Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Nov 1887, p. 5

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 â- ^^ ^^!^-^%-^~.^l/-^-li^^-^,r::.yii ;pi^^p^p^ â-  â- * i*-i â- 55*4^ -5 -:*.:?*d«^ft^' ,-«'.*. mir:' br'-i Q I w ^^ 116 Oros8.o CaSTOB ^*; Rnhert Fawcett left on Tuesday l*^- ^5! with a drove of 312 cattle, -^Khelver to drive them than Again.â€" One of our fesfive citizens, whose wife "two months ago last week. "^U-WJf-'-lttRf* I -Hki Toi a^n^ti' eii novo -foife dqniiJi\- jjbelburne Lce of light. â- J iurer's, and Tcront Toronto I %n is that he was in a ti-emend- '"'J';;,yi.[Sbelburne Free Press. 1 » T ftne is confined f o hi» house. /ISis brought on by the_ wet "I ro last week, while out hunt. " 4 was unable to attend the and Meaford Division AbOiit,imdnighHMtMmdnyaiKlrtfcMi a aesfamciiTia fii»bvri»oiitmHarri8mf« pluuag nutt and aash factory, tha baildiQ^and contentBi being of an in- flanunable natore, it took but a short time to redooe tiiem to. ashes.. A strong sooth wmd was Mowing knd it was f ear- ed would spread to the saw -mill and was married lumber jrards, but by the presevering The general exertion of the firemen the fire was con died m^aim ^m»*fnei€ieM^ Hftfk or :zsz fined to the building m which itstarted. The loss is estinSated at about |10.dOb insnred in the Waterloo for #8,000. The fire is nndoubt^ly the work of an incendiary, as there -waa no fire in the furnace alter six o'clock, and the place where the fire originated was just inside I the door, about 40 feet om the engine b. Door and Plain! machinery, everjt oUoi Battoi I da ttCii iinuer second to nonei n eyery department,] atronage. ers PromptJ id Undrt 3d Fancy Turning Distance. WOMS, T .pference to the Dundalk lock-up TT .\A R«vs "The dimensions of -raUon the !?ore immediately " « teHassard's blacksmith shop, '^Cu feet and 8 feet high, and it hniltaf solid hemlock boards. It Seen suggested that it be pnt on Iner. so that when a boisterous SclTsin durance vile it can be led out into the swamp, and the le of the village be preserved. It r«pected prisoners will be allowed «t«ke exercise by walking out among the telegraph poles." Last week one of our village youths, ijiij. of parental surveillance, quietly .{thomewith a genuine boys idea of HoviDg more freedom and seeing Dore of the world than formerly had oeeniiis privilege. He got a ride to Oiatswortb. then footed it to Owen soncd where all trace of him was â- j;! day or two ago however, his iarents received a letter from him irimful of repentance and expressing i'desire to return. He was then m ieTicinity of Meaford subsisting on fruitof the beech tree, which no liM he found kss palatable than tlie savory meals to which he was ac- jstomed in his father's house. Ex- Senceis a grand teacher.â€" [Chesley Enterprise. room. ImproTad T|i 3P*i»ftH0tlOH â-  1W1V On the 13th con, ArtemTtia,,the ZSth Oc^ a 8om of money. ISe'ovi^'oan baVe it b; prcmng property and paynig for fhia alv- ertiBemeut. OwntGE Pbitchabb; Yandeleur. FARIW FOR SALE. ' OB 'WIIiIi XXCHASaS rOB XOWN OB VTT.T.tgg PBO- PEBTX. Being lot 20, Con. 10, Township of Olenelg. 3 miles from the thriving village of Markdale, and consisting of 100 acres, well watered. On #he premisea areahoat e, bam and stable. Title indisimtable. I'or farther particulars apply to MES. A. MIGHT. Chatsworth, Ont, ChatBWorth, Oct. 29th. 1887. 