ii«HI«MPMiiliiiiiipniiiiiil«l|iii wmmi t -^- ^^ 4hy M *y __-â- - «_:_^^f... O. "W. Butledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, SEPT. 29, 1887 THANKSGIVING DAY. The Goyemor-G«netal has appoint- ed the 17th of November as Thanks- giying day for the Donunion, and the desirability of haTiag a day fizrlier in the season chosen in coming years is being dis cussed in the daily papers. We cannot see any good reason why it might not be six weeks or two months earlier. People uxe generally in better humor for a tbanksgiying service in fine weather than in what we usually get in Nov- ember the objection is giving that the turkeys would not be in as good ae^ape for the table so early. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" The Northern Pacific railway extension to connect with the Red River Valley road will be complete! to th« boundry by the end of this week. The rails on the latter will probably not be laid until the financial question is settled, but the work is now in fuch a position that the road can be put in running order within a month after. â€" Hon. William McMaster, of Toronto, died at his residence Bloor St., last Thursday in the 76th year of his age. By his death Toronto looses one of her most prominent and most munificentcitizens, Mr. McMaster not only made money, but also made good use of it for the promotion of deserving projects. He was no unjust steward, but handled the wealth given him with a wise and liberal hand. â€" A Canadian woman was arrested fit Lockport the other day for smuggl- ing fans mto the United States. She had taken across the line 115 fans at a single load. Nothing would more ef- fectually depress theismuegling indust- ry than a prohibitory tariff on bustles. ^Vhile there are bustles there will be smuggling. Andjwbileithereare women there will be bustles. Perhaps we Bball first run out of tariffs. â€" Toronto is not only filling up her central busmess portions with magnificent substantial structures and her avenues and rural streets with handsome and costly residences, but is also enlarging her borders. She hasfrecently added Dovercourt and Seaton villages together with a suburb tract comprising in all between 18000 and 14000 acres. The city boundary now extends from High Park to the Humber-^a distance of nearly eight mil«8. â€"The Toronto Week hiti it about right in the following: "Without doubt, French-Canadian Separatism is a factor that makes most strongly Against the welding of $he seyeral provinces of the Dominion into a nation. The province of Quebec is a wedge between the Maritime provinces and Western Canada, splitting them asunder. For it is a foreign province having laws and institutions peculiar to itself, the seat of a people speaking another tongue, who pride fcemselves, not on being British citizens or citiaeng of the Confederation, but on being scions of old France, implanted and growing into a new France on Aitieri- causoil. The province of Quebec is tljcir country, not the Dominion of Canada though it is probable they will contmae to lend support to the Confederation while it in tarn affords sijelter to their ^owth as a nation, or rioes hot run contrary to any imtf^ynat Aspiration." Hartin Bmmxj hM hit thndung madiin* in zanning ozder •gain; he is ihzeshing st tiie "Ixub Lake." We have two happy men in onr Tillage at present; tbatisr Mr. Wm. Carney, whose better-half presented him with two g^ and Mr. Thos. Jack wbo reoaived an heiress to his fortune on Wednesday, we propose that tliese gentlemen oelsbrate the event by giving the boys a "spree." • Mr. Wm. Cook and Miss Eate Me- Nally, daughter of John MoNally, were united in matrimony on Sept. 14, at tiie residence of the brides father by the Rev. B. L. Hutton, as we did not get a "bid" we cannot give the pariiculrs, but as far as we can learn, everything was carried out in a satisfactory manner. The happy couple left on the evening train for the Toronto Exhibition and returned on Saturday to their future homo, where we hope they may long remain to enjoy health and happiness. /mportathms WHAT AM I TO DO. The BymptomB of BiUonsnesa are unhappi- ly but too well known. They differ in different individoals to some extent. A Bilious man is eeldoin a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for Uqnids bat ncno for solids of a morning. His tongue will hardly bear in- spection at any time; if it is not white and furred, it is rough, at all OTonts. The digestive system is ^yholly out of order and Diarrkea or Constipation may be asymp- tom or the two may alternate. There are often Hemorrhoids or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness and often headache ana acidity or flatulence and tenderness in the pit of the stomach. To correct all