^- ping Ut J?^ ^^â- oy Jaw or 1*^1 *â- *• ^â- °^«e or twist te-i^" ^â- «lii^' a branch m ,. â- eadamJon^^5.!,l»b»t ^B section disfki P"»b. â- » of de case n «*° '»iU ^â- ery branch eat«.kr "*e â- i a short life *S'^.*^^ Brsonal! ^H of Sweden « • â- ^thep.pX"Hhr^t^ ^â- and Gervcx. °"" â- heseccd sonoftheKi, â- lying p^intin^ at theP. •*' Bhe name of Oacar^n " â- sent ?223 to Mrs t' â- who was injuS^-bJ*7 â- works during the J^bS: â- quilt madj bv ohin. BandanindLtfti! â- ctona, were buried ± â- er request. '° â- ach. a Croation nolleman â- e was the author of geve^i â- ulto.ihe last firmly beS W ^^«P':°'nu!gationof which i «^-"nces. He was wej â- and other capitals forT »e took m the spiritual â- i^"' whose voice was culti- l^rue Scotch method, Z I known singer of the streets, â- England. His favorite was â- entitled " Good News^' â- uof abs.irdities,'into which Wi threw remarkable h- hit this year but few sons of tUicy have had their n^imes ti-^ion to the military college I Ihe rules made by ben. p It much easier to attain the }r .:y rising from the ranks. aobt of the young men have i de Wangen, the young o was recently shot down on 'y a German sentinel, and t was at first supposed would S3 of liis leg, is recovering, be able to return to military ised an indemnity, declaring not touch a penny of Prua- illiani is to live to the age of Thus speaks an old German, letter announces this aston- !cy, which is based on the f the Emperor. Of fifty-two have ruled Germany, notoue le age of eighty. The former out the Emperor's age only 1 ninety-six. Tuis one takes ndred. The next prediction itrike into the second century, ;eeiliiig prophecy will progres inner. Gordon's death at Khartoum, tr to his sister, Miss Gordon, letter of sympathy. Miss !y, asked the Queen's accept- which had been her brother's years, and was copiously The Bible is in the corridor apartnients of Windsor Cas- n clock, on a tall pedestal, is ks a stand on which the Bible ass shade covering the whole. 1 the Queen herself laid open irecting the eye to the text a good fight." aylor, aged 27, who was a St. Helen's (England) Be- Jail Club, played recently in 1st the second team of the nder Rugby rules. He w«« le ball, when a Widnes man the Jersey. As he fell he and was applauded. He got lead, and went on playingi ly fell on his back. A con- and the young man said: resting I am 'very Jll» my left side." He ^en nscious, and soon died. The Mr. Taylor died of concM- 1 and serious laceration ot ance. His ankle w« »'«' Great had sound Wea« » lestion, judging from tW iid to have been iasned u jrmined that in all the l»n« all young married perM"" eir marriaire should plan**' s at some convenient «po^ ees and six being oak tw*. )ur great displeaanre, tn» t been obediently obe«««, )rdain and decree *»** ' "oie the marriage, «",*j! ae parish clergy of oM «»" y person in w«dlooltjj»| re have a satiflf actory ^wj^ ir edict is carried 00^.- •s to send in » *n?."PJ^ rriages celebnted » »** ry that is going ««2ia1 recently in tne y^ ,u^ was fond of taWn^ B*?" 5 he ighborhood. One d^ a beggar ^«?f^^di» i. In pnr«I)«M5»»»jB be preS^q«i^»^bat an offioar. »^ pat «d the offiotf, •â- '!!; g to old into her I«»?^ vopH ds yon *i^»"^^SlS0 [ive hia »P*^i. hJS^ The fiMrtlh»f*rifc» Vint to hbchir appcMMkvP^ Beast In tbe Jnncles of tH^ IM* firea* Ceylon. of Kottiar lies in the centre of rBeTill»g|° on the northeast coast of rJsS*"^^ was here, under a tamarind :«^'»"l-h still stands, that Knox, with hU Robert Knox, "the historian," ""^l-jrore^'^^ the year 1659 were Vjbiss^'P jjjg Kandyans, and thence vtrived .I'y to their mountain strong ifT'^P" main in captivity for a period of S- '" "Thv order of Rajah Singh IL Veatyy't-ftie Government rest-house for 'i"' travellers (built in the time ot •j;en-=« "' ' cnpatioa) lies close to the land- i*^' and ?3 at present in charge of a irgplf 'jTy called -Mr. Lignum Vitffi. A f'^iael made to all who occupy it, 'Sdefraying expenses. '*^ menoed our journey up river, but WecoBi'" ^^ obtain sufficient canoes, t^tb^io.? a° to walk up the banks, and jje coolies them through the jungle we .