373 DRUG STORE. i. Toronto St. HOXtDoorto fl* Hanuoa Hou9tf moHtMo. BtWm. Bbowm, C. E., Pbofessob Agbicultube. OF FARMIFOR SALE. •.ae IHS' ce to the pefl ved into mynewcamag nufactnre e\evy artid erieuce in the businea tibfaction to every jtfy attenaed to^ I*r*opi"ietO»^ TA late 01 S. bef tod dart, Jersy City, U. Citizens' of Mabkdj ii" cummuuitv, that "tailobing sho] J. McFarlaud's epared to do all worJ im ill tho Latest aJK Ks as I will inspect leaving the Shop. relv on having ' rst-class in every P* ng that I may receive le public patronage feiuain, laithfnily yoMXS, WILL STODD^-I [arch 14th, 1887. Semk's Stabeino Affray. â€" A scri- 10:3 stabbing affray occurred in the nnfectiorory store kept by Glennie j here would have beans, on Wednesday evening of last seek Itis the custom of the boys of I lie village lo congregate in this store. 23 on the evening m question a dis- pte S10J3 between Thomas Woodyard Ifii James Irwin, lads about 16 years ag?, and a tiuarrel followed. Irwin litrackand kicked Woodyard, who Jrew a knife and struck at him. Ihinputup his hand to ward off the iiow anil the blade of the knife was l±iiist through ills hand inflicting an "^ly and dan'erous wound. Irwm ns immediately taken to Dr.Grifln's liiewhere the hand was dressed. 1 Wyard was arrested early Thurs- jiiymoniiiiw by constable Glazier and hppeared before the Magistrate at 11 l'5'clock. He pleaded not guilty, but ie evidence proved conclusively, tha I ii was gnilty, and he was consequently IssttoOweu Sou ad to stand bis trial l^tlienext session ot the County vODtt. Irwin will loose the use of his I Mnd for several months. â€" [Duudalk Uaald.. Some may.think we said enongh about pastnxe doriog the past five years, and that experiments are now conclasive as to what caji be done for its improvement. It seems, however, to be desirable to close the season with additional facts and under new aspects. Hitherto our work in testing mixtures of grasses and clovers has been termed PERMANENT pasture, because the object is the maintenance of such a crop for many years, perhaps even for all the time that several generations can re- member, of which we have examples in older lands. But, as it is difficult to grasp the full significance of what goes so far away from our yearly practice, we shall look at this class of pasture as if it had been connected with an ordinary rotation of crops, where, after two years' hay there is usually two or three years' pasturing before breaking up for another succession. Thus we hope to bring home to everybody one of the duties of the day in connection with Canadian dairying. We seeded in 1884 without a grain crop, and took hay the same year it could as well been with a crop of fgrain. In 1885 we grazed and obtained 7,800 lbs. of milk per acre it could as well have been another crop of hay. We also grazed in 1886 and obtained 6,670 lbs. of milk. This, therefore, would be a system of one year's hay and two years' pasture, apphcable to some soils and erain-growing districts '^^- been LOT 181 con 3 west of T. S. Rd. Artemesia. 50 acres, about 20 acres elearol stumps and stones, balance good hardwood trash Five miles from 3ia-kdale and four from Flesherton. For further par- ticulars apply to A. S. Thompson. Flesher* ton P. O. or J. J. Thompson, Orilla. 