uace V to the loved into my new lanafacture e\ery sperience in the bnsuie satifafaction to every Tiptty attended to. i^ AoBicoi-TfW* SocniT. __Pj DwuBght Horses. '^^BroodMare, Jas. Com- oldOeldiag or Filly, 2yr. oldGeld- • T'Grabam; 1 yt"„ Kichol, Sam. ^akdey: 7?il?. "• Wright. Sam. Wakeley; ' ff^" â- " « Horses.â€" Pair HorsOT, H. ;P.u()otf Howes. ^^^_ Brood Mare ^siii^^S;,^;, -2 yr. old Gelding or W. »-' i„„ w Bowler 1 jr. old '^^Th.r Bowler. Alex. Madill; "'a«e8 -Roadster Horses. 8. ?H Lever; Carriage Horses. fi« McDufi; Buggy Horses 'â- irodie • Sadile Horse, Wm. Cattls. TvB Ased. A. Johaston, J. H. i^'^P If "jIs" Mercer; Cow. E. ;P^"^*'^A. Mercer; Heifer 1 Jas. yr i O'Brien i'" "'^!1 ' vrs. *nd under, A. Cairns; ^|-JU. Cairns; Cow. A. Cairns,|A. Bull Call, 'r,if A. Cairns- '"â- ^'RnllaEed.B. Oliver. "'fo^B Oliver. R. Oliver Heifer, D. Stinpon B Oii«r. Pnw 'J O'Brien. niVjac Stewart James Mercer; â- ^" ME W. S. O'Brieu, do; •^?fft?.*nJolin O'Brien: Pr 'n 'rLn Ir^-i^Fa^'=^"' Steers 3 "^^fwS.O^Brien.J.IGraLam; '^:*d, O'Brien. Thos. ,P„ttle-lBull4iemales, E. otS £.'r.S.O'Bm«'**P«ctaZ; oi any breed. Jas. Stewart. Sheep* a_-EamLamb.R. Oliver; Aged "; Shearling Ewes. Geo. " B. Oliver, Ewe Lambs, B. Oliver, tow jiiter. anffi»is Cb; Gent* Fe (^ ^^j Gent. Stq(»%Jt^ JrSl£ W. Barnhonae; Lady's Boots, W. Bam- house, J. Smith Gmo of Jewdery and ^vetwaroj, G. BoaaeD, W. A. Browmlgooda w Organs, J. W. Bates, j: W. SptouJ#. '•| IHnassxc SLunTrACtuBas. Bag Carpet. J. MeOoe. S. Stokes; Blankets, home-made, Mrs. W. Horten. Mrs. B. GilrayFnUed-ckrth factory, Mzs W- Norton: ilannal, onion, Mis. J Milnor;. Stocking. Yam, Mrs. J. Abbott, Mrs. Stokes; Woollen Mits, Mrs. E. Bathvan, Mrs. J. Mihioc Woollen Stock- inga, Mrs. J. Abbott, Mrs. W. Norton; Woollen Socks, Mrs. J. Abbott, Mrs. W. Norton; Patcbwwk Qmlt, Mrs. W. Norton, Mrs. J. Abbott Knit or Crotch- et Quilt, Mrs. K. Hant, Mrs. W.Norton. Any other kind Qoilt, Mrs. W. Norton, Mrs. J. Abbott; Coll. Berlin Wool Work, Mrs. W. Trimble, Mrs. A. Mc- Mullen Arrasene Work, Misa Damnde, Mrs. J. Milnor Brading in Cotton, Mrs W. Norton, Mrs. W. Fetch Embroidery in Silk, Mrs. ButledgeSr, Mrs W. Fetch; Embroidery in Cotton, Mrs. J. Milnor; Embroidery in -worsted, Mrs. J. Milnor Mrs. W. Norton Crochet in Cotton, Mrs G. Bellamy, Mrs. B.Flantt; Crochet in Wool, Mrs. McMullen, Mrs. C. Bellamy Foint and Honiton Lace, Mrs. A. Mon- shaw, Mrs. Milnor; Wool Work on Canvas, Mrs. Milnor, Mrs. C. Bellamy Fancy Knitting in Wool. Mrs. A. Mon- shaw, Mrs. Milnor; Needle Work, ornamental, Mrs. A. Mnnshaw, Mrs. McOee Man's Shirt hand-made, Mrs. W. Norton, Mrs. Stnkes Mat, Mrs. W. Trimble, Mrs. A. Mimshaw Macrame Lace, Mrs. Mnnshaw, Mrs. Norton Leather Work, Miss. Stuart, Mrs. Da- efliP'MB} HOII3C yak opened out thii wtt^ilM fonowing â- m â- V ^M'"' mt^ *•** -pal -^mm^ tPABTEKS: â- irf4 4 iSeits 121 pieces oom{il8te, tmaBt Sett (colored) f 16. 