Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Jul 1888, p. 8

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 J "â- ' •^^'s^-^-"-^p^' ivi--^"" t â-  :-:. ;.,"*â- ; â-  'â- "'"""â- "â- -â- /-. -V-"'^*^-"' 7^^' m^ mst â€" t^ J. F. HALSTED, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SU%8EON, C., I-I o 1 1 a n cl CJ e n t i* e- Will be at Berkeley every Tuesday and Friday af ternoou from one to four o'clock. 390-ly. Tr' Spr-oiile, -PHYSICIAN ASD SURGEON, m: .A^ R. Kl I ^^ 1^ E- OflSceâ€" Manlev's Drug Store. C. A. MIcBRIDE, M. D., L. R C. P. S. EDINBURGH, Office at Stephen's Drug Siore, Late of the Loudon Eospital, England. I*. IcCvillough, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" OVER McFARLAND'S STORE, MABKDAXiE. Ione:y to Loati- "^^XTill etod.d.sixt THE TAILOR, is prepared to make your clothes neat and trim. The latest Fashion Plates al-ways on haad to Kemember, over MoFarlands Store, Jfarkdale 6 PER CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property west rates of interiBSt. Apply to K. J. SPBOVTLE, Conveyancer PostinaBter. Flesherton. C ANADIAN p ICIFIC B. R. TIME TABLE. â€" IVTaflsdale Stationâ€" GoiNo South. GOINO NOKTH. 6.65 a. m. 11.56 p 4.35 p. m 8.56 p. m MASSOJV MASSON, BiLERISTERS, SOLICITOES, c. Officesâ€" Owen Sound, in Vtcker's Block. Poulett St. Bianch office in Markdale, over McFarlaud's Store, on Friday and Saturday wery week. J. Masson, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Masson. X. B.â€" Private and Company's funds to invest from fi to 8 per CKiit ' WK. BBOWaC. DIVISICN COURT CLEEK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, c. Commissioner in B. K.c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. jif B.â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se- en ritv. WSLLIAM STUART, KlilBERLEY, Issue.- of. Marriaf^'e Licences. Money to r oat) on Real EstalH at low riit*=p. A few i?anus fvr siile. Terms easy. J.^MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, /-tU\DU\TE OF TORONTO SCHOOL Gr of Dentistry, will be at theMarkdale House Markdale, on the 1st and thud ^^^^^f.^f^^y " tan tlie day foliowinu tlie third \\ edii'.."a.. in ..AuioiithfortUe practice of his piotcssion. Comuicuciny on the 7th September. TO LOAli Ox real estnte secnrify, at low r:ite of -mt.(!rest. no conimissioii cbaiged. Busi- ness Strictly Cunli-leiitial, J. S.BL.^CK, ^f);) Pomona, P.O. FARM Q [OTNo. -24, eon. 4, N. I R- Gleiielg, J 100 a;res, will bo sold ciienp aud on PM5V terms of payr..ent, for further ;:articulavs apiilv oil iliH prcmi^i's.or by h^tU.r to J. S.BL.-VCK, 1,,-) j.r Poi.uoiia p. lAMD ale' HOUSE, W. M. BUSH, The Horse's Friend Is fully prepared to attend the wants ot all who favor him with theii- custom, in Me- Nally's establishment, opposite the Markdale House, Markdale. Parties having horses with contracted or otherwise bad feel will do well to give me a trial.. This class of work a specialty. MAKKDALir CARRIAGE -:- WORKS. 