Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Apr 1887, p. 5

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 "^m^ â- .4!r^.:aF iK^tSi^^S^. â-  u " .WW II â-  i»y y .-. )or and Plain Fac- linery, eYerythin? ' second to none in ;ry department, I age. ed OffeF. 'daxd.... «»^ Lculi,urist(Euglisli „ iy Book, for every- iiustiatious. Most uUshed t i-w le of oiu: Farmer iuea duriug '"' joo Ijiupared for "^.()( tiie Engravings ot ' uier I'resideuts, this purpose by i G. Mitchell (1» ted x)aper. Portraits- Ltrait oi General ug. GrandOabin» and engraved a^ ly lor subscribe?^ id supplied to 'l' j go, iate engraving .6 inches in sil^ Brady' eleganW hlyfinishedpaPfj n- for iae ca»*^,_00. ait of Henry Warf c size, ei^yf?. ribers of ttusoom- ocess direct ironB t, after Mr. Breed*- J u^ I Europe. _j • .9S30 )ve post-paid far »»5 adway. Hew Yfl»^ ,py of the -*^^ SJ^CT DOINGS. „F GOUNTT AND MSTBICT D01M08 iijj Of" „„j »' rE EXCHANCBS PRKPAKED \^^jZsrii'^-'^^ READERS. ,..%ilure'a poor pancake V„,,posedMecbaDics' keV^^i 11 ^i.-i./Mi TrjL Institue at L^'Ln has fallen through. f' jje i^ '^oing to celebrate the â-  uiU celebrate the 24th May. ,-,34ers are out annoancing it. ' -p«ment in Euphrasia is^being llr. 31yles the assessor forty ""'xhafJ about what Glenelg sed ye editor. ^^f^e^ei photograph of apig- •rais Li-^r \f:. -jas r.lioiu; Sparling of Euphrasia has ed post master al Goring in -, of Mrs Bailey resigned. I^^iforahas established a Stock Ex- D Life Presekved. â€" I was co m- relieved from that dreadful iv^v.fn)sia, with only four bottles B. B. B., and anv one ieU-; be;-; ,â-  dvspei: t '.ite preserver- Vn" recommend it to ' P. Devanny, While a nomljerpf Jaboriw^wwflxca' Tstingfor the foondatipn rf the new Cotholio chnxch at Qnelph last Si^or- day mommg the earth caved in onfhem burying Fred. King, aged 21. and crash- ing him so badly that when he was ex- tricated life was extinct. T-UiAKACâ€" It is an ordmary mixtuie. In fact Its properties are entiidy different from any preparation nsedfor Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung Troub- les. The transfer committee of the Metho- dist church have sanctioned the trans- fer of Rev. Dr. Aylsworth, of the Lond- on Conference, and R. H. Waddell to the Guelph Conference. The former will go to St. Thomas, and the latter will come to Mount Forest.â€" [Confed- erate. An average of 60,000 yards of hotel carpets is sold in New York at auction every season. Some hotels make a carpet lass three years, and others purchase every year. From these partly worn carpets, second-class hotels and board- houses maks a choice. â- ^ ^MsSk-^M^ To intending purchasers of Ameri- can Watches, Clocks, Jewellery and Sflverware, also Engagement or Wedding Rings. I have the only complete stock of above lines in "Central Grey.^" It will pay to inspect my stock; get my prices, find out how I do basiness, learn what my 1, 2 8, years warrants mean; then if not sqnare ia every particnlar, I shall not expect you to buy. Over 200 pair of fine Specks in stock 25e, to $3.00. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS Seeds H. B. IVARRISON^ MANUFAOTUBER OP MARBLE ANa 6RA/TE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, MantUs, Furtuture Marble, dc. Ion--' 10 such disease, â- ari'-, Ont. â- ^vcliv Cairns of Artemesia con- 'csatiin to Scotland this Sum- liY. ON YOUiJ GUAED ;:iow a cold m the head to slowly V iiiii iuto Catarrh, when you can rcJ ior a-'Jc. by uing Dr, Chase's Catarrh ' -v few api'lictiions cure insipient f, 1 to -J lioJ^es enres ordinary catarrh t- i»'-.x" is guaranteed to cure chronic „ ' i'n- it. OuIy 25c. and sure cure, â- ;,iivalld'ru!;^'ists. 333-83 Ut ill" is too good for a painting Ihat Ov