'»j,'-«^*f^s^i«^"'** i'^jifiwwfpaiwii" «ji"i •^p^w â- "•p" 'W^^'^^^^'^r^l^^^^l^^^^^^rW^TWW^^^^... W^^^^r^W' *^i»i^fcMawa^iijliM«w»^*w«iwmfc'ii nnnftniii "ii -ifc» don't forget +,s the] CAST^cSS E OIL, JIance of lighj ifacturer's, Ldon and Toroi I Sash, Door and Plamj oweA uiacliinevy, evenlJ s, Hollow BattJ SKETS, e., t a manuer second tonoJ Qics in every departmeJ blic patronage. j Orders Prompli I and Undress! aiu and Fancy Turning c om a Distance. 6E WORKS luoiince to the pe e moved into myueirca I mauiifactur^ every g experience in the bnsiq ee satifafaction to every romptly attended to. L^'j P»r*oprietc -♦•♦- Stoddai-t, late] and Jersy City, U. S- 1 the Citizens of Makkd ounding community, thay necl a TAILORING SHI W. J. McFarlaud's W i is prepared to do all ' I toliim in the Latest Styles as I will i^aspectj fore leOTing the Shop, H nay relv on haviug ' lut ferst-class in every trusting that I may recew e ot the public patronage I remain, Faithfully y^J^j^^V. WILL STODW ale, March 14th, 1887. )NE DOLLEB A YKAB- .cisive, A-bte Editon»^ Choicest MisceUaneoQi Dever jlean jiff sdyr fii?*, a.'i I at Paislesr* orLEV ut- 17,â€" This morning .qqoiire was discoyered in a ""Itliouse' occupied by Mrs. E. " «{-liie- She and her youngest " visiting ill Toronto, anl the *?? "f^nn Vbo°ut 25 years of age, was' ^^ a Se in the house. When first '"""^ti.e fire was burning in the '"i ' ' whifih adjoined the bedroom ""T vouDK "lan. The bedroom "'Voff'wusbrokeuiaas speedily as ^%le but before the young man ^% be rescued life was extmct. The â- "^â- 'ioctorsot the town worked sieveral fi^vith liim, but of no ayail. It 'â- 'un)0S8Li he had been suffocated. 'rVUiimes were confined to the one iimtr The cause of the fire is un- i ai ?^iis--' Iffss S4«» tr?: -^v"' .v-«^ ^â- "*?^1 -j-!.-. -^'ii*ie:ivr-' .^^Ui '•*»-s 'â- â- â- â- -"" 'S^:'"^- -flsaj h â- â- MMm iOiBlftlSOvaHP â- Vf-J ^fi Oft Friday the 4th November Kr. Andrew Pryle, wiU seU bis taxm atot^ nnplements Ac., by public aftction com- mencingatl2 o'clock. Tenua, twelve months credit on sums over 18 for good paper. Geo. Noble, auctioneer. m 151.00 luse til n iiy weekly ^j liberal ooinin««2J^0^ Part of the furniture was The house was insured iu the Ser2*Ius'»'"'^^^°-' for $400 or i'nQ Meiers. Brown and JJrowu, sL rescued the body, were burned in j ;eTeral places, but not very seriously. Holland Centre. Form a Correspondent.- Beautiful weather and dry roads. Our constable, Mr. Prevat, has gone up the lakes for the winter. "Lilbnrne Bros talk of putting rolls in their giiat mill, which is greatly needed. Two of our mechanics had a set to last week which resulted in a draw, one claimed a tonl which was not al- lowed by the referee time 8 minutes, Mr. H. Mercer is buying grain and paying good prices. Iton -:- ^ING. EVENING. WEEKLY. .eading X^iDeral Co ative Newspaper "i Canada. (jET THE- e-s by tbe Best Antbort- Jma^e's Great Semp^ a« Fullest Market B^^ mm FOR ^^^j., ictator iMver '^f^J^t^^S^- 1 Dever8biik8apuWU3 9«â€" ' end strong- EHS^haasia FaJB Show. 'â- oTWI*"^TAM'I'G THE UnFAVOEABLE U'eathkk the Suow F.UEI.Y Successful. Xhe weather was anything but favor- able for tiie World's Fair on Tuesday last. Eaiii feUfreely in the morning, and during the afternoon a shower of ;aow tlrove tlie people into places of i'lelter. Consequent upon the rains of ;;,j, ^veek previous the roads were very -ioijpv. 