Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Sep 1887, p. 3

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 i!^%jW-^?^^^'^?1^5^««B?'?^^"^?^^^ lotive (taanchect eap lost Qt hold Icent decree of igners in â- lared that tho*i^*Wfi â- rent Ra««iinnS3- **^^ lieavy special tax, lis no doubt that thi. 1 f"Pecially at ftT' J who have aettleirn.' hich bordeTS lu 1 eapeciaUy in that i 3*ltic ProvinceT ' llatioM between" th,t 1 Central and Eiurte,?^! Mid in vi.wjE2l5!1 ire very intereitt/"" [close alliance and^^-**! Tetween thereic 63. Th»8lia« • tie. of ldn.hip. ;«iu£:2« that for pubfic^S^' should be friend r««ent German the present Czar should be friendly to St** I Present d^^^ Emi4^ *^ „ '^/iar nfi tâ€" â-  r I |scuM)ther w«i»G«r«S^ not a little intimi^J^ g- long time betlj^' other handprobably ao.*-^ .th«;tJanaretheGenli;i! Their mutual didikTT* J hundred ways. The C Jtant, the other helo«! fhurch. TheGennaSiy rking and sober; the RbL, mdoltot, and intemperMT other. They stand »i^ ' led to the teeth. EaohiM penor power in Europe, wS^^ rward to a war in whiih tW [ed upon opposite sides. presence of so many Gcnnail 8 a constant source of init the officials, high and low in I mans. There are Gennin ilitary staff; German profe in the universities andgymnifl iwd, pushing German merchuhl lussian cities. â-  late Czar, Alexander IL,inii Germans, and had rather G issian traits and tastes. Bku man; and he himself received il his education in Germany. Itu lis reign that the Germwu went] mbers into Kussia, and took n responsible positions m tbe i 1 service, and the schools. resent Czar and his adviaen, not like to have so many G«ii a. They know that, in case of » i nans who are n6w the leaden of I i^ and commerce in Western Ru ir swarms of German workmen.^, to their own country, and enter i army. re should be war between asia, these men would return to there t-l^ey are now peacefnilywo Sght the Russians, and perhifi|l • for their own their former reodq leoree which has been spoken of ' 83 have the effect of driving nta most, of the Germans from the â-  Dern Russia. It will certanily ^^ ;her result of embittering still i ing of the two peoples against A Pig Offends the Czar. tty clown, by name Durow, hiijj mpelled to leave St. Petersbnig r g jokes too far. He was giving i[ ;e with a pig trained to varions fa man's command the anittd tMkJ e ground a number of Busaiu ig imperials and small silver i joins. When, however, some Mi ere thrown down, the pigwfnijij :m up, even though whipped. ent was caused by this di» and it was intensified asawicet s fiallery to the clown, " Ytj^i the Finance Minister could'Bot' !r rouble in four months, ho* ' ict a pig to do it " Though a fa* Peters i)urg audieBcee the d**3 ruers to leave the city the follo*^ • is your son to-day " asked •! roker. "Very bad," rs^ itleman, striving to ?*?S?2-'i features "very bad, â„¢^*'~l ot give ten per ceflt. for his en"" 3W who is consi dered *9JLj„^ r day of the many ioventwi* ' :n made by the present ly wound up with, " Fprj ivery generation growy^ ny father, he knoir!d •b***" her^ and I believe 1 ;rdid." 'My deaf sir" ;r, " \Vbat a fool ]{«»•: re been." •gyman sought to lead » ' hildren to see that the ' a was a mark of distinct idual eeisily reJ6ghiz*^ msiWlities, «**oai«»*\.. eract, dressed in .»a^"'*^j lo is he " " A soldia^MT- w j a Tnan wearing ^^^'*^J'ikt isedin blueâ€" who ifs^t^ ' sir." " Rigi^* aga^r, braced hitnseft «*P " You see a â„¢*°.- u at and wearing s,t**I5! i he?" " â„¢***';^«A' iddic Maruanyiie lis»-f Xew York Times an figure in Printing-Hou»e^,i r height. b«r .thi»|»e3?f **^,^fJ centricity of Jier^ Lttention. Those' r^ H^a* ' m her busini^sB sP**^?iJ2^ ^n^ng, wi4 feiBin*M»^L 3r vocationâ€" fhe """'iM •ticulars for a woMMfy K:*» da»iratfon •»*f*^L •gan has hepo baU*»«Jp5»J and for tfrriais^fi^ .