Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Sep 1887, p. 4

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 â- pliQ â- IP â- -^â- : 3^n?^ â-  ui ii rri â- t-ir f! %i M\ 'ti^V," iji â-  \\\ .^' 6'^! ..f|; f-: %^ â-  \\ n f g ' tfTcH^flt 5jtti»'t«Mji ^drt? fK.'-dM"lei 4^1 r»9 '•^ -i.t3 â-  .^^^^-^^'X*.. -Tt*« (mavftbafe ^^Attftot^. O. "W. BuUadgB, Fropcietor. MAEKDALE, SEPT. 22. 1887 THE SOOTT ACT. The Scott Act i3 likely to be voted on in Grey County in the near fatare, and while oar personal practice has always been total abstinence from in toxicants, and oar sympathies, with «ociai and moral reformers, yet it becomes our daty to judge wisely and not allow onr better judgement to be overruled by sentiment or feeling. There are many tern perance people who have an idea that their work is complete when a by-law is passed bringing the Act into force, while the work has only just then commenced. Several counties have had a trial of the Act, and learned by bitter experi- ence that the enemies of prohibition are numerous, unscrupulous, yea urillmg too stoop to an unlimited degree- of rascaUty and crmie in order to de- feat the purposes of the Act, while the majority of temperance people are not willing to make any sacrifice to aid in its enforcement, and those who are, 8u£fer severe damage and loss of property for doing their duty. Grey is now almost surrounded by Scott Act coanties who are preparing to yote on the repeal of the Act, and when we have waited to long, We would favor leaving the matter m abeyance until the result of this repeal vote is known. Should those counties who have had -a trial of the Scott Act giye a majority against its continuation, there would be little use in submitting it in Grey, while on the other hand if the Act is ^ustaiued, then will be the time for a vote. aiul mtetey, • podt «id eoM, tlMikill and eapaoty for im- proTmiMt • lif ^i?h #|pnv iilvdaiit •videoM every 7Ml3r,Wt ln(»e proad oftbe Bobtiety, t^e good order, the perfect peace and propriety, which bear testimony to to the high moral eultnre of the people of Gaaada/ ' 'j:^-y:i. ir OUR GREAT EXHIBITION. Globe, Sepxembeb 17th. We are not surprised to learn that some prominent Englishmen wlio visited Toronto Fair this week were loud in their expressions of surprise and admiration, and declared that it was the best annual fair held in any part of the world. This declaration was by no means extra vajsjant. It need not be said that a greater show of machinery and a larger, though not a more varied show of agriculloral implements coald be got up in Great Bntam that a greater number of high-bred animals and a much larger and more varied show of mannfaotarea coald be made there, and as fine a dis- play of some agricultural products -But, as a matter of fact, no such ex- liibitionB of choice cattle, fine hOTses, machmery. agricultural implements and manTifactur«s are made any- where an the country, and no exhibi- tion regularly made in anyof thecitie^ of the United States is quite equal in all respects to ours. Nor are Ameri- can Exhibitions attended by such multitudes year after year. .The great success of the Toronto Annual NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" Thnxsday, November 17th, haslbeen selected as Thanksgiving day for the Dominiim. -i-Mr. Bochon, Liberal, was elected for Ottawa Ckanty last week by fourteen hundred majority. â€" ^Mr. T^^. Eough of Owen Sound took a number of prizes at the Toronto In* di^tzial for his thoroi^hbred Galloways. â€" The Brantford Bow park Herd has been awarded the prize of 9500 for the beef herd at Minnesota State Fair held at St. Paul, Min., ISst week. â€" Bills itiBued by the defunct)Bank of London will be redeemed at par on and after the 1st October. â€" The Ilhnois ijupreme Court has confirmed the judgment of the Court below in the case of the Chicago Anarchists, who must therefore hang on November 11th. â€" The Intercolonial railway author- ities have set a good example to the other Canadian lines. They have made all return tickets rated in future for thirty days instead of from three to ten days as formerly. â€"The Toronto Exhibition which closed last week, was the most succss- ful ever yet held in the city. The total gate receipts were $52,061,45 an increase