Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Apr 1887, p. 4

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 â- ^â€" ^^Wl^ ij,.^,^m^^ffs^m^!^msms!mw9ii 'â- attijitmlSm*'l'i-i^iUl0ti Ilk i I ' I i Ij-tJi t r,,^ h t^S?^ matgba((^ ^tan^av^* C. W. Bntledge, Publisher. MABEDALE, APRIL. 28.1887. SPRING 'FAIR. Markdale Spring Show was held ~last Saturday and was a decided succ- cess. The day was dry and a stiff "breeze from the west which increased 'into a gale, made overcoat 'and gloves a comfort and a -necessity. A large numbers of fine BtallioDS were on exhibit, 16 having entered for com- petition. A remarkable feature in our Spring Show is the introduction late years and increased attention given to heavy horses, especially the Imported Clydesdale. Only a few years ago it was not considered necessary 'to offer a prize to ' folds her arm* and. like ^poor liioaw- ber, "weiteiorsQmetiungtotaznnp:*' Of cbareesometluog will torn npâ€" it always does. Maritdale -appropriated a posilaoD in Hie M^odist tdtnreh to which she is dearly not entitled, and Flesherton meekly bore it aXL And now an attempt is to be made to re- move the Division Court. Of course Flesherton will also permit this with its usual indifferance." In re- ference to "Markdale appropriating a position in the Methodist church to which she was not entitled," we may state that on a division being made of the Owen Sound District at Con- ference, and the new^ District mapped out, Markdale was found to be located 1^ miles off the centre geographically; it was the most important business place in the jurisdiction and had first class railway facilities, so that the conference could not in justice, make any other circuit the head of the District, and it was thus named Markdale District without any inter- ferance on the part of Markdale â€" not -s^r /u Don't buy Dress Goods until you see McFabland's Immense Assort- ment. imported,heavy draughthorses as there was none to compete, but now we find i' so Flesherton nevertheless more attention and greater competi- j by to im- tion in this class than any other. The exhibit was pronounced competent and prominent judges be the best ever held in this place. The competition in bulls was small but what there was were thoroughbred • aud really good animals. " There was a large display of Ipemeuts exhibited by Messrs Bebee, Carson, Jacksoa and Noble, all of which attracted attention. A very important and much desired part of Spring Shows is able and im- partial judging, and these rualilies were leadmg features in our Show The judges were Mr. E. Rand of To- ronto, WalterJNichoU, Dundalk, and Frank Burton of Holland. We do not by any means wish to ruake little of our local men as bein? incompetent to judge fairly and with ability, yet wjould favor the selection for such purposes a Judge from a dis- tance, one fully master of his business and who had no interest or knowledge whatever of individual exhibitors. The system of only one judging is fast coming in use as well as in favor, and we believe it is aTgood one. EDITORIAL NOTES. Don't buy Millinery without con- oultingMiss Bremner, McFabland's Milliiier. v. ' FBIZE LIST.. Imported Clydesdaleâ€" 1st "Lord Derby," Thorpe Wright 2nd "Gallo- way Laird," W. J. Shepherdson. Canadian Draught â€" 1st "Just in Time," Beattie and Burnett; 2nd '•Honest Tom," M. Ryan. Percherouâ€" "Ribant" H. King. General Purpose â€" 1st "British Ensis-n," John McWhirter, 2nd -King Tom," J. Manary. Roadsterâ€" Ist "Eddie F," T. Tuck, -2ud '-Chief, ".Jas. Henry. Bloodâ€" 1st "Young Terror," Thos; •«CampbeIUi2nd "Boston," Jas. Henry. BULLS. Durham â€" under two years, 1st R. Watson, 2nd W. J. Anderson. IMPLEMENTS. Mowerâ€" Noxon, Geo. Noble, Seed Drillâ€" " Geo. Noble. Jointer Plow-Pulford, J. H. Carson, Sod Plow-Domiiiion Plow, G.Noble Seed Harrowâ€" Evans Son Cayuga !M. Bebee. Boot Cultivator â€" Ritz Bros, Geo. ::Noble- Land Rollerâ€" Wilson Shelburne, J. H. Carson. â€"Sheriff Clark, of Port Arthur, died last Wednesday at the age of 70 years. â€" Sheriff Duncan of Welland, county, died at Welland, Ont., on Wednesday last. â€" It is understood the Dominion Parliament] will build