11. McNally, praciical roanufacturei Wag- Koiis, Demoerats, Buggies, Sleighs, Cuttors snid eveiythiiig in the line. The best nia- teiial used and first. class workmanship. S.itisfactiou guarautecil. Trimmms: promptly attended to. A call respectfully solicited. IS" Stand opposite the Markdale House. R, M'NALLY. SIGHT V. BLCSTDXESS. Collingwoed and Georgian Bay Line. IN CONNEc'nON WITH THE Grand Trunk Railway. ArBWrxCKAjt For S^ALic-A self.hin^,,. to settle iHte iinn â- Ally persij; of Turn Str. PACIFIC. Captain P. M. Campbell. Str. ATLAN'nC, Captain E. D. Foots. Str. BALTIC. Captain W. Tate Robertson Str. NORTHERN BELLE, Captain W. J. Bassett. The fine new steamers "Pacific" and "At- lantic' will ran asfoHows imtil further notice (weather permitting): Leaving Collingwood at 1 p.m., Menford at i 3 p.m., Owen "^ound at 8 p.m. and Wiarton at 1:45 p.m. every Tuesday and Saturday for Killarney, Mauitowaning Little Current, Kagawong, Gore Bay, Spanish River, Serpent River, Algoma Mills, Blind River. Thessaloa, Brace Miiies, Hilton, St. Joseph's Island, Garden River and SAULT STE MARIE. The Saturday Steamer only will call at Cockburn Island and Meldrum Bay. PARRY SOUND. The '-Northern Belle" will leave Colling- wood for Pany Sound, Byng Inlet and French River every Monday and Thursday at 1 p.m. connecting at French River with Str. "Bemora" for Alpena, Mich., and returning to Collingwood on Wednesday and Satuniuy evenings connecting with the Sault Ste Marie sieamers. For information as to freight rate^ and fares ai.ply to any agent of the G' and Trunk Railway, the Pursers on board the steamers, or to THE GREAT NORTHERN TRANSIT CO. Collingwood. THOS. TONG, CHAS. CAMERON, S c.-Treas. Manager. TIM Karff«st Ko»* in fb* World. j Pabis, III., July 5.â€" John R.)ll. re i siding m Retlmoii, Edgar (Jouuty, i! thb owner ot a borse that is t«'ont.v Apply to Mrs. A. Nesbitt on • bauds bigb, .weighs 2500 pounds, and of Markdale on the gravel "^^H' is said to be the largest horse in the j IVtio -a,,,, "^^ world. It is 5. years old, never was off lloll's larm, never had been broken and bas nyver bi-en sbod. The black- smith at Bedniou is afraid to shoe the horse. »»llw»y and J»v»niiiiontFrop«rtyBaraed. Southampton. July 5.â€" A most dis- i Uftve nr.t yet settl«d"lH'f ,* ' '^^^ "» asterous fire occurred here this even ir^ bcjoks nud accounts trV^*"^^* ing at 8 o'clock, through which about A. Turuer. ^- ""^^fiiiali, four thousand ties, two cars belonging to the Grand Trunk railway and about one Imndred and fifty feet of south landing pier, the property of the Gov ernmeiit, was burned. With the greatest difficulty the citizens prevent- temporary absence wi.l ,/ """ to brother, Walter Tuniel^.tr^S give receipts therefor » "*•« bi.gerwiil be extended to.?' '^\ Biss BaUjiiij: A basG dala Hill nil* J ed tbefire running up the entire length „„ ti,Q ,^p,„j., j, ^^ tin l,h ' of tbe dock and but for the strenumous j „esdav, 4cU July aa 1 r '*^ ' *^"' eftorts made the loss would have been jg^^y victory for Mark kU^'T ' 'l many thousands of dollars. The ^j^' jj^t.Q,,,^^.,^^^^,^ ^^^ p i ie,'ar3jl steam barge P. Cress had discharged (ije aftemo.m oa ao-rni """' lier cargo of ties just an hour or two I t^e Markdale boys bavi ,.f "" before the fire was di.scovered, «* i they being loo tirVd to ckv i^^i which time everytlnng was safe. At aforesaid tune. Th^ Ma'ili!i '""'"'â-  present nothing definite is known as -veut to the liat and pouui'i to the origin of the fire. â-  -â-  teen runs. teni The "Whak-pJar usual, (lid some excellent caicbini pieidiig np the bat and miking a iloi [run in first iuninj,'s, after V.i' Attempted Stiieide. Meafoud. July G.