..â- J-4-J»3iaR;; ,: ' .-jrt^*'«gi«^,»' if."-S J..*5V' â- !W" ^^iiiiil ^^7 1, Door and Plain Rfc. lachinery, everyth«M» inner second to nonek eyery department, I atronage. ers ProrQptl;y d Undressed d Fancy Turning doee. Distance. ;e to the pedplP ed into my new carriage mfacture e\ery article rience in the busineot. ifefaction to every .one t/y atiended to. \, Jr*ropriet?r» toddart, late of Fersy City, U. S. begs citizens of Mabkdaee Q? commtiuitv, that to ^TAILOKING SHOP J. McFarland's Stoifl, spared to do all work m in the Latest sdjI s- as I will inspect eaving the Shop, cob- rely on having work st- class in e^ry pB*- 3g that I may receive » .e poblic patronage main, lithfuUy vonr's, WILL ST0DD4^- arch 14th, 1887. â€"AND T, LONDON E.C.EIIGL»KD- :x: Stephien'Sf .r the sals of ^e »*f«;5 GREAT KASB »oA W- a the wearer. ctnality bo streBg^^^,g» 5 become oeoeasa^^rTS^ :b. They »re thereic-' '^im^^^mrm^i f^s^rrs m. "^is heated by fcol«ir .....nddaugbterof DiUMlalk "° :nonth with friends in '•^^t.'tmMfu wm on died near has again changed sold to one Mr. \Sc extend the right Dundalk ri'TownCoancil,hasoSered a t^t; for the apprehension and "' -• of Harrison's is to ^liich was burned at Owen l,e re-huilt forthwith. •Tbe Canadian Advance" is Ite^ame of a new 8 page raliKioiiB, Hteraty and honje jonmal, publishes at Toronto by Yeigh Co. Having succeeded te Parkdale News it published tb« «6ly authorieed and vaebatim reports of the Suuday-evenpig srarmons of the weU-knovm divine, Rev. Joseph Wild, p. D. Besides being a religious jonmal in a broad and nnsectarian sense it le- presents the Canadian Cbngregation- alists, and judging by the ability dis- played in the number before us. editor- ially and typogsaphically, it is an »gan which reflects fvredit on such an in- fluential denomiBatiou. The subscrip- tion price is only one dollar a year, and it is on sale at the newsdealers. ^MIMIlJ AbV^tlSf WliHTS. m^i ^\^^m\ M! :jo?isatroH Vp to «ke tmek ifaetSterfir ow mMOc wl for for New Division Courts. COtaTT or OBBT. tlje incendiary y.ra merchants res at 7 p. m have decided ., Saturday's to ex- Wliat we would like to 1. ,/°J^ hereby given Ujat a meeting wm be neidKaoitheclocicp. m., on FHdayttie ninth 2*y^lPeMmber, uef, at Jodgee Chamben in PMtar*B Block. Poalett Street, Owen Soondâ€" to take mto consideratioa ttie formation of two newDivinan Conrf â- in the CkMmty of Oreyâ€" one M !?^ ^^ 18 nxopoeed to form of the west parte of tne Townahips of Bentinck and NormaUby, ud the other of parts of the Townships of Holland, Euphrasia, Artemeeia and Glendsi in the said County. ^^ Of whieh all persons intiarested are required to takenotioe â- odgovem themselves acoorungly. By Order of is Honor. Conn^ Judge Uaepheieon. WM. ABMSTBONO. HEAD QOIBTBRS 'FOB- DEIJG STORE. -ifri^aW- Pap^r, Toronto St noxtOoorto tho Mansion Maekdale. Houtf ,,C by an excess of enthusiasm, ' out of it again. ttarBtd [;.elb.rne Economist ^nts a snow ,: tov.fell from a beechnut tree and t;oBan Catholic, church is talked Li next summer. Leeks ago some miscreant got into I t. in Durham and cut one end out Cation torn, and since then one o* Infers ^(te "Stuffin' [^e, of Hanover, had his bam and ,ed oa Sunday night the 6th. I had a pumpkin pie social recently. I jrjjcville Advertiser says that_ Mrs, [teon. of Guelph, was recently marri I jf;.-, Margaret Munsouâ€" A nice pre :,cli:' r-erilleis having telephone connection Fltsherton Station New School house ;^a!iy opened last week by an Enter eit.irbieli was eminently succassfuL idari Mirror has taken up its abode [:,::] Diicinle meeting house, said build- â- zshioi fitted up rad "Cousecrated" iijiirFosc. iKtvere house stabies caught fire, in rjrr.last week, but the tire was sub- i'er much damage was done. • fciim Creamery is assuming practical Ifrons. fiiSon, of Durham, have Jput a new ;ro their woulieu factory. t-oollen rnlls at Palm erston was de- 'vj firt'ji.ortly after noon last Friday, :i loss of about '311,000, with only About a score of Street lamps erected. The Mechanics' Institute a genuine success. Good sleighing in exchange for the present Edop. Due courtesy extended to strangers who come, either to reside in or yisit, our town. Every married man haye his life in- sured. Dstoft at Owen Sonn^ the 8th Nov. 1807. Clerk of the Peaoe, County of Grey. Dress Mantle Making That Bad IKan. to at satis- lisurance. uiyirkham mmist is 32 years old. MauitowaninR inith, CiUtor of tLc :. has L;-cu made eaptain of a com- "clTi'innteers iu that i)iaee. Doi-'t. â- i; cold of youi.