^^^ i I *:; ' ' I U s-Sfl J as. 8. Freeborm ^M. D.. Cai. M.; L. K. A Q. C. P. tâ€" Doctor of Medlctae and master of Surgery #i^Mia. Univ. Lieentiato of King's bj^ Qaeen'8 CoUege of PhyaiciMS an In«n^ Member of the CoUege of I^ci" «S« Surgeons, Ont. Formerly actmg Surgeon of^^ttkry.B-C. A^Q«?bBO- ^^'^f^'^l of the Botunda Hoqutals, (Lyuig-m « Gyntecolo gical) iMto.^^^ STEPHEN'S DRUG STOEE. £':^^ To a/f whom it may ««»««» Drs Sproule it Brodle ^PHYSICIANS AKD SUBGEONS, M A R k: i A 1^ E- Db. Spbodm's office Turner's Drag Store Db. Bbodib'8 office Mathew s block. I». lcCiilloiigh, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, c OFFICE-OVER McFARLAHDS STORE. MARKDALE. IWEoney t o Loan. BL4.SSeHl^ MASSON, BAKMSTEBS, SOLICITORS, o. Officbsâ€" Owen Sound, in Vicker's Block Paalett St. Blanch office in Markdale, ovS McFsSInd-s Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Masson,Q.C. S.Masson. W. Masson. S. B.â€" Private and Company's funds to invest at ftoin G to 8 per cent Wm. Brown, iSSUEB OF MAEBIAGE LICENSES, o Commissioner in B" B. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se uritv. IB. L. Stephen the Druggist of tokdale have been appointed agentfar JotosoKj celebrated Tonic and lierriiu. ffâ„¢??" liUU liver PiUt, and JofflfKHi'i .«» *f«^ WbtU Oitawient. The nemne ib w*»n. bekt in the market, in all diseasea »w«.^ poverty of Hood, for Nervonsnew, «!««[»»» •' -rf .mrt i^-i,..^ go often bnd Md the PAiamtM of ?5oniplexinn_80 often noticed in female's, losi^, " "PP^tl a- general debility tt »«J«»J**'°t,';jL!S* liver Pill., it is he very best tor •»! dueasea arrising from Topid liver or b«i •*»•«" The White Oinment is the veiy best i a the maAet for SaltBhenm*. Barbers Kch. Pimples, Chafs, Bums, Bealds. andjril Stan diseases of a scrofulous nature. Try th«e fine remedies and you wiU ?P*j!,diMM*mt^ For sale at R. L. STEPHBN'athedrttggiPt Markdale, Ont. WM. G. GUTHRIE, Pkiit Ornamental Plasterer TVI ARK:XwfVJL.E Arches, Cornices, Centre Kowers, and all kinds of plain and ornamental plastermg ex- ecuted at cheapest rates. Calsomimng Lime Washing and Repairs promptly attended to. 365 TO SCHOOL TRUSTEES. in aomwetioii with' the l^rtheW^tod %r Western B^ys, andtheOrMiaTwnikB'y. The WILLIAM STUART, K1MJ3EELEY, • Issue.' of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Seal Estate at low ratep.^ A few aaraa for sale. Terms easy^ /."rmarshall, l.d.s. DENTIST, GKADUATK OP TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, wUl be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third We'Siiesday ot each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesher- ton, the day following the third ^yednesdaJr m each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. MARKDALE BOUSE, MARKDALE. ONT. J. £ Marsh, Prop. ISAAC STllVSON. Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. All\rork guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 323 Residence, MARKDALE. B W. G. RICHARDS, ARCHI- XJILDER, CONTEACTOB, TECT, Markdale. undersigned is manufacturing Bn ex- cellent assortment of School Fiarnitai-e, Consisting of SCi^OOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHEBS' DESKS, etc., of the latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. 0. 181 ANDBEW McGILL. MONEY TO ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, • J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P, 0. R. J. SPROULE, FLiE SHEET ON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn up andValuations made on shortest notice] Charges very low. Apply to R. J. SPBOULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. WILL CURE OR REUEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And every species of dlaeaa* aritlna; Itt disordered^ LIVER, JOONEVa. 