â€" Geo.Tomlinson, one of the sureties for the late bailiflF, A. Watt, attempted suicide vesterday I played veiy careless. R. L. St}pi,e, morning by wading into the river. He I the captain, was not up to l;ua, work eomeliowâ€" ^„ in and brought him out was noticed in time and hiS son went 'high wuiu. Bumenowâ€" ^,ora3 s^riaiJ It is believftd matter probably affectnitT Lis t bis mind has been aflfocted by thinking of his responsibility for the amrunt of the late iiailiffs shortage, and also the loss of money loaned hJra prior to his departure. A BUn^le UiU. Sarsied at Slba. he did not make one ruu Unnwy nine iuuinj;s. H' had to hanj pitching over to William Stiusoa. take a chair out m the hay tiilil. Si son is a whale to pitch hi--, ciwei equal to Crarie's. Th^ r'stc.f tiiel) rv s 'I' ^v rv i^ t: " ' p!$ GELEBRB7E0 Knglisli Spectacles 79 BAY STREET. TORONTO CANAD I AND 18 JEiVi:. STREET. LONDOfJ E. C. ENCU.HD W. G. RICHARDS, )IJILDSU, CONriUCTOil, ct AilCEI- Tiiox. Markdale. R. J. SPROULE, FliTiiSHitiKTON. Couvfvnuctu-, .\iii)vaiser. Valuator and JTonoy JvuiiT." Dj;'il.-i, l(vt;;as,'es. Ijchv-os ami Wills .Imwii "i auilValUHtious iiwiaeou shortest notice (:;i;iri;es vevy low. Apply to K. .1. Sl'TtOl'LK, Moiie T.eufliT Postmastor. Kleslieitnii. Hns; ' V A;...l!r.. in;- tl.i- ti;;;;^ 01 " ;â- ! i vc ill I l-\.:\\\.i,\i,:'.. Nijoj oc.nj,-.. !i!,:'::t '..r^.v.l -.(...al I i ',;.'!.' tiit'V ;.:j:i;ia- oil the wearer. â- !".;.ir ':!-(â-  -..ill in actu-rr-ty :;â- â€¢â-  tr '-IVi n f e i. ^-^ l1':-' '.MT' Jit .; ;; I ..-..v;;).,:. Jl. .-..-;•! j 't r;.;i:!^:. tiit-in i-ii' '.iif' -J ' t'rii's. Tuc, '.It-. ,. 1.^. i I ijc tj:e FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES T3 SCHOOL TRUSTEES. The undersigned ii inanufacturhig an ex celleut :i.sS'Mtiueiit of ^4cUil l-"'ixi*nit»ive, Oo-isistiiig of S OOL SE.\TS and DESKS. T ;\"HKRS' PESKS. etc., of tiie latesi li'si^^n aTid most apor.ived pattern. Hiirhiv r v.miaended bv SchiH)l Trustee- and Teach- «.'r for I'heipnes^.cosifort and fompa'-tness^ wu'-KVcr tried. An Assortment of F;trui ajid S.;iool Hf'lls kept I'lways oil band. Si-nd ioi c itilogue to Chatswo! t! P. O ISI ANDREW McGlI.L. BARBER, ' __' M\nKDAlE. As 1 iini now in a pi«si tim t" lio Hai; tuuiiik' Shaving Sliiim;oo:nr; aiiil illwoiK i'l uiy 1 lie. I ask a :*liare -f -luMic p-«'M;i Mg«" tpaiie H sp'cia'ty o R •'•â-  a'ld S^-i'j .or 'linrp-u ug IjMIhs' au G i.i.tr"n"Hii:ni'.-nt t'li" •Inuf 'n ^rT-"l'""' s*vli Sli'p u«'arly ,, •iM.sile till! Sr\xp.\ui oihci*. For Scratches en liorces !• -Ivar," au.l Com,ii iv's tuiulr. to iuvcst in Ileal I; -rati :if i-nn-unt ri»tpF of i'it«rwt FAsacs 3?oB SAX.B AZTs SO vnxrc. v.i ii.iiiilieBs private iiudcoaficl'Mitia!. .^pprais- vv tor U 'vl;i I'vriaaueut IjOAu a'Ul Savings â- â-  "iiy, Toiou'" .OH-Il JO l;f W ill'BY, M.vrkiUli. /iLaSTERER A^B STOKE MA; 0H :,; MARKDAIiEJ. 1* pr]Nire(l-^'-ik( 0'itinet'» in tow r rnnntrv. Gtl^aiiumg aud Wiiitew\t^hIaK CTj*:Ee:E: FOR SCRATCIES ON NORSES OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. Bemember va manofactnra and an the BOto nroptietors ot the following specialtiei, and that they can be had from no other Bonroe. iNEYARE NOT FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS. Confaspondehca strictly confidential. Consultation npon all chrome disease invited, NO CHARGE except for medicines. All goods sent Becnre from obeetv^ tion. Toronto Medicine Co., Torontc^ Ont. HAIR COLORINO Onr mafinificient pr^arations axe wanaiited psiw fectly harmless. We prepare the following coloTS-rthe finer shades arise from the hair itselq Black, Dark Btovn. Meditun Brown, Chestun^ liight Chestnnt, Gold Blonde, Ash or Blonde Cendree. Send sample of hair when ordering. Price, $2. per bottle. Toronto Medicine Co, TOILET REQUISITES In ordering please specify which yon require we guarantee them to give entire satisfax^on. Ka 8 Imparts to the skin the color and freshness of maidenhood; harmlessand cannot be detected. $1.25. Na9BemoTe8 wrinkles. 