Iv executed. Furious cyclones and halestorms swept over a large part of Western and South- western Missouri, South-Eastem Kansas and Northern Arkansas on Thursday night, causing great loss of life and des- truction of property. Several towns were entirely demolished. ecouiu land iDr.v voKTiEa. â€" "My husband strained With overwork, causing a large eliii; .; ii: tlic t;r(iin. He suffered great ' which doctors failed to relieve not cat or sleep. B. B. B. cuw il him. He says he neyer ,i,.,;i quick relief in his life," Ex- icaLiiioiua letter from Mrs- George Bc:;:. Cooksville, Ont. «".;zir.: it rxDS. â€" Nine-tenths of the J.i'.-o iicnouiiiiated Catarrh is the re- Isait 1 ynotiacccd or oft-repeated colds jimin.' i'leati. Nasal Balm will giye im- Iffiediate relief and permanently cure. .U'!;oFiTABLY LIFE, â€" Fcw mcu havc liceududisiicd the same amount of work j'j 1 111 tliib world as the celebrated .:.t.vj. Oyer uOU,000 of his works Sav b ;•.! -Old in Canada alone. We laiii c.oiy pers'iu troubled with Liyer luiL L:;:t U,s^L[:sia,£[eadache,Kidney lorl .,: iity '^Kjubles, to buy a bottle of I Dr. k ::,. s i^ivcr Cure, it will cure you. rJltJiciiic and ii'cceii)e Book |1. JIi. liioj, Jennings has sold Ms in- •£xct in liie ilansiou House, Shelburne, |;o .Ur. Geo. Thompson, recently in Slack's old sta,iid, Owen Sound street. A Cu;lmo.v Occceaxce.â€" 'Many bad [joiuts 'uy v.iuch pcox^le are cripled for ilite. .ii. liitiuo by neglected or badly I treavvl ijienmatism. Ida Pink, of hua:iioy, Out., was afflicted with iiatisiu iu her lingers so that she 1 coui.i liot bend them. Yellow Oil cured aer, aud is a prompt cure for aU painful '-onisJaiuts. Stratford, Aug. 8th 1885. About three years ago I was laid up with bronchitis, and for six months was unable to do anything. Four bottles of Dr. Jug's Medicine completely cured me, and my health has been nrst-rate ever since, in fact I never felt better in my life. W. H. Magee, G. T. R. Works. Stratford. DSJUGS LUNGS BtOOD^r V^ Fine Watch repairing a specialty. MARKDAliE. SEEDS FIEUJ GmOEN JUST EEGEIVETI 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble tSrlMrges/t^atoek- in the Dominion to select from. PersoBally selected at the qnar ries in T^rmcmt, Will be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFA(IT10H GUARANTEED: N B. â€" Beware of Mcmiunents and Etesd- stoues of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B.'rfAEKISON HEAD QUARTERS -- â€" -FOR ' Holland Coancil. Holland Centre, April 17th. Special Meeting of the Council of the Township of HoUandfor the revising and amending certain By-Laws of the township. Books Stationery. Fancy Goods, Toys, Wall Paper, Ac, Toronto St next Door to the Mansion House. Markdale. T -ATT s u A, Dinsmore returns his sincere thanks for the very liberal support ac- corded him since commencing as above, and hopes by strict attention to business and moderate prices to merit a continu- anc.of pubUc appreciation and patron- age. Those requiring would consult their own interest by ex- amining his stock, consisting of over ' Three Thousand pieces at from 5 to 75c. per Roll, Sunday Schools requiring Liberary Books will find Hundreds to select from and at such FAVORABLE Members all present. Reeve in the J TERMS as are sure to satisfy. DEUG STOEE. Your's Bespectfuily, R.L.StephetT. EOBT. ASKIN, UNDERTAKER, ivr.a.tcK;x A X^E FOHERL FURHISHiNGS supplied on the shortes notice. JL Sileiid.id. Ilearse lur hire at moderate rates. chair. After revising and amending certain By-Laws, on motion of Mr. Shute, sec. by Mr, Murray,'the council went iuto general business. Shuteâ€" Murray,â€" That the Reeve and Clerk, be appointed as a committee to confer with the Treasurer as the best means or plan for depositing the township monies in order to draw interest and that he, the Treasurer be authorized according to the oi?ders of the Conmuttee toDoposit$1000,00.