Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 Oct 1887, p. 1

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 "^* "â- * ' "y " ' "*^ ^i^"W^sifa. Ill .J. |^g||pp;n^mpnp9m^;pp J!»|J||^l«f*J|P^jppp,JJll|*l^ll^^ â- WW DEAFNESS.â€" There "Ka bie oiires for de of Hagyard's -Wn household remedv ation and sore^iesg'l es Rheumatism, ' ap, and istfsefslintenij- for all pains and injurSI DiANS.â€" "While my bos, " in furs hecameacroaM k-as taken to his lodge tol ward pain»aud pains inl le gave same Yellow Oil! pphed it externally, audi ilso cured my husWdl and I find it yalnable :olds, sore throat, etc'l Cook's Mills, Serpend iciatedl r.cc3Hre. ad the good fortune to ear tlje lecture by J.B.I ett's Hall on Tlmrsdayj c botli ])rofited and e subject "Pluck, Pa-I leverance" was handled! manuer, eliciting th eatetl applause of been our gooct fcrttml ctiare of tv/o kourscon-l a i-eal ],ut.by, pungent,! ofitable sayings, audi :he choicest language â- with â- \vonderlul ease. :ition, and seasoned! 1 humorous illustrations I d morals and practicall sreeiated the Ipcturer] and to be beard he is| ppreciated. Such in- i are calculated to be- 1 ?r a j;reatcr firmness j n iu houest toil aad| Hurt. At tii9 close a tj the lecturer waal Mr. Bugf'in, geCondeiJ| ,, Esq., and unanimous- I, standing vote. â-ºâ- 4^ • US From Seizurew. relatiug to exemptions i jich came mto forca oa â- r proy^des that tie i cauuot be seiaesi for be hou.seboiaer. Also aber of articles belong- oholder which are ex- ire they are as follows: mg and bedsteads in y the debtor and bi» ry apparel of himseK kg. Marriages, iit-^ ^v^iTjit;! I'.r^^i^'f'-i:- *â-  Opxiiicifli ^•-!. ' 'jja^"' i i fi i r i 1 1 in-" mm ii l n i "r i i j |i»ii "'inr 'i "»* i n YEAR.-Ko. 372. LET THE CHIPS FAI4L "WHEBE THEY UkY: MAKKDAIiE, OUT., OCTOBEB 27, 1887. C. W. BUTUEDGE, proprietors AT- .XOW GOING ON EC JEWELESr STORE, â- ESHERTON. jOpercect c^ff on all cash sales '51.00 and over. â-  Positively ,,!,!;,• liftc-iii days longer will i this big discount of our of Watches, Clockb, hir-TEKWAEE, the finest of Ni-!e alarm clocks now $2.C0 only, send and get [iue walnut 8 day clocks i)Di_vS4.80 warranted for 3J I. Fiufi r;ilver Swiss watches goiug at, $6.50 bearing 8 w;irianr:^. Fine American, itiiaiB and Elgiu watches from ,00 up bearing warrants from 1 Years. We always have in llie fine grades in the Colnm- watciier. Call and secure some great btcrgams, and always your watch, clock and iikry repairs to EL'S Noted Jawelery Store, FLESHERTON. I Jive .Eti'Ck lie fecEs in thfii columns intended to benefit fkid.kJ or Siiciety will be charged ten lint' 'J' //V first insertion and five r.liriCt'dch iuhiequent insertion. â-  iUCE.â€"C'.ny.-pnndcnce, commMnica- liimtMwcnt:, dx,, must be in this IkitoM'-n Tne^daij to insure publication Mv.ik. hbCh-O! â- \VmT3Y is np from Toronto iag a few ilays with parents and friends. L Inspector, Campbell, viaited our turn laestlay. pCcLLocGH, of Ghatsworth, was in hear itte all going. Where? To ailectra'c-, on Friday evening. iJEiSLE Teather this week, but all J»srse quantity. 