_i if nore^ â- weekly ^j 1 's the cW I and meritj 1 ladiea' paj f ° c^nipei I papers wj Iveetment I publisher Is into ey oace a i r»rt- to be FRANi *ad 35 Ac tFlO Ml ;iTS.~A8| MeasurJ^ of a ul a decir s becoE_ already! ley, and [dvantag^ 'e for de^ lell 8upT:i^ ill ah 1000 :-..li equal 51 :e florin 100, the] "n Wieal [â- ng has I the day J [decades, vmits ta minutes circle. Explain] pneumon| 'tion of ft t the oba student.! Ise really ider favoJ s permana liet conditj den chili, idence of !S of tempe iKo Art. ;e is adv| phy. Ami ctive canifl a charui plates, at, h distant o|| jopic aid plates havt e at night,^ taken by IK Darkni America, rd, compri^rp id creatur6s,,|lii lite in color. |M THE ClRCaf " that the haig the amount i lent, Prof. has made sc __ tious. In hi4^ s placed in 1^1 the change bB^t the slightest! IMI nalleat thougb^, y a rise or fail I neck of the ,« on which ly be poised, ts may be fttte n dreams, at^'ji during slumbij^ •iitiiciently tdil When the br relaxing fror feet, with a le investigat the circulati ilmost read oi A. tracing fio^ifi m whether A-t^ :) beats Discovert^ eletons of te, of the 2 Britain, ha en by our ' 3 or more ude purtio^ rom vegetg 5 point of' lathers ancT lOGBESS.â€" J of Paris tf all kindaj S80 toab )er of the :8ent â€" wh^ hich was_ e has receii I commema so you^ ••Yea, Je man adv^ «tter qaa t try me; [or six mod ^^"^^f 'V:,-^~ T^iJ (marg^afe mbai«« C. W. Kutladge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, DEC. 22 1887. (JHEISTMAS. •~A aiiaiber rf genttomen mtereit- d in the niang and Imediag of Canftdian draogfat horaas met in Toronto last Thursday and "The Improved Canadian Horse Association." formed Draught Christmas is again near, and let ns try and make it as significant as pos- sible of our deep gratitude by showing our good will to aU both m word and deed, by banishing all feelings of re- sentment from our hearts, and by making amends for the wrongs we hare done our fellow men. Unhappily many persons believe that Christmas good-will can only be expressed by costly or showy gifts. They mistake the spirit of the day. It is not the cost of the gifts but the spirit in which it is e:iven. Our sreat Christmas festival is not made as much of by us as it should be. We should all try to do something on that day to make others happier, and we will 'find their happiness reflect back on our hearts two fold. There is nothing in this life which gives as much real happiness as a consciousness of doing others good. Don't be aaid to ex- periment. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. IS Markdale Mechanics' Institute now incorporated, and if we may judge from the executive abilities together with financial, social and moral stand- ing of its officers, which are given be- low, we may forecast an institution of prosperty and permanence. We hope to see all pull together and each cheerfully aid in making in a genuine success by assuming a due share of re- sponsibility, and work for the good of the Institute and thus make it a value to the town as well as to individu- alst OFFICEBS. ,^Mr. Wm. Lucas, President. Mr. W, A. Brown, 1st Vice Pres, iir. Brodie, 2nd " " W. L. Young, Treas. T. L. Moffat, Secretary. DIBECTOBS. Wm Brown. Geo. Haskett. A. Dinsmore. J. G. Anderson. C. W, Eutledge. A. Turner. P. McCullough. A. McFarland. S. Hill. MUNICIPAL We understand there is to be op- position, in (ilenelg, to the re-eicciion of Mr. Moffat as reeve, in tne person of Mr. James Skene. Mr. Moffat has been an excellent pubUc offiser, spar- ing no trouble or time in promoting the best interest of the township, and thus he in our opinion, richly merits th« confideiice and hearty support of the ratepayers. We have nothing to fiay against Mr Skene, but when we have a man in the most important position of the township council who has filled that position with credit to himself and satisfaction to the people, we cannot see the wisdom of displace- mg liiva by one ' untirad. Mr. Moffat will be elected without a doubt. Mr. treo. Lamb is retiring, and a vacancy will therefore be made in this Ward. Mr. L. has been an efficient officer, ind retires with a good record. NOTE AND COMMENT. be. â€" Woocfstock