Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Jun 1888, p. 8

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 ^PB|PlppBipp«i^iMi^pn?i tr3i.:,^u' n^-' W I i IK !*:; II â- j*^ â- ; ^*t -r^ J, F. HALSTED, M. 0. PHT8ICIAM, 8UBGKON, C.,- H ollaxid CJJeixtre* Will be at Berkeley every Tuesday and Friday afternoon from one to four o'clock. S90-ly. Jas. S. Freeborn-. M. D.. Ch. M. L. K. Q. C. P. L; M. C. P. 8. O. fec., c Oradnate King's and Queen's College of f iiysicians in Ireland. Licentiaete of the General Medical Council, {Great Britain, tDCtor of Medicine and master of Surgery Victoria Univ. Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. Formerly acting Surgeon B. Battery, B. C. A. Quebec. Late residentof the Kotuuda Hospitals, (Lying in ic Oynscological) Dublin. OFFICE AND NIGHT BELL STEPHEN'S DRUG BTOEE. Residence over R. S. Bae's block. Drs. Sproule Brodle ^PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, T R. K: I A. 1^ E. Dr. Spbocle's office Turner's Drug Store Db. Bbodie's office Mathew s block. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" OVER MaFARLAND'S STORE, MARKDALiE. I^Xoney to Loan- MASSOJV MASSOIV, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, c. Offices â€" Owen Soitnd, in Vicker's Block, Poulett St. Bianch office in Markdale, over McFarland's Store, ou Friday and Saturday (ivery week. J. Ma.»son, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Masson. jj 3 _irivate and Companv's funds to invest t from fi to 8 ner cent WM. BBOWaX. DIVISICN COURT CLERK. Issuer of Marriape Licenses, c. Commissionerj in B. B.c. Conveyancing in all its brancbei? promptly attended to and carefully executed. jl. B. Money to Lend on Real Estate se- ouritv. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBEELEY, Issue.- of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low ratep. A few Farms for side. Terms easy. J.P. MARSHALL, L.P.S. -DENTIST, GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistrry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the Ist aud thu-d WeduL^day of pach month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesher- to-n, the day following the thn-d \yednesday m tacii month for the practice of his profession. C;ommeucing on the 7th September. MOHEY ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission cliaiged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, J gf) Pomona, P, O. Mm m'sALE. 10T No. 24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, j 100 acres, will be sold ciifiap and on easv terms of payment, for further particulars H\,\A\' ou the premises. or by letttr to J. S. BLACK, l'.)0-tt. Pomona P. O maridTle"hoS, MARKD.UjE. OXT. J. E. Marsh, Prop' H W. C. RICHARDS, UILDER, CONTRACTOR, ABCEI- TEoi' Markdale. R. J. SPROULE, FLE3HBRTON. Co"Vi!Vancer, .Appraiser, Valuator and Monoy l'iider.""De'ls, Jlorti,'a{,'es, Loases and Wilis d MWii up ai:u Valuations madeon shortest notice t;iiai-i:cs very low. .Vpply to K. .T. SPllOULE, Mone Leudor Postmn^ter. Fleslierton. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel for purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than' the ordinary kinds, and' cannot be sold in competition with the multi- tude of low East, short weight alum or phos- phate powders sold only in cans, RotaIi Baking Powder Co.. 106 Wall St.. N. Y. W. M. BUSH, The Horse's Friend Is fully prepared lo attend the wants ot all who favor him with ttieir enstom, in Mc- Nally's establishment, oppostte the Markdale House, Markdale. Parties having horses with contracted or otherwise bad feel will do well to give me a trial. This class of work a specialty. MAKKDALE