9% No. 10 Be- moves Iiiver Spots. tLSS. No. 11 Removes Fledi Worms. $1.25. No. IS Bemoves Freckles. $1.85. No. 13 Bemoves Pimples. $1.25. No. 14 Bemoves Tan. $1.36. No. 15 Bemoves Moles. $2. No. 16 Bemoves Fookmarks. $2. No. 17 Bemoves nndue Prespiration. $liSS. No. 18 An absolute unfailing specific for tbe retention development or restor- ation of the Hair. $1.35. Toronto K^wlloine Oo. THE BUST No. 19 Is a combined Internal and external treatment which speedily developes or restores the female bast to the proportions of volnptaona nature. Is entirely hanulesa and oertaln In re- Bolts. Price $a Toronto Medicine Co. Toroato, WOMEN'S ILLS No. 90 A certain core for XieneorrhOBa, or WhitM FalUngof the Womb. Ulcerationa PiUufnl Men- Btruatum, "Bearing down Pains" and all Diseases and Weaknesses peculiar to females. Bndoned by 'the highest medical auorities as an "on- nvaHed" remedy. Price $8 per bottle. Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. FRENCH REGULATION PILLS P« "npefiof to Ergot Tansy, Pennyroyal or Oxide. Bndorsed by the thoosandsof Issues who I osethemMONTHIiY. Never fail. Believe pain. I INSiniBBEauitABITY.FleasaBtandBffeetnS. I Price $S Toronto Medlidna Co., Toronto, Ont NEURALOIA A RHEUMATISM ' ' CimbeeBradbynaingBpeciflo NolMl Itswoo* derfnlsaleiadnetofheslmptofirt tbsAit dosa Msdioine Co., TonmtQ, Ont. Camilla. July 7.â€" The shingle rail! '^^^"^^ "fj^ well, especially ilok.Bei of Mr. .James Suiiih, at Elba, was de stvoyed by fire about three o'clock this morning. How the fire originated is not known. Loss estimated at §1,- GOO no insurance. A Bam Buxaed. Maxwell, O'lt., July 9. â€" The barn belonging to Wm. Hicks, near this villfige, was destroyed by fire on Satur dav night. Value between three and four hundred dollars. Covered by in- surance. Tiie cause is supposed to be incondiaiy. BZCEAKGE CZilP'FXll'GS. STEPHEN'S C0U6H JllfG. ' he best eonpoand of Tar ami Honey in the World for reiicvin;i coiisjIih. it nets a.s iin lustiiut heiiler to tlie lnonchiii) tu'ie.-., and will h«ve a lieiit^licient eflt^rt on VironcliitiH at on'tt. D4irt fo:{;t;t t!ie ni»ui«. STKi'HKN S COUItH KINIt. No i.tlu-r remedy like it, at 2j and 'â-  cents a bottle. It will ivliitvc hoojiingcoufih when chcr medicines e.ui- pletely fail. To be obtained at the p.Jiular Drug Stdie, E. L. STEPHEN, MARKDALR. ion that dread terror, • diseass so long baffling science and ttie most sMllsd Iihysid«na.wbo knewof notblng to a iwt nottdag to allevi- ate, noOiing to cani Nowitis no longer aa braae of tbeTmngfc Jnflamed^ijd poUoned, by theravaOBS oRUs IsQ iUsmM, and pn- vents the Biipit sweats aaft tl ght neM aesoss ttte diest irtiidi aeeompanj it. coins «IIAIUMTKD VosB^ISk OMt. TELEGRA'^HIO NEWS NOTES. Xr. Henderson TTaseatsd. Milton, July 5. â€" Tlie triul of the Hal ton Dominion election petition was coiumenct'd here this morning before Chii f Justice Armour After t!ie ex- amination of a few wtnesses. the per- sonal chatce ngainst the respondent, Mr. Davi ' H'^iidersou" ^Coii.). were withdrew and eoinsel ndmitted tbe chxigii ot I riiiery by us;ents. where- upon the ciiief jn.