8TCMIACK DROPSY, FLUTTERINQ OFTHEHEMUt; ACIDITY OF THE 8T0MAGH DRYNESS OF THE SKIM, BOWELS OR BLOOO, 7. filLBORN ga, ""•^' TORI Sntoi. FARM FOR SALE. LOT No, 24, con. 4, N. D. B. Glenelg, 100 acres, -will be sold cheap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, ISO-tf. Pomona P- O. Markdale Woolen Mill Custom Carding, Weaving, Full- ing, Dyeing and cloth dressing, done ia a workmanlike manner ^and on very short notice. First Class Cotton Warp supplied at the lowest possible rates. A call solicited. Terms strictly cash or wool* Sept. 28. 1886 F J. BITCHIE. IT IS A WBLLi KNOWN PACT THAT McCOLL'S "LARDINE," is the best known and most reliable Machine Oil in the Dominion Farm- er's, Threslier's and Mill Owner's, will find it decidedly to their advantage to insist upon getting the "Genuine Lardine" when they ask for it, owing to so much inferior oil being sold un- der the same name by unscrupulous dealers. We are the sold manufactur- ers.of the "Genuine Lardine" every barrel branded. McCOLL BRO'B, CO. For sale in Markdale at Haskett Bro's Hardware Store. 847-73 Str. PACIFIC, Oantainf If. Campbell. ,^ Str. ATLANTIC, (teptain B. D. Foote. Sir. NOBTHEBN BKLIiB. Cap*. W. J. BasBfltt. ThefinenewStemers ••PACIFIC" "AT- LANTIC" will mh as follows during the season (weather permitting.) Leaving Collingwood at 1 p. m. Meaford at 8 p.m.; Owen Sound at 8 p. m.; and Wiarton at 1 1«S p. m. every Wedncsdalsr and SatardnV. For Killarney Manitowaningj tiittle C urrent Kagawong, Gore Bay, Spanish Riyer. Serpent Biver, Algoma Mills. Blind Biver. Thessalon, Bmce Mines, Hilton, St. Jo6eph!s Island, Garden Biver, and Banlt St. Mhe.; The Saturday Steamer only will call at Cockbnm Island* Mackikaw. â€"During the summer season the above steamers will coatinne the trip on to the Island of Mackinaw making six full days of around trip at a cost of $18.00 only including mealy and berth. For information as to freight and fares. Apnply to any Agent of the above Bailways, the Pursers on board the steamers, or to the Great Northern Transit Co., Collingwood. THOS.LONG, CHAS. CAMERON, Secretary. Manager 1 New* Store TBL ^^ Of^NDELIOH LIVER GURE HAVE YOU liver. Dr. Chase's Livex Cubs will be found a and certain remi dy. NATURE'S REMEDY The nnquali6ed success of Dr. Chase's Ldver Core in Liver Complaint rests solely with the iact that it is compoarided from nature's well-known liver rccnlatant Mandrake and Davdsliok, combined wuh jnaay other invaluable roots, barks and herbs, ha^Xng a powerful effect on the Kidneys, Stomach, Poeuli and Blood. 600,000 SOLO â- Oz'er ont-half nilliom f/ Dr. Cha^* Rtd^ Btolu â- oxrt sold in Canmda miamt. Wfwmmt merf mum, moman and child tube u tnmbltd with LioerCam- â- iitdnt to try this txetiltmt nmudy. SottOMMllnr. CmiiMnrFKE ' Wrapped around evoy bottle of Dr. CBaMi'sXivcr GmT js a valaab:« HooaAoU Madicig Goite-wdl RadH ,Boak (84 pages), coatuaioB ««cr soo umfclficjpt ^pronounced Xffxutai. men and ^flprtsasiim*- ^ble, and worch tea tJMM the inoe TRY CHASTS CaTMM GniL a aUad nvCMV'tlfiaKMNLnaPuft FpR_SALE Six Pure Sbortliorn Ball calYes from four to fifteen months old registered in tbe D. S. H. H. Book. Good indiviflnally, will sell on time, and at prices to ^uit me times. DUBHAM. Having opened in the boot and shoe business in Markdale I would here- by respectfully solicit a share of pub- lic patronage. I have had thirty years experience in the business in England and Can- ada, and with good stock and care- ful wdkkmanship have no fear but my customers will find our dealings both satisfactory and mutually pro- fitable Sewed, Rivited and pegged work done in a workmanlike manner. ReEidy made Boots, Shoes, Ejibbers and Oyersboes kept in stock. AH work done und^r my personal sup- ervision. Call and get acquainted. Remember the stand, Hill's block opposite the Markdale House. M. MARTINDALE. WE WANT inn ^^P^ ^^N »* o"" *° sell for Xv/Lf ^«-°Fonthill Nurseries (largest in Canada over 463 acres) steady employment and no lostxime, liberal commission or salary, best advantages splended outfit furnished free any pushing man can succeed.Apply for terms to, STONE WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont Pbof. Low's snLFHUB SOAP is a delighttul toilet luxury as well as a good curative for tfkin disease, WEAVING. MaiMiUe Wsst M. NO. 1 WHEAT XnAEMEES HAVING JD abd preferring flour firom the^r own wheat, can get it by bringing twonty Inuhel s or. more. Fl(mr always on Hand $4.30 Flour $3.00 to per. "bbL • .y .i*. i-J* »^l.?