Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Sep 1887, p. 8

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 T- ^- â-  eJj;SU4ipVI^^P«(^i(^i^^J^^PP^ •mm â- Â«â-  ^^wnn^ '.("A ^i: "ifl .^ -.**«»»â-  Jla8. 8. Freeborn^ â€" t-M. D.. Ch. M.; L. K. « Q. G. P. L Qoetorof Medidne and master rf VictMia. Univ. Iiicentiate of Etng's Qaeen's College of Physieiaiis in Uand. Jtember of the Oolite of PbyBieiaiM ai^ Soigaons, Ont. Formerly acting Smgeon aB.Batter]r,B-0. A. Qaebec. Iiate reaidant of the Botnnda Hospitate, (Iiying-in A OnuBcological) DabUn. OlririCB STEPHEN'S DRUG STORE. Drs Sproule Brodle PHYSICIANS AND SUBGEONS, 3J J^. R K I .A. 1-i E. Dk. Spboui£'s office Tamer's Drag Store Db. Bbodie's office Mathew s block. I». .McCullougrli, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" Oy^ McFARLAND'S STORE, MAfiK,XALB. I\£oney to ILoa,n. IHASSON REASSON, BABBISTEEB, SOLICITORS, o. Offices â€" Ow;en Soand, in ViaVer's Block, Foulett St. Bianch office in Markdale, over McFarland'B Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Maubon, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Massok. N. B.â€" Private and Company's funds to invest at from 6 to 6 per cent IB. L. Stc]theti fhe Dran^ tt IfiurUUe hsTS baea upointed agartfos ^uaameaf* j celebrated Toiae and nenim. JcmKata/*» UttU liver PilU, wd JcHBlMirft mU heating WIuU Ointment. The aerrtM if the very bett in the market, in all d ia aaBe a eamwd I7 poverty of blood, for NerronsMM, Hysteria, and the Palxhxsb ofSCon^lexirai so often noticed in female's, loss ol qqwtite and general debility. In eonjonelion wth the Liver Fille, it is he very best foe all diseases arrising from Topid liver or bad ftomaoh The White Oinment is the Tery best la the market for Salt Bheome, Barbers Itch, Pimples, Chafs, Boms, Sealds. and all Skin diseases of a scrofuloas nature. Try these fine remedies and yoa will not be disappointed. For sale at B. L.STEPHEN'S the droggist Markdale, Ont. Wm. Brown, JSSTJER OF MABBIAGE LICENSES, c Commissioner in B. B. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se nritv. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBEELEY, Issaer of Marriage Licences. Money to lioan on Beal Estate at low rates. A few J^arms for sale. Terms easy. WM. G. GUTHRIE, P/atn Ornamental MasUrer IVI A R K: X A JL* E Arches, Cornices, Centre Flowers, and all kinds of plain and omamentid plastering ex- ecuted at cheapest rates. Galsomining Lime Washing and Bepairs promptly attended to. S66 Hftving evened ia the liool,Md:«hoe bosineflB m Mukdate I WoaUt heie- by le^mcifolly atdkiia â- ban ot pub- lic patemaife. I have bad thirty yean oqaetienoe in tiie bonness in £n({laiid and Can- ada, and witb good stock and care- fol workmanohip have no fear bat my cnstomers wiU find oar dealings both satisfoctdryand mntaally pro- fitable Sewed, Bivited and pegged work done in a workmanlike manner. Beadymade Boots, Shoes, Babbers and Oyershoes kept m stock. All work done ander my personal sap- ervision. ()all and get acqnainteKt. Bemember the stand, Hill's block opposite the Markdale House. M. MABTINDALE. frofessMBSi and pwrfiwiM sa)tds «pM Incii qMAS and oadsKr iMcjeac, t4 In. 6 MO. S MO. Whioleoohuaa.. .. ,.^ 00 9St7 SO $16 00 Halfcolamn .97^ 15 00 lOOO Quarter oolnmn.. .. U 00 10 00 t OC Twoinch^jaoe 7 00 4 OlB "' Three inch spaee ...» 10 00 S 00 ' Casual advertisemeatsS cents per Itne first insertion, 3 cents per line each sabSeqaent insertion, nonpareil meosare. Editorial notices, or notices amn 10 cents per line first insertion, 5 cents each subsequent insertion. Stray animals cfcc, advertised S weeks for 91 No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid except at the option of theptdilisher. rr AlxjfOt tiie »G«Of£.