-*tioe declared the election voided, the c jsts to be paid by ' the rc•sponden^. Shot by BarglaTS. B iBCAYGEON. June :•{(â€" About 2 i»"c oek ih s morning burgisirs entered the hoiiBK (.f Jnmes Lwrn. postraantt-r at Kin; s.rarf, eight mil k s utb of this p'uce, and made off with $50 in cash. A loud (-xidoiiinn iji the neigiiboi hoo I of the barns woke the family. Mr. Lfiary on looking ontajiw his iain on fiifc, Slid in hopes of i^aviug Home of liis farming impleraents, ran out^ bat WAS met by tw.» roaghs who fir«' two shots at hun, one taking efr«et iii his l*:g. the other jmpBing throngh his tOiirt, {mrallHlMkiiU hu hfari. Th* Kconh.hrftiii male off woih' are At a meeting of Ersbine church con- gregation, Toronto, on June 27 th it was nuanitnoui^ly resolved to call Rev W. \. Hunter, M. A., of OrangPviUe, to the pastorate rendered vacant by the death of Rev. John Smith. â€" i'res- byterian Review. Mr. John McKinnon, of Glenelg lost a steer a week or two ago. The an- imal was lately found f?st in a hole in the locks near tlin river, dead. Mr. Mc's loss will be about $30. â€" Grey Review. If Dr. Washington, with half a dozen lettera tacked to his name, is as poor a physician as he is backward m paying liis printer's bill, ther may the Lord have mercy on his' patients. â€" Durham Chronicle. We understand thei-e is a bed of moulding sand near Priceville. Speci- mens were lately brought to Durham and were pronounced first class by practical men. It would be a good idea to push tiie supply of sand from that place, as at present most of the sand used is bronoht from Hamilton, nt a serious cost for freight, and avery large section could bo supplied much more cheaply. â€" Grey Review. CowiBOLY Assault. â€" At Dundalk last Monday mght Mr. W. A. Knapp, of Shelburne, was mnrderonsly assault-, ed by a gang of roughs who knocked liim down and kicked and pounded him about the head and face until a couple of women ran from a neigh- boring house; when the ruffians made ofl,leaving their victim lying in a pool of blood. Mr. Knapp has some bad cuts. â€" Shelburne Ecooomist. Mr. James Stitt of Toronto has pur- chase his grandson in Euphrasia, son of Mr. Stitt in that township, a fine $9,000 farm. This is the kind of men for tlie country.. Mr. Stitt wants to Fee whrtt becomps of his wealth. â€" Thornbury Standard. K-)n and Wm. McFarlaud, ihcvcattl ing six difficult fly balls in s'l^fssK^ Tne genial captain of the Brtntr t'-ara, Mr. A. Patterson, did some i striking. A foatiire of the gn'ierf the excellont pin j ing of Mr. QabJ on 2ud base for the Blautyr.' ta Tiios. C. daman caught u red botfiyj 2n'l innings which was lotidl}- praisf by the spectators. Owin^ti iIh gronuds for playinor in, f.he :;eorai very high, Markdale scoring 22 ra and BUntvre 15. After tiie lad the boys all procefld.id d iwn c lli3tr Bailey's, who had an excellent spraj ready. One very remarkable and unncc able performance took place. (Jarl)| when coming home, were followelj a mule, ai.d it was imauimousiy i r:ed that his rauleship was afet i whale catcher to try aud g?t iiimi stop for the dance, there beiu^ab there that evening. Prior to tai;' ward had expressed a wish to saj.j The