CARRIIGB-:- WORKS. B. McNally pn^tiead manufactorei Wag- gons, Democrat, Buggies, Sleighs, Cutters and everything in the kne. The best ma- terial used and firsc-claffi workmanship. Satisfaction guaranteed. Repairing, Palniing and Trimming: promptly attended to. A call respectfully solicited. tS" Stand opposite the Markdale House. R. NTNALLY. OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. Bemember w* maantaetim and an fhe Ml* sprietars of the f olloi^g speeialtiai. and tbMM theycanbehadfromnoAtheraonne. Tl NOT FOR SALE BY DRUMISTt. T3 SOHOOL rr^ysTEES. Tiie -i lilrtrsig.ieil i« manufacturing an ex- ciUeut assortment of f^Jc'iool i'"'ixi*nittiT-e-i :â- â€¢, w stiML' ..f so OOL SE.\TS and DESKS, T IV 'HKKS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest d •â- 'irfii a'l 1 most approved pattern. Hiphly r nu aended iiv School Trustees and Teach- er fii- cheHpiiess. comfort and compactness, \vi.;rf?ver trieti. Kn assortment of Farm aVid S ill lo! BrtU.s knpt always on hand. Send tor p i:iloi{ue to Chatsworth P. 0. ISl ANDREW McGlLL. â- ANY Who is Weak, Nervous, Debilitated, who in his Folly and Ignorance hw Tri- fled away his Vigor o( Body, NlilH] ud NIanhood, cansing ttEtaaoBting drains upon the Fountains ot Life. Headache* Baoiiaohe, Dreadfnl Dreams, WealcneSS ot Memory.' Bashfulness la Society, Pimpiesnpontbe Face And ^^^Bfeots leading to Early Decay, Consunrmtloi* «r Insanity, wOl find in our qpadfl« Mo. V a Positive Oure. i* impatta Youthful vigor Mstona fhe Vital Power to ^aad yonnfc BtMngfliena and iirrigorataa OM BWHWI TELEGRAPHIC NEWS NOTES. Vorih-wast nmaigxaUon. PoBT Abthitb. June 1.â€" During the month of May 8,900 immigrants passed here for the North West. The BoTUi Oxantad. SiMcoB, Ont., June 1.â€" The by-law granting a bonus of $5,000 to aid the iioath Norfolk Railroad was carried to-day by a majority of 216. Jay Oonld Saxioiia ZU. St. Louis, June 1-â€" From general information received here to night by the editor of the Republican, it is learned that Jay Gould is very serious- ly ill in his private car near Kansas City. No further particulars have been received yet. The Industrial fizbibltion. The prize lists tor the next Indus* ttial Exhibition, which is to be held at Toronto from the 10th to the 22nd of September next, are now ready for circulation, and any one desiring a copy will be supplied by dropping a postcard to the secretary, Mr. H. J. Hill, at Toronto. DlsolMyed Ordaxa and Ware Drovned. Mackeb's Station, Out.. June 2. â€" Six men iu the employ of Pierce Co., of Ottawa, attempted to run tlie rapids at Mille- Roches, at the head of Lake Traverse on the Pettewawa river, ap;aiu8t the orders of their foreman. The beat swung around in the current and upset, drowning Cleophas Ther- eat, of Point Claire, Hyaciuthe VVal- lett, of Bnckingliam, and Denis Beauttry, of Papmeauville. The bodies had not been recavered when the messenger left the place of the accident. Death of a Bi074flist. Ottawa, June 1. â€" Mr. Heury Lnow- les, son of Mr. J. Enowles, agent of the Northern and North-western rail- way at Brantford, one of the visiting bycyclists who came to the city to at- tend the bicycle tonrnameut on the 24 th of May, died this afternoon at the Grand Union hotel of inflamm- ation of the bowels. The deceased was ruptured at the amateur athletic grounds by falling from hia iiicycle in a race. Ue was taken to the Grand Union, where his injuries developed into conditions that resulted fatally. The remains were forwarded to Bran- tford by to-nights train. Death of T. K. Vaim, K. P. ?. St. Thomas, June 1. â€" The death of Thos. M. Nairn, member for East Elgin