â- ^mmmftf^-'mmw^"" "'""^^m"' s^^m^f ..? m mm t mt J t t MJ ^at^ i â- » â- â- f5)ii?ffi';j:d\J?:i-^--s^ ?i. •V^,/• C. W. ButlAdge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, SEPT. 20, 1888. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" There appears to be a slight dis- 'tarbance in the pohtical camp in Card- well. Eyans was in the field then Stnbbs proclaimed himself a candidate. Then the men who work the party machice decided to clear the field and pat np a man of their own choice. Mr. K. S. White, son of the late mem- ber for the county, has been unani- monsly chosen as the Conservative candidate. â€" The Great Industrial Exhibition of 1888 IS now near its close, and has been like its predecessors,^a success. It has been yearly increasing in in- terept to the visitors and profit to the Association* It was supposed by some that the Industrial would so totally eclipse the Provincial as to re- sult in the discontinuance of the latter; but there appears to be room for both to swing, and their interests need not I conflict. DcAX Sib, â€" Seeing that yon take plearare in reporting itema 3f. the many loeslities diat are Tisi^d by your valiutble paper I thought X would send yon a line or two. Hfurvest is over and threshiog is the iwder of the day, Crops are yielding well where the land is well cultivated, and pur farmers have reason for thank- fulness that their kbors ate erowoed wi^ success. More anon. KoUiod C«ntM. Standard Correxpondence. Ghnstopber Farley has leased the WHliams homestead. Last Saturday was cattle iair here and a large number were bought at fair prices. Mr. Anderson's shingle mill, which was buret some time ago, has been rebuilt and is now in operation. James Foster has purchased from Mr. Mark Williams the lot known as the old tannery site. The patent stoning machine, made by Crowther Wallace, is completed and is now on exhibition. James Hare, sr., fell from off. a load of grain on his head on the barn floor and we understand his reisovery ia doubtful. William Fanning got his arm al- most cut off while carelessly leaning against a saw which was in motion in Anderson's shingle factory, and had it not been for Mr. A.'s preseace of mind it would have been more serious. owsv BomrD. VBWS. Teeswater is to have water works. Charles Percy, of Suspension Bridge, N, Y., successfully accomphshed going through the whirlpool rapids in a barrel at Niagara Falls on Sunday â- last. Owen Sound. Sept. 14. â€" A serious accident occurred on the farm of John Doyle, 10th line, Sydenham. While Andrew McEwan wns driving a team attached to an agricultural engin over a ravine. The bridge gave way hurl- ing the horses, engine and driver down. McEwan is seriously hurt, having had his thigh broken and sustained serious internal injuries. Money's bake shop was burned this morning at 5 o'clock. The damage is covered by insurance. BZCKAVOE CZPPZV08. Chateworth News says "Last week Mr. Wm. Sherry, of Sullivan, pulled a stock of pease in his garden bearing 28 well filled pods. This knocks the big corn stories cold. While working at the new Zion Methodist church, Glenelg, last Mon- day Mr. Robt. Bull was badly injured by a scaffold breaking and precipitat- ing him to the ground, a distance of eighteen feet. He fell across a joist. He is supposed to be internally injur- ed, but how seriously the doctor has not yet been able to determine. Mr. Bull has been very unfortunate. It is but a few weeks since he had an arm broken while running a planer in his factory. â€" Durham Chronicle. P. Standard Correspondence. Carpenters, masons'and bricklayers are kept busy this summer. Among the numerous buildings we notice a handsome brick store erected b; Chas. Hall, on Poulett street; also George Meir, having bought the site of Not- ter's store, is erecting three handsome brick stores. B. Wilcox has rebuilt on the old site a neat two-storey brick. That block is now about rebuilt again on Division street, Mr. Hatton having three stores, \mong the dwellings we notice E. Lemon, a double dwel- ling; C. Richardson, handsome Drick; M. Davis has four buildings in con- struction, while down near the Poison Iron Works are a large number of small dwellings going up. E7idently Owen Sound has increased a great deal this season both in houses and in population, for landlords are holding their houses at fancy prices houses that rented for $5 per month last spring are renting for $10 now. On Friday momiug fire broke out in Neving's bake shop, destroying the oven, but the flour and sponge was got out. The loss is about covered ny insurance. USTEN TO US A KOitENT. Time is precious Life is short And short is onr story It is also interesting Do you want to be be- nefited Of course yon answer yes Then if your wants Are in the grocery line BUY YOUB TEA... ' SUGAR, J" COFFEE, COCOA, MUSTARD, GINGER, PEPPER, CINNAMON, CLOVES, ALLSPICE, " NUTMEG, SODA, â- V CR. TARTAB. r :: starch, corn starch, ' EEC, ETC., ETC. ..