-' rnn on. Tou think it T-.tbing. lut it may run into catarrh. piputumouia. Or consumption, ;a:i is disgusting. Pneumonia is â- 'oasumption is death itself. I-; Kt'ithiu;,' aparatus must be kept â- aiid ckar of all obstructions and ~e matter. Otherwise there is trouble "â- -t iseascs of tbes parts, head, nose, Mcr.cbial tubes and lungs, can be de- p-" and eutivfcly cured by the use of -~! German Syrup. If you don't ' â€" ' ahsauy, thousands and thousands yi can tell you. They have been ;â- ? it.and -know Low it is. themselyae.' â- ^ "-iy 75 cents. Ask any druggist. l*arMale C. O. O. P. Some of the iNHiVENCES that make sa^ NEBS OF us INSTEAD OF SAINTS 1 Moral characteristics are too often the out growth of physical causes. -If so, should a man vrith a diseased body be trusted with armies, banks, railroads or other great enterpxisBS.? In order to sia:Bi|gthen tbe jnind we must strengthen the body. But iu aid- ing physical force, certain muscel are frequently strengthened, because of their use, at the sacrice of the parts of the body unemployed. The oarsman devotes the muscles that are brought into use in rowing, and by continually developing them he is pre- pared for the great event. The poet ' and the artist study nature to improve the mind and the eye. To enable one to employ all his forces to the best advantage, the body must be in a healthful condition, so that all parts may fully pertoim their ;functions, and thus elevate the mind by strength- ening the body. The irritable man, the unjust man, the unsuccessful man, the woman in her duties of life, the counting room default- ers, and the thousands continually mak- ing failures, receive too httle charity, even when the result is prostration by disease, or sudden death by suicide, or some terrible crime. For not until Ufe is ended, and the result of the post-mor- tem examination is known, can the phy- sician declare that the cause was organic derangement of the system. They pro- nounced it blood-poisoning melancholy, loss of vigor, or nervous prostration. These so-called diseases, nine times out of ten, arise from the kidneys, which are diseased so that they cannot expel the waste matter from the blood. There are hundreds of thousands of people who do not know that the same quantity of blood that passes through the heart (this much favored I BEG to inform the Ladies of Markdale and vicinity, that I am now prepared do all kinds of Dress S Mantle Blakinfr my residence on Mill 'Street. Perfect foAtion guaranteed. Terms reasonable. Tour attention is especially called to my ^^Dressmakers Hagic Scale** Tailor system of cutting. Those desirous of learning to cat by this system can do so at moderate cost by appljring to me, as I am sole agent for the Co. of Grey. This system is the only one now iu use by the first class city dress and mantle makers. Try it and be convinced. 376-88 MES. LITTLEJOHNS. LOOK! READ! and you will be con- viaced that the straight ' direct and proper course to pursue when buying is to purchase your requirements in Drugs, Chemicals, Stationery and Sun- dries, .a-t the above named Popular Store. AFVLI^liINEOF STATIOBTEBT SVHOOIi BOOM.S AND SfJHOOI. NECESSARIES, TOILET ARTICLES AMD TOILET SOAPS. FARM FOR SALE. OB WILL XXCHANaB nB TOWN OB TILLAOB PBO- JPJtBIY. Being kt 20, Con. 10, Township of Glenelg, .i miles from the thriving village of Markdale, and consisting of 100 acres, well watered. On the premises are ahouFe, barn and stable. Title indisputable. For further particulars apply to MBS. A. MIGHT, Chatsworth, Out. Chatsworth, Oct. 29th, 1887. 373 FARM FOR SALE. LOT 131 con 3 west of T. S. Ed. Artemesia, 50 acres, about 20 acres clear of stumps and stones, balance good hardwood bush. Five miles from Ma'kdale and four from Flesherton. For farther par- ticulars apply to A. S. Thompson. Flesher- ton P. 0. or J. J. Thompson, Orilla. 