^-ii^id SHOBTS, yv turn BRAN. •• ^^ a!ba]ii(deat iBu](|^ •U.00 r»a ^0 Having returned, to Markdale, in order to be more convenient for my customers, I beg to announce that I am now orenared to do all kinds of Custom Weaving. Besidence ofd stand, opposite Presbtcrian Church. 318 ABCH. BOYD. FARM FOR SALE. LOT 1.11 con 3 west of T. Se S. Bd. Artemesia. .50 acres, about 20 acres eUtar of stumps and stonee^ balance good hardwood bush Five miles from Ma^-kdale and four from Flesherton. For further par- ticulars apply to A, S. Thompson. Flesher- ton P. 0. or J, J. Thompson, Orilla. 842 ft For Sale or to Rent LOT No. 9, con. 10, Hollands 221 acres, 100 cleared, good frame bam with stable under good house, good ordiafd of 35 trees bearing watered bv mnnirg stream. Apply to WM. NOBTOK.'Walter's Falls. FOR SALE. 60 acres lot 107, 3rd east of T ^k 8 Boad Artemesia. 44 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, free from stampB and stonep. well fenced and watered with good well, frame bam 36^54 ft with good comfor- table stable, frame house. This ia a very desirable property two miles ttam. Ifarkdato on good road. Apply on the ptemiseH to AlexMer^r, Jr. 868-71 SWAfED. To to ths proviMs of Geow LaiiMnea lot 8 «. 5. EaplinMi«r»boiitlrt Aa^i^lMt, a oeazMag alaer; fbmmmat u -mym^mi to prove pnwerty, pay apoMfMidii^it,' Mid. »^MI»-o^tâ€" On«i« "â„¢ ***j"**^ Mid the otheris worn to bed. ,? r Prof. Low's Mamie 8«tlpbar Step u h^hly rebommended for ail hnmon and skin diseases. 9^ What can no one find cot? â€" A good husband after 11 p. m. WiHA» IS II â€" Not a snuff, powder or liquid, bnt a prepanticm pecular to it- s^i Easy tu nse, Ipleasaqt in effect, Nasal Balm will positivelv cnre cold in the head, catarrh andkin(dzed.cll"orders. Why are lovers like apple*?â€" They often gt paired. BE ON YOTJB GUARD. Doh't allow a cold in the head to stowly and sfireiy fan into Catarrh, when yon can be curecl for 250. by using Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. A few appliattions cure insipent catarrh 1 to 2 boxes cnroF ordinary catarrh 1 to 5 boxes is guaranteed to cure ohionic catarrh. Try it. Only 25c, and sure cnre Sold by all dmggists. 383-85 What most resembles half a cheese â€" The other half Freeman's Worm Ptrwdere are agree- ble to take, and expel all kinds of worms from children or adults. Why do white sheep eat more than black ones? â€" There are more of them. Many Persons stjffbbâ€" From impure breath and suppose it conaes from a dis- ordered stomach. In many cases the actual cause is catarrh. Nasal Balm will remove the cause and cure. For what was Eve created? â€" For Adam's Express Company, Bbttbb than gold. â€" To those troubled with Kidney and Urinary Troubles such as a constant desire to urinate, shooting, scald- ing, pains, pain in the back, sediment Sec,, c., Dr Chase's Liver Cure will be found more valuable than gold. It positively cures. See "Pro)ihet" for testimonals. Don't use any more nauseous pur- gatives such as Pills Salts c., when you can get in Dr. Carson'« Stomach Bitters a medicine that moves the Bowels gent- ly, cleansing all impurities from the system and rendering the Blood pure and cool. Sold by all Druggists. tf What is the best way to raise straw- berries? â€" ^With a spoon. Right now is the time to nse a good Blood Purifying Medicine. Loose no time in getting a bottle of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. It vdll do you good Sold by all Druggists 50 cents. tf A HARE couBiNATioN.