Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 Oct 1887, p. 1

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 w^^ ""^^rwr^wm^^^^ â- ^ â- *- S^^i^^ '^»»^;iE;^i..^; Aboat the ' OTur quart n*^ ' ' A. Because it hojJI a.cold m the Wa\ 2 boxes cures ordiS^'»«5, Only 25c an?:^,*' Sijeacold.cn«aeo^ â- ^ A. A draft. ' â€"Mrs. J. M. -N.S.,hadchro2S«' i^^'S,"' a?l got no 3d Burdock Blood B^ cured her. '.I wag lys she, "Before usiagB] lies to such a -valuables^ c|a a valuable remedT T ored to health." ' truthfully said that if g, iine out of their grtreg i ;ription on their tomb-it ihink they had got into â€"There is no remedy kno| cience that can excel tract of Wild Strawlx â-  cholera morbus, diatth any form of summer ing children or adults, ian, when knocked Do you hit h man no," said his autagoa I'll lay here." ' is the time to use ying Medicine. Loose' ing a bottle of Dr. Ca. tters. It will do you Druggists 50 cents! Id is stubborn or liard to iicine to, Dr. Low's. Pie will be appreciated. young lady just fronf 1 ke a building commit is ready to receive 3 Siilphux Boap is a clieap i f obtaining the healing 'atb. ^^,.. .-...,„ ^3 are sweeter to a man/ is duty than' appreciatia of a well-known paper lat )) following unsolicited indorsement from a rn â€""Dear Editor,â€" We Dur paper out ooi way. te, and original I thini fcy nigh being as good aa I Qanfick in its ginral rea that is saying a good de e. Biliousness, Dyspep tion relieved and cured Carson's Stomach Bit mples free. 3 year were playing holidaj uld be as tedious as to wot Shahegpeart. :anse much sickness smo Freeman's Worm Powders D anv more nauseona pi^ 1 as Pills Salts c.,wheh] )r. Carson's Stomach Bit^ that moves the Bowels f ig all imparities from rendering the Blood pn Sold by all Druggists. 'ills -will cure constipated I the liver. m be made a scholar: ahnoj ;e themselves scholars. ESCAPE.â€" "For six ;h my throat and vas very weak I a« iud had advice from ey said I would have to eration. I tried B._B. c- bottle cured me. â- Â»â€¢ igan, Ont. SUilPTION CUBED. ivsician, retired from P Placed in his hands 5? "*â-  )narv the fonnula M„?-^ niedv for thespee^and^^ all throat and Lui^ A?^, ve and radical cure- tor d«^ I all Neryoug Complauits, s of cases, has felt it iuB u ^^., wn to hissuffenngieUo'ra- lieTj motive and a d|!^'Lj?balge :.rin5. I will send free^'^a re it. this receipe, la f nslish, with iflJ^^bU ud using. Send by "^^R- ;h stamp naming ttos P»K* 'ower-s Block SoeheMr, H- ' ESTRAY. he premisea of '"'^1^ L, Holland, about the IJ lite calf, blind of ooe^^, nested to prove prop«n» f- '^^'*- JoHsM' Valtsr'iJ^ 'â- '-^A .«i*«»!*i^-N«,t»« f5 i » :." w f ,.^.M.« â- "â- Â»! III. .i m,t^u .^,,, I,, ,;. i„,; „ „ ,i „ 1, ,^ ,, i v ;.-'K'.- â-  â-  "HEW TO THE LUSE, LET THE CHIPS PALL WHERE THEY BIAY.' mHTH YEAR.â€" Ko. 369. MABKDAliU, ONT., OCTOBER 6, 1887. C. W. RTJTIiEDaE, Proprietor. -OTED JeWELERY StORE, =â-  I u f.ua.i the most comrlete stock ' ' Clocks. Jewelery, Silv«- c., iu this part of the ,{ffatcl.es, ire, Spe^ (Sad see those watches they are w i,t §12-00 bearing warrants fieactl a half years, while other ^.jsar. asking §15.00 for the Uar^icl'^- P. y- Bartlett, 3 oz. Lsil^r case for §16.00 while they selliiii? elsewhere for $17.50. lyiher k^^'^= caunot compete with nd tiiey know it. We cannot them being annoyed at our rfible low pnces we must give He public the benefit of our close teag- 12' hsi Note a few prices. llSae-Kickle Alarm Clock for actually bIv 52.00 bearing a warrant for two jjeis, Your choice of over 20 fine llated cimias for only $1.60; Just I'inik of it. Fine walnut clocks from \jUl upwanl. Brooches, Ear-Eings, |iiies"Cba:h3, Cuft-Buttons, Scarf- .ins, at equally low prices. Eemeiaber it you want your Watch tClock repaired properly by a work- B, Knssell's is the only place. [orders by mail promptly at- tended to at \imiiL'S Noted Jewelry Store, FLESHERTON. ' tel and Other Items. Master Ubil McFablaot!, of Glenelg, left OS a deafen potatoes yesterday which weighed 16 lbs. Six such murphys would make man a meal. Thanks Neil. Stbated.