*• fi^heei; ^IfettiBgi^ |]^.tl^*4ilMk.' tars at.«U.^f^ irgestTOom m^ ^^ plunge bath. ' H ***i Mias Morgaii(^^ sister Jane, wb»»^ .31^ tir .etflyJ^'SstSl hovering- 1'eSw and the sun .tiU/ '.^JTwoodstotheeastof •^'^.iftT farm, still there were i pf^ill her pale, carewona fj^'t^ubled mind within whic hjs^al- ^j^me with the prohllii^ "' 'TS" woman's hands », •"• Mtftween mommg andliii '^â- "IhE husband are a Uttkyi ""JS time, and added trfti S^'ifi cares of farm life i«. heavily upon their hearts. 38fF' togMharin OTMraodthe told the oom- ^^ .„,_ to be yfolent and mnacle to a^e^e cropTi^it »»«*- ^â- ?'***^ between the We ele- " """" â- **'" " " i^ field witli .- theJf%iaQt hay.: ^l^ » feoldiig anxiouafy ^^ym^^i^iM it. I fftd^'fivn onanully sharp r wiffi iiB»ccomianvin0 vT. ' ... on the part of the beholder and ^^ ^^^rT^i?*^ *«VMi 1 heart nearer to her byr|lle1^i|i .r sad smile. But J(*n'|.8otpifci ip'ty k*i the rUhaps. as poignant, reveals ite^^ «?' ^j lines and a countentfn«"flnW: |ly VreFl any manifestation oU|r^p*^ .depart of others. Ti^- -w^ Theai creed seems to inch|de John of th Ig vi- '%S^ '^S^Vhich forbids the aw tenderness toward the sufl ;^nntenance expresses the words, ^ver iM in reference to the sorrow of.' lift that " a stranger meddleth not there- lid, " And yet they, so unlike in outf:^ testations, were a devoted pair. -.i I was the sun showed his snuling face ,1 the parted branches of thl^6a-ks+ [^cedars, and just as Mrs. DiUon had I a brief breathing space afteigte^e) jreofthe men to the hayfieM.jthiri ^e» timid tap at the kitchen, dfl^ 1 female figure came wavennglf^in' I* jooni at Mrs. Ddlon's mvitation snd Ved near the door. This kindly woman a looking at herunexpeoted visi£6]^i|iauc^ ir U for nearly a minute without spea^^.*^ new comer was a singular pibluA. fte appeared like an old-youn, Hth rather swarthy features and Wtth visible from under her little botoetj'" Jerneath which the stranger wore a close-' ^fitting cap which concealed eveiy '^i^- Lelock, "if she has any to hide," thotipt fl Dillon. She was neatly atttredjWfa lit colored ^own and stood with her head Icward the shadow, partly bent forwaud^ ^Ji ' tan I have some work to do ?** said tfa# jgeyoitog woman in unnaturally low Inieii and in a peculiar voice. ' ' [Abigail Dillon started as she loc^c^d yllK sitly at the figure, and at so much_ of •thjl B as she could see from its position. '" 'Work? Why, bless me, I've fi»n%f olt^^^ortm Lrkfortwopairsof hands, butâ€" butâ€" ** J^., "'" I "You don't know whether I cottlq do it iine,please, for one day at least. "^^^ _^ [Abigail Dillon was not the woman ""to" rerpnother 'wmnaa e 80 reasonable a request, and Jolufr^ai^ menf •eriooa trouble had got hia ham floor and nUlon in start- â- .â€" reactory old ^Kajq the bridle just as she made a sprins forward. The unfortunate man was tSuovl r^^.^^!SS!^ •i»dJWihein»tramp, Uon seemed 9taSb tk Itnob demoralized as H^^^r^„ -As he was about getting down ftom^e 3oad he was attracted by a weird ncnre i:unaing Uke a ds^fromJihe^ house. HewinaIne4»*hettad^MDdidk£?) Kate! â- ^wonder what that woman thhiks she can #o; Help had arrived and had drawn Kenyonfrom his perilous position just as Kate seized the bndle of the horse, sayine ••whoa, Bess 1" With a deirterohs mbvemte^ she threw her light shawl over the terroriz 1 animal's head and with a li»w word ^twtt she had her padfie£ M Dillon upheld the reins and droVe Ei|4id^ to the aril, mutterinsf is he went " My God «an it be â€" there is no stranger on earth who cpuld have known that trick of old -•â-  â-  • ' ' â- -. 