Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Sep 1887, p. 4

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 If; u M 1 J 1 .*E " (jrui^^lit J^j(4i(t^wt« BtLtledge, ^ropzielior. MABKDAIiE, SEPT. 1. BEVEN YEABS OLD. Seven years ago'ihis mdiitli we left the baryest field and entered the jonmalistio haxi^. Qnr sea has not always been withoat a ripple, yet we have no reascm to complain. The world: as well as the people have been fairly good to 08. and we have always been tolerably good to our- selves, 80 Uiat to complain would be, not only unwise and unpalatable, but very ungrateful. If experience is worth anything, seven years at the helm of a country newspaper should add materially to our stock of thai commodity; on the other hand, it is said, "if a man is a crank, the older he grows the more cranky ho becomes" so that there is a danger of putting ones experience to a b^ purpose: however, the number of Stondard subscribers is at high- water mark, and this ii^ the best evidence, we can have that the paper is being conducted on right principles. We have abundant reason for thank- fulness to our numerous patrons for liberal, support in the past,^ and only* trust our future business and social relations may continue equally har- monious. • OUR FAJLL SHOW. Two weeks from next Tuesday and Wednesday will be Glenelg Fall Exhibition, and it remains .largely with Our citizens and the members of the society whether it will be a success or not. If there is a general interest taken in the welfare of the society together with a little enterprise, there is no reason why we should not have by far the best E^ibition yet held. It has made steady advancement from year to year, and yet there is room for improvement. Jjet every member bring along a â- large exhibit so that the competition will be keen and the display large. We have often heard persons By after visiting an exhibition, "I have each and such an article that is ahead of anything there,' then bring along your stock, manufactures, fancy work, vegetables, roots, gram, in fact any- thing and every tbing. and thus show interest in the success of our local Show. DATES FOR FAl.T. FAIRS. We have noticed repeatedly that the officers ol various Agricultural Societies have difficulty in fixing the date upon which t^ hold their annual Show, so as not to clash with some neighboring exhibition. The durec- tors of two or more societies may have a meetmg at their different centres at the same time to truisact bimilar Business, oiie of the chief questions bdng to fix the date for the Sho,w. Now we thm^ Jt very desir- able that these annual exhibitioDB should be so. arranged tkat parties wishing to exhibit or attend for other jiiiKpbfies could do 80 'v^ the least possible inconvenience; and to this end wf,, wmild 8ag«e^ jybat a meeting ^be iheld at' (inei^ of ihe ^1 fairs. dhcMrtly after ihie ' fairs /are oyer, «pmpnsini{ say th« ^^wraaident and 8eeretai^f«qmeadi^iadai#yinoBe or the dates of. ibft 4iffer«nt. soei^^ -^ thus repreitented fwr tiie coming jeat j ^^.tUe difficnli^ might'"|a tnis way be » iiarittoiuited in a mntaal mannei :^: â- jot^*:»m^' NOTE AND CO] â€"A ^udUaeitttdb a^l^^emyavaiiter proeeiBi|9Q 'jiiodaou^ antidfadUid rn'moB^^wiAa^ â- gaiafltha^O.P. by ari^tratiim and thii fameraMi^^^ 11,007,000, boig $386.00Q h» titaa the amomit cldmed. The oosts of the case alone $7,000i friii -^The i^rading on the tled^Biyw Yalky raikoad was completed Uifk Tnesd^Ti ttnd track laying commenoeti yesterday. The road is expected to be open for traffie in a montfa. " â€"The Directors of the Central Ex- perimental Farm in Ontario baveap* parently succeeded in disooveriQg a Russian wheat of the best quality, which is perfectly suited to the soil and climate of the North- West, and which ripens from ten days to two weeks earlier than the Fife. The Fife wheat was itself, in the first