â€" About the 20th Sept, from the premise* of E. W. Moore, Holland, a berksfcirs sow pig about 16 months old, black with white marks. The finder will be suitably rewarded. E. W. Moore, Markdale, P. O. Thb elegant and beautiful silver tea- set presented by the congregation to the organist of Christ church (Misa. Ford) was perhaps the finest gift of the kind eyer made in this district, and was procured by the committee from our jeweller, Mr. W. A. Brown. M«. Leblib, of Glenelg, lost two cows on Monday night last by the straw stack tipping over on them. One of them was valued at $50. Miss Moot has opened a dressmak- ing establishment at Holland Centre makiug her announcement in our columus of this week. Bead her adv. and be guided thereby. We have been informed on good authority that the judges at Holland Centre Show, after deciding and ticket- ing a pair of male sheep, transposed the prize tickets at the suggestion of oi)e who had no right to interfere. That kind of thing has a killing effect on a Show Fair. Gbdbch OPBHnra. â€" ^The opemng serv.- ices of Temple Will c^nrch, 9th line Euph- rasia will be held on Sunday the 9th October, at 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. Bev Prof. McLrfuren, D. D., of Knox College. Toronto, will conduct both services. A Soiree will be held in the church on Monday evening, 10th, when addresses will be given by vanoos clei^ymen, also choir music. Tea served at 6:30 in the basement. Admission 2$ cents. MnxniBBY OPKNnra. â€" My millenery department will be opened this week with all the latest novelties of the seas- on. Miss Love will have charge of this department and will be pleased to meet her old friends and all others who may favor her with a call. S. Hill. ISr. R. BicKniBtat. THE rOFUl4AB BEQISTEAB OF OBEY COmnrr POBTBAVED IN THE BBBTON WOBLD. SoTicEs in theic eoluvms intended to benefit â-  tm irdivi.hal or Society will he chargtd ten XaSinhMforthe first insertion and five yMs a line each subsequent insertion. NOTICE.â€" Corresprmdence, conanuniea- Yii'«,.AheTtisevients, dx,, must he in this It.febi/ iioon on Tuesday to insure publication Cattle fair next Satnrday, 8th. Riss. and yet well done â€" J. Vatson's lecture. EuPHRisu fail show next B. Tuesday, ilBs. Rev. Savage is visiting friends pilatkdale and Flesherton. WKesteud a warm welcome to Miss wmner, McFarlands popular millin- I'-taEdmautle maker, on her return. Ai-iBEcH.\LL returned from Toronto teweek where be had a successful "Paation performed on his eye, Jffi nest meeting of Grey district %I,O.G.T.No, 28willmeet in 1 wMale on the 19th December. IsB Weekly Globe to the end of n«'year, fitteen months, for fl. "SaTejcur order at this office. Ai'^lw beard J. B. Watson's 1 2 on Tuesday evening Were de- a. but those who did not hear it a rare treat. ly ilr. Mkror, our mi«take L/J"' ^tJ^eat, simply drop out a J{^^ *ad the weilht of Will S. ' ""«n 3 steers will be correct. d!,*^^"" sermon will be preaoh- Jj^.Mr.Buggininthe M.tho- '^jnrchneit Sunday at 10-80 r'^^ late Mrs. Kutledge, Bemtoj, of Seaforth, her parents Bev. a.in. Htg. Three young ladies who have held situatibnsm succession in the mercan- tile establishment of Wm. Bro^n, Esq., gave it up in exchange tor mat- rimony while 2 of rur public school Teachers of last year have done a similar act. This tact should prove valuable to those establishments iu filling vacancies, and interesting to applii^ants as well. To THE Fabmbebs. â€" Mcssrs Ford and Plewes of the roller mills have conclud- ed not to chop any more coarse grain but devote their whole al^ntion to the flour business while W. J. Rowe of Barr- head mill does the chopping. The latt- er has superior facilities for that class of work and can run fifty bushels per hour so that his customers w^ll not be kept waiting. Remember, chopping every wroking day at W. J. Howe's. Messbs ManSiall and McNeely have been over the road measuring wood for C. J. Smith the big wood and coal deal- er of Toronto, recently purchased from Paddy Bums. They bought up the whole stock at $2.10 a cord. This makes 34,000 oordB,. the largest amount ever handled by any firm in one season on this line. OxJB village looses a highly respected and universally esteemed lady, m the person of Mrs. A. McDougall, who took her departure with her family, on Wednesday last to join her husband, who is in the