^eno'-sf*? .^ ^^^jj to walk with them. By jjoh to°s ' ^^.^g ^p country the river had ^ccntnei J greatly swollen, and the mfortun*^ J .^^^ ^g^e overflown, also i*^"° nndine flat country; what were ••i'.-'TSlets running into the Ganga "' wie flowing rivers, and our progress :of "^fp circumstances was much retarded. -J'J"' ,1,0 shall'^w streams were got over, i!*' deep i'nd wide ones had to be "'â- "rind this was done by cutting a =^°f traieht voung tree and placing it be the forks of two others on a hand-rail of either jungle i3 crossing '^^' " '£ Sb wfy we had little difficulty *° rera! of the worst streams. In "'I' stance ou'.y the hand rail broke, pre- â- '"t'ne a coolie with a case of our precious •â- ""^.inM into the running stream, which f'fnf course lost forever and carried away t'fi current. The coolie was luckily "fffrine arrived safe and sound at Kanda ,.^„_ /e pitched our tent, changed into â- ltbing,fixed our camp beds, lit a roar itifire, roai ,„Jsted the fatted calf, and dined "truly rural " on the fat of the land, and for the night. Rising early [mornfng from a most refresaing sleep, ijon retired iffoMTour trackers already on the alert, .iL a Veddah (one of the aborigines or wild Lnot the woods), who offered his services, »hich were accepted. After seeing to our ^ns and ammunition, and taking with us I few refreshments, we began our march jfter the rogue who had been reported to kve committed all sorts of depredations in •he neighborhood of late, and could not then te ven- far off, as he had paid a visit dtiring thenieht to one of the villagers' gardens not wo miles away, and had torn up nearly all his banana trees. j- 4.1, u After nearly three hours' wading through ihejuDgle with water up to our waibta, we came upon our game, and had only just time to slip behind one or two good trees when the elephant suddenly made his ap pearance, making straight for us. I +ook the first shot, and, giving him the contents of my 12bore rifle at twelve paces just over the eve, he threw up his head, turned tail, »nd fled, trumpeting, smashing and leveling everything in his headlong career. It was impossible then to give him a second shot, o»inj! to the large volume of smoke, which would not rise, the atmosphere being too damp but we immediately gave chase, and ifter a most exciting run of twenty minutes came upon him again in » far better jungle. 1 was again lucky enough to be first in the field, and with a well-directed shot placed jost behind the ear the ponderous brute top- pled over, dead, close to a jungle palm. After taking the brush we drank our very good health, and were not at all sorry for a refresher after so long and exciting a chase under the rays of the tropical sun. To return to our camp. To save time and distance in retracing our steps we de- cided to cross the river, so we sent off our trackers to cut decayed jungle trees. Hav- ing done thi?, and brought the trunks to the river's side, we lashed them together ad made a raft, and then launched it into the river. No sooner had we done so than » lond bark and splash came trom a group of mangroves on the opposite side. We looked at each other, and all knew well what those ominous splashes meant but nevertheless we had made up our raft and minds also to cross. The ferryman, or Kanda Kadn, who xicompanied us, a by no means inferior wcker, and known to most sportsmen who Mve travelled in this part of the country, *M