.« *s-^^|;:;^^^g^3p^^-j â- -.^ j^"::"^^' y!^ ' ?^Si^^^?»^W^^^. "^^ ^•^•^,v fe OQe sittins- loue pain manfi^n "«'• 12. S. 'EtA:Bl^ A SELKGT STOCK OF BPBINO GOOD NOW OPENED. HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY." rgxH YEAK.â€" Ko. 440. MABKDAXE, THUBSDAT, JtIKE 7, 1888. C. W. BUTLEDGE, Proprietoi. 1 18th May. igg^ Meeting of, ^f«8. 0//0//0//0//0//0//P/./9//0//0//0 sent, of Th, last «reeT6 m Pwn seconded V \f^ %-law No, ^2 d taxing of Dog, ^^^^nced and tZ y^ 2 read the fi^st ^.seconded by Mr No. 1 and 2 be â€"Carried. Jead a second time, own, seconded by conncil go into »ole on By-laws 1 the chair, nd reported By. filled up and pass- garland, seconded By-laws Nc, land »€, signed, sealed •law book.â€"Car- 2 read a third wn, seconded by council adjonm call of the Keeye. 3kt: DKx, Clerk. »xK;ollactor. â€"At a special vn Council held nittee appointed port as to the le hands of the L Watt, report- uncollected ou â- 02. The total §7,970.87, and tlie treasurer an apparent 17, as compared appearing un- •oil amounts to is amount the aid §5,377.07, 3ue of $3,065.- Qouut still un- ing a deficit of nt Mr. Watt isappropriated. uson the 1886 nd Btrikes-off, nt will be in .500, or there- Dount will be to be a sait laim to have atter. to the â-ºeheldrespon- ig to the coon* allector'e time ite fixed by m of the roll, istmcted tbe^ ies of the ap* they will h Mr. Mat- 3 ted to eofli- be aiDoaiits between an fe has JMi private ex- [oose. The ure to tba [is wife at a partr •onapromiS' gninjf " got drank bonae 24. mortgaga as to be- je wife* Bce of *f theaotii id0. a~! U^rftfcia "djti.- SEDS. SEEDS. IeMember iErS ta supply you With your Lip Mangel, Ijrdenother Seeds aper than aaiy other ller in Markdale. IS being the first I could handle ffis, you can depend pern being good and and see for yourselves- O-.'O ;0, 'o;/o/:/o//o//o//o//o/;o//o//o OF mS, CLOCK, JEWEIL BY, \mWARE, SP£€TACLES, ' ^ell to call at headquarters for ^z RUSSELL'S, Noted Jewl- "toF.E, Flesherton, where you will â- ^ only complete stock in this â- So! countiT, and at prices 25 per 'W^erthan elsewhere. Fine solid ' "atcbes we are now moiling off »'J.JO. P« Walthani and American Watches ^â- il up bearing warrants from ' lo FIVE lEABs. We keep tfaa aless **ill bear long warrants. are now running off Ladies' J^oes and Barpms from 15 cents to '•other dealers m this locality ask -f '"^«atsto $3.50, for same artkjle. â- "^^e the stock and we buy right ^ll at prices that are withm the all. Call at once if you would ^^oie of those bargains, and rel '^the only place to have your *«•. repaired properly ir. at RUSSELL'S JEWELLRY STORE," PLESHETON Local and Other Items. Notices in time columns intended to benefit any individual or Society will becliarged ten eentia line for the first imertion and five cents h lineedeh aubsequent insertion. NOTICE. â€" Correspondence, cotHitiunica' tions,. Advertiseiiients, jtc„ mnst be in this office b;/ noon on tiusduy to insvre publication that week. NotB the change in Manley*s adv. Mr. R. Dunlop, Ckrk of Euphrasia township, was in Markfiale this Week. Mas. D. Sweeney, of Thessalon is down on a yisit. C. Eeynolos was liued $20 recently for inf .ingement of the Crooks Act. Mb. J. G. Irving, of Gait, was in town last week. Haskbtt Baos are putting a plate glass front in their hardware store. Mr Lesgett of Shelbume, tin smith moved to Markdale last week, E«v. Mbsses Buggin and Hoskmg are this week attending conference in Sea- forth. The Percheron horse "Oasie" owned by the Meaford Co. died of inflammation at Griffin's Corners last week! Mr. N. W. Campbell, School Inspec- tor for South Grey, visited Markdale school this week. A THUNDER shower passed this way on Wednesday accompanied by heavy hail. W. L. Davis has gone out of the furni- ture business and left for Toronto, there to enter the real estate business. Markdale is a popular resort for trout fishing. Numerous strangers and for- eigners are here every week angling. Fish Pond. â€" W. J. McFarland is put- ting in this week an immense cistern for the use of his private residence. It is a 125 barrel concern. A very handsome assortment of Ladies and Gents calliag cards just leceiyed at