Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Jun 1888, p. 8

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 ^m^^^^ww:^"' -â-  '^^^m^^^9fj^ ^1 in- »1- js â- â- â- :- V '^i-;' 'â- â- â- 'â-  WW.- --^jr i m J. F. HALSTED, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, C., Holland CJentre. Will be at Berkeley every Tuesday and Friday afternoon from one to four o'clock. â- ^ 390-ly. Drs. Sproule Brodie PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, 1 A R li I -A. 1^ E- Dr. Spboci-e's office Turner's Drug Store Dr. Bbodie'8 office Math ew s block. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, c OFFICE-OVER HcFARLANDS STORE. MABKDA3_iE. Money to Loan. B\RRISTEES, SOLICITORS, c. OFFicES-Owen Sound, i" dicker's i. 1 »*. ct Tt, nnrh office in Markdale, TlUl^\i-C- S.Masson. W. Massos N B.-Private and Company's funds to invest t from 6 to 8 uer cent " WM. BBOWM. DIVISION COURT CLERK. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, c. Commissiouei-J inB. R.e. ,„^„t,-, C onveyaucing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se caritv. "WILLIAM STUART, K1MJ3EKLEY, Issue.' of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few farms for sale. Terms easy. f^yMARSHALL, L.D.S. _â€" â€" T^ENTIST â€" â€" G^inn^TE of' TOk'oNTO SC;H00L ^•)?S,"^tistrv wiP be at the Markdale House of Dentiscrj wii- " iVii»-/i Wpdnesdav of l-iArnU^IS'-^^rll^^^^^^^^ Commencing on tlie 7tb September. Baphxkste Couusll. lOlY real estate security, at low rate of commission cbaiged. Busi- \J interest, no uess Strictly Confidential, J. S, BLACK. Pomona, P, 0. 190 FARM FOR SALE. r OT No 21. con. 4, N. V R. Glenelg, 1 J 100 acres wili be sold cneap and on easv tevmrof payment, for f urtlu^r p-articulars apply on thp- 'J^^^^^^l^^" '° 100-tf. â-  ' ' 'Pomona P. O MARKB ALE HOUSE MARKDALE. • ^N*^. £ Marsh, Pn;^' J. Vy G. RICHARDS, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- UILDE'lI. thi;t. Maikdale. POWD Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel for purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kmda, and cannot be sold in competition with the multi- tude of Jow East, short weight alum or phos- phate powclers »old only in cans. Royal Baking Powder Co.. 106 Wall St.. N. Y. W. E^.BUSH, The Horse's Friend Is fully prepared lo attend the wants of all who favor him with their custom, in Mc- Nally's establishment, opposite the Markdale House, jMarkdale. Parties having horses with contracted or otherwise bad feet will do well to give me a trial. This class of work a specialty. MAKKDALE CARRIAGE-:- WORKS. R- FLj-HlSH-EiKTON. 1..na..r. l^H^;{„;^^^;^;^';-adeousliortest notice ...•. Av'ily to nA:-x PoKtian.scev. Flesherton. i:;,;ii-m.-s vo-.y B. McNaliy, practical manufacturei Wag- gons, Democrats, Buggies. Sleighs, Cutters and everything in the line. The best ma- terial used and firscclass workmanship. Satisfaction guarautetd. Repairing, Painting and Trimmin$: promptly attended to^ A solicited call respectfully Stand opposite the Markdale House. R. M'NALLY. MOJIR Ijt!!' T3 SOBOOl i'iio u-.i.U-rsigiiea is n.;«infacturing an ex- (li'Uciit ass'rtnieiit of (.•„„s,.ti„y of so 001, SEATS ai,l DESKS Ti'.A.'HKUS' Oi-ISKS. etc., of tue latest â- l.si-.rna'ia most a,:..r.ived pattern. Highly •• .e,mi;Qon.led l.v School Trustee.-^ and Teach- ,.r. f..r clieapness.coiafort and .â- .oini-a.-tiiess w ie.«v..r tried. An assortment of I'ann and S-liool Bells ktpt Jilwavs on hand. Scud for cxtalonue to CkatswoitJi P. ,Sl ANDREW McGILL. OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. Bemember w mannfaetara uid an the aola of the f oQowiag Bpedaltiei, and ttaaj eycanbehadfromnoathersoniee. Tl NOT FOR SALE BY 0RU6GIST8. BA^EFR, MARKDALE. As I iim now in a positior to do Tlaiv rr.ttiii!.' Si.aviug, STi.irai.ooiiii- mid ill ^v.)rk i 1 my line. I ask a slia:-« rf i.uMi |(air!.