-:' 1 1 k: riw :-T'H'h ifi\ â€" FOR SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY, -AT THE- neiiierton. A sad death occurred on the C R. train going west on Monday eve- ning. A young man named William McAuly, whose parents reside in Egre r8 v#^ mont, and was being brought home from Toronto in the last stage of con- sumption, died on the train as it reached Arthur station. The lifeless body of the young man who was met here by those of his friends who were at the station expecting to see him alive. â€" Mt. Forest Representative. The Trustees are getting an ad- ditional furnace put into the school house here â€" two in all. The one furnace was found insufiSoient. Mr. Hilbom, agent for the llilbum furn- ace, was here last Fridaj and took this contract, besides two for the new church and one eash for the residences of Jiio. McDonald and J. W. Elliott. Mr. H. says that the arrangements for heating the church are excellent. â€" Chatsworth oor, in 0. S. Advertiser. In thb Riygiuâ€" It looked hke bus- iness to see the following fleet all in the river at one bme :â€" ^mpana, At- liabasca, Scotia, Eincarihie, Alderson Meteor, Cambria. T. D: Stimsoo, schooner John Minor, Maggie barges Eathdin, John G«8tin and South- ampton, aH loading or ^sebftijging, besidefi the bug» fflJirtiW^fcBft ina tug Resohita io tto dby d«e|b Owea Sound is iK«^)i|p^ |ill .HiUf tbe moat impprlaint d»p^^ (;ik lit aortbec^: yaters, .and str^ers' ^ftlu^^'rein^ir 'ibat it reseoMes (%ica|^ iNiin^Hli^ Standard Correspondence. Rev. Geo. Buggin, of Markdale, preached interesting and instructive educational sermons m the Methodist church here Sabbath last. The Presbyterian congregation here enjoyed an intellectual treat and heart warming time on Sabbath afternoon I last whUe listening to the eloquence, and soul-stirring sertnon preached by the Rev. Andrew Wilson of Carlton street lYesbyterian church, Toronto, TheRey. Mr. Smith will preach in the same pulpit here Sabbath afternoon next. Dr. Hawke, of Gait, is this week the guest of his brothers, Hawke Bros., ' i egg merchants, of this village. After a lingering illness. Nelson Eester, son of James Eester, of this village, passed away to his reward en Sunday morning last. His remains were interred in the Flesherton ceme- tery, followed by a large concourse of friends on Monday afternoon last. Mr. and Mrs. Eester have the sym- pathy of the community in this their hour of bereavement. Business Chanos. â€" Wm. Strain, Esq., one of Flesherton's long estab- lished merchants, has now retired from active work m his line, having sold out his stock and leased the premises to F. G. Earstadt, who has proved himself to be, sinc^ commg to our yillage, an active, energetic busi- ness man and first-olaes woi^man in his line, tinsmith. The East Grey Agrionltond Society's fair next week promises weQ to be one of the best ever held in this place. Deep interest is being taken by all oonoemed and by ibii .Tilj^jge tp jq^^ the fair Attractive. â- ' Oar oitizeuB hare «^^ed th» Flesherton brass band tq^BJa^ on the iHUat{e square. 00 Xeur ^eg^ijor. the. {^ea^mpe KULid %nd stmnggri' ^hel|^ h ail efit-i; mm m m. Pickling Spices, Pickling Spices, Tobaccos^ Tobaccos, Tobaccos STOP AGAIN! TAKE ANOTHER MINUTE, It will do you good, Supposing it does shorten your life. You will make it up by using, A box or two of S$tephens Liv«r Pills, Stephen's Sarsaparila, Stephen's Nasal Cream, SteplMn's Yaffetable Worm ]Pawa«c, Stepheu^at CQug^h King, aad UM Stoplun'a Xiaad Bird Bwd Stephen's Insect P««rder, Stephen's Condition Powders, BtaidiMi's Bura kill ny Fapar. New and Complete Stock just received. Also a Stock of the Celebrated STRONACH TEA, Imported direct from Ceylon. Thepu|.est,Riche8t,Stronge8t AND Tea on earth, 50 and 60 cts. per pound. G. N. W. I ELEGBAPHj j^y iCKEysl l FxPR^ MANLET'S DEUG STOEB, EOAD NOTICE SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS, Staple Fancy Goods With the same breath take this in And digest it It will agree with yon DisPEmm, DONE D AY iUlD lllCHT GAREE'tTljIi'y, SATIfiE^TOBr^T. â- .'M4^..A«.ti4i;K:»:ai!