mstance, a Russian wheat, and it is to Rhssia ire should look for all changes of seed, as it is the only country where agri- culture is carried on successfully in a colder oUmate than our own. â€"The results of prohibition in At- lanta, the capital of Georgia, are thus summarized. The hundred and thkty open bar-rooms have been abtdished. The city, which used to get the licen* sed money, has not lost but gained, the assessment having increased two million 'dollars aver last year, and the expenditure for pubhc schools and pubhc :improvement8 has largely in- creased. Her manufactures and her commerce have taken a bound. Poor families who could not before make both ends meet, are now comfortable, and men who before went idle arei now working. â€" ^Up to the end of July there had been exported from Canada cheese of this season's make to the yalue of $2,697,000, an increase over the ex- pdlttation for the same period of 1886 of $1,158,000, of 1885 of $797,000, of 1884 of $899,000. of 1888 of $871,- 000. and of 1882 o4l,] 28,000. The export ttis year, as a matter of quantity, is notso exceptionally large, but the price is remarkably high. Of itself the million dollars in excess of last year, which the Canadian farmers have obtained for three montlis of their make of cheese, will do much to make the country prosperous. The high price which now rules for butter as well as for cheese will make this a very profitable season for dairy farmers in spite of the drouth' and if it en- courages both cheese and butter makers to improve their produce it will have a lasting mflnence for good on the country. in skwiMMl owing la-^^fiM^ tba^^ CLIPPINGS. Mr. and Mrs. Chellew, brother and sister-in-law of A. CheUew, Colling- wood, were' passengers of the train that was disastrouply wrecked last week in the States. They were seriously injured. â€" [Thombury News. Bash Burned.â€" The bam on the farm rented by Mr. Sam. Patterson, of Egremout, near the town line of Glenelg, was destroyed by fire on Friday night last. All the seasdn's Jiay, flome grain, 2 piga, a ealf, ani some implemente were also bnroed.: MrJ S. ^Patterson's loss will be $600 Of $600, without insurance. weimder stand. The origin of the fir* is a mist^ry. â€" [Grey Review. BHASKtD.^ISro £Bmiei«, one on tiie 2nd Con. Gkiielg, and another in Bentinck, were last week vpptoneb^ by two b^ fat fellows, who have keen staying at 1^ ^ddwigh Honse for tbe aeaaoB it bcMqiiiig; ad^pBCwd ud â-  r ^. .. r .. hat we have already ntecnvisd inany '..' 'U" I iJ'L^ -ui' •â- '.0:; Invoiijesor FaQ aiid 'Wmter QofOi now on the w^r ^pm ISmop^a, and believing it a good poliey to dearfout aU stoplnp stoekt we bave^etermkied to gi^e onr oastdmeta some extra value in SUks, Lace8.Telvet8, Millinery Goods, and Dress Gobds. In fiaet all summer goods win be sold at the lowest botch tooched yet. Now is yoorohanoe to dresa well for very little money, coffte and critically ex amiQe the bargains w^ offer. Colored Lace Mitto 10c. old pnee 40e; • 6,000 yds. lovely Embroid^nesi will be sold at a reduction of 25 per cent, every lady shonld buy now for future use. ' All-over Lace 86 inches wide only 60c. old price 80 cents. '• 600 yds. Handaome Grograin Col jred Silk wide width only 76o. old price $1.00. 200 yds. Brown and Helotrope Stnpes Silks 85 cents per yard, will make up lovely dresses at very little cost. -: :-^' " ' :-" " •â- ' » 1,500 yds. Grey Flannel all Wool for early fall, 25 cents yard. One Case firo^n, Grenato, Myrtle and Grey Costume Cloth 15 cents. DirecV Importations. ' ' TEA! TBAi TEA! fiiiBv} it:o'"iiim is egTMO; 1^ ii r 34^-TO OIL, erican f r tnriUance of ire Oil Co., "IliB^finers Manufacturer's, '^. ;;?' 