misses and children's wear in cordivan lines, which I am clearing out at nearly cost in order to devote my whole attention to my own manufacture for the vrinter months, in order to open special lines in the coming spring. Wishing all a Merry Christmas and Happy New. year, I am yours faithfully. M. Martin- dale. A Canadian Children's Paper. â€" Hith- erto we have been accustomed to expect children's papers to come from the Unit-, ed States. We have now to welcome one, however, printed in our own country and if it keeps up to the standard of the sample before us, the imported article will have to. devise some measure of "retaliation," or get out. It is well printed on toned paper, has eight pages, containing twenty -four columns, is bean- tilnlly illustrated and carefully edited, and the stories and other reading matter, while of the highest order, are just the kind to attract and deUght our boys and girls. All this provided semi-monthly for only fifty cents a year. The {woposal is to distribnte it in school clnbs â€" ^it coold not be supplied at the price under any other plan. The kind co-operation of teachers will thn« be absdntely neces- sary to saooees. Samples are sent to ail teachers; hot if any have not received a eapY to date, a post card to Ito Pnbliali- .Grip PoUishing. Co., Toronto, vrill DBL •UB SM MY PIKST Complete Clearing Sale TOUGHINQ ALL LINES, will be held from this issue till NEW YEAR'S DAY. the etcetras, so we mgy expect a Imrb )-Moare it. Ask yodr ohildrea if they â-  -xi.-_.a ji â€" _;-v.i. i£ 1 -.li 1 ..... lA itl nn I» Gold and Silver PX,-J:U\J WatchesiClox, Silver- ware and Jewellery lines it must be partially reduced by date, January let. I am arranging to carry a few lines of goods that 1 have never carried, and to accomplish this I mast not only reduce present stock, but mast hvCve the money now invested to enable me to bay other lines at best prices. The following discounts will prevail, and when taken from "Prices" al- ready "Close" will place a really fine stock in reach of all CLOSE TO COST, AT COST AND BELOW COST. "ONE SIXTH" off all Watches and Clocks. "ONE FIFTH" off all hnes of Chains, Gem Binge, Chased Bings 10 15k.. Gold Sets and Pins also full stock of fine Silverware â€" hollow and flat â€" Meridan Brittania Co's and Roger Bros' makes at same discoant. ONE FOURTH "off all other lines m Boll Gold Pins, Brooches, etc.. Caff Collar Buttons, and Musical Goods. These discounts will be strictly ad- hered to tar89. TERMS CASH. A chance that will not likely be re- peated in another five years, so to secare the choice of a choice stock it will pay to call promptly. WEDOma RINOS RESERVED. With present stock. simd discounts named, I expect the largest Holiday trade I have ever had. it always pays to drive where competition exists, then look around for bargains. ' FINE WATCH EEPAIKING specially attended to. W. A. BBOWN, attendance and sodaUe time. a â-  i iM[ArtE:iAT^ £^^ â- d â- 4 'I ,*r»^ -pC :^-t^ IJ^^ M^ .-j^a^.^-: --:.- J... â-  i-^-'.-'.r^A^ii .--.- -.A^ifr-ii^^:'.,-.. J..^j-.i4.;^,.. -liiifT^ii'iifirii^iTiiak^ .ad- â- i. 3yt,l)f 'f'^Jii*.- SI ^â- i'ji »i^- ^v" \.' •• •" %««£- W^^-*:^- â-  '" "?. â- --.^a^".---;^^ rf.lMfr. •. â- - â-  :ri:v;il3-:v?fc

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