^ iMNMa^him sow pi. ,1^ d^ ;The finder wiUbe^ ^.tie. 1r.Moor©, MatkJJJJ "Wkj ia » four qua^ A. Beca **«*.! TO SCHOOL TRUSTEES. J. p. MARSHALL, L.D.S. ^DENTIST, GBADUATE OF TOEONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesher- ton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. MARKDALE HOUSE, MABKDALE, ONT. t/. £ Marsh, Prop. The undersigned is manafactnring an ex- cellent assortment of School "F'TimitUre, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHEBS' DESKS, etc., of the latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Bend for catalogue to Chatsworth P. 0. 181 ANDBEW McQILL. MONEY TO LOAN. Collinmod aRd Oeorgin Boyal mail. In connection with the Northern and Noitti. Western B'ys, and the Orand Trunk B'y. JOB PRINTnsrG. Thz STANDABb o£3ce has a splendid equip- ment of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by mul. All orders filled with dispatch. gallon. ^«'tallowacoldTti*^4«». ada surely run into Catarrl. T* ^i be curedfor 25c. by using ju' M Cure. A few applicTtinLl^^iO oal.rrh;lto2boS8ci'«««ll Jtoebox^isguara.^'ftn. ._ I catarrh. Try it. 0nl72,„ ?«iy in locri col. I ^^ ^y •» d'^^^i^tB. ' "=• " J What wiU give a cold. cm,. Jl pay doctors? A. A draft. ' BWSTOHED.â€" Mrs. J. M K. I Syden Mines, N.S.,hadcboSfeJ tismfor two years, and^^^* until she tned Burdock Bll ' Two bottles cured her • r^' skeleton "says she, "Befo're^^t B., now thanks to such a vaS'L coyery of such a valuable tS\ entirely restored to health •• "l N real estate security, at low rato of Busi- interest, no commission charged. ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. ISAAC STIJVSOIV, Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stoue work. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 329 Besidence, MARKDALE. W. C. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT Markdale. R. J. SPROULE, FJLiESHERTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Ijeases and Wills drawn up andValuations made on shortest notice^ Charges very low. Apply to K. J. SPROUIjE, Money Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. wmmm ^EXTRACT°rWlffll LOT No, 24, con. 4, N. D. R.,Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cheap and on easy terms of payment, for farther particalars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. 0. Markdale Woolen Mill. Custom Carding, Weaving, Full- ing, Dyeing and cloth dresBing, done ia a workmanlike manner and ou very short notice. First Class Cotton Warp supplied at the lowest possible rates. A call solicited. Terms strictly cash or wool* Sept. 28. 1886 P. J. BITCHIE. Str. PACIFIC, Captain P. M. CampbeU. Str. ATLANTIC. Captain B. D. Foote. Str. NOBTHEBN BELLE, Capt. W. J. Bassett. The fine new Steamers "PACIFIC" 4 "AT- LANTIC" will run as foUows during the season (weather permitting.) Leaving Collingwood at 1 p. m. Meaford at 3 p.m.; Owen Sound at 8 p. m. and Wiarton at 11:46 p. m. every IVednesday and Saturday. F.or Killamey, Manitowaning, Little Current, Kagawong, Qore Bay, Spanish Biyer, Serpent River, Algoma Mills. Bhnd Biver, Thessalon, Bruce Mines, Hilton, St. Joseph's Island, Garden Biver, and Sault St. Marie.; The Saturday Steamer only will call at Cockbum Island. Mackinaw. â€"During the summer season the above steamers will continue the trip on to the Island of Mackinaw making six full days of around trip at a cost of 812.00 only including meals and berth. For information as to freight and fares. Appply to any Agent of the above Bailways, the Pursers on board the steamers, or to the Great Northern Transit Co., Collingwood. THOS.LONG. CHAS. CAMERON, Secretary. Manager MARKDALE. The P. 0. ^rill be opened tcom 8 o'doek s. m. to 7 p. m. every working day. Mails closed as follows, viz 0. P. B., going North, 11:40 a m, and 7pm " " South, 8:80 p m, and 7pm TRAVER8T0N. Tuesday! Thursday and Saturday ItM noon. HAEKAWAY. Friday. 