^nap^t^iwsu. uv"*! Jttuiji^t ••-K.H â- , (;?â- â- fe- ,q[Tt.tF.r'f KI .3fl^3it^ .aai .-OC' xi Dlaxi^att ^tm^ctx^. (J. W. Butlfliclge, Proprietor. VRKDALE, NOV 10. 1887 NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" The Fort William Jonmal wants ii toboggan slide for that town. â€" The American "Boo" Las now a ;;,;iiii-weekly paper called the Herald. â€"The next Provincial Exhibition â- ^\]\ probably be ^Id m Collingwood. â€" New York city has about three :L /UKand policemen. â€" Justice O'Connor died at Gobourg lit- 1 Thursday, age. 68 years. â€"Ottawa is taking steps to have m annual Industrial Exhibition. -TheG. T. R., double track is ;ow completed from Toronto to Scar- i'.-r: 9 miles. â€" Hurdman Go's lumber mills at 'Tiri; were burned last Sunday. Loss, bo^.t $16,000. The voting on the by-law grant- ::;.: 8^0,000 bonus to the Berlin C. I L took place on Monday. The by- i V V. as carried by 466 majority. Mr. Chamberlain arrived m New Yoi-k last Monday, on his way to at- â- :. the "Fishery Commission" at i'l f. hington. Mr. James Allen, of AUanford, !.- ^een appointed Indian agent for '.x- ';3auge6n district in place of Mr. ' jsiiway resigned. It is reported that Mr. John cicaonald, "Toronto's Jwholepale :. roods King" has been offered the li in the Senate made vacant by Ivj death of Hon. Wm. McMaster. The last effort of the Chicasjo -ushists has failed, and they will 1 ly swing. This will cause a vave ' itjoicing on the part of law-abiding .1; 'as throughout the United States. Mayor Howland, of Toronto, an- •i ced at the City Council meeting ^Thursday night that he would I 'i lively not be a candidate for the -: • y .rilty next year. The new Y. M. C. A. building in ' uto, which has been erected at a ;! ot nearly $70,000. was formally •...lated last Thursday night in the i i\ jnce of about 1,500 people. A Winnipegger, who has seen 4:!'.!;e§n winters in that city, says .:: this is the first year that he has ..â- â- a the Eed River to freeze over .: 1 Iiawoutbeforeibeingfinally closed. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Healey, of iiiiia's Falls,- lived together as man i^nri vife over 46 years and both died tly, she on Friilaj and he on the " '.i v-iag Sunday, the day she was .;-i..::l. "J \f.^, f'hl -RT Ha niko««tt^iii«n foottonuite Vbeytofonn tBin^pataauie'i^^^^io ripe for iucltiettMrf; BP-lonfiB ttbpa eog^f^d^in -optamon c«i»«*r* «^ apart by priwsipile, ttis^ir du^ to fiand by their principle*. When l^ey u« sepersted b^ do vital pri^ipte, it is manifeeily their duty to nnite, that those energies which are all needed for the conflict with the common enemy be nrt wasted in efforts at each other^e expense. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company has just agreed to the pro- poflttl from the North West for the promotion of matrimony among the settlers. Under the new plan the single man in the West will purchase ^patrimonial ticket for Ontario, pay- ing the usual return fare. On pre- senting the ticket some weeks later, with a marriage certificate, at an Ontario station, he will be entitled to a free ticket to his North- West home for his bride. This is a humane arrangement, and is calculated to produce much happiness. The only danger is that some excellent people may think the one fare for husband and wife shoiild be general, and, in- deed there is logic in such a view, for has not the clergyman made the two individuals one • â€" Mr. Spurgeon has withdrawn from the Baptist Union. In announcing his decision to withdraw and replying to his critics he says â€" "To pursue union at the expence of the truth is treason to Jesus. To tamper with his doctrine is to bpcome traitors to him. We have before us the wretch- ed spectacle of professedly orthodox Christians publicly avowing union with those who deny the faith, calling the fall ol man a fable and denying the personality of the Holy Ghost " Replymg to the question why he does not start a new denomination, he says that it is a queston for which he haS no liking that there are enough de- nominations already, and that if an- other were formed the thieves and robbers'who have entered the other gardens walled around would enter it also, so nothing would bo gained. Baptists generally regret Mr. Spurge- on's decision, and are urging him to reconsider it. • ;« '±o' â- w. Ii M Do you want a me* Warm Shftwl, Fur Muff or f or itantle, 8W Mc PARLAND' Stodt^ " Lovely Bicn Marfelleaux Silks only 80c. sold in eity for $1.23. Gamett Navy Blue, Rich Brown and Slate Press Velveteens, just opened at McPARLAND'S. Black Cashmeres, 80, 85, 40 60 cents, Fast Dyes and Wide Widths. A Big Pile of Melton Dress Gdods bemg the 8rd iot received this sea6"bn, commencing at 9, 12^, 14 and 18 cents. Miss Brimner is turning out some lovely Hats and Bonnets, and our A PREVAILING ERROR. â€" It is Kiated that Hon. Edward .