Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Jun 1888, p. 5

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 ^W^^.^^iW^^^^^i^^^ ^^r^is^'f^'r-^'^r^'^^^ â- *T^ • m we haqdle the la »e best variety, PI KELIAELE. ^v on hand a fall sni f .-iU kinds aiul pm .boiigbt for oash fm iible firms iu Oaii*]i| J (loini: busiuess ou iisis wbich will putuij sell at a small ddvanq ereby give my aastoa D. i siiall esteem itj rti call quel look throaglj .4BLI«*BBiTiEWT.' iquiie anjtbing in ml 1 I feel confideut thaf ghted with and surpri* htv and cheapness o| Jpholstered goods Holland Ceatre. :,.ri C^rmpoixlenc^. "ciopticou Exhibiuon was held ^; \Vednesday evening last. The '.wa. a. success. ceftli'i"" a»'l feed stores have 'd since the roller mill was '^i " Tb)s makes three in our '" ijiiuuti, who Las been on j for the past year, is now, by yf Dr. Halsted, able lo go tiicir aid. frEdivaril Sargeaut fell from a ULiie loading telegraph poles and r |.i;eJ up ior dead, but we are ..,d to see liim about again. McFARLAND'S Earkaway. Li.ud Cormpondence. â-  fi-eiirv EnJm^n is building a frame ' H. Vevsey is tUe builder. E. Varey is erecting a frame X. Abbott, builder. \\'r- S. Hidbert left this week to ;*:noiidiJ in .Mono. icLarJ Johnston received a kick yij 0118 of liis horses on Sunday last |j;;tu will likely lay him up for some He was letting out the horses, u p.fter taking the halter off, the Utiurued oft in a pliiyful mood kick- • i;;) ills heels striking Johnston in [eside and probably breaking one or Lre ribs. rjcliiiLoRau,who went to Manitoba iaoutli ago, sends woid that he likes e country and prospects well. He .-0 speaks of a 15 year old girl who i:t in CO acres of spring crop up there t^ season. Clever. Harliaway school has a larger at- yauce than ever before, and still m cume. nesliertoii. iidnard Correspondence. Monday last our township fathers net id council chamber for general lisiness and court of revision. The peral satisfaction which our town- Lip assessor, Mr. W. Mcfjoughry, has liven was evidenced from the very |itif eases of appeal before the court. liie bridge spanning the Boyne just kest of this village which is in a very IjBsafe condition for travel over was Isjpected by the nonorablo body, the lionaeil, and the Reeve and councillor ISiiarp were appointed a cotnmittee to lisk fur tanders for the ereciion of a Ict bridge and report iit next meeting loicouncd. Our good connci'ior was iiiard to suggest that Flesherton vil- lage pay one-third the cost of the new structure and the township the bal- snce, It is paying Flesherton no compliment to ouild this bridge being CEBof the leading thoroughfares in â- jje township. It is the council's duty 'rikee[) the sa,me in safe condition for palilic travel, which it is not now. Mr. George Keefer has already a :t\i- biiiKinig well under way on To- "u' I .str.-ut into which lie expects to ui'iVf i'l ' short time to open out in •â- â- eiriiichtr iind meat business, also "':u-aiid frt.,1. J. G. Eussell, onr enttrpriting jewel- «, has purchased the commodious biaess stand lately occupied by J. )\. Bates on Toronto st., and has the loikliiig now undergoing extensive ftpairs, having it more conveniently 2tted up for the jewellery business. 'ew Bank.â€" M. Richurdsou. Esq., ;^^5 leased one of the apartments m "5 brick block to a bank manager "lio IS going to open out a branch in jliis village, said bank to be open for aifiiiess ou or before July 1st. This 'id proye a centre of attraction for ADVICE TO YOU IS TAfCE TIME BY THE FORELOCK â€" AND- â€" purchase your SUMMER WAKE be- for the hot weather arrives, it will be here all right in good time and jou will be saying this is the hottest weather I ever felt. You can keepcool by purchasing your PRINTS, MUSLINS, PARISOLES. HOSIERY -A.T Mg FABuiiiF S Lovely Zephyr Chambreys for dresses only 12^ and 14 cents, in skyeBLUE, riNK, GREY and BROWNS with EMBROIDERIES to match. A line of Black Lace Gloves only 10 cents pair, a bargain. THE JVE^V CIECULAK PILLOW -:â-  COTTON MarkdalE CURE FACTORY Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Eao* tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everythinc; being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sasli, Doors, Blinds, Monldings, HolloÂ¥ Battons, FRAMES, LATH, FENCE PICKETS. e., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to none in Canada, and .haying engaged superior mechanics in eyery department, would now respecttuUy solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PINF LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Carefui Attention to Ordes from a Distance. 