12:80 noon. For registered letters and fifteen minutes earlier than money abovs. orders, TheP, health." A wag has truthfully said th»t if « men oonld come ont of their |^^ i read the inscription on their I they would think they had got J] wrong grave, j UKiQfowN.â€" There is noremedvl to medical science that can eiMll Fowler's Extract of Wild Stew as a cure for cholera morbus, dian, dvsentry, or any form of smiatt 1 plamt afltticting children or adnltt A Hibernian, when knocked exelaiaed, "Do you hit s vm down " Oh, no," said his tn\ "Then, faith, I'll lay here." Bight now is the time to use 1 CASUALi CBTJMBS. O. will be open- on Holidays from 9 to 9:30 j Blood Purifying Medicine LumI a. m., and half an hour after mails arrive. time in getting a, bottle of Dr. J^ W. J. McFablai^, p. M. Stomach Bitters. It will do 'jm\ Sold by all Druggists 50 cents. If your- child is stubborn or harf to j minister medicine to. Dr. Low'i fh Worm Syrup will be appreciated. Why is a young lady just fronf b ing school like a building conunitt Because she is ready to receive posals. Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap ia a dieiM handy form of obtaining the healing t of a sulphur bath. The Atmosphere is terribly smokey. this week. Asthma.â€" Persons who have suffered years with Asthma will find a quick (re- lief and cure in a doable treatment of of Southern Asthma Gure^^ England may be "mistress ot the C's" but she has never y«t been able to fairly master the H's. BE SURE GET YOUR C9 â€"rau â€" ^♦* GHOOERA INFANTUM liSyMMfROlMPLAINTS .::S OLD BY/fLL Dealers. IT IS A WEIjIj known FACT THAT McCOLIi'S "LARDINE," is the best known, and most reliable Machine On. in the Dominion Farm- er's, Thresher's andMill Owner'ii, will find it decidedly to their advantage to insist npon getting the "Oennine Lardine" when they ask for.it, owing to BO much inferior oil being sc^d un- der the same name by onsempalons dealers. We are the sold manafactnr- ers of the "Genuine Lardine" every barrel branded. McCOLL BBO'8, 4 00. For sale in Markdale at Haskett Bro's Hardware Store. 847-78 MARKDALE, He mates as good a pump as there is in the market, and at the loTPest possible prices, besides it is so con- venient for getting repairs besides when buying from a distance. Have some support home from Quinu' style about yon and enterprise by buying I'ED van ^^ O^MDELIOH CURE WE WANT 1 CiCi *f^°® ^*^N •* 'o»«». to seU for JLKJyJ the Fonthill Nurseries (largest in Canada over 465 acres) steady employment and no lost time, liberal commission or salary, best advantages splended outfit famished free anyfpushinglman can Boeoeed. Apply for terms to, BTONE WELLINGTON, Toronto, On HAVE YOU Liver Conmlaint, Dyspepsia, Ii lice, Ueadache, Dizziness, m in the " " Jaundice, Costiveness, or any disease srisinsp (ma m, liver, Dk._ Chasb's LrvBK Cckk w^ be fimiKl a auc and certain remedy. NATURE'S REMEDY ' The unqualified success of Dr. Chase's Lrver Cae ia tiver Complaint rests solely with the £ut that it tt ooapoonded Gcom nature's well-known UvericcBlatan, Mandraks aku Danuelion, combiaed «illi maar other invaluabie roots, baria and â- m. Mandraks aku Danuelion, combiaed other invaluabie roots, barL-s and herb pnwerfiil effect on the Kidneys, Slona^ w~^ 600,000 SOLO ()nrr