'7n!^'^^il='ff?""'5!3tJ?^fs?'^^'r: :?SB^V-f^ â- *^' ^f^V^^r i'^TV"^^/^Sr^^?^T^^P?^""?^*WT^T"^^Z^"^- ly Fairs. eond Thuraday in «»«* jefore ora^K^^l^t T before Orangov^ â- before OrangenJ*; sday in each mootB.. y before DoAj^^^^ d stock ever opeh^ f a credit to thTl^ elsfi where. "•»»«- cular«. L2di:?'J:^ Y SUITS $4.75 UP 'era. Braces, Ties, Silk with each ponnd. Sett your cow ties and rope at ' of yom- township ati e and money. is and Shoeo, for cash, business }ias increased ny customers for their les, Skius aud all kialj ,^i-^i Correspondence. Ujjpjjay, the 25th ult., the second of East Grey Exhibition, may be Lped as probably one of the moat .e^sful ever held in this place. reds of visitors from all parts ot I'gQjTOUudiug country were in the at an early hour. The weather '(jjlightful. The exhibition build- ,jQ jie afieraoou was taxed to its jile department attracted large! bers. On the field the live stock I hjpartment was considered very at- Utive, the display of horses never '^iijff been equalled here, while ,„jgp_ pigs and cattle were very good. was also a fine display of car- res and. agricultural implements. the exhibition building the exhibits seeds, and specimens of roots and iffetables attracted the attention of i'sers-l^y. a^d had we space would cit roost favorable comment. Messrs (i. AiK^er::on and Joseph Blackburn, itshcrtDU mprchauts, took a deep tterest in the display of fine arts and cy goods in the hall. All the goods ere tastily arranged and the exhibit tiiKiu hues would occupy no mean jce io uiore pretentious shows. airv products â€" an unexcelled exhibit i ciietse and butter. The dairy de- artmtnt was fully set in order and [.a dtuscly crowded nearly all after- ooD. Ill butter there were a large amber ot entries, and although the LisuAKi; reporter did not perform the: k ot sticking his pencil into the iimpiLS aud acquiring a personal ;i;ow!cd;::o of the taste he was assured ,T competent judges that the quality as Vi-iy Bupenor. Sewing machines rmtd ti viomiueut feature in this ear'b exbibition, and in the general lispLiy there was much to commend iminitiou. The Directors are well iledscd %vith results, the receipts being iiver §70.00 more tlian last year. The masons have completed the toue and brickwork on the new bridge pauuiug the Boyue. The contract thi; eiirlh work and filling in was it by auction by the Reeve on Satur- ay 1 tst. W. D. Varty secured the lb at 2S cts. a yard. The lioyal Templars of Temperance j-re sorveil dinner in the Town Hall nFair ay aud realized good profits. On Fair day first the dazzling wine :cp thea the Fakir's thimble and piB- lured some of our young agncultuar ts, aud oae or two are reported as mng gone home to become wiser ind better men and to sober op to ihe lae ot' twcnty-tiye dollars or more. )ther aud Ifirgcr swindles would, no bubt, have been the order of the day jtfor our J. P'a and constables who iere on tlic alert and as soon as dis- overed caused such characters to 'move on." The concert under the auspices of lie Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian iurch on Tuesday evening last was a ronouuced success. J. Blackburn, i^., jicrfcrmed the duties of chair- :au. There was a good audience and â- iie pr.gramme was well sustained, •â- â- ^Y. Thompson recited. Mr. Spurr iDundalk, sang two patriotic songs, dl received. J. E. Anderson, Esq.. popular as ever, "brought down the â- ouse.' Miss VanDusen, Miss Arm- '^rong and ^liss Lizzie Bichardson ang solos well^rendared and duly ap- preciated. The Parks Bros, and Van- 'Ant appeared frequently and were jeartily euchored. Our glee club also 'indered several selections but not ftiual to their best. Owing to colds â- «heir vocal organs were out of trim. ^he brass band was in attendance and fnliveiied the proceedings. Home again. â€" Mr. Bichardson and *2e arrived home safely this week from *eir extended tour in Britain, feeling ^elland having enjoyed to the full their 'oliday in the old land. Followint! is the prize list for the East Grey fair, held ia l^iedittrton on Monday and Tuesday ot last meek. In all cases the person named firttt took first prize. HoBRxs, Draught, â€" Pair draught horses, John Conn, W. McLanghry. Brood mare, S. Stokes, A. McMnllen. 2 year old gelding or filly, F. Cairns. a. Sheardown. 