'I miss J. B. Watson's lecture on fisighj. "SEniE For.n has been re-engaged in â- fcu school for .1888 at §325. '•tfi Mr.s. AxDREw Walker, of Glenelg iteweekto Toronto. â-  • Emmd .BcRSETT of Glenelg has "ilo Duiham. ' «felh Globe to the end of next year ' • Subscribe at this office. "'Wairiendly call from Mr. A. G â- â€¢'fBundalk, on Friday last. i^iSD EcTLEDGE, left a potato at I which weighed three lbs. That's l*fi«i--ife mean the potato. i.io flf "^^ ^^=»"»As has gone to Griswold " situation as salesman in a mer- 'sasbleshment. XTT^ farms for sale in Euphrasia. k B r. •'-^' *«res, cheap and terms L â- ^•%dea,Markdale. ^«JU send the Standard from pre- « to the end of next year to new «s for SI cash. !!;""'"'^«°Hi,aged72.who had SBUseven weeks ago, is rapidly 5(lei the medical care of Dr. tie IS already able to be about. ocjt J ^^P^®'8 Society of the ^«itlie ^^' ^®*^^«^ to give a "eai^ '"^golTii«iksgi7iiig, 17th The annual shootuig and hunting mateh of Vandelenr nimrods will take place to-day, Thursday, under captains Jdm Weber and Jim SparHng, for a supper, to be provided by the loosinK pariy. Miss Vic Ltomb of this village lost a watch four years ago, and advertised same in the Standahd at the time itdidnot then turn up. bat strange to say. it came to her throogh the mail, from Toronto, a few days a^o. Tie name of tne setader is not known. Tendees.â€" Will be reo^ved tiU the 16th November to buUd ^esbyterian brick church in PriceviUe. Plans and specifications to be seen with secretary. A. McCnaig, chairman Bev. D. McLeod, Secretary of building committee. The following teachers have been engaged in Markdale PnbUc School for the coming year, yiz • Mr. H. Clendenning and wife for Ist and 2nd departments respectively, and Miss Bowes for the 3rd department. Salaries »440, »240 and »235. Mr. Clen- denning hails from Vroomanton. Ontario Co. To THE Public,â€" Having opened a butcher shop next door to Millers grocery store, I would respectfully soiicit a share of public patronage. All kinds of yegetables also kept on hand and de- livered, to customers in any part of the town. W. jr. Shell. The New Conservative Organ "The Empire" is likely to be launched before Christmas, when D. Creightoo, M. P. P. will move to Toronto to manage the fsame. The Owen Sound limes will likely become the property of Mr. John Bntherford, who for- merly was a partner with Mr. Creighton on the Timen, bat has ran the job department for many years. Some farmers will not allow a steam thresher about the place for fear of fire while we venture the assertion that ten bams have been burned from pipe smoking for every one by steam thresh- ers, yet they go on the straw stack and even right into the granary with a pipe in their mouth. The Owen Sound Advertiser last week clipped from the Standabd of the same date an item in reference to the letting of the bridge contract at "Allen's Sink Hole." It's a rare thing for ore paper to cUp from an exchange and pnbhsh an article of same date. Either the Advertiser or the Stanbabd must have been mighty smart. Wonder which J. B. Watson, the great Canadian Orator and Humorist will give his lectu- re entitled "An evening with the Irish Orators" in the town hall, Flesherton on the evening of the 27 th inst. Any of Mr. Watson's lectures are cheap at half a dollar so that a person can well afford to take his sister along, or some one elses, if they haven't one of their own. One of the most enterprising members of Chatsworth Fall Show has been attending neighboring exhibitions and taking mmute observations as to their successor faihnre. as the case may be, and mtends using his in- fluence in improving the usefuhiesB of his Society by pomters thus gleamed. This is a laudable object, and others would do weU to "go and do likewise."' Thb election of officers and teachera of Markdale Methodist Sabbath School for the ensuing y«ar took place in the lecture room last Thursday evening resulting as f oUows.