Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Apr 1888, p. 4

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 ;--.?^..T'^^^^^-.'^-'^-",^t^-""^f^^W'^S ' 1 ' ' £';! m ':. tr â- iiiTiiir'iiKri ir^-r"""'"' " -^^ f!-'i' ff O, "W. Rutladge, Proprietor. â€"A contract for the completion wifliin Bix weeks ol all the bridges on the Bed VaUey railway was signed on Saturday by the Manitoba Govern- ment. MARKDALE, APRIL 5, 1888- INCONSISTENCY. Some six months ago the Editor of the Advance devoted a large amount of editorial space reviewing the bene- fits to be derived from the incorpora- tion of that village, and urging its citizens to united action towards that much coveted end. Dire disappoint- ment however was the reward of his zeal, and now â€" having turned a com- plete somersault â€" he preters being a "part of a populous township." Furth- ermore, he seems to discard both logic and common sense, while he throws courtesy to the wind, and pitches into his more favored and prosperous neigh- UinlMrlsy. Standard Correspondence. The snow is nearly gone from this sheltered and otherwise favored dis- trict, and fall wheat is looking well. We have had a beautiful winter and good roads in fact we have been en- joying ourselves to the full attending tea-meetiuRB, concerts, socials and such like, with vei7 little to trouble us except the harrowing tidings from our less fortunate neighbors across in the land of blizzards, flood and fire. Our mail carrier, Mr. Currie, has missed but one trip this winter and that was owing to sickness. Notwithstanding the many advantages of this favored clime a number of our young men are leaving for the States. A. T. Buchan- an and wife have gone to Kansas, J. W. Smith to Iowa, one of Carruthers boys to Ohio, and John Carruthers to Dakota, one of the Lawrence's to Michigan, and one or two others talk of following. We do not like to see so many of our stalwart and promis- ing young men thus leaving our midst bors for their ambition. The exhibi tion of this kind of spirit does not, of a^Yam"sure it was not their desire, other things being equal, but the in course affect those whom it is intended to injure but it must be mortifying to the respectable citizens of Fiesherton, for their luminary to thus persist m showing to the public "the green-eyed monster" BETTER ACCOMMODATION WANTED. We have in the Standabd, our post office directory, which we insert gratui- tously from year to year for the con- venience of the public, and m it there is, among other things, a notice to the effect that the office will be open from 9 to 9:30 o'clock a. m. on public holi- days, yet we have more than once on such occasions waited for admittance the full space of time thus advertised and then had to leave without gaining admission. Now, we do not say that the office had not been open previous to or after the stated hour, but we do claim that when certain hours are ap- pointed for the public on those occas- ions, the postmaster should have some consideration for tbeir convenience. We are not given to complaining, but in this matter patience has ceased .to be a virtue, and we claim for the public better accommodation. Macy an efficient person would be glad to accept the position of Markdale P. M. who would conduct it independent of any other business (as it certainly should be in this place) and thus give the pnblic that attention which they justly claim, but cannot have as it is. ducements held out across tho lines are captivating. Our farms are al- ready sufficiently cut up and will not admit.of further divisions to make new homes. It does not pay to farm now- adays with a smaller farm tban 160 to 200 acres since the price of produce has so materially declined and labor- saving machines has become a neces* sity. Then the trades and professions are also being crowded to overflowing. We are told our men have no energy, this cannot be truthful of our young men, who, as a rule, take leading posi- tions wherever they go. Holland Oonnoil. