Â¥" !k if 'â- :, rll â- £« 'Ik. Jas. S. Freeborn, â€" M. D., Ch. M.; L. K. 4 (J. C. F. L â€" Doctor o Medi«iiia and iimiir of Surgetv Victoria. TTniv. Licentiste of King's and Gfaaen's Collet of Pbyaiciaiia in Iiland. Member of the (Mlege of Phyaieiaiis and Sorgeona, Ont. Formerly Msting. Surgeon dfB. Battery, BC. Av Qoebee. Late resident of the Botunda Hoapitala, (Ijying-in Cxvnseological) Doblin. To all whom it mayeoifcon. STEPHEN'S DBUG STORE. Drs PHYSICIANS AHB 8UBGE0N8, ]ite A R, li I A 1^ E Dr. Spboclb's office Turner's Drag Store Db. Bbodie's office Mathew s block. IB. L. Stephen the Dmggisk sf ]|vkdale have been appointed agsBt fwdtaaisoH'B celebrated Tonie and nervine. Jcwhsow's little liver Pills, and JoBHaoM'B mU heaUng WhtU Ointment. The nerrioa is the very best in the market, in all diseaeea eaased by poverty of blood, for NerroiMMBB, Hyateria, OrkiM..lA A BaiA««lA I and the Paleness of ^Complezinii so often OprOUie A BrOaie noticed in female-s. low of ^petite and general debility. In conjonetion wth the Lirer Pilk, it is he very best for all diseases arrising from Topid liver or bad itomach The White Oinment is the very best \a the market for Salt Bhenme. BaAers Itch. Pimples. Chafs, Bnms, Scalds, and all Skin diseases -of a scrofuloos natore. T^ these fine remedies and yea will not be disappointed. For sale at E, L. STEPHEN'S the drnggist Markdale. Ont. I». IcCvaiougli, BAREISTER, SOLICITOR, «fc c OFFICEâ€" OVER McFARLMND'S STORE, MAKKDALE. rVJEoney to LiOa,n. niAssom dTMAssoRu " BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, o. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Vicker's Block, Poulett St. Biaocb office in Markdale, over McFarland's Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Masson, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Masson. N. B. â€" Private and Company's funds to invest at from 6 to 8 per cent WM. G. GUTHRIE, P/ot,} Ornamental Plasterer Arches, Cornices, Centre Flowers, and all kinds of plain and ornamental plastering ex- ecuted at cheapest rates. Galsomining Lime Washing and Repairs promptly attended to. .S65 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Wm. Brown, XSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Ac Commissioner in B. R. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se uritv. WILLIAM STUART, K1MJ3ERLEY, Issue.' of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few inarms for sale. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third -Wednesday of each month and also at MunshaTv's Hotel, Flesher- ton the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. Commenciug on the 7th September. MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE. ONT. J. E Marsh, Prop. ISAAC STI.VSOBT. Builder and Contractor lu all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 329 Residence. MARKDALE. W. G. RldHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT, Markdale. This powder nevei varies. A marvel for piu^ty, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot 'â- r be sold in competition with the multitude of low TO SCHOOL TRUSTEES f^^t, short weight alnm or phosphate powders â- W iswnwwb â- MWWlfcfcWsl^^^^y^ ^^j^ BoTAt Baking PoWdeb Co. The undersigned is mannfaetnring an ex- ^^ ^*" ^*- ^- ^â- cellent assortment of School Ti^^ixmitttre, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of the latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. O. 181 ANDREW McGILL. Anlawaii^wnKi^ ftiieioii h flow in daiMcer hisliib lor patting to^etber the foUoDpnfr TJie if .»,sortooi| «^ an acoooAtol the ccpcert, ipd Ust • partial report of a cattle show. Tl^ â- entenoes appeared amJottaftu: ^Tb« concert giyen last ui^ by Mxte«a d' Btorm Lake's most beaatifekuid fashion- ating yonnp ladies waa hierhly appreci- ated. They were degantly diessed, ajid sang in a most charming manner, win- ning the plaudits o£ the epitire audience, who prcHipunoed thein â€" tike finest breed* of shorthorns in the country. A few .of them are of a rich brown CMor, but the majority are spotted, bzown and white. Several of the heifffls are fine-bodied, ti^t-limed, well developed animals â€" good milkers, and promises to j^rove good property. BkLIABLE BEHEDT fOB BBKUH ATISK. â€" Procure a bottle of Ua(zy%rds Ydlow Oil from your medicine dealers, and use accordine to directions. It cured Ida. Johnston, of Cornwall, Oni., of that complaint, and she recomme*^ it as a sure cui^B. For '25 years it Itas never failed to give satisfaction. Dr. Low's Worm Syrnp will remove all kinds of worms from children, and adults. vention at Lcmdou l»8t»lz?