mercantile business in Fort William. Mrs. McD's genial forbearing disposition and practical christian deportment has endeared her to all classes, and her absence will _be much felt in the church, the sick chamber and the social circle. On Tuesday evening last Mr. J. B. Watson, the great Canadian orat»r and humorist, gave a lecture entitled "Society unmasked, or houses without fronts" to a large and appreciative audience. Dr. Bproule, the chairman, opened with a neat and approfnate address, after which Mr. Watson held the audience spell-bound for an hour and a half. "The lecturer is a genius, BUSINESS LOCALS. Fabuebs wanting a first-class Fansiug Mill should buy the celebratJMl Chatham mill fpven en trial, W. Jaokson, Axent, Ifark- dale. Smith the barber will be at Flesher- ton next Mondav, fair day. YouNO men, don't fail to call and see those beautiful Scotch tweed for suits. S.Hill. Fob cow chains, halters, rope snaps and rings. Call on Mabee. Ladies' and geutleman, don't fail to see my large stock of Boots and Shoes, womens children, boys and men, in ?reat variety. S. Hill. Wanted. â€" A pood general servant girl. Apply to Mrs. B. B.. Currie. I don't do a large amount of advertis- ing, but keep a large stock of cheap goodsjiwhich is the life of any business. Ladies and Gentlemen give me a call and see for yourselves. S. Hill. Wanted. â€" Two girls in my millinery department. S. Hill. CiGABs CioABs I Lovers of a good Havana cigar will find that Benson has the finest cigar in town, sold by the box. GiBLs. â€" Dr. Armstrong, of 761 Young St., Toronto, wants a general servant and will pay good wages. Write him at once if you want a good place. I have no old surplus stock to offer but I am showing a splendid stock of new goods in alL lines very cheap. S. Hill. Prospects Lamps, lanterns and globes, we keep the best. Mabee. Ai.EX. Mebceb, jr., offers his farm for sale, a beautiful property. See adv. If you want a mantle jacket, hat. bonnet or anything in the millinery line, see McFarlaud's millmer. Miss Bremner She can please the most exacting in style and price. See Mabee. The Beeton world of recent date con- tained a remarkable well-executed port! ait of Mr. E. McKnight, Grey County Begistrar, and the following biographical sketch accompanied the picture: "County Down, Ireland, is his native spot and he first saw light there in 1886. When 10 he came to Canada via New York, and engaged with a captain to go on a whaling ex- pedition to th Polar seasâ€" but he didn't go. Be then came toTossorontio township securing work m a saw mill, and in six months the mill was under his management, continuing so for three years. In 1860 he commenced teaching school in Essa, removing in three yeats more to Beeton. The old school house which stood until a short time ago on Mr. B. Dunham's farm was the scene of his labors. The tarm was then owned by the late Squire Stephens, with whom Mr. Mc- Knight boarded, and the stories he can tell of the old Squire's eccentricities are many and varied. Always fond of "the military" he spent a year in the Toronto military school seeming a comission. We next' find him en- gaged in the mercantile business in Markdale, whence he removed to Cooketown, adding a drug business to his general store. WhUst there he was married to Miss McLean, of Elm Grove, and in the spring following (his store and dwelling fell a pray to the fire fiend, everything being con- sumed. Paying up every cent he owed he removed to Meaford embark- ing in the drug and grocery line. Twice he contested East Grey in the Beform interest for the Commons and also opposed Mr. Creightou in North Grey for the Local, being defeated in the latter by but 59 votes. Shortly after this the Begistarship of Grey became vacant, he was offered the position ani he accepted it." â€" ABE â€" Fairly good at Present, â€"AND â€" HAVING FAITH IN THE PEOPLES CONTINUED GENEROUS PATRONAGE, I have stocked my 24 feet of metal cases â€" -^wia?H^- â€" EXTRA LINES -IN- knWattltes,Cliaii8 -AND- K"^. stable on McNally's j. Ritchie CLIPPINGS. and retoms hM Mr. this peerleas. and inimitable in the expon^ tion of aU shams as a munio^he w ««ibtiT""" Pnrposly visited ♦^her the get the new- out. Leave your ordor "you want the correeteliyle. %flj^eekly Mail to the end of *ita;J7^.