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" Lord Lansdown is expected to leave Canada in June, â€"The damage by floods in Gerajany is estimated at $50,000,000. â€"Mr. 0. R, W. Biggar has been appointed City Solicitor for Toronto. â€" Oskaloosa, Kansas, has elected a woman as Mayor and a City Council composed entirely of women. â€"Hon, John Hamilton, of Montreal, died on last Tuesday aged 61. He leaves an estate valued at over five million dollars. â€" Penetane:uishene on Saturday carried a by-lawgrantingten thonnuud dollars to supplement the harbour works of that town. â€"Lord Stanley of Preston is to leave England for CanadA about the Ist June to take the position of Gov- ernor General. â€"During the past week twelve bun- dred immigrants arrived in Winnipeg, and a large parly seat out by the Church of England Immigration So- ciety is expected to laud at Halifax in the course of a few days. â€"It is mteresting to learn, says the London, Ont., Advertiser, that Canada from a tem^rance standpoint, is in advance oi any Chzistiau commnnii^ on tie face of the Globe. Gi-eat Brit- ain aunuaiy cousamea ao gallonB cf strong drink per head of her pep. The council met at Holland Centre on 22nd inst., for the transaction of business. Members all presert Reeve in the chair. Minutes of January meeting read and approved. Moved by Mr. Williscroft, seconded by Mr. Galbraith, that the Treasurer receive the sum of $56 from the Trustees of S. S. No. 11, being paid by Treasurer in error ot order given to Treasurer by Township Clerk. A petition was presented, signed by J. Edmunds and others to have cer- tain lots attached to S. S. No. 2. Moved by Mr. Gal'Draith, seconded by Mr. Howey, that in accordance with the prayer of the above petition that the Clerk notify all parties concerned. A requisition from M. E. Bebee to have certain money refunded on ac- count of chattle property assested to him which he claims he does not own, Council do not entertain the above requisition. Moved by Mr. Williscroft, seconded by Mr. Galbraith, that F. Evers be refunded the sum of $1.70, being over- paid taxes, and that 90c. be extended on roll against b. S. No. 3 in next year's levy. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, seconded by Mr. Williscroft, that John Cameron be Treasurer if his sureties be satis- factory at a salary of $80. Moved by Mr. Williscroft, seconded by Mr. Galbraith, that John Murray, Ueputy-Retummg Officer be paid 80c. being an error in payment of his fees. Moved by Mr. Shute, seconded by Mr. Howey, that G, M. Galbraith, be Assessor fur the year 1888 at a salary of $70. Moved by Mr. Shute, seconded by Mr. Howey, that the parties petition- ing for a new U. S. S. having aband- oned the scheme aud that the Clerk notify Mr. Sutherland to that effect. Moved by Mr. Shute, seconded by Mr. Howey, that By-law No. 8 for the purpose of detaching lots Nos. 1, 2, 8, and 5, E. G. R., and lota No. 4 and 6, con. 8, E. T. S. R., be read a second time. Mavktel* CIii Twotarf. A meeting of the patrons of this factory was held at the Markdale House on Saturday last when a large attendance was present. Considerable anxiety has been felt together with more or less inconvenience on the part of. the patrons owing to a portion of the tall make remaining all winter un- sold. This- fact also hindered ttie Secretary from beins: in a position to make a complete statement, however sufficient facts and figures were avail- aUe to make a report whi^ was con- sidered very satisiaofory. A sale has since been isompleted of tiie remaining stock at ten cents, and another meet- ing will ahortiy ]^,field wb» we.will giye afiill n^^firt. 'NotintiiBtahdiag the m6(mTfiiu9nejB,towhieh-fhs patrons have beaap9i$7tii0ir zaoper^. bBing olatiou; the United States 18, audjthiia)odbd~spattinator,iha' j^ar's 'a^alalastjearonlyl^llonflL a pwrajibiu i wuH bi .jhrtrf er^"iq^ If^-^ CASUAL ADVERTISEMENTS Uptooneineh$paeeSOe for one week or 91 for four weeks. MORTGAGE SALE- OP VALUABLE FA/fM PROPERTY. TTnder the power of sale contsduecl in a Jcei-tain morteiwe (wWch wUl bo produced at the time of saleJaSre will be oflerecffor sale by P'Jbhc au( tion at the Markdale House, in the town of Majk drie, ou^day the 13th day of April. 1888 at the hour of one o'clock in the afternooni by George Noble Auctioneer, that valuable farm property Stijated in the township of Holland, in the County of Grey, containing ninety-seven and one-half acres more or less, being composed of lots number 58 and 59 in the Ist concession south west of the Toronto and Sydenham Boad, in the said Township and County, adjoining the village of Berkeley, there are between 55 and (30 acres cleared, uncleared portion h»,rdwood timber, no swamp land, fair log house, and good frame barn eoodweU. The property wUl be sold subject to a reserve bid. Terms and conditions of sale made known at time of sale or on application to Oeoise Noble, Markdale, Cbas. King, 5 Peter St HamUton, or to „ MUI.OCK, TttT. MTLMSB, tCBOWTHEB MONTOO- KBBT, -Vendors' Solicitors, „ '99 Kine Street East, Toronto. Dated this 20th day of March. 