-i'^?*f,i:.. "" -• :â- To o« «iistomen'i^4^.^9i|^^^ ire Iteve^ Qoaliiklig^iiis TOWNSHIP OF EUPHRASIA, Notice is hereby given, that the Manloipa] Coancil of the township of EuphrMia, in • county of Grey, will at the first meeting of said council, to be held one month after the posting and publishing of this notice, (The first publir cation of which is on the 6th day of September, A; D., 1888,) pass a b;r-Iaw to establish a new or deviation road in lieu of part of the original allowance for road, between lot No. 3 and lot 4, in the 4th concession, of the said township of Euphrasia, deviation road to be one chain in width, and on the land hereinafter described, and to run in the direction hereinafter described. That is to say "All and singular, that certain parcel or tract ' of land and premises situate, lying and being in the township of E uphrasia, in uie county of Orey, and Province of Ontario, containing by admeas- ureineut soveuty niue hundredths of of an acre, be the same more or less, being a deviation of road, one chain in width, composed of part of 'the northerly ^)art of lot number three, in the fourth concession, of said towuship of Euphrasia, extending ou the hereinafter mentioned courses and distances, trom the northerly llimit of said lot Number three, back of said northerly limit of. said lot, the centre line of which is more par- tcularly described as follows, that is to say Commencing at a point on said northerly Ihuit, of said lot distant, thirty nine chains and fifty links measured. Easterly along said northerly limit from the North westerly aJigle of said lot, number three, thence soutii eighty-five degree* East, two chains, and seven^ linka more or less to a point on said northerly limit «f said lot number three, which point is distant forty-one chains thirty links measured. Easterly along said northerly limit from the said North westerly angle of said lot number three. The above is further shown on a plan of sarrey made by J. G. Sing, Provincial Jjand Surveyor. Dated July ISth, ISSS. By order of Council. BOBBBT DmOiOF, Tp. Clerk. Euphrasia, September Ist A. D., ISSa Valuable Farm for Sale. Being lot 12, con. 9, township of EaphMk, eontaining fifty acres more or less. Tbae is abont fo'ty acres cleared, balance Iiard|B)oi bosh. For further particulars apply to SOLOMON HILL, General Merchant, Markdale, ODf MORTGAGE SAL£ OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. There will be sold by Public Anction sttlie Markdale House, in the Village of Markdale, on TVESSAT. OCTOBEB 9th, 1888, AT On O'CI.0CK P. M. And also at the Ely House, in the Town of Wiarton, on niDAT. OCTOBSR 12t!l 1838, AT T» O'CIiOCK A. U. Under power of Sale, contained in a^ Begistered Mortgafie, made by ttni. ^-"Wiigai to the Vendors, wuich will be produced on day of Sale :-Two-Hundred acrus, oeiig Lot aj- 14. in the 7t)j Con. of the Towuship oi Eapms* hi the County of Grey-soil go«i-»"°^?^ oleared-Orchard and Frame House. â„¢"9 Also be sold at the same time an«^.P'5^' S!^ lowing Properties, viz:-lst. Lot No. 9^ J"" Con. of theYownship of Keppel, m the Ooun»M Oroy. containing 100 acres m?â„¢ °"/„^, SJ *he^terly 40 Seres of Lot No. 30 ^?.^}^ Oon. of the Township of Keppel, f^^ " having a frontage of 8 chains, aaid a dep^ " chains more orleBS, to the rear limit of we i^ ^^t No. 15, Uurham iioad ""Vf^feJ*. lageof Prioeville, in the Township of»«^ oontahiing half an acre. These Lots â„¢ " " fe^dSpSrately and will be sold on ewv t£ which will be made known on dayoi »ie. fuf the»- particulars apply *3 „ gE\T, 'l,onilon,Oa:- EXECUTORS SALE or TAXiUJ VILLAGE PROPERTY by Pabl Bevere Hotel, in the Vmaga of ICaj^dale, on â- afnvday, the Wzth day of OelolMr, USS, M Two o'«flo«k p. n., Furtot LotNo. 