1 year old gelding or ;t capacity to accomunodate the filly, Wm. Chard, B. Wright. Spring sinds yf sight-seers while every j foai, W. Buchanan, jr., A. McMallen. Genkbal purpose bosses, â€" Pair general purpose horses, John Mill, B. Porteous. Brood mare, R. McAfee, W. C. Parker. 2 year old gelding or filly, J. Hill, E. Torteous. 1 ytar old gelding or filly, R. McAfee. E. McAfee. Spring foal, A. Madill, B. McAfee. EOADSTEB AND OTHER HOBSES, Pair roadster horses, W. McConnel, A.Beat- tie. Pair Carriage horses, D. Slinsou D. Thompson. Buggy horse. Dr. Sproule, W. McConnell. Saddle horse, D. McLean, J. A. Lever. Cattle,â€" Duvham heifer, 2 years old, J. Mercer. Ayshire bull, 2 years old, A. Cairns, sr., A. Caims, sr. Ayshire cow, A. Cairns, sr., E. Oliver. Ayshire heifer, 1 year old, A Cairnp, sr. Ayshire heifer calf. A, Cuirns, sr. Devon aged bull, E. Oliver. Devon, 2 year old bull, R. Oliver. Devon cow, E. Oliver, E. Oliver. Devon heifer, 2 year old, R. Oliver. Devon heifer 1 year old, E. Oliver. Devon heifer calf, E. Oliver. Grade cow, J. Mercer, J. O'Brien. 2 year old heifer, J. Mercer. J. Mercer. 1 year old heifer, Irwiu i^awcett, I. Fawcett. Pair working oxen, D. Stinson, 1. Fawcett. Bheep, Cotswold,â€" Earn lamb, R. i^liver. Pair aged ewes,E. Oliver, E. Oliver. Pair Shearling ewes, E. Oliv- er, E. Oliver. Pair eve lambs, E. Oliver, R. Oliver. Leicesteb, â€" Ram lamb, R. Oliver, R. Oliver. Pair aged ewes, E. Oliver. Pair ewe lambs, E. Oliver. SouimiowN,â€" Aged ram, T. A. M. Ferguson. Shearling ram, E. Oliver. Ram lamb, R. Oliver. Pair aged ewes, T. A. M, Ferguson, E. Oliver. Pair shearling ewes, E. Oliver, E. Oliver. Pair ewe lambs, R. Oliyer, J. Mercer. Shbopshire, â€" Shearling ram, J. Buskin. Ram lamb, J. Buskin, J. Buskin. Pair aged ewes, J. Buskin. Pair Shearling ewes, J. Buskin. Pair ewe lambs, J. Buskin, J. Buskin. SwiNB, BERKSmEE AND OTHER BLACK BREEDS. â€" Aged boar, E. Oliver, C. Irwin. Aged sow, L. Thompson, W. Mitchell. Sow pig, C. Irwin W. Mitchell. Suffolk or other wnriE breeds. â€" Boar Pig, C. Irwm. Sow pig, J. I. GrahaiQ, C. Irwin. Poultry. â€" Pair BraJimas, dark, W. J. Cooey. Pair Brahmas, light, J. McGee, W. J. Cooey. Pair Leghorn white, W. Barnhouse, W. J. Cooey. Pair Leghorn brown, C. Bellamy, J. McGee. Pair Hamburg, golden pen- ciled, W. J. Cooey. Hamburg, silver penciled. J. McGee, J. McGee. Hou- dans, J. McGee. Spanish, white face, W. W. Trimble, W. W. Trimble. Game, black-red, J. Smith. J. Brodie. Plymouth rock, J. H. Heard, J. H. Heard. Bantams, black-red, T. A. M. Ferguson. Aylesbury ducks, W. J. Cooey, J. H. Heard. Other ducks, J. McGee, T. A. M. Fergnson. Geese, W. J. Cooey, Jas. Beeoroft. Turkeys, J. A. Lever, T. A. M. Ferguson. (To be continued.) W. I. MaRLAND IS NOT BilMGING â- when he says that he is showing the Finest/Fullest Nobbiest ajid Cheapest stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, MILLINERY, BOOTS SHOES, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, FURS, CARPETS and CLOTHING NORTH OF TORONTO The following tins6licit0d letter from a gentle- inaji who has made and handled thousands of' stoves, and who, at present, has a stock of the best Hamilton and Toronto makes, will shdw that we mean what we say, viz., that our Stoves and ranges are equal in material, design and finish to the best Canadian makes, and are also heavier, in every way suitable for all mareits: 0hatsworth^ Sept. TStJi^j ^88. S^6ar SirSj â€" ^rceived tA Stove yon^ sent rne' cund must sny it is flrst=cla,ss/ oSho/ve no ietter in my shop. w need not de c^rcuid to snd your travellers into the city of S^oronto^you can compete with any of them. SJtot only is the stove well pro^ vortioned and heavy wherj the stove requires to le heavy lut it is yood ^la^'C and well /Uted. r^ give your credit for yettiny uv a yood article. have leen forty years arnony stoves^' have moulded and mounted thousands of tJiem and consider 7ny= self a judye. Wours respectfully^ i^ndrew Silcr^ill Put his claims to the test when next in town by comparing quality, quantity prices and w^e know^ you will give your verdict in favor of McFARLAND Do you want a comfortable Mantle Jacket McFarland can please you with lovely new goods, low prices. or Do you want a nice fashionable Dress McFarland can please yon. Some lovely goods just opened out in all the new shades from 10 cents up to $15.00 Hie Dress pattern. Do you want a Nobby Suit Mc- Farland's is the place to leave your order; new Scotch, English and Can- adian