Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Jun 1888, p. 4

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 -V: ,f v' J" 'vt^ y f^' :â- â-  3?^ I:- r I i â- * C. W. Rutledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, JUNE 7, 1888. CEMETERY WANTED. A public cemetery is nmeh needed for the accommodation of oar rising village and snrrounding neighborhood. Besides the convenience and benefit it wonld prove to the community, it would also be not only self-sustaining as a financial undertaking for either the village or a joint stock company, but would prove a paymg investment. We hope to see some move taken in the matter which will result in a well arranged cemetery in the near future. OUR FOUNDRY. Moffat and Sons of the Markdale foundry are makingjcommendable pro- gress in business, and are this summer more than doubling their capacity for the manufacture of wares in that line. They have erected and completed spacious additions for moulding aud finishing apartments and are now pushing forward another building to be used as show room and pattern -compartments. They are going ex- tensively into manufacture of stoves, and are determined, by using the very best material and making heayy sub- «tantial cadtmgs with the finest finish to start out with a good reputation as stove manufacturers. They have sec- ured a choice variety of patterns and designs of the most approved and moder cook parlor and box btoves, and bemg a family of taste and rare mechanical ingenuity we may reason- ably look forward to this establishment as certain to be one of the leading etove factories of the province. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" ^^A large steel steamer for the Canadian Pacific Lake Superior trade is to be built in Toronto. â-  â€" Thos. M. Nairn, M.P.P. for Elgin County, died at his home at Aylmer on the 1st June, aged 57. â€" Lord Lansdowne and suite and Hon. Oliver Mow at arrived m London last Saturday. â€" Rochester's old mills at Ottawa, of late used as a shook factory, were burned Thursday morning; loss, $100,000. â€" The sch Doner Maggie McCrae, of Toronto, was sunk by the ice a short distance outside of Thunder Cape last Tlinrsday. The crew were saved. â€" The funeral of tbs late Hon. Jas. Ferrier, Senator, was largely attended m Montreal on Saturday last, all creeds and races being represented. â€" Mr. James Fahey, a Toronto journalist, died on Saturday last aged 38 years. Mr. Fahey was a candidate for M. P. in South Grey some years ago. vv' â€" There is a post-office for every one thousand men,women and children in the United States, and if the ex- pense of carrying the mails was paid directly by the people pro rata, each citizen would pay an average of eighty- five cents a year. â€" There is eyery liklihood of Sault Ste. Marie^becoming one of the most important centres of business in the whole of the Dominion. It is the gateway of commerce from a great part of the North Western States, not only to Canada but to New York and to all the New England States, while the mineral and timber wealth in the neighborhood is simply incalculable. Those who have land|in the neighbor- hood will make a yery good thing of it.- Will the" Entrance Examination be -held in Markdale m July This ques- tion has be asked us. We are un- able to answer. The state of affairs is. we understrnd as follows Owing to the fact that Teachers' Examina- tion will be held on the same week as the Entrance Examination all the available Examiners will be required at Owen Sound. If examinations be held in places outside of Owen Sound additional examiners would have to be appointed. This, with the fact that the Co. Council at its last session re- fused to pay for presiding examiners at these outside places, threw their ChancfcUor Ferrier, who"war a sympathete JamM 7exxier. The late Hon. James Ferrier Dom- inion Senator, of Montreal, was rich in this worlds goods as well as a true christian man. Hiu wealth foots up to three quarters of a million. His remains wers conveyed to their last restiagplace in Mount Royal Cemetery on Saturday last. Dr. Potts delavered the funeral oratioo. He paid a splendid tribute to the worth of the deceased Senator, who was a man of such genuine integrity, that though a lengthened period of public serrice bis was a reputation of unsullied honor. He was a sincere man and sincerity is a crowning glory in any man. He was a successful man, viewed from every standpoint. He carried with him into every enterprise the constituent elements of success, â€" foresight, will power, energy and patience. The place made vacant by his death would be hard to fill. McGill College never had a more enthusiastic friend than AT MAMLBTS DKUe STOHE. MARKDALE. MANLEY'S Beef, Iron Wine, A pleasant tonic and blood maker, price only 75cts* MANLET'S Throat Lung Syrup, For Coughs, Colds, pain and Tightness in the chest, etc., price 25c and $1.00 MANIiE"X'S Liver Pills. For Sick Headache, Giddiness, and Liver Trouble, price 25cts. MANLETS Good Samaritan Oil. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Lame Back and Kidney Troubles, price 25c. MANLEY'S Safe Worm KiUer. ABafe,sure and pleasant remedv for worms of all kinds. Nothing better, price 25c. MANLEY'S Carbolic Ointment. The most healing salve on earth, for cuts. Scalds, gBurns, Sores aud Skin diseases, price 25 cents. Manley's Blood Stomach Bitters For Bad Blood, and Skin Disaases, also for Constipation, Sour Stomach and Indigestion, price 50 cents per bottle. MANLEY'S Sweetened Castor Oil The only positively, pleasant Castor Oil ever sold. Try it â€" price 25 cents- MANLEY'S Compound Syrup Hypophosphites. A Merve and Brain food, and a valuable Tonic for lossof Appetite, Weakness etc., price $1.00 per bottle. MANLEY'S. Codliver Oil Cream. The best emulsion of Cod Kiver Oil in the market, very nice to taste easily digested and highly useful in wasting diseases, as Consumption, Bronchits, Chronic, Colds, etc., per $1.00 big bottle. ,; Pawnee Purifying Powders, The great Indian Vetretable Blood purifyer and Tonic. It acts on the Stom- ach, Bowely and Kidneys, cures Skin Diseases, Constipation and Dispepsia, a cheap aud good medicine. Price only 25 cents per package. Makes 3 pints bitters. Call and get a circular. These remedies are guaranteed satisfactory, don't forget then when wanting anything in the medicine line, MABKDALB. DE For yom- payment on the Examining Board or upon the places where the examina- tions were held. The Minister of Education, in a communication to the presiding Examiner, in reference to this matter, states thar unless the examination side the town in which the High School is situated be paid by these places, the examinations need not be held, and that they will £o back to the High School, as originally intended. The School Boards of Durham, supporter in all those deyelopments which had made McGill Ccilcge eminently wortliy of its more than continental reputuation. He would be missed in the Legislative Coun- cil as one of its few English-speaking mom bers, while the Senate of the l^ominion will both miss and mourn the late Seoitor. Out- side his own family Methodism would miss him most of all, "From the quartely meet- expenses at places out- S A^jL^if,*?*°f "' "°"«^^^^^ *« f wuu the treneral Conference, the Supreme Court of our Cauaaian Methodism, Mr. Eerriei was in the front rank of the most influential of oUr laity. His interest in missions was bas- ed upon Christian principle aud nourishBd by supreme love to Christ. But today our comfort is. not that Mr. Ferrier was a con. spicious public man, not that he was a chief magistrate of this city, not that ha was a Legislative Councillor of Quebec, not that J HAMILTON, • JHE PEOPLE'S PHOTOGRAPHER, Is turning out Photos all sizes equal to City- work, (.'(laying and enlarging a speciality. Also picture framing done with neatcess uud dispatch. Then come awa, both old and young. And din na lotse nie time " In getting pictures for vour frieuds, C Fof Hamilton takes them fiue. 11IIStlLVEMUTE0 INSTBUMENT Markdale and Meaford werecommuni- he sat for many years in the Senate of the cated with iu reference to the payment aljove referred to. Those of Durham and Meaford offered to pay necessary expenses. That of Markdale, we un- â- {terstand, reyer responded to the com- manication of either the presiding Examiner or the Inspector, and the likelihood is that it may now be too late to "have additional examiners recommended to the Department to have the examination properly adrer. tised for the 4th of July. The Co. Council pays, it is true. 75 cents a candidate for each candidate iu the County, but the ratepayers of the towus and villages in which these examiualions are held contribute U^ir share, as well as the townships, of that 75 cents, and it is scarcely fair tp compel them to be at the total expense of Bftying presiding Examiners when the e^DMoation islield, trat for their benefit alone, but as well for the bene- fit of t^e «ansSWi*»ng nSgiapaIitieB. Dominion, not that he was President of the Bible Society, our comfort to-day is that James Ferrier was • christian. He was con- verted in early life and became an unfalter- ing believer in the Lord JesuM Christ He meditated in the Word of God by day and by night. He lived a genuine Christian life and died m the faith aud hope of the glorious Gospel of the blessed God AVithiu two hours of his death he said to his son, .