•" '^f^^W^'i^^^s^f^. â- W?!*!! lile on the Plymon aptured a large g"?,." jar prediciment. F'ra bird's bill was aseMW palm of a man's hw aough to keep the ba^ g downward, and tiJ 1 any Ions; flightt '° arly exhausted in irp strange captor. I'j gnll, seeing the cB"" adeavored to â- «"" was in turn gnPP*Ly intended victim.^ IJ way from the bird â- f" ig the second «^°*! B Dominion Lands Ao clauses was to give " mpanies to Wf"r,j by the I-nPfJ^Jw 3 3r a sum of £^"^y^^^} afters settling « J" Mgement was thai"" quarter sec**""*^ •epaying thene«« JDg an interest for) ' Bichard Caxtijg^ ofters should be »^ ,gether as I»"""*r^ [otments were ©WW krd" ^y^^/^^L was passed t" ^WAEMfiD OH DEOK. .teamer has brought newi to rf^ ^be extraordinary wreck of Vtit^^^T San Pablo, which oocurred 'iH'^rtet off Turnabout Island, S -* ^Straits, off the China cpast. ^°""ble reports have been received relief «» The vessel struck a sunken "ttici- ffg e»'^y ^1 ^® morning. rOO' waa aro jused, and the Captain essel must be abandoned, â- - «,iine fast, and showed a tendency I**** T«t' before the life bo.vts were that the VI lowered swarm of Chinese „,ba came from the neighbor- J jet fjtiona ' d The queer-looking vesselB J'^ne of battle, and Capt. Reed, real- "jonirerhis chargau were in, made ""^^W repel the attack. The wever, came in such overwhelm- r iL that before any demonstration f^'S made on board the sinking vessel ^Jltes were climbing up the ship's eoBoeired the notioii tiuit hot WKter would be more effective thu lead. "Pipee were inatantly nin down to the boiler room, the pompe then started np, and a watch of firemen took the nozzles with orders to boil every mother's son of l^m they could see. The hot water settled the fight The moment it was turned M;ainst the pirates they began to retreat, and they went over the rails into the sea as if the boat was afire. A good many of them land- ed on the decks of the junks, and those who were uninjured lost no time in cutting loose from the San Pablo and getting away." re led by a man armed with a cut- V*-^lurse revolver. His^ shipmates Capt. Reed passed Ijheavily armed and pu" among the passengers "" atd after a furious fusillade the •Jere beaten off. They rallied, how- ;.dmade a second and â- MOKE DKSPERATE ATTEMPT J the Sm Pablo, which was fast set- •*„ the water. Some of the pirates I the main deck, in spite of the gallant ofthepa^secgeTS and crew, and were ' towards the promenade deck, dTe defenders were busy firing and when Capt Reed brought the The long coils B^VBk '^^HPCDttftft Off iDflSflfflflMOfi evlla, taka doMS a doss ol Dr laing. .shose into requisition.. iLweremanntdoy the crew, and in- tilf the pirates, were again put to flight, Urents of boiling water from the pipes jjniBg many of them off the decks into rfe^cooliea then beat a retreat, and, draw- i'.cir veaseia up in line, cruised half a t'-if the sinking vessel, with the evident arion of waitinsc for the abandonment of LiEsse' Daring the fight Capt. Reed ioned all the Chinese among his crew J the Chinese passengers in the forehold, .;,jf they wou'd aid their countrymen in Ljrtempt to Io!t the vessel. As soon as eiblethe passengers, maiU, and specie into the Sin PaWo's small bojkts, tmen all bore away for the mainland. fen only a short distance from tl.e wreck \r.. Reed and his charges saw the pirates faiUnd rush upon the Sin Pablo, as they I done a few hours before. They eUMBEKED OVER THE SHIP'S SIDES latrrappling hooks, and were soon mas- lic^one of the finest boats that ever Bail- tike Pacific. Whether by accident