of $11,154,01 over last year, while it is estimated that the total receipts from all sources will fool up to $72,000. â€" It is stated that all the lots on which the Dominion Government bases its application for an injunction against the Bed Biver Valley railway, are owned and actually Occupied by squatters. At ameetingof prominent cittizens in Winnipeg on Saturday, it was decided to^lorm an Anti-Disallow- anoe Association. â€"A wealUiy English lady exported at her own expense a family of deaf mutes to Hamilton and left them to shift for themselves. The poor people could not find work and became in- mates of the House of Befuage. Alter a brief sojourn there th^ were for- warded to Montreal, where their ex- periences a^e not less painful than they were in Hamilton. The philan- thropists m England entertain re- markably orude ideas with respect to the class of workers' required in Canada. We want farmers with capital. Persons m other walks of life who areaot prospering in Bnn^and should not be sent here. We hsva clerks and artisans galore and ths pour are always with as. m* to- tx«i: ^^i â- if i! A Desperado at the 800. A PaxsoNEB WHOSK Captubs Tazbo THX STBBHOXfl OT IBS FouOM FoBOB. IsBFBiuM*, Mich.. Sept.- IT.â€"Biliy McLean, pugilist and desperado, broke Exhibition is due in the first place to f " ** ^** ^^^ on Sept, S. A re- large staff of liazi^s aie bnsy knocjiixg pff tM* lids ofPuge Oases and. Bales of Iry G'oods Dim^ Importations (^ New Frenob aaid Eng- lish Dress Goods. New Satin Marvel- lean?: .Gro-Grane^ and Pongee Silks, f New ECLECmc, DenteUe, NoTivelte, Plnsh, Silk and Beaded Trimmings to match Dress Goods. 100 Velvet Fancy Plaid and heavy Wool Shawls. One case choice new Mantles a great bar- gain. 757J yds. Gray Flannel 28 inches wide 18c. Black Cashmeres fast Dye 30, 36, 40, 50 cents np. 75 Boxes iLadies' and Children's Black Cash- mere Gloves, and Hosi- ary VEBY CHEAP. Abig job in Ladies' Corsets part of a Mann- facttirers direct stock bought at 50 cts. on the doUar. Millinery and Novel- ties in Fancy Goods arriving daily. 7 Cases Xiadies' Fine Boots from $1 np. 14 Cases Men's Liong Boots. 10 Cases Boy's Xjong Boots. 25 Cases assorted Bnbbers, Felt Boots, Slippers, and childrens ware. A great bargain in Gent's Ti0s and Silk 1 •.; W»Vi ^:. lit in- ..-.f. ;vW.j^j:;'L.*-..^- â-  H^.u Ijn-ll â- â-  ?; • jt^ ' ' " |;,^^|^f^fn a^i wm \\\ ,^. ,aphs at Jackson's G-pjaery, -^X-' Cards, Tintypes; any size on ymi Mflsti as good as City work. F^itMEItS'-^ATTENTlOK: H i* Jackson sells the celebrated WILKIN' and FLEUKY Plow, also the renowned WoilSl CHATHAM-:-FANNING.:-Muj ' WM. JACESOl I MPORTAIT 'B TO all users of Machine Oils, don't forgettol on E. S. MABEE, Sign of the Cross^ Saw, Markdale, and ask for the| CASTOI OIL, it is unequalled by any.| WATER WHITE OIL, is equal to American for brillance of lig Empire Oil Co., A Befiners Manufacturer's, 349-75 London and Tor MAf^KDALE J„ Having erected and fitted np in every detail a Sasli, Door and Fliii| tory, containing; all the latest and most approved machinery, w being new, I am now prepared to tnm oQt Sasb, Doors, BMs, Monldings, HoUov Bat FRAMES, UTH, FENCE PICKHS. Sc, And everything needed in the bnilding trade, in a manner eeeond toi Canada, and ^haying engaged saperior meehanics in eyeiy l~" would now respecttnlly solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promp PINE LUMBERDressed and Undr( Direct from Nortii Shore, all Biies. on hand. Plain and Fancy Tan Canful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 808 THOS. McNJ MARKDALE GARRIAE the patriotic zeal and energy of the managere, to their skill and rare ability in compreheuding and satisfy- ing the pnblio wauts and wishes. It is doe, in the second place, to the push and enterprise and mechanical sJdU ofoor manufactarers and artisans, who every year make marked im- provement in their prodacts, and to tlie intelligence and industry of many of oar farmers, who strive constantly and steadily to grow better crops and to improve then: methods of industry -and their breeds of cattle. It is due also in a large d^e iothe enthnsiasm with which the p«opIe of Toronto and the wh(^ sunonndu^ oonntryre^ond to the labon nd eflEbets of those who ftenetoiuiy devote so modi time md f^ter to