'I'hfc funeral of the late Mr. j^os.'McIntosli, of St. Vincent, which â- 00k plrxe oil the same day, prevented j inji.e uumfaer of carrying, out their in- tentions to be present, as also, doubtless 'i;d the Meaf ord regatta. Notwithstand- iai' all these unfavorable circumstances, hj'wever, the attendance was large, and â- he "ate receipts compared favorably rtith^those of vre%-ious years. The show of horses, cattle, pigs, and sheep ^^â- as' uuusur.llv fiood. In the heavy draught class of horses, Mr. Wm. Care- ioot, of Collingwood, obtained first prize, and Mr. Henderson, of Holland second. !n general purpose brood mares, Mr. Eobt. J. lIcAfe«, took first, and Mr. S. Gilmoru. sccouo. In colts of the same ass.Mr. 1{. J. McAfee's by "King Tom" took first, and Mr. Jno, Conn's "Oak Branch' received first, and Mr. Jno. JIcKeuzie's "Xo^eant, "second. The exhibit of fruits, roots and vege- tables was much better than could re- .3onabiy have been expected consider- icgtbe nature of the season. The|pears shown by Jli-. ,Tas. Brodie, of Artemesia Mre tine, and the grapes by President Crabtree, were equal to those received prizes a; the ludustrial. Reeve Gilray carried of a number of -first prizes in apples, etc., as also did .his father, Mr. Robt. Gilray. Of butter there was an onnsually large display. The show of grain was small. "The ladies' work de- partment coutaioed many beautiful sDecimeus, and sustained its reputation of beinjj one 01 the best displays in the county. Upon the whole the exhits were more numcrouij and of better quality Uaniii previous years, and they com- pared very favorably with those of the other fairs. XOTES" It is the custom of a society to allow s limited time for ladies only, to yiew theexhihitsiu the main building after we judj^iu!,' is completed. A few rude yo'ongmea didn't believe in this system ffld forced their way through the entr- Jfce. A rinir leader, one Norton, of aoUaud. wrenched constable Cook's sack from hiia, aud undertook to control at station. He will appear before 'nstice .Vyles, at Rocklvn on Saturday '3explaid hi "gentlemanly" conduct, g /resident Crabtree attended the ;^eral and diJji't reach the grounds until f^ m the afternoon. Vice-President "fay discliar^^id the duties of the pos- •'iâ„¢ very satisfactory. â- iVT' reason or other the town- 5'hall,v,-asuot opened, and during e at^rnoou's storm people were forc- I "° '"*° private residences to obtEir J7\J'je township fathers should 1; ^^' ^^^' ^^ill be opened on such «^ions IE future. j^^yorGrier, of Thornbury, was in all ^^^ "so a number of the bus- j^sss men of that town, Markdale was .wy represented, while fromMeaiord hlJ^^ ^^^^ '^an a dozen. The Fwasia people are thinking of get- tenftt'^^'i'^^^'^^anksto the promo- sCi. u^'^Sed "regatta" forthecon- '«stomers ^^ "^^^^^^ ^or ^^^" ^^^' k^^^f^^'^Vcior Campbell,of Thom- to^, Ti*. private detective were in S. Anniversary in the Me- on Wednesday evening. Bemembeb the S thodist church Admission free. Eev j. W. Shilton, B. a. of Flesherton will preach in the Metbodist church next Sunday morning. PLEASE TAKE MOTE. Want to tell yen sonietbin*, lor yonr own Interest. Something that will save you money. We are not one of those' kind that puff and blow through the paper every week, advertising a lot of trash and downright uorseuse, not fulfiUmg what they adveriise. But I want to tell you that I will and can do better for you than any merchant in Mark- dale in the Grocery, Provision, Glass- ware Crockery Hue. I carry a full and fresh line of those goods, and are bound to be at the front, as we are at no expense for hired help doing it all within ourselves we can afford to sell cheaper than those who are at a large expense for help c. Bemember we can sell you the cheapest Didner or Tea Sets iu town, we have also the latest designs in Glassware, we carry a full line