Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Sep 1887, p. 5

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 pi^jHNnnpiiiypiPiPi ^^ppp^l -AVIIUMJPIJP ^»^.^ I i ni i rrilHriM. feggj ' -jiLia g mM i ni i i i ]|i i J, I DDonnce to thr ve moved into mjoflre. 11 manufactnre «Mn Qg experience in the 4 itee satibfaction to mm^i ;*^-^ promptly attendSi^ 1 a Sash, Door andlHaa)1 proved machinery. 1CKETS, e.. in a manner seoond to i lanics m eyery dei public patronage. Orders Proinpt d and Undri Plain and Fancy Toaiiigj from a Distance. Jackson's PhotoJ any size oral s City work. E NEAT AND CNE^ riesi Lake 01 own e^f* -4«^MHM/\ at [)["?* jf*« flil»««' •heerfalaodbapijy Fleflber, niwfid from our imd«t, Tuesday the 80th nit separat- JLlf for a time from fiMndBrMr^^Hâ„¢^i,^i,^j,ja^ â- ^fellow bis daily avooatl^-Jli ««lrpnipC-||i^^^ Oitet G«tnl. Huniltaii n^T v nSund. Keverdid^ â„¢^ !fS^ » il»^«rtii«e8. ,to^CjiBBia»MiJ«, Gi~» NorOiwi^ C^^ more cheerful and hMfp^^^ Issm^im not a «im^iiii;|iis trade., itouth Omr. Dtthwa Irig brief visit to tbw hwril^ HwfMtiog u oWrHBid UuMbimr T«r» dorini? this »amm«r. ^»t haa iMgun^ isid the^ ifiaFflt thistle of WbtSbanm ,j^ eBpecially m cojnjcM^^;rtj«^ j Ciari-J^ ndest â- ends. wishes of a large and cireU d( 'Lihool Bite and preaente^^fpr T^ loadB of campers irom Dor Contiml Efimooe, Buiie .:;ilage of tbe pleasure gtbi^fe jMa^aaaed through he^ on Monday Northern. Waltertoa S other nnoswntaboii. im f^^^A^*ymmmffmllmmm^ m*rhj S not soon be fbrgotten 1m^ O^ake lor a few we^^?;^:^! ,1^ ^^ It Vinoent :^es with him Ihe esteem and; â-  -^fei^^^^^f :BydenW Blackbnrn, Esq., returned 'Satnrclay last from tth ^tendv tour in western OntwiOi TbeRev. Mr. McLellanof Shelburne acceptably filled the pulpit in the •resbyterian church here Sabbath Tani Fl«mBTON TO HAVE A NEW BOLMB ^Messrs W. K. Flesher and W. have made full and complete igemenls for the putting in at ae ly» date as possible a new roller nt in the Flesherton flour mill. id expect to have the mill in fiiU fation for early winter trade. This ff enterprise willprove a convenience a,e public in this locality, and we rv no doubt will prove to be a and profitable investment to those 108 concerned. Tne brick work on the new School inildingwillbe completed early tl^s ^0 the Editor of the Dbak Sib,â€" HanDR eeMi paper some time iK^« ktMsr fi# 1£h iuhject "Village BTb^^^fe^ thinking that I ttj|^t be aUowcd ..tt "say" m themat^ I nakei bq^j^ throw out a few 'sog|eilioM, jr' may or may not ptte^wmn First, would it ndt b* i goi4 ilfe',#j advertise a public meeting for the discussion of the subject, at .am early date? Second, how Would it do to head a few petiticxis, asking for the new roller 4 names of those ratepayers who were in favor {of incorporation, and leave them in the principal bnsiiMw {Jaees for flie^ataze Third, if tiie «tiier metlioda fiail would not our Police Trasteee appoint some day on which i to Mi fk^T^f' 4*ai^. ..:n'o ttttt. ' nmji im Be|K.S6-80 Sep. 27-28 .::. .Oei.8-4 0^4-6 Oet45 i. Get 4-7 Cct4-7 Oat 5-6 Oet6-7 Oct 7 Oct 7 Oct 4 Oct 6-7 8ep22-2S Sept. 29 r4-nKU«tf.; 'â- p«#-"fetf"' i»%'?»^ i li*^ c»i»^ r 1 1 1 ^MMifcwJi» I r li.il. I iW-rf 3r^^ '" ^S^^*" -•Nw 3|'-* msK n* li • 'â- â€¢ .rn;fTi-. |M«m«ia. PrieeriUe proton, Dandalk wentiock Hanover IjkoUand Ctttre, Benson Tb6 enterprising and pushicg editor «{ the "Advance" not satisfied with ie erection of a commodious uew dieUing (which is being rapidly push- 1 foncaad) has also decided to ereet a .6W printing office on Toronto St., Itdjoining bis dwelhne:, and on Hon- jdiylast let tbe contxact for llie same* ISaccesg friend Fa wcett Success. The anniyersary services of Fooni-' Itin Council, Royal Templars of Tem- Iperance of this place, wUl be deliver- led by Rev. J. W. Shilton on Sabbath leyening next in the Methodist church. Oq Monday evening following an open |«Qtertainment will be held in the town iHall for which a good