1. â- _ J- ' t William Kenyan was the only bachelor past thirty in the village of Seldon. He was a fine-looking man of thirty -seven per- fiaps^ a quiet, low-spoken man, who seemed, ike the .jDillons, to have Imd a shadow-east ^yer his life, in the past, which all the sun- wht of days since then could not dimxil. ^Hien tliey carried ^im, bruised and Used- Iftg, to Mrs. Dillon's kitchen, he had con- piouBQC^ to say "€|ttly :pne woman in the world could ave ^ne'that." J.'ThOjiQi^ who carried him snsposed he meant the heroic deed and not ^ie sfiange ka?}wl«dge l^at thin woman possessed. Whfle%a^ waainuniitering to Kenyon's comfort tiU ^he old doctor should arrive Was saying to his wife in another room I tell you, Abby, there couldn't be MBan in the -world beaidea you ,^iul Dorothea that knows old Bess from a Mrert^tr7"^dgersomebody to«Bis|h^Jc^^ her' failing about lightning." also aa to the manner 'of dinwains of the body. The bodieaof, personTwhS die at that if a dead body were kept aboi^ a ves- a^dMtmction wimld be its ineritable doom, i bnt the^otion does not exist amons modern iiffi«H %««htir(B(m«ufi.d]^rtiin^of Am- boy, N. Y., whue retoming from abroad on ^Cimard steamer Etmria, died anddenlV Mia hlrb(^ mi 'bbled^i iik The ac- tion of the officers in thus disposing of tka §94^ 4ff^VB t^ to, much adverse criticism, wae rf the pa sai guM s ks siid -ttiat ^e ser- vices were not of a becoming natore. Thi manr^i'T3dnn/i§d'Aelt- ^eods. In order that the facta of the case might b^ ,«Nl«rs1(Nd.,|he foUowiitg^stateii^ent, was made by the oMcera of the aip " The body waa discovered dead in the •teteroonj^loUt Sro'oiock Moadi^ evening. Immediately the doctor of the ship made â- â- *• ready for burial After the usual pre i Eiuiiig having. Besides, part of J!ki^j^ md was to turn no one away em"*^ ' lore always came with this hospif. and gracious suggestion iSi ;bt perhaps "entertain angels una^jh 'nd this was a woman, too, a waiiUi likely. "My own preoiousjloii iy be a wanderer at another's WoW Btyday." " You may lay off your things aiid_ h ' said Mrs. ,1)11 Ion, brushing away r tears that her own sorrow htwdj|ti)P|i-r ito her gentle eyes. With her bonnet removed tbe strtidgeV'tti] red rather odd, but not uncomely^ii'lii c»p and quaint headdresSj aadf th^ lot toil soon claimed Mrs. DillQt|$^l|-| leDtion to more serious masters tfaatf '4tiV ddities of this new comer. • •^ The latter replied to Mrs. Dillon VtM ible in monosllables and 'aaenvt I to conversation but her Uthe /o^)!^.' \h! elastic step, her noiseless luoyena^ti I quick, defc fingers made the niorilillg'i almost pastime for the farmer]Eu%ife.; Once, twice, thrice and oftener Mrst fifl- [ka caught her breath as some trivial'rotit^ dQty that fell to the lot offi^^^ CT^ I la the name the young woman us^sted ' PM being called byâ€" was execut^iir a** atud a manner as to recall a f(nfT9.^1if| pijMsed out from her life, th^ bhoe IsHved in those same grooves. t- |t-"fl«w could a stranger kjiow .whflre I. \^\^y cream pots without asking wmf Bejre»d belonged in that gf»atftiw " wiM end of the cupboard orrfliat-i? Pmw here I am getting a silfy' "joldheadthatr-thatâ€" "Who are you, any way?" said F«Bn, unable to control herself any .w. • ihesaw Kate set the great eaay^ I "w at the right place at the table, ' '• I Im simply Kate. I have oahanicr • trittdg, I think ^ohd," said the wife, laying a gentle on Ms head, "it is Dorothea. I've twn it from the morning she first woke in this house. B|t it wil^ colb^out Batui3ai|w- I,(^ougkt;it woi4d seibet'r tf wait mm. ief fhe «r ^il((ihave hel 1 ^ay abbut l^^g If