-â- fib; has been offered a seat in the JiiLsh House of Commons, represent- ':l^ an Irish Coastitueacy, and that he lii accept and withdraw from d.adian Politics. â€"A by-law to further reduce tavern '•vises in Toronto by 50 and shop .uises by 80 passed its fijst and irjcond readings in the City Council ast Thursday night and was ordered o h-:- submitted to a vote of the people •,6 the next municipal elections. â€"It is stated that the Mormons, • ;i;gi!stGd with the reatrictions place j iiiv.n matrimony in the west, have I'iiedto the Sublime Ports for per- Viis^^on to settle iu Turkey. It must i.'lmitted that for Christianity of Uie Mormon kind, a Mahomeian rouatry ia the proper place. -The qnestion of admitting women •'.iy delegates will be presented to the next General eonferenee' of the :.IoKi)odif?t Episet^l Church^ At Ciccinnati last week the Hel^odiet Confiirenca eleotad Mrs. Ang^VNeW- iQeu a lay defogAte, and several Western ccmfereness here elected w(ftMDtor|swyegt- fatec^ite d^. There is a general weakness on the part of many to magnify the good qualities and christian graces of a deceased friend, yea, even to extol such person I as having been saints, or some kind of angelic personage in human form, and this custom or practice of laudation is frequently carried even into the pulpit. While we readily admit that there are those whose life in general deserve favorable comment, and. in some respects we may safely follow their example, yet, the universal weaknesses and shortcomings of humanity are such that it would appear unwise to represent the departed, m any case, as having been almost, if not altogether perfection, while perhaps in some instances, little was ever heard or known of the virtues while living, of the selfsame individual. How much better it would be to eultivAte and extend a spirit of be- nevolence and christian forbearance towards those witli whom we are brought in contact, while living, in- stead of reiweissiug their virtues and magnifying their faults and failings as is too often the ease. How often the actions of our neighbors are censured and their motives suspected, ai^ hasty and severe judgement pronounc- ed, when no vaUd reason could be as- signed for such hash candnsions. Would it not be infinitely b^lier to sympathise with, and encourage oat fellow-mortals in theur effwtsto M right or to o^rcome wr«i|[, wb£b» portunity is afforded oC nodwiif needed aasistaneej ^lAeadormdtap^^ ing and nugniQiQgiheirgoodqiui^tUii ^en itr WMiniHtyMftly :|0 of Mantle trade is booming. If you f^ want a neat nobby Walking Jacket or Ulster leave your order at McFAR- LAND'S, perfect fit^and correct style guaranteed, at moderate price, some very stylish Mantlings received this week in fine curls and neat goods. GreyRabbitFur, Bear Fur, Feather Trimming, and Black Cooney Fur for Trimmings, cheapatMcFARLAND'S. Kid Mitts, Kid Gloves, Fine Cashmere Hose, Cashmere and Toffet a Gloves all sizes at McFARLAND'S, One Case Gents' Wool and Silk Mufflers, Bilk Scarfs, Fine Wool Underware placed in stock. 1500 yds. Grey Light and Dark Fancy and Navy Blue Flannels, from 18 cents up. Suits! Suits! Suits!'" both Men's Boy's and Youth's all sizes, best value ever shown in the county. ^,, Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats from a $8.d0 up to the finest make, can please the most exacting. V Our Fe^;;Bp9t8i«jipju^b^g Bt»]^ mL^oplj at lie- m.f.m-zim^ P0 bMw =s= ^t1 Oils, don't forgettft Si@ of the gros?. CASTOB .p-y-fKiS WHTER WWTEOIL, iS'i^Tiat'l^Aia^ for brillance of ligiit.^ Hmpire On^^ Co., Befiners Manufacturer's, 349-75 London and Toronti Having eredted an3 fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain I tory, containing all the .latest and most approved machinery, ever bemg new, I am now prepared to turn out Sasb, Doors, Blinds; Mdings, HoUof Battii FRAMES, LATH, FENCE PICKETS, e., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to noneJ Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m eyery departmenll wonld now respecttuUy solicit public patronage. 