Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Mar 1888, p. 4

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 ' "T- â- a-'Wf- Nl '.f i\ â-  ' i^ ll j.i P: U K^' -^v- â- ^ JM C. W. Rutledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, MAR. 15, 1888. NOTE AND COMMENT. Emperor William, of Germany .died on Friday morning last, aged 91 years. â€" Steps are being taken to unite Newfoundland with the Dominion. â€" Mr. Chamberlain says that the hest proof that the fishery treaty is a fair one is afforded by the fact that both parties to it grumble. â€" Mr. Jones, Provincial Treasurer in Mr. Greenaway's Cabinet, was el- ected for Shoal Lake on Saturday by about two hundred qciajority. â€" A vote for the repeal Act will lake place on the 19th April in Bruce, Dufferiu, Bimcoe, Stormont, Dundas and Glengary. â€" The elections for the house of Commons on Saturday in West Mid- dlesex and Prince Edward County re- sulted iu the return of Dr, Rome and Dr Piatt. â€" Gen. Neal Dow, "Father of Pro- hibition." was beaten in the contest lor the Mayorality of Portland by the Republican candidate, Charles J. Chapman, by a majority of 1,600. â€" The Canadian Government, hav. ing undertaken to spend a million dollars in building a canal to compete with the Grand American Canal at Sault Ste. Marie, an American Con- gressman wants his Goverment to spend the same amount in beginning a canal to compete with the Canad- ian Welland. â€" Hereafter tlie registration fee on letters to the United States will be two cents instead of five. The parcel post system came into vogue on the first of the present month. The end of the parcel must be left open for in- spection and all parcels sent across the line will be subject to costum re- gulations. The rate of postage will he one cent for every four ounces. â€" There was a time, not so yery long ago, when certain estimable peo- ple fiercely denounced the proposal to reduce the Canadian broad gauge rail- way to the American standard gauge' ou the ground^tbat it would lead to Hnnexation. These people, or their Jegiiimate successors, are now oppos- ing the abolition of the Customs' duties that hamper trade between the two countries in almost the same way «a they did the difference in the gauges of the railways. Some people must 4hink that Canadian loyalty and pa- triotism are very brittle. â€" The report of the Postmaster- General shows that 289 new post offices were estabUshed during the year, making a total in operation of 7584; and 1920 miles were "added to the post route. The number of letters through the mails is estimated' at 74,- 300,000,^ and of postal cards 16,358,- 000, registered letters, 8.560.000, free letters, 8,160,000 newspapers and periodicals 10,340,000; books and miscellaneous matter, 20,000 parcel 720,000. -•' The revenue amounted to $2,608,255 and the expenditure to $3,45».000. â€" A greater nuisance in a small way thaii the encore ab concerts and •other i)ublic euteitainments could not well be imaigned. Every sensible and seif-respecting man and woman ought to set their faces against it. Singers and players are simply bullied by such impudent and unreasonable demands. In fact it would seem as if many calculated on this in advance so «hat if a prima donna i« advertised lor three appearances they calculate upon sis if uot nine. Now this is Itarsh. unmannerly and un)ust. It is trying lo get money or ngioney's worth under false preneuces. Approbation can be ea«dy expressed *nd acknow- ledged without any of this unseemly •or coring. The most oi it, to be sure, is done by bad, unmannerly bqys, but, .iVime too often are fpoad taking jpart â€" A measure of great importance to property-owners all over Ontario has been passed by the jMnnksipal Committee of the Ontario Legislature. It is a bill which transfers the power of selUng lands for taxes from tbe county treasurer to the treasures of townships