iu the Ontario Logislature, oc- curred at his residence inAylmer this ' morning. A few weeka ago the de- ceased was taken ill and for some days grave fears were entertained for his recovery. Diiring the last few days, however, Mr. Nairn had improved so rapidly that his friends considered it only a matter of a few weeks when he would be among them again. This morning he got out of bed as usual j and dressed himself, feeling much stronger. He had been up only a few minutes when iie complained uf. feel- ing fiiint, aud lying down again ex- ired almost at once. Although suf- fering from other ailments, it was thought that heart disease was the ultimate cause of his death. Saldde at Zn^ersoU. In»eb60i.l, June 8. â€" A sad case of suicide occurred here ou Friday uight or Saturday morning. Miss Leigh. who has had a fancy store for several years here, was found dead iu bed on I Saturday morning at the residence of I Mr John Lee, where she had been a j guest over nighi. Nothing peculiar iu her manner was noticed by Mr. or Mrs. Lee, who were conversing with her at a late hour i^'riday night. When found she v-'as lying with her face bnried in her Itands aud a bottle of j chloroform was standing ou tlie table in the room. No possible reason can i be assigned for her rash act. as her I business was in a flourishiug condi- 1 tion but for the past few days she I Jias been snllering irom molaucholy for some caune or other. The Free Frees, adjoining on the west, had a narrow escape, aud Tayl- or's book bindery and other wooden buildiogs which surrounded the Call office were not even scorched, owing to the efficency of the fire brigade. Although not a pound of type was saved the Call will issue to-morrow as usual, the Free Press, Sun and Le Man- itoba baviog generously furnished it with the necessary facilitieE. ;,: Xatnzal Chia at CoUinffwood. CauiiNowooD, June 1. â€" The shaft sunk by the CoUingwood Rock Well Co. developed a flow of gas at about 160 feet three weeks ago. The boring was continued to a depth of over 600 feet with'fnt ' increasing the flow, though a strong mineral spring was developed. It was then determined by the directors to torpedo the well in the hopes of opening the gas vein, which ft was believed the pressure of water from below had almost closed. Accordingly two torpedoes were dis- charged this afternoon at 165 and 146 feet. The result jutffied the most sanguine expectations of the company, for after the second explosion a very strorg and steady flow of gas came With, a roar which can bo htardfor a considerable distance from the well. The gas is increasing iu volume and causes the water through which it passes to boil furiously. A long pipe was attached to the outlet and the gas lit this afternoon. The result was a fierce and powerful flame, giving out a strong heat. The company's stock has gone away up and there is great ex- citement iu town, for there is no doubt the gas well is a most valuable prop- erty. The company hays commenced another shaft in the West Ward, where indications of gas have already been found, and if it is as successful as the present one there is little doubt but a great impetus will be giyen to manu- facturing, as cheap tuol will b« furn- ished to those investing capital. It is quite probable that iron smelting may be one of the chief industries which this wonderful flowvvill bring into life. young Agciden«-.A, B«meofThos. Gault, ,^ " «» Wolseley.- Township of Kepp? "** walking throiigh^ tltt Mi ^^^ last, aecidsutally stumbled aoiy^ I to the grou*i.l ou kis kftanaij/ ed the wrist also bieaiDiag tbe " tween tb»t ^oint and tbe ribeT"' was brought- to the village 3^ night and hadi. the laetore jj* by Dr. Fi»bei-.