1888. MORTGAGE SALE. OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. Under the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Markdale House, in Ihe town of Markdale, on Friday the 13th day of April, '83 at hour of|one o'clock in the afternoon, by George Noble, auctioneer, that valuable fE^m property situated in the township of Holland, in the County of Grey, and province of Ontario, con- taining 100 acres mors or less, and being compos- ed of lots number 76 and 77, in the second con- cession of the said township of Holland east of the Toronto and Sydenham Boad. The property is situated on a good road four miles from Mark- dale, about 60 acres cleared, ballance hardwood bush, watered by spring and well. Log house, log barn 30x50, shed and other buildings in fair re- pair. The property will be sold subject to a re- serve bid. Terms and conditions of sale made known at time of sale or on application to George Noble. Markdale, Chas, King, 5 Peter St. Haibil- ton, or to MuiiOCK. Tilt, Milleb, Cbowtheb fe MoNTOOMEBY, Vendors' Solicitors, 99 King Street east, Toronto. Dated this 26tli day of March, 1888. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. Under the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at Munshaws hotel, in the village of Fiesherton, on Saturday the 14th day of April, '88 at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoou, by George Noble, Auctioneer, that valuab'e farm property situated in the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, containing 100 acres more or less being composed of lot 32, in the 9th con., of said township, 25 to 30 8.cres cleared, ballance principally haidwood bush, six miles from Fiesherton, convenient to gi-avel road, no build- ings, no waste land, none rough or stony. The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Terms and conditions of sale made known at time of sale, or oa application to George Noble, Markdale, Chas. King, 5 Peter St.,Hamiitou, or to MuLocK, Tilt, MiiiLER, Cbowtheb I^iONT- GOMEBT, Vendoj-s' Lolicitors, 99 King street east, Toronto. Dated this SOth day of March, 1888. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. Pnrsuent to the power of sale contained in a certain registered morgage made by Williaiii Cartwright to the vendors which will be produc- ed on the day of sale, there will be sold by Public Auction at the Markdale House in the Village of Markdale on Tuesday, .Vpril 34, 1888, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afteruoon, the following very desirable property, viz All and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying, and being in the township of Euphrasia, in the county of Grey, and Province of Ontario, contaning by admeasurement two huudi'ed acres, mure or less, and being composed of the Noi-th and South halves of lot No. 14. in the seventh concession of the said township of Euphrasia. Tnere will also be sold at the same time and place the following very valuable property, viz 1. Lot No. 4 on St. Arnaud St. soutn, in the village of Eugena, in she township of Artemesia, contaning t'oree acres. 2. Lot No. 15, DurhamBoad north, in the vil- lage of Priceville, in the township of Glenelg, containing half an acre. 3. Lot No. 9 in the sixth concession of the township of Keppel, containing 100 acres more or less. 4. The easterly 40 acres of lot No. 30 in the fourteenth concession of the township of Keppel, saia 40 acres having a frontage of eight chains and a depth of fifty chains, more or less to the rear limit of the lot. These lots will be offered separately and will be sold on easy terms, viz one-tenth down or secured, one-tenth more in 30 days, and the bal- ance in ten equal consecutive annual instalments with interest at the rate of 7 per cent, pec annum payable half-yearly on all unpaid porchase money. For furtherparti^ulars apply to London, 392^. M. J. KENT. Ont. Choice Farm for Sale. Bitnatedin the Township of Artemesia, con- sisting of 80 acres, 76 cleared and flttorun mach- iiQOTy on, ballance good hardwood bush SoU, a rich day loom. On the property is situated a ?!?