ibe geituigiip tf fiw E^Os. â€" tioD, of lAiflb • who take pari in it :i ward (tf $860 was offered for his cap tore, fle fled to Cooks Mills anc| from there escapeil to Canada, at SiBDlft Ste. Marie, by a row bo4t this week; Lart night he visited saloon at the American Saalt and wa« met b Sheriff MeKensie, who attempted to arrest him. Ibe sheriff was badly cnt and kicked. Officers Frickes and Ellis came to his assistance, and after a desperafe straggle MoEean was jim- ed at midni^t. Before morning he brok»Jus handea£b. hn^ the iron venffl^ pipe in the cell and dng ont of jiilU% B^^^ruo^^4lB«d«glttn by a party toA hgnSf inmed. fiBs re- MBtenw wafslsiperste and tte Banlt Bte, Mario nd^efime and the aheriff are incapaeiiiltafromAity. IfdW is toie takaH ilo St^ l^aoo is iron fortnaL ^/ :. at bottom flgttrea' ^^ In fact my large store :* is r crowded fepm 4jie cel).errap with, cboice new y^ gopds bought for Qadi in tlie best market of th6 World a^dJ'w*a|J|^^ at B. MoNALLY :â€" Would hereby ftnnoonce to tto of Markdale and tiie public generally that I have moved into t"*!^^^ shop opposite the Mivkdale House, where I will manofactare ever;^ in the wa^on and carriage line, and having Umg experience i^^' ^.. and by using first elass material, I can guarantee satibfaction to "" who wiOl favor me witii their order. Repainng, Painting and Trimming promptly attend edj^ A call respectfully solie^od, The ieiloiiiBg list is as eom^ate as we ean proenxe up to date Dominion and Indnstnal, Toconto, ^ep. 5-17 W IfSf' â- X â- - â- * 3 Western Loudon Genttal, Onelph Stayner braogeville OihBaSBIAi, MAHKDATiR. Boat Gtey, FledMMon QrjMEt Ceotfal, ffainlWon QQBat Karthe)3i, CoUingWDOcI; Henlb^nf Dnrbam itea' â- â- ' ;â-  • .-"'â- . ibdbaiiie' â- ^f^.A?'-i^i-^'^,^^' Cantnl ffimooe, Banie Norihacn, WaUnBtjiik ~T" â- O*,.; Sep. ao-sa Sep. 81-28 Sep. ai-'28 SEPT. 90-21 8epl'3S-29 Se^.se-so ;^. 27-80 p.i2t-88 Oet.8-4 Get 4-5 0et45 Oflt4-7 Cot 4-7 Oet5-6 dot 6-7 ^\ â- a 1rW- rri al Ad|4 f NOTICI the yfSif^ ° MMkdale m the v^ Notiaais hewbJ gi^n »» named Jolin WiUiams Fwd"" assicmnent to me for the Ranow, hiTSeditoniBnder 4S V.cton* and amaodmentB thereto and » bia eraditoi* wiU be held »t^^ Boose in tbe TiUage «[M»'S7 •» « the Snd day o( Septembar 1*^^ in th* aftanoon iox ti^.^T^^ jeniMe to the disposal o* *K*rV iJl «rediten are requertw daima with me pnr8?^*JL» •• Tarified by aJKdavit with v)0»- .tienlats fortiiarith. Drtad at Markdflte thi* August 18f7. vjJ "ELi a yiwk *o fr»*8 h( irhalfftW***""**'" i Monday moroing last tl J^oho,CoUmS, attliesoi -jllajje, were aroused of a dog. and awoken Ptte bouse |tiil»"?«^- ^} m^ l»bla«' »nd it was h i»aetaaM»»ny °' ?® hTbaek'of the boose, but lief tb6 most valuable cor Bwsji BO alarm given Bis ftw*y *o New Xork, lienB; DO ««tem^ was -aue the fire, and the you led what thpy eould. bl I oootents were insured.- fthNews.* -Port Hope Times reporti j accident on lot 80, con. 4. to Township.. The victin ig mf^n named H^nry F. jnty.thiee years of age. 1 mounted the machine, a1 [Uon ©fths day's threshing. I scattered grain into the J n g bis foot he stepped d oylioder. It's iron teeth iwed the limb, from foot Ijhreds. The machine wai Istopped and the poor yoai Vried to tbe house. There [ifl intense agony from on Bofa to tho other. P ts sent ior to Oobourg, but ved bis sufferings at about o'clock that night. Th ^p did not bleed much,.th vnag contracted. Ho co loBt of the pain he felt in ftbe leg that was gone. DISTKICT DOIS E. Jimby, foBnerly teacher Public School, and fiiree years acted at in Owen Sonne d1, has been presented bj a hansonra writing-dea Mr. Jimby enters tl Cession. |8helbnrne has spent (15,00 this summer. -â- . [South Grey ^Feadhers' Assoc i in Durham on the 29th |]Ga8 Ida Jay, of Andrews stc f left last week for San I visit her sister. ia Fall Show will 1 on the list October. RGan^beU of Bayi itoajpair of boys recei 1 the scales ot 21 lbs at E. J. Irwin, proprietor of OrangeviUe, sports a lidd Montana mustangs, [the following birth notio 'ttie Toronto papers: "0 ' i^SUNiagaza street, sle ot a sonâ€" this r«f thirty childran. A Sm«te tor ttle Iron w a Mamik Cslkb OwaiHo or thb Haw B ' having i f^fffor n jQjpEB OE w^im OB VtxmfJC ^^"fl^^M

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