and villages. The great benefit of the bill is that it brings the sale as near as possible to the land and the owner, so as to give him every opportunity of paying his taxes and rescuing his property, from the hands of land speculators. Under the the present law a sale sometimes takes plase fonts miles from the land. â€" Dr. Talmage has lately been com- ing out strongly in defence of the young woman ;)f the present day and m protest against the continued cry over the "good old times" and the wonderful graces and virtues of the grandmothers. He says the girlo of to-day are as far ahead of those much belauded ancestors when they " were girls as the railroads and Pullman car are ahead ot the mud road and the old stages of other times. This perhaps IS putting tue thing rather too strong- ly. Truth would be more guarged in its phrases and less exaggerated in its contrasts. The girls of to-day are quite as pretty, modest and well in- formed as any of those who has gone before, and quite as womanly and helpful in spite of all that has been said and done about Woman's Rights, and feminine emancipation. The grand- mothers were and are firstrate. Woe to the man that says a word against them. But the grand daughters are uot a whit behind ihem and will in due time make as good "grannies" as ever figured in childhood's dreams or at an old man's fireside. â€" Truth. snmed with re donbled T^ take alf- together oar prospects for the ensuing spring and summer, are wry encour- VASSTSK- A New Party is being organized and tlie following platform was decid- ed on at a meetmg in Toronto laSt Thursday, viz 1 Righteouiness and truth in public affairs as well as in private business, and no compromise with wrong, 2 Equal rights for all creeds., class- es and nationalities, but exculsive pri- yiledges- to none. 8 National sentiment, national lit- erature and in all matters of public poUcy our country first. 4 Prompt and absolute prohibition of liquor traffic, as the objective point of temperance legislation, in the mean- time honest and vigorous enforcement- of the Scott Act and all other laws fcr the repression of vice and intemper- ance. 5 Retrenchment and economy in pubhc expenditure, with a view of re- ducing our enormons national debt. 6 Manhood sufirage, with educa- tional qualification that is, a vo.te to every free man of legal age who can read and write. 7 An extension of tne franchise women. 8 An elective\senate. 9 Civil service reform. A grand convention will be held Toronto next Wednesday the 21st complete the organization. to Waater'8 FaUs. Standard Correspondence. The Citizens of this favored locality have aroused from their winter torpor. Revival meetings have been held, and other signs of activity prevail, denot- ing a release from the dormant state in which we have been boani for mouths back. As the proverbial bruin came out on the proverbial day saw uot his shadow, and returned not to his lair, so wg animated by hopes EZCBAVOB CUPFXHOfi. Mr. Samuel McNab has a cow that recently gave birth to a calf, com- plete in all details except the tail, of which caudal appandage there is not the slighest sign. Mr. McNab is orx the lookout for a good smart boy who will undertake the job of keeping the flies off of that calf next summer. â€" Chatsworth News. Messrs. Joseph and James Clark â€" sons of our esteemed citizen, Mr. W. M. Clark â€" have purchased the Pick- ering News printing plant and will publish that journal in future under the firm name of Clark Bros. Both young men are well and favorably known around here. We wish them undoubted success. â€" Flesherton Ad- vance. of an early spring are becoming lively n "^1*^ ^«**t\o^ C. F. Cliff Son, o»ri «i,n.w-,,i i„ „r,+;«{«of:^., ^^t ♦ul Durham, has been wound up by the â- vr 'fii$St' :y X^t "â- *: f\^ and cheerful, in anticipation of the time when we can say with Lannahill "Gloomy winter's noo awa. Saft the