**l Chairman, Mr. C. Peaked is given Wow. Hesidtw^" year much had «f»ogpired *i for gratitude to Ood. M^iq!)^ edcai)abaU(^attbecomB,S*^ committee efforts have ]Z prosecute with more and^, ' «iergy the work for whichtt^! taofi was mstituted. The bee«,in a great measure' and fee experience gained sad, ., f umisb a fulcrum for moie Sh" ^I v'"S^ ' apparent progress ia the The statistics of the Sabbaft »i^| flircughout the province of Hnt.^ s follows:â€" '^nuc^j [GHTH yeAb. MSNOHIKATION Methodists 1,908 Presbyterian. S28 Gpiseovalisn. 472 Baptist. 310 Congregational.... 51 Kvangelical Ass'n m Evangelical liuth- eram. jg FVienite 35 Bef oriDed Episco- pjtl ^__^ r- tTnion Schools (es- timated). 150 Totals. 3,899 StHOOLS ONBSte M.679 SB 1«6 W6 lU S! 750 ^1 «l MONEY TO LOAN. 1 The Treasurer7Mr, J J '*^,® of Toronto, presented his aIJi; --- " I l^V^u^ *^^ ^«««1^ of $2,486.38 Li .time f distnbursements of «2,405.7o, Wm!:l upon the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, balance t» hand of ^0,G3. I Thk Morus OPEKANDi,â€" The mode of of Toronto, presented his annual r operating of -Burdock Blood Bitters is -showiug total receiits of $2,486 SS"' that it acts at once and the same â- ^â- â€" " ' "'°*"»-"" 'â- - ' *- ' IMewB Store .. of Busi- ON real estate security, at low rate interest, no commission charged. ness Strictiy Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. I' OT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. E. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be soYd cbeap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. 0. Having opened in the boot and shoe business in Markdale I would here- by respectfully solicit a share of pub- lic patronage. I have had thirty years experience in the business in England and Can- ada, and with good stock and care- ful workmanship have (p fear but my customers will find our deaUngs both satisfactory and mutually pro- fitable Sewed, Rivited and .pegged work done in a workmanlike manner. Ready made Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Oyershoes kept in stock. All work done under my personal sup- ervision. Call and get acquainted. Remember the stand, Hill's block opposite the Markdale House. M. MARTINDALE. Kidneys and the Blood, to cleanse, re- gulate and strengthen. Hence itealmost universal value in (^urouic Complaints. The following deU^tful speeimen of the Highland Eughsh was recently overheard at end of a halt for luncheon on the hillside â€" First Ghillie "I never taated such gude- whiskey any more." Secood Ghiliie "So did I either." Thkd ahillie '^•Neither did I too." R. J. SPROULEp. FLESHEKTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn up andValuations madeon shortest noticelj Charges very low. Applv to K. J. SPBOULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. Markdale Woolen Mill Custom Carding, Weaving, Full- ing, Dyeing and cloth dressing, done la a very workmanlike short notice. manner and ou TAILORIIIB First Class Cotton Warp supplied at the lowest possible rates. A call solicited. Terms strictly cash or wool* I Sept. 28. 