or de- fc, they eoon set fire to the ship, and when i: seen smoke was pouring from the wreck 1 jeat clouds. The passengers were taken Iljng Kon?, and tugs were sent to the re- lioftheSAnPdblo, but they found only jiiiik, burned to the water's, edge, and tipped of everything valuable. fit is ea'imated that at least a score of ntes lost their lives in this stubborn fi?ht Cipt. Reed and his men. Daring the (irie the women and children who were on isi the Sin Pablo sought the staterooms, liiere they were in constant fear not only fsliing into the hand of the pirates, but Ikemg drowned in the water which was " the ship. I lie San Pablo was fitted up in finer style niny steamer that ever left San Francis- i. ind was valued at §500,000. which is a |taIlo9s, as she was uninsured. "When the Sin Piblo ran on the reef," kisCipt. R'-ed. "I knew from the force peshock that she must be badly hurt. The I rocks tore gaping holes in the plates (tie port bow and jvater was pouring in B so fast that it was only a questioii of a 'hours when the ship would either cap- or slide off THE TRKACIIEROrS BEEF Ic; go to the bottom. As she rolled from e to side under the influence of the sea, |:t water began to have its effect. First, liliiited hfr carga, and she laid so far down |: her starboard side that we thought sure lis was going clear over. It was in this laergency that the order to lower the boats 111 given, and the men were climbing into liar stations, when we sighted the squad 1*1)! Chinese junks coming toward us from p!»iid, J ^single glance at the leaders of the ap- |S«ching fleet told us that they were pi- hm, and the order to lower away the laa was counl-ermanded and one to pre- j*« to fight off boarders given. The sea- |i9i hurried down to the ship's arsenal, â- •We they were armed with guns and cut- l*«. and then they were divided into Itudii and stationed at the points on deck pete the pirates would be most apt to Ne aboard. While the arming of the |9»*a8 in progress the approach of the I^Rtical fleet was swift and sure. Their decks were fairly swarming with Iw warriors, who were brandishing |?«Mmng knives and swords and guns and at the tops of their voices. As I came nearer the din was increased by ll^'ory firing of sm^U arms, which was |«Uently intended to drive us below, but 1 bullets whizzed and screamed about I^IJWof my crew not a man retreated. ften the pirates came down en ns in a I »^ -^'niost before we could realiz? it we surrounded, their grappling hooks I «re aboard, and scores of THE YELLING FIEKDS ib!"""°S up the sides and endeavor- I tl^" °'" ^^^ "^^^^^ °° "*®°^- "^^^ °'^^ 1 13- P*^^^ngers sprang at them, firing adfs f P""^te3 went back over the ship's L "^*r *an they counted, but there y °icy of them that they soon rallied '"T,?«ned the deck in force. ?â- portion of them made for the prom- u, "*. evidently intending to get be- L\^^°ther detachment tried to reach Lji "°g«. where a defending party was UbS! ^^^ "11 another gang began Kk« "P ^° ^^^ hurricane deck. The lin^r^'re making a gallant resistance, 1^ ""ds were against them until the P£iiSONAL. Boulanger was lately accused of wearing a wig, whereupon a correspondent called upon him, and he submitted to having his hair pulled to show that the story was a slander. Bismarck received 101 plovers' eggs on his recent birthday. Plovers' eggs are a favor- ite delicacy with the Chancellor, and every year on his birthday a large number are sent to him from the country. One of the handsomest and richest and most fashionable young men in Austria, Herr