Suitings.. GoUingwopd and Georgian IN CONNECTriON WITH THE Grand Trunk Railway. PilTlleeres and Powav of the Brwn. ^e have often wondered at the. '»vings of the Editor of the Dnndalk 'jerald, but in his last issue he gives '^« secret away. According to his '"' account he was once in love and »iade such a fool of huneelf in the 'ter that he has never, recovered. eadmit being in love once, ourselves, 'It we never lost our presence of mind; F^son ne-7er tottered firom its throne; p navigated the dangcrons shoal r^^Vi and. came, out right dde. up. 6 are sorry for the. Herald Dian, for [larding to his own, admission love 6s of him a^ ravipg lunatic and I ^^ he partially reoovora, \ifo dashes a colatnn of editp^alt •DnoiiJDO- lu8 ctaamity to the irorld, jritb all •'wtible details. Not BP^^ " ' Toon inily, The fine new steamers •'Pacific" and "At- bntio will ran as f olio vrs until farther notice (weaker permitting): Leaving Gollingwood at 1 p.m., Mewfoid at 3 p.m., Owen 'lound at 8 pan. and Wiarton at llr45 p.m. every Taesday and Satordsy for KiUamey, Manitowaning. Little Cnrrent, Eagawong, Gore Bay, Spanii^ Biver, Serpent Biver, Alxoma Mills, Dhnd Biver, Thesaalon. Brace Mines, Hilton, St. Joseph's Island, Garden Biver and SAULT STB MARIE. The Saturday Steamer onty wHt eall sk Gookbitm Island and Meidrnm Bay. PAEEY SOUND. The -Northern Belle" will leave CoIIiR wood for Pany Sound, Byng Inlet and 'Prench Biver every Monday and Thursdmy at I pjQ. connecting at French Bii^ with Str. «BemoTa" for Alpena, Mieh., and reJiiaaiag tp OoUingwood on AVcduetiday^wid Satorday erenini^ conaeotiiis with ^%ii}t fits Micfa *^or jnfoimam as to freiklit ~i»^ aaS OBSAX .-« ifeW* Do you want a warm, strong, well- made Overcoat at a moderate price Go to McFazland's ClothingBoom and find handreds to select from prices right Do you vant a fine or coarse pair of Boots, Kub^ars or QverBhoes? Mc- Farland baa the largest stock in town to select froaf Mark da IE FACTORY Having erected and fitted np in every detail a Sash, Door and PlainN tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, e,very bemg new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, BMs, Moulding, Hollow Battons, FRAMES, LATH, FENCE PICKETS. e., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to i i3 Canada, and .haying engaged superior mechanics m every depart n^a wonld now reRpectfoUy solioit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed^ Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Carefui Attention io Onhs from a Distance. 803 THOS- IclVJ^A. FaJland iNTOTTsT aoas^E^nLiBiTE: -AJ-THB- Do yoti want Qlovea, Hosiery, Wool Shawls, Trimmings Under Clothings McFarland has them at bottom fignres; Coal Oil was first used for lighting purposes in 1826. McFariand has received 60 barrels. Ho. 1, No.l, No.l, No. 1, Cheap Cheap I Cheap I Do you want Grey Flannel. Blue Flannel, Fancy Flannel. Blankets, White or Scarlet Flannel McFarland has them at manufacturers pnses. Need I advise you to get your Tea at MeFarland's ail sensibfe peo^e do, or at least all those who enjoy' a goodt well-flaTored, strong Tea do. McFarluid sells more Tea than any two stores in the County, and why Because he sells nothing but a purf«, tuadulterated article at a vecy lo^ TORONTO HOUSE, MARKDALE. A full range latest styles ol fashionable Dress, goods, in stripes, checks and combination, firom 10 cent3..up. Black and colored cashmeres, great variety, from 25 cents to 75 centtj best values iiji town. Coat aud Mantle Cloihs, cheap, stylish and popular. In Tweeds, gents' furnishings, H^ts and capsj stock complete a^d varied and prices which must command at- traction. In Beau Y-made .Clothing we offer men's sqits frnrn $5.00 up which, for style and quality, cannot be excelled. Everything in the Boot ajid Shoe line from the heavy stoga.totbe finest Ladies'.kid In these goods lour home manufacture always take the lead. Having adopted the cash system we hops to convince customers tliatat pays to do husiness with us, where solvent man isn,pt required to carry -the "lame docks." ' INSPECTION; AND COMPARISON SoiilCITiJiD WM. VrbwK^ hi MtfkMii ' (^r oh th«( oldert.' If^gest uid^d^wM stojce in." » west a I ti I ' f i^: â- â- • 1 X-rf m -O, â- : 'l ' i. ' .bJ. -nl3 Is toiSHng oxLt' Photos flblilLsiJes cia^ i»- i^^^^mmmmmHf^-"^-^ ""^^ .^i^ ^4 l£^igfifl»jg!^w gggigj ^^ ^^^^^ --..^ ..^A^; ^i -.*.- ..^aA. k.^