-^There is no other remedy or combination of medic- ines that meets so many requirements, as does Burdock Blood Bitters in its wide range of power over such Chronic diseases as Dyspepsia* Liver and Kidney Complaint, Scrofula and all humors of the blood. When a boy falls into the water wbat IB the first thing he does â€" He gets wet. Desceiption. â€" Pleasing, soothing heal- ing, relieving, curing, is the description of Nasal Balm, which is receiving a national reputation as a cnre for Cat- arrh, Cold in the Head, Hay Fever, etc. Reliable testixont. â€" Mr. John R. Wright, representing Messrs Evans, Sons Mason, wholesale druggist, Mon- treal, says â€" ^Nasal Balni cured me of a long standing case of Catarrh after many other remedies failing. What is the diffesence betweoi an accepted and a rejected lover?â€" One kisses the misses aud the others misses the kisses. â- w; TAMARAC.â€"Tamarac Elixir is a pre- paration containing great curative pro- perties for Coughs, Colds, Infleunza and Throat and Lung Complaints. Invariable indications. â€" ^If you have Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Si^ Head- ache, rising and souring of food, wind in the stomach, a choking or gnawing sensation at the pic of the stomach, then you have sure indicatio.» of Dyspepsia, which Burdock Blood Bitters willfsnrely cure. It has cured the worst case on record. What has mankind been learning for six thousand years and yet often forgets it â€" That others are as good as them- selves. Headache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia and Indigestion relieved and cured at once by Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters Try it. Samples free tf. Tamarac â€" ^Is the discevety of a lead- ing physician, and after years of ex. perimenting it is now offered yon in a perfected state as a never failing cnre for coughs, colds aad throat and Insg complaints. A couple wai^ig oiju fOtkr jetetB for a good opportDmty to ekipe, one josi aa it came ih^ guls father too|E the ydong num by the band and flaicBj^'i^cAk np to ber, Thomas I I know jfie loves yon andl'dbetitikledtodestiitohKva yon foKaiea-ia.|a-frl" eoBpsM^io lite mai It may be mitocb, OB the old folks. BOI "M .t' .Bsroyn DispuTB.--Thei» • ^r or more pleasftnt cJX ^me than Hagyard's f^ It snres hoarseness, sore th^ and all colds, brotudiitis long troubles. ftroi; Asthma curej by the doublet, of Southern Asthma Cure iT remark. ' ' A number of our exc! been stating that, "Those whoL. months or to Jan. 8,1888, wiU w privilege of veriting one figure w in ihe dates of their letters. It^ one jundred and eleven years will occur again:" We are inclined to the opinion that the thing will ooonr on the 8th, iga. 28th, of every month of the yearlfi* I A core fob deafness.â€" There been many remarkable eures for da made by the use of Hagyard's Oil, the greatest household ren Tpam, inflammation and u,^ Yellow Oil cures Rheumatisa"^! Throat and Croup, and istsefdhiwll ly and.externallvfor aU pains aadin^l Among the Indians.â€" "While my Iml band was trading iu fais hecamea(Z| an Indian who was taken to liis lodgebl die. He bad inward pains and {S J all his limbs. He gave some YeUowfljl internally and applied it externally, bjI cured him. It also cured my husin^l of rheumatism, and I find it Tidwlikl for coughs and colds, sore throat, efc,T Mrs. A, Besaw,, Cook's Mills, ^mJl River, Ont. " An Appreciated LcctHre. Those who had the good fortane ttl be present to hear the lecture byJ,B.