nnir,r'aiid^{t]fe air John Diflon broKe down' dtSmpletely 'and cried like a child. After a while he said in a broken voice ' And-to think that to-morrow is the it pat«titas "were completed th» remains were laid out and enshrouded with an Knglish flag because that contains a cross. Tnes- ddy mothiag tbe body was aew^ up in can- vas and then deposited in a wooden box. covejed over with the flag. Solemnly and with eVery evidence of respect the remains were carried on the shoulders of eight sail- ors to .the after-gangway. Chief Officer SeccombVa hntnane and Ufaristian sailor, had charge of the funeral arraneements. A few moments after 8 o'clock Tuesday morning the ship's officers and a large num her of cabin passengers encircled uie body and the funered ^vervices were conducted by a minister, one of the passengers. At their conclusion and when the minister read the words ' I now omisign this body to the deep,' the box, heavily weighted down with iron, was slid into the ocean. No secrecy pre- vdUed, and everytidng was done in a pro- per manner, being witnessed by any of the pa|Ssengera who were so desirous." A burial at sea is a solemn and impressive event, and many passengers like to witness it. A death at sea casts a gloom over the rest of the passengers, and naturally enough the officers try to do everything connected with the burial with as' little ostentation and display as possible. On every steamer the custom is to bury the dea^ at sea. The captain of the ship is the sole arbiter in this matter. Whenever it is possible the body is carried into port, providing the officers are oonvinced that the body will b 3 claimed upon ite arrival. All seamen are firm supporters of the theory that all poi- sons dyii^ on the high seas, unless a short distance from port, should be given up to the deep. On a heavily-laden steamer no room IB provided where a dead, body could be possibly preserved. The medicine chest usually carried does not contain the neces- sary articles required to embalm a body. The French and White Star lines carry meta^ic coffins, and where the friends of a dte^ed perscm' manifest a desire or are anxious to undergo the expense the body will be preserved and carried to port if it can be done -without danger to the other passengers. Numerous cases have occurred whei^ men of wealth and distinction tri^v- elling for their health have been buried at sea simply because they were unaccompani be obtained. No law exists, as some steam- ship men claim, that makes it compulsory upon the captain of a ship to bury a dead body at sea. ^fteenth'^rewnnoe sha left us to!' go tpi edl^nfl no. evidence of who they were could MeMrys -out in.Oregoni.aiid we've never •- â€" from her aiiu^ he di«d« and weVe ppos^ she. was dead.' ' And it* was I 'that it keiTiaway .iy myt ^Msbitess 1^ her sbdnt eia»»TP*i know-:-" ' ' â-  ' te "^osh, John; list bygones • t6 ' bygones fbowTfi' stiian^thiitr^e should be here Mlan,*#t Wmh^BM%,^and he aU bruised *toS1at«^r4a like that too.' !»»KeBpiliaecreJi. tttatwj Jmo^. who she 'is tiU4»DM^aw sBpthei,**^ aaid^ Johh,^ " we'U kilLt4»e fatted calf, and all that, and ni2lii;^Iiir oCiJtDii ._^ [OV â- ;• j -?LAnd I have 'entertamed- an angel dn- l^tfte^Byeairs odi Wodi.wondakaa ohafigeb t|he-»]MUtiLof tVQ« ,|M?088e8 and recroares eww)fM4Tifb.' ©rtDorthea was oily seventeen when the young love -hetw*/'n her and William Kenyon had been rtathloe 3fn U(zm'8 Setnin Seme. Mr. A. H. Dixon, senior member of the firm of A. H. Dixon Son, the celebrated SpedaKsts fortthe !ureof eatisrrh, hav fever T^-riii • â€" and catarrhal deafness, 303 King street W„ said John,' " and, Toronto, has just returned home from an