Stephan von Kegel, has just committed sui- cide. He was particularly joyous before the act, and no reason can be f on id for it. Experiments at Cape Town in signalling with electric light reflected from the clouds, were a complete success. Experiments were also ma Je with a vessel at sea with the result of flashing a signal fifty miles away. A memorial to the late Dinah Maria Craik is to be erec .ed in Tewkesbury abbey, aa Tewkesbury was the home of her world- famous hero, John Halifax, Gentleman. The memorial will take the form of a marble medallion. The missionaries of the Pacific have lost one of their most devoted friends in the death of Pomare, the Queen of Tahiti and Monea, in the Society Islands. For over fifty years this woman led a simple Christian life. When she was born, 70 years ago, the missionaries had not made a convert in the South Sea Islands. When she died more than three hundred islands had been wholly evangelized, and civilization is fast spread- ing in al! the islands of this part of the Pacific;. M. Louis Nobel, who died in France th other day, was not the inventor of dynamite, but Alfred Nobel, his brother, who is still living, was. M. Nobel is a strong advocate of peace, and regards with horror the use to which his invention has been put by assas- sins and political conspirators. The only time when he shows a warlike spirit is when he reads of the misuses which are made of dynamite. Then he feels like putting all these miscreants into a storehouse of dyna- mite and blowing them up. A giant poplw tree that measured 11 feet 8 inches in diameter at the base, and was 240 feet high, was recently felled near Tay- lorsville, O. It is estimated that it will yield 20,000 feet of lumber. Hm I CousB Com onrM In one miiiate. A tiger weighinit 280! pounds can cany off a horse weighing 1,050 pounds. Consamption Surely €nred. To THB SorroB :â€" Please inform your readers tnat I nave a poritire remedy for the above named dis- ease. By its timely use thoosanda of hopeless cases have been permanenfly cured. I shall ba glad to send two bottles of my remedy ran to any of your readers who have consamption if they will send in heir express and P. O. address. Respectfully, Pa. T. A. StoccM, 37 Yooj^ St, Teraato, Onl. Sam Jones thinks that unless the Demo- cratic party in Georgia is divided pretty soon the devil will get the whole lump. A P. 400 BERKSHIRE PIGS, with pedigreâ€" $5.00 W. W. SCOIT, Hoortfitld, Ont CANOES. WM, Send for 111. CatalORHe. ENCIUSH, Peierboro^ Ont. PAtkmtS procured, Patent Attorneys and experts. Est'd 1867. Donald C. Bldont Je Cc.rorvnto. P ATP 111 Q " Saleâ€" lUoatrated descriptiTe Oat- â- M I {.n I U alogue free. B. Chamberlin, Toronto. KNITTING ciM^'^io'^.'ont' MACHINES WORK FOR AUL. 830 a week and expenses paid. Valuable outfit and partlcalan free. P.O.TIChEBV. Aua-ast».Mainp. â- â- fill rW-TO TLOAN on Farms. Lowest Ratea IVI 1 1 N r I ^0 delay. Correapondpoce solicited. Ill U II 1. I E. W. D. BII1XEK. Finiincial Agt., Established 1860. 72 King St. E-, Toronto. WESTEKN MACHINERY »â- POT Machinery to select from. An Objection to Electricity. Jones â€" " I don't believe in executing criminals by electricity." Smithâ€"*' What's your objection " " You see, no matter how willing a man may be to die, if he is executed by electric- ity he can't be said any more to die of his own free will and a cord." IMMENSE STOCK of Send for Lists. H. W. PETRI E, Brantford, Ont, TO TOWN AND VILLAGE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS WE have unexcelled facilities for the SALE or EXCHANGE of Newspaper offices. Terms, one per cent. Satisfaction guaranteed. t^We har« DOW tour gooa establishments for sale at a bargain, and one publisher wanting a partner. Auxiliary Publishing rnmpsny. 