-.t.,'e. I niiike a spnoia'tv o" R.iz-t himI Si-^-i-or s'lirpfiiiu^. La;lie«' nnd CliildrcnVhaiioiit- tiii'4 done in first-c.lnss stvlo. Shop -.n^-nW o i.H.site the St.vxi)ai:o oHic^. iAfflY MAN* Who ia Weak, Nervous, Debilitated, who in bis Fpllv ud Ignorance has Trl~ fled ftway bis Vigor of Body, Mind *a Manhood, causing exhaostiiig drains npon the Fountains of Life. Headache, Backache, Dreadfoi Dreams, Weakness of Memory, Bsshfulness in Society, Pimples tipon tbe Face and all tba Effects leading to Early Decay, Consumption w Insanity, wul find in oar speeifla Ko, 23 a PosHive Cure, it in*att« Youthful vigor reatorea the VttaMPoWSr Jn ^aad Toaug, strengthens and invigorate* mm Brain d Serves, bBflite up «(B mnsonlar syrtein ol th0 hnnwn fiM«Ontb on r â- ped flo Uiemoat obstinate ^n «an be omred In and and en Vo. thra* oMXitbs, and taeent ooes bi I«M^^ tbbr^ days. Raeb paokaos oontaine tmojnm twt- PrieeM. Coma GnaameeO. Ow qpw- 'canbebadfromnoethersonree. THEY ARE Corraspondence strictly confidential. Consultation np» all chrome disease invited, NO CMAR6E except tat medicines. All soods sent secure fRMDobMCVS* tion. Toronto Medicine C!o.,XanBto^ Oat. HAIR COLORINO Onr magnlflcient preparationB are waxtanted pei^ fectly bannless. we jirepare the follomng colo r s' t he finer shades aasefnan the hair itedj Black, Daiic Brown, Medlnm Brown, Cbeetnnti' Ziight Cbestnnt, Gold Blonde, Ash or Blooda Cendree, Send sample of hair when ocdeilng. Price, • per bottle. Toronto »«^~«i^tto Co., TOILET REQUISITES In ocdeiing please specify whieb yon reqnto we guarantee them to give entire satisfaction. Ko 8 Imparts, to the skin tbe eolor and freebneea of maidenhood; bannless and cannot be detected. tl.2S. No.9HemoTea wrinkles. 93. No. 10 Be moves Iiiver Spots. SUBL No. 11 Bemores Flesh Worms. 91.25. Na U Bemores VrecUea. $1.38. No. 13 Bemoves Pimples. $LSB. No. 14 Bemovee Tan. $1.85. No. 15 Bemoves Moles. $9. No. 18 Bemoves FOekmaite. $9. No. 17 Bemoves undne Prespiration. $1.98. No.l8AnafaaolntennfaiIing specific tor tbe retention development or reetup- ation of tbe Hair. $1.98. Toronto Medldaa Oo. THE BUST No. 19 Is a combined internal and extenal treatment wblcb speedily developee or restores the female boat to tbe p ropor U ons o( vdnptaoas nature. Is entirely bannless and eertaln ia re- sults. PSiee Toranto Medlehie Go. TonetOb WOMEN'S ILLS No. 90 A eotain cure f or IianeanbaB^ or ^Vlittea Falling dtbe 'Wondh CTeerationa Famfnl Men* stmatton,.rBeaxlnc down Fains" and all ' andWeaknesMcpeeoUavts by the taiflibest medieal sa i h ct ttlw m an rtvaUad" remedy. PrieotS! -^-" â€" Medicine Ca, ToMoto, Onib FRENCH REGULATION PILLS Far siq^site to'Brrit. *aacy. OxtdeTsBdoBiad^rflMDiOWHidBcC mmttunrnxarass. Vever fsJL SeUen INSHBB BBGCTiABmr.PlsMaBii The council met as au adjourned Court of Bevieion, Bt 10 o'clock a. m. on June 8tli, 1888. Members all present minutes of last meeting read aad confirmed. The court took action as follows, VIZ Wilham McClung's assessment corrected, the EJ of lot 12, con. 4, as- sessed to W. J. Graham, Owen Sound valuation $880 Tfis description of property assessed to Messrs. Trout Jay, corrected Jamea Wilson assess- ed for W. part of Si lot 25, con. 4, {i acre) at $300 i acre in front street Kimbeiley, assessed to Thomas B. Carutbers The assessment of Geo. Thompson, on part of lot 5, con. 5, corrected Christopher Knott's as- sessment for one village lot in Kim- berlev, corrected James B.Fawceft'a assessment of village lot corrected Lot 23, con. 6, taken from non-Ees. Roll and assessed to Jacob Neely James Frank Charters, assessed jointly for E^ lot 24, con 4 James McClung. assesed for W^ of E^ lot 20, con 2 The N^. of lot 11, con. 2, as- sessed to G. Bath, and W. Bath jointly Henry Wyyille, assessed lor VV^ lot 1, con, 7, instead of John Boss; Bobert Smith assessed jointly with Benjamin Smith for Nf^of lot 14, con. 4 W. J. Blakely, assessed for Si lot 4, con. 8 Lot 17, con. 10 assessed to Bobert Johnston as tenant* A reso- lution was passed confirming the roll and the clerk, ordered to certify to tbe same as finally revised. Court arose. Council resumed at 2 o'clock p. m. Minutes of last session of council, read and confirmed. The Reeve was instructed to get side road 3 4, con. 3. 