â€" Supertintendent, G, S. Bowee; assistant. B W.Bnnis: Secretary. F, Stevens; Lib- rariani W. J. Boyd Bible class teacher. W. A. Brown; the other eleyen teachers were all re-elected. Fob the oenefit of a l«8e.°°™*f °*,,°" lady friends we pubUsh a Da. SiHciiAiB. â€" Wo would remind onr readers that the eminent Scottish Fhysioian will be at IheMttkdale House on Saturday Nov. £tii. GonsultatiMU free. Close Gaix.â€" One Fred Sheptie who was on his way homa from Mnskoka to Sullivan townsh^^foot and aIone,gAtofiFtheroadwhiIe crossing • Altai's sink hole" on Monday nif^ of last week. The m'ght was very dark and he had his "kit" on his back, and it was with great difficulty tbat he escaped drowning. He however saeeeeded in crawling out and returned to Mr. McNally's house, about half a mile distant, where he was hospitably entertained and bad his clothes dried â€" which were every stitch thoroughly soaked â€" and no continued his journey next momiug. BUSINESS LOCALS. New dress goods in all the latest shades and patterns, at B. Trimble's, Flesherton. Sat! 12 Stove Pipe for 91.00 at Mabee's ABBiviNa daily, huge cases and bales of Dry Goods at K. Trimble's Flesherton. Good cow for sale cheap for cash A. Turner St Co. "â- 'Addrwg ithe W, »ad Presentation' season i« average editor 'dreads it '^tlie "Spring Poetry" bus- sake "bife them down." list of wedding anniversaries. Miey win no doubt cut this out and paste it in their family bibles for fnxtherreference firat, iron seomid, paper; fifth, wooden; tenth, tin; fift^nth, crystal; J^tieth. china; twenty-fifth, sfly^; thirtieth, cotton djirty-fifth. lin^ fortieth. J^; forty-fifth, Bilk; fiftieth, galaen; aeventy-fifth, diamond. FATiLAocii.Krt.-I*8t Friday while Mr. J«ne8 Gibsoii of «xe 7th line Euphrasia waa S^torhimBelfaweU.thebuck^be«^ tSL fiom the ropeand «eU a d«toce^af 80 fi«t -triking him on the hej^ b«ata« to i»bout«yeK8«f»«e»»4»*'«' » w!^^Si*"*^/ "^^" ^^^ *^ r^i;;«;iv to"mouB» his imdden demise. ii"" tI? "'*^^°'-*^'enontha »* ^^^f. ^^tmi svWpathy of the toi l?^w.offeriBgoodforOct. ai,^J^,^:?.*'l^^tLto^ Tb '^*^»ka»..ir •J v.* ai-a«u3 '»«^«" **"~i DoNX forget to see our all-wool tweed over coatb at $4.75 B. Trimble's Flesherton, Just see J. G. Anderson's 2Sc. Grey Flannel it will surprise you. Call ouB, Trimble, Flesherton. and see those Persian Lamb Caps at $2 .75. The right place to get bells, blankets and robes is at Mathews harness establishment. Daily Mail. Globe and World at W. A Brown's. Two Oxford Bam Lambs for sale Price reasonable. Peter Hams, 7th line Euph- rasia. â-  JnsT opened, 10 cases boys and mens' clothing, at rock bottom prioeSf Trimble's, Flesherton. Get a pair of the celebrated featherbone Corsets at J. G. Anderson's. Cboss Cutt Saws from 37J cents per foot up at Mabee's. Gbeat bargams in felt boots, overshoes and rubbers at Trimble's, Flesherton. 6 lbs. Tea for ?1.00 at J. B. Bichards, Bocklyn. Just see J. G. Anderson's 25c. Cashmere, good, 40 inches wide. I Sat! A good Axe for 60c. and good hand saw ditto. Yum yum, at Mabee's the Hardware. 60 cases boys and mens' long boots just arrived at B. Trimble's, Flesherton. HoBSE blankets. Bugs, Bobes, fur Over- coats Ac, cheap at Thos. Mathews, Mark- dale, Be sure you see J. G. Adderson's 18 oz. all wool Gurnzies. Beet value in the county. J. E. Bichards, of Bocklyn, has just opened np the finest line of Overcoats and Suits eyer brought to Euphrasia. Croft's famous machine needles. Singer, Wanzer. Bajrmond. Boyal Ac, o., at W. A. Brown's. Felt Boots.