6 Setta 98 picoea complete, Dinner Sett (colored) fl8. 10 dhambet SetU, 10 pieces (colored) latest pattern only $8.76. » 12 Tea Setts, 44 pieeea (coital) only $8.60. As those goods ha^ been imported diteet. and bonc^t far cash. I am in a position to sell them (dieaper than any Honse in the eonntry, and as I am matinj; a speinalty in Crockery Glasnnure. keeping the latest styles andDBttems, yon can always get suited. FLOUR k FEED, GENERAL GROCERIES, W1NEB LIQUORS, TOBACCO CIGARS, which will be sold at right prices to suit the purchaser, ceQl and see us and examine oar goods and yon will go away satisfied. We will not be undersold by any one in the trade, and as we have had Fong expiience at the business, we know what we are doing. Conre and see onr new Dinner and' Tea Setts, something new in Markdaie. 'to- AMBPKPJmSOOlkjBT B. L. Stephen. tonnlttt MUrf 00«r fa Ma thuMhn Hmt, A. Dinsmore retnms his sinoere thanks for the very liberal snpport ac- coided him since conunenciag as above, and hopes by strict attention to business and moderate prices to merit a continn- ance ofpaUio appreciation and patron* I age. llioee requirihg Or I wAi^L PAjpjBRs would coBsnlt tiieir own interest by ex- amining his stock, consisting of over Three Thousand pieoes at from 5 to 76c. per Boll. Sunday Schools requiring Liberary Books vnll find Hundrads to select from and at such FAVORABLE TEBMS as are su^ to satisfy. CS"Note til© 1 act.â€" That nd Undres8 aiid Fancy Turning doB^ a Distance. S. ]\IcIVBA. _Bam Lamb. A. Cairns, il. Oli- WEwes A. Cairns, A, Cairns. SowB.-AgedEam, I. A. M. Fer- Esm Lamb, B.Oliver; Aged -B-wea, UTB-.K. Oliver; Shearling Ewes, Jl. "'•Etc Lambs. :E. Oliver. msMre.-Aged Bam. John Busking Limb, JohBl Buskin ShearUng Ewes, iatm, Swine. ' .bhire or other Blaek Bieeds,â€" Boar ,D Slinson, Chris. Irwin Boar Pig. CLm. Irwin, J. O'Brieu Sow aged, E. SowPig,'87, W. Baruhouse, J. 0*- IeoI or other White Breeks.â€" Boar Geo. Nison. Jacob HoUey Sow Jacob Holly. Geo. Nison. PODLTBT. :,Briilimas,light,J. McGee. W. Barh- i r. Lcpliorn, white, J. McGee. "Wm. ise; Pr. Leghorus, brown. J. McGee, oGoidou; Pr. Hamburgs, -golden pen- [^Wm. Petch, W. J. Gooey Pr. Ham- .McFee, W. J. Cooey; Pr. Houdans, iMee, do; Pr. Spanish, wnite face. W. |Co«7; Pr. Bantams, game, black red. G. ' Pr. Plymouth Eocka, \V. J. Cooey, «; Pr. Game, black red, J. Brodie Bucks, other variety. Thos. Stoembusk- fe. Stewart Pr. Geese, S. Stokes, J. Bit; Pr. Turkeys. S. Stokes, I. A. M. MARKDiSLliE. TORONTO HOOSE.E I am offering this •week mude; Worked SUppers, Mrs