â€" Wiaitoa Edwi Ex H otet Keeper Kin^ late ef I Commercial went out t» ^^ last Tuesday a.n(k whil* tUj^^ "J; arrested for nott-paymeot of tv^\ Act fine. He sent a tele^ra^to John Henry to g©. tO' his selttf. jjj whacked up $45 io eaBW, afei^ Henry became surety fottheiBittand' er. King was thea flawed 4iU hb.- erty. â€" Cheuley Euterpsise.. EXCBAVaS CXFFZHOS. and Nerves. boQdinp Om mwwgiag -.. -^ and axonaMluto aetioa the irtMda pbyaMl ^oi tiia l ip*** ** ftyimfi, Ufa. » «be moeft ehrthtato eaai thzee moottia, and xaeatoaea dajia. Baeh pacfcaaa contalna two_- ment. FHeati. unw Gvamtfaal. Qv ifi« Hou M la a« tafidUbli CSuM facaU Dleeaee tf aa IfMb a ll a et e can be had from no ether aonne. THEY ARE FOR SALE RY DRUMISTt. Comtpondenee â- trietly eonfldential. Conanltation upon all ehronlc disease invited, NO CHARGE except tor xnedidnee. All goods sent seeuse fcoD obaove* tioB. Toronto Medicine Co., ToroatOb Ont. HAIR COLORINO Onr magnlflcient preparations an wananted jMV fecUy BaxmleBS. we prepare the followins colorsâ€" the finer shades sxise from the hair Itseli; Black, Dark Brown, Medium Brown, Chestnn^ Iiil^t CbestBntk Oold Blimde, Ash or Blond* Cendree. Bend sample of hair when orderingi Prioe, 92. per bottle. Toronto Medicine Oa* TOILET REQUISITES In ocdering please specif whieb yon reonlra we gnarantee them to give entire satisfaction. Ko 8 Imparts to the skin the color and freshness of maidenhood; harmless and cannot be detected. •l.as. No.gBemoves wrinkles. • Ko. 10 Be- moves Liver Spots. tlJEL No. U Bemoves Flesh WtMrnis. SLas. Na IS Bemovsa Vreckles. S1.SB. No. 13 Bemoves Pimples. ttSB. No. 14 Bemoves Tan. SLas. No. 15 Bemoves Moles. 99. No. 18 Bemoves Foekmarks. ta. No. 17 Bemoves nndne ratton.Sl.96. No. IS An abaolnte nnfajnng whatever Was saved except the icforttaeretentioB development or restov- â€" ct the Bail; Sl-SS. Toronto MedidBe Oo. THE BUST No. 19 Is a combined IntsnisI and external treatment ^rtiieb speedily davelopes or lestcns the female bdst to the pmportions of volnptoona natnre. Is entirely hannleas and oertain la re- sults. Mee sai Toronto Medirinw Co. ToMOtOk WOMEN'S ILLS _Ko.90AeeKtaineBroforIieaeoRlMM,O9rVbHsc FalUbgafthe'WoBib, Ulceratlaas Fainfiil Mso- s4i^aii.-fBea(lnc down FalnT and aUDlseassa aadWeaknesssapasoIiartofsmalsa. Badr bv.«be,bitfhest msdleal wtOiosttlaa aa an m^^'maady. MBOiBpartataai Soi â- MleiiM On.. TouBto, Onfc PREMOH RBCNILATKNI NLLS fsr soMtteta: IgifcaliioBBifnJIsat] Wlnslp^ "CaU" Oaios Destroyed. WiNNiPKG. June 3. â€" Tlie Morning CaU office was destroyed by fire this morning at l.iJO, andiu two hours was a complete n»as«* of ruins. Nothmg books and mniling li^ts. Tmp Iofr is very heavv, b. tweun $;io,()00 unu $40.0od. Insurance $21,000, in lav \U /insr compauieK City ol L nifJon. S7,-00 National. $2,500 Imo rial, §2,000 Caledonian, $1 900 Mia, of I art- ford, Glasgow aud lioudou, aud Laa:- dian, $1,000 PRch Western and North BritiHh, $2,000 eacli North- West, $1,250, iiud Home siuuller sums. Be«de8 this the bnildi»ig, ^which was owned bj Maearthnr Allan, was iu rared for $G,000. At the last meeting of the official Board of the Methodist church a reso- lution WHS passed recommending that a new church be built on the west side ot the river, and antther congregation formed. The church at the present time seats about twelve hundred, but on many occasions during the past few years it has been over-crowded. The new church on the west side will be a great accommodation to very many of the members and adherents of the church living in that part of the town and we trust it