a very strong Moor, as plucky as tjhey CM be made, and a perfect fish in the ter. Having placed all the guns and »mmnnition on the raft, he boldly plunged â- nto the river, regardless of the crocodiles »«d swam across with it and its contents rathe other side, and, having safely landed â„¢ cargo, brought the raft back for ns. ™«ing a noise the whUe something like â„¢ thn I to drive away his amphibions k5°r' "^^^ "l^est member of our party »« the seat of honor on the raft, and the waertwo, not liking to be outdone by the «a ferryman, agreed to assist their comrade er on this occasion so we plunged in also ° onr hnntmg attire and after some timeoui "â- Ms were set at rest by touching ground ' the opposite bank. He Would do His Part. j^^1«p" Blanche, I think I will get hilr.!!'t~"Ye8, George, and does your « W u ""^spoBsively to some one's " in«J\*- ' "" °°* exastly, but I can almost 2"' myself, and I think it's a pretty °^ girl that won't help a little bit.' The Monkey's Soliloquy. What n iggnvation 'tis JusttobeamonkeT: I would nther, if I couM, Have be^n born a donker. Wben I hear the iffly talk Of a man and woman, AM I think how nearly I Wa? created human, Then I thank my stars, that I T 7 m°."y o"" •Ink "»i«Md it '^Jl.lue 8 chain remain entuKled, ni not help untwist it p Jferre PainCnre. md'^^Ns^iline cures flatulence, chMhi Nerviline cures vomltbig, di ra, and dysentery. Kerriline °«iDl^n*^" " BickneM and Mmuner toolt;^]- ^erviline cues afMrnJoia, cttM^.'^bago, and sciatica. Nec^Ine SS^J^ 10 and 25 ^ti to tiy it. is a lovely fabric for a ball ' I I •Qe Longost Word in the Diotumwy is iooompa^i^ te «T~-"t '^t^ the faax- pre«ible ««»iAc%^^SrSSjr2LSSte conKquence8it«uW««fro«i ajuSnTad* nunistration ,* DT^ierctfa iaSSSTpw- t??^"""' P^Ptâ„¢*^®" designed especiaUy lu Fe J^T*^" '^^ l^rSianonTWe o^ allj-enwle Wealsnesses, Nervousness and diseases pecuhar to the female sexTlhe hv ^â„¢^ for woman'» peculiar ills, sold by drnfi^ts, un#er a potftiire Maruitee. to givesatirfaction. See fuaranaeon w«p- ^tM^ii^"" This ^«»ntee has been taitMuUy cMried out for many years bv the propnetws. ' In spite of the warm weather furs ue active. A Larere Estate- A broad land jis this in which we live dotted so thickly with thrifty cities, town^ and villages I Amid them all, with ever-in- creasing popularity and helpfulness, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, giving hope and cheer where there is disease and despair. Wherever there is humanity there 18 suflermg wherever there is suffering there is the best field for this greatest Amer lean Remedy. Consumption (which is lung- scrofula), yields to it, if employed in the early sta^ej of the disease; Chronic Nasal Catarrh, yields to it Kidney and Liver dis- eases, yield to it If you want the best known remedy for all diseases of the blood, i-sk for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- ery, and take no oter. Silk mull gown. Popular Preparation. Pure, Potent, Powerful Pallid People Praise, Progressive People Purchase Posi- tively Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, Properly Partaken, Preserve Physical Powers, Produce Permanent Physical Per- fection. Purchase, Prove Adaâ€"" Does your beau really loveyou, do you think, dear " Ellaâ€" Oh, my, yes Why, he's a perfect grizzly in one respect." free Free free A Book of Instruction and Price List of Dyeing and Cleaning to be had gratia by calling at any of our offices, or by post by sending your address to R Parker Co., Eyers and Cleaners, 759 to 763 Yonge St., Toronto. Branch Offices 4 John St. N., Hamilton 100 Colbome St., Brantford. White light wool frocks, trimmed with ribbons and laces, are the first choice of little girls for Christmas parties. ^^^ SCIATICA. â€" An effectual remedy