the Standard office, can be had either blank or printed. Get your name and business neatly printed on your letter heads and envel- opes a new stock just opened at the Standard office. Lost. â€" On Friday last, between B. Wright's and Markdale, a gentleman's linen duster. The finder will oblige by leaving it at this office. Havtng sold out our Drug and Station- ary business, we hereby notify all per. sons indebted to us to call and settle up forthwith. A. Turner Co. A devastating fire in Hull, P. Q., on Tuesday night consumed over $800,000 worth of property, leaving nearly a thousand families homeless. E. McNally, carriage maker, is turn- ing out a number of yery substantial rigs and those in need of a good buggy, democrat or waggon should examine his make before purchasing. Mr. Tvex, of Euphrasia, near Mark- dale, caught in the Saugeen a trout which measured 18 inches long and weighed 2^ lbs. This is tb a finest trout we have seen this season. Be THotroHrnjL â€" Don't go to the store half an homr after the appointed time for closing. There's plenty of time through the day to make all necessary purchases. Give the clerks a chance. James A. Bowk, sou of John Bowe, formerly of Yandelenr, has received Qovemment papers as a flrst-class civil engineer in the Northwest and has a salary of ISO a month. Lasgs consignments of Furniture opened at Spreule's vraxe rooms this week. The most extravi^gaot as well as economical eas suit their circumstances and taste. Call and examine. Rbv. W. H. W. Bot£b, pastor' of the Dumfries street Presbyterian Chaich, Paris Ont., has received a call to St. Thomas, aad has decided to accept it. Mr. Boyle is i««Q known to many Of xeadexa. We had a friendly call front Mr. R. McGowan, of Durham, on Wednesday. John Patterson, of the Severe, re- turned oil Wednesday from a prospect- ing trip up the Lakes. He speaks in glowing terms of the pleasure and scen- ery of the trip as wgU as the business enterp.rise of those northern pdrts. He went as far as Thessalon. Rfe?OET of Si S. No. 11, Arteniesia :â€" 4th class â€" 1, John Shannon, 601 2, Maggie McCallum, 588 3, E. Stamb- boskie, 670 out of 690. 3rd classâ€" 1, Homer WilHams, 402 2, Robert Pritch- ard, 343 3, Jane Warling, 833 out of 508. 2nd classâ€" 1, Bessie McCallum, 409; 2, Harry Douglas, 890; 8, Eddie Buchanan, 557. E.Ford. Ottr school trustees are either ignor- ing their duties or are ignorant of what they are in relation to the incorporation of the village. The statutes provides, that in such case "the trustees shall call a meeting of the ratepayers within one month after the date of incorporation for the election of a new public school board," and further, that s'*x trustees is necessary. No action has yet been taken- that we know of. :. At the semi-annual meeting of the Orange District of Artemesia, held at Markdale on the 5th inst.. it was decid- ed to celebrate the battle of the Boyne on the 12th day of July in the said village of Markdale. An invitation was extended to the Districts of Holland, Euphrasia, Melancthon and Proton. A good time is expected. An Old Gentleman speaking to a young lady, and commenting upon her freshness and good looks, remarked, "Ah, my dear, may you long retain "f them Yours is a happy period of life. You know nothing yet of the jealousies, the heart-burnings, the contentions, the rivalries that beset the pathway of ex- istence." "Don't I, though," she inter- rupted, "I want you to understand that I belong to a church choir." Town Hall. â€" J. E. Marsh, of the Markdale House, is transforming the roller rink iuto a pubiic hall, and ex- pect? to have it in shape in July. The building vrill have a seating capacity for 600, ceiling 18 feet high arched, stage 40 feet wide by 20 deep, so that it will be adapted for the purpose for which it is intended. This will fill a loug felt want. The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement of The Great Northern Transit Co., Collingwood, in this paper. For sight-seeing and health invigorating purposes, a trip up the lakes to Sault Ste Marie calling at all local points along the way, cannot be excelled, while the boats on this line are sea- worthy and the accommodation