4, surveyed. Mr. Stuart was instructed to get tim- ber cleared off 12 13 side lines, be- tween valley road and 3rd line, and to repair culvert on Valley road. Mr. Erskine was authorized to ex- pend $20 in his road division 11th line W. Welsh, pathmaster, was auth- orized to expend $10 to pay for shov- eling gravel in nis road Division, Mr. Erskine was instructed to get hill on 11th line, at lot 8, graded. Mr. Bnyd was instructed to repair road on the hills at lot 6, 9th line, Mr. McAnslan was instructed, to get bill on bline line between 16 t^ 17 and 18 19 side lines graveled. The Reeve was instructed to repair 27 28 side line, con. 6. The clerk was ordered to notify Luke Francis to remove timber off I road at lot 17, 9cb line. The Treasurer laid before council, a report of the License Inspector for Centre Grey, shewing a balance of $1.30 coming to this municipality. The Beeve's orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay to W. P. Carson, Indigent $10- and to A. McGill, Cbat- swor^h, $102.60 for road scrapers. By-law No. 393, carried through i different stages and passed. The award made by Arbitration, decided on the amount to be paid to Mrs. Wright, for land taken for de- viation road was adopted, and a By- law passed ac3ordipgiy, and the clerk ordeieil to notify Mrs. Wright, that tbe council is prepared to carry out tbe award of Arbitration, so soon as she complies therewitb, by making conveyance of the laud. The Treasurer was ordered to remit to James Biwes, Bobert Myles, and Mathew Bobiuson, Esquires, Arbit- rators, $7.00 each, fees as per award of Arbitration, and witnessiees $6.90. The report of committee, appoint- ed to examine the AsEessraent Boll for the current year, before tbe final re vision thereof was laid before council and adopted, and ordered to be en- grossed in ibe minutes. A request from School Section No. 16 asking the conned tj enable them to raise by Debenture $1000 for tbe erection of a school house, payment of site aud^furnishing appendages laid before council, nnd a resolution passed to comply with the request A Bylaw for rui.sing this amount by Debenlure, canued through tbe first and second rendiuge. Council adjourned until the Friday in June insl. vuf B. DusLop, Clerk. Mr. Brown presented a/c from J. G. Fell Co. for corporation seal. Mr Brown was instructed to pay J. G. Fell Co's »/c, amounting to $6. By-lawB Nos. 3, 4, 5. 6 and 7 were introduced, read a first, second and third times aad passed. McFarlandâ€" Lucas â€" That By-law No. 4 be amended bv inserting the sum of $1.25 per day as salary ior road commissioner instead of $1.50. â€" Lost. Brown â€" Lu jas â€" That the Treasurer and Clerk be auditors to audit the books of the late Police village trustees â€" Carried. Lucasâ€" Baeâ€" That 0. Reynolds be appointed pound-keeper. â€" Carried. Brown â€" Lucas â€" That 25 per cent, of the fines -be paid to any person find- ing animals running at large and who impounds the same. â€" Carried. Brown â€" Bae â€" That Soloman Hill be alloft ed to place a weigh scale on the street opposite his premises, pro- vided the same can be done so as not to obstruct the thoroughfare or impede the water course. â€" Carried. Brown â€" Lucasâ€" That the Beeve and Mr. Hill be a committee to look out for and rent a room suitable for a council chamber and Clerk's office.â€" Carried. Council adjourned at the call of the Beeve. B. C. BbydeN, Clerk. ??