'.â- â- --tf" "^^S^ â- ^p^^p ^IS" mW^^^: be noae,,4gM|^ w is the « â- ifying Megyu^y J DruggJatgao-j, onnd Ha heir twenti^^L 2l8t and ^ni^ :.ure for sn^S'Si^ ack.anditcareSuSIl' ^- Grant, MooJgJ^ ' million boshelg of*^- ed from Chicago S^J season. .^i â€" " ha I could not e«t^^ Blood BitterTbeLt' SifeTiS^*pp2K" rful what that obeiwS' • ites Arthur AUS.^^ koka, ^vho suffeiS L Button.â€" A lady of lition asked a tramp jT, assist him by mentfin. h Yes, madam," he repSl^ ton. and if yon conld m ' it you would greatfy ob le any more nanseoBa » has Pills Salts ftc,whM^ r. Carson's Stomach Bit that moves the Bowefca bs all .impurities ftom" rendering the Blood bold by all Dmgf^ ra. Hen, priest of pahuiafey, ie with the hand ghnt y opens. ItistUsoworthi exchange, that yoa c*,, with the hand open, ft jJ shuts. 's Sulphur Boap ip a ehttt i of obtaining the i. rialm« " bath. ^^ ars ago a dokstor visited His instructions were get a plaster on her child started up and 6 all got a chest bat me; I 'bandbox." ised Dr. Fowler's Extract i berry, and found it the 1 for dysentery and "illso among children, and I â€" .,- jld should be withont tt/j iier, Ingoldsbay, Ont. Id lady got out of a crow^ be other day, exc t's a relief anyhow." To] IriTer, eying her ample pn plied, "So the 'osses s-G DuTT. â€" "I feel it n^ tes John Burton, of Burdock Blood Bitters [iyer complaint, from whichl n a chronic sufferer. Herj painful symptoms Boosl •.nd I can highly recommesu e to all suffering as she did." aume Economist is fiye] IS every prospect of Smith, the proprietor uonej ewspaper men, and des8rv**| which he has had- OETH BeSIEMBEBANCB. â€" Ml. ie, of Toronto, states tW ay when three months wdtl with summer complioM loctor's treatment ha li"*] 3d of. Four doses rf^v ild Strawberry cured W it and hearty. sheep are being shiw*^] pulin this season. I'm *f something new from »n»H CHANGE.â€"" had g?*^] spepsia that I hardly titfl ved or not," says FraMl*- he Toronto Globe OT» s of Burdock Blood ^«" nd he says, "it nim """' of an accident, dvJo^ 'I or instance,â€" what *^j liile waiting for t*«J*" VeU," replied tte doeb* best thing to be dmnflj" y ready for him*" ON YOUB GUARD. a cold in the bpaA »^J^ I into CatarA, when f*^ s. by using Dr. Cha»« •*2^ r appIiutiona core "^g^ I boxes onrea ordiB»rT 2bS guaranteed to coi* ^f^ it. Only 250. aad W^J^ figists. iMk. was visited by btffP^I^ ast and after btowi l^ lar proof safe andjfg town generallVt 'â- ^^^ The Th«nbory «^ fcheywiUgiTeft* "" ;in9- â€" Niiio "•'f 4M IT inatod Catak otedoc ofH L NaMi ' •*«' «;ij^i siuifii «d^h i« miiTift HTH YEAR.-N"o. S0t«.i AT BLL'S koTED JeWELEKY StOBE, [eshkrtoist, fuondthe moet complete stock Les. Clocks. Jewelery, Silver- iSpex, c., in this part of the find see tbose watcbes tbey are j{ $12.00 bearing warrants and a half years, while other asking $15.00 for the jrticle. P. S- Bartlett, 3 oz. fier case for §1G.00 while they LiiiDg elsewhere for $17.50. iJealers cannot compete with tliey know it. We cannot ijiem being annoyed at onr low prices we must give Igblic the beneSt of our close ' Just Hote a few prices. tjiickle Alarm Clock for actaally |iOO bearing a warrant for two Yoar choice of over 20 fine Ichains for only $1.60; Just fit. Fine walnat clocks from lopvard. Brooches, Ear-Bings, L'Cbains, Cuff-Battons, Scarf- It equally low prices. Lmber il yon want your "Watch jek repaired properly by a work- basseU's is the only place. }der8 by mail piromptly at- tended to at Ill's Noted Jewelry Store, FLESHERTON. blidOtlier Items. s in these â- columns intended to benefit linrfua! or Society will be charged ten 1 line for the first insertion and five the each svlbseqttent insertion. JIC£.