ex- " "*»•-* "^^'ttodMWp*hfw*|Jh€aKfcnHia,whereheha8 been introducing his remedies. The press off that country teem with glowing notices of the wonderiul reaulte of this new treatmept, vouching for the fact that as a cure for the it|bva,^i}^fwea it Js^ jwxt' to miraculous. Cases of catcurih and datArtbal deafness o^ thirty' year's standing were cured by one ap-. plicatioi\^|hif ramedy and^e fact vou;b- ed for by men whose names ate known all over the American Continent, and whorie mdii iaiadiqp^b^ (nattea en^appUcation) snowing that Mr Dixon's remedies, whicJi are anplied only once in two weeks, stand ^MbeCtti tbeoeure rf catoh aikd itp^ atten- dant evils. The doctors in California fail in^ curing these diseases for the simple reaam that they insist oft fiiiUsaHiig Hi luitiqnaied method of making applicatiops.of an irriUntj TV ~f ' J is 11.. .^.Ai,«- remedy weekly, semi- weekly, and even daay,. ^lii^ua*u!t#«rt*, an# ^?»llyj5?^^«^ j S^We^^ dr' t burst picibns d het^ w^i „ _„ th i«|»kii^^Jftv*ii confirmed by this silent stranger "iate" sat by Kenyon's bedside on the mon»W a* the good ol^ 4octpr ]gonounced 'iim ail right exofeffc i' smrf4K!raShes and a feihome at present, if you v^l hl^fing^ ^f^nitr^ colore* ^to^H^'^l^^^ All this was said rapidly, but in low, pe- diS^ a0d-«okedv o««r iOf^OlWr o^«v*rd ?« tae«, and Mrs. DiUon mustneedr bi^ ^ftr-Md Mol DiUon JWttt, for she had fouhd-a'inastefwoilIMn I %AIId «l)^4Ayo "--♦ treasure to any tired honaewife^^^^^BTafaopt h o ns o workt" â- "^ge woman. ' ' *ken John DQlon and his bn ^ome tip from the meadow au -nouu n» t-â€" â€" j ». ««»^ 2l»« 1»». at the door and dr-r, hini. -~i "'"TgL *^^!!?! J^ !£Z mber UUy brief time, " vf-z::.^ ...Ln. Dlications not one permanent cure has eW ..fiiCJ^ worse condition {ban before. Since the dii^ situation of afiairs ST 'uig, p' nodded assent to the new briM ^^ByggK " ' even went so far as to dogQ^^lV^j^Ve^ band in token of his satiai kc- she went ont. ap» 1 Lst was gone but I li»*w ^^' ^*"" â„¢ loxen oi nis saoi iJ^^new^rS"" '^^m^^f' DiUon and Kate waitja i^M _„ tW^,"^.^'^«° Kate, havinglStdb M » «*^ing coflFe^,one by^«. I » lZ?." mother- KiTr^k» • -_.. C:ur..Mi v_ TO yjâ€" -itetherby the man iiext hiMF he ment in ^e^^Pj^S? A^^XH^ a^^^nly p.,ed themu, ^^A ^^^^Jg^feSv^irT^â„¢,,^ Sfi^dJih^qver itwas ati as clealQ picked them tip â-º-woJl-f^ gi^^the oldf. ^^rj.y^"'^, handle-,.,,,, eating and m mnt HtUi kx. kaa das. ^JMl^h " hiZt^ y°° know that was my •^colo^ .wmething ahnost in a' *.»ar^"».^« confusion, w^ declared " have rtlcfc* 9nr%i|xAtM' 1 L -« wJ ^^^'ything she places tWftt ^â- Â«Â«o,W^'^°\"' pairof eyei!j»%. ' ^»e^fk iP'^g'ess of the noon n'» ^ȣSL^'*.'=^ ^y«« ot William I «.I)iS,^who hadcbmeovttto; S "kelWg to iay. M tbe-â€" *i*lf».;'S »"' this was th« •^ahaytogetii;. M *roaMl».kffloBJ9«PÂ¥Sf^L Kate waitja ii]^*^A^^fcefl:4t.«'^ttei wMerSTjjJ^^ i^ St»SiMod on tibSi lovely appa«^9% T, beiriI3ff^~Iobn Bil "^keni j^(flbJ^woiiiay thOT hid heretoJoo^^^^JB^' " C »?? ^^erything she places tHBb-MSlSilo^^. '^Sb^H*^?^^^* ^rbena child? „ .i-Wi„v;»AliirtVrtB64' iov 'Ifa jurht now. after many yeara. «ng wonum.' "'-^"TSf^'"'"-^ ' ' *^' t i ^.r^ 7 me as neatly atid aliMH, wkc W9amampm^^\ hea." The woman .popped, " "«i»«^ ^f^LiiL «*e name Bhe had ufl^ai â- orttiiVlh~»«W» atatfrt^GOeofiiMttyAVj tb«a4onfi«a dns^g^ inviM^wrwAallp Oi, ' ty^ u M f e^ dud e ra an d 'efeer^pidemiaa, and as -am ral reanlt of th^ae daily and aemi- weekly fcp^ worae condition oovery of this remedy by Mr. Dixon, npw Britain and France have endiorMd fajji [othpd, a9d unite in aaying that it ia ut^ M7teatt4-a|taiin^i bay: favor, of catarrhal deafness by any application made wlnd-Lofifner tlian onpe in twoweeMtfrofaithe fm^ • â„¢ to hea before am^er application « remedieehave faUed. Mr.Dixonaendaapam ^^emS^S^mmpWplir poW»g«. The addreaa is 313 King street west. Toronta^ jol A Word to the Wedded- IBajftt^Air ikaOMiStl^mam ami/na .flonr- ishin the same stem; one kills the other. To be wedded hapmly the promoters are ^^n9«l7^^d -nuMfiikfieaa.