^amc Ferrier. 'Jesua is precious Jesus is all my trust.' My frieuds, we find our submission voiced in the words of Job 'The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken awav ble-sed be the name of the Lord.' Could Mr, Ferrier speak to this assembled gathering of citizens he would say, -Live for Christ ' -Prepare to meet thy God ' 'Whatsoever thy hand find- eth to do. ao it with thy might, for there is no work, nor deyice. nor knowledge, nor wisdom, ir, the jrraye whither thou godst ' "Citizen? of Montreal, tliere is nothing greatj but Christianity nothing good but Christianity the memory of tie just is blessed, and we shaU bury the mortal remains of our distinguished friend in the sure and certain hope of a glorious rsiurrection." Tht BwBtett Mi c own ol theAia. Price $3. ORKHTAL CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS MFUIEBCE Tha only Mtanrh remedy ever offered to the poUie oa IS daystrlalt m written goarantee given with each Instmment, Wi X. BABB ft Oo 156 Qoeen Street West, Toronto, Ont. A6TIHA SEED! MANGELS: SawLog.ImproY â- L-ong Red. Select, " Mammoth. " " Norbilant Giant, CAEROi: Short Horn, Long White Belgian (Fren J TURNIP: Sutton's ChampiQ Bangholm, Improved, Skirvings, Cartier's Impjoved, Hall's Westbary, • Grey Stone, Aberdeen Yellow Purple Top, I " Parple Top Man Remember we bandle the stock and the best variety, PU FEESH and KELIABLE. Youra Respectfully, R.LSTEm mm WABEROOMSl THE 6REAT EYE AND LUIM RESTORERS Adbm to Mt â-  madlGine or a digucHng lotion er po«Rl«r inl. bat â-  S«If«aiMn* ting Vapor, easily and plaaawDUy^mUed at sU hoan,timeoandplMea. ^Ilctina^llle. 2.-43niokl7 zeUeree and Vbtxaagaij onrea aU Throat and T. nTi g flinounn A^m NOb â€" FoBitivdy enres all d iw w of the Bye. Oatanet Gran date d Eye-lid s, Tnflamed Eyea, near and far nightnilnniii Tbs Bxa TBBITXD WmXiB diOBBD. T]^ AoTiRA IB aouo vtaxBBk oxm wai T Mi i auAiuinn on U sati ZBUii. Bnelooe stamp for handsomely illoatrated book and healtb JonmaL W. 9., BAEB^k CO.. US Qoeen Street West. Toronto, Ont I have now on baud a fall varied fitock of mU kinds and ofFuBNiTUP.K, bo.igbt for_c»sh the mosc reliable firms iu Oaui audi purpose doing busiuess oi I strictly cnsu basis wbicb. will p-^i m a position to sell at a small adfl ou cost aud thereby give my ersthe benefit. I sball esteemiil favor to have yon call aud look thnf whether you require anything mi line or not. and I feel confioeut tjl you will be delighted with andsurj ed at the quality and cheapness «â-  my goods.â€" Upholstered goods specialty. UWPERTAKJJjQ jfglluid OeKtre. \jgfi Oonrespondenc€. I^opticoa Exhibiuon was held I Wednesday evening last. The 'aL was a euccess. i new flour aud feed stores have *j siuce the roller mill was -This makes three in our "^hunu, who has been on ELs for the past year, is now, by Ki of Dr- Halsted, able to go Lint their aid. fir Edward Sargeant fell from a Uhile loading telegraph poles and L ricked up lor dead, but we are " to see him about again. Harkaway. ^jird (Correspondence. ffenry Rodman is building a frami H. Veysey is tbe builder, obt. Varey is erecting a frami T. Abbott, builder. If S. Halbert left this week t KfriendsinMono. fecbard Johnston received a kic U one of his horses on Sunday las tch will likely lay him up for som I He was letting out tbe horses after taking the haUer off, tli ist turned oil in a playful mood kicl tup his heels striking Johnston i I side and probably breaking one jgre ribs. » • v I John Logan, who went to Manitol Lonth ago, sends woid that he liki |e country and prospects well. I L speaks of a 16 year old girl wl tt in 60 acres of spring crop up the Us season. Clever, IHarhaway school has a larger t ndance than ever before, and st ley come. neaherton. f USTERER AND STONE MASON MABKDALU, la prepared to take contracts in town* or *^^7v Qaloiiniiijng aq^ Whitewa^Un- COURT