e:itr}m drouthe of the past three weeks has well nigh ruined the crop prosppcte i»i the immediate neigh- boriiootl of Meaford. Plums and small fruits, which promised well early in the season, are beginning to fall, and, the crop, though still a fair average one. will not be as large as was anti- cipated. Slioald the dronrh continue another week the grain crop will to eiperieuco B 'me extent be past benefit by rain. " The bay is now being harvested, and is the %hte8t for nome years. Sec- n» soath and oast of. here have heen well ropplied with rains wlien most ^••dei nnA tba erop» are pxDttiiiiBff welLâ€"Heaford Mlrfer. Editor Standard. Deak Sir,â€" As no notice lia' taken of the proposition I m-df vour paper relative to a pnze aud judt^iu-4 by tbe wr.y tbeownsl "Just in Time" is airing himsa" conclude he is on his mettle, ka- the registry matter in Mr. uro hands from whom Mr. BentQe hear soon euougb, I wiUma^e* propositions. It seems tbe^o^fj this muchly registered Canadiaa horse, "Just in Time," bas been ous to bring him into competition" Lord Derby. He was gratified small extent lastsprin at show here where I don't thi-u i- Derby had much of a task to„'t« with 'him. However, as after »J said, it is as stock getters liee are valuable, or otlf «se J^^j to ^ee their merits fully tes^J^^ do 80 I will put up fj^^, show a better spring colt of 18^ Lord Derby than tbe owner of Time can show from 11.S 2' I will put up the sameamonnw wiTshow ten better spring *^ he can show from Jns'n Tim ftsiJiss.miti'n^ssuUu" J, h .r.es are not sure foalsa' al3opatup$25 tb:ttL.rl Time dil. Now.tbvra*" ^,3j iliNiy" like t- 836 this m^'tVei this, soma P^oP',l.(^'soi owner of Ja^tw Tan) y^^,,, think that a nun jijt il hundred dD'.lari in hjl^P^il'b^i. iagaudpaS^try^;«t^?"« an I others think till? »^^ j.-jt an inio»rt='l "f^t.^Al lpâ- " prijaof ft8"VM Oi^""' Lyhilfacu-ln.y " ^I,,lf horsealko.^Ht'••l/;";ld.l^fl !it^t3fi,., partner p« I ,^„,,- t%eoimportelli3--a33 »";„]. nearly thttmi^it^^ by « BT nenaaco a'l^ '" ... .,f,i a ' ' .i the owner of ^^.^^^ t!l3 li! t IlllO 1,9' ^- -teiv.^':c.tU 5 J^ jwallff right in keeinu? '"' fetm' fo*r,ifh»lfthor.PorJ»^^eB.* not have muob else f by;. â-  ir.5-^- i at kGHTH YEAB.-XO. SqUARTERS -FOR- 3ice Teas, ToMcco, )|GE SUGARS RgiStNS, El COHFEOTIOiiERY, c. [EADQUABTEB .S -FOR- \ockery Glassware. jina Tea Setts. Dinner Setts, ^et Setts, the finest stock to choose n in Markdale. We will sell you Js m this line cheaper by 10 per \\. than any other hcuee in the Inty. :â- ':.-â- ' :-.-A_ tomions, ProYisions. FLOUR FEED levcry description same price as al the mill. ,. /. ;.:: \m CLEAR BACON;:; ';^:-;".yf Choice SUGAR CURED HAMS yfast received a ton of Wrjght'f Itmeal, Owen Sound, (fresh). Dnr Liquor Store is well stockec th best brands of Liquors of ever; jecription. lOBBEBS IN CIGARS. tve us a call. ).H. BENSON Co., Belfast House ARC ASMS! BARGAINS -AT- ;USS£LL'£ ^1 J aiELEBYl $TOR Flesherton, [WtWies, Clocks, Jewelery, Sp â- ^•tnd Silverware for the moi •|tt«» before moving to n ^^â- â€¢Atterican "Waltham Watc TM8.fiO to $20.Ga, regular pric ^^ete from $11.60 to $24.60 P***! Earrings, Brooches, Chai ^wdnced 2S KR CENTa |^J^*fawe and eeeore some of iTWitt hani^iiiB befotfi the time ^wUi of June Onh [^fe Pwfcct job always take ""' ^;NMi npto, c!, to ^4 INRff Jewllery ' v: â-  V

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