188fi F. J. RITCHIE. J WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS. DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERINQ JAUNDICE. OF THE heart; ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKiH, And every species of drseas* arislnar from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACtk BOWELS OR BLOOOi T. HILBORH k CO.. '"•"JgSfeNTp. WL ED csn K- J..tASESj " ^MIDELIOH 1^1 V E R GtIRE Liver Complaint, By^e^!a, indinstion, Jaandice, Headachy Dizzioe5s, Pam in Costiveoess, or any disease arisini HAVE YOU Bilipnsnest, in the Ba' \-osaveDess, or any disease arismz from a deta: liver, Dk. Chase's LivskObk wUl be found a aad certain remrdy. NATURE'S REMEDY The unqualified success of Ir. Chase's Liver Cure in laver Complaint resu solely with the fact that it is compounded from nature's well-known liver repilators. Mandrake and Danoklion, combined with many other invaluable root-s barks and herbs, having a powerful efiect on the Kidneys, Stoaiach, BoiaeU and SIo"*- fiOO.OOO SOLD Ov€r omt-i^f milSom »/ Dr. Clua^t Rtci^ Stoit â- aere soU U OauuU. mimu. We ntmt tvtry mrnn, womoM mmd child tiik» it tmUed niik Liotr Cm*- flaimt to try tUt czttilent rtmedy. SoHEnRMllnr. GnnaiiliriiTFKE Wrapped aroond every bottle of Dr. Chan's liver (^« u a valaaUe HoosdMld Medical Gaide aad Recb Book (g4 pa«es), conlaiui« over *aa nseAil ke^ prawonced b^ mrdiraj nen and drtigg;tsts as invals a ble, a nd worth ten tiaea the price of the â€"H Hn r nrClil^S CataKM ClK. AnfcaM lemeay. nice, 33 cents. nrcMirsKiBRTiUBijnirKu. «ma SOLO BY ALL OCALKIW I* FOR^ALE Six Pure Shortliora Bull calres from four to fifteen months old registered in the D. S. H. H. Book. iGood individaally, will sell on time, and at prices to suit tne times. ' DURHAM: Auction sale. â€" OFâ€" VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY, â€" IN THE TOWNSHIP or ARTEME8IA. T j NDEE and by virtue of a power of sale con- *«-' tained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale and Bubjeot to a re- serve bid there will be offered for sale by public auction at Munshaw's Hotel in the villaee of Flesherton on Satnrday the 3rd dajr of Dec- ember, I§87. at one o'clock in the afternoon. All and liingnlar thatcertain parcel of land, sitnsted in the said Township of Artemesia containing fifty acres more or less composed of lots nnmber one hund- red and sixty-one in the third concession, north east of the Toronto and Sydenham Boad. The above property is about two and a half miles from Oie village of Flesherton, and has erected thereon a small frame dwelling house Ab out 36 acres are said to be under cultivation. ' Te rms and conditions made known on day of sale. For farther particnlars. apply to, E. U. CHABWICE. Vendor'rsolicitor. BEATTY. OHAD-WICK, BIiACKSTOCK GALT 58 Wellington St., East Toronto. Dat^ Toronto, 2801 day of Oetobw, A. D. 1887. GENTS FURNISHING. Having added to my tailoring busness a carefully selected stock of Gents Furnishing comprising ENGLISH, IRISH, SCOTCH, and CANADIAN TWEEDS, Overcoat- ing, Shirts, Underclothing, Collars, Ties c., c., I would hereby respect- fully solicit a call from those requir- ing such. Drop in and examine for your- selves no trouble to show goods. Careful attention given in the Tailoring department. MARKDALE. Prof Low's Marie Sulphur soap, â€" Heal- ing, smoothing and cleansing for all eruptive diseases of the akin, Delioht- ful for toilet use, A SAD CONTEMPLATION. It JS Sad to contemplate the amount of physical suffering in the world. Hcnv many j weary, broken down invalids there are to whome life is burdensome! Tlie nerv- ous debility and general weakness erf those afflicted with lingering disease is best remedied by the invigorating pow- er of B. B, B. â- Don't use any more nausepns pur- gatives such as Pills Salts c., wheat you can get in Dr. Carson's Stomach Ktters a medicine that moves the Bowels gent- ly, cleansing all impurities from the system and rendering the Blood pure and cool. Sold by all Druggists. tf Cubed by B, B. B. when all FAILED.â€" Mr. Samuel Allan, of Lisle, Ont., states that he tried all the doctcos in his locahty while suffering for years with Liver and Kidney trouble nothing benefited him until he took Burdock Blood Bitters, four bottles of which cur- ed him. WHAT AM I TO DO. The lymptoms of Bi"iousne.ss are ueWI Ij bnt too well known. They i)^\ dffferent individuals to «ome extent, il Bilious man is seldcHn Too to a breakfast eala| frequently, alas, he has an esa appetite for liquids but nr ne for sdids moffning. His tongue will hardly bear ii.