a printing bureau in Ottawa this year. â€" June 22 is ufiicially set apart as the day for observing the Royal Jubilee in Canada. â€" The Ontario, Legislature was pro- rogued on Saturday afternoon with the usual ceremonies. â€" Mr. W. E. Bennett, of Toronto, has been appointed to the position of Assistant Post-office Inspector. â€" Barnum's firm and the Grand Trunk Company have ended the Jumbo suit by an agreement. â€" The total cost to Canada of her share in the late Colonial Exhibition was $120,857, of which sum $8,500 went in wages and $14,000 in freight. â€" The Minister of agriculture has decided to establish experimental farms m the North West, with a view to testing the capabilities of the soil in various districts for certain products, â€" Mr. Norquay's bill empowering the Manitoba Government to build a railway to the boundary provides for the issue of one million dollars of provincial bonds for its construction. A destructive Cyclone passed through Arkansas, Nevada, Eentucy and Mis- souria, and a Blizzard in Wyoming on the 22nd in which much property was destroyed and many lives lost. â€" A motion for annexation to the. -United States was made in Nova.. Scotia Legislature last Friday it was seconded just to bring it before the house, but Mr. McCall the mover was the only vote in faver of the resolu- tion. â€" Lord Landsdowne Lap offered fresh: terms to all his -tenants, and pending the probable sjBttleotent of the difficulty Mr. William O'Brien will Don't buy Bilks, Velvets, Gloves, or Laces, before seeing CMcFARLAND'SlP â€" ' â-  » » â-  Don't select your Carpets, Lace Curtains, Floor Oil Cloth or Crotons, from any other house except ^m FBLAHD'S.| Q IMcM AJL L. Yj I*roprletor% W%uld:1i€a?6by announce to ty people of Markdale and the pubiy generally tbat I have moved iny my new carriage shop opposite tL Markdale House, where I will manuJ facture every article in the wagoBi and carriage line, ar d having loJ experience in the business, and bj using first class material/ I caj guarantee satisfaction to every one! who will favor me with their order Repairing, Painting and Trimin-I ing promptly attended to. I also make a -first class Stonel Machine, which will lift the stone carry it to any desired place anl leave in position on the fence. A call respectfully solicited MARKDALE tiano Don't let any Young Man, Old Man, Boy or Child, who wants a perfect fitting newest style low priced of clothes pass Suit Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain F»| tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everythiBjl being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sasli, Doors, BMs, Monldings, fiollow Battoi^l F8AIIES, UTH, FENCE PICKETS, c., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to noDeinl Canada, and ^haying engaged superior mechanics m eyety department. 1 1 would now respectfully solicit public patronage. McFABL'AND'S Don't forget, McFabcand has the Sweetest, Strongest, Purest and Cheapest, Tea in the County. Every Effort Made to jail Orders Promptly PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all siaes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Taming done.| Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 803 THOe?- ]\Ic1VJEjV.. Don't neglect to look through McFabi.and's Immense Establishment crowded with new goods bought for cash down, in the best markets of the world all of which will be sold at a small profit. postpone his 'visit to Canada^ â€" The Prohibition .veast is working^ Buff Boots, Women's Men'a all over the Anglo-Saxon world. The SOMEWHAT JEALOUS. The following sensible items .appeared in last week .Flesherton Advance. "We understand A great effort is being made to .induce the Ontario Government to moÂ¥e the Division Court ifrem Flesherton to Markdale. Thanks, awfully. Sup- j)08e we remove Markdale jand set" it on one of our comer lots " In the iirst place the editor of the Advance ^evidently has been laboring under a :ii.