342-ft STRAYED. FBOM the {iremises of the undersigned on tenth of Nov., one red heifer with large white spots, white star in face, raising two years old. Any person giving such iiiformation as will lead to her recovery- will be â- suitably re- warded. Any person found harbouring her without advertising same will be prosecuted. THOS. CAMPBELL. 375-6 Markdale. STRAYED. The b«8t lines of Perfamery in the town. Pipes, Pouches, and Tobacco. Shaving Mags and Shaving Bmshes. Kazors and Bazor Straps. Mustard, Ginger, Pepper, Corn Starch, Soda and Cream of Tarter. Audseehere, 9 sals, of Coal Oil lor SO cents witb cork tbrovm in. Bbushes. â€" Nail and Tooth Brushes, Hair and Cloth Brushes, Shoe and Scrubbing Brushes. ;. Fine imported lines of Combs of the best rubber. Farmers improving the condition of their stock, will find it to their interest and profit to bay Saltpetre, Salts, Sulphar, Bosin, Copperas, Gentian, Aniseed, Fenugreek, and Ginger, at Steplien's JOmxgf fStore, ETOROMTO HODSE.E A Dinsmore returns his sincere thai±s for the very liberal support accraded Mm .since commencing as above, aad hopes by strict attention to busineas aad modtnate prices to merit contina- aooe of public appreciation and patron- a^^e. l^ose requiring I would consult their ovra interest by eoa' amining his sto^, consisting of over Three Thousand pieces at from 6 to 70O. per Boll. Sunday Schools requiring Ldberary Books will find Hundreds to select from and at such FAYOKABI^ TERMS as are sure to satisfy. fS'IVote tlie tact.â€" That until I commencod business there was no such thing as a special discount allowed to Sunday Schools, or if yon wanted Books could not get them unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere, now your wants can be suppUed at your Door and at lower prices than Toronto. I therefore vdth confidence appeal for public support. A full line of School Books, Stationery, dccalways on hand, also agent for the DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERNS, Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade for Extinguish- ing Fures. IS* NOTE THE ADDRESS, JIl. Xinsiiioi*e« OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS H. B. HARRISON MANUFACTURER OF MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES Mantles, Furniture Marble, dc. and ad- mired organ), passes also through the If the latter organs are heal- not retained, become To the premises of the subscriber, lot 23, con. 9. Glenelg, in July last, a ewe lamb. The owner is requested to iTove property, pay expences, and take it. 374-6 DoNAin O'HaniiT. TEACHER WANTED. '"' '""Owing officers have been eleet- Y-'^Mensainsterm: ' '--P-S;Rae. Noble Grand. v'es. Kay. Vice Grand. â- ;^!i" Wallace, Secretary. ^; Turner. Treasurer. "a. Fiesher, Warden. •I- ^arjeant. Conductor. •';K.Mathev, 3, Guardian. \v T ,^'°°^^- S. Supporter. :\\- Benson. L. S. Supporter. A- ^IcFarland. R. S. of N. G. â- l- Plsvve-s. L. S. of N. O. ^tank Maidiuent, R. S. of V. G. 1^ 'JoiiuCffsar, L. S.ofV. G. ifcj ,f,. ' ^^ prosperous con- .^/ autUng nevr members every kidneys thy, injurious matter is but the pure blood that has filtered by the little hak-Uke tubes which fill the kidney goes to the heart to be diffused through the entire body producmg health, and again takmg up deadly waste matter, as it goes. But if the kindneys are diseased, the uric acid attacks the weakest organ m the body, whicb must eventfuUy give way. It is then that the physician and the patient treat what are reaUy the effects, not the cause. The strong point that the proprietors of Warner s iafe cure make is that their great re- medy cures so many general diseases because it corrects the cause, leavmgthe effects to right themselves. Now, nearly every one who becoines prostrated, is, if fortunate enough, able to secure the attentions of a pbysician, who seeks to make an analysis of the fluids passed. We have no doubt that the foSders of this great Warner s safe cure have awakaned the medical men irom fheir lethargy on the importance -rioR s. s. No. 7, Holland Centre, for the __ year 1888, experienced teacher holdiilg second or third class certificate, apply up to November 19th, stating salary and qoalifica- tions, to A. E-CALCUTT, Secretary Treasurer, Holland Centre. 