OF REVISiOM, MnnicipalityofMarkdale NOTICE -is hereby given that the First Sitting of the Court, for the Revision of the Assessment Roll, of the Village of Markdale, in the Conn^ of Grey, will be held in Haskett's Hal' in the said Villaj?e of Markdale, on Wednesday tbe'JOth dayof -Taue next, bepinning at the hour of 10 o'clock a.ni 11.C.BRYDEN. Clerk's Office. Markdale,) May 16, A. D. 1888. AUCTION SALE YalnaWe Farm Propertj June.1^ at four o clock in the aftemoob at tiie Maikdale House, in the Village of Markdalfi By vuture of Powers of Sale SSStoined in S^l SSS^kI^^^^" " produced at tTe Sale, gjefoUowing property. Under Moitf'aew iromKodger Campbell. Lot a. in the^h cSn Of the townahipofGleuelg. in Uiecountyof Grey contahiing 100 acres more or less. The following improvements are said to be on the fpremises About 05 acres cl^ed. hwrtS elected thereon a house and bam ' ""'^^^ I." "»,.^rjn°'WJ*' plcte fitock of all ^°^^ 'â- Â» m furnishings and all ff^^^S. •' my prompt and carefal attait^on- first class hearse in connection. Musical Instrui I also handle tbe celeW--y^| Organs and the fif^.^^sfi\ Sewing Machines wbicb ^^J^ais. on Exhibition at my. __^i,«ei I L A.TTER, BARBER, â-  â-  NJARKBALE. Aa I am now in a poaitior to do Hair «nttin(r. Shaving. ShaapMiug and all work m my line, I «ik a ah. re of pnbUc^Si^* I make a apeeialty of Rawr wJd S^; A«l«.nm«j. I-diea'apdCiMfrirenVhaiWJ .opiate tiw Si^^^jtteiJ '^t "^Wl J.EWM8.â€" 16 per csnt, of the purchase monev to tormswillbe made known at the sale MPor further particulars apply to °' JONES BBOS. MACKENZIE. Sohcitors, Toronti Street, Toronto Or to B. .1, Sproule, Esq., Flciheiton, Oat. prices and grades tosait al ,Upa»l**^ Picture Frami^Lei V ., .« stock an •^Ij BULL FOR SERVICE. On fte town line of HoTlnnd and Enph- S^h*» t* "v*bo«^a*5hbred Short hS, j-^w « ^^ "Blotcher." He is iwistwed â„¢-*^!^^ Herd Book. Tb??Sw '^«!|??f^ Terms tl. I shall keep in f line of frames, »•»? /° \riib i^ orders will be attended to J ness and despatch ^\'°t[a^\ prices. With many tn*"»»j^^^ present patrouagej^l" ^d\ ceivedand hoping by «r ga.is"' gqnare dealing to men»»» tbe same. ^...tfiillri lam, yoar'Bi lam, yours x^ir J, W. Sprof 1 inard Correspondence. I Monday last onr township fath bet iu council chamber for genei nsiness and court of revision. 1 jeral satisfaction which our tov lip assessor, Mr. W. McLoughry, 1 Iven was evidenced from the v |w cases of appeal before the court The bridge spanning the Boyne j rest of this village which is in a V( jisafe condition for travel over pspected by the nonorablo body, jBUDCil, and the Reeve and conncjl Ibtrp were appointed a coirraittet Lk for tenders for the ereciioii o Lew bridge and report at next meet j council. Our good counciUui- ' jieard to suggest that Flesheiton ge pay one-third the cost of the i acture and the township the nee. It is paying Fieshertou opliment to Duild this bridge b( ^neof the leading thoroughfares he township. It is the council's i keep the same in safe conditioi pnWic travel, which it is not now Mr. George Keefer has ah-ea( new building well under way on Ironto street into which lie expec bove in a short time to open oi [tbe butcher and meat bubiness, Hour and feed, J. G. Russell, onr enttrpriuug j Jer, has purchased the comiiioc IbaBiQess stand lately occupied ' IW. Bates on Toronto st., aud ha Iboildiug now undergoing exte I repairs, having it more couveui fitted up for the jewellery busiue New Bank. â€" M. Eichardsou. Ilias leased one ot the apartmei [his brick block to a bank ma; 1 who is going to open out a bran I this village, said bank to be ope Vbosbess on or before July 1st. prove a centre of attractio â- depositors and a great cor.veuie; ptiMpubUc generally in this sect â€" â- Â»â-  â-  â-  BlBtriet Soinffs. _Dandalk cranks are practisii l-SaUoween. .Wack's hotel iu Shelburn •"ttned on Saturday night, the -*k^* notice by the Mitchell Re •*»t Bev. Mr. Cassou has rec( |-g^g invitation by the Qu ' **fd to remain a third year. m^^ Owen Sound ball olub ^P Pto team on the grounds ^»ntt on thq 24th May. j^tis said that l,oOO shade *•»• been planted in Chesie *pnng, j^«*'«n is building a $5,00( ^i^^m Creamery churns ft .;^*Wlb8. of bu:;.er daily. iJ^* ^^i«l Wnght, of Colli ^^, died ou Saturday, i. ^»Hecl6i) years. m- stoca.a TAILOR, ' TOor dothes neat ittTIates always oi cMeFtalaiida Btoare,

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