western brecses blaw Trees will bud and birds will sing. F'owers will bloom and verdure spring,' Had our condition of semi-somnolency during the winter months happened at first, to deepen into slumber pro- found as bruin's, an immense sav- ing might have been effected in food, fuel, and other concomitants, and had such acoumnlated savings been devoted to the furtherance of mission- ary enterprise, which is thought to bo a duty inciimbent ou us, what an im- petus might have been given to the good cause, and what a boon to the poor benightp.d heathen our protract- ed snooze might have proved. But wliether fortunately or unfortunately, we are not so constituted, and although there are numbers of Hibernians amongst us, not one of them seemed to hibernate. To drop the nonsensical and pro- ceed to the relation of actual occur- auces that may be of some interest, just after nev/ year's, Mr. Frank Olm- sfcead left to enter ou a Collegiate busiuess course at Hamilton, and takes with him the kind regards of eyeiyoue. He is a young mau of ex ceptionally bright promise and ami- able disposition and is highly esteem- ed by all who know him. Doctor McCulloch's handsome and spacious new brick residence, 'hardly surpttssed in either towu or country, forms a conspicuous feature of our village, and reflects great credit ou the artichitectural desiner, Mr. C. O. Fox who merits the title, of a county cele- brity m his line. The it)llfer flour mill, (Mr. R. Clark, Properietor,) has ior some timo now been furnished and equipped with the most improved machinery, is turning out excellent work and giving general satisfaction. Mr. R. Olmstead's saw and plain- ing mills are at present in full blast. The woolen factory of Mr.D. Brown has been renovated from top to bottom a Epiumog jack has lately been added to the other machinery, he intends to ^ply the country around with gen- ome manafactnred goods, of every doBeripftioiL at moderate pricea. B^^iffig ^er»tM»s, it m esp«etedL vliefi tt|e eeaaoB arrives, mil be m- in L'i^--^^""-T*lt*S'5i^-^^4 assignee Mr. Thos.A.Harris, and pays the disgusted creditors a dividend of li cents on $4,435.65 liabilities. The receipts of the estate amounted to $862.04, and the expenses of winding up $767.47, leaying a ballance of $64.47 to be divided among the credit- ors. Among the items of disburse- ments are Legal expenses, $50.00 assignee. $90 Insurance premiums, $94 wage claims, $311.70 arrears of interest, $197. The largest amount paid to a creditor whs $4.42, and the lowest 6 cents. â€" Hanover Post. Last Friday forenoon Mr. Goo. Mc- Nab's team of horses ran away from J. Taylor's hardware store. For a moment it looked as though they would rush into the store window, but veering off a little they escaped the shop front, but struck a hitching post and snapped it off hke a pipe stfim. That did not stop them and in a j second they ran foul of a telegraph I polo in front of J. W. Elliott's snap- it off at the ground and breaking the wires, whi^h brought them to a stand still, none the worse of iheir little spree, excepting the nervous shock produced by the falliug of the telegraph pole.â€" Chatsworth News. Caught at last.â€" Dundalk has been visited with a series of .thefts. First a pig, then a halter, following which was a thermometer, afterwards a pair of over shoes now the editors wood. It has so happened that one of the party while stragghng around a hotel came across a very suspicious looking bottle in the overcoat of one of the guests. The smell at once revealed to him that it was gin. Transfering the bottle to his pocket, he proceeded to the house of his numerous friends where the bottle was passed around until all hands had taken copiously o f the draught. It was not long how- ever before the party began to fed a shghtly warm sensation at the pit of the stomach, for be it known that the gin was a compound of Gin. and Jalap which had been pat up for a horM that was senoosly iH. The ovner is nowlooKngfOThis Gin and Jalap "?