invented and prepared by S. J. Lancaater. for Sciatica, Influnmato-y Rheumatism, Neura'gia.Gout and Lum- bago, who was cured himself by it after being three years on crutches. The remedy will be expressed to any part of Canada, to any person suffering the abave complaints who order it. Send tor circulars. Price of 8 oz Bottles Lioiment$l.OO, Pills 25c. 8.J. iiAiV- CA8TEK, Petrolla. Out. There was an ancient gentleman with countenance benign, Who to k his walks abroad on days when it was very flgn. One morn, returning from his club (he'd had. a little wign). He slipped upon some oraoj^e peel and came down on his spign. CiN'OALBSs Hair Rsnswbr restores grey and faded hair to its natural color and prevents falling out. A Castile, N. Y., woman picked a cabbage in her garden the other day, and when she cut it open found in the very centre of the head, which was sonnd, a bird's egg ITCHUie PILES. Stmptohsâ€" Uoisture intense itching and stinging most at night worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer- ate, becoming very sore. Swatni's Ointmbht stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many cases removes the tumours. It is equidly effi- cacious in curing all skin diiteases. DR. SWATNE SON. Proprietors, Philadelphia. Swatni's Ointhbiit can be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail (or 50 cents. Scotchman â€" " My mother married at fourteen." Spaniard â€" "^And mine at thir- teen." Mexican â€" " Mine at twelve." Irish- man â€" " Sure that's nothing. My mother was married before I was born.' HtTB CouoH Cubs cures in one minute. "Oh, mamma I" exclaimed little Edith, running iuto the house nearly out of breath, " there's going to be a marriage deception over to Mrs. Uppum's this evening." Chil- dren and fools often tell the truth. People who are subject to bad breath, (onl coaled tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, oan at once be relieved by using Dk. Carson's Stomach Bitten, the old and tried remedy. Ask Tonr DnundsL All the women doctors who have given their profession the devotion it requires seem to be making good incomes. A Care for Drankenness. The opium habit, depsomania, the morphine habit, nervous prostration caused by the use of tobacco, wakefulness, mental depression, softeniog of the brain, etc., premature old age, loss of vitality caused by orer-exertion ot the brain, and lots of natural strength, from any caus« whatever. Men -young, old or middle aged â€" who are broken down from any of the above causes, or any cause notmetaitned abtve â- end your address and 10 cents in stamps (or Lubon's Treatise, in bonk form, o( Ifiteaiet tif Man, Books sent sealed and secure from observation. Address H. V. LCBOH, 47 Welliogton street East, Toronto, Ont FUBTEBB MDOBSATION. ToBONTo, Nov. 7th, 1887. The Bbeadmakeb's Yeast Co â€" I have taken four prizes for home made bread with your Yeast. The first time I baked with it I took second at Whitby against a Baker. Then I took the first at Pickering, Markham and Scarboro' town- ship fairs. It is the best Yeast I ever nsed.â€" Mbs. John Buels, Ringwood. Having been making bread, over forty years and always using my own yeast, I thought there was no equal but I heard of your yeast and thought I would try a pack- age. I found it sncoessfuL It was the whitest, lic^test and best bread I ever had. â€"Miss B. Bkatok, Norwich P.O. The following persons have also sent simi- lar letters to the Breadmaker's Yeast Com- '^^B. S. Green, Ontario Street, Port Hope Miss Lisrie Gnlledge, Oakville; Mrs. W. Davison, Windemere Mrs. Alex White, Heepeler; Mrs. Cobert, Boboaygeon; Miss C. K Swaun, Port Hope Jfas. Jamee Wame, Cobonrgj! Mrs. G. R. Bnmn, BeUerille s M». Cbas. Riohies, Kvig^; MIm L w " Kemp, Bcighten; Mrs. Wm. PranoirBML 367, Odiawa Mr^ R. Ttomp- ^Port Burweil; Mr^ CeUa Wj^ Brant- ford Mrs. Alfr«l Wt%ht, CJookwilla; Mis. Jennie Watwn, Box 38, Qeorgetown Mrs. KadwBl SuttonrShrfWf Jtti Katie Mur- dierSâ„¢. Kirkwapd, W*» aBoronto Juno- ti^;. Miss Jiffy Freeman* Drawer 33. lfilt;n; Ifc^ MaiyT^tt, O^de; Ita. k Calder, Laiefield Mrt. Anna â- ' Jo,. .1^ Tib BaaaDi ;Mn. BMpMtfoUy, „ [Axnli 7aaM C*. Saroato. w.Sffi'lk*2^1'**" « «i« best 1^ »~q«*dL See tibat^tljffi. R.rT!w are Ktan^^ (w«Mh dcop. «i»^^^**i!