| speciiOTiat any time if it is iiot white furred, it is rouRh, at all events. The digestive system is wholly out ofotfei ^id Diarrhea or Constipation may be asyrol too or the two may alternate. TLere J often Hemorrhoids or even loss )f Tliere may be Riddines.s and often htai and acidity or flatulence and teudei-ns the pit of the- stomaci. To correct tbisif not effeeta cur» try Green's ii Flowei, it cost but a. trifle and tL Vtest its efficacy. Euphrasia Cornell. CASUAL CJRUMBS. X. o- a-, a:. JUBILEE LODGE. Ko. 138, meets eroiy Tueeday m McDooKftli's Uoe)c. Markdale. at Ti-m John Moflat, W. C. D.lTAiiderson, Sea. TAMARAC ELIXIR • mi "Well, old fellow, it's all settled. I am going to be married in two months. You will be one of the witnesses, I hope " "Count upon me. I never desert a friend in misfortune." Headache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia and Indigestion relieved and cured at once by Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters Try it. Samples free tf. A NAEBow ESCAPE. â€" People who are exposed to the sudden changes of our norther climate have little chance of escaping colds, coughs, sore throat and lung troubles. The best safe-guard is to keep Hagyard'B Pectoral Balsam at hand. It is a quick relief and r^able cure for such complaints. A Mischievous Youth took aim with his pea-shooter from a window at a peasant who was carrying a red herring by its tail from the Dwrket. The shot struck the man's hand causing him to drop the herring in pain and alarm. After a few moments* reflection the peasant stamped thrice on the head Of the fish, saying, "There, yon bnite 1 now bite again, if you can." ' DiPHTHBSu,â€" "Last January," says J. N, Teeple, of Orwell, Ont., "there ap- peared diphtheria in omr neighborhood. DocWrs ran night and day, but I kept nght to Halyard's Yellow OU and' brou^t my shildreuthriwigh all right." Yellow Oil cares all pfusiol complaints and injories. National Pills an' maiiq asaed as a safe, mikL yet thorough,' pogHiTe act- Freemaii's wona JPow^a ue b^' 9t Sale Beffister. On Wednesday, the 16th, at 1 o'clock, Mr. James Lamb will sell by pabUc auction on lot 26, con. 10, Glenelg, his stock, implements, hay, household furniture, Ac. Terms twelve months credit on enms over $10. Nasal Balm. â€" The only medicine in the market that will immediately cure Cold in the Head, and permanently cure Catarrh, Hay Fever, etc. BE ON YOUK GUARD, Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely run into Catarrh, when you can be cured for 25c. by using Dr, Chase's Catarrh Cure. A few appUcations cure insipent catairh 1 to 2 boxes cmres ordinary catarrh 1 to 5 boxes is gnaraateed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25c. and sure cure Sold by all druggists. 333 85 Better than gold.â€" To those troubled with Kidney and Urinary Troubles such as a couatant desire to urinate, shooting, scald ing, pains, pain in the back, sediment. Ac., (fee, Dr. Chase's Liver Cure will be found more valua'ble than gold. It positively cures. See "Prophet" for testimonals. When you cannot rest from Asthmatic troubles. Southern Asthma Cure will at once relieve. Doable treatment in each package. KeafbrdBoad. f*j?^. -~»ii ... W3 fu-ifjv,% „-y,'Mk:f^m* Standard Correspondence. Shooting Match. -The annqal shooting match of Vandeleur nimrods took place on the a7th Oct., under captains Jas Sparling and John Weber, with fourteen sogers on each side! The weather was simply gorgeous, and the slaughter of innocents appall- ing. At the close of the day the score stood. 4385 for capt. Sparling and 4085 for capt. Weber, giving the for- mer a victory by 800 marks. Rose Buds.â€" On the â€" inst., Mrs. E. Jones, presented her liege lord with a bouncing daughtsr. Obamos Blossohs.â€" On the 2nd mat., Mr. Wm. Eichardson, of Enph. rasia and Miss. Mary Buchanan of Artemesia, commenced hoasekecjping togetiier having that day entered into partnerahip "for better for wrse." Xhey have oar best wishes for hAp- pmesa uid prosperity. 'j i BIRTHS. Tlie comicil met pursuant te ai I iouraiDent (xv Oct. 28tb, 1887-; .fe bers all present, mmut. 9 cf lastsessiaj of council read and coafinned. lli.