ofcanned goods, also Bacon, Flour, Oat Corn Meal, Bran, Shorts, Pot Pearl Barley, Cracked Wheat, Graham Flour, a full line ot Biscuits Confectionery. Tea Tea !! Tea 111 try our new Japan for 25c. best value in town. All we ^sk you to do is to call and see for yourselves and be con- vinced. Bemember we keep the only first class Grocery, Provision, Glass- ware, Crockery and Liquor St;ore in Markdale. Bemember the big sign, Obiginal Belfast House, E. H. BENSON, Proprietor. SIEPliENS Medicine -FOB- PUT UP -• AUD PREPARED ONLY BY B.L. Stephen. STEPHEN'S COMPOUND EXTRICT SARSAPARILLA ' WITHIODEDES A po-werful purifier. A Great Skin and 1^^ Blood Remedy. Pa per. A c. Toronto St. noxtOoorto tho HanoioK House MarMaio. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder nevei varies. A marvel for purity, strength atid wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low East, short weight alum or phosphate powders sold only in cans, BoTAIi BAKING FowDEB Co. 106 Wall St., N. Y. TAILORING GENTS FURNISHING. Having added to my tailoring busness a carefully selected stock of Gents Furnishing comprising ENGLISH, IRISH, SCOTCH, and CANADIAN TWEEDS, Overcoat- ing, Shirts, Underclothing, Collars, Ties c., c.,I would hereby respect- fully solicit a call from those requir- ing such. Drop in and examine for your- selves no trouble to show goods. Careful attention given in the Tailoring department. MARKDALE. eTORONTO house I am offering this â- w^eek Beady-Made Clothing, and BOOTS SHOES AT astonishingly 'lo-w prices. Persons requiring a siininier outfit -would dp "well to see tnv stock. -.::;â- CURE FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES! CURE For Scratches on Horses "Our Own" Vegetable "Worm Vow- der, Sure, Safe and Pleasant. STEPHEN'S LIVER PILL, -:- SUGAR COATED. A safe and reliable Pill for Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys aud Stomach, A grand Pill for Sick Headache. A Dinsmoreretnrns his sincere thsinka for the very liberal sapport accorded him since commendng as above, and hopes by strict attention to business and modorate prices to merit continu- ance of pnblic appreciation aud patron- age. Those requiring would consult their oAvn interest by ex- amining his stock, consisting of over Three Thousand pieces at from 5 to 75c. EiT Roll. Sunday Schools requiring iberary Books will find Hnndieds to select from and at such FAVORABLE Terms as are sure to satisfy. I^TVote tlie tact.â€" That until I commenced business there was no such thing as a special discount allow^ed to Sunday Schools, or if you wanted Books could not get them unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere, now your wants can be supplied at youi Door and at lower prices than Toronto. I therefore with confidence appeal for pnblic support. A full line of School Books, Stationery. dEC.,always on hand, also agentfor the DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERNS. Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade for Extinguish- ing Fures. IS- NOTE THE ADDRESS, A. I^inssmore- STEPHEN'S Fme Mixed Bird Seed. Best bird seed in the market. PEARL 8L088 TOOTH POWDER A fine toilet Gem. Stimulating, Powerfully Cleansing, and Delightfully Refreshing, PUT UP BY rt. I.. STEF»HE]V- OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS CTJKB FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES WE ARE ALSO AGENT FOR W. W. Stephen Go's well known prepaiations viz Cough Eing, Derby Condition Powder, Siamese Worm Powder, and Carley's Healing Oil. ALSO ' " A full pine of the leading Patent Medicines kept by Yours respectfully, RL. Stephen. H. B. HARRISON