- A good woman wiU endure much for her hnsbaiid, themaniorhia wife. -A true woman witt V^iThhe^si^tl^^bto husband should cloads come. Then is the time to test h« character, solve the g^gys, the object of her matrimony. M«ai,ttw for-womanwith. a heart, a aonl do not let thor facial beauty -*^^^ ^iSf Mi*charaster that in- ^e^W^iem. Vor mtii these there will be no autumn, no fading: their leaves will be freah and beantifnl forever. WkatAiliTMi? X anee Cempanr orCaMHUi dotwolting Kn'gineuB and SoIicumS of Mttauts, O. G. BoBB, ^Chief Engineer. A. FRAMfc, Vetf y-TreM. -TklUWH* ABWITKONV. ^nMrtelwUt. JLr Specia%, Skin diaeaaes. ^eitiriil*' ana' aB oli- eMMO(teb)Md. AU caaoenoofedtMt af^ «!(: abler vtttiont the nae of the koife. Office honn, mar 9 16 IS .Ui. add from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., I h liia fca ^x oepted 28 Dundas Stieet Tonaito... nlKE^MNB f •« 8TAMnir« Hit* KB- Itannfal fo*i»llMh/^velTct.and d]k.Mtnilli||r4lsorib- â- lokf « patum aad Ikxika ahmTa on haii4. 1 /. ip|trrfE ^•3BOO^uid'PATfSBM»oi« band rtttJor t ,«aber MMd 3c atâ€" » Jaa» J! a aMn a Sbeal and OzjEan Chroniole devoted fo'Heatth, ISnMi^and'Praetieal FMhlMia.«ita niea Hit of ftenminir I*ten)a, Foint and HoBitoaBnida Pot» ^Me^JuHaVe Dreas aod Skirt f^MTTrova IWtem AeoBM, 41 Kii« Kaat, Torantaia sn^HAN -FIBKOX. n SaiUiixWSSfcl^'betweeihlfontrMI'l *Â¥^*Vi 'AaBAM-8alooii. Mo Ufc aal to Unapool, IteO; B«tiunTl(drata,m«0^«id«W „t6'«teanMT and â- eeWmaoBatlOB; ' later- iiedUtaLSBd Stten«« at loweatiata*.,, for .farther waTWirhTT and to seouie Bertha, i^my to â- â€¢ â- â€¢ HidtKAT, «e«nd â- M M n efi iTObMoaa Hooae «qaR^H(n«naLwtotheIioeaI ideata tai the dU- tentVowiuaiiat rcWaaL €NTARIO VETERINARY GQLIiCE, Toronto. Teea Sfty dollaia per aeaafen aeaaioB 1887-8 bagina October, setb. Ap^y t» thef rjadp^ PBOF SMITH. V. S Toronto. WANTCD-4.01.0 AaiMTB-Ma a aad Uifapeoflla G. W. OCinna; Tanata. «Ma lOHVBBXIBUt WUtBYASKBft vaMViwOaMidt. Otaatrad: f aaaa Hdrtgr outta, ' v CLEHENT HBLLIMa PftEll1rt 'O' aala-moattaihre JMiH^^ Oat rfttEIIIOakcaetree. R CbanriMili^^VMoato. UJilliaiDs â-  til J AKV Uaanlaetarar and dealer iK J Vdt, Keoaias nteh, «, Cavvetaad Beaftalac KUNklite. 4 Adelaide SIB.. Pa* StO. *~ ClPlf^i AP«*«^:b«p « tee per hour. Also Keek DiUjUâ€" HantL ^otae, ai Bteani Power. Send for CataloKne. 0^ ' l*Wlaw WanwftirMirlap j^b» ;. HaxuaoW.^Oht. MERCHANTS ' BUIGHERS AND TKABBRS «SB\'UlAIiKÂ¥.. We want a ooon tux in your locality to^ok a for US. Cash fnmishe^ on eatiafactoiy guaranty. Address C. S. PAGE, H.vde Park, Vermont; U.S. taM imliua, watacy, and aena; at othan,; vioMptagtoelaartiM ' tion aioffienaive matter, tooathar miSi ^«U ^oaca;. voice oha^tT^T^I f ^breMh t^snaive ank^^oi^-taat^ i* thtte a aensation «MUlMM, dapreanon, a hao|kiiiig oxWi and genwal debiUty U yon have^dl, at »â€" jn aifffflpaidgable nnmbwof tbeaeympfawna. Ji^|BMpgaAapCA»Vi SBttk Vh lfe ii l .lto yoa.Are BoSuing from Naaal Catafth.