Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Sep 1887, p. 5

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 VILKINSOH the World oance to the P«l! moved into my new manufactnie every experience in the bus Batifafaction to every imptly attended^ c^* federnU* „j Financial ftTtJci was ' Sash, Door and Plain Fj red machinery, ever |[ETS. e.i a manner second to none OS m eyery department 10 patronage. Tders Promptl and Undres8 n and Fancy Turning «H| n a Distance. as. ]WLcnVEA.| Stoddart. ^^ .nd JereyCjty.JJr 2^^ the citizens « /*^^ mding community, *^g ,d a TAILOBING W. J. McFarhuids *j; HI repr .cbnrch on Tuesday kst â- fell ittendance of mimrtert *^Un^tiyts were preeent liiBtrict compriBM eight :„d mUons, viz-M.rkd*lB. .„„ Dnndalk. Eugenia. Pnce- r tasis, Holland Centre, and ^^tT Irxihe after-noon « was held in the interest of ^ion when the $1680 " to this ^i**"" was drnded 7he ftppointmeots. In the "llpablic meeting was held T. M. Campbell, chairman held £imiii^^^i^^' nA Key. Dr. ^fJeHvered able and mstructive the former on the line of 'and education combined ^sirytotliegreatesthumanhappi- S «Befulnes^. while Jhe Dr. " 1 fuUv and forcibly the ques- »^f ffige Feder/tion The ,,in. was largely attended, the tiveone, and the amount aUott- rjdjjg district to raise » more talf subscribed already. .â-  •â-  Crayenhurst in Ashe|.^.l 1 1 iirebroke out in Mowry'e fo«^^ *feBhaist about 1 o'clock on Friaay „ last which spread and leaped b-^'ading to building until in_ a Ws the entire business portion thetoTO lay in ashes. The place built up chiefly of wooden ;tiire3, and the weather being ex- [el7 dry, a stiff wind blowing and le or no appliances m the shape of tmgaisheiB, the most citizens i do was to sate their livM. bty-tliree buildings were destroyed, iiiug forty-three families homeless, IV of tbem destitute. (sides business places and resid- the Public School, English .Banner printing office, and le rooms of .the A. Oi U. W., [ellows.lForesters, Sons of Scotland Masons were consumed. A re- committee has been organized donations may be sejit to Mayor chairman, or J. K. Link, Tyand treasurer of the com- MaricdaOe is a viUage (nat n^. poratei)3n the eenfrvof Grey oovntt, aa imi»»taat sUbon on the T. ^. B. branch of the Canadian Paeific Baflway, 92 miles from Toronto and 80 from Owen Sound. It is located on the town line of Glenelg and Art* emesia townships, about three fifths in the foriKier and two fifths in the latt*r; is about one mile from the boundary of Enphrana and Holland townships. The Toronto and Syden- ham, gravel road, runs through the village; The land in the vicini^ of the town is gently rolling which eives natural drainage it has about 800 inbabitants, who are princi- pi^y of English, Irish and Sootoh origin, pretty equally divided. There are three churches, â€" ^Enghsh, Presbyterian and MethocRat, whUe the residents are pretty fauly divided be- tween the above i£reewith a few of other seels. In politifls it is also fairly divided^ The people are enter- prising, hospitable and of good morals generally, it has a well conducted '^il Public School having three depart- ments (graded) with three teachers. The villaga is noted for its good markets and enterprise generally. It depends almost wholly on the surround- ing agriooltural couotry for its sup- port. HOUSE has opened oat tlua week the fbOowing goods viz i fk. 4 Betts 181 pieeeeeompleto. Dnnsr Sett (colored) 915^ 6 Setts 98 pieoee complete. Dinner Sett (colored) 418. 10 Chamber Setts. 10 pieoes (colored) latest pattern only $8.76. 