â€" Correspondence, comntunteo- mertifemeTtts, dc,, mu»t be in thi* 1 mn OR Tuesay to insure ptAUeatkm JFiGEs is doNTO from the "Soo."j tiip W. J. McFarland's new adv. I'tJailtobeof jterest. i.McDoDG4LLisdown from Fort iUE is becoming noted for its 5ne brick residences. ^liatthe Press say abnt Mr. »tson, who will lecture in Mark- 4etth October. ^y Agricultural Society will 9w thanks for Press ladge. ^Esliibition takes place m Dorham •^'Sh and 28th September. AaiUY's Wiad Mill was very Jytommented on at the Toronto He sold the one he had On **f »a rm^'j^imikt i^« matmt m* v»4i Mini II i t iii i i l I r l i m ntmi^m^i^mmKm a i':-:r. ._r/\ ,»:♦« iS'WfT rta MiliXi jy «»«i!fq«i» l«? Tat? »ai« m irt^^i J.'tft *iw 1«- „, '*?.^':v '^- "'"' "â- â- - '--^ -;-•.'"' '"" "-•'" JvT TSm I .!. I i'lii I ... It III "1' J»,»i-ft fjs' ^•kh'yfâ- %.C' AM 3j»UIk» MiiliE»'-Q3ST:» Htapi^pjgMsir ?2^:'^^ »;*-?- iil*- »«« 'P*' '•^a is a genius, We in the peerlees and exposition of all ilie world wants more like **on Herald. J'^?°™erist and Orater will .r' and mformation for 1 any lecturer on the pqblift are in very good con- 7*^*luchisin a daofieroas l*^^^"!?!? """ '«» Fort KtJZ^'*^*^- He is on Ma Toronto *o stock up for the "atsoa the Humor- ^ink on Tuesday Oct. L*"*a.ZS^°^' *^ "• •Jw^^**^8» in » ^i^Tj^"^otyetableto h,a^j|â„¢8. at Drayton. her â- bte FjMf to seU «r w^-^ee aat; and apply to Wnu Norton, Walt^s'frj'aU. Dow Ifiss^. e. Andei^kiB's adr. hi this paper, ^gmethhotf mtucfw^ing. aad profitaUeiot^ie pnbUk i^ -r V Sas B. L.„i5tephea'8 change of adv. Diok never speaks but wha* he sayi aometbing. Tbh Good Templets of this viuaf^ are making rapid advancement in members. "Mr Watscm's teetare tin tiiie allure- ments and proper amusem^ts of young men is worth a Imndred doUan to ai^ yotmg man."^Torooto Globe. CuBosmr.â€" A stem ait an apple tree vrith a matured apple uid a bloseom on the same stem ifras taken froin the orchard of John Griftth, Collingwood towjuhipr last vreek. There was other blossoms on the same tree «;t the tune. Nbw Post OFnoB-^Erskiiie is the name Off a new post ofSce which was opened the first of September (m tiie 9th con. Euphrasia, with John McKeen, as Post Master. The mail u forwarded from Markdale twice a week, Wednes- day and Saturday. Mb. Wnx. 8. O'Bbibk of Artemesia sold recently to Mr. Marsh, cattle deale' of Thombury, a paur of ateers which turned tiie scales at 40,066 lbs. That's the class of cattle it pays to raise. "Present society bus inmished hun with mateials; a patient and accurate observatioh has gathered them feeling, taste and humor have combined them, Sind told in: an unaffected simplicty which lends a double enchantment to all he say^"â€" Chicago Tribune. "The man who foists no 'clap trap' upon his audience!, but who makes such authors as Diid^ns, Burns, Lover, Thackery, Maoaulay, Emerson and Shakespeare live again who sharpens the appetite for the best literature, de- serves the respect of all people of cul- ture." â€" ^Montreal Herald. The Printing Committee of the County Council last January recom- mended the chairman of said committee to ask for tenders for the county printing (md advertising, yet, as far as we can learn, no printer outside Owen Sound has been asked for such tenders. There's a screw loose some where. Chuech Opening. â€" The opening serv- ices of Temple Hill chtuch, 9th line Euph- rasia will be held on Sunday the 9th October, atll a. m. and 4 p. m. Bev. ProL McLaren, D. D., of Knox College, Toronto, will conduct both services. A Soiree will be held in the church on Monday evening, 10th. when addresses will be given byvsnoufi clergymen, also choir music. Tea served at 6:80 in the basement. Admission 25 cents.! :. Tmt HoixsEKsspsB for October f^ contaiii.a fall account of the wedding of the manageress of that paper, in the Minn^a^jolis, Minn., Exposition, on the eyenmffof September 28, together with accmate description and Sluistir^tions of the partici|ants' wic4duig dr^fscs and presents.! A copy of this- issue %ill be mailed free to any of our' lady ' "readers sendmg theu: itddress The Buckeye Pub. Co ., afin»ieap9BB, MUia. Mak Tbap.