â- â- ^W^!f^^^W^i^^^^i^^ p,*!iiiM|ywf4ij| AJ-i ' ^ndou igjrt HeSouSLy forts have bSll« |t» more and per^^ orkfor which^ Fat me«nire wio^l Irum for x^^^^ vrem la the ne» of the Sabbath mt^ ^e province of Ont«S* s 1.908 " 662 «2 ij(B6 les- 9C 150 306 114 ST 750 arer!^, J. J.ToodhS^ Ireseuted his annual leDo, II receipts of $2,486,38 an« and of »80,G3. ' j£AT AM I TO DO. s of Bi'iousness are unhHppJ ell known. They dtger iduals to some exfeiit, 13 seldMn a breakfast eab |y, alas, be has an excelk, ;ui(.ls bnt m ne for soiids of tongue TTill hardly bear m\ time if it is not white am u^h, at all events. re system is wholly out of ord or Constipation may be asymi o may alternate. Thfere a: oisls or even loss «( bl giddiness and often heai flaiuleuse and tenderness i ,lie stomack. To correct St a ciir« try Green's Am rt hut a triiie and th aeT. aphrasla Gotmcil, cil met pursuant to ad{ Si Oct. 28tb, 1887. ;. Mem] «ut, miButi'S of ]«st-Bes8ioi{ HiA aud cosfinnedi Mr| uthorised to get- S. E. 6 opped and' oiearcd. ByJ ' appo«i*ed polling plac^ Eetaruiag offices carrie ie different stages au(^ jakine, â€" That the coIIecH rised to stnke off bis loH ug anasuufcs charged foij r tO' the following name )ug]a. or»i»8ion of the patliJ ive credit on his road listf iforraed^. said pathmaBteJ day crediited th^t said laboa ormed aud that the coUaoJ arco-py of this, resolution luDdle, ^.00; M. Han 30: G. K ThompsonJ Caruthers, $2.00 J. Mj 53.00; C. Kuolt, $3,00 f §3,00 J. Piewis, $5.0C';| lUrer was instructed to paj itioujof jurors as folIoffsJ ilray, reeve, S5.00; i»-j =sor, $5.00; K. Donlop^ J. !s orders were issued on T to pay as follows, Pet^ 9,00, bridge over Wibej Dales, ^90,00, work ori an. 2 Mrs. Gibson, f lO-i on 7th line T. EUd and team on road H snts filling saud pit; -y 5.00, repairing road e, $48,46, work on 12 con. 7 C. CampliD, f 6-^ lied for culvert J. Ke«j â- : on Town line CoUmgj ioun. S18,00workonblCi^ 8; J. Sewell $20.00 worK ;idelinecon.6; ^-^^ff hing bridge; J. ^^I'f. ar and work on culveJjj $5,00, work on 12 ^J" 11 T. Londry, 90 cen^J ulvert; D. ^^^THI on town line Holland ;.00 work on 9tb li"S^J djourded until last ef"^l r. R- DuNLOP- Clera- UMPTION CfJBElX^ rsician. retired from g^S laced in his bands by »*g^ larv the formula »' »„Sr^ s±i°/tir.s^^^ all throat aJiiJ^^^^tftl re and radical oia»M^^.|K» I I its 'O'^SSfaSitWfl ^J^ of cases. ha« '•"Si«i«T^«*" I aiotive and » ^^2f*„ldSl»* I ring, I will send '^.f'^SS*" 8 it this ««2JK%,ISe«^2l igUsh, with «««S_^2iWr:!!^l 1 stamp namiWS'OJ'tJ'^^ V. I'iAilO -^v" iii ^HEWTO THE LDJE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY."' n ^ABKDALE, ONT., NOVEMBEB 17, 1887. C. W. BTJTLEDGE, Proprietor. liR J WAiim at once, a goed lA^Mrt boy to learn tbe'^MTiagebusinesB, Win. llwon Markdale. T* S'reb'byterian Sabbath ISAeol anniv- ersaryiiallbe held on the 6veiiaK of the 30tb. ,XOW GOING ON AT llHTED ffWELERT STORE, Ilesherton. 20 per cent off ou a^ cash sales ci.oo aud over. Positively • only fifteen days longer will oive ibis big discount of our [6 stock of Watches, Cloom, Ijmleky, Silverware, the finest like of Nickel alarm clocks now cing at $2.00 only, eend and get te. Fine walnut 8 day clocka lonly 84.80 warranted for 8^ kjirs, Fine silver Swiss watches :oir going "t §6.50 bearing 8 t:f.r warrants. Fine American, fialtljamand Elgin watches from IJU.OO up bearinj^ warrants from jito 5 years. We always have in Ijccktlie fine grades in the Colum- TOtclies. Call and secure some itlie great bargains, aud always pie your watch, clock and Icwelery repairs to l^lll' Noted Jewelery Store, FLESHEETON. land Other Items. PtJBtic