this if not effect a cure tty Green's August Flower, it cost but a trifle and thousands attest its efficacy. Holland Council. .1 -^i^ iK5- .TraweffstMKi, â- -^/j^JC' " f â- s- Fran our own eornipoHdmU. Mr. JuBM Soiflintti, left (on Toes* ^ay fn: ICefugsn. where ha intandc jpntting IB tiM winter. Ed. Daccysbat a monttkitpofm^iUk *^ Holland Centre, Sept 18th, 1887, Council met for the transaction of business on the above date Reeve in the chair Members all present. Minutes of former meeting read and approved. Shute â€" Munray, â€" That the Reeve be appointed to look after Aliens Sink Hole. â€" Carried. Mr. Murray was appointed com- missioner to look after letting job on no. 6 side road. Shuteâ€" Howey,â€" That Mr. Galbriith be iSppointed as road commissiontir, to look after bridge on 2nd con. E. G. R. â€" Carried. Howey-Shute.-That Mr. Galbr aith be instructed to build bridge over the Byx Bridge 2nd con., to cost about $80.00.â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" Howey,â€" That the Reeve be instructed to fix bridge on Big Head Riyer on 6th side road, â€" Carri- ed. Shuteâ€" Galbraith,â€" That the ^. plication of Mr. Howey with regard to Foster's Hill be deferred for the present andthat Mr. Howey be appoint- ed to confer with the parties interest- ed and find what it would cost for de viatiou and to report at next meeting of council. â€" ^^Carried. Hpweyâ€" Shute,â€" That the clerk provide a map for Walter's Falls.â€" Carried. Shuteâ€" Murray,â€" That the derk be instructed to notify the County Treasurer to erase from his book all taxes charged against Ept lot 49, con. 2, E. T. S Road.â€" Carried. Galbraithâ€" Howey,â€" That culvert opposite Geo. Delanes farm, Gara- fraxa road be repaired provided that the Sullivan council bear their share of the expenditore. â€" Carried, Shuteâ€" Howey,â€" That the sum of $80,00 be granted to cut down hill opppsite lot 63, eon. 2 E. T. S. road under the supervision of Mr. Murray, â€" Carried. Murrayâ€" Howey,â€" That $10.00 be expended on SO side road, neat Wei- wood's and that Mr, Shute superintend it. â€" Carried. Howeyâ€" Shute,â€" That Mr. Marquis be appointed colleotor at a salary of 180,00.â€" Carried. Sh»teâ€" Marray,â€" That by-Jair No. 7 for the purpose of levying a rate of 8 miles on the dollar on all e rateable property of the township be passed. â€" Carried. Murrayâ€" Howey,â€" That, the elerk notify all persons owning saw nulls and allowing the sow dast to hli into the nver to discontmne the same oz Isgal proceedings will be taken against them. â€" Camed. Galbraithâ€" Shnte.-That By-law No. 8 be read 1st ^d and 8rd tunes and engrossed on the minntea,-^km- ed. Howeyâ€" Shuteâ€" That the ooipom. bon of the towpship of Holland goar- Mitee their share of e]9enees in le- frence to getthig legsl tOrim ftm* County CouncQ By-law No. lU and th^ the darJi notify the Bapnfy Bsmw of K^pel tothat eOlet^-^Oamed. Howetyâ€" Bfaiita^^ fliat Hds ooaaoa idjoua tOl the ttUL4if Oetober^ Carried. W^. J.McFABIjAND*S large staff of hands are busy knockLng off the lids ofHnge Cases and. Bales of Dry Goods Direct Importations of New French and Eng- lish Dress Goods. New Satin Marvel- leanx Gro-Grane, and Pongee SUks. lifew ECLECTRIC, Dentelle, Nouvelte, Plush, Silk and Beaded Trimmings to match Dress Goods. 100 Velvet Fancy Plaid and heavy "Wool Shawls. One case choice new Mantles a great bar- gain. 757a yds. Gray Flannel 28 inches wide 18c. Black Cashmeres fast Dye 30, 35, 40, 50 cents up. 75 Boxes Ladies' and Children's Black Cash- mere Gloves, and Hosi- ary VERY CHEAP. A big Job in Ladies' Corsets part of a Manu- facturers direct stock bought at 50 cts. on the dollar. Millinery and Novel- ties in Fancy Goods arriving daily. 7 Cases Ladies' Fine Boots from $1 up. 14 Cases Men's Long Boots. 10 Cases Boy's Long Boots. 25 Cases assorted Rubbers, Felt Boots, Slippers, and childrens ware. W"' A great bargain in Gent's Ties and SUk Haoidkerchiefs. Nobby Suitings, Bant- ings, ajid Overcoatings, at bottom ffgures. In fact my large store is crowded from the celler up with choice new goods bought for Cash |n the best market ot the Woild and -v^ be aold at close pxlces. J':||l aacL see wkaft we axoUiliGMl; 1. i?i Get your fliotogi^aphs at Jackson's B GaJiery;r Cabinets, Cards, Tintypes any size or shaiwl you wish as grood as City work. ^^ r ILSO PICTOME FBiMia DME IIHTlNDJj gi; FAKMEES^ ATTENTION. ' n »â- 1 Jackson sells the celebrated WILKINSOJII and FLEIJRY Plow, also the World .â- -:/':;â- â- :*'Â¥â- :â- â- ; renowned â- CHATHAM -:-F A NNING-:-MlLL.| WM. JACKSOffl •;:*':^r?. IL gPORTAlT T! TO aU users of Machine Oils, don't forget to ci on E. S. MABEE, Sign of. the Cross-0 Saw, Markdale, and ask for the| CASTOE; OIL, it is unequalled by any.