* f?*"*l oiir dtezens are on the 8M*l»t wliilst tb« liorse is gattiiur tm b^Mrlhni tiii javafids who to5?S Herald, ^^ ^^-, â- *»' W. J. McFARLAND -IS- Offering Big Drives CASUAL AWeS^ Pnrsuanttothep^^Z~T:, "â-  j certain registered mo^. "« «*ii»^ Cartwright to the-vS^!j»««?8| ed ou the day of sale ?h" '^^wnl.*" Auction at the Jtokfe **"^Wi£ Markdalo on Tuesday .l^'sseiaSrii of 2 o'clock iu the afte-t,^2'19ClS desirable property!;^;""" 'W^jl certain parcels or tracts nt ^J «jt"%te. lying, and S^ilaa Euphrasia, in the com ?^of?. *« to.3 of Ontario, contauiug 4 i?5«J.«Mi ^?"^red acres, more or L'^^Waa of the North and South kahi^KS the seventh concession of a^'V" Euphrasia. "le said tt»L_ There will also be sold st r, 1 place the followins very wi^l,^' tia,] 1. Lot No. 4 ou St. S,aud°K^I»^I^I village of Eugena,inlbewil,l'*»M' contanina three acres ^*P of in, 2. Lot No. 15, Durhiin Tinoj lage of Priccville, in tbeTJ-h^ » « coutaiuing half an acre, ^^i H S, 3. Lot No. 9 in thp s;»«. township of Keppel, wn Lte?» 1, or less. """8 IW logj 4. The easterly 40 acres o' w v fourteenth concession of thp w ?•â-  " «. said 40 acres having a fronts^"'"' and a depth of filtfcha^ns^mll'?^! rear limit of the lot "' '« i These lots will bo offered senuau be sold on easy terms, viz • ^^^J* secured one-tenth more in30davsl„,* ance in ten equal consecutive annuaMm with mtei^est at the rate of 7 per Z^ payable half-yearly on. »11 unS^,j money. For further^4nSM ^^- M. J. RE ST, lio^J DIssolutionToTpar ship. We the uuderaiiined Jo henh i,, agree that the vaituer.-?liip heretofej listing between us tlieuudeiEiKaedKlJ and shin-le manufacturers has this U dissoivoii hy mutusl consent. AIll owing to the Raid liaitnersliiparato'iKl to W'iiliam Lueas at Mnik.laip.anddlJ aijaiiist tlie. sail! vartner.ship are to U ented to the i^aid WiUi.ia Lueas bn the same will be settled. Dated at Markdale tins aitetli i Febniriry, A. D. 1«88, Witness, Wm. L. Youxg. 'Iâ„¢^- ' Wamjij Choice Farm hrU -IN- Men's and Boy's Over- coats. 'Women's and Child- ren's Mantles, and all woollen goods. Don't buy a dollars worth until you ex- amine Sweeping Beductions. I. J. McFARLAUD, Direct Importer, MAR KD ALB. Situated in the Tov.nship of Art«nea sistiug of 80 acres, 75 cleared and flttoicj inery on, ballance fjood hai-dwood bush; rich clay loom. On the property is sti new saw mill run by water power (mja three living springs rising on the premii splendid site for a cheese factory ior piil This is a grand grain-growing farm asUsT well watered is especially adapted for m Commodious barns, sheds and stables, i frame house ou the premises. Also tirai of a good bearing orcliaid of choicei fruits. Conveniently situated to sidil church and within tive miles of ^ilarkoiif be sold very cheap. For terms and iai ticulars apply to EDWARD DAVIS, Markdslil 'â-  NOTICE TO CREDlTOm III the matter of Arthur Diiimm\ Notice is horeby given that ArtLorL of the villageor Markdnie, iatheCcuEr.;.! Bookseller and Statio-aer, has ma^le a M ment to me Fkaxcis Byrne, for tlie bei hiB creditors, under iS Victoria Chapter -i| arioi and amendments. ' v i J A meeting of t e creditors will be auj office of Messrs. Dewabt Liwsos, Sot NO. 4 King Street East, in tueCityoiroKi Tucsdav the 6th day of Jlarth, llfei. atBl of 3 o'clock p.m., for the appeinCaentoi* ors and giving diroctious Tilth reiereaaj disposal of the estate. Crt.htoi? tie nfl to furnish proof of their claims oytSm vouchers and full paiticul-i^on or m said date to the iiudertigQca or nis mj otherwise they will hot be entitled w s the assets of the estate. Dated at Toronto this 28th tlnvofM fka:;cis eiee HOKiii^Strectt,.! DEWAKT LAWSO:^, i Kins '^\'^^J3 Solicitors for the .li AUCTEON SALE' Auction Sale of valuable Farm in 11« j ship of Olenelg. „„™.nfsiiil Under and pursnint to tlieTOjerg^I certain mortgage from "^««f ^f deceased) to the ^-endors^aieh «;' ^JJ ed at tiie time of sale and ondc »n^»^l in payment of the u-'OJey ner^j »kâ„¢^ wuUe offered for 6.