^?2 â- " mustrated in »*fmon of the ^tizen who spends ten or nfteta years m perfecting a fin* araii**' tod then tskes^own^ street OTti BT* »PP«u:anos «f the^. r- "i^^rarsi. 2nSis°: 5^^ 2issi*rs?i.s^ Best to«r5f£. A. P. 876. r ATcNTS atoUe free' -mnstrrttre desoriptive Cat B. Chamberlin, Toronto CIRLS WANTED, se^.S.K .?? per month. Hss. Bowsia. 612 Tonge-st, "Sront ' P ATCUTQ PKOerKKD m Canada, the US. and f *? \h" â- W all (oreign conntifea. Engineers. Pa- b8hedl867. Donald C Rldant « Co., Taront«». mHE BODLBK ISSPECTIOJI and Iiuiit- â- * 1^**^ Compamr ot Canada, consulting Engineers and Solicitors o( Patents, r, o B ^. ""•KOlfTO. Q. C. Robs, Chie( Engineer. A. Frasbr, Seo'y-Treaa. WORK fOUiAtMj. S3« a week and expenses paid. Valuable outfit and particulars free. P.O.TICKERT, Augusta, Maine. IF you have invented anything u8e(ul, patent it and make money. Write tor Harybt's Gdidb 10 Pa- tents, to A Harvey, Patent Attomwand publisher o( "The Patent Review," Ottawa. Ont/25yT8. experience. ILLySTnAiJEDnew and interJrthig7 Something â€" â€" --â- mm ^^ u.,n «uu .UU.I. VOUUlg. SCUd at SSJSJ!, y°" "»°* *8 l«st- CANADIAN BUSINESS UNIVERSITY SHORTHAND INSTITUTE, Public Library Bui ding, Toronto. TaoHAS Bbkootoh, Presi- dent Chas. H. Brooks, Secretary and Manager. Wanted. RELIABLE MEN, to represent a popular LIFE INSURANCE COMP\Nr. Address, W. P. PAGE, Secy. 10 King St. E., Toronto. W. MCDOWALL, Importer o( fine Guns, Rifles, Ammunition and sports- man's goods o( every description. On receipt of $15.00, I will express to any address, an English made double barrel breach-loading diot- gun, with cover and tools complete. W. McDOWALL, 51 King street East, Toronto. MERCHANTS BUTCHERS AND TKADEK8 «ENKKAU,T. We want a oooD man in your locality to pick n (or us. Cash (umished on sati8(actory g^uaranty. Address C. S. PAGE Hyde Park, Vermont, U.S. Nervous Debility. DR. ORAVS Specific has been nsed for the past fifteen years with great success, io the treatment of Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex- cesses, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in the ears, palpitation, etc. For sale by all druggists. Price 91 per box, or 6 boxes for 95, or will be sent by mail on receipt o( price. Pamphlet on application. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. MANITOBA. Farmers going to Manitoba will find it to their advantage to call upon or write to W. B. Gillett, 523 Main Street, Winnipeg, who has improved farms for sale. Information cheerfully furnished without charge. Money advanced to bona fide set- tlers at low rates of interest upon personal property to assist them in starting. CANADA PERMANENT Loan and SaTtn^s Co. IKCOBFORATBD 1856. Snbscribed Sapltal 93,500,««e Paid-Hp capiua... s,3eo,Mie Keservc Pnnd I,I8e,oe« Toial Assets »,M1,«U Omcs :â€" Co.'s Bun.DiRss, Tokonto St., Tobohto. DEPOSITS received at current rates o( interest paid or compounded haU-yearly. DEBENTURES issued in Currency or Sterling, wiOt interest coupons attached, payable in Canada or in England. Executors and Trustees are authorized by law to invest in tbe Debentures o( this Company. H^NEY ADVANCED on Real Estate security at current rates and on (avorable conditions as to repay- ment. Mortages and Municipal Debentures purchased. J. HERBERT