1 Every Effort Made to fill Orders Proinptly| PINELUMBER Dressed and Undress Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Tarnin Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 303 THOW. MclVEAi MARKDALE CARRIAGE WORKS, :^ -W- R., McNALLY: â€" Would hereby announce to the p« of Markdale and the public generally that I have moved into myuewcai shop opposite the Murkdale House, where I will manufacture every iu the wagon and carriage line, and having long experience in the bosinal and by using first class material, I can guarantee satibfactiou tu every wlio will favor me with their oiJer. â€" â- -* Repairing^ Fainting and Trimming promptly attenoed to. A call respectfully solicited, JR. M:cIV-A.LL.^^j P»roprietai.| CURE FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES! CURE for Scratches on Horses FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES f Carley's Healing Oil will relieve scratches on horses in two or three applications, or price refunded. Follow the directions on bottle by thoronghly deausing, then, apply the Oil. If animal reqoiries any medicine to pat it into condition use die Derby Blood Purifyer. STEPHEN'S OOUGtl MM. Tlie best compound of Tar and Honey in the world for relieving coughs, it acts as an instant bealer %o the bronchial tabes, and win have a beneficient effect on brcmchitia at once. Don't forget the name, STEPHEN'S COUGH KING, No other remedy like it, at 25 and 50 ceijytB ^% ^jottle. It will iiflieTe hooping coug^ Vuen dther mediolneis econ- pletilyfail. Tobe ebtained at thepeptiar Drag Store, B. L.BTS i- ting, yon.iifbi see ti FAELAMiS; Dropfm: wl»o ita Mttfcdikle. It mUpay 70a to do yonr lim^^iess with liui oldi^Ittble firm., ^mm^' .MAEKDAIiB. i-VifT '1 iJ e. lots 29 ami 80 in the fitb enn. of the township of HoU^iut, • eonlajmnit altoat- iMOr ae|e» Us ai»ov«lM(dia sttcwt^w^hjaanilet ^Pmf^,f^iiii*t4m %?fG. P- B.ti)eiand " 5 ?^ •?«? Wpl; ahaopt fm ftom stooee and M tmba^d ipiitiiLfe^ipB,. Hiek eha,, iwt- y Mto; o^aar. hemloek. apgrace, mi^. heaoh, ptf^i DMwood, botteijnit and temattp tiie ' is wen watena; 4oii^ ^^ -lb iStetion rl' WWl^HIRiPiWh' -Y-" r Qonfer on the wearer. SbQiruewUiinactnality eo st-,-,, Kyaa |ha« it does not become neoessaij^ -^ ffti- ' i ^Will Stoddart, late rf England and Jersy City, U. S. begs to inform the citizens of MabkbjuI and surrounding community, that has opened a TAILOBING SHO? over Mr. W. J. McFarlaud's Stoft where he is prepared to do all w| entrusted to him in the Latest Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect iJ work before leaving, the Shop, «*| tomers may rely on haviuj? turned out first-class in every ticular trusting that I may reeeiv«»j fair share oi the public patronage I remain, Faithfully your's,^ WILL STODD# Markdale. Mai-ch 14th, 1887. SIGHT V. BLUSD^TISS. .^m^-^ CELEBRATED MisJi Spectacl«s| " JOBiriSTREET. TORONTO CM^" njEHftUSTSEET, LONDON E. C f»** R^ifJ^ Stephen's, CHEMlSTDRUGGIST.^^^^t 4bam4»Uia BYS ifeESBBVnJG Q'^^oO* •"â€" â€" the GBBAT KASI- •»»• Bicb^^bw is the time to »se • V «to(id Purifying Medicine, ^^-s J iitee Br jitM^'ft bottle of 'J^, wtaomm^^. It will do y°" "^^ BoU'b^ «I1 Druggists 5a cents- In refa^nw to the Dund ^^Tfld aj8. "1316 dm iuu»4*fosfcg pobUo build liBsitnateAoo tB© Rore " IJ^MiMite HapMffd's blacksi I3fSxl4f^and8feeth )){iilt ai Bolid hemlock HUB been suffjpestfed that it I ^^?i'.i jgjn^ dxtr»nee vile -TOjeppi^ â„¢*o toe swam] IJ^ of Oie village be pre liB^peatea prisoiers will |to take exercise by walkmj Iflietetegniph poles." l^gpt week one of our vil: itfng of parentis Bnrveillai ll^j^ad with^ genuine b Icnioj^fig more freedom i iDare of the world than foi Ibeen his privilege. He go IChatsworth, then footed i I Sound where all trace Jlost. A day or two ago In Ipafebts received a letter Ibrimftd of repentance and L desire to return. He w I tbe vicinity of Meaford su Itbe fruit of the beech tree Idonbt he found less pal I the savory meals tu which ItUBtomed in his father's I Iperience is a grand teacher. jEnterprise. Suious Stabbino Affra Ions stabbing affray occur: |«onfectioDery store kept IPeans, on Wednesday eve peek. It is the custom of I tbe village to congregate i land on the evening m que Ipute arose between Thoma j«nd James^Irwin, lads abc I of age, and a quarrel folio' Istmek and kicked Wooi Idiew a knife and strut llrwin pat op his hand to i jblowa^ the blade of th I thmst through his hand i l^ly and dangerous wo Was jpimediateiy taken to lofliae where the hand, w I Woodyard was arrested e I ^y niotiuBg by constable lappeit^ before the Magi lo'doA. He pleaded not I toe evidence proved concl '"'â- iras guilty, and he was I lent to Oweu Sound to stj Ijt Qm next session ot j^ourt. Irwin will loose t â„¢"*ftw8ev«Md months. r**^!? |.A« ».\-^. Lii la^diiii-