342-ft For Sale or to Rent r OTNo. 9, con. 10, Holland, 221 acres, 100 cleared, good trame bam' with stable under good house, good orchard of 35 trees bearing watered by mnnirg stream. Apply to WM. NORTON, Walter's FaUa. LOffl^! READ! and yoti "will be con- vinced that tke straight direct and jiiroper conrseto pursue when buying is to purchase your requirements in Drugs, Chemicals, Stationery and Sun- dries, lat the above named Popular Store. AFVLLJLIIfEOF STATIONERY s«;aoo£ BOOKS ani SOHOOL NECESSARIfS, TOILET ARTICLES AniD» TOILET iSOAP». STRAYED. To to the premises of Geo. Lawrence lot 9 -f on. a. Euphrasia, about 1st August last, a cearling steer the owner is requested to- prove prowerty. pay expences and take it, iGEORGE LAWRENCE.Sr., 171-4 ' Kimberly. ST RAYE D^ FROM the premises of the undersigned, • in May last, two yearling heifeis, one red with star in face, one red with white on feet. Any person giving euch information as will lead to their recovery flrill be suitably rewarded. A uy person found harboring them without advertising same will be prosecuted MRS. ARNOTT, Markdale. The b«8t lines of Perfumery in town. Pipes, Pouches, and Tobacco. Shaving Mugs and Shaving Brushes. Kazors and Bazor Straps. Mustard, Ginger, Pepper, Com Starch, Soda and Cream of Tarter. A Dinsmore returns his sinGere thanks for file very liberal support accorded hitu .since commencing as above, and hopes by strict, attention to bosineas and moderate prices to merit continn- ance ofpablic appre|dation and patron- tkge. "^ose requiring would consul^ their own interest by ex^ amining his stock, consisting of over. Three Thousand pieces at from 5 to 7Sc. E3r Boll. Snnday Schools requiring iberary Books voll find Hnndzeds to select from and at such FAYOBABLE TEBMS as are sure to satisfy. KS* IVote tlie tact.â€" That until I commenced business there was- no snch thing as a special discount allowed to -Snnday Schools, or if you wanted Books could not get them unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere,, now your wants can be suppUed at yonr Door and at lower prices than Toronto. • I therefore with confidence appeal for' pubUc support. A full line of School' Books, Stationery, c., always on hand, also agent for the DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERNS, Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade for Extinguish- mgFhres. l^^NOTE THE ADDRESS, -A.. 13insTno]:*e. Therepult a mean annual milk crop of 7,235 lbs. per acre, with $61 for butter and skim milk. Had the same land been laid down to timothy and clover, and an average of the Province realized (that is 1,300 lbs. of milk per acre), the revenue would stand at $11 per acre. Against the mixture of grasses in the sum of $3.50 as the difference between $5 for seed and the ordinary $1.50 of timothy and red clover for there should not be any for manage ment and manures. STRAYED, To the premises "of the subscriber, lot 23, con. 9, Glenelg, in July last, a ewe lamb. The owner is requested to i^ove property, pav expences, and take it. 374-6 DoNAU) O'Hanly. TEACHER WANTED. FOR S. S. No. 7. Holland Centre, for the year 1888, experienced teacher holding BJ^I:^^DKESS• ^a^^j^^^r^-. .EBRATED Spectacles] â- T, TORONTO CAK*" â€" AND ,u„ -T, LONDON E.C.BM6LAIID- I Stephen's, IRUGGIST-^^^ icCIDEXT AT A FoNEIUL. Ah hcidmtwLich might have terminated ll'tli serious results occurred on the hHne, St. Viuceut, near Mr. Arch. lUmahan's place, on Friday of last !*k, wheu the funeral of the late h;=-«p!i Mathieson of Epping, Euph- patowuship, was passing that point Utheroad. There is a small grade I yietuad fronting the place mention- 1* acd wheu the rig in which was Ji Mr. and Mrs. Mathieson, pa- l« of the deceased, two brothers r'^* Brothers wife was going down r grade the breast strap of one of r.Hotses broke, startling the horses Putaadeoiiauathe occupants of V»^«re thrown out on the road. â- ^^ Gilbert Ma" years, the improved pasture gave f®6 per acre over all the profits of the ordinary cultivated runs for Ontario cows. But, possibly, neither of these pastures