- Carried. Shute â€" Howey, â€" That the Reeve sign an order to the General Hospital Toronto, to keep David Shea twowaeks longer in that institution. Galbraith- â€" Murray,--- -That the councU adjourn till the 26th June, and then to meet as a court of revision. Carson Pkice, Tp. Clerk. ES'lVote tlie tact.â€" That imtil I commenced business there was no such thing as a special discount allowed to Sunday Schools, or if you wanted Books could not get them unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere, now your wants can be supplied at your Door and at lower prices than Toronto. I therefore with confdence appeal for public support. A full hue of School Books, Stationary, c., always on hand, also agent for the DOMESTIC PABER PATTERNS. Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade for Extingaish- ingFires. IS'NOTETHEADDRESs; -A.. iOinssmore. lor. The Supreme Court pf.Kansashas de- aued that a married woman need not tike her husband's name unless she iifloses. • â-  A Seveee Attack. â€" "I never felt |i«tteriiiiiiy life than I have since '"SJiiug Bimlock Blood Bitters. I had •severe bihous attack; I could not eat • t several days, and was unable to JOK. One bottle cured me." John M, f liardi, Sr., Tara, Ont. For all bilious aoubies use B. B, B. Jhe prab house of James Allen, Esq., "'^eufore was destroyed by fire to- ^ether v;ith 10,000 bushels grain pn the ^tofthelbthinst. â-  to^'^^ ^0 Satisfy.â€" There are many ^itjies for coughs and colds, but there ik(rf^;i l*'"'® ^° satisfactory as ^lards Pectoral Balsam, which is J^f^'^^t, and reUable pure for all oto? I v" '^^8 troubles, including ^^uSSVi^'*^?^' ^^°^P' ^liooping 'otttia or Id i'^™°'^^'^y complaints o^ ^: ^^°^^t' M. P, for Restigouche, 'wund dead in bed Monday morning j^^^% hotel, Teeswater, where he "" "^^^ visiting friends in the vicinity. P ^â- '^aJf A""'?^ Childeen.â€" They are 'â- atc^f'^l^g col*! ill thek head. ^^.eh! "'^*i'^^eof Nasal Balm "tr:u,K°"" ^* ^ig^*' also rub weU -^"-^.t'T °^ *^^ ^o»«' a°i- let US °^ they are in the morning. ^v^^r 'f ^^^^^^ ^^ Dundalk on which :^iij]^^ '"^i^es reside. In these five W.t ^^"^^^ ^^^ nineteen children '^11 years of age. "^^'So j/"" Viable to take ordinary ""'usia^T M ^^"^^s of Asthma "^^i'^^i i.L. ?^' '"^^ Asthma Cure. A ^immm IP SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALINQ. It Cures GATABEH, CoUtaluil HAY FEVER. STOPS Dropplnc* irai3 Nasal passage* tn- EASY TO USE. to tba throat and mxeeuAn expectoration causcdby Catarrli. Sent â- Syon^iptofprioe,50ca.dJrt. Address FULFORD A CO., BrogKvlUe, Ont. SbUHlilHefiEADi :C^yrKmi% AUCTION SALE -OF VALUABLE- FABM PEOPOETY. '^^^Sy^S?' m^. Fo- under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Registered Mortgage which wiU be produced at tnne of Salo. and upon which default in payment has been made, there will be offered f or sale by Pablic Auction, at the Markdale House m the ViUag* of Markdale, in the county of Grey, on .Thursday, April 28th, A D 1887. at the how of one o'clock in the afternoon ihe following valuable land and 'lS No.StV in the foi^rteenth concession oHhe T^hip of Artmesia. coni^pmg one hunderd and ten acres more or less This is a valuable farm property- "n t^e premises are said to be erected a gool dwelling, bani and farm haddm«8. TERMS ;â€" Ten per cent to be I«Jd «o^ at t£e of sale for' ^al^^f' ^f^e X; and wiUhe m^de known at the ^e- .JJor ^her par^ulars apply *» golicitor Toronto. "Will Stoddart s â€" Late of England and Jersy City, U. S. begs to inform the citizens of Mabkdale and surrounding community, that he has opened a TAILORING HOP over Mr. W. J. McFarlaud's Store, where he is prepared to do, all work! entrusted to him in the Latest and Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect all work before leaving the Shop, cus- tomers may rely, on having work turned out first-class in tverjj, par- ticular trusting thac I may receive a fair share ot the public patronage I remain, !