service wiU beheldin|th6 JPresby- terian church at 10:30 on Thursday, Thanks- giving Day, Tempkbancb entertamment. The Indep- endent Order of Good Templwa will give an entertainment in their Hall Dec., 19th. Ant sabecriber has a perfect right to dis- continue his paper when he feels disposed so to do, provided all arrears are paid, if any ^sh the Standard discontinued at the end of the year, they will oblige by notifying us be- tween the Ifith and 30th of December to that effect. If you should give Euch directions earher than that we wouM most Ukely forget it before the time came for warking off. Fob the issue of November 12th The Illustrated London News /American Edition) .... furnish their aiany readers, in connection It 18 astomshmg the number of mantles, with a wide v«iety of readmg, the followmg hats and bonnets McFarland is selling. His girls are working night and day to catch up with the orders. Me. Geobqb Lamb returned on Tuesday from the "Boo." He sold his team to good advantage and concluded to make winter at home. W. J. McFabland has sold aheady this peason one car coal oil. ond has just received another carload direct fromTetrolia, and will sell it in barrel lots at Toronto wholesale, price. Thos son of Mr. Andrew Freeborn, of Holland, returned from Manitoba recently having broken hia arm aocidently. This is the second time ho has had the misfortune of having same arm broken. The Young Peoples' Society of the Method- ist church haye changed the date of their entertainment from the 17th inst., to Friday the 9Qi Dec. They will on that date hold a "Pink" social in the lecture room of the church. •John H. Andbbson. tax collector for War^ No. 2. Artemesia, will be at Markdale House on Saturday Nov. 26th and Saturday Dec, 3rd the latter iate being the last call, i Parties not having paid their taxes before above dates will kindly|bearthis in mind. timely illustrations A very spirited picture of the unemployed in London, entitled "Th« PoUce and the Mob " three pictures upon the State of Ireland one of How Some of the London Poor Spend the Night, and another of the Poor Helping the Poor, as well as the meeting of the unemployed in London. There are also sketches from the Burlesque of "The Sultan of Mocha," at the Strand Theatre, and one page devoted to Sultan of Morocco, while the opposite page presents gG. L. Seymour's drawing of a "A Favorite Slave." Besides these attrac. tions there is a double page picture of Buffalo Hunting in North America. The price re. mains as usual at ten cents for the complete number. Ofiice of PubUcation, Potter Building, New York. BosinesB Xiocals. A§ OEAMY Disston'a improved cross-cut saws. Taper ground, the finest saw made, see ttion at Haakett Bros. CASUAL CBUMBS VftAiiOtt I^OTicES in these columns intended to benefit fiidiridual or Society icill be charged ten I a line for the fir?t insertion and five saline each subsequent insertion. I ^OTICE.â€"CorrPitpnnderice, communica- Advertisi'mcnt.' cic„ mnst be in this liibj noon on Tuisday to insure publication We do not now make a pcactice of giving a receipt for subscriptions tojthe SiANnABD. as the address label on the paper answers the purpose. These are all corrected every three weeks, and subscribers who see any- thmg wrong m date of address wiU kmdly Now for a Fur Cap and J. G. Anderson's notify us so that we can rectify. Mb. Andebw Fooebty is moving into his YiOLiNS, strings and all fittings, at W. A Brown's. Diamond Dyes and dye staUs of al kinds at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. Din you see those Ladies' Astracan Fu' Caps at J. G. Anderson's If not. see them at once. Aut, purchasers of $5 in goods wUl be pre- sented wtih a handsome set of Stag Handle Carvers. Mabee. Go to Flesherton Woollen Mills for your horse-blankets. â- ' Au. KiKPs PicTUBK FaAMiNa done cheiip at Markdale Photo. Gtallery. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup will remove all kinds of wonns from children and adults. Tbn'tsabs' of tobtube, â€" ^MrB. Thomas Acres, of Huntley, Oni.. was for ten years a sufferer nom liver complaint, which doctors' medicine did not reheve. After using four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters she was entirely cured, and states that she is like a new woman again. When does a horse enjoy his food most When he hasnH a bit in his month. Freeman's worm Powders are safe in all cases. They destroy and iemov« Worms in children or adults. Prof Low's Marie Sulphur soap, â€" Heal- ing, smoothing and cleansing for all eruptive diseases of the skin. Delight- ful for toilet use, A good emetic is one teaspoonfnl of salt mixed with one teaspoon of mustard in a pint of warm water. Tamarac elixib â€" Is not advertised to cure consumption, bnt it has made some remarkable cures of persons supposed to be in the first stage of that disease. Headache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia and Indigestion relieved and cured at once by Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters Try it. Samples free tf. Things are bad enought now, but when the woman get into office we shall have a good deal more miss management. National Pills are unsurpassed as a safe, mild, yet thorough, pugitive act- ing upon tbe biliary organs promptly and effectually. -ARE- Fairly good at Present, ^AND HAy/Ne FAITH IN THE PEOPLES CONTIHUED GEHEROUS PATRONAGE, I have stocked my 24 feet of metal cases -WITH- EXTRA LINES -IN- Jn yonr storm doors on. yh. J. B. Watsos, has engaged Mr. Robt. pM, of Euphrasia, is adyauce agent. â- Tnos. Hill is reeoyering from an at- sot congestion of thejlungs. ;ra weeks from next Sunday is Christ- I ^2s. Dr. Freeman, of Ifilton, visited her «rHrs. G. S. Bov.-cs last week. I ^-Ik. K. J, :\lcCoY. of Owen Sound, SKiiliersister, Mrs. John McKeunft, this "'°- Coos, tax collector for Glenelg is on l;"^^- f»"""' He will be iu Markdale on -JJUicst., to receive taxes. ^^"frsaug dwellings cii Centre street are r-*-Bgeomp]tnion, Willie intended occupants l^^'isj-waiting fertile key. ^_^;SocLsectionNo.2, Artemesia, Orar- L""'^^' cugageJ Mr. K. J. Wickham I"^iFUs, asteack«rfor 1888 at »370 new house this week. This is one of the moat substantial, commodious and costly brick residences of our town. Mr. F. is an enterprising industrioos mechanic and a first-class citizen and neighbor, and we wish him and his lady all the comforts of a happy home. New Abvbbtisembntcb. â€" Credit sale, D. McDufiie Dress and Mantle making, Mrs. Littlejohns Strayed. Ibos. Campbell Berk- shire Boar. B. Coleman; New Division Courts. Wm. Armstrong, Owen Sound Taxes, J. H. Anderson Taxes. Thos Cook Ap- prentice wanted, Wm. Mason. Raiiboad SMASHUP.â€" On Friday evening last a freight train going north was thrown from the track three miles south of Mark- dale by the brea3dng of an axle. Six cars loaded with merchandise were wrecked causing a blockade which took 24 hours to clear so thattrains could pass over. Wateb is very low and many springs al- most dry. The spring that fed the R. R- tank at this station has become so deUcate ^=«.frfm the advertise any stray found their way on cannot collect Jany 7 *«^Ks and otliers are perhaps not aware â- ;';- their Jutv to ::^tkr may Lave They 'le owner vrithout advertising- li-M â- , -i^ ' """^^y pedlars who are visiting I r,;!" â- ;'"*?' tlironiriiont the district, and .