â€" Felt Boots Felt Stockings, any quantity at J. G. Anderson's. In stock, one dozen 5 and 6 bottle cruetts best ouaHty, silyerplated on hard white metai,'33.50 to $8,50, W. A. Brown. Coal oil, a superior article 20 cts per gallon or five gallons for 80 cts, at Haskett Bros. J. BoDGEBS, Logwood Bro'B, Tom. Bolm are world famed for cutlery; Mabee has full lines u those goods, prices right Did you see those 50c. Tweeds at J. G. Anderson's if not be sure you do the first time you are in town. Bbeobb yoQ buy an overcoat, be sure yoa see J. G, Anderson's stock. A GOOD Cook Stove handsome mountings furnished only 18.00 at Mabee's. Keep your feet dry by getting a pair of the celebrated Book Island Long Boc*s at Anderson's. Fabkebs look HEBE 1 Jacksou sells the best Fanning Mills, Straw Cutters ft Turnip Slioers in tbe market. Come and see for yourselves. Diamond Dyes and dyn stufls of all kinds at the Medical HaH. A. Tumer Co. If yon want to get a good aoit of aothw, dther ready-made or made to order, just go to J. G. Anderson's You are sure to get suited every- time. Go TO J. E. Eiduttds, Boek^, tor your Felt Boots. The Wgeat stock in the whole townMiip. see those water prod Utttndta hB«far â€"la «haM an* the latert styiefc J otis^te nl GioabbI GieuLBsl Lovers of a good Havana dgar will find that Benson has thefinest cigar in town, sold by the box. M*T"fit*T.y Maskets. â€" ^Fall wheat 70 to 75cent!i;springwheat70to75; barley 45 to 66; peaa 56 oats 29 butter 18 to 20; eggs 16; potatoes 50 per b«g; liay 7.oa To the people of Euphrasia, if yon want to save money go to J.E. Bichards, Bocklyn, the Noted Cheap Store. Yoa can aave 10 to 20 per cent on every dollars worth you buy. If you want to 6uy a good LantematiOeU a fine hand saw at 69et$, the champion X cut saw at Mets per foot, an axe at €Octs or afirU class cooking stove furnished for 920.00, y«u can get them at Haskett Bros. To THE PiTBLic. â€" Sarjoaut Bros, at the incibt market, are selling fresh meats at th^ir usual fall pricesâ€" first class steak lOo, seoond class three lbs for 25 cents, roasts from 7 to 10 cents, boiling beef from 2 to 6 cents, by the quarter f4 per cwt for fronts and $5 for hinds. Wholesale from one carcas up, f4 per cwt. None but choice cattle selected, and all slaup^tered under our own supervision. Everything in season at the Markdale Meat Market. ProgpeclS APwB Fairly good at Present, ^ANDâ€" HAVMG FAITH IN THE PEOPLES CONTINUED GENEROUS PATR0NA6E, I have stocked my 24 feet of metal cases â€" â€"WITH EXTRA LINES -IN- [In justice to Mr. Norton, wo rlaproduoe the following letter to the Mirror, as we chpped also the article referred to below Ed. Standard, Editor Mirror. Deab Sib, â€" ^I noticed in your issue of 0^. 14. the notes of the Euphrasia show, by your Special Bepor'er. an account of a dispute, if auch you could call it, which took place at the door of the Agricultural hall the day of show. The reporter states that is a custom of the society to allow a limited time for ladies only to view the interior department of the show.