Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Oct 1888, p. 1

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 S"' ^^"s, straw two-furrow sRii., R. S. RA.E:. A 4BI.ECT inXKK eP TAU. GOODS tfCiW K^elKSED, "HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS PALL WHERE THEY MAY." -A lari l«ndsor imj^are^l -- OBuitaii, from 25^ ^-leysaru, store., KlXTII YEAK.-NO. 424. MARKDAI^, THtJESDAY, OCT. 25, 1888. C. W. BUTIiEDGE, Proprietor. C«Iltl Ictiou. |R\ N'^vill burn another kilJ .iflieKetsordersbvneJ ^entto warrant it; sale] Iinic are requested T in by aboye time. ficsh MY OLD SOCKS, lie the iron is hot. Is you to call isnre for a He is B.1 early ood fittind terribly rnshedH rusher" later on in thJ STOP AND READ -THE- J-enator Bitters to k coM. Sold tcLiijr; ber. ° ml BARGAINS bd! At once. Local and traveling a- 1 oods. Li'oeral commig.J and expenses, to com. ible men. For terms and ' address J. F. LeClass nc;hton, N. Y. .. " â€"THAT AKE AT THE â€" UFAST :-: HOUSE -IN- l Sristiug done eveiy; liowe's uiilla. d the Standard to any now until the end of '• sh. ;s of the Standard can ve cents each, or fifty 1 extra copies. Globe for 1889 SI with year free. Subscribe id save your postage. it to buy beef by the the Markdale meat' ts per lb for front and '" Sarjeant. Herald and Weekly Star jual as a ^veekly paper, t to end of next year for ur subscription at the ving grain to chop will advantage to go to W. Ho can chop faster, eaper than any other alitv. â- : â-  mockery) t6Liissiiiii) mnon Is fully pre- pared to action in all kinds light Y harness and harness airing promptly attend- Whips, brushes, curry suit the tiade. A call cited. ike to have their name re will print your name r and place it at the t page of the Standabd reeks for the small sum I give the paper a whole wouldu't have their STORIES ?â€" Farm and the best stories written once a week, 4 large I. We will send Faioi :he end of 1889, and the the end of 1889 and onr 3r Twoi dollar?. The ption i)rice is $2.75 9i great offer. 1 â-  » â€" ilg* Council. let Sept. 24th, pnxW- ?nt. All the members Reeve in the ob»ir. aeeting read and con- :;t 01 pi'ed o"t 2 crates of Glassware tfst (IfKii-'i.es and patterns, largest isk'to choose from between ')rang9- â- ie and Owen Sound, which will be id at a vfiy small adyance on cost, crder to make room for i;xir MAS GOODS, Jhina Setts, Dinner Wetts, bilet Setts, ^T COST, ie mean 'hat we say and will sell as eadvertise, call and see for yourselves. GROCERHES, fe take the lead. We have th 9 best jceiit tea ic town. FLOUR and tiE5) on hand, same price as mill. â- Our Liquor store is well stocked ith the best brands of Brandies, .ttm. Gin, 5 and 10 year old whisky, attled Ale §1.25 per dozen. JOBBEBS IN CIGABS. i.H. BENSON Co. Local and Other items. NoTicEB in t1ie*e ealumnt intended to benefit any individual or Society tcill be charged ten eent» a line for the first imertion and five tent* a line each eubieguent imertion. SOTICE.-^Cortegpcndence, communiea- ttons,. Adrertixfwentf, dtc„ mmt 'he in this office ht/ noon on Tuesday to insure publicdti on that week. ly was repairinj aiitJiorized to Glencro«» issued as follows, tik lald. gravelling to«B d Euphrasia, i co^' pieces cedar reqmrea |1; Thomas G»2i: ne Glenelg and fxBr 2.50; J«»«^««,.^2t" refunds to patli'" ;eof^;arkd*lea8Per lent, m^'^i'^^ «e and «t»tio^r cCaul, lej;al sernee. ;i«»5^ GREAT ^sNSiE! â- 'FOE ONTH SEPTEMBEE OF Watches, Cloclss, Je-vrellery, Spectacles, SilveriJvare, Id order to clear out some of JiQiuense stock to make room for ^ge fail stock. Do not miss '^^auoe. but come at once, it will 7oti to buy from us, and always Jow watch, clock and jewellB^ wo- pairs to HUSSELL'S oar OUT this pay take Flesherton, J. Aktley is liuing up his wind mill factory outside. Our market report is corrected every â- ^vteek on Wednesday. Mr. Orde, of Toronto, was the guest of Messrs Benson this week. Wakted â€" 100 cords wood in exchange for stoves. Markdale Stove Foundry. For select gents' furnishings call at R. S. Bae's. Good stock and fashionable goods. Miss Maggie Benson, returned to To- ronto after yisitinglfriends in Markdale for some time. The brass band are getting in good shape for their concert on the evening of the 5th Noy. P. A. BiiACK did quite a stroke of business in Markdale for tfae Provincial Provident In^itute. E. BooKK is one of tbb^st bakers in the province and his many cuiftomers highly appreciate it. F. Sabjeant is weekly slaughtering choice beeves with whicfii he continues to supply his custoirers faithfully and with dispatch. Th« Young People of the Mdibodist church- are preparing for their prominMle concert in the roller rink on the evening of Thieiksgiving Day. Ruv.