[ ^E Boyd was authorised to "6i S. E.6 4 7 con. 8, chopped acii- clearea. law Ho. 385 appoaited polling pli«| aad Deputy Retoruiag offices caniel| tbtougb the difBereut stages asi passed. Hufdâ€" Eraliioe, â€" That tlie coMl or be authorised to strike off liis toil tl»e following amounts charged to] statute labor to the following uaaeil parties, through oovission of the patii[ master to give eredti on bis road lisl for work performed,, said pathmastal having this day credited th^t said labor j was all performed and that the collee F tor receive a copy of this, resolutiffl viz :â€" T. MuDdle, $*.00; M. Bm mond, $3.00; (i. L. Thompsoii.| $2.00 T. B. Caruthfers; §2.0Q; J" Thurston. $3.00; C. Emit, $3,0 A. Burritt, $3,00; J. Plewis, S5.!)C' Carried. ... The treasurer was instructed tipsj for the seIectioi)|of jurors as follow viz: â€" T, Orilray, reeve, $5.00; Myles Assessor, $5.00; K. Duolfl Clerk, $6.00. The reeves orders were issaeJ ^l the treasurer to pay as follows, Pel^l Harris, $49,00, bridge over creek W, Dales, $90,00, work 5i Kerrs hill con. 2 Mrs. Gibsoc, $Wi 26, ditching on 7th line T. E $8.75, man and team on road; Burch, 75 cents filling saud pit." Stewart, $3.00. repairing road; Abercrombie» $48,46, work ou 18 side hne con. 7 C. CampliD, ?5.*i cedarfuraished for culvert I |[* $2.00, work on Town line Colli?!!.! SeGAII _NOW GOING ON AT- lOTED JEWELERT STOI ,ESHERT( â€" ♦ â- ' 20 per cent oflf on all cash $1.00 and over. Posit only fifteen days longer give this big discount of le stock of Watches, Cl( iwiiJiRY, SmvEEWAKE, the t of Nickel alarm. clocks Ding at $2.00 only, eend an le. I'ine walnut 8 day c! only $4.80 warranted fo; Bars. Fine silver Swiss wal )ff going at $6.50 bearii warrants. Fine Amer jfaltbam and Elgin watches .00 up bearing warrants I to 5 years. We always ha )cktbe fine grades in the Co IS watches. Call and secure rthe great bargains, aud al ike your watch, clock feweJery repairs to ^SSELL'S Noted Jewelery FLESHERTON. Hal and Other It KoncEs in these columns intended K individual or Society will be ch "1 a line for the first insertion I a line each subsequent inseriii l^OTICE. â€" Correspondence, cc â- «,. Advertiseinents, dc„ must b\ tby noon on Tuesday to insure p\ J wood; H. Conn. $18,00 work on bli!!|l line-at lot 18 J. Sewell $^0,00*!^ on 27 28 side hne con. 6 J- 5n"^l $1,00. repauing bridge J. ^^\ $15,00, cedar and work on culvff" C. Fawcett, $5,00, work on 12 -v' side line con 1 T. Londry, 2^ "^^^ repairing culvert D, J^cLennJ; $23.60 work on town Imc HuUaE J. Blain, $5,00 work on 9tb hue. Council adjourded until last 2J^| in November. B. Dunlop. Clert CONSUMPTION CJJBED AnoM physioian, retired from P g^ having haS placed in his Ijan^ „?^„ siiBi!»f IndJA missiorâ€" **'° formula 01 » »_,v 1 retired from P'«J^ lis bam jnary the formula '^^„^ yeget«bl6 remedy for thesp^aayana^^ ent cure for Consumption, Broncn'" ' ^tjo* Asthma nd all throat and Lang a^^^^^ also* positfv»andradical cure lor m\ â- Jri., noEii «^ife..r i0^;:. DebiUtyandaU Nervous ComP'^f' having tested its wonderful cf.^'jf^.. in thousands of cases. IMS felt It nis_ ^gf tuJutH known to his8uffenngfeiiow5.^^ atedAy thismoUve "d ^^^iJcHi*^' huxama suJtaring, I wiU send ^e« »' eSoji ,swaj on Grr your storm ioors on. I Me. j. B. Watsos, has engafeed Pyles, of Eurasia, as adyauce 1 lib. Tho8.Hill is reooyering frJ kkof congestion of thepungs. I Pivs weeks from next Sunday Mes.Db. Prbeman, of Milton, ptetMrs. G. S. Bowes test week] ;Mbb. E. j. McCoy, of Ow fuited her sister, Mrs. John McI »eek. THoa. Cook, tax collector for oi fie "war path." He will be iu l| «'e2Sa_inst., to receive tasc-s. «â- snug dwellings on Centra ^««nngcoiipletion,whiie intend] r««"i8y waiting for the key. |,^«FUB,4steach«for iJ I- J^,*®" ^^ "tilers are perhJ l^^theirduty to advertil :2^thatn.ay have found r^Premises. They cannot "^Bes.fromtheownerwithouJ fa^"^:;*-i^y pedlars w ;;^«{hmses throughout thJ I l^ld 80 many hundred doll I ^^^Persia the locahty ^^'^Lodgei.o.G. T., I jl^eommendable progress] naseonringagoodatteJ " meetings. ^«\!!m.^^*°' ^te°»e ;7^"«»i«h him success. H^ " Jleaherton lael -**7*0»ltt^ premises j ifi^lr^^ indeed. â- ViAi iJ^Ki^Jsi"