* "^IL""" " '•yj"' PO'^o' composed of three Uying ^ingg rising on the premises. A splendid site for a cheese factory or grist mill. This is a grud grain-growing fana andbeing w weUwatoredijespeciaUy adapted for dai^r^ CommodioosbaniB. sheds and stablesTiSdt fram e boose on the premises. Also three acres JiliJ*^ bewiag prohard of ohoiceit graft^ fnuts. Coavenientiy situated to school and church and within five miles of Harkd^e. be sold very eheap. For terms and further xms- tioolara •9ifiz ^^ KOWABD DAVIS. â-  Markdale. FARM FOR SALE. Lot No, 4, on the l2Ax oon. of Euphrasia. 3} miles'boai Mtukdale. 878-95 QEORGB MoNALLT. FOR SAX^E I 8pMi Uana wifb foal Driving Horse ria- ^a^vaan. «•£[ broken ^«^ o^ doable • wrijaCott^BOai •terror';; Oow ^itHS: 1TE"W â€" Arriving Daily atâ€" **: J, McFARLAND'S! -xox- See his nobby hats. See his stylish Dress Goods. All "wool French Dress Goods marvelous value 20 cents. Handsome new combi- nation dress goods the very latest out direct importations. No other firm north of Toronto can show as fine a range of dress goods. Miss Bremner is now in the city picking up the very newest designs for McFARLAND'S show rooms. New English pantings. New Scotch suitings. Nobby ties and hats. See McFABLAND'S scrim and lace curtains and wide counterpanes. New Prints and musl- iiis. Gents waterproof walk- ing boots the best ever shewn in Markdale. Cords of shirting, cot- tonade, grey cotton, white cotton, ticking, sheeting, ginghams, and towling purchased for spot cash dii^ect from the manufacturers. If you haven't tried Mc- FABLAND'S new j apan tea do so and you will doubtless purchase a large chert as many of his customers are doing it is sweet pure and strong, at a very moderate price. An early call and inspec- tion solicited. 051 GLENELG, ARTEMESll \\ Study your o^j est by buying Popular Drug SEEDS that are Pure and RELIABLE. GARDEN SEE Noteâ€" As every packaoej sell 18 put up bymYsel{.Icaii(i er seed and more in a pachii those put up by outside m!\ not have to pay a profit for ptf CHOICE GllADEb OF' CLOVER, ALSIKE, COMMON RE ANDLARGEl Timothy Seed Timothl GOOD. Just Akrived.â€" 1 pros Electric Oil, gross, Bi(|ck| In fa n t Food. 3 cases Cnta ing Soap. J gross Soap. A fine line of Jspanli Yours Eespectfu'ly, V RLSm WAREROM\ • m *- w. J. mm, Direct Importer, MAKKDALE. We liave now on hand » ' varied stock of all kinds aaJJ of FuBNiTURE, bought for the most reliable firms m' aud wc parpose doin? busiasj strictlv casb basis which vol P ma position to sell at a snuJ on cost and thereby giveoKj ers tlie benefit. We shah (sw avor to have you call and loo^ OUR ESTABLISH" whether you require anjtlii»|j line ornpt, and we feel co« you will be delighted maiijl ed at the quality and « our goods.-Uphol3tere(l !^ specialty. __^ Undertak!! In tys department we 1^^^ plete stock of all hnii" furnishiugs and all "^jj,tjd our prompt sod carefn^2t firstclaashearseincoDD^J Musical l^ We alBO handle the r Organs and 'be fcJ».jM Sewing Machines wbicn..^ on Exhibition at %. pricesandgradestoflmt*" Picture Fr^\., We shall keep mjK^^,, line of fr»n»««' '"Lto ^U orders will be at ended ^^ rf ness and despatch ^^blj prices. WiUi »"Jiich *«!J| present patronage y ^^^ oeived and hoping "yaiiitfn square dealing to J"' the same. „,sre«P Weaie,yoW^" Weaie.yonr" '-|| ICUenSB AND AFTEB THE JFOCr • Tonngman whose r«)t yet been ascerta iDCcia this villao ,fie of two conetal been making the m Brown near Cedai Ary home and on Wei nut' 10 o'clock, he, ^n, bwng the worse -ded on the highway t [john McLuhan and I L that household by loating "Here's where it was going to shoot j."^It is supposed prit was "Brown's ii Tbeen connected wit i case in which he jrt of the informer at n|r. McLuhan heai Lpedoutot bed, op tdordered them off. T 1 to do and began fini ihan. Two of tbe pi joughsome clothes thi ptbe line and embeddc L woodwork. Mr Me Eere was no fun about b7n his rifle which led for some time ar lozzle at them pulled I mis-firing and no an bnld make the gun IcLuhan then went tc jonse and called the n Ifiistance upon whos lipcreants decamped ilprit who sometimes icque Brown, threate JDUse and murder tho le was then followed 1 ^use and allowed to r bming, when a warr i the hands of Willii lanty constable's bar »Bt; He, W. Boyd, Jarid Pryde armed an kpturing him went to puse and as soon as J prsaers he ran up sta nt of the gable at the Zachanah Brown's. i the swamp. I Here was a pretty fi Law made the swamp pie and the outlook f( aed man in such a J bright, nevertheJi â- ed the pnisuers w Vamp all day Tbursd kem being wet from .V

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