-.le by W)te^^ MarsU'3 Hotel iu the village of Usim' Noble, Auctioneur on « u li TUESDAY, MARCH SOiM] at one o'clock p. m. the following proptre" '^Lot No. 22, in the 8th concession oj »l township of G!e°«'lScontnnm« 1^^ or less except one and "" t\.eime^ j by the township fora rosd de^«"°^j aires are said to be c.e;.jea un " are said to be a log house ff/^ ,,r -A Terms 10 per ceut at tane of ^^^^ ^,;a ance terms liberal aiid vili °= '^ieuiai^ f time of sale. For '"J^^f JXdde,»'1 to Messrs. Wm. Lucas C.i., war""" Moss, Barwiciv and Frants, Veudors Solicitors- Toronto, February^2Sth^^^;__^ TENDERfWANTEI TENi:)EES will 1^ K««^^'^Hctb a ?F«? ^^-^^ 12 o'clock .om.. .. gignedupto 12 oc;o:.k X„n)!)te*=J March, for the erectimi and con,^ J brick vineore Sclioel Homte, j,,^ "*ool Sec. No. 10. £«?!"*!!; I lytendernotnccesj^ritj. ^^ti* Sa; any any tender not ne'^^"â„¢" â- . :,ience » H Ac. may be seen at the le â-  I j retary on and after the 7tb ^J J.A.Ellis. S(«.-I^ Architect. ^â€""" IBEa to inform the l^' j^rf andv.mnity,thatIamB^^eM do all kinds of I«;?f ..IT f«rf^ my residence ou Mill ,3" i««8^ fwtion Bn"a"t.««"^^. Jaily «*!" yonr attention J8e»p«^^^ "Dressmakers i mosB' Tailor system of co"«^ ^tea, " »" j( learning to cat by this ^^ ^^*J SSde^eco8tbyap«^^. Tj^ sole agent for the Co. rfOW^,*^, istheonlyoneiiowiau^y^ W oity dress and mantii. d" be oou'vinoed. â- .xtR^' 37W01 vsa."^^:^' ;::?s4i^:v;J^: iw- aote to amend tin A before the Ontario Lej r^dim? «» ^o"o^s _*^La Tillage shall hold i P*J|gJ„a,er 16th «f each hW l^PP®** t© be a the Satordsky previc mediately thereafter, p [statement of receipts .^e for the portion of t lontbedayofwch mee f ^th a statement of tbt aid statement shall be si wyororReeve and by the T dl be published forthwit newspapers of the mm l^ and in such other we: lated in the municipality cU may direct. Instead o: jie said statement, the Col ftiiesame to be postec [than Dec. 20th, in the ofi iand of the Treasurer, as J the post ofiaces in the Mu knot less than twelve ot 5 places thereip." â-  â- - barity begins at home," I or want of exercise. .-.«•• Saaffercna Connterfeit: lnnterfeits are always d J so that they always closel bBIGINALIK APPEARANCE A I remarkable success acli: 1 Balui as a positive cure [and cold in the Head has [incipled parties to imitate lie are cautioned uot to i)e ostrams, imitating Nasal and api)earauce, bear I as Nasal Cream, Nasal Ifor Nasal Bahn and do no Ion dealers may urge upon Iby all druggists or sent lipt of price (50c and $1 ng Fulford Co.. Brocki Qp, tramp, tramp, the n Marching, up comrades, Spring â-  I beneath the budding tree I catch the bugs au'.l i.ti.tum.ti.tum.ti.tum.ti.tu BUBZXrX^SS CO he people of Grey should tie educatioual adyauta The Northern Busino I Sound, of which Mr. C. |i8 principal, is not surpa Dion as a school of jjrac Ifor business pursuits for I Fleming; is possessed of 1, a matured and x)ercei |it, rare energy and indoiu HOC is an accomplishi I throws his whole soul in I has consequently been lied success. This college in Cauad odin America, ocoupy [idmg, which is a massiv structure fifty feet sq; be late students are nov Dtiong of trust and emolu 1 of the United States I we cannot too strong Wisdom of a course in I young men who antic I life or even an agricul I^variooa Styles of Bindin. without Patent Indl • n»ay other yaluable feij A DictionL ^Ua/no 'Words, 3000 eJ *wetteerof tf I a'^g^ag and describingj i«ipgraphica! ::, «* nearly lo.ooo Noted| All in One 1 •-JjWordB and nearly a '.Msnany other Ameril .IS THE. r gL^ Gov't Print]] Court. Il T Schooll » ff"^*"*^ Presidl BtM«8 and Cauf says: i_My8: â- syaj tobei uyal 'iJXt

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