â€" On i^ei^ikj the 14th b*t,IIeftbpin9iathe»{t«Moen to fv to Hollaod Ctttre {prist milli paasfaiR over tbe abridge ai Kimi* iHMaiHem'f Xiske I found it in apparent good apd safe cobdiiion Ontay retdW ai}Oni it t*olock I found 1^ portion ol the lifted up by some malicious maksBcan ope^ng suffident to destruction to life and property. Stwh deeds tax the pnbHc M^-ttay does A«Jt speak weU Jbf j^pam^i^ ^m^i lrBenaway.. jj^-.da^«' '^^ to«t alhm a cold m A^ ^*lJr!S iitd iiil^ nm into ^^*uA,]nm,J"\^ ih«ai»«nttof 3 2s: 1Qi^, B17Ti;4|pJff3Bi-;ii*6jprte^ 3S a ȣ'»_ OuK rejected man IGt. R. S. Bae, Xtijftuc. has tdom an imj^brtant step forward» and.aibw keeps a Sbi.ect stock of Tgw ^WK, ]^li, Scotch and Oaiwdi«r)I!«eed»wUiA for quality and style ace ni* equUed m the district also overcoatings uid a full line of Gaits FurnishuigB. Mr. liUe's shop is very conveniently sttnated, op- posite the postoflce, and thiMexeqitb^ng a real good article in the above linea will consult theur best jatemts by giv^ higlin a call. Ths lost ftoid watch advactisiBd last week in the STAimABD has fomid iU owner, or rather its owner has found it. Mrs. Boss, of Owen Sound lost a fine gold watch, chain and lockak on Friday the 9th Sept. near Cftledon Station, while on her- way to Toronto. George Morwood, a young man ct Euphrasia, found the watch, and onhisretum home the following week advertised it as above, thus finding the rightful owner who was more thsa.pldaqod to recover her property, whidi die yahied much higher than its intrinsic vrorth owing to ties of friendship connected therewith. Trx Financial District meeting of the Markdale District will be held in. the Methodist church Markdale on Tnesday the 87th commendug at 10 o'dock at 2:80 p. m* a convention of ministers and delegates will be held in the interest of Colledge Federation, when the amount allotted to the district will be distribut- ed among the circuits. A public meeting will be held in tiie evening at 7:80 when addresses on the question of Collette Federation will be delivered by James Mills Esq., Principal of the Ontario Agricultural college, Ouelph, and the Bev. Dr. Potts of Toronto, Secretary of Education. Th£ following letter we ^dced np be. tween the post office and tiie Standard office last Mondav night, and gave it just as it was written. We do not wish togive:hames publioiy but the epistle is really too good to keep. It strongly suggests the need of a spelling school perhaps it was intended or the prize competition â€" mark^btil September thll dere maiy jane i take the liberte ta send a a few lines az a tocken ov esteam wich i ar far a i kant Kam 2 o n az ofn az id like bat am alwaze thinkin ov u az i dont b lounsam an i ope this'l find a the same i had a funny dream lass nite i dreamt we wax marrid an we waz both terrible glad uid pleazed but a bet i wnz disa pointed when i wok to me cencea to find the appe day adnt com Aere mare an i avent time tu rite ane more bat will cee you before mane weaks if im spard rite smie mi let me now how yoa r and all the naze youre cinoere lover Mb. J B. Watsoh of Toronto, one of the most pleasing and entertaining plat- form speakers of Canada, has consented to give oae of his popular lectures en- titled "Bofltety unmasked or houses without fronts' in the 'BfiTiex. Bink, Markdale under tiie au^ces of the Markdale Brass Band, on Tuesday eve- :ning the fourth of October next. In conn««ctioB vrith this we might say that public leotnres are beccMooing more popular every yeair, the jnibUc 'seeming to appjieciate the fact that by sudi means knowledge tt more easily ^gaaed thah-bardry haid^ tea^ng, 4nd *t ^b sametaJiDe longer r^Mucd* ..