^d that some rude young man -objected to this and their ring leader, one Norton, of Holland, wrenched constable Cook's stick from bis hand. To begin with, does, "custom" mean "law f" If so, why has not the society stated this Bales and Begulations, or known to the public in some way, other than by shaking a stick over tneir heads If not, i "custom" cftiuiot compel men to stop out in storm or snow when tnere is room for all in- side, they having paid for it. As to Norton being a "ringleader." it is a grave mistake, and one that must be corrected. When the door o* the hall was opened, the ddor-keeper raised the cry that the ladies were first to be admitted. Norton being near the door at the time attempted to move back but finding it impo8sible"remained where he was, but the crowd behind and Cook before him, brand- ishing a roughlooking walking stick over the heads of those nearest him, and threatening them with euch words "keep back boys," or "i smash year ekulls," and other similar ex. pressions, which being uttered in a tone of voice mdicating that Jthe firey fiend- anger â€" was raging within and that what was said was heakt, Norton, over whose head the stick was held at that moment, caught the said stick and moved it from Cook's hand, as he wished to have his head safe. Bat no endeavor whatever was made by Norton "to control the situation," as immediately after the taking of th€f stick the crowd burst into the hall, taking all before them. And now, Mr. Editor, I think you or any other man would have done the same thing as Norton did under the circumstances for Cook had neither badge, baton, or anything else where- by one could leoognise him as one in auth- ity there, and he has since failed to prove that he is a County onstable. Norton is as inoffen'biye a youn^ -an as could be found in the county, and it would not be much wonder if his fenlings were wounded by yoiir j Beporter's story, and as Norton was. brought before Justice Myles to explain his "gentle- manly conduct." which he did satisfactorily. I think to do justice to him, that "Special Beporter" shoijld appear in public print with an apol(^y for his very "gentlemanly*' exaggeration. Thanking yoa for your spaoe, Mr, Editor, I am yours. As Ete Withebs. kerisu Waltki lUs -AND- ENGllSH 15 K eOLD SETS, Gem Rings and Lock- ets, 25 Spring and J "Weight Clocks in stock. Silverware in staple goods and novelties, made by the Meriden Middletown plate custom in their /Qq's, ConnectiCTlt. at least make it -i-, -»-» » « ' BogerBros flatware in Kaives, Forks, Spoons, quality of these lines cannot be ques- tioned, they are the best makes. Lazarus Morris makes, fitted personally on optical principles. quality of Goods, Fair Prices, and Reliable Work, havQ made me "The People's Jevrelter." W. A. BROWN, MABKBALE. H t? a It CO T" S § [14 « ,5 -a 8J "S CONSUMPTION CUBED. An old physieian, retired from practioe having bad placed in bis bands by an Baat In^fxaianonaay tiie formula of a smiuar vegetable remedy for tbe speedy andpera^ entciixeorConBnmptio,Broiicbiti8.Catazrn Aattamaaod all fhroat and liung Afflcaons also a poaittve and xadieal core for nerrpas DebiUfiraadan Nenroos Complaints, after liairiiigteateditB wonderful cmttve powejs intbrasandsofca8e8.ba8feltittai8 du^.to nijkeitlmowntobiflBirileiniJgMlows. Acta- atedbvttiisaaotive and » deabe to relieve bmaaa anltaing. I wiU send free of dbacge *a all wbo deure i^ this receipe, in Goraaan, E-renchorEniidlBh, witti fnU direc^ns tw Mandu^g. Send ty. mall ttyaft- J wii^ Btaimv namiiv viia papec w. VawmBMtfmmrsI' -i .^,.'^aJ'l " \r*T^\ Uj ?;,?«-;?£0fi9^ â- Â» »* S t o •^ *» • .8 3 ^.-^^ s^^^ Si a ••• w » to CO 03 ;•«â- â- â-  it ' ..-ij. ~, If n\ :.0.- :^£jj,^jgj^

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