| Watsou in Haskett's Hall oh Tbursjijl night last were both jjiofited aijl delighted. The subject "Pluck, Pil tience and PerseveraDce" wasbandlEll in a masterly mauuer, eliciting tlii| hearty and repeated applause of audience. It has never been our good fcrtaul to liten to a lecture of tv;o Lours con. tainiug so much real puby, pungent,! practical and profitable sayiugs, i all couched in the choicest kugnajej and delivered with" wonderlul ease, faultless elocution, and sea throughout with humorous illustratioiij I founded on good morals and pracbcjlj life. To be appreciated the Ipctoerl must be heard, ancl to be heard he is| certain to be* appreciated. Such in- tellectual treats are calculated to 1*1 get in the hearer a greater firmnefflj and enthusiasm in. honest toil and true christian effort. At tiia close a vote of thanks tj the lecturer was] moT^d Dy Eev. Mr. Bugfriu, eeco by Wm. Brown, Esq.jaiiilunanimoa5-| ly signified by a standing vote. exemptions From Seizar». The new act relating to esemptiocs from- seizure which came into forcooa thelst October proy^des tiiat P goods of a lodge cannot be seized or rent due by the householder. M« thei» are a number of articles belong- ing to the bousehoJder whicii sue «• I emptfrom seizure they are as follow: The bed, bedding and bedsteads » ordinajy use by the debtor and W] family. 1 id The necessary appard of m^\ and his family. Cooking stove with pipe andfurnisn- " 1 other heatmg stove, 1 .cran« j of JWSSi 1 pan Seattle, mgs, and its appendages, 1 pair 1 set erf cooking utensils, tongs and shovel, I coal â€" lamp, 1 table, ft chairs, 1 washbr; 6 towels, 1 looking glass, Ihairbnisn. 1 comb, 1 bureaa, 1 cloths pres^ ' clock, 1 carpet, 1 cupboard, 1 ww* 12 knives,' 12 farks, 12 platee, 1^^ cups, 12 saucers, 1 sugar bowl, i jug 1 teapot, 12 teaspoons. 2 pails, 1 washtnb, ^.lijj brushes, 1 washstand, 3 smooW irons, all spinning wheels and weaTij» looms in domestic use. 1 ' machine and attachments, »» " of books, 1 saw, 1 gun, 6 traps- ^^_ fishing nets and seines as "^f^Zgi mon use. The whole not to one hundred and fifty ^^o'^*^^- .tables All fuel, meaV fish, ^onh^f' for tbe we of the family, and exceed $40 in value. ,8 1 cow, 6 sheep, 4 bogs, ^^'Tili- of which not to exoede m vame* All classes of debts are 6aoi*«_ these exemptions, so that eta will be in the same position lords. Itfii' and ifbttCM Birthtr Uarrtageh kr 'births, ^.jjst, ICBCAB-Iilrkdale, on the I3W 'iHle ol Wm. Lnflw, Esq., of « » ,on the fetb *%!if-. Amaaaoaâ€" In Aitetnesia, «" •- ^j, .. -#e Wi4b of Mr. Wia.:Andersoa. «» boJl'i sjftS '5d jis. £â- ;"«-. i;,s^|iiT ^.mm^im^'^^^ -tiite i«y|^;;=^ -3 !/;; .»4f{i .is*" i^tfii^ i â- ,,.- .â- 1 â- .• i-:. ^^3LAB.â€" Ko. .i»" JCWttElT STORE, ESHERTOIS per cent off on all cash sales 11.00 and over. Positively flDly fifteen days longer will Igiva this big discount of our etock of Watches, Clocxb, [riuatY, Sn-vEKWABB, the finest of Nicle alarm clocks now ^g at $2.00 only, eeud and gel Fine walnut 8 day clocks Dly$4.80 warranted for l Fine silver Swiss watchef going at $6.50 bearing I r warrants. Fine American tltbam and Elgin watches fron il.00 tp bearing warrants Iron » 6 years. We always have ii kthe fine grades in the Colum I watchee. Call and secure som I great bargains, and alway ypnr watch, clock an belery repairs to 'SELL'S NotedJewelery Sto FLESHERTON. lal and Other lim ncBS in these eolunuu intended to be viiual or Scciety vill be clmrget Une for tlte first insertion and iline each auhitquent insertion, 9TICE. â€" CorrespnndeTice, comwuii \AiieeTtitements, dx„^mnst be in f noon on Tuesday to insure publici i Chak Whitby is up from Toi a few days with parents and f ri ^Inspeetor, Campbell, visited iloa Toeaday. kMcCuLLouGH, of Chatsworth, wi jlaeBday. •» all going. Where? To ii's lectnre, on Fiidaj evening. â- aiABLB weather this week, bi 86 quantity. fi'r miss J, B. Watson's lectui ' "•m FoB» has been re-engag ' f school for 1888 «t $325. in Mas. Andbbw Walkbb, of G i this week to Toronto. 2»*Ato BuEHMT of Glenel I Weekly Globe to the end of ne: F^ Subscribe at thip office, [J^ a friendly caU from Mr. â- *^.-»f Dnadaft, on Friday last. |-W4Bi Bpnju)e«, left a pol ' whioh weighed three lbs. »ni6aii the potato. j^^^** IwaA8 has Kcme to G "^^.*""°" â- » "rieiunan ii '«*M«i»«t. ****^ fanns for sale in Eo] ^••nd son ..., ••^.Bij4a«, Markdale. t;^««4*e Standard fro ^teih«^ofnextyeai • â- miitTiftlr ^Mmsk ,i_:*Mrik .^v-^â€"i^k..