83 and .% Adelaide St, W., Toronto, Ont GVELPH Business Collrge. GtrsLPn, Cnt â€" This popular InetitutioD, now in its 4th year, is doing a grand work for the education of young men and women in thore branches, a knowledge of which is so essential to the intelligent and pucceseful management cf practical affair?. Its graduates are everywhere giving Eignal proof of tbe thoroughnes rf their training, and bearing grateful testimony to the mouetary value of its course of study. The Fourth Annual Circular, giving full information wil be mailed free. Address M. MacCormick, Principal. GANGER, A Snccessfal Affair. "I say, Bcbby," said Featherly, "did you hear your sister say if she enjoyed the exhibition we gave last night " " She was pleased with your part of it, Mr. Featherly. She told ma that you made a perfect exhibition of yourself," Not a Hare. " Snagiby. you are presuming upon my credulity. You never killed 150 rabbits in one day." " Wilkins, I assure you I have not de viated a hare from the truth," TVMOBS, inLCEBS, ETC., CUBED, without tbe knife. No cure, no pay. Send stamp tor pamphlet. W. L.'SMITH, M. D., 124 Queen £., Toronto BEATER LINE^f STEA9ISHIPS. â€" Sailiks Wkskly Betwbkh â€" MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets, 940, §50 and $G0. Return $80, $00 SllO. Intermediate, $30. Steerage $20. Apply to H. E. MURRAY, Gen'l. Manaeor. 1 Custom House Square, MONTREAL. J. J. TAYLOR, --~ AHDVIUITDOORS, ETC QAppQ Tnrantn Sure 'WorliB. \/« " I â- â- 'w |lj Strictly True UJJ? 5,"?«ot and attested by the teati- Ciifjoonsands that Putman'a Painleaa krcorf'^^^r 18 a sure and painless cure 1 !*« bTtk ® °^"â„¢ *^** ^* " J"** *â- *?*" kn^^y^^ose endeavoring to ^dm off im- Sure,! Gonsmnption Oiuable. Since the fact that consumption is both preventable, and in its earliest stage curable, it has lost much of its terror. If the first symptoms are at once recognized, and the proper remedy applied, very few, if any one, need die of consumption, which is really lung-scrofula. Like many other dueabcs this formidable one grows out of impure blood, and this, in turn, from a disehsed liver. Hence, we have the hacking cough, the pains in chest, the infl*med lungs, and all the symptoms of hastening consumption, all the result of depraved blood and a dis- eased liver. The use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will arrest all such symptoms, restore the liver to healthy action and tend sti earns of pure blood into every organ. Of druggists. The senior Admiral of the British navy Sir Provo Wallia, is 100 years old. Her raolt. If she is made miserable by day and sleep- less at ni(;ht, by nervous headache, pains in the back, easily grieved, vexed, or made tired, or is suffering from any of those wast- ing functional disorders peculiar to women, such as prolapsus, ulceration, lencorrhea, morning sickness, or weakness of the stomach, c., a brief self treatment with Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription will con- visceherof the folly of enduring miaery that can be so easily, pleasantly and radi- cally cured. Druggists. Aubertin, the man who shot Jules Ferry, has been declared insane and put in an asylum. ,, „ », „ Little, ' But Enough," as Mercutio said of his wound. We refer to Dr P;e'ce'8 Uttlej Pellets, which are smaJl, swift, and sure, in cases of sick