12 Tea Setts, 44 pieces (colored) only $8.50. Ab those goods have been imported dinek, and boncfat for eaah. I am in a position to seU them cheaper an any House in the oonnby, and aa I am. making a qpeoialty in Crodkeiy ft GUaaswaie, keeping the latest styles and patterns, yon ean alvays get nited. FLOUR FEED, GENERAL GROCERIES, WINES LIQUORS, TOBACCO CIGARS, which will be sold at right prices to suit the purchaser, call and see us and examine our goods and you will go away satisfied. We will not be undersold by any one in the trade, and as we have had long ezprienoe at the business, we know what we are doing. Come and see our new Dinner and Tea Setts, something new in Markdale. NoHett •J Birth$, Marriages, and Death twenty fymeenu. MABKBAIiXi. *m PKnmED murar B. L. Stephen. STEPHEN'S CMNIII EXTRACT OF SARSAPARIUJ WITH IODIDES A powerful purifier. Great Skin ajidlBlood Remedy. "Our Own" Vegetable Worm Pow- der, Sxu?e, Safe and Pleasant.. BIRTHS. ExKMBSiâ€" A.t BeU Grore Farm. Sault St. Marie, Mich., the wife of Mr. Andrew Kennedy, of a daughter. DEATHS Walkxb â€" ^In Duluth on the 20th September, Isabella, wife of Mr. Jdhn M. Walker, aged 42 years. Mrs. Walker was a dandi- er of the late Thos. Elliott of Artemesia, was a whole hearted christian woman, and well known in this plaee. Her end was peace. eTOROHTO house.: I am offering this -w^eek Beady-Made ClotMng, and BOOTS SHOES AT â€" astonlsldngly lo^v^ prices. Persons reqtiiring a summer outfit would do well to- see say stock. STEPHEN'S LIVER PILL, -:- SUGAR COATED. A safe and reliable Pill for DiseaseB of the Liyer, Kidneys and Btomach, A grand Pill for Sick Headache. Drowned in Toronto* I Ibe ferry steamers, which carried Bangers from Toronto across the the agricultural grounds daring nIndnBtrial Exhibition, colided on uiiight of the 13th Sept. and it was igM a man bad been drowned from iktthat a bat was piclied up and 1 owner could be found. Seyeral alateritwas learned that Thos. npbeil, ffon of Qnentin Oamphell, a Der near Dnrham, -was missing JkaTing returned home after the ftition. The old gentleman hasten- iito Toronto, and had the bay dragg- ' 1 Friday last, and in about an ifcandjthe body which he quickly Btified. He was- a respectable logman 29 years of age. The body •brought Lome ou Saturday last ' interment. It is indeed a sad I wn for the family. 1 CLXPPINGS. I lellarkdak Standard completed jTenthyear last week. It is a •local paper and is evidently pro- "^gâ€" [Thombury News. .16 Markdale Standard, a cle^n, n- »nd enterprising journal has â- ^wmpleted its seventh year. It «.«s whole duty toward MarKdale ipj^y^waliy patroaizod.â€"] Acton 'V-WhileMr. H. J. IM- WM speeding his horse on the grounds last week, the up a stone with his feet wk Mr. M. between the eyes „acnton the forehead and 1^'^^ch required five stitches.â€" 'ij^'^^'^e Standard completed t.„f y«arof its existence last r^er the proprietorship of Mr. '"Mge. Bro. Rutledge is j.^^"' amiable and honor- ,7«16« of the Fourth Estate we '»«, and our wishes is that C!.'/.;,'f «««°^ay be equal of heart â€" fFlesherton CURE FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES! CURE For Scratches on Horses STEPHEN'S Erne Mixed Bird Seed. Best bird seed in the market. Karkdah. A. IMiinnoce xetnms his fhanks for the very liberal support ac- corded him since commencing as above, and hopes by strict attention'to bosinesa and moderate prices to merit a continn- ance olpablic a]^;iieciation wad iatron' age. Those requiring would consqlt their own interest by ex- amininft his stock, consisting of over Three Thousand pieces at from 6 to 76c. E» Boll. Simy Schools requiring iberary Books will find Hundreds to select from and at such FAYOBABLE- TEBMS as are sure to satisfy. laS-lVote tlie tact.â€" That untill commencod business there was no such thing as a special discount allowed to Sunday Schools, or if yoik wanted Books could not get them unless by sending to T(»onto or elsewhere, now your wants can be supplied at your Door and at lower prices than Toronto. I therefore vritk confidence appeal for public support. A full line of School Bookis, Stationery, ac.,alway8 ou hand, also agent for the DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERNS. Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade for Extinguish hogFires. IS" NOTE THE ADDRESS, v; .A.. Iinsmoi*e./ OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS PEARL fiLOSS TOOTH POWDER A fine V toilet Gem. Stimnlatmg, Powerfolly Cleansing, and Deligbtfolly Refreshing, PUT UP BÂ¥ FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES I POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThiB powder nevei TarieB. A mMrvol for pnrity, streqgth and whrfeaomenew. More economloal than the ordlaaJT Idnds, and eannot be Mdd in competitton with the mnltitnde ot low East, short wei^talmn or phosphate powders uUomlffm COM, BoTAi. Bakiho Powdbb «5o. 10e'WallBt..H.T. Garley'B Healing Oil will relieve scratches on horses in two or three applications, or price refunded. Follow the directions on bottle by thoronghly cleansing, then apply the Oil. If animal requiries any medicine to put it into condition use the Derby Blood Purifyer. WE ABE ALSO AGENT FOR "W. W. Stephen Go's well kaown preparations viz Cough King, Derby Condition Powder, Siamese Worm Powder, and Carley's Healing OiL ALSO A full (line of the leading Patent Medicines kept by Tonra respectfully, E.Ij. Stephen. H. B. HARRISON MANUFACTUKER OF MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES Mantlet, Furniture Marble, dc. • JUST EECEIYED 3 Carloads Finest Variegate Marble IS" Largest stock in the Dominion select from. Personally selected at tke qtav ries in Vermont. Will be sold at pric9» which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N. B.â€" Beware of Monuments and Head stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zino, soldered to gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide ,tbe impeifeotions, and called White Bronze. H. B. HABRISON TAI STEPHENS COUBH HWC, ^- 1 'â-  V ^•~ â€" ' The best componnd of Tar and Honey in the world for relieving coughs, it acts as an instant healer to the bronchial tubes, and will have a benefieient effect on bronchitis at once. Don't forget the name, STEPHEN'S COUGH KING. No other remedy Uke it, at 25 and 50 cents a bottle. It will relieve hooping cough when other medicines com- pleu^ly fail. To be obtained at the popular Drug Store, B.L. STEPHEN, MABKDALB. -AT- ROBT. ASKIN, UNDERTAKER, ivr.A.K,ii:i ALE FUNERAL FURNISHINGS supplied on the shorteb notice. A. SDlendid UeArHe tor hire at moderate rates. SIGHT V. BLINDNESS. » Grant -ii^* ywterday stating that u â- ? nm pnze and silver mecbl ' «iM -iu ^°' ^^^® spring wheal '^Ww '°/«' three Jiirt I RT^' "*^ first prize » â- â€¢CS^ taken 27 prizes in all. *ifcj^'^«8 credit for his Buo- "^off "?»"»taining the re- S.JS«n«»ary for grain. He f.WJS " Prizes at Toronto ,j«»coiaer8 in grain, Mr. »Wf'.*°^^«V«» also iffil V«*t hay» not h*â€" â- LWiombu^ ^ewi. CENTS FURNISHING. â-  I p i ' II I I I » HaTing added to my tailoring bosness a carefully selected stock of 0«ita Fonushing comprising KNQLlSH.i mSH SCOTCH, and CANAPIAN TWEEDS, Overcoat- ing, Shirta, Underolotbing, Collars, Tieso.. *o,I would hereby xoapeet- fidly BpUcIt a oaO IromthoaepBgwr- Drop in and eQBi*iB« tat jwt selves no trouble to show goods. Cteahil attention given h» the Tailoring departmen*. MAlffiDAUE. CELEBRITEB Englisb Spectacles 70 BAY STREET. TORONTO CANADA. 18 JEWIN STREET. LONDON E. CENOLAND. H. JL.- tSteplie«i*i8, CHEMISTADRUGeiST.*^kdaie rOBT^S^aonf «r on flto weawr. vbatewawiUiaaetaall^ • ^SatSimasjmn. m»ey aw itawtow J. G. ANDERSON'S! 1 » â- â-  Stacks of Tweeds, any price yon want; a large range at 50 cents, ex^ ceptional value, you should se^ them. Don't forget to ask for our 18 oz ail wool gurnzies. V Dress Gkxds in great Tariety, all prices from 1\ cents ayard up. Come In and look â€" AU kinds ofâ€" FURIVITUX^E In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Xfoneon short notice. BOBT. ASKIN. 6 PEE CENT. Money leased on Farm or Town Property a west rates of interest. Anpl v to B. J. BOT;IiE, Conveyancer 4c IXMniaster. Fleahertoo. CUiiilli PlfilEifiJUL. TIMS TABIjB. -I\£a.i:*l£dale station-â€" Otovsa Soma. Oowo MoKsa. 6.47 a. m. 18.03 p. m. 8.52 p. m 9.10 p. m THE KEY TO HEALTII. f*m .«»-;-â- ; rp/VMARAC '»ii-ii -.-â- 'i^' f @^ jLdersosi^ i 3 Ji X CI .jM. ^3Jt.M »^- rf.^-ftg..A AA.»^!,Ssa-.-jaiail-a.a

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