are at their best in three years, and a longer rotatioii may be desirable. The same fields were kept in sod during 1887â€" the driest season in Ontario for many years. As part ot good management in continuing tempor Iry pasture, as well as permanent, under heavy stocking for three years, we ap- plied $22 value of manures per acre in preparation for 1887 hence we must debit with $10 per acre as a proportion for that year, in addition to the extra cost of seeding. As this is our closing point at present, take the foUowmg statement: IDB Milk per acre in 1^ ZZlm Milk per acre in 1886..-» ^^o BJilk per acre in 18W " " YeAly average â€" •â-  •^^' $15600 ..99 50 ..10 08 ..3 00 •1650 Tx J • 4^ ' second or third class certificate, apply up to Hence, ooring two 1 jjo^ember 19th, stating salary and qualifica- tions, to A. E. CALCUTT, Secretary Treasurer, Holland Centre. '61^-5 And aee here, H gal*i. of (HI tor SO cents witii thrown in. Bbushsb.â€" Nail and Tooth Brushes, Hair and Cloth Bruohes, Shoe and Scrubbing Brashes. Fine imported lines of Combs of the bestrabber. • Farmers improving the condition of their stock, will find it to their interest and profit to buy SaltpetreJ Salts, Sulphur, Rosin, Copperas, Gentian, Aniseed, Fenugreek, and Ginger, at t!$tepli.eii'BS Orixflf Wtore, ETOROBTO flOOSE.E Coal cork OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS H.B. HARRISON MANUFACTURER OF MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES Mantles, Furniture Marble, dc. TEACHERJftf ANTED. For S. S. No. 6 Holland, for the year 1888. One holding a third class certificate pre- fened. Apply before Eriday, Nov. I8th, personally or by lettey to, I Andrew Walker, Trustees. James Smith. I Wm, Jackson, Berkeley, P. O, BERKSHIRE BOAR. ••Black Pat" Large Breed, from John Snell's imported stock, thoroughbred with pedigree. Terms 81, 372 BOBT. McBRTDlS. Value of milk par aere. Extra ooBt of seeding-. Manures NOTICE. Three farms to rent withm a short distance ofMwkdale. Terms easy, immediate pos- â€" â- ^â€" oi choice flourishing 'session giyen. Also a number r«ved some r"f the sons rid^l ibove m\ the sale ^^^tttetj^ Ispectaclesin the M^JJlQS? ' GREAT EASE "â€" Ion the weMfer, 1 actuality 8«^;r^to 3t become o«£fSS«li*« rs. Tliey •«• ""^^ **1 flBoa Ithetimeto ««f .^flB *?i Medicine^ *S«.r bottle of pr-J** --^ It wiH ao yo* kgcistssaeen**- bieson, the mother, severe injuries, while â€" was also hurt some, 'wT"i»g U'lconscious for a short ^,^t the accident. The rig was l^jj "P cousiderably, and for a :«;se T ^^^ excitement was in- JtjjJ^^^'^ei' rig was provided for *l„"J"'^rs aad the cortege moVed l^jj^ "leaford cemetery where the re- 1^5 *«e interred.â€" [Meaford Sew Sailway. fetich' ° ® ^°^^ wealthy and ajcv^'^^ssmen of OoUingwood ithatf^- o" foot for a new raUway ^KT^ though Sunnidaletown- j ttofising at Angus wUl mn "^etTfiv ^o'lnty. and will pro- 1 the most convenient har Sr-fTy^fQuinteon Lake Qnt- ^* W^' '" ^^^ Colling- ^^^^ and easy road to the sea- 5|STW*a'tor eitra laaMgement.. Net revenue lor three years.^.