headache, biliousness, constipation, and indigestion. A correspondent says that he is informed that Belgium will favor Germany in case of a war with France. OntsALBSB HAiB RKsniwBB restores grey and laded h^r t^ itonatural color mad prevents falUng oa* There is a movement on foot to introduce paper railway cars in the near future. l»eQfilB who are subject lo bad breath, foal ooated t-HS. or^v dlsoider of the Stomach, can at otoe Si fSlevS l^S^^- 0«r80n's Stonadh Bitten, toe oM t^ed «medT. Ask von, Drenirt. A Cure tor Dmukemiess Th« onimn habit, depeomanU, the morjAlne lUiMt, xne "'P»™i"^7 iSuaed by the use of tobbaiso, S^mMT WW whatever. Men-young. oM or mM- SiJSJSUwho are broken down hwn •^_?» *« ^tf^iii^or my cause notmentioned otow. send "'".SSSS^dlO cents to stamiM lor Lubon^ SStSled -^ "«"*?«« ol-FV?*!?" **««â- «• Prince BiMBMok eg^ on hb biriiid»y. AGENTS! AGENTS! nilD AdCliTC Magnificent Parall UUIl AUCIllO Withrow's Popular "History of Canada," Gough's "Platform Echoes," Dorchest^-r's " Liquor Problem," Sam P. Jones' " Living Words." "The Cottage Physician," MAVC MnNFY Ooughs " Sunlight and lllAIVL IIIUIILl Shadow," " Mother, Home and Heaven," etc. Popn lar Books Liberal Terms 1 Write for circulars, terms, etc., to William Brigos, Publisher. Toronto. Allan Line Royal Mall SteamsMps Sailing during winter from Portland everyThursday and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in sum- mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Lcndonderry to land mails and passengers foi Scotland ind Ireland also from Baltimore, via Hali- fax an^ St John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glas- gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia and during sum- mer lietween Glasgow aid Montreal weekly Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnightly. ,_ ^. » For freight, passage or other information apply tc A. Schumacher Co., Baltimore S. Cunard Co., Halifax Shea ft Co St John's, Nfld.; Wm. Ihcmp son It Co., St John, N. B.; AUen Co., Chicago Love It Alden, New Yrrk H. Bourller, Toronto: AUans, Bae ft Co., Quebec Wm.,Brookie, Philadel phia H. A Allen, Portland, Boston, Montreal. ' rTCmNCl POLES. Stmptoiisâ€" Moisture intense itching and stingtog most at night worse by scratching. If- allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer- ate, becoming very soie. SWATHtfs Oibtmibt stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many eases removes the turnouts. It is equally effi- oaoious in curing aU SUn Diseases. DR. SWAYNE ft SON, Proprietors, Philadelphia. Swatbs's Owt- MiiHT can be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 50 cents. CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF MANITOBA. PARTIRS wishing to purchase improved Haait"ba Farms, from 80 acres upwards, with immediate possession, call or write to G. !• NAlILSttBi, Mo- Arthur's Block, Main St Winnipeg. Information fumiehed free of charge, and settlers assisted in making selection. Monbt to Loan at current rate* ol interest TMMUnCO Cdtrm SeBDOLâ€" a tmmt acquire a ttioiantctt kao vledge ot gmiment c to an Us bnadiea. Now** Uie dm* to enter, cutters to gtsat demand, bigr wage*. Temis on ap- plication. S-CmaieAV, l!2 Toi«ge-at, Toronto. OF THK BIBLB-By CSAIUi FocTBR. Protusaly lUnstisMd S^m Marvellous â€" Meadj 400 000 SeDfdtl.eoioraoopy. and go to work. Agents wanted. Addrtss. A. O. WATSON, Mairaxer. Toronto Willard tract Depository. Toronto Story NerretM Proatratioa, Mcrvona leadache, Nearalgia, Nervous 'Weakncaa, Stomach and Liver "biseases.RheutnatiBm, Dyspepsia, and all affections of the Kidneys. WEAK NEIIVE8 Faints Cki.exv Cokfoukd Is a Keive Tomio which never teSla. Containing Celeiy and Coca, those wonderftil stimulants^ It speed- ily cures all nervous disorders. RHEUMATISM Paime^s Celkbt Cokfound pmlfiet the blood. It drives out the lactic acid, which causes Bheumatlsm, and restores the bloodi making organs to a healthy condition. Th* true remedy for BheumaUsm. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Fainx^s Celest CoHFoom) quickly restores the Uver and kidneys to perfect health. This cnratiye power combined with its nerve tonics, makes it the best remedy for all kidney complaints. DYSPEPSIA Paini^s Celeby CoHFouNn strengthens the stomach, and quiets the nerves of tbe diges- tive crgans. This is why it cures even the worst cases of Dyspepsia. CONSTIPATION Painx's Celery Compound Is not a Cathai^ tic. It is a laxative, giving easy and natnral •ction to the bowels. Regulartty surely fol- lows itsuse. Secommended by professional and bnstnesi men. Send for book. mcetl.00. SoldbyDrugglsti. WELLSi RICHARDSON CO., Proff Montreal, Que ihTtoromto silver plate go â€"Manufacturers of the High Grade ofâ€" SILVER-PLATED WARES. Cook's Gtom BAKING POWDER ndo yon ss^ those Expeiisive American and an Baking Pjirders when you can get as gooil and wholesome at uue half the price? Prove it by buy. toe the Cook's Oem. Manufactured by ELLIS KEmHLEY. Toronto. tCAITTIOK !â€" Farmers wishing to avoid a Lawsuit are warntrt aga"-tt buying or usuia :-n infringipfir ba;;bo!der raanufictured m Middlrsex, Oit The geninre article isstamp- Dandy," and "â- Patented 1887." as required bylaw. C. W. Allbk a, Co., World Build'ng Toronto. MOWtRS ^RVtHD MADE^Of'EMERY WiirSharren the Kuife without removing it from ttm Mac£ine. No farmer slould send his machine into the field without one. Sample uy u,aU. 30?. CLE.1IEKT A CO.. Toronto. TRADE MARK. WALKEK BUTTER IVORKERS-Store- Keepers and others encaged in Butter busi- ness will save time and money by investing. Three sizes. Prices on applicatl-'n. J AS PARK SON. Toronto. :. -FACTORIES AND SALESROOM 420 to 426 King St. West, TOMTO E. G. GOODERHAM, Manager. C COPP, Sec.-Treas. â€"CHAMPIONâ€" STUMP STONE .S' â€" EXTRACrOB.â€" IX vf ars' trial, and over 5.000 in use has proved tfiiB machine the best 6 slz'-s. Send for circular. S S. KIMBALL, Inventor and Mwufacturer, 577 Craig St, P.O. Box 945, Montreal, P.Q Bicycles THE Greatest Db. covery of tfct [present age for Bmri* 'itsxtsu taa Bowau, iA!n OvTEusa all Bbsor, iLrvnt and KiSHSTOoir • FkAinis. A Perteet Blood Purtfiur. A tew u li.-^milton who htv* i.ecn benefited by tU l!^e: Miv. M. Keenan, â- m Robert St., cured ]( Er^'sipsias of twe 'ears' standing Bobt. Idomell, 21 South St., laughter cured of Bp- leptir Fits ;^r (tx /ears' -luSErte^U' fcO' lie BlrreU,'4fi«riBUl I3t, ouraiO»J5»h- DSSS^and Lung Trouble .tohn Wood^ 95 CathOedClK., curel of Liver Complaint and Biliousness, used only 8 Mty-cent bottles Mre. J Beal, 6 Augusta St., troubled for years with Nervous Prostmtion. twe emallibottles gave her trrei't relief. Sold at BOc. It tl- F. F. DALLET CO.. Proprletocs. Second Hand Bicycles and Tricycles. Send for List. New Catalogue leidy in April. MONTREAL. RUBBER STAMPS, ' oils, and Burning Brands, *c. Send for Catalogue. BARBER BROS. Co,. 22i King St E. (in rear) Toronto ALBANY STEAM TRAP CO.'S SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP. iarThe Celebrated Han- cock Inspirator. ^rOresham's Automatic Re-starttog Injector. I^Morrison'sAutomatlt Sight Feed Lubricator. ^arEngineers' ft Plumb- ers' Supplies of every description. Send (oi circulars. JAMBS MORKISOIf, 76 ft 77 Adelaide SkW., TORONTO WlialeyRoyceGo.. 