may be as well attended as the old one. â€" Owen Sound Advertiser. The pirogramme of sports and games, at Holland Ceutre, on the 24th. was carried out to the letter. There was a good crowd in attendance, a good time for all aud everybody went away sat- isfied. The committee was composed of gentlemen, acted like gentlemen, were treated like gentlemen and must have been satisfied with themselves. The euterprised displayed bpeaks Vulumes for the citizens of the place, aud another year they can count on a much bigger crowd patiouizing their holiday sports.â€" Chatsworth News. The first butter was made in the Chesley Creamery on Tuesday last. Many of our citizens took advantage of the occasion to haye a great blow out on buiter-milk. Mr. Walden, the geutlemau iu charge, veiy thoughtfully placed iu a couyenient place, a large pail full of the delectabe liquid, which lie replenished from time to time, as required. Everybody praised the buttermilk, aud the mactiiuery and Che building aud all the surroamUngs. â€" Chesley Enterprise. Mr. George Harcourt for many years baggagemau on the T. G. ti. xi, braucu of the C. P. li., ami a fav- oiite witu everyboay on auU oS of the road between Oweii Bound and Toron- to, has quit railrotidmg aud started a steam luuudry iu Oweii bound. While m ivwu last week we dropped iu to see our genii*! ineuu, who was up 10 lue suouiders in suds aud his eyes iu busmess, uovurtuelesa lie found time tu biiow us through the ebtablish- meut aud let uis see the machinery in operation. The work is rapidly and exuelitiutly dune ou the most improv- ed metJiuus by I lie latent improved uaohiueiy, aud at reason able cost. Oweu bouud siiuuld give Mr. Harcoturt theif undiyidea su^ipori, as hu is a ...^. „- '""**V «iM»en ui every respeot, and Theonai.i o7 tlh^ 1 '***^'**»* ^^^^ iabor-empiv-ymg enter- rlieF«» having lH:€i,lF*»*"*a'W8t»itea»uapro8per8attbe fire is a inyster BO fii^e in ttio offiw since *8fittirdjiy 1*"""' ^*' ****^ °"« ""»* feather to noou. loceUfUarisux ill in8;)€4ted, but i ^^ *^^ ^^^ prosperoas, Rotate at} sospictHHi of tUft giiilty^^KM ' "^i^^ i^ luaeti imvied diy of \\xe nev ffisto. » *ite»*â€" GlMrtwwttb News. ofiScers, ffM Appointing *o^°f;Pu;;;;^s8edia passed and ordered to be euo by-law book. ^» Accounts were paia as fol.o^«^ -Alexander Bell, sabvy as 1^^ $70; C. Johnston, half cost !»"«:.. Allan's sink hole, $192 two cords of wood at Haii YEAB.â€" Xo. 405. Glenelg Const of Bfeviaio The Glenelg Council met as a Conn' of Revision at 10 a. m. oji, ilnj 2ist Members all present, andeacli^bavioj qualified as members of theCban tlil Keeve was elected to preside. Appeals, were heard aud changes were Made as- followB â€" James Ryan, reduced $50. lolm Ritchie, assessor, sustained. WSSam Walker entered for part of ht Sir. of i 29, con. 1, E. G. K. D.avid Fitam- mous entered for lot 2, con. 15, jg tenant. John Mc Vicar entered for lot 18, con. 6, as owner. Dennis Qaitii: entered for lot 5, con. 14. Bainuel Black entered for lots 2 and 3, con. 13. Alexander Cranston entered as tenant aud Wm. Cranston as owner for lot 2 of 6, con. 1. E. G. R. John Morrisoa entered as owner lor lot W^ 17, con. 4, N. D. R. Donald Cameron entered for lot 17, con. 2, N. D. B., as tenant. On motion the Court adjourned to June 11th, at 10 a. m. J. S. Black, Clerk. After adjournment of Court of Be- vision the council met for general business pursuant to notice- The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. The Reeve addressed the council on the several matters which be deemed necessary to deal with at this meeting of the council, and handed in tlj* opinion of James Masson, Q. C, mJ** tiv6 