-»s-nii.terst!iiiaiiig, as Markdnle, or .tuy olu -^r prtwer, hj^ ,uftt ,asked for, or IS uuc s-ekiriij,.jtj K^avd Flesherton Division C »wrt moved to Markdale. .In the same paper the following ap- '•Markdale gobies *be roller latest ferment iras m New- foundland, where it took the casting vote of ihe Speaker to deteat a prohibition motion. New' fonndlond, like Quebec, is peopled by different creeds, and it is not easy, as we know, under such conditions to. advance moral reforms, but in spjte of all -there is no resisting their advance in the long ran. â€"A motion by Mr. Clarke, of Well- ington, haB been passed in the House ordering that, a copy of the statutes of •thisProvince jhall be annpally suppli- ed to each Beeve and Pep^ty iBeeveb of the various cojinty municipalitieB in the Proyinoe of Ontario^ ^ndor the provisions of the B. S. O., 1877, jeap. 2 .sec. 8. -Foimeriy jsopies ord^ed by the-Coanty^Conneils haye had to be paid for ool of e fonds ci tha 4!»^ra. ««.««« go«ptes «ae rouer odbhty. ud Beeftt only Hm nnli. ^.i- trtUwmle Flo8hci^,i.jaeekl^ '^f^^^'^^ â„¢ â„¢ "tP Don't think* it eoQnomy to buy a Shoddy Boot. For it is not, Mo- Farland has received a large addition to his stock of Kid, Croat, Calf and Boy's Misses' and (Child's, all solid leather. « » « â-  â-  i He will bf pleased to have yon eali when in Markdale, and «Bsare you of hid be^t serrices. Give us Franchise and Victory is Ours In making your purchases in small goods don't forget to call at the best established CONFECTION AH Y, TOY and FBUIT STOBE in the County. My stock comprises the latest and best designs in TOYS; thechoicestandfreshest stock of FBUIT and CONFECTIONARY also first-class Fancy Note Paper and Envelopes (all colors.) OYSTERS kept constantly on hand during the seasoh, and.8old by the quart or glass. Mrs. Clement, MAEKDAiE. TlaeliairCoBcenilnilf iVeiv^s pap- ers. W. J. HcFARLMD, Blr^t lu^portier. 1. Any person who takers a paper regnlarl ly from the post-offioe, whetlier diractsd in his name, or another's, or itiiether iie la sabseribed («r not, js tesponaible for pay- ment. 2. If a person orders his papier discontinu- ed, he most pay all arrears, or the publishei nMy.oontinap to sepd it until payment .is made,/u^ then follect the wh(4e aotonnt, whether the paper is taken from the o^pe or not. 2. In suits tat snbseriptions, the snii may be institoted in the plaee where the paper is pabliabedi'alth^qgh the sabscribe^rmay reside hmtdr^ of milati away. 4. Tlh» courts hay^ de^^ded thai refoaing to take jaewspapers or pmlDdicals from tiie poBtoffioe or femovi)3« aBdleaTing them jui- ealled^for. wUle ahiMiidk i» jNiaM /ocM evid- fl;9oe of intoniiiaiiaT fnK|4, fiRB8bvAL.-Oe(MHeLe«Hit,of laymde, OtA., says he ean l^anttjr xeoommend Yellow (Ml as ^bessreUererof rheum- ^tie i)a^ his ^ft^' 'supjer ha;m^ SR^Gered for yeurs^?:^ Unparalleled Offer. No. Lâ€" Tbellarkdale Standard.. «*^ I No. 8.â€" Tbe American Agriculturist CEagUsh or Germiui), 1887 I NO. 3.â€" ThaA. A.NewPonltryBook.forevery- body. 9S6 pages. 100 lUuBtaratious. Most l complete work ever published. ** ' No. 4. â€" Kngravings. "Home of our Farmer Fresideats," Uxia issued during "**?• », Each worth ** No. 5. â€" The same issued during 1886, torwaid- ed post-paid, in a tube prepared for tiie purpose. Each worth No. 0.â€" Artiolee describing the Engravings oi the "Home of our Farmer Presidents, written expressly for this purpose by James Parton, Donald G. Mitchell (U Marvel,) printed on tinted paper. Companion Portraits. No. 7.-rA magnificent portrait of Geucral Grantfrofnliislastauting. GrandCablua size, 18 by 81 inches, and engraved a^ lane expense, especially for subscnber^ to this combination, and supplied to "*•,«() other persons. Price. „* HOiâ€" ,„ sapnrb steel plate engraving f Q«9ar»l hogKa, 12 by 16 inches in siie, from a photograph by Brady' elegantly mounted on heavy, bl^yfiniEhedpap^ snilahje for tranung or for the centre table, Pzioe, II6.9wâ€" A msgniaoentportraitof Henry "WaJtt Beeoifaer. Full cabinet sise, engrave?, gpSpdjrlor the subscribers of thiscoro hhtaSonby tbe new process direct fron •negM*vatMW8l»yPi,afterMr.Breecn-j^ tfSTCeo^ttataDi from Europe. Total " We #111 ftanWi^airthe above post-paid for SP aix eSBiato,Wl Broadway, New Yorfc^ ktan QOPT of the 'z^l ^^ gSrCKaSnan. «P^^^ ' 'gsmLmt

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