100 in the Fint Conoeasienat Qleneig, being Village Lot Nnmber Four in the ^ageof ICukdale, intiie Ooanty of Oray.on ^eh ia eraoted a ttmMtoiy Bxidt Blook. eon- taining two BtoMS with dweUiMi above, said prmerty being known as "Beid's Slook." TBionreaaonabla, and will be made knownat date otnle or on aDpUoatiaa tollie nndmigaed. For f utbar partieifiin amd^ to JoHH Bam, Moont FwMrt,/ â- """ Orto ICA880Nd;ICAmON. Vandcia'BtMali Oatad at MaAUIa FaU Shows, Collingwood East Grey, Flesherton. Soath Grey, Dnrham Btavner Markdale • •• 1888. ..Sept. 25-W ..Sept. 24 » ,.Sept. 25-36 ..Sept-ai-* ..Sept-M-** OeU-2 Clarksburg • " "qaU Barrie ".Oot»^ Beetoo.. q,j5 Wslkerton • OctM Meaford. q^jj Boeklyn «••" 'oet.2^ Artemesia, Piiceville nZu 1^ Proton, Dondalk Faiw* montbly 0„ngeville-The b^ ThursdsT «» IhSaik-Tneiday before 0"^^!^ Keeherton-MondayWoteO^p;: Markdala-B«»t- day before 0^^^^ Dnrham-. ^^ Xnesday m «^^ Ohateworth-Monday ^°f ,^Stt*«* HoBimdCentre-Satordaybe^^ .. ^f«MiriB^Mmday before Dnrta* (Suiinnoisaj^flUnbTerâ€" M onday before P^^..,,.^^ FARM FOR »A' tbe8rdC^^*Sli;» Zriita 109 and 110. in «.---- ^^ ^•i|ttpurcfaMer.^App^*J iMtf '•Hfr^sf-,*^ A«i^ajrt.l8W 'T-- ' i^ -fc fMldlfyiatr Fast, j^g made more Bubstantial tlte **7 national solididci ' J Toar* that preceded Pres ' a'8 retaliatory message, not r that in ibose six years many in WZ^is. in the way of binding the eoi r have taken place. Mr. Clevel made Canidiai-.s feel as one pe "L as mnoh interests] lu tbe w ^nnjvince as of any other. All item the Atlantic to tb« Pacific °n an unanimity in the expiessK *Son to stand by the rights o t^e province in the fisheries di has also been unanimous expu *!iew that Canada is able to take 'self to ' entirely upon her ow _r «id not to be dependent or JSrs for anything. We have oui kiT onr own i-ailways, and our own pf'they '£* ** *** refuse us to their [Ire do not need to cry over the mi .ve only to use our own I the Dominion Mimstera who on the subject, and the great bi Fnewspapers, (Jonservative, Liben Indent, have come out squarely it Kuwla being self reliant, and free c Ym (lependence, on our neighbo MicialprivUeges. In Toronto tb ♦ of this feeling of national sell-r een most marked, while there hs ijir of a menacing nature taid fchbore. There has been a marked the display of American flag lencan devices of late, whereas fo ieonld not walk abont town on a tout meeting American flags at Even the Mail newspaper has jjjBged its tune within the last fe\ [has actually had the courage to ar. diau side of the case on one rions. 1 the other hand the situation b J complicated in the States. The J do not seem to be so anxious t I retaliaition the two Stales th „ BO far, though they have a BepubUcans, have given inerea8( idicftn majorities, and these two St [rt be remarked are States that ar „_ interested in good relations Dtained with Canada. These are tfects. As for Mr. Cleveland. w» ,eel confident that he has ruii -noes completely by his retaliatory n [has either to go ahead or to back _j8tter which horn he chooses he ketoget himself into trouble, t hid not be surprised to hear of his Ce desperate endeavor to get out Ecnlty in which he has placed him The sum and substance of I he situ J President Cleyelaud's retaliatorj I hais given a great impetus to C jional sentiment, while it has done ito injure the reputation of a gre mt, and seriously damaged his ch dection in the struggle now at kid. â- «» Markdale Council. Markdale. 141h Sept., 1 lutee of the 9th meeting licipal Council of the Vill ikdale, held in the council |l. the 14th day of Sept., laSf "iembers present â€" The Ree' lessTB. Eae. Hill and Brown. le Reeve in the chair. [last meeting read and confir "ommanications â€" From the asnrer concerning arrears o om the Clerk of Glenelg, at the Glenelg council had I BDm of ten dollars to the ieoUnral iSociety, providii ;e of Markdale grant an at. Also from the Clerk of Dg amounts to be collected f-law 171 ($185) and for ^oivaleDt $60.84. An accou ented for impounding he .Johnston presented his a/c is gravel. A petition was iby W. N. Haakett and othe [for a grant to the Markdal od Haskett Bros, prese: "Be of hall, nails c. [HilU-Baeâ€" That the con dtdale grant Ten Dollars to ricoltunl Society.-^Carriec [BftBâ€" EHlâ€"That F. Dundai ' «U. tor impounding hogs. â€" I Hillâ€" Eaeâ€" That C. A. Job J $26 for gfttvel on street.â€" Blownâ€" Hillâ€" That the sui 'Knntedto the band to i ;niutorms, to be paii Qeh uniforms are in use, i oaentanduig that such unif '"•tile property of the Band (3? Jj ittbeBe« vpoote gii of ineorp to ou IDA* U| S^Dl â- 1 .-"»' jfM