â- ""'° "'^e a sale 'tell how. they have â- - '0.U so Uianv luii)Jrod dollaia worth to '^^^K-rs in the locality. "'â- 2tt{:EL,-„l„g.j Q Q rp 2?«mmendable'progres â- tbe tt' '/."'^^y increasing and the interest S:„ti^J "'^eptupby spirited debates "«el[lvi'f^'^™°^8ood attendance at the • '-age meetings. ^OBsc Tr-r. ' it. B .; „ '"' of Artemesia. is jouung '^--JcCayofthis Mr Markdale is The mem- V of this place, in the tanning msl.^-"""" ' ^^°'y IB an in- '"^tel '!!"P"^i°K yonng nian and will be 5% ^^ '^^°' ' ^® welcome him to odr •â- ^dwisii him success. ' • "" ilesherton laet Thursday we brotiier â- ^ tbe Vtta^'r"^^ of calhng on "^coinfort vf^'P'^^â„¢^^^- aiid found him ^theJ!*'^®"ideed. We amcerelj wiah *«iii.^rl"^*l^=hhis "Pluck, patience ^^^.•â- lUfirit of that the supply is exhausted Freight trains from Owen bound to Toronto are obliged to switch ot at Dundalk while the en^ne runs back to Chatsworth for water to take it to next watering place â€" CJrombies tank. Ehcoitbagino.â€" The universal word is "I don't want yon to stop my paper even I should not renew promptly at the end of the year. We are always pleased to know that our patrons appreciate the weekly visits of the Standard, and the numerous kind words, and expressions of satisfaction received daily from all sides, are indeed encouraging. OuE attention was drawn this week, to a pvagraph at the close of our remarks anent school matters of two weeks ago. which might convey an unpression not mtended, viz:â€" "The amount of sahurieB for next year is 95 more than the present." Of course, that means for the whole school, not for the two departments in which a change was made. St». aie bemg taken to organise a Mechanios'Institutein our town, and about 76 members are rirenay enrolled representing WSineaah. A committee has been appomt- «d to draft the neoesMiy papers formcorpar- ation,«.dth.officer»of"M«M^»^f^ mBtitute- win be elected forthwith rf whi^ ^er notice wffl be gi«n. f « next C«n« ^beheld in *to-d«»lhoa» on MdtyviibttbtUtii. ^g^fcg^i**^ i s the spot to secure one. NOTICE.â€" All parties indebted to Wm Jackson for Reaper Plo v Repairs. Please call and settle at once. Splendid tweeds and fullcloth at the Flesherton Woollen MilL Have you seen those stacks of overcoats on exhibition at J. G. Anderson's Be sure and see those $7 ones they are dandies. Eveetbodt should get their twilled sheet- ings, colored yarns, .and union blankets, at the Flesherton Woollen Factory. The Weekly Globe to the end of next year ibr $1. Subscribe at this ofSce. FELiSoxand Rubbers.- any quantity at lowest prices. J. G. Anderson. Pablob stoves from ten dollars up. at the sign of the X cutt saw. Gcbnet's Stoves, Western Peninsula Stoves. Doherty Stoves, full lines. We guarantee every stove to giye satisfaction. Mabee, If the weather continues (and it likely will) you can do better tradmg at Anderson's than any other place. Try it. Robinson's new improved cross-cut saws, 40cts per loot HaskettBros. Faemeeslook hebe! Jackson sells the best Fanning Mills, Straw Cutters A Turnip Slicers in the market. Come and See for yourselves. " â- ' â- : â- i;i ..â- 'â- ;;: ^v' Fob Sale.â€" 4 cows, " head young cattle, 1 yearling colt, doable and single cutter, and 1 pair bob-sleighs. Terms to suit pm-chaser John Whitby, on his farm, Artemesia. CiGAEs! Cigars! Lovers of a good Havana cigar will find that Benson has the finest cigar in town, sold by the box. Get your eyes tested and spex fitted per- fectly by W. A. Brown. JeweUer and optician. Mabkdalb Mabkbts.