| WATER WHITE OIL, is equal to American for brillance of light, Empire Oil Co., Refiners Manufacturer's, 349-75 London and Toroit MAI^KDALE and J., Having erected and fitted np in every detail a Saeb, Door and Plain Fi tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, e^etf* bemg new, I am now prepared to turn out Sasb, Doors, Blinds, Mooldings, Hollow Batt FMIES, LATH, FENCE PiGKETS, e., And everything needed in tlie building trade, in a manner second to nout Canada, and .baying engaged superior meehanics in eyery departmeDtl would now respectfully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made ibo fill Orders Prompt PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undresi Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turniugo Careful Attention to On/en from a Distance. 803 THOS. IVIcNEA.| HARKDALE CARRIAGE WORKS. R. MoNALLY i-^Would hereby announce to the of Markdale and the public generally that I bave moved into my new shop opposite the Markdale House, where I will manufacture cvezy in the wagon and carriage line, and having long experience in the bni and by using first class material, I can gnaraatee satibfaction to evei; WHO will favor me with their order. A call respectfully solioiUd, R. M:c]VAX.X-Y3 Proprietor HtmCE. Tluee iarms to lent vifhin a abort dnttnoe of MarWite. Terms eM9,iiiun«diate po» aeBsion gfreo. Also • nnmber ol eiieioe bnflding lots for sale, ia the flanuhinff village of Markdale. Aip^io, « O. B. Bowu, • BaatBiitateandl MmHuieeagBat if«.ij^^ FARM FOR SALE. 100 dick. S-0 ^rf_ acres, bemg lota 118 and 114 Sid westoiT.* 8. Boad. Artaaaaia. «5 awM eleaied and in good atate of ealtna. two, balauee bazdwood^ wifli anfiaieBt ««Hft » for Untaaav. piiipoaaL.wea;Rtaten(tirfniin8 nMk,aadgood wafi, log booae and ban, Mie.«N M » yongenliatd baatitia. Ihis WW afto iwn fliie j q f l aarl dai fl .iignfeaead wdoB good mad tk|WJitlklii«AlIaihdala. i^rtMuandfiutibflrputMBOu* anpfy Win Stoddart. 1»^ Engkod and Jersy C)t7 U- toinfona the citizens w *^ and n^oDding commnnity. w^| has opened a TAILOBING J (rrerlfcTw. J. McFarlands »• where he is prepared to do entepeted to him iu the l^""" Ndbfcieat Styles as I will J^ â- before leavmg the Shop. nay rely on i»^ oat first-class m e^^ jtwetingthatlxnayj^ ihlrjahpaoi the public ?»*«»«• 7 -I remain, _. Hf^- Faithfully ycg^pj WILL ST^" MawhWtU*?; cattle in ' •^•i*^ ,. • i »*»C??;V* 3 jt meetii i;-was held in jcia Tuesday ""^^-^mndaoee of min ^£Mi^ eomprises ^0iB8teii8, vi«â€" Marl B Dandalk, Eugenia. ' », Holland Centre ^j^ Itttiie after-m waa held in the inter redetation when the j to tbia dietriet was di ^tbe appomtmeDts. In jT g pablic meetinfj was "^Bev. T. M. Campbell, chai na Sound district, and Eev acKvered able and instr g^ the former on the li u-iiity and education com agliiy to thegreatest human 1 y gad usefulness, while th( bliinedfuHy and forcibly the of College Federation, jjjjjg was large^iiattended, DM a highly iniriligent an _j|Te one, and die amount i rjfliia distnct *o; raise is h^ sabstffted#ready. QtmfeaHiurst 1m Ashes |a firebroke out in Mowry's fot »Tenhnrst about 1 o'clock on uog last wliich spread and 1 building to building until r boars the entire business p » town lay m ashes. The bnilt up chiefly of w jctores, and the weather beii: fmely dry, a stiff wind blowini tie or no appliaaces in the sha I extinguishers, the most ci jld do was to save their i[bty-three buildings were dest; ^mg forty-three families hon nyoftbem destitute. iBerideB business places and lees, e Public School, E Bureh, Banner printing office rooms of ,the A. 0. U ilowB,(Foresters, Sons of Sci lUasons were consumed, oommittee has been ' crgi pd donations may be seiil to ' chairman, or J. E. and treasurer of the V in ab Repairing, fainting and Trimming promptly attentiel^^J^^ikti, Ihrowned in Toronto, [Diree ferry steamers, which c MiuigerBfrom Torento acres py to the i^cnltnral grounds Industrial Exhibition, colid inq^ of the 18th Sept. and inigbt a man had been drowne llMitthat a hat was picked owner could be found. S I later it was learned that opbeii, son of Quentin Cam ner near Durham, was l. tlttviiig returned home aft IjUTOon. The old gentleman " to Toronto, and had the bay loalVgay last, and in a* "Tfrnaajthe body which he â- Tfied. He was- a res in*n 29 years of age. T ibroBghthome on Baturdi ?*»ment. It is indeed for the family. CIjIPPings. ^^kdale "itoidard coi iJH*^®" last week. *^;P5P« Md is evident *8'â€" Caombury News. «» lUBfkdale Standard, a •^5 enterprising journ ,S»P^ its seventh y( U uSr«^°*y toward M • iCr*^' patronized.-^ While Mr. H. 2»»Bpeeding his horse S'onndB last wc m. il^ •otone with ^* Mr. U between • out on the foreh« â- •paired five sti J may lofheart.â€" fFll QtiDt tdegraJ