mu-htUf wuUiea. .f Dr. Ckm»it XedStf Beeki fBtr. teU U Cmmmda miame, UTt wtmt ev$iy mmm, «M«Mw amd eUU wiu u tnmttti with UmerCem. la'»tt»iiytkirtxctacmfvtmuJf. • 'â-  SHKniHttiiEv. tnoiimfxfm'" " 'â-  Wiiqipadareaad every 1ottfeoftr.aHM'sIii4w6Mr js a valoaHe Roaaehdd MeiScal GuMaaad Back Bodiff4ja«BiK COD*--*â€" rr3_- J-m* "'^, ""T â€" nn p. ti MB S FOR^ALE Six Pare Shorthorn Ball calves from four to fifteen months old registered in the D. 8.. H. H. Book. Good individnally, will sell on time, and atpriees to suit the times. DUBHAM. Pbof. Low's sdiiPhvb soap is toilet luxury as well as a good ukin disease. a delightful euratiye for ffiaiMale Roller Hi. WEAVING. Having returned to Markdale. in order to be more convenient for my customers, I beg to announce that I am now orepared fo do aU kinds of Custom Weaving. Residence otd stand, opposite Prttbyteiian CThurch. *18 ABCH. BOYD. TTUJbffEBS HAVma NO. 1 JD a^.i^eitiiie floor from tMf opp^ wheat, can get it'ty briagipg twaty bwhels or.' sune. iratimf90a FARM FOR SALE. LOT Ml «im s west «f T. AS. Bd. r^lrtem«8ia. CO aoMB. aboat 80 asw ^of stumps and stonee, balance good hardwooditus^jriT^mOMfrom liarkdals and four irwarPleiaiertW. Foffnrther par- tienlMB. apply ta JL 8. Thesmata. Flt£t. ton P. O.or J. J. Tbamfam^Jo^^ ^T^. Tahabac. â€" For Hoarseness and all Bronchial Troubles that usually effect public speakers. Tamarec Elikir wlil give speedy relief. 'iTy it. A jackass was seen on a barren island surroonded by deep water and on ^e main land there was plenty of feed. Question â€" How could he get it vrithont getting wet? Give it np? Yes. So did that other donkey. Many Pebsons stffbb â€" ^From impure breath and suppose it comes from a dis- ordered stomach. In many cases the actual cause is catarrh. Nasal Balm will remove the cause and cure. Why dosen't the Devil skate Where in hell conld he get ice. Cbiticish. â€" ^A lady in Brockville Stateâ€" I was inducedio try Nasal Balm' for a long standing cold in my head that was pronounce catarrh. The Balm gave immediate relief and peramnentlv cured me. It was so pkasant and agreeble to nse that I at first thought it "no good." I now nse it with my children for oolds and stoppage of the nasal passage. Why don't they have mill3 on the Mississippi? A, Dam it they can't. BirrxB XHAV eoxa.â€" To those troubled irith Eidney-and Drinaty Troubles radi as a constant deshre to urinate, shooting, aeald. ing, pains, pain in the back, sediment, dte fte.. Dr. Chase's Lrver Cure will be tbani more valuable tiisn gold. It -positively eorsS. See "Fropihet" for testimonals. What is the difference between a lady and a monse? A. Because a lady charms the heses and a mooae h^m^H the cheeses. Wkll Testw).â€" " I was nearly dead with cholera morbus, one bottle of Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry cured me, and at another time I was so bad with sum- mer complaint that I thought I would never get oyer it, when two bottles cur- ed me," Mrs. E. Askett, Peel, Ont. Why is a lady like a door^knoh A. Becanse she is Bomething to a door (^re.) of :^a^ale, Mnskoka writes, "I was inrabled viith vomitiiig for two year^ and I have vomited as o^n a« ilvo Sl^«J*^' Q"1 bottlft df BjirdocI sffKxl Bitters eared me. " Few things are sweeter to anul tries to do his duty than' ap The editor of a vrell-known psperli received the following unsolicited I gratifying indorsement from t subscribar: â€" "Dear Editor,â€" Wei a sight of your paper out onr way. I is fresh, brite, and ori^al; I tlMl comes mighty nigh being as good u| Medical Almanack in its ginral matter, and that is saying a goodd Headache, Biliousness, and