MANUFACTUBER OF MARBLE AND GRANITE M0HUMENT8 HEADSTONES Mantles, Furniture Marble, dc. Carley's Healing Oil will relieve scratches on horses in two or throe applications, or price refunded. Follow the directions on bottle by thorouRhly cleansing, then apply the Oil. If animal requuies any medicine to put it into condition use the Derby Blood Purifyer. JUST EECEIVET) 3 Carloads Finest Variegate Marble tS" LarKest stock in the Dominion select from. Personally selected at the qnar ries in Vermont, Will be sold at pricee which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N. B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HARRISON STEPHENS COUGH KIIPQ. I iteceHH Z^'^*^ doubtless prevented jlSouonuiet liquor selling. K 4le fer-iiT "' ""'^^ liquor seUipg, ^S"' ^^t^i'^ed first, and, fefPri^e as lady riders. ,Misr -reason for some unconceiv- FaWle Iresialsiii;. â- Miss Moot begs to inform the the ladies' of Holland Centre and vicinity, that she is now prepared to execute orders for dressmaking at her residence on Mill Street, on most reasonable and to guarantee perfect satisfaction to who may favor her with work in this line. The best compound of Tar and Honey in the world for relieving coughs, it acta as an instant healer to the bronchial tubes, and wk* have a beneficient effect on bronchitis at oncd. Don't forget the name. STEPHEN'S COU(tH king. No other remedy like it, at 25 and 50 cents a bottle. It will reUeve hooping cough when other medicines com- pletely fail. To be obtained at the popular Drug Store, R. L. STEPHEN, MABKDAIiE. le for yon fw*^ jo*" 3 best Con8er»««2^^ newspaper "l^"?^*- tt â- 'Resent "^^^ted to "do up" a press 'J*'W '^^« latter didn't "coll- '"'fte bv ot *°^ created lots of fun %vri^ • ' by badeering Jumbo. ^: On C ^^ vs.nifil Ust of the Jud- H4n= J-J- I'^°. V. S. of ^loles n â- ^P^o^«' M. P., and J. B. Kts v*"'^*^. Lewis. Oalbn. I^S Seorl; • '"PP«' of GriersviUe, ' fruit 'p't^ary. On dairy prodnoe ^Wi^ l^^} Hyles and Jas Brodie. ^^iss «*?â- : Mrs. A. ErskinQ '^Jiorke.-[Meaford Mirror. â- â- - I Sale Register. the 25th Inst., at 1 o'doclt. Of Mr. Hemry Wilson, .?*ock, Imnlements, *o- Oeo. TEACHER WANTED. ias ^.SJite prefemd. /ppty before N^ember 8th. personally or by letter to WM. BUBNBTT, Seeretary. Tre«snrer. f Markda?ewP. 0. m/:,sa;lbalM' *^2^er'-°^°^*'^*' SOOTHmOf CLEANSINQ, HEALlNa. XtCOM CATAIBII, eddbM BAYFEVER. SVOFS ^ta^npla^ ttoitk SiaHT V. BLrNDlOJSS. CELEBRATED English Spectacles AJT' J. G. ANDERSON'S! â€" â€" » ♦ â- â- Stacks of T^veeds, any price you -want a large range at 50 cents, ex ceptional value, you should see them. Don't forget X6 ask for our f 8 oz all wool gurnzies. IDress Q-oods in great EOBT. ASKIN. UNDERTAKERi FUHERAL FURHISHINGS supplied on the shcrtes notice. A.. Splendid Hes^rtse lur hire at moderate- rates. â€" ^All kicds cf â€" FXntTVITUR-E In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIU. 6 PEE CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property a west rates of interest. Attply to B. J. SPBOULE. Conveyancer Postmaster. Fleshertor. CAJADIAN P ACIFIC R, R. TIME TABHiE. variety, all prices from I â€" Mavisdaie station â€" 79 BAY STREET. TORONTO CANADA. ICSO 19 JEWIN STREET, LONDON E. C. ENGLAND. X-.. Steplien's, CHEMI8T DRUGGIST. Markdite look 71 cents a yard up. ' Come In and tlirougli before you make yOur ourchase- J. (3^. Ancters i-isA :^ itn- *. GoiNo Souxa. OOINO NOXXH. 6.47 a. n. liJOa p. m. 3.52 p. U.IO p. m ra YELLOW Olt CURES f^HEU^iATlSM "iK s 1ifi!iyhttid1d|r3^^ 5 • (â- ]^A. R K O A. ft 1 •r '1 ' •:; h il. f â- â- pf â- f •-{'" j m^i ^*fl irl ')j r :4i'" i^HMaMIMiiiil