is taking steps to cotpe a city. â€"The British Parliament is to meet onPaburary 7. â€" Diphtheria is increasmg its rav- ages in Montreal. â€" The Ontario Legislature meets Jan. 25th. â€" Tbe Dominion Parliament will meet on the Slst Januajy. â€"The next Prorincial Exhibition will be held in Kmgston, September lOih to the 15th. â€"It is rumored that the Northeni E;iilway will pass into the hands of the Grand Trunk on the lat February \,-' h^k' B ETTE R TlMtertagt. Standard Correspondence. Attempted Btjbolabt. â€" On Satur- day night last burglars attempted to effect an entrance to M. Richardson Co's Store, by way of the front door, by marks upon the door it is evi- dent a determined effort was made to gain an entrance. The door was firmly fastened by a sU-ong iron bolt. The bolt keeper was burst which allowed the door to spring open a little, but a still stronger and firmer fastening inside foiled the attempts of the plunderer then, and no other â- ;ra8 apparently made. The Oyster Supper held under the auspices of the Ladies Aid in the Methodist church, on Tuesday even- ing the 18th, was but poorly atten ded: Plenty of Oysters for those present after supper a brief and interesting program was gone through, R. J. Sproule, Esq., occupied the cbair. The High School Entrance Ex- aminations which are to be held in this village this week, will be conduct- ed in the new school house which will be ready for occupancy at that time. In the suit of Atcheson vs. Stewart in the county Court at Stratford lat week, in connection with the cheese factory here, small damages (fifteen dollars) was granted Atcheson. A serious accident and break up occurred on the gravel road about a mile east of the village to one of our farmers coming to market with a load of gram. After crossing what m commonly known as Boyle's River the road being icy the wagon com- menced sUding and in a moment of time the wagon team and driver was over the embankment and to the gully beneath a distance of about 20 feot. Neither team nor driver were much the worse for the shake up but the wagon suffered seriously. Such dangerous places should be well guarded by a strong railing with posts firmly set in the earth. Extensive preperations are being made for a good anniveaRary enter- tainment by the Presbyterian Sabbath School here on Monday evening the 26th inst. W. H. Johnston lately in livery business here sold out to Wm. Elder a short time since, and a few mornings ago left our town, not by an early train but somewhat earlier than train time, just stepped on ahead leaving the steam horse to overtake him on the way. Since his sudden departure a few of those interested in him are singing "Where where Bas he gone." CWIBCHASE YOUR WINTEB: SUPPLIES THAN NOW. »â- • *« NO BEHER PLACE TO PURCHASE THAN-^ No Establislinieiit North of Toronto can show you BETTEB GOODS, CHEAPER GOODS or MORE RE- LIABLE GOODS. rieshextoii CheMe Factoxy. On Thursday the 7th inst., the patrons of this factory met in Flesherton to close up the business of the present year and to make some arrangements for the next. The output of the factory this year has been 88,102^ lbs cheese made from 926,863 lbs of milk realizing in all $9,045,37, The total expences were ♦1,876,17. The following were elected directors for next year :â€" J. McKee, D. Thompson, J. Teeter, T McArthur, W. Wilcox, T. Wright. D. McMullin, R. Oliver, and S. Pedlar, The next meeting will be held on the 1st of March next. Com. POWDER Absolutely Ptiro- TW. powder itevm T«i«.. A "^-^^J^ parity, rtrength and *»»o»«»"»ff*,- "f^ bt. «iaiii oompetftton with the midt^tadeoflow Ba8t.dwtwaJght.luin or Pl»«'P'?^«JP^^. Ktim^'it Hm, BoTil Buasa PbwDKB ».