â- I^^Cin HMl that we can hear «( Mi. cTfatasn and from the fiatteringpBesB eomments Ke has ieceived,the; citLsens of MaAdalc are under 4 consineiBbfo tkitSi of grati- tude to the band Ux having secured •^fiiem the privily of q»eiidiiq( aii eve- ning listening to, snch a rare Utensry treat*...-: '=-â- .. II- ir i' â- â- â- 'â- '"â- " «'• \\ Tlia 8*jamiB» is half a day lateiluf^ weekin cif^te give pc^ lialb" F(tt aauBs and crosa-ostt smts,. Hahee has theoi from the best mannfaotorto America., "' To taan.â€"A fonn one and a bidf milespram Mandate. 7ff acres cleared witii frame, barn and log- hoose, well watered, good oi«dutrdo( 7D tress besar- ing. Apply to Ank Boyd. Mickdakk ., Bdt your fruit born M^t01em«il where yon ^n get it^fieesh «id cheap, TiMWABB ajnll stock ftram ix to fatx also full line in general Hardware to hP had at low doim .^ices, ficonn' Maboe, the Hardware. Ton arealways sure to get suited ia Teas if you go to J. G. Anderson's, 'ity our 26 cent tea. To Bknt. â€" ^Honse and staUe on Sydenham St. opposite McNally's carriage shop; Apply to F. J. Bitehia at the woollen mill. Tbb Stakdabd. to any address the balance of this year tot twenty-five centb. Yon should see J. G. Anderson's 28 and 26 cent all wool flannels. Tfeeyare greatyalue. '• Aix kinds of bisciiits at Mrs. Clement's fresh and cheap. CuoABsI CioABctl Lovers of a good Havani^ cigar will find that Bensbn has the finest c^ax in town, sold by th^ box. AI.WAYS buy your dress goods from J. G. Anderson, wh^e you are sure to get suited every time. ' t^citiool Bool£es.â€" A new supply' of all the authorized textbooks for common f^chools at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. PBonie and all kinds of pietoree taken by S Jackson, the Markdale photographer, m the ' finest style of the ait. Try him and be con- vinced. MARKRAT.ff Markets. â€" Fall wheat 70 to 75 cents spring wheat 70 to 76 barley 46 to 66; peas 50 oats 27 butter 14 to 16; eggs 13; potatoes 60 per hag; hay 7.00; plums 60 to 160. J im s i/K*-'!-' Si' iL.«: \- "lT-:-WILL--PAY" to see my exhibit and^. get my prices, for.' ' â€" *- AMEfilCAN WATCHESr DON'T let that cold of yonrs ran on. Yoa think it is a light thing. Batitmayranintooatairit. Or into pneumonia. Or ooxunmption. Catarrh is disinistiiig. Pneamonia is dangeroaa. 'onsomption is death itself. The breathing aparatua moat be kept healthy and eleai- of all obatrootions and offensive matter. Otherwise there is trouble ahead. All the diBeassB of these parts, bead, nose, throat, bronchial tabes and lungs, can be de ligbfolly and entirely cored by the Use of ikMohee's German Syrap. If you don't know thia already, thoosands and thooaands of pecqile ean tell yoa. They have been fluredby it,snd'kn6wbow it is. themadves.' Bottle only 75 cents. Aak any druggist,. CLOCKS, JEWELLERY^ c., at the Glenelg.. East Grey, Holland Centre and Priceville Fairs.' \:"^-\;/'::'f â€" ^Walt Foi^ â€" THEPEOPLE'S JEWELLER, MARKDALE. ^^ â€" ALSOâ€" AGEIVT FOR. BUSINESS L03At^ Mf- CttB best and oheapesttas^rftw*^ tt to be found at J. Aaderson's, ' ^; CoiiiwaABMWWMewartheStsimsmp oBoe torehi. Cto be kept warm bgr dram finm sl»ve bdbw. pAmina waattef sC Ifm jAmili far the 1^ MS, ^^lai. W. AbiNN^yi^^M^ iO z o I P5 si " spl Ik 1 •2, i O O i S B â€" • «j » O 8^ S ' ti "S 'ft P*»A •• g* •9 a 4 ^2} oo 00 â- « • luDXBs OatT.'-Ihs cannpttxiSRl Is t0#"t MBdsrad nadj^itity ty Fimties. Vmlm*" irndTeUbwaen. Theseitis wdlkam^w eMMiftem sa insetfve LfrsTllBd fcM MMi' Sr.CihasS's Livw doe pokffies die liMi Mi flss Bssi^rBwikteliiM i i ' â- â- " t' :fi: 1-. I •-SfrSSJ,- â- ii sss ., -i'Mis,'?, -*siiit A '"^laJ i -i x?f.t«» » 1?*^ ~^^^^ -^I*' â- ..0i»4. ,;^M.-^-^ -â- *l