«' and EZCHAVOfi CIiXFFZHOS. The down train from Owen Sound yesterday came into collision with Mr McGregor's cow near the grist mill rolling it over three or four times and then turning it off tbe track.. The cow was rather badly injured but walked on to the commons where' it continu- ed feeding. â€" Dundalk Herald, According to the assessment roll of the Township of Holland, just com- pleted, the total value of real property is $628,294 personal property other than income, $53,500 income, $600; total acreage, 67,751 acres cleared, 82,402 number of days statute labor 3,528 acres of tall wheat, 1,130 horses, 1,200 hogs, 763 sheep, 3,- 883 cattle, 4,898 dogs. 888..Chats. worth News. The new roller mills at Wareham was successfully raised from the foundation to rafters un Friday last without a slip or accident of any kind and finished by 7 o'clock in the eve- ning, which reflects great credit to the men in the surrounding neighborhood. The building is 50 feet high, all the timber was hauled up by a span of horses with a double block and tackle and went together without a single hitch. The mill will be in running or- der by the first of October. â€" Dundalk Herald. Mr. Will Heard and Frank Sullivan started for Marliidale on Friday after- noon last with a horse and covered buggy. They were raising the cover nearly opposite Hawk's egg pickling establishment when the horse took fright and made a leap breaking the cross-bar of the buggy and throwing the occupants out. The horse got free from the buggy and ran to the hill opposite Mr. B. Lever's when it stopped. The buggy was slightly damaged. Will escaped injury but Frank got a bruise on the leg which made him use a walking stick. â€" Flesh- erton Advance. Sad Bereavement. ment. iftoNaatis Ins. Sold C«,Xo(aittOk last Price tl NEIIRALOU Oft.«iwnprt!n,Ort^ vIonSsUHMl* Oaa be aoaAby wdDvsMiaifla^ Karkdale Conneil. Markdale, 12th June, 1888. Minntis of fiVth meeting of the municipal council of the village ot Mirkd:le, held in the office of Wm. Lucas Si Co. on Tuendfty, the 12tb day of June. 18S8. Membeisali present. The Beeve in the chaw. Mmutes of last meeting read and eonfirm9d. Communieatinnâ€" From Artemesia oooneil notifying appokitrDieBt ' of a committee to confer wiiU a vmamittee from Markdale ooaucii tei^if4uig fin- anciai mnUti^ det wuei} l^e i^ eor- pirati. B^. 'â- ' " â-  .:^:.f._ At a bara raising on the 11th line, St. Vincent, on Monday of last week, a rafter fell from the building striking a young man named Jos. Baxter, who died from his injuries on the following Friday night. Ids father, an aged man, started to Meaford the following day, Saturday, to make some arrange- ments for the funeral, and while rid- ing with a neighbor, Mr. John White and son, something went wrong with the whifdetrees going down a hill caus- ing tbe horses to become fractious the wagon tongue dropped from the ueckyoke and the occupants, seeing they were in imminent danger, leaped from the vehicle in order to save them- .selves. Each escaped injury except Mr. Baxter, who, being somewhat crippled with rheumatism, jumped awkwardly fallmg heavily on his face receiving fatal injuries. Ho was taken to ttie hnupe of Mr. Geo. Blanch ard, brother of the man at whose raising bi't sou had happened with above ac- cident, and medical attendance secur- ed, but he died the following morning. This Bad bereavement to the family had btea preceded oy the decease of three other members of the family in side of the past twelve months. New Advebtii Notice, Wm. Lucas Paris Green, R. l tion of partnership,' s;;*?;- Bargains, Russells, FUlZ Brown, Jeweller. MaiS!^^ A Model Bindkb-Cju Artleyaudseet.hePattet.so,;? Frame Binder. Itis jo^i* you've been waiting for u all-steel fmme Binder' in bemg made of the finest onili,! nel steel, with the most sate Jd knotteriu the world; tequiri! perttoruaitjanyinancaalJK expert on this binder. If yo Binder, examine them aUbewr*' and be convinced that theteis!; parisou between this and oth Come and see it even though want to buy. K it is not the best E' er you ever r,aw tell this ' he's no judge. TELEGRAWJciwiliil SMp-Buildinsr at Own Souo, Owen Sound, June lo.