303 \-. -: THOS. ]WtcIVE^. FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES CURE For Scratches on Horses/ in all widths at mill prices job in A great racuve FOR SCRATCHES OR NORSES The best compound of Tar and Honey in the world for relieving coughs, it acts as an instant healer to the bronchial tubes, and will have a beneficient effect on bronchitis at once. Don't forget the iiame, STEPHEN'S COUGH KING. No other remedy like it. at 25 and 50 cents a bottle. It will relieva hooping cough when other medicines com- pletely fail. To be obtained at the popular Drug Store, B. Li. STEPHEN, MARKDALE. SIGHT V. BLESTDN^ESS. â- ^J^22I5 •lale Sp ail Fasluosalile Qoiij to hnd, whhich we purpose selling FOR C A S H t prices which wiU st onish the buy- er. H ving determined henceforth to do a CASH BUSINESS ONLY, my customers and the public may rely on get- ti ng close bargain s. CI|H|0|M|E|X|HWN|DD:|M|fl|D|E l |B|0|0|f|sDMi^ positors and a great cor.veuience to fe public genpraiiv in this section. District Boinffs. Dundalk cranks are practising for aalloweeu. Slack's hotel iu iShelburne was "waed on Saturday night, the 26th. ultimo. JO' ^e notice by the Mitchell Eecorder ""^t Eev. Mr. Cassou has receired a Ptessiag invitaaou by the Quarterly ^^ard to remain a third year. •ri'e Owen Sound ball cluh heat a fotoiito team ou the grounds of the '"'•aT on tho 24th May. ' is said that l,oOO shade trees "^^e been plauted in Chesley this 'priQa. •' \^J\iarton is baliding a $5,000 town JjHiani Creamery churns fi-om 200 ^^^^'"Ibs. of bu„er daily. Jlr- Daniel Wright, of Collin gwood r"sbip, died on Saturday, the 26th **y. aged 60 years. '^ui stoca.a.art ,^ THE TAILOR, 5^ £^ « "^^^e yonr clothes neat and trim. ***e^?^^"' Kates alwsjB on Jjand to .orerlloFarlandBStoi^ ^brkdal^ HEAVY TWILL CRETONES lovely goods 10 cents A.11 the new shades in all wool DRESS GOODS 17, 20, 22^ and 25 cents. We lead the town in nobby stylish HATS and BO WETS our millinery rooms arc crowded with buyers daily and the choicest goods are beini? picked up, rapidly. Leaye your oruer with Miss Bremner it you want the correct, lady like .- style. 2 cases more of those men's and boys nobby hats, see them 120 pairs of these comfortable Wig- wam shoes in Mens, Womens and Girls. COTTON ADES CHEAP. SHIRTING CHE AJP. TWEEDS CHEAP, PAEISOLS CHEAP, WALL PAPER at less than wholesale prices. Do be wise and the wisest thing you can do is to do your trading at the OLD RELIABLE IMPOETIMG HOUSE. kept in stock and made to order at Shoe Shop under the management of MB. KAY so well and fa"v:orably known. Call early and secure •â- â- â- â-  •^.â- ".:^V^;-':, ;v-,V' '.-;â- â- ;?â-  bargains. i WM. BROWN. A Positive Cure. A iPamless Cure. FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. DIS5ASBS OF MAIT. Marvel of HeaUng, and Kohinocr of Medicines, ihe terrible conHeqiienccs orXn1ificretion» £xpoHure aud Overwork. "2-OTJ2:T3-, 3iw!£TX3j:Dj:wS-.A.3-EZ5 .