^Mb. Andebsok, ^tfte 'of Glasgow, Scotland, preached morning and even- ing in the Presbyterian church last Sunday He is a very promising young man. ^n^ EvmST man in the conununity should belong to the Ancient Order of United Workmen. It is a capital inyestment of $2,000 and only costs abont a dollar and-'a quarter a month. Rev. Mb- Graham vdll preach to the Orangemen in the English chursfa on Sunday evening, Nov. 4, at 7 o'clock. The bretiiiem will meet in the Orange Hall and march in a body to chmrcfa. It is scarcely four months since Dr. McBride moved from Toronto to Mark- dale and yet he finds his practice in- creasing so rapidly that for the past six weeks be has been kept on the jump night and day. On Friday, 26th October, at 1 o'clock, Mr. Wm. Anderson, 6 con., Glenelg, vrifl sell by public auction his large stock and his implements, c., also will offer liisfarm for sale. Usual sale terms. Geo. Noble, auctioneer. Tuesday, October 80th, at 12 o'clock, Mr. Wm. Edmunds, lot 15, con. 12, Holland, wifi-sell by public auction his {arm stock, implements, household fdmitnre, b. IFstal terms. W. J, '^epberdson, aut^tidueer. "What a rough fellow that Snifgms is 1" petulantly exclaimed the Hopedale girl, after a struggle with the aforesaid Sniggins at "Coperhagen." "He nearly smothered me I" "And did you kiss him for his smother " asked the other miss, naively. S. S. Annivebsabt. â€" The Methodist S. S. anniversary was held on Wednes- day evening last and was very well at- tended. The program, which consisted chiefly of recitations, dialogues and singing by the juveniles, was well main- tained and showed that Ac pupils had received caietnl drilfii^, lAiofa must have cost tiiose in timffa many an hoar (rffMtienttoiL The Secretary's report showed tin sdiool to be in a very pros- perous conditieii. Sabbath School work- ers have a jueA chdm on the sympathieB and practical snppctft of all parents in thor laudable and self-daiyfdit efbtts to train the yoong and' disawningte â- eriptond trotbSt -_ v ;-^ j^ v^:' Abmstbong Bros., of tiiis yillage, have done an extensive business in cheese box manufacturing this season. Their wagon has been kept steady on the road de- livering, the past few weeks. On Mon- day last they delivered the largest load of the season, viz., 880 boxes, to Venticy cheese factory. Proton. Mb was dmwn bj fourltorses. '•Will you hold tny bahy ^hile I look after my baggage " asked a woman t)f a railway man employed in a Ghioai^ depot, the other day. "No," Said the man, "but I will hold your haggiage while you look for your baby." He held a baby for a woman once, and she never came back for it, and -that was what made him so careful. A woman who carried 'Oround milk in Paris said a naive thing the dQi iday. One of the cooks to whom she brttu^t milk looked into the can and 'remarked with surprise "Why, there is actually nothing there but water 1" The woman haying satisfied herself of the truth of the statement, said "Well, if I didn't forget to put in the milk " Mb. Collins* artistic lettering and paper hanging, is highly appreciated in our town, resulting in the return of Mr. C. last week for another week's work. JSanley's drug store (ceiling has been materially improyed 'by pi^ring, also' the jewelry store of W. A. Brown. The latter is very handsome, giving this neat and well stocked store a very atteoctive aspect. Thkt webs iHcKOBT.