^aitbfullv Tour's, WILE STODDART. Markdale, Mai;ch 14th, 1887. is^MPv^m*. In returning tbauks to my num- erous customers for liberal patron- age during the past 14 years in which I have done busiues*s iu Markdale, atid eoiicitiug ii cou- tihuanceofthe sama, tv/oulri also intimate that J iiave re-moved to my premiees on Mill Street, next door to Stegtien'y Drag Store, and opposite to the I^DstOfB-ce, wher-j I shajl be happy to meet all my customers. Respectfully Yours, K. S.BAE, Markda'e â€" ^All kinds of â€" x^^ xj rs. IV I T XJ R. E. In Stock at bottom prices. PIQTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. BOBT, ASKIN. Farm for Sale. \f\f\ ACEES, BEING LOT 13, CON.,. J. \JiJ 14 Artemesia, aboat 70 acres clear- ed and under cnltivation, well fenced with 1 cedar, well watered with sprinR creek, a com- fortable log house and barn, young orchard i bearirg. Situated three miles from Mark- dfje. For Tei-ms and further particulars I apply to â-  I JAS. W. LACKEY 1 .3l-t Berkley. WM. BREi^DNER. Sarpender anci B uilder GEOSQE St., MARKDALE. ALL kinds oi,lKiilding and house car- penter work done., iu the village or country. Call early before the rush comes. 339-52 IsvSneratFfonStore THE undersigned wonld hereby respectfully intimate to tlie inhabi- tants of Markdale and surrounding country that I've opened U| a general Provision store where I intend to keep on hand a general supply of all kinds of provisiona such as â€" FLOUR. OATMEAL. COKNMEAL INDIAN; CORN. GRASS SEED, OATS, BRAN, SHORTS, CHOPP,. SCJP'JK^I^'jS- «1bo a quantity of SEED GRAIN, HAMS, BACON. LARD, c., in fact everything people want in this Une. Shop one door w«8|;.of Joe La^j'8 Blacksmith shop. Suiicitiiii; a share ofpublie pati(0]^ge I am respectfully yours, .IcLS. l^illexv MABKDALK Partnersliip Notice. De'3 SPROULE BRODIE, have centered iuto a partnership for the practice of their profession. Dr. Sproulc will be found at his old office Turner's Drug Store, and Fw Brodie at liis ofiBce I Mathew's new block. 333-4( FOK_ALE. \Thor.inph breil trotting stallion srftli Poditriee. iijft*)fl conditiiiii iinpye«rs niih fioJordark Jbv%l' "f-v. b\^o bis llfine-s. At the TCl|?OntO House, i '-ntftr ma ilrfley, for fm-h?;- r rtieu!arH i.inilv to. (.^38 81 UoUflnl C"!t.v. v s-^il,:h: Wm. Brown. THE KEY TO HEALTH. BE SURI^.^ C£T YOUR â- Â»Â»Â»car- «3"3?# Unlocks all- the clewed avenues of the. Bowels, Kidneys aim Liver, canying ©ff g^dually without weakening the system, ' all the impurities, and foul humors of the secretions at the same time CotMCtUI^ AdfUty of thfti Stoxnaeh, curing Bili- ousness, ^spepsia. Headaches, Diz- ziness, Heartburn. Constipation. I^tyness of the Skin. Drrasy, Dim- „ .11 nessofVi^on.Janndice.SutBheiun, He raiilv-efi a*good a rump as riiQjee i EryMpelas, Scrofofik Flnttering of is in the market, and • the lo^h^^i the Heart, NeiTonsnc^ and General possible prices, besides it i* S' q^ i Debility; allthese and many other simi- veuient for geltrng. r,,„,r. !..^«, ^^g^^^^^^^^^ when buying from OiuiPtatA*. wt ^wjjoywvii. j*«vv*- „ ., 8«BipleBottteslOfr;Begiilar8ixe$l^ Have some style ajtiout vgn «||(i KARKDALE, sapitort hum^ enteritrise ^y lujipp^' f^ff Quisu?-, Yot saithf all^.de«ki». m^ M ...,.^.».s^;^- "*^ .»U«^fc

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