progrtimme is laired, Grand councillor Steele of iGnelph assisted by Mif s Burgess of, IListowell and Miss Mills of Utfmilton vrill be present and an interesting time is expected. Tbe district council for Grey -Will meet in the village ol Maxwell on tbe day following to take actiou for the immediate «ubmibsiou of the Scott Act in this countv. a poll could |be held, when evety ratepayer in the village could poll his vote for or against and ^f the vote would warrant it, could not a com- mittee be appointed to transact the necessary bnsmess? The dil^oalty seemt \o be, to get a man to spend time to go around and siee the people and get their individual opinion. It will soon be |lew Year's, when the eleotious are h|ld could we not, hold ours thei) I*. Now, Mr. Editor, if none of these suggestions are acted upon, I would aayoldla meeting on your o^n re- sfiodsit^ity. yoa wU ^^^ |pple snppQrt' and ear^ it through, and you will have the honor of being the i^ftber of one thriving village. We need cot expect to see our village thrive to have manufaetpnes sUirted; to have those vacant lots built on, if %e do^nol lefrth» people of the Proyince |uiowwe toe a business people. And what better way can we show this, tiiaa by becoming incorporated A GmzKN. BELFAST HOUSE has opened out this week the following goods'Viz ' 4 Setts 121 pieces complete, Dmner Sett (colored) f 15. 6 Setts 98 pieces complete. Dinner Sett (colored) $12. 10 Chamber Setts, 10 pieces (colored) latest pattern only $8.75. 12 Tea Setts, 44 pi^es (colored) only $8.60. Ab those goods have been, imported direct, and booght for cash. I am in a position to sell them cheaper than any House in the country, and as I am making a specialty in Crockery Glassware, keeping the latest styles and patterns, yon can idwaysget suited. FLOUE FEED, GENERAL aROCERBBS, WINES LIQUORS, TOBACCO CIOARS, wfaiclTwill be sold at ri|;ht prices to suitthtpnrchaser call and see us and examine oar goods and you will go away satisfied. We will not be undersold by any one is the trade, and as %e have had long ezpiienee at the buainesa, we know what, we are doing. Conre and see our new Dinner and Tea Setts, something new in Markdale. JVIaxwell. From our oxrn Correspondent. AVeather cooler.- Frosty nights. Haryesting is nearly over. The failure of this year's crops to I come up to tbe standard, has caused considerable talk about moving to Da- iota. A large number are thinkmg over it, but whether it will amount to only talk, remains yet to be seen. Friends from Buffalo are visiting at ih. Eobert Heron's. â-  Miss Preston is home again after a visit with friends in Markdale. iliss Mcllroy, fmrn Toronto, is a §ntst of Miss Kerr's. ^r. T. A. Blakelj has undertaken wrk of repainting and repairing iiie Methodist parsonage. f'«v, Mr. MiUigan, Presbyterian Jiflister at Beliwood, wQl occupy Mr. «ner'8 place in the Methodist pulpit "tte next aabbath morning, J). J" ^^ sorry to hear that Rev. Mr. argent has decided upcm removing T^ Maxwell. He will preach his r^'eU Bermon on Sunday evening, S' llUi. It is mote than likely J»i ovfiDg to Mr. D'Argent's popular- dLf"l?° Presbyterians and Metho- ^•like that the church will be «wded to excess. Gr«f^"' ""^^cil «f K- T. of T. of «fl^L^ nieet here on Sept. eth, S^^ 'Meeting opening at2o'olock. i '^^tation is extended to all ^^' An excellent programme prepared for thd open T.- iu the evenihg. «'th?T ' °f HamUton. editor »ctoT„ '^n'atioual Royal Temphw, %nh7 "Wd aUin attendance «(»/ icollS ^^«»^g an excellent treat. C»!!- ' ^^ taken up during '*^g to defray expenses. I t*^ "" *** I VV ^22?^^ ^o»l and a travelling -^^ at once for ^ringtrade.' specialty. Ooed tesBM J?^ and good outfits ' ' .• mabe:da.XjS. CURE FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES! CURE For Scratches on Horses iiftf â-  t A ,Wf sis ;» â- â€¢ â-  V' Md htves lifOrietH W i mitm lebBiineii^ and tfbdinate pitai^ iMirft a contiiMjM •aoeLoljmlaio a|;|^*^^^ ge. Thoieieqiumig:::,. ;..r, j,.