â€" on iSatiffday might last thev^lar of Mr. Bobt. Clark, nebr Holland Centre, was entered and the following goods and chatties pnrloin ed, viz one jar preserves, two pies, gelly-cake, one Johnnie cake,^bont three lbs btitter a plate of biscuit, some bread also two 4ive geese from the barn yard. Are those two burglar occoia^hces stiU in 'ie -vicmity, or was it «ome poor feUow who has no wife to cock -for him No CnuiaK. â€" The change rf hnsiness which we published last week re Mc- NoUey's carriage business, did not take place. After the notice was left in, by one of the parties concerned, there was a hitch in the baiKoin and the change does not take place but Mr. McNally contaanes as h^ore. After half the edition was piinfeed when we were in- formed IJiat the bargain was "busted" we dropped out the notice in the balance. Inasmuch as the reputed officials in the first horse sace between Carson and Sproule all asserted their innocence and po emphatically denied having had any- thing to do in the affair we are inclined to not mention the last race between the flyers owned by the same gentlemen further than to say James got there this time. If there is anjrthing in this item that is Bbellois or that is distasteful to the judges wid minor officials we humb- ly leg to be pardoned. SodAi^ â€" 'llie social given at. Mr. H. Hamilton's Temperance House on Fri- day vght last, by the Gk)od 'lemplars, nvas not so largely attended as it woold have been had the weather been finer %ut, as it was, a social and enjoyable ftiane was spent by the goodly number who were present. Mr. H. and his better Ihalf deserve a word of praise for the kiind and hospitable manner in which they vaoeived their guests and were the moe^pients of a resolution of thanks for tbeir hospitality. The Weekly Globe for 1889 $1 with balance of this year free. Subscribe at this office and save your postage. Boys 1 Boys Bois !â€" 40 boys over- eoats, heavy, serviceable and fashion- able, can be bought at McFarland's at less than half-price. Thousands and thousands of dollflurs to lend on easy terms and lowest rates of interests on real estate. Apply to John Whitby, Markdale. The Family Herald and Weekly Star is without an equal as a weekly paper, and vriU be sent to end of next year for ' 11. Leave your subscription at the Standard Office. ADVICE TO ALL MEN OF LAtlGE UNDERSTANDING !â€" Keep your feet out of the mud. Get a pair of those No. 10 X 11 and 12 long boots McFarland is selling cheap. All those having grain to chop will find it to their advantage to go to W.. J. Kowe's mill. He can chop faster, better and cheaper than any other mill in this localitv. "Stbisb while the iron is hot." B. B Clements wants you to call early and leave your measure for a good fitting suit of clothes. He is -terribly rushed now and vrill be "rusher" later on in the season. Vy 9iD u6GI and^tSvellng a- gents for our goods. Liberal commis- sions, or salary and expenses, to com- petent and rehable men. For terms and full particulars, address J. F. LeClabb, The tifjB in which we liv iz a fast won: jiNurseryman, Brighton, N. Y. In evry department ot life ther iz found ai^Uspozishun tn haist. The mode oy tmyel, themeonzof tranzporting freat «nd dispach of nuze and other commnn- ieoshunz hav bean vastly improyed dnr- ing ihe lost decade. All kindz ov crime and plnndxe iz resorted tu in order tn watered. :-'.t,.»:.«-: »n IN Now I â€" ^Every one Aonld take his own local paper, -and v^ien he C6ui afford it a good metropolitan loewspaper also and every farmer should take an agricultural paper. Now, we% offer the whole list for very h^le. By a special arraneeoBaent with the patilishers we can give our subscribers the Weekly Mail to the «nd of 1889, the Fabm and FiREdiDE'to 'the end of 1889, and our own paper fa one year, all for Two dollars. We regret to learn thittCham Whitby, son of Mr. John IThitby -^ this place, happened vrith « aev^s -accident at Fordwich, near HorriitOB, where he was overseeing a gang of men painting for the C. P. B. He veceived a severe scalp wound and his spine «lso seriously in jured. His life is in -a {urecarioos con- dition. His parents w^e tel^^jraphed for, and left together v^Xh Dr. McBride, emd will bring him home if at all prac- ^ticable. People talk glibly ^abont a ndllion bushels of wheat, btCt'yery few of them realize vAvA a vast ^ctmount that is. A wheat todker says "tiiat if a million bushels woft hMtded on freight cars, 500 bndiiels to a«ar, it wonld fill a train over fifteen miles long. If tnm^orted bv wagons, forty-four brmhelscma wagon it would make« line of teams 142 miles long. If made into bread, reckoning a bu^l to every -sixty pounflte of Flower, it would give each man, woman and chiia in ^e United States a two-pound loaf of bread. A 6BB1T BABOUH.