^rho «f«a^i*a» «r apwa ttw aWwi complicated your diaease has' tdoniiiL. *^ iBdortrial Union o( B.H.i ^t hb t w a b a r the number and dteanhyfbf ^nptoms^t Thooaands of nancin CTmally, ajthoat maaifeating half of the aSsTf agrmp- tom^'raault in conaiunption, and #iuLin^e gra^ No diaease is so oommete; mere da- captive and danverona, at l0a»!iadmtQod, or Morannan t i M aa l nlly treated ^|»p)4rriG|»pa. The toaanfactntera of Dr. Sage^s Catairh Bemedy offer, in good faith, a reward of fSOa for a caae of this diaeaae Whieh they caanok cure. The Remedy is abtd by drag- gists, at only 50 cents. .; The Grentile votes of Utah .am aboat 15 per oent. of the whole number, The prioe of this royal noifi^y. Dr. Herce's Favorite Preacripdoh,^' is bai one doUur. Specfic for all uiose chronic ail-, ments and weaknesaea, pecnlfar to women. The only medicine for auch tw^^ja^^ ^^ by dmggiats, under a positive. guarantee from ^e manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction or money refunded. See guar- antee on bottle wrapper. Latm bottles $1. Six for $5. Moody will probably go to India, todo evan- work. 'When fragile woman sighs, deploriai; The ciiarms that quick'.v fade away, 'WhU po«er, the bloom of health leatoriog, Can check the progress ot decay The only aid that's worth attention, for p^ins and ilia of »ach deacrfption, ntousands of women gladly meutian â€" 'Bj " Pierce's Favorite Pre8criiion." Slavery in Brazil will soon be a thing of the past. Pec^le who are subject to bad bnaih, tbnl coated tongue, or any disorder of the Stomaeh, oaa at enoe be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stotraoh Bitten, the old ana tried remedy. Aak vOur Drotnrisl Whitelejr's mammoth stories in London were burned recently with a loss of a million and a quarter of dollars. TOVNCi MEN Buffering from the effects o early eviljiabits, the result of ignorance and'tolhr, who find tbemielvee weak, nervous and ezhansteC also Uis- SLB-AoiD and Old Hsk who are broken^owh from the effects o abuse or over-work, and in advanced life feel tne consequences of youthful exceas,'Bend tor and RKAS H. V. Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of Hen, The boon win be sent sealed to any addrees on leoeipt of two 3 stamps. Address M. V. Lubon, 47 Welling- ton St. E. Toronto, Ont. Red sunsets similar to those that were so brilliant in the fall of 1883 have been seen at Washington, D. C. Pree! Free!! Freer!! A Book of Instruction and Prioe List of Dyeing and Cleaning to be had gratis by calling at any of our offices, or by post by sending your address to B Parker :-Co., Dyers and Cleaners, 759 to 763 Yonge St., Toronto. Branch Offices 4 Johh St. N., Hamilton 100 Colbome St., Brantford. Gen. Boulanger's father was. French but his'mother was English. He speaks both languages fluently. Tlie Sporting Record, In Book form, contains a correct record of the Fast- KST TuiB and best performances in all DsPAmTMSiiTS OP Spoar, Aquatia and Athletic perfoimancea. Bil- liards, Bacing and Trottiog records, Baseball.Cncket, Lacrosse, etc. Price 6c. Stamps taken. Address all orders to THE RECORD, 60 Front St. East. Toronto, Canada, Room No. 15. Gilbert Knapflf who founded Racine, "Wis. is dead. He took part ia the naval battles of 1812. Whenam your Stomach or BowA gat onl of ot deiL oanshig BUionaneaa. IJyspepaia, or ladlgesllon and their ittendahl evils, take at enoe a dose of Or. OUwa^a Stomaoh Bitteia Beat family aiadlcine. AU D^ggieta. 60 oents. "Were youever vaccinated. Mrr Schloss " inquired the physician. "Tou bade yoxr life I was. I joined me a segretsoeiedy once, und I cUa'tgotivaocinated intq.no more of them py gracious." ASSESSMENT SYSTEM. TbeMuUReserTefMil LIFE ASSOCIATION The largest and moat prosperous o^n Aasessmeot Association in the worldâ€" desires active representa- tives in every section of Canada Ubemi taduoementa. It has full Oovemment Deposit, and under the supsc- vision ot Insuianoe Department at Otttanbr Correspondenoe solicited. Address, cr. ID. -W^LL«, General Ifaaisar. ' •S Klmg Street East Toronto. WaU