Norton, -ry^^^^ -hir^A^ /^i^*!,^^^ «â- «« Mrs. Ferris Tatting, Mrs Milnor Wax I Ecady-Mads Clotlling, ana Flowers, Mrs Gilray Coll. Photos, Mrs Buhner Crayon Drawiutf, Miss Damude; Grettonne work,|Mrs Milnor, Mrs McGee; Pencil Drawing, Miss Damude; Coll. Paintings and (hrawings. Miss Damude Feather Wreath, Miss Damude, Mrs. Petch; Cotton batting Wreath, Mrs. Milnor Farmers Wreath, Mrs. W. Hopper, Mrs Milnor. Plants. Table boquet, Mrs Beecroft Foliage Pkmt, Mrs Beecroft, Mrs C. Bellamy Geranium, Mrs Beecroft Hanging Basket, Mrs Beecroft Calla Lilly, Mrs Munshaw, Mrs Damude; HeUotrope, Mrs. Beecroft Begonia, Mrs Beecroft Cut Flowers, Mrs Beecroft; Coll. Plants, Mrs. Beecroft. STEPHEN'S BOINUn EXTUCT SABSMPAmUA WITH IODIDES A powerful purifier. ^Aâ€" _^ ^^^ GtreSbt Skin aJlcL'^SlOOGLlimtilloommencod business there was -p^Yrto/lTr ' s^° Buch thing as a special discount XI.exu.6Uy. laUowed to Sunday Schools, or if you wanted Books could not get them unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere,, now your wants can be supplied at your Door and at lower prices than Toronto. I therefore with confidence appeal for public support. A full line of School Books, Stationery, dcc.,always on hand, also agentfor the DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERNS. Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade for Extinguish mgFires. IS"NOTE THE ADDRESS, A.» Iinsinore. "Our Own" Vegetable Worm Pow- der, Sure, Safe and Pleasant. STEPHEN'S BOOTS SHOES â€" AT astonishingly low prices. Persons requiring a summer outfit woula do well to see Tsiv stock. LIVER PILL, -:• SUGAR COATED. A safe and reliable Pill for Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys and Btomach, A grand Pill for Sick Headache. STEPHEN'S Fine Mixed Bird Seed. Best bird seed in the market. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS i 1 Wiieat,â€" CUawaon, E. ie: Any other variety, E, Euthvan, J. Euthvan, Jas Wheat,â€" Glasgow, D. Stinaon Brk, J. Stewart, R. Plant Other variety Kdie. J. Stewart Barley, J. Brodie, fciKan-.oats.white. J. Brodie, W. J. Cooey; i.bics,D. Stinson. W. Korton Peas, smaU, kSiewan, J. Brolie;Pease, large, Jas. Stewart -IS, Thimolliy seed Alex. Uadill, J. "hite Indian Corn, J. ililnor; Yellow •Com. I. A. il. Ferguson, W. Norton; son Beans, J. Brodie, W. J. Cooey. ssod Vegetables.-Potatoea, Early Boae, Fawcett, C. Bellamy; Potatoes, othea Was. Stewart, D. Stinson: Collection U. Brodie. D, Stinson! Mangold Wur- obc, C. Bellamy, W. Norton Mangold Uong, W. Xorton, J. I. Graham Turnips, ^, \\ J. Cooey, W. Norton Turnips, other ortoa, Chris. Irwin; Turnips, table, Rlt,W.J. Cooey; Long Blood Beets, J, 'US. Gilray; Other Variety, J. Beecroft, ^â- s-cmots, Field, W. Norton, J. HoUey; ..uiy Horn. I. A. II. Ferguson. 