MASON. Managing Director. Allan Line Royal Mall Steamslilpft SaniDjgdnitaig winter (rem fort and evaiy husda: and HalUax eysiy Satoiday to Uvanool, and la sai met from Qnehec eveiy Satoiday to LlTeipool, oalUiit at Londondenry to land mails and passengen to SooUand and Ireland. Also bom Baltimore via Halt (ax and SI John's N. r.,to Uyeipool (orlnigbtly duk ing summer monttia. The aleamen o( ttie Glasgo* Hues â- ail dntUur winter to and (rom Halifai, Poitlaa* Boston and raiadsl]^ and during summer betw«» Olaseow and Monlraid, weeUy, Olawow and Boslot weekly and Glasgow and Fidladelphia, fOrtnlgfattj Tot Freight, paanm. or other ln(ormatioa amdy i A. dcbomaoher Oo, Baltimore 8. Onnard m De. Halifax Shea ft Co.. n. John's N. F.. Wm. Thonaor ft Co.. SL John N. B. Allan Co., Ohloaso: Lots Alden. ^ew Toik H Bonilier. Toronto i ABaas B» ft Oo., Qneb«o:Wm. Brookle, P h il ade lp h i a i H. i ABan Portland BoatoD Montraa! Wean theonlymanufaotnrer90(SmallAmeiicanHog SAUSAGE CASINGS in Canada. These Casings TAKE THE LEAD d any Eogllflh Sheep Casings. as tosise, strengthand length. Price IiUt Averieaa Hoc Casliws. Per keg o( 100 ibs. .9W 00 Per keg o( 60 lbs. .nS 00 naUerqaantitiea,perlb..86o. Ehsuih Shbbp Casnos :â€" ««, „ Per keg o( 60 bundles •WOO Smaller quantities, per bnndle 86 Patronise Home ttMle. Uany otiMrdMlMS are offering Casings at leas than tiie above, we win aeU at ttieirilgiuresU shown tilepiloes. ._,,__ We aloniaaa(actnre PUR EilPI I JW PMRTILIZKA. oompoaed ot Blood, Bone ZtTaiJS. rai. pSB*. iSrooTFine or ooaiae Bone Meal. fSS perton. AH Goods WamntMl, or IS^ iSohdML Goods F. O. B. at HamiMoB. F. KOWI.DI Jk €•„ lUmJiom On. worn SALE HolsteiiL Cattle Owinc to the laige increaae of my lyid thfai saaaon It ta^MM^torSDcs it 1«fora wints^fwffl thgre- kud wshtlil Tsar at Toionto Indusidil, BIlTar BMofaiaiai SzUbMaa.Dlnlomm Wgii i w awaid lor OaMa^^TAddfess FrmdnMsaad States. toneUng bothttie AttantliHnd Paoflc OoeMW. are rsji i u isated Uiis year among its rtode^ tend fpr^IStii annual AmUaTw! B. BoBDOMMr anrjr. W. Jonani, P.aA.. PHnoipafa. MILLER'S TICKl DESTROYER. taocaus, gtretUa valnable pw- P««Hon a fair trial, tt ooaiatai pramptl.T and tf ectnaUy io desttoylns tlda and other vermin pests, aswdl .as in eradieatiag aU aSectfons of the 1-T5 TZi. •S^*«7W°»» Sheep are snblecfc SoW toUnsat Kc. TOo. and «L A »o. TIa wiOdeaB « ShaeporSS Lambs HUOQ MtLUBB ft Co.. Toronto D 'SI Dedring to obtain a Business Education, or beeom« proficient in Shorthand and Typewriting, dionld at- tend the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Arcade, Yonge street, Toronto. For Ciroulars. etc.. Address C. O'DEA. Seeretarr. FOR ONf CENT l,eM Miles o( new Line o( Railway built this season. Land all (or settiement. Unsurpassed (or grain or stock (arms. 480 acres (ree. To learn how to get it, send your address on postal card. J. m. HDCKIIfa, 90 King St. W.. Toronto. BABY'S BIRTHDAY. f A Buutifol Imported Birthdar Card sent to any baby whose mother will (end ni the names of two or more other babies, and their parents' addreoea Alio a handsome Dia- mond Dye Sample Card to the mother and much valuable in(oimBtion. Wella. Richmrdâ€" a C«„ HentresL ^USAfiE 6ASIilfi niaPiWOSIBfrSinajSH aBKPS.alao8BaU l^ns^p^sSf^rite^^riSr"*--- Jas. Park Son. AGENTS WANTED. Tins 18 the 000- Aocidsnt Insurance Association in Ontario doing business on the Assessment Plan. Ttt (urtlier partiealais apply to CliAKKB « KOBlMgoiir, Haaacers. GHINIQUY'S FIFTY YEARS in the chnrchoi Rome, 10th edition, cheaper in price. 839 pages. Axents, ladies or gentlemen, to sen this Yirm, FAScraATise and tsAOic book. Liberal terms. Abdrms, A. G. WATSON, Tosokto, Wuj.akd THact DsrosrroaT, Tobobto. Toronto Silver Plate Oo., MAHTTrACTCaSBS OF TBS HISBBST OaADB OP SILVER PLATED WARES. TRADE MARK. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. TORONTO. W. CRAHAH A CO., 28S Yonge St., Toronto, deiders in all kinds o( Band and Orchestra Inatm- ments. Both New and Second Hand. Vocal and Instrumental Mnsio. Mujic Books, etc. In- 'stmctlon Books (or every Instrument. Agents (or Ciri Fischer's Band ft Oa- CHRSTBA Music. Send (or catalogues. •aECTB^^'-:::® IiADIES* Dress and Mantie cutting by tliis new and improved S3 ADEIAIDC ST. E., TORONTO All Classes Of fine work. Mfrs. of Printers' Shies and Metai Furniture. Send tor prices. J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER 10 KingS^East TORONTO. STANDARD CHOPPING MLLLS. USESBESTFRENCHBURF '^-^'â- ^^=-- MILLSTONES FIREST GRINDER INTHE WORLD HO RENEWING HATES AS IN IRONMIUS^ TAILORS' SQUARES. Satis(action guaranteed to teach ladies the (ull art o( cutting all garments worn by adies and children. PROF. SMITH 183* Queen St. W., Toronto. Agents wanted \MWns ^^ W • E.W.C?-BrANTFORD. cmmoa.' Youcan buy o( CHAS. STARK, 62 Church street Toronto, a good reliable ten dollar Silver Watch (ordinary retail price), eleven jewelled, patent lever, expansion balance, 3 oz. silver case, suitable (ur men or DojB, (or 15 Higher grade movement, in same case......... 8 Wm. Ellery, Waltliam, in same case 9 P. S. Bartlett, Waltham, in same case 10 Ladies' Solid Silver, very handsome 6 Ladies' Solid Qold, elegant designs 10 I( engrayed silver cases are pre(erred, add 69c to above pricM. The silver oases are our o» n manu(ac^ure, and (uUy guaranteed. Oa receipt of prio* will send by registered mail, postage prepaid. Catalogue (ree. 1 t BLOOD THE Greatest Ols oovery o( 'tlie iresentage tax Rsev. unra thb .Bowna, SD Cuania all Blood, TVia and KmssrOoM. .piiAisTB. A Per(eat (Blood Purifier. A (ew in Hamilton who liave 9n benefited by it» Mrs. M. Keenan, Robert St, cored 3( Erysipelas o( two irean* standing Bobt Cornell. 24 South 81, laughter cored o( Bp- ilepdo Fits a{ter nx {rears' suffering Jen- lie BirreU, 56 Walnut 3t, cured o( Weak- ness and tiung nonUeTJohn Wood, 95 Oathoart St., oared o( Liver Complaint and Bilionsneas. used onl; 8 flttr-eent hotties Mrs. J. Beal, 6 Augusta St., troubled (or years with -Nervous Prostration, twc mall bottles gave her great reliet Sold at 60o. ft $1. F. F. DALLST k CO.. Proprietors. NEW SECOND-HAND Lt";SS^ MACHINERY THE BALTIC Is the only el^ove made that will bum wood or coal equally well, it wHI heat one or more adjoin- ing rooms and retain firs with either (uel all night. It is the (armers, wood burner and will make home as oom(ortable as with a sel( (eeder coal stove. The largest size is an nnrivalded neater (or sohoolshalls and churches The family Keystone, the largest flrst-dassstove (or the money made. THE ARGAND Is revolntionizing ooolc ing with coal. Its patent fire-pot and grate makes it the most durable, easiest to manage, nest to retain fire'night and day,'snd most economicalotooal'stovca. These were the only stoves awarded a medal or new and meritorious invention^ this year. U your dealer has not got them write as (or infor- mation. THE OSHAWA STOVE CY., PSHAWA, ONT. FARMERS AND THRESHERS Use on yo«r Haefeinery only the WeU«lmowii PeerlessOil mUC Mil n IICnAlfi iwva bean awarded it durinrttwlasttonr yean, ftyalwonr] RlnC UULU mCUALo AXKB CVKAU for yowVaoons and Boise Fomrs. MamfaetniedatQUKBH OIXT OU WORKQ. r SAMTTEI. BOOERS CO.. Toronto, BABNUM WIRE and IRON WORKS, WDTDSOB, ONT. We ar« now (dTeriiijBr the Best Iron Fencei ever gold in Canada, at remarkably Low Prices. WE ALSO MAKE Stable fiztoroB, Sand Screens, Woftther Yaaea, Iron Stairs ana SbattiMi Wire Bseapes, Office SaSQiig' flower Stands. Wire mgDM, ai^j^kindsjof Wfre,Iron «idr 9muiiiii^/j â-º ^-^.i^M:*,i**Si-l- Li;i' m ii!-i' i â- •^r Ifw