â€" We hsve made arrangements -with the great ogricol- tural weekly Fabv *sd FntssmB, by which we are able to supply onr sub- scribers wSh that pikper to the end of 1889, iond 11m WxBBur Hail to the end of 1889, -and our own paper for one year for Two dollars. F*m aiid Fibbsidk ia a largo 7 oohnnn, 4 pa((e weekly, two pages being devoted to aerienltasal matters and two pages to stories b; the bMk anOES. It is well iUnstratad tbrooghoot and has a lar|{e epwolation' at 75 cents a year. Tb0 low prifliOj a^ idndi we ^ve it and the Wbxu "iliuDb gane welth, pozishun or notorie^. Everything apearz to point in the dir- exhun ov a short road tu a dezired at- tanmentâ€" eyen the English longnogs ia bang murdered. What more We are pleased to say that it i» the intention of the Markdale Me^ioiacs' Institnte to open a class next month for tiie benefit of those who vrish to improive their education. The instruction given \nll be practical and by a first-doss teacher. We hope our dtizeoa will g^ve it their countenance and aopoort, as ibeee are many, even oui^ecanics and business men, who can profit by such instructions in book keeping, and other branches. Pupils attending the public- school are not admitted. Quite a num- ber haye already signffied tbeiz intention of joining. Fabh fob sale. â€" ^Bdng part of lot No.. 10, con., 5, Euphrasia, containing fifty acres, situated about one-and-a-third Indies from the village of Eimberley, all imder cultivation suitable buildings two acres orchard, seven acres wheat, well Apply to A.Aldous, Eimberley, I J. IcKinnon i,fti pre- pared to ^Tfr satisfaction in oil kmds light and heavy harness and harness goods. B^airing promptiy attend- ed to. Whips, brishes, cunv combs, o., to suit the ttade. A call respectfully solicited. Bnslneâ€" gocaaf. ^iS '.â- ^ Two good young cows, in calf for sale, John Whitby, Mukdofe; Choppino done Ioe 6 ctsi: per 100 lbs. every day at W. J. Bewe's mills. Bbick'House torrent on George street. Apply to G. S. Bcwes. Oct. 8, '8 GHOPPiNa and gristing done eveiy working day at W. J. Howe's miliar, Bbjuvenaxob cmres all diBOzdera ef the blood. Sold by Smith, the barber. A Colt lismg three years old tat aaiSi, also a fanning milk Johni Whitbjfn Markdale. We wiH send the StMxvatsxh^tmj- address from now until the; end ef 1889 for $1 cash. Ihpobxant to borrowers, $10^809 pri- vate funds to loan, ai^y to Wl J. Mc- Farland,. Markdale. 412.26 Take Kejuvenator Bitters te keep jrn from catching cold. Sbld by Smith, the barbel. SiNOLK copies of the SrAKBoa* ens be had for ve cents eadk, erifty cents per doaea extra. tofm», WotL **'"*â„¢^ nuUsr straw «ntten^. gain I tmlu m. two-ftmow goqg plows, and aHaftsgkktds of impTementB, goto JadoMBkltolayon. ' .T' ,^ Jr jtm iPSBt 'to l«7 hctir-Bjr the tjqiuutter ga to the Maricdale nwat nuiiketâ€" 4 Mnts per 1^ for front and â-  S.^.'.. '.t^ .... ..." .^ r still appeal to the public for contimied support on the follo\7- ing line; value given for every received. A large assortment to msLKe choice from, in G-old aiidl Silvei* CLOOKS, SIl^VE R-V^' ARE • MIJVOS, etc. Prices as close as -will enable m.eto live, and fulfill an honest desire to xaeet all obligations. Warrants "written or oral faithfully stood by. WORK CAREFULLY SATISFACTORILY DONE. Best material used in watch repfibirs. f wnxm AnENTioN to iEnut ORPEBS* ltL£6BAtH HMD Dil$r PAPERS^ W. A. B^CftfTN^, â- â-  '^â- '^. '4 '4 • i^l .« f t; i ri • " '\x\ 1,^ "I I 'I I 'If I' i T 'â- 4iJ .- 1 t.* *^ I *. •« V ft ••J3- •5S51 ^^JR*3:llj-^j '•.** y?;s..i?i" ,mm:.-,^' 'fA'^i^^i I .,--t;' "J h'f^X., .--i*. â-  .,-_.^f

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