3. Brodie; ,:^^°"'"""^^' Norton; Onions, from i=eMl,IrTinFawcett„ J. Gordon; Onions '.,;,r!°^" C- Bellamy; Cabbage, ..'â- i^Belamy.Wm.Barnhouse; Cabbage â- .aaj^lliluor, J. Beecroft Cauliflower, J. '.RGuray; Celery, white, j. Ferris, J. J i^^^'KfJ. Ferris. R. Oliver; Pump- wlff ft' ??^- S°^ith Squashes, J. I. ffi*='^it" Citrons, W.Norton J. Mc- »'W '*J?°^"' Stewart, 1. A. M. Furgu- â- â- I'J'atoes, K. Gilniy. W. B^nhouse. 'JJplea.-Rcd Astrachan, J. Brodie, ««; Duchess or Olderburg, J. â- J. I, Graham St. La-wrence, J. ••Jas. Stewart Gravenstein, J. I. iLju' Alexandria, Irwin Fawcett, [5J'" CoUection, J. L Graham, â- %les.-Northern Spy. J. I. • Stewart. Baldwin, R. «iJtt A 'a'bam; Spitzenburg, IfirL â- t^^^^ Golden Bussett, i1?n\ J. Cooey.; Eoxbury -tTV^^^am.J. Weber, Pomne „â- •'^eus; Snow Apples, J. McGee, t-ollection, J. I. Graham, CURE FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES CURE For Scratches on Horses PEARL 8L0S8 TOOTH POWDER A fine toilet Gem. Stimnlating, Po^^erfolly Cleansing, and Delightfully Refreshing, nrr mp by R.. I.. STEE»HE]V. H. B. HARRISON MANUFACTUKER OP MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES MantleSf Furniture Marble, de. JUST BECEIVED Carloads Finest Variegate Marble FOR SCRATCHES OH HORSES Carley'B Healing Oil will relieve scratches I on horses in two or three applications, or price refunded. Follow the directions on bottle by thoroHRhly cleansing, then apply I the Oil. If animal requiries any medicine to I put it into condition use the Derby Blood Purifyer. WE ABE ALSO AGENT FOB "W. "W. Stephen well known preparations viz Cough King, Derby Condition Powder, Siamese Worm Powder, and Carley'e Healing OiL ' ALSO A fall {line of the leading Patent Medicines kept by Yours respectfully, R.L.Stephen. LarROBt stock in the Dominion select from. Personally selected at the quar 1 ries in Vermont, Will be sold at. prices Oo'S ^^^°^ *^®^ competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N. B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfeetions, and called White Bronze. H. B. HARBISON STEPHENS COUBH BUB, I The best compound of Tar and Honey in the world for relieving coughs, it acts as an I instant healer to the bronchial tubes, and iwill have a beneficient effect on bronchitis at once. Don't forget the name. STEPHEN'S COUGH KING. No bther remedy like it, at 125 and 50 cents a bottle. It wiU reUeve hooping cough when other medicmes com- WyU'Tobe obtained at the popubu Drugstore,, .^.-o Xj STEPHEN, W..H. .h^rt wBichtatam or phosphate powders SX. OJ. O -i. j-i J- j-». i. POWDER Absolutely Pure. EOBT. ASKIN. UNDERTAKERi FUNERAL FURNISHINGS supplied on the shortes notice. Splendid Hearse lur hire at moderate rates. Bast, short weight ahmi or phosphate tMonhi* «»*. B'**^ Badno Powbbb Co. lOeWaUSfc. N.T. MABEDAIiE. SIGHT V. BIJNBNESS. 