-ih T i Poison, Of the Poison Iron Works (il Toronto, was in town yestfidiiT J it is understood concluded defio^ with the mayor to establish a pem^ ent ship-bnilding yard for vessels Owen Sound. Tbe site provide! i, the town is an excellent one oa t east side of the bay, about hal[j below the mouth of the river. Opj. ations will be commenced upon h new C. P. B. steamer with a force i about 300 men. Owen Sound esaPcit. Owen Sound, June 16â€" Theincrej of tbe shipping interest at this has been the most remarkable iai marine records of tbe Dominion,? that from tbe comparatively iusijnitl cant port of a few years agi,Oia[ Sound has now developed intotJ great northern port of Ontario, witiil tonnage enj^aged in the coastine tmi exceeding that of Toronto. TheEvI minion Goyernmeut, recognizing t ict, has determined to goon withe tensive harbor improvements here («!| conditif^n that the town contribate §20,000 toward -them, and a by-ki| for that amount was voted on bj i ratepayers to-day. The way m whiel the townspeople regard theimportancj of their shipping interests was sbâ„¢ bv the by law being earned by T' 13, and tlie vote in fayor would liawl been much larger had there been ul fear of serious opposition. With tbesil extensive hirbor works going on, ui the magnificent new steel fiteamctiT the C. P. B. beino; built here, emploii iug 800 hands in its conBtrnction, tli!| great progress the town has making of late years may be expecWj to continue. Odds and Ends. • Every citizen should read "Markdjjl Moral Law" as printed on posters d posted up in conspicuous places byoo vigilant yillage council. Thoffli! Mathews has fitted up that portion a his dwelling house, formerly occnpiedJi livery office, for a parlor and is bavi^ tastily and richly funushed.â€" i» Standard office front is much improve in appearance by a fresh coat of pwi The second stor,' of the Sm-Difl office has been fitted up by ye editor' adwellingandMr.Halbert.tbe^ maker nowoccupies the cosyapartmj â€"JohnWhitby'spremisesismu^^ prcvedbythe erection of a sateto.^ veranda and a slatted ^f^^^^-A sidewalk thereto.â€" A slattd^ front of the Methodist pars^J^M desirable miprovement. "^^^ had a stable buUt last weeK. at i^n YEAB.â€" No. ,!!,^) ,JJ;ogw/ o//o//-//"/-'«/"" SEEPS I lEMEMBER U supply you wit your fferSce^, Turnip Mel, fiardenotlierSee ieaper tban any oth Eal^r in Markdale. 'his being the »ar I could hanc 3eds, youcandepe: .them being good a }sh. 3all and see for yourselves. • and is now living in it. 13 pushing his VovM of BftUka *â-  '\fefi;^;i-"vf-?t'JS-|i"fc.. ii^i She wma a imtty saleBgirl • He Mked for » kiu, For h» was the sepeptei Of the fidr and UnBhinmwa. 9^ gave him OM, and M ahft drew ' Her roar hpt aiR^r. "I tiMni.** ahe adcMl hi tramUiog tones, elaetodigrr' of his dozen or so tiicedtoEugema tanionttoo.haviini!W«" footman in attendance. ^« :8#$^is^^^^ S D AK^^ IliUT UMl -AT- McKenna has added akitebento^ dweUing and has it complete'i Rickets has erected tl^^PflJ irfky ;ind.mill towarfs^^l â€"^Markdale statute fa nerd J1.00.- pletion.â€" MarKuaie =â€"- jfj^ commuted at fifty cents per day, ^i by 1st July; if not, it 'viUW Cut thistles and burs now-- ^^ Mathews has fitted ^V'^J'^.^^^ rig suitable for picnic v^i^^ ^^]^ tion vnth his Uvery.-â€" J- ' ^^ moved his pump businjj^^^« building. M. w. AT to# now two teams deliyennj «» ^^ Material is being P""^^^^ for the EugUsh cbnrcb P«^^rt^ W. G.Richards has put do walk in front of his dw-eltajg^j^l, Jackson has bmltanew ^^^^ house.â€" Markdale ^«««j^^„^,; statute Uborbesid^««'*j;,;tl,«.^ who are not assessed. ^.^ peals at Markdale Court of,^,„„fc,# E. Davis is building *» houses on Q"" Markdale IRUSSEU Plesherto |lBWatcheB, Clocks, Jewelei jtaeles and Silverware for tt Ui Jute, before movmg l^emiseB. Fine American "Walthair |fc)m $8.90 to $20.00, reguli Which were from $11.50 to Bwpins, EarrmgB, Brooch Keeklete, redueel Come alone; and secure i OKMllent bargains before t l»e», positively for the ""Vkmth ot June jBd for a perfect job tdwa w»tch repairs, c ^i ^t Hoted Jewe ^-^i â-  mK» â- ;•?*.

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