«ioath8,for$l and lihe il "Reside for one year fchrovn «ly. gj.°*^^'?.»8 opened for October ribe at this office. 'Ni ^. the very higheatwlaA ^liftSS M*^8 to see ^^JmlestoMaxkdale III* perfecboD. and as a ddeniator of Sanwjter he is unexcelled. fflustrations and anecdotes are founded Sa good morale and thus elevating as irflMamusing. His style is at once ous. We ate pleased to note that at the request of the Watson has eonseni another lecture here nax* Thursday evi PhiA patience ana to aadienoe Mr. ^fi'iov deliver the 18th, sabjeoi, erenoe," iwded house. W^wold be irorOl l^'^^^SSS Fob sporting goods. To Rent. â€" House and Sydenham St. opposite carriage shop. Apply to F at the woollen mill. Tms best selected stock of hardware goods in the country is to be sefen at the sign of the X Cutt. Everything arranged in order, prices right. Mabee the Hardware, Notice.â€" A complete stock of fall goods comprising Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings and Buttons, Mantle Cloth in great variety, very cheap. Ladies' don't fail to see them. S. Hill. To Let.â€" A comfortable brick dwell- ing on George St. Markdale. Possession given in October, apply to G. S. Bowes. t-^cliool Books-â€" A new supply of aU the authorized textbooks for common schools at the Medical Hall. A. Turner A Co. TofaciUtste perfect Spex fittii^, I have purchased a very fine set of test lenses, for cataract, near-sight and other eye defects wiU have them by 16th October. I purpose making this teidi of mTbosinesa a special study. W. A. 'BKhRvl^alcdale.' ^^^.â- â-  vy.r -, PHOtoBaadsfikinctoofpietnreB taken by JwkMm, tha 1IsA*Je photographer, m the toert st^rf a»•,«^ Tnr him and be «m- vinoad. ' â-  :!-.-k.-. .â-  'w 3j^„,»^MA««s.^F.O wheat 70 to 76centa;i*ringrrhea*7ftto76; tarky Bev. Mr. Casham was presented with a purse by some of his friends in McNabb's church, Glenelg, last Tuesday evening. â€" [Durham Chron- icle. A colt created a little sensation in the Post office one day last week. It walked iu, put its nose through the delivery window, left its card and then walked out. â€" fDundalk Herald. We are g' to be able to announce that very exious've improvements are likely soon to be made in our harbor. On Saturday last Sir George Stephen, President Mr. Van Horn, Vice President and General Manager Mr. MoJiinnon, the newly appointed Assistant Manager of this Division; Mr. Wilson, Supermtendent Mr. Hersberg, Engineer and other officials of the C. P. B. visited Owen Sound. They were met by Mr. Morrison, the Mayor, Mr. Parker. President Board ot Trade; Mr. Ken- nedy, Chairman Eaiiway Committee, and Mr. Massou, M. P. It is understood ^ere will be dredg- ed a slip extending into the marsh just north of the present coal docks about 600 feet, having a width of 100 test and a depth of water of 17 feet. Dpon the south side of the slip is to be erected a new elevator, with a cap- ISthlMcity of at least l.OOo.OOO bushels. Th«re are also to be consteueted ad- ditional docks and warehouses. It is proposed next season to add one or more boats to the C. P. B. line run- jang to Port Arthur, and to eetaUish a line of freight and passenger steam- ers between here and Qiioago and UiV«Mta« [Owen Sound Tunes. ENGLISH 15 K60LD SETS, G-em Bings and Lock- ets, 25 Spring and 'Weight Clocks in stock. Silverware in staple goods and novelties, made by the Meriden MiddletovTn plate Go's, Connecticut. Roger Bro's flatv7are in Knives, Forks, Spoons, quality of these lines cannot be ques- tioned, they are the best makes. spectacles]^ Laz-'rus Morris makes, fitted personally on optical principles. Quality of Goods, Fair Pnces, and Reliable Work, bave made me "Tbe People's Jem eller." W. A. RKOWN, MAEKDALE. What is irJ^lWt a snnffi powder or ,^ .^^ .. Bmdd, hot 8. pr^axatioii peeidsi to it- ^*o«0;iesB68i,oa|a»lhatterl6 to i^ Easv to use, pMassM to edfert. i^t flTA- J7; eggs 16; poigiosaiO pec tag; »»3r |ftP^^??»)2JP«|g!S aimHMredtooKderfc ,»s.j a ^-â-  i-f »a2 4A. 4i ta«ti -it. •L/ .1"â€" ;^ â-  â- â- .,-r( lU i â-  i -s n'm -:'f t ii M ri'../ i(\t 0i A.'Of 3»v* .-c-iif- m] EliiMisiiaiMil

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