0S337 y/fMm^ Sviart "an, iT^'^-f ^*' ^- Hoilev, W. Norton; fc^'e, J. Weber, W^ Norton; Cr--^- Brodie, J. I Graham; ^^o-ae Jersey, J. Brodie; Col- J^Luinbard, S. Stokes, I. A.M. â- "Go iS^' Orleans, J. Brodie ^Qaude R oi^- ^^*" W. Norton; .^=» C2:^^*' ^- Stinson Gages ^ij«^n,H. Weber; Collec^n, Cjr^ "^-H- Herds ;Collec. Supples J. I. Graham, J. ^g Apples, J. I. Graham, 'f?son; Grapes, white, W I bittY PaoDucT.â€" Honey, ex- tt,(ll'^^S«,aoa; 6 lbs, hotter, ^Mr*:^,skin, Irwin Fawoett Sj^u"'^°"«' J- Mihior, ta;^" Abbott; 60 lbs. tnb bntt- ^^^^^tn% Geo. Bus. \%^\ Ck Stewart. S.^ 'r°* factory, Geo^ GENTS FURNISHING Having added to my taUoring bnsneas a carefnUy selected stock of Gents Fumishmg compnamg ENGLISH, IBISH. SCOTCH, and CANADIAN TWEEDS, Overcoat- ing. Shirts, Underclothing, Collars, Ties Ac., ftcrl woold hereby respect. folly solicit a call from those reqoir- infl snoh. I)«pm and examine ft«y««- B^ves notrooWe to show g^ Careful attention ijiyen »» «»» Xaikxing dmsTtDient^ ,]iOtKDiAl*B« CELEBIUTED English Spectacles 79 BAY STREET. TORONTO CANADA. ^AND 18 JEWIh STREET. LONDON E. C. ENGLAND. ^3K R. 1^. Stephen's, CHEMISTlDRUeGlST.M^Adaie J. G. ANDERSON'S! Stacks of Tweeds, any price you want; a large range at 50 cents, ex- ceptional value, yon should see them. Don't fprget to ask for our 18 oz all wool â€"AUkindiofâ€" F TJ R IV I T XJ K, E In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice... ROBT. ASKIN. 6 PBE CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property a west ratesfof interest. Apply to B. J. SPBOULe, Oonveyancer 4e PostmMter. Fleaherton. pllDiaN P ACIFIC B. B. TIME TABLE. â€" IVIa.rlzda.le Stationâ€" QoQia South. QOIHO NOKTO. 6.47 a. m. 18.02 p. m. 3.52 p. m 9.10 p. m. t. 'il 'â- ^x.^i iC^"*^- Norton, T. Stokes. •.T^Umber Wagon. J .oartiM OBBAT tbey confer on tiM weaxtar. •rbdrnsewaiinaetaiU^ ao KyeB«hatttdo«aBotb( them for Bway yaan. CHBAFSST. flia FOB SAXiEi. ^«e^ tot 107. atd €Mt of T 8; • 88x54 ltwitim«*. •St ffBOd gumziesi Dress Goods in great variety, a.11 prices from 1\ cents a yard np. Come In and look mal^i^ y Our oiireliaee. jr. G-. Ander0^]i^ hOOM. m-mmf *^***'*Jl^llS't^S^"» ^«« 2fel«talD Blood WILL CURE OR RELIEVE mUOUSNESS, DiZZINESB, ^m' DROPBY. FIMTTERIMa OfTHEHEAKit AomrroF THESTOMAOt, MfMESa OF THE VrSPEFSIA, MDIGESriOH, JAVMDieE. mrPEUS, ULT BHEUU, nEAKrmatii, mtbJimE, •^tWs, i "OT.,T. H.Herd, icrd: Buggy, "'•^^j^.T^.y^^^"^-^'^^ oil Xt t*nn3 imd to th'o«ew)ioiEayfo»«r fepr^wJtti'warkta^^" lice ATe::Kerce:\ 368-71 M-:iv;*3R, Ic o A^x^i^ivf: m ~BC«.'£L3 0li E'-OOO. 4*^ â- 1 â- «: K/*k