373-5 ~TEACHER_WANTED. For S. S. No, 6 Holland, for the year 1888. One holding a third class certificate pre- ferred. Apply before Eriday, Nov, I8th, personally or by lettey to, ' Andrew Walker, Trustees.' James Smith. Wm, Jackson, Berkeley, P. O, I am offering this -week Beady-Made Clothiiig, and BOOTS SHOES -AT- astorlshingly lovsr prices. Persons requiring a summer outfit "w^oula do â- well to see my stock. JUST RECEIVED 3 Carloads Finest Variegate Marble tS" Largest stock in the Dominion select from. Personally selected at the qnar ries in Vermont, 'Will be sold at piioee which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N. B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide thfrimperlections, and called V\Tiite Bronze. H. B. HARBISON I PLEASE TAKE NOTE. EOBT. ASKIN. UNDERTAKER, FUNERAL FURNISHINGS supplied on the shortes notiee. â- â- â- â- â- of urinalysis We areto-d»y ""^r. ^luch BERKSHIRE BOAR. FOB service at B. Coleman's premises, half a mile from Markdale. Terms 75 cents at time of service. 375-8 B.COLEMAN. A. SDlendid Hears'e lor hire at moderate rates. A Word to tie Wedded. to-day in receipt of a Uttlebook, Warner's safe cure pamphlet, m which ZT^l ye^ valuaWe iBform'.t-n in re- gard to diseases, the cause of th«r ex i^oe and their cures. It js very in- ^^Zl^ style, the 'ea^*' *S learns, and the V^}^^^«^^^^ answers make very plam some pomtt but seldom understood. This m*" BERKSHIRE BOAR. •'BlackPat" Large Breed, from John Spell's imported stock, thoroughbred with pedigree. Terms SI. 372 BOBT.McBBIDiS. the rainessi "'5sh=„,i.^'^^^"^sbness can never 1^. T '°- same stem one kills the 1^ a-, ^^^^^i happily the pro- „/°°?!emality and unselfish- r'aha-K 7^*^ ^i^ endure much N^om '*^^â„¢*° for bis vrife. r^ban^f\^^ ^â„¢"e. cheer and help 1^511°°' clouds come. Then rWW Jf^'^^^5 character, solve ilS object of her matri- • wok for women with a lo not let their facial NOTICE, Three farms to rent withm ashortdistuM»' of Markdale. Terms easy, immediate pos- session given. AlBO a namba ol choice building lots for sale, in the ftoonahmg village of Markdale. Apply to, Q. 8. Boim, Beal Estate and JnsnxameeageBtMadDdale. IV K'tetblif,! '« attraction; rather Ik" k^i^'^y "f s°^ andchatac- t*i*2^ ^°" ^o^« fot them. tS; ft!; ® ^^ be naautonui, '^C^r.^^^ ^^ be i^rediasd SOOTHIRSi CLEANSIKG. HEAUKQ. It Cares CATARBR. umf^^^ HAY FEVER. BTors WAmilNG. ALL pereons are hereby notified agaiint giving goods of any deaeription to any â- penon on my account without my writtmi cwder, as I will not be re^muOde for tbe paymentof BOsh aft« tnia date. ASeUB MoKQIHOH. Glenelg, Noyanher let, 1887. CASH FOR WHEAT. I ttm uaraic a f«v cents mote than the ^J ^Vil«!rmas«h.iOT good Spring Wheat "Want to tell yon s^Bettainip, for roar own interest. Something that will save joa money. We are not one of those kind that pu£F and blow through the paper every week, advertising a lot of trash and downiight nonsense, not falfillmg j what they advertise. But I want to tell yon that I will and can do better for you than any merchant in Mark- dale in the -Grocery, FroviBion, Glass- ware Crockery line. I oarxy a full and fresh line of those goods, and are bound to be at the front, as ve are at no expense for hired help doing it all withm oorselvea we can afford to sell cheaper than those who are at a large expense for help c. Bemember we eaa sell yon the cheapest 'Dinner or Tea Sets in town, we have also the latest designs in Glassware^ we carry a fnll line of canned goods, also Bacon, Flmir,Oatft Com Meal, Bran, Shorts, Bot ft Pearl Barley, Cracked Wheat, Grabam Flonr^ a full line oi Biscuits Goofeeticmery. Tea I Tea 11 Tea III try our new /apan for 26c. best value in town. All we ask yon to dp is to «iifl and tee for yonrselyes and be eon- Tioced. Bemember we ke^ the only ^fint dass Grocery, i^rovuioB, Glass- ware, Crockery an 1 Liquor Store in Mark^e. Bemember iba lig sign. Bkxsst Hoqbi, â€" All jundfl of â€" F rjH ]V I T XJ OR E In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMiNG Done ou short notice. BOBT. ASKIN. 'â- 6 PRE CENT. Honey loaned on Farm or Town Property a west rates of interest. Apply to B. J. spbooLe, Ckmyeyaneer it Postmaster. Fleaherton. cuuuiTliliLOf TIME TABLE. â€" I\dCa.i*l£dale Station*â€" Gonro South. Goui.a NoKXH. 6.47 a. TO. 12.(ht p. m. S.52 p. m, 9.10 p* m YELLOWW CURES aHE.UMATiSM TajSEHLAJTS I \. 1' V' *ii « 'ii t f iL