-... ^Ig gg Ordinary pasture for same panod.; • *» "" Difference in favor of improved pastureSWe 50 Of^io better, per acre per annum. The account ia now closed, a°^ sod may be broken for a crop of peas or °*Whatmore need be advanced mean- time If it is necessary that a sample nTthe soil the pasture, the cow, the ^iM the maJure should be subnut^ S to all our fjirmers m dairying wUl be Tslow and third-rate one indeed. Were the average faxm^ or IM acres) io Ontario mpossess^a^ ^^STthe snch improv^ tempoij^ P^ ^^^^, neariy all everywhere-â€" in building lots for sale, in the viUage of Markdale. Apply to, G. S. Bowes, Eaal Estate and Insurance agent Markdale. WARNING. I am offering this week Beady-Made Clothing, and BOOTS SHOES AT astonishingly lo^v^r prices. Persons requiring a summer outfit woula do well to see my stock. T PLEASE TAKE NOTE. I .lÂ¥ant to tell yon something, tor yonr own interest. Something that will save you nioney. We are not one of those kind that puff and blow through the paper every week, advertising a lot of trash JUST RECEIVED 3 Carloads Finest Variegate Marble (S* Largest stock In the Dominion select from. Personally selected at the qnar ries in Vermont, Will be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N. B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HARRISON ^lAJt EOBT. ASKIN. UNDERTAKER, FUNERAL FURNISHINGS supplied on the shortes notice. STleniicl Hearse tor hire at moderate rates. ALL persons are hereby notified against «,«j ^v=«», ^,^.^^^ „ ..,. "'-°" giving goods of any description to any and downright nonsense, not fulfilling written person on my account without my as I not be re«pon8iblo for the payment of such after tnis date. ANGUS McKINNON, Glenelg, November let, 1887. '__ CASH FOR WHEAT. 000 for the Provmcf- It is a pertment fact m ci^ed grionlture ^^-^I^^- older times as weU W now wi» F__ few cents more than the in cash, for good Sprinjt Wbpat. Iami)ayinga market price, in ,-.-. â-  -..j,- ..any quantity at l^n^^_MJJ^^^^ IM CACH PAClUa* oiuci: •'""'^-t::__ • „.4nire make men pitionsconditMinamnafr^e m.« fndifferentandnnproffresfflj.m words, they are too J^ ^«^ questionabjrour Pro^cj many *»* thmgs. s^^.^Vi aâ€"^ aa in- somewhatm^hantoWetp ^^^^,^0* howaasy i* « toid toiJJ^ ^^^^^^ most Berio^F *°,*%,SndaI co-opet- ation ant^^^^SJfof £en«ti«»«l Southern ^.-,_. ASfljMA^ CURE I ASTHMA A«S^?K^JS5*^ ^Tn. FUUWtD CQ..l»« ocKvaxc.«w.| /SkANO HOMIE aT^K KAB* -pet ««nr]^wy »Slo M«. Bloe'H pap«, ntial financial hagkmg is •creperaimnm. J^^^^ i886-7.) *^Rst6n and MinJrrMl. to.PaixfiaenB.f^B»y ,, what they adverise. But I want to tell yon that I will and caji do better for yon than any merchant in Mark- dale in the Grocery, Provision, Glass- ware Crockery line. I carry a .full and fresh line of those goods, and are bound to be at the front, as we are at no expenaefor hired help doing it all ^hin oorselves we can afford to sell (Cheaper than those who are at a large 'OKpense for help c. Bemember we can sell yoB the cheapest Dinner or Tga Sets in town, we have also the latest deaigna in Glassware, we carry »^nll line (Scanned goods, also Bacon, Fkar, Uat Corn lea], Bran, Shorts, Pos PeflH Barley, Cracked Wheat^ Gtaham Floor, a fall line ot BiscnitH Confeetumei^. Tea i Tea !f Tea 11! tM oar sew Japan for 25u. best value iaJkowB., All we ask yoa to do is to and flee for yoorselyes and be eon- ^||eed. ^Beiiq«inber we keep the only. Ibjtft olaw Grdceiy, Provuiun, Glaes- :i^^, Creiidkecy and Liqapt. Store in kdaSe* Bemember tlte \)\g. wg^, BwAST Horas, „4«, ' £roprietor« â€" ^All kinds of â€" In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. Wi m t--' Li. Mm i .1 u :»*:. â- 1, m 'n v\ 'i' --' 6 PEE CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property a west rates of interest. Apply to B. J. SPROULE, Conveyancer dc Postmaster, Flestaertou. OftNADIIN^ lClFiC^RrH. TIME TABLE. â€" IV[a,i*l£clsxle Htation â€" Gocia BoDTH. GolKa NOKTH. 6.47 a. m. 12.02 p. m. S.a'2 p. •J.IO p. m ni CURES fiHE.UMA".l 'J 5 W v-tl. troBM Z« a Mfe. Boro. and eOeutuMB' M 'ii^f'

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