Indigestion relieved and once by Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitt Try it. Samples free. "If all the year were playing holidi To sport would be as tedions as to Shaketfem Worms cause much sickness children that Freeman's Worm Povdeii surdy cure. Don't use any more nanseons gatives such as Pills Salts c., whai| can get in Dr. Carson's Stomach Bil" a medidne that moves the Bowebg ly, cleansing all impurities fro^ ' system and rendering the Blood f and cool. Sold by all Druggists. National Pills will cure oonstipstcdi and regulate the Uver. No one can be made a scbolai: i all can make themselves scholsii' ALiacKr bscapb.â€" "For six yeWj soffered vrith my throat and tonsils.' I vras very weak I f oor years and had advice fwB^ doctors they said I would have to ' dergo an operation. I tried B-,,^'^j steadi One bottle cured me." Squelch, Bagan, Ont. CONSUMPTION CUEED. An old physician, retired from J"2I having had placed in his hands oy •J^l India missionary the formula ot fj^t v^table remedy for the speedy anaE^5| ent cure for Consumption, Broncbim^^ZjM Asttmaand ^throat and ^^f^^l also a poBitive and radical cure i^^jA DabiUty and aU Nervous Co^V^^JlA having tested its wonderful coMflTei" j P ' 'B i«M jHTH YEAB. -: A-T :- 8tW| ana aii JNervous tiuuir"^â€"- â-  " having tested its wonderful co«?!*j?tT»l in thoasaads of eases, has ^K ^WO^Jj,! ^Wiy ir« ab«'*taaak«.tl» mike It knoTm to his 8nfferingfdlo«»- ated by this motive and a d^" I:vli«»] hnman soflezing, I will seud free "C?^ •Jl who desire it, this receipe, » " JPwnohMrBngUsh, with fuU ^^t^ prvparins and using. Send by. n*" k, wSsiMwith 8ta^ naming this d»p« Kov»149 Fummn Block SocktM, aBMftB.04W. .?.-; ;!t( "ESTRAl _, :a,--.tb the premises of '^,^i tol%vSwk.ll,Honand,»bout the W a iM-itiiat lihite calf, blind of «»JZgt o«Mir is htgiMsted to prove proper peasss and take it. w^m jow'jrs" OOK*"' i^THMA C\i ripMANDBROfKj; OOi/ (^â- wws^,*-** m»^ im m v-i; ' ,:-y n-pieP JeWELSBY STOttl Jikt foond the most oompl ^Mehes, CJooks, Jewelery, Spex, c., in this par I (Jail and see those watches lliog at $12.00 bearing r three and a half years, wli jorsare asking $15.00 na article. P. S. Bartlett inlver case for $16.00 wh selling elsewhere for dealers cannot compe sod they know it. We fitem being annoyed _ble low prices we ma pnblic the benefit of o' Just Note a few ~-^- â€" â- - .,. L fine Nickle Alarm Clock for dy $2.00 bearing a warrant tiii Your choice of over sted chains for only $1.6( ok of it. Fine walnnt cloc I upward. Brooches, £a »' Chains, Gaff-Bnttons B, at equally low prices. Bemember ii you want youi r Gloek repaired properly by B, Basseil's is the only pla( i orders by mail promj tended to at ILL'S Noted Jewelry FLESHERTON. MdOtber II [^RoticaB tn ihete eolmiauintende\ If tsimdaal or Society will be cl '*J^ /wtfte first insertio »« Miie each avbtequent tr JOTICE.â€"Corretpfmdenee, ctl '"«Mai'«rtMnii«rt», *c„ mutt Vf **"' «"» Taeeday to insure j C*n4« fairaext Saturday, a, „5»5' 'Md yet well donj WMmi's lecture. i^"*^^ f»a show next sfei.?" Sa*^ob is visitiJ » 'wwdale and JPlesherton.l J^L«*tend awarmwelconf rU?*" ^^"^wlwids populj f MttmanUe maker, on heif Ai»i» Hui returned fror **2®f ^^«'«i»e had a ^?» performed on his â-  y^t-meeting of Grej ' G. T. No, 28 will ^^ the 19th Decer ^ISlobe to ;i«tteen months] ,^' Older at this bf -Si'^i?*^ J. B. ^Tnesdaj aveningl M«»o«»i^did^ :«(mply ^V^ight ol ti be cor ion will Jt^giain d tfiwid^atl Bntledge.! Seal parents I .and rd puposlyl 'IttTBtdtttOi ' :***• Leave Jrant the c| Jita to for florae] ^«ipetMd

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