'v^.:: liondonaiudToi IMOILE CAR^IAOE WOt ' • Bi' litdlAlJjY:-rWould hereby announce to of Haj^dule and the public generally that I have moved into mynewu, phop opposite the Markdale House, where I will manufacture even i in the wagon and carriage line, and having long experience in the \n_ and by usuig first class material, I can guS^antee satibfaction to ami Wiib^favbriae with their order: â„¢ ' " Rtptairiiig^ HaJMing and Trimming ppomptly a tten^^ •A call respectfully solicited, ' ' -: «. MclV ALL Yj I»roprifl MAF^KDALE Havjng erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plii)| tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, bemg new, I am now prepared to turn out Sasb, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollof 6i FRMES, UTM, FEHGE PICIETS, c., And everything needed in the building trade, in a4nanner second ton Canada, and paying engaged superior mechanics m every dep would now reBpecttnlly solidt public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promp P I N E LU M BER Dressed and U ndre Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy 1mn\ Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 808 THOS. MclVJ â-  .... a ^Itoti8l 4flffltftflf«lffftf««ffllf«f«(fl«*ff««Tftttff«fl«ll Get your Photographs at Jackson's Pholx Gallery, 8i»Mtim«, and indneed to ngn ain more£leofeoral^^f)iir^9ns^j«iidaRVige agreement to act as agent fbr soyite' kmd of washing 4nachine, hot it has smee tamod 'out tbf^: tjiii MXimfOtoi agreemibni ,$f the CiVmi^ iKrmjer, was a promissory note m- $980^ whiich Juui s»oo9 been nuhaS i%Mki »#n»t^ tbe^ii^iiMAaifi^^Kre tiMt aome otiior pM^a ia th*: neigl^lQitbood axa ali^ "' f^Wt an- â-  Whe» nol 4,662 pounds vary fine sweet and stronfrJapan, warranted free from all adnltetetion jiiirtxi^Ted into irtook n â- ?;^â- tii:; iv.. ^io ;tao .â- â€¢â- ; 'â- â-  Sihh ' " aiid ^lielBtM ye W Mlrbafc^iB^ low pHcieof.26:oMili|Mr /pound in ^aarid'liK lotiL m-^Mk oat^ u hnUL iQ ttMr eoanty for kw tfaaa »s â- iiir.:- |^l::â- iâ- â-  nHiliK,aaA;auu]f:«natt.^ealera i windd r. ft, 1 J ... *â-  aakwomiitixtlC'^i^far «am^ and tiy ikT' lim W|lM«ed to 9^"' whOBiii Markdalt. 3^s^ .^ £B :s XD .^ Oablfiets, Cards. Tintypes any size or sli you wish as good as City work. C Also WCTUBE FBIMilia JMMIE MEIT AND CHEg J FAKMERS' ATTENTION. Jackson sells the celebratcid ^WILKINSOB and FLEURY Plow, also the World renowned CH:ATHAM-:-FANNI1^G-:-MII^^ 'WM. JACKSOI 'IS*- ij^j,; :Hit -ii-l... â- â- â-  ii- â- 'â- â- i 'â- ^ â-  J., i«j OROeeRY AWP LIOUOR,ST0j M ABED A LB. A geaierai"?toclk of^^F Groceries /, JoSii^Bst living p [J • ^olwBi9sis£hsiM^ " A isbaaie of patron^^ ^. r. ..^ ;r ;-';jpge«iilly solicited. -:..^^ 1i^sla/^ '*»3«.i«.*ait*^*...^*.«.«-««*«._^jjQUOBSfor.meaicme»^ â-  l^askett's Hardirai*- ,.3* .Fled onr t i^Uiu] time froE ^^m»^ Ma l^ltalliidhai MfoiaUy inaopBie 1^ Mod fneen of the flaiimre rather iMoalAitafci [nbkmom he fninp^ jwfthbim ftta es wishes of a Urge Blukbnm, Esq., gatnrdiiy last fpom «x T tonr in western Onti ,jBer.Mr* MoLellanof Mceptobly filled the pi 'kytenan ehoroh here m Â¥imt?a HATE A HI ^*-|fe«ni W. K. Flesh liey, have made fall an ugemenls for tbe pattii ./adteasposaSblB a at in tiie Fleelierton I ezpeet to haTc tiie m t$ii(m for early winter t renterpriie will prove a e Jm public in thislocalit; Ive no doabt will pro\ I and profitable investmt Viaanea. t brick/woric on the n [wittbe completed fi â-  Maxwell. Fromoiar tnm Corres Weather cooler. Fros BMTesKag ip nearly o\ T|e iHlait'af this yea fto th» staiidard, aUaiaUc about n j|^laiS0.^Bnmber W»,1b!B» wbetfaer it w "V TaBL remains yet to iw*W"*»«BnfiWo [Mr.HofirtHtton's. I *^ft»ibm is home r»5.'witti^We^ in Marl I MWB llollroy, fi-om gtert of MiM Kerr's. LÂ¥^TTA.iJlakely h« iS! SÂ¥J^ '*«B^Ptingq I bI?^'S?^-°"*«H rttS^ Milligau, "^^^ftt^Uatodd, w, I -J* HaWiath mon Ny-r^ •orry to hear t J Uifcit-liâ€" decided uj He on Si is mc r. D'^Ai -Pretbyteriai 1^ fiut the cl jopeni ^Sitation is • A« excelle ^pnpared ttal two Is t^in anl ^locall "tC

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