TVr A lTXTF j.OT :TJIBRa- M. STAUNTON a.Cp., Samples on application. TORONTO* ONT AGENTS WANTED-^ ilTE WANT A Be- table Mam In Every Towa and VUIase In CanaiAai to sell our NEW BEAIITIFITLLY DECORATED WINDOW BUNDS. Sell at sight. Every house needs them. Cheap, Durable and Economical; Ko Washing or Ironing, and will last ten times as long as oidioary ootton blinds. Sole Townslilp WKIits. Our J^rnt» are making 93 to $3 a day* with Easy Work. Enquire early. Complete outtt, including Sample Shades. Sprlns Koller. Statloner.v and all information, by expre98, 2.5a HIBSCIUtERCi A CO., 41 King St East, Toronto. Cook's Grem BAKING POWDER Why do you use those Expensive American aod Canadian Baking Powders when you can get as good and wheleeome at one half the price Prove It tg' buy- ing the Cook's Oem. Hmufactured by £LIiIS EEIHLEY. Toronto. HAHILTON, ONT. The XeadlBX Business College In the Do- mlnloa. Over 2.0 students annual y. FV^haiid't'-me illustrated catalogue write R.E.GALLioiiEa, PnncipiL AM Line Kojal Hail StmsMpK. SaiUiic during winter from Port and eraiy hoiaday and Hainaxavary Saturday to Uvaneol^Mdlnsnm. laer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calllag -at Aondaadany to land rnaUe *Ad paaMaaais toi Sootland and IreUod. Also from Baltimore m Hall, tax and M. John's N. F., to UverpoOriartUgliBy dur. Ing summer montha. Tbe steamers of tl|e Olaagow Uaeaatf dUilM winter to and from TMflay, ^rtlaad Boatonaad Philadelphia and during sunuaarbetwaaa OSaagow and Montreal, veeklv, Oliiiauw and Boatoa^ waa^y; and Olaagow and PmladdphivtOitaightly ' ffOr FiaigM, paaage, or other. InfonnattBa applv is A. aohnauudier Co.. Baltimore; S. Onnatd k Oo., HaBfax Shea Oa, St. Jrhn's N. F.. WfaTlhoinaoa MOa, 8L John. H. B. Alh.n k Co., Chigaco: Lova ft lldSB, Nmr Toik H. Bonriier, Toronto v^Albiaa Baa ft Oo...4aabao; Wnk BwwUa. Philada«phla;t H. A. PwlUad Boaton If ontiaal .4utAori2ld^ Act tif /^Hiantent, 46' Vie. Cap. S6, 188S Try to aecore an Original Painting bv purchasing a. ticket l(or THE SECOND GBAND PUZE I^NG or TBB fOBQilTO INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION AIT UIIION Which will take place oa MOMDAT, 19th SEPT., 1887, W'n the whole an.onnt snbeoribed. leas werkiw; e xpenses will be returned to ticket holders in the termof: •KICUAI. WOBK8 mw AJtT. the production of the members of the Obfarto Society ofArtista. nckets entitling tbe holder to one chance io the prize drawing, 26 cents each. Hay be obtained from afente thron^wnlthe oonntry, at the Art OaUerv, Industrial Exhibition, and at the Society's rooms 14 King street weat, Toronto. Write for futtBcparticu- lara. tl I IICTDATCn CIBCUIABSiiee. Something 1Ll.UuTnA I CU new and hitere^g. Send at once if yon want tbe best CANADIAN BUSINESS mnVlXt^TT ft 8H0STHAND INSTITUTB, PnbUc Iiihrar Bnl ding. Toronto. TnoxB l^oODflB, Presi- dent CuAa. S. Baooaa. Secntary and Manager. ONTARWAGRICULlURALiaSLLECE will rtopaa-tia tiic 1st October. FuB oonrsea of lec- tores on. AgficuItnTe.IdveStock, Dairying. Cheoiiatiy, Botany, Veteriniy Sdenoe. Etc.aadagoodptactide teaiainfi in Vtf^it and the elementary mathemattce, For circular giving terms of admiasion, "eonne of stodv. cost. etc. apidy to JAMES MIU4 M. A., PiMidant. Gn^ph, Aagvlt. 1887; A young idmi Tonnto, and when ai^ I^iHing lirea in caUs tohimin Toronto Silver Plate Co., XAacrACTuaaaa or thb HmHaai saAsa or SILVER PLATED WARES. TRADE MARK. ALL fiOODS C1JAKA,ffT£f D. TORONTO. Bicycles! SEBPAKuiciK »•« USX Of flimnai Ifaaf Maililiiaa. Haw Oatalegaa Baatfr lst April A.T.tAKMill!»L :f N Ml ^\.i fi â-  U.li tl- III i-f. :ii M -.;# I 'â- J.. -^ •i.'

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