excel- lent. If you wish to recuperate, go up the lakes. If it's pleasure you are after, take in the trip. Rates very reasonable. Mr. a. W. Struthscs wiU give a grr.nd Sciopticon Exhibition of the Life of Christ in the Methodist church, Mark- dale, on Monday evening, the 18th June. The follovdng is from The St. Mary's Argus "The Sciopticon Entertainment on Tuesday evening, from scenes in the •Life of Cludst,* was one which could not fail to ben^t all who were present. The yiews were strikingly choice, and were reproductions of the great paint- ings of celebrated masters. Every one present, both old and young, thoroughly enjoyed the eivening's entertainment St. Mary's July 21st, 1887." r- 'J-.M""' Markdale Division Court meets the 19th June. Stbat«d. â€" ^From Markdale, one red cow giving milk. Any person giving in- formation of hec whf^reabouts will he suitably rewarded. W. G. Pickell. Bailboad House, Markdale, mclud- ing ftiniitare to rent. Mrs. Caswell. 500 menvwanted, all sizes. Call a* ClnnentB* tailor slu^ and leave jom meaggre. •-.si-J '1 Z^ Clover and Grass Seed, B. L. Stephen. THOBOuoHBBeD DuBHAM BcLL.â€" Lord Aberdeen, Registered No. 10244, will be for service on.lot No. 8, 7th line Euph- rasia, for the season of 1€88. Terms $1. Thoroughbred cows $1.50. John Hnt- cHiNflDN, owner. FiBU) and G^ardett Seeds, "R. L. Stephen. Fifty tons old iron Wanted at Mark- dale foundry for which cash will be paid. Yotj BET. â€" Jackson sells a fine scuffler and toruip sower. Spectacles* â€" Mr. Morris, optician from the establishment of B. Laurance Co., Montreal, will visiii the Medical Hall, Markdale, ou Thurs- day, June 21st, for the purpose of fit- ting spectacles in all cases where there is any difficulty in getting suited. W.J.Manley. $1,450 will buy that corner lot. No. 20 on the 10th concession of Glenelg. Ad- dress, Mrs. A. Might, Owen Sound. IJEAFOAM for sale at Smith's the bar- bar, only 15 cents per bottle. Look Herb Gents. â€" If you want a dandy baggy, go to Jackson. Smith the barbar pays special atten- tion to ladies and childrens hair dress- ing and all work entrusted to him m Lis line. Weddlnff Bells. A brief notice of thij wedding ap- peared last week, but we were not then in possession of particnlars sufficient to make anything like a full notice. The happy couple left per evening train for Tbronto and other eastern points. Miss Frankie Eeynolds was one of pur most respectable and es- teemed young ladies and carries with her tho good wishes of all who knew her, while Mr. Lee is a young man of sterling worth and undoubted moral integrity. Following is a list of the presents together with brief descrip- tion of the leading costumes The bnde was dressed in marrol satin with vail and wreath of orange and white blos- »oma. Miss Cornish, first bride's maid, pink Nun's cloth with satin front. Miss Bell, second bride's maid, white cashmere and satin. Miss Ada Beyuol^s, third bride's maid, pink Nun's cloth trimmed with lace. LIST OF PRESENTS. The bride's parents presented her with a piano: the fn^oom's mother presented her with a sewing maehine Mr, G. VV. Stuart, of Toronto, silver fruit basket; Miss L. Corn- ish, Drayton, band painted batter bowl; Ealamity Boys, of Bracebridge, silver five o'clock tea set Mr. J. P. Humpbenes. Brace- bridge, silver revolving butter, cooler Mr. W. G. Colville, Bracebridge, a silver break- fast eiaei Mrs. W. J. White. Bracebridge, sofa and easy chair Mr. L. Fraser, Hamil- ton, silver egg cruet Mr. G. Roberts. Ham- ilton, silver sugar bowl; Mr. J. Biddell, Hamilton, silver cake basket Mr. and Mrs. ' F. Porter, Toronto, book of Sir Walter Scott's pcems Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Eeynolds, Nor- wood, silver cruet and batter cooler Miss H. Wynn, Toronto, one toilet set Mr. and Mrs Scott, Desboro, French strawberry set Mr. C. W. Bntledge. Markdale, plush cabinet albnm Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Sproule, Markdale silver Iruit dish Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mc- Farland, trarkdale, silver fish dish, foik and casket Mrs. Marsh, Markdale, tea set Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, Markdale. amber