883 Tonge Street, Toronto. The Cheapest Place in Canada for BIWD INSTRUMcNiS New and Second oa.. d Agents for "BESSON »nd"HIQHA!VI Band and Orch-.sti MUSIC. Repairing of Band m struments a specialty. ^Tben I say CnitB I do not mean merely ts Btop fhem for a time, and then have tbem ra torn again. I ukak A BADICAL CDIUb I lutve made tbe disease of 3E1TS, EPILEPSY" or FALLING SICKNESS, AIUelonK study. I wabbaitf my remedy tft CUBB the worst cases. Because others bam 1 afledi s no reason for not now receiviUK a cureu SendMonceforatreatiseandaFBBBBoTTia otmrlSFAUAiiLBBxmKDY. GiveExpreas and.rOst OfficQ. It costs yoo nothing zor » ' ' Address Office. trial, and it wfll cure you, Vt, E, fe BOOTt tf7 YoBge St, Toronto, Ontt BREADMAKER'S YEAST ALWATS AHEAD! BREAD mude with tlue Yeast took fi st prizes at 18S Township ai'.d County Kaiis la Ontario in 1S87, at sucn piases as Flesherton.Markham, Whit- by, etc. Over 10,000 ladies bare sent us letters and postal cards to say that it is superior to am yeast ever used by them. B makes the lightest, whitea;. sweetest and most wholesome bread, buns, rolls and bnos- wheatcakcs. Directions inocS package with full InstmctxaM, Send for Catalogue. TAKE NO OTHER. PRICE 6 CENTK The Perfection of Known Pood. Johnston's Flnld Beer has a Yl ide Pield of llMrnlncss. To Children it se- cures a strong, muscular deyelopmeot. To Nnrslns Mothers it is a most valuable food. Uyspcptlca receive great benefit from it because it can be digested by toe weakest otoniacb. in cues of Physical Exhaustion or Hrntal vver btrala it will be found a Powerhil Kestorer. Athleten use it wim great benefit when training, and to all it is TUc â- eat atreagth 4iiver. Young Men SUFFERING from the effects cf eariy evil habits, the result of ignorance and foUy, who find themsclvM weak nervous and exhausted also MnjDLS-AaH) and Old Mbk who are broken down from tbe effects of abuse or over work, and in advanced life feel the comequences of youthful excess, send for and read M V Lubon's Treatise on the Diseases of Men. The bock' will be sent sealed to any address en receipt of two 3c. sfamp8.v Address. -^ „ „ __. K, V. LUBON, Wellington St E Toronto, Ont lofent^ ObI, TooeiTad 101 ploran* Bo ate most of timn Nervous Debility. DB. GATS Spedflo has been used tor the past gfteen yean, with great success, to the treatment of nerrana MtOOtr, and all disea.es arising from ex- eeMSS, orer-woiked biaia, loss of vltaUty, rtogtog to ttie CMS, palpttBtliM, eto. Por sale by aU dn^giiti. Friee, tl per box, or e bosss tor 16, or vIB be n 4 br iieoc^elpiies. FaavUstt flCHE GBAT IfKDIdHB CO., Caoital and Funds now over ^^**90.999. _^ HEAD OFFICE. 15 TORONTO STREET. TORONTO, Ont A Home Comp any. Established O ctober, 1871. To this date, October Slst, 1887, there has been retnmed To the heir of Policy-holders (deatt culms). si'SS S To toshsMer* of matured EadowmentPiiUcies ' S'Ss m To PrtJey-bolders on surrender of PoHoles "-iVlII '.V* '.â- Skja ni •JCtPoHm-boldeiB for Cash ProfttsOnclnding those anocated and being prid) ?« «« S TohoUnsof Annuity Bonds ioSi S Loaned to PoUey^Mdders on Oe Security of their PoBcies. °"" " fl,mi.m 47 PoUeleslBiP»reeoTerl«,OMu • *»•â- »* •¥« $!»,••€ " FRBSIDKNTâ€" Hov. ffia W. P. Howiato, O.B., K.C.1I.6. J. lu ttACPOMAIi** ?-;#â- â- â- M IP' !*- v.ii*• mn i.i..iH»i. I • i" [.{jri. 'M â- .:â- -•.•-.•: m-} .. â- â- .:riiw,-. m ir^^:f\ :J':)..:-; ' •rry-^ WMsM' iMte ^M i^m^;.m ^j#'