^±TZD OXJD :^EEaT Who are broken down from the effects of abuse will find in No. 8 a radical cure for nervouB debility, organic weakness, involuutary vital losses, etc. Symptoms fob which Na 8 Should be Used. â€" Want of energy, vertigo, Tvant of purpose, dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of confidence, avoidance of conversation, desire for solitude, listlessnoEs und inability to fix the attention on a particular subject, cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loss of memory, exoitabUity of temper, eper* matorriicea, or loss of the seminal fluid â€" the result of self-abase or marital excessâ€" inipo- tency, innutrition, emHciatiou, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hysteric feelings in females, tremblingi melancholy, disturbing dreams, *tc., are all symptoms of this terrible habit, oftentimes innocently acquired. In short, the spring of vital force having lost its tension, every function wanes in consequence. Scientific writers and the superintendents of insane asylnms unite in nscribin^ lo the effects of self-abuse the great majority cf wasted lives which come under iheir notice. If you are incompetent for the arduons duties of business, incapacitated for the enjoyments of life, Mo. 8 offers an escape from the efiecta of early vice. If you are advanced in years. No. 8 wiU give you full vicor and strength. If you are broken down, physically and morally from early indiscretion, the result of ignorance and folly, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for M. V. Lubon's Treatise in Book Form on Diseases of Man. Sealed nnd secure from observation. Address all curamunicatinns to fit. T. I.I7BOBr. 47 WcIHnarton St. E., Toronto. A Man without wisdom lives in a fooTs paradise. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. '^MmA^ CELEBRATED English Spectacles 79 BAY STREET. TORONTO CANADA. AND â€" ISJEWn. STREET. LONDON E. C. ENGLAND CHEMISTS DRUGGIST. MarMale SAn^^»Tlf°*V? l"' *^« 8ale of the above in MAKKDALfc. IvoSpectacIesintheMarketequal them m the EYE PRESERVING QUALITIES Sj?S.fi^?^*^^'°^**^« GREAT EASE and COM- FORT they confer on the wearer. Their use will in actuality so strengthen the Eyes that It does not becomenecessary to change CHE^E^T?*' "^- ^^^y "^^ therefore til Carley's Healing Oil will relieve scratches on horses m two or three applications, or price refunded. Follow the directions on bottle by thorouRhly cleansiug, then apply the OiL If auimal requiries auy medicine to put It into condition use the Derby jjlood Purifyer. CANADIAN P ACIFJG B. B. TIME a?ABLE. â€" ]M:arls:i,le Stationâ€" Going South. Going Nokth. 6.57 a. m. H.56 p 4.05 p. m 9 .05 p. m 6 FEB CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property west rates of interest. Apply to *- j R. J. SPKOULE, Conveyancer Postmaster. Flesherton. IT IS A WELL KNOWN FACT THAT McCOLL'S "LAmiNr is the best known, and most reliable Machine Oil in the Dominion Farm- er's, Threslua-'B and Mill Owner'*, will find it decidedly to thtir advantage tO' msiKt Hpon getting the "Genuine,' Lardme" when they a.sk for it, owing u so much interior oil being sold un° (ler the same name by unscrnpulous dealers. We are the sole raannlactnr- ersufthe -Geuuiue Lnrdine" every barrel branded.. McOOLL BEO'S, CO. For sale in Markdale at Hask ett Bro's Hardware Store. 885-421 STRAYED. From the prt mises of Thomas M Carthnr, lot 7, ctMi. 6, t-jwuf. ip of Sydenham. A three year old mare colt, c. lor bay, star in oreheadand one wl;it«- hind fm t. Any person giving sneh in- oi-n-iatiOD as w 11 lead to its recovery will be suiiablyrev.a-;- el. Address. Thouas JtrcCABTHmt," StnitluiTon,F.O SOOTHINB, CLEANSINQ, HEALINQ. BCnw CATABRH. HAY FEVER. tmxss w -• "â-  1 WWy at prtw. tft* «P* • AddrcM *^' .- ' m. !J- â- ..:-â- " "♦ â-  r "r-^^ -*i 1 â-  » i ' :*- â-  '•' :. " i â€" • â-  ' ^.-â-  ♦Hi â- ! J â-  â-  " â-  â- . "i-^ '*.'... '•â-  ' \h â-  "â- li M â- â- â- t» y^T'"' vf r'^^ •" •'Vi' 'â- â-  ^^^^^^^R. ' i^^y. ^^^^^^^My -:^. â- iu â-  /. si â-  H*.rw'" â-  â- k-- ' ^^^^^^^B^^^ «„..•• • ' ' 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ t â-  V';^ ^^^^^^Kk^ "' .-..â- . " fr- • â- :-^.. â- " â-  r: â-  J â-  -l' 'â-  '.. ' r ' ' ' ':% '-â-  ;i :-â-  â-  ^^^^^V4;i: r*-."l â-  -•. i ' ♦•â- ^.v " â-  s " ^^^^K^\ *ir 'â-  -i.* â-  V:: :. u ^^^^^^^B^-rfi .* '/. _**V â- â- : ^^^^^^Kfllr* •."** 1 ^^R^ V*:: ^^H.^^ i^ 1 ^^^^^â- "' ;;.V 1 ^^^^K^^ir 'i' ^^^^^^â- -41^ ' WV â-  .. â- â- â- " "'k- â-  ' ^*^ 1 ^^^B^^ » fc â-  ..1 ' ^^H*'W â-  '..♦ "• •â- "» ^^^^^^^^^^s?.^ -^v**- ^^^^^B^^ ' '4- .. 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