^^*^ wonlff QtuiBDltllMir ow^ ihievest by ex-" •Bsning bis stod^ conairting of qver.. ThK«eTha«iaBdpMoes at t(vm 6 tp 76o.~ per BoIL ' •Sonuy Schools reqoizuig Idberaiy Books will find Hundreds to select from and at anoh f AYORABLE TEKSfS as ace sore to satisfy. lS"Wote title t#?t.â€" Thai until I oommenood busmeBs'tbeite was no such thing as a spe^al ^soonnt ^flowed to Sunday •Schools, or if yon wanted Books could not get them wuess trjr sepding to Tor»to or elsewhere, now yoDtr, waste can be supplied at your Door and aV lower prices than Toronto. I theref OH. -mSt cMifidenoe appeal for public soiqawt. A foil line «c ft^ool Bo(dcB, Stationery, Ac.,alwMtt«it hand, laso agent for tbe DOMESTIC PAPEB PAT^BNS. Agent abo for The Har den Star Hand Grenade for Extingaish; ingFins. IS'NOTETHEiaDBESS, .A.. Iiiiainore. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS He B. HARRISON MANUFACTUBEBOF MARBLE AMD BRAHITE MONUMENTS HEtOSTONES- ManUet, Furniture harbU, de, â-  JUST BEOEITSD CaHpads Finest Â¥ariegate Marb/e i' M • Larffeat stock m the Cknninion ' â- elect from. Personally adeoted at the qnu ries in Vermont. Will be sold at prices which de^ sompetition. S/kTISFMCTIOK SOMMM/ITeEO. N. B.â€" Beware of Monuments and Head â- tones of Tin-. Spelter, or Zinc, aoldered to gether, and oiled and Sandblasted tp hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HABBISON i\ FOR SCRATCHES OH HORSES â- Â» ill Carley's Healing Oil will relieve scratches on horses iu two or three appUcalions.. or price refunded. Follow the directions on bottle by thoroughly cleansing, then apply the Oil. If animal requiries any medicine to put it into condition use the Derby Blood â-  Porifyer. • STEPHENS COUBH Jlii. POWDER Absolutely Fvte. i Tlie best compound of Tar and Honey in the world for relieving coughs, it acts as an instant healer to the bronchial tubes, an will have a benefiment eSect on bronchitis al (mee. Dm't forget the name. STEPHEN'S COUGH KING. No other remedy like it, at A m«vd for|25and50oepts a tottle. It will reUeve This powder nevei vanes. A °**^*' '° i-oopine congh when other medicmea corn- purity strength «.d^e«m»^^-Jj^^ 8^^ ,^^^,^ ^e popular economical than fte o««n»^ *todjs«M«wii r be Boldin oompetiaoB with the mnliikiae oflow I i/n* Eaat. abort wei^it alum or plwai^te powders ieMo»(yw "fM. Botai. Badho Powdkb 10eWaUSt..N.Y. Ck). NOT/CL B. L.STEPHEN, Intheiestterof John WiJisnw -Por* oj the vOlsge of Msrkdale in the ooon^ of Grey ^*MStio»i« hereby given ««* tb« »^ Ji2 j3m^5X^Forf h« «^ « SSnuneBt to tne for the IP««»»,*^ fi SnSo«nBd« 4» â-¼irtwia «a^ 5 „d\m«mdni«nt« thereto and *^^^,^ k:.Z^b»8wyibe held at the Markdale the 2nd iS^^^lffZ»^^^^^^' veriAedlyslMwyitifli SIGHT V. BLINDNESS. In returning thanks to my num- erous customers for liberal patron- age during the past 14 years in which I have done business in Markdale, and solioiting a con* tinuance of the same, I would also intimate that I have removed to my premises on Mill Street, next door to Stephen's Drug Store, and opposite to the Post Office; where I shall be happy to meet all my cnstomers. p Bespectfully Yours, ' B. S.^AE. ' Markdale â€" =TORuHTO HODSE.E X am offering this week Seady-Made Clothiog, and AT ii^UMM^m ROBT. ASKIN. UNDERTAKER, iviA.ittii:rAJL.:E;, FUNERAL F URN ISNIN8S supplied on the shorteauotiee. -A. Silendid Hearse lot hire at moderate rates. • â€" â€" â€" All kinds ofâ€" FURNITURE In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Done ou short notice. BOBT. ASKIN. WM. BREADNER. Carpender and B uilder GEOBGE'St., mabkdale. ALL kinds of building and house car- penter work done in the village or country. Call eariy before tbe rush comes. 889-82 TIME TABLE. â€" I^arkdale Station- â€" 4, 1/ i Gone SocTB. GonielI«XH. 6.47 a. m. 12.08 p. m. 8.52 p. m 9.10 p. m ?63-78 m- iiiM^ iMad at AogiistJSA.

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