-» lWWaUS«..N.T. Just opened at McFarland's for the earlv Winter's Trade, Heavy All Won) Ottoman Dress Goods 25 cents yard, in Brown, Black, Granett and Navy Blue. Think of it! All Silk Plushes 18 inches wide 90 cents, at McFarlands/ A Nice Xmas present one of Mc- Farland's Golden Brown, Electric Blue, Steel Grey or Granett Marvele- aux Silk Dresses 85 cents, Bold in Toronto for $1.25 Economy is the Eoad to Wealth, you can save money by purchasing your Walking Jackets or Long Wrapps, at McFarland's. New Ottoman Cords, New Astricans, New Motolassas, New Meltons. Our Girls are working day and night, turning out lovely J-ackets and Mantles at marvelously low prices. Our MiUinary Booms are full of charming Hats and Bennetts to please the most exactmg. Those Contemplating Matrimony would do well to call at McFarland's for their Out-Fit, several brides recently got their out-fit from us. Special; 50 Mens' Persian Lamb Caps received by express from a Manufacturer who in order to realize money to meet a pressing engagement sold them cheap, come in and see them from $3.50 up. 100 Overcoats cheap. 100 Men's Suits cheap. 100 Boy's Suits cheap. 100 Youth's Overcoats cheap. 100 Ladies Wool Shawls cheap. 100 Ladies Fasinators cheap. 50 dozen Women's All Wool Black and Colored Hose, a bargain 25c. per pair. Handsome Gent's Mufflers. Handsome Gent's Silk Handker- chiefs. ^andsome Gent's Silk Ties. Handsome Gent's Far Top Eid Gloves. Handsome Gent's Snitings. Every housekeeper should know that McFarland keeps Crockery and Glassware in Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Glass Setts, Goblets, Fruit Dishes, c., c., in large variety in the Base- ment hot having sufficient room up All'Wool 41b. 61b. 71b. 81b. and 91b. Bed Blankets at wholesale prices. A Room full of Navy Blue, Scarlet and White Flanels, that knocks com- petition cold. One Cord Shirtings. One Cord Cottonades. One Cord All Wool 50c. Tweeds Heavy and uuterable. See them. See them. Men's, Wemen'B and Boy's Wool Under ware warranted to keep Jack Frost at a respectable dbtance. Don't wait until Christmas week to buy your supplies of Raisins, Currants, Peels, Spicee, Iceing, Sugar, Coffeo and Tea. No Housekeeper who values reputation can afiord to be without McFarUind's Tsa, it is Strong, Sweet Flovoured and warranted ab- Bolulely Pore. When yon come to Mttkdale don't go past the Old Be- liable Hoose of W. J. McFAWl e, :^^5 IwrkBiCBAIiE. â- ';_'at-;m"'^- iuiTal for HEAD QUkilTERS m SANTA GLAUS. D H X s u Q 4 a » WE DESIEE TO INPOEM OUE numerous patrons and the public generally that we have just opened the LAEGEST, CHEAPEST and BEST, Assortment of Christmas goods ever brought into Markdal©. Having purchased from the best houses in Toronto, Hamilton and London, for SPOT CASH we defy competition. SPECIALTIES! Childrens Dolls and Picture Books, Ladies Satchels, Purses and Plush Goods, Gents Moustache Cups, Shaving Mugs and Wallets, Albums, Vases, China Cups and Saucers, Bibles, Proyer Books, Prize Books, c., c. Call, examine and be convinced. Special terms for Christmas Tree lots. A ne-w Stock of the Laurance Celebrated Spectacles just received. We have the most complete sight test ever invented. A. TURNER CO., -E^OiEB- Holiday Groods, J. 0U WILL FIND THAT- Axxderson has the nicest selection of Moss ware, Chtaa "ware, Colored sets, Glass -ware, engrav- ed or plain, just see our $4.75 china tea sets or our $2.50 colored tea sets, theywlll surprise you. FURS! In Pur our stock is complete, with quality and prices right. /OOIIEN GOODS! In Woollen Goods of every description, oi3D» • Dress and Mantle Good departments are full of the latest and most desir- able goods; Be sure you have a lookthrough them. We have • the nice^ stock of Ladies' \. Button and Lace Boots to be seen .r\,-:.-.,r'::'7 'â- â- . an3rwhere, in fact everything for a real good Xmas and Nw- years trade. IN CLOTHING! In Clothing I have a large stock which will be sold at prices to suit the times. My stocit of tweeds and worsteds are large and well assorted and wiU be sold at a small advance on cost as I do not intend carrying over one yard of these goods you can depend on getting /^ bargains. I am prepared to take aU the fowl, â- ^^ butter, eggs or other merchantfiuBle produce in v exchange for goods. I also -:; ;^ keep in stock the celebrated Featherbone and Featherbone corsets. %i0mi'^: --"^- "•-:â- .â- -^ 'â- â- ^:^M'y--' ::.. X-v • ' ^â- "â- 'â- .-•^B-::-.i â- :-b*i â- v^ ....-â- -.'â- â- " :.".. '"â- - " S-i! â- -â- ^â- ^-,ii^i'3z •.-...:•. â- r.». ,1- -.-.I fe----: *: ^4fi- Wi: r i I wa m and "coif wh COB Rid evd on I prJ ab] via anl odi thi timS^:^^ -S^Si^^tV -\'*JS!^-'*-^gwa«p6?i»p5f?«?W!^^ ::-«*.5sr*«**