â€" Fall wheat 70 to 76cent8;springwheat70to76; barley 50 to 73' peas 56 oats 29 butter 16 to 20; eggs 16; potatoes 50 per bag; hay 8.00; dressed hogs 16 to «6.60. ToxHX Public- Sarjeant Bros, at the meat market, are seUmg fresh meats at thenr oBual fan pricesâ€" first class steak lOo, second class three lbs for 25 cents, roasts from 7 to 10 cents, boflmg beef from 2 to 6 cents, by the qnarter ff4 per cwt for fronts and »5 for hinds Wholesale from one eaceae up, 14 percwt. None bat choice catfie seteetod. andandwy^tetednndaronrownaaperrWon. SwqfAingin Mr. W. E, Caiger, JAdvertising Agent for the Toronto News, says â€" I was in- duced to try Nasal Balm, for a seyere and troublesome Cold in the Head. Once using it literally washed out the clogged sections, and left my head clear as a bell. As a general thing we don't find fault with a woman's inconsistency until we have had been made a victim of it. YAitUABLE TO KNOW, â€" Consumption may be more easily prevented than cur- ed. The irritating and harassing cough will be greatly relieved by the use Hag- yard's Pectoral Balsam that cures coughs colds, bronchits and all pulmonary troubles. Fob fbobt bites. â€" There is no better remedy for frost bites, chilblains and similar troubles, than Hagyard's Yellow Oil, It also cures rheumatism, lumbago, sore tliroat, deafness, and lameness and pain generally. Yellow Oil is used in- ternaiUv and externally. Than^givi ig turkey to-day. Pbevailino sickness. â€" The most pre- yailing complaints at this season are rheumatism, nenraligia. sore threat, in- flammations and congestions. For all these and other painful troubles Hag- yard's Yellow OH is the best internal and external remedy. knWat6les,Cliaii8 ^ND ENGLISH 15 K GOLD SETS, Gem Rings and Lock- ets, 25 Spring and ^Weigh Clocks in sock. Silver^^vare in staple goods a nd novelies, made by he Meriden Middletown plate Go's, Connecticut. Roger Bro's flatware in Knives, Forks, Spoons, quality of these lines cannot he ques- tioned, they are the best makes. Lazarus Morris makes, fitted personally on optical principles. Quality of Goods, Fair Prices, aitd Reliable lÂ¥ork, have made me "The People's Jeweller." W. A. BROWN, MABKDALE. A significant fact, â€" The worn out, waste and poisonous matter in the sys- tem shon' escape through the secretions of the bo\. „is, kidneys and skin, or ser- ious disease results. B. B. B. opens these natural outlets to remoye disease. The house of Inspector Anderson, at Orangeviile. was wrecked by a dynamite ex- plosion on Tuesday evening. Universal approbation. â€" The medical profession, the clergy, the press and the public alike acknowledge the virtues of Burdock Blood Bitters, as an unequalled remedv for chronic diseases of flie stomach, liver, bowels, kidney, and blood Its popidarity increases with its years of tnal. The WeeklylMail, and Farm and Fireside to any address to the end of 1888 for nily n. Subscribe at this office. Cbedit S^k- â€" On Wednesday next, 23ri, on lots, con. 11 Glenelg, at lo'dooK; Stock, implements fto. Terms, $5 and under cash, over that amount 13 months credit on ap- proved paper. H.iEemey. proprietor Geo. NoUe, auctioneer. o tfl Ulli. Ik o Q O (5 u M iff T^^Tfn» qnsi^fitiitiif f'""'""^*'""** I at the M"*-" Mwt 1 to poor iulp on madtat BotwItlistMiding the • o o •«a S! 3 « ?J /-K CJ w «* ' 5: S rC S B Iâ€" 4 o ® « a a 8 « s -2 r-? I go O BO ?i â- O V O K O ». 5 « g^ S S W OO CO 8 -s s: " •c*.g »-* s « K 2 'S -5 « c •? â- £ 75 e3 ?(£* ,V"wfl i-^. :i*;i.^W.;^' ?*•â- «;* ^^^^;^^ â- A;:. i i-i^n V â- it;'-- It"' â- ,!•;â- * il*- m ♦â- â- *1 m k f! '-:.' ' mm^ ip' n 'ill m '11