water set and tray Miss E. Stevens, Markdale, amber pitcher; Mr. and Mrs. McNea and daughters. Markdale, silver cake basket Mr. and Mrs. Bowes, Markdale, toilet set Miss E. Bell. Markdale. table drape Mr. and Mrs. Mabee,^ Markdale, dozen of silver knives and spoons Miss WinUie Haskett, Markdale, silver towfl rack Mrs. William Haskett and Miss M. Douglas, Mai^dale, pilver breakfast cruet; Miss N. White, Mea- ford, sofa casbion Mr. and Mrs. McKenna, Markdale, silver card receiver Miss Ada Reynolds. Markdale„ fruit ba-«ket and tray Messrs. J. M. and £. G. Reynolds. Markdale German dinmr set: Messrs. M. N. and 8. W, Reynolds, Markdale, silver breakfast set; Mr. J. Latimer, Oxford, silver !)isket basket and knife; Mr. Fred Lee, AlUstou, d«z. of silver spoons. The Inride also reoived a check Irom S. J. Groton,. Dakota, uncle of the bride, for a handsome sum. â- â- .-' ' XCaxkffale OoasetL Mnrkdale. 81st Mav, 1S88. Minutes of ioarth meeting of the mnnicipal council of the 'Vi"age of Markdale, held in the office of Wm. Lncas Co. on Thdrsday. the Slst di*y of May, 1888. M..mber8 alt jresent. Th^ Beeve in iha ^uur. Jf inntes of U^ meeting read and eoi^ fmied. '" .. Commnnioations â€" From Glenelg eonncil notifying the appointment of a committee to confer with a commit- tee from the Village of Markdale tor the purpose of adjusting the financial matters between the two corporations. Aoboont from C. W. Butledge, for printing. Brown â€" Bae^That the account of Mr. Butledge be left over for further consideration. â€" Carried. Lucas â€" ^Bae â€" That the Beeve and Mr. Brown be a committee to arrange financial matters with the townsbipa ' of Glenelg and Artemesia. â€" Carried. Hill â€" Lucasâ€" That no hogs, sheep, horses, bulls or cattle other than milch cows, shall be allowed to run at large at any season of the year in the muni- cipality of Markdale. â€" Carried. Brown â€" Bae â€" That John Paterson be pound-keeper for the corporation of Markdale. â€" Carried. Brown â€" Lucas â€" That the Clerk be instructed to prepare By-laws respect* ing public morals, animals running at large, pound-keeper, ball playing on streets and other matters. â€" Carried. Brown â€" Lucas â€" That the statute labor of this municipality be commut- ed to a money payment of 50 cents per day, payable to the Treasurer, W. L. Young, at the office of Wm. Lucas Co., by the 1st day of July next, and that notice hereof be given to the parr ties interested, and that all ratepayers who fail to comply will be charged $1 per day, collectable along with the general taxes. â€" Carried. Brown â€" Hill â€" That the council ad- journ to meet at the call of the chair- man. Council adjourned. B. C. Bbyden, Clerk. Collingwood and G eorgion Bay Line. IN CONNECTION WITH THE Grand Trunk Railway. Str. PACIFIC. Captain P. M. Campbell. Str. ATLANTIC, Captain R. D. Foote. Str. BALTIC, Captain W. Tate Robertson. Str. KORTHEKN BELLE, Captain W. J.. Bassett. The fine new steamers "Pacific" and "At- lantic' will run as follows until further notice (weather permitting): Leaving Collingwood at 1 p.m., Meaford at 3 p.m., Owen ^und at 8 p.m. and Wiarton at 11:45 p.m. every Tuesday and Saturday for Killarney, Monitowaning Little Current, Eagawong, Gore Bay. Spanish River, Serpent Biver, Al^oma Mills, Blind River, Thessalon, Bruce Mines, Hilton, St. Joseph's I^lsud, Garden River and SAULT STB MAEIE. The Saturday Steamer otil)- will call at ' Cockburn Island and Meldrum Bay. PABKT SOUND. The '•Northern Belle" wiJJ leave Colling- wood for Parry Soand, Byng Inlet aul French River evcrv Monday and ThursfJsy at 1 p.m. ocnneoting at Fren^ River with Str. "Remora" for Alpena. Mich;, and returning- to Collingwood on Wednesday and Saturday evenings eonneoting with the Sault Ste Marie; sveamers. For information as to freight ratai and* fares apply to any agent of the Grand Trunk Railway, Uie Fntsers on board the steamers, or to THE GBSAT NORTHERN TRANSIT |C0.. Collingwood. THOS. LONG, CHAS. Ol-MERON, SbC-Treas. Maituffrr ' • aoloBCbtfBtac flwianMatgma aolUi««o.i aaw^aolmafftoulevl- â- iSkBolUactoaan. Hanrttli noli li w \i m um m-1: mm f â- i 'I I mil :.(. I I ;i.^ i:% ;^;|0:l||;.|| #1 -rd -:]:' â- "IMV* .V^