to the powers of municipal coun- cils in extending the time of township Collectors for rehurning their rolls be- yond the 1st of Peb'uary. The Reeve also submitted new bond for Treasur- er's sureties, with the name of Mr. Robert Edge insei-led in the stead of Samuel Edge. Williamsâ€" Boyceâ€" That the bond of Mr. Robert Edge as Treasurer's security be accepted in the stead of Mr. Samuel Edge who has become disqualified tolou.'gier hold theposition of bondsman on account of disposing of his property, and that the Reeve be instructed to deposit new bond lO registry office and return old bond t» Treastrer. â€" Carried. Sullivanâ€" McMillau-That the re- port of the Treasiv.er, relative to tte finances of the township, be receivefl. â€" Carried. SuUivan-Boyce-That the Reeve be instructed to obtain a written 'e^ opinion relative to the responsib^ of Treasurer when ^lacing tovmsflip monies in the bank without the stnc tion of this council.â€" Carried. Wilhams-Boyce-That the Reeve and Clerk be a committee to coDiJ with a commit«e from the ^jg;. Markdale, for the purpose of ad asbj f.he financial matters between the m corporations. â€" Carried. McMillanâ€" Boyce-ThattheJ Mr. Williams aud the inovef committee to ascertain tne r pinll0ll0ll0ll0ll0ll^ll^ll°ll^ SEEDS. jlMEMBEB committee to "s*^"' '"'",.-, the method of removing a jamb itom Saugeen river, on lot 41, eon- D. B.. and report at next meeting council. â€" Carried. w. Bv-law 259, dividing to jusb'PfgO, polUng subdivision, and ^y« lee, $2 ^p- jldtoM»f tlie' kionery and pnntmg. f ^^ ' «3.08; postage and Express »bi»^^ic. the Reeve, committw ww Bpeotins Allan's bridg*" J*' ,j^,. Oounoil adJQWroed to Jane i Caswell, keep of orphan "^Jj jife 1st, $17 60 Bobt. Bel^'V-- Samael McArthur, ohw«*y.» tioBS,, Bell, eqnahzinff Umoft ^- ^. $2:C.W. Rutledg%.«»^«K5cierk.. supply you with your Seed, ' lip Mangel, lenotherSeeds |)er tliaii any otlier fr in Markdale. ts being tlie first 1 1 could handle Is, you can depend [em being good and I see for yourselves. b//o//o//o//o//o//o//o//o//o/;o./^//o MdOtber Items. •iHE S Meaford lacrosse Friday ' by four "TheC is before in point up. Adc ist, Grii Mr. I and Mi turned their fr ments. Masi a bell s ia citie omnibi ed fron COLI Fleshe pigs 01 of the â- while i they d The June i sonabl useful ist. 1 Ont. ME! Bonn tersoi Lond( Lodg( respe Ev shoul Sproi Willi extei amic cbas W statt beh 6th teac spoi Es£ 5 in these columns intended to benefit idml or Society will be cliarged ten Km for the first insertion and five jiiM each subsequent insertion. CE.â€"Corrfspnndence, eommunica- lieeTtiiements, d;c„ mast be in this InooTion Tuesday to ineure jmftKcation ato Mrs. HoUingsbead's for a lioe-oteam or strawberries. IKobton, Esq., ex-deputy-reeve of was in town on Saturday. the lines from the Irish Lake faaother column. r of matter crowded ont this has been appointed |lueper and road commissioner L Adxx, of McLai^hlan'B biscuit "*«y, Owen Sound, gave us a roalloa Tuesday. \^ Hts. Ebnhirst, of Tara, visit- V^MWhtw, Mrs. B. B. Clements, f'3J««e,ttii8wo«»k. H. Bnss, of Rochester, is ' iiMBas in this village and • '• Smx. and Mr. Steer fiUed Mr. ^I'l^Tery acceptably in Mark- ftte pastor's absence to con- 1 rec( Mic ea firs nee to Ba mc on Al fei wi pi C9 la fe di E C 'V V. and daughter will „ fbe thanks of the Stand- iwadkli each of delicious end eream. I^^ienr, tQder the auspices of "t^mi Ladies' Aid Society, *«k1*e premises of "Wm. '^^ t eveaing of the22nd at J. G. Anderson's ,_ «sw Sugar, Rasms, ||liSrtin({B and Cottons, dieap for cash 4.,?^^^.a. ' 5-if.

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