Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Apr 1887, p. 1

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 ^VPffnpqiilipi ^MMHPiiPiViinPViiPIPiP HQSP re you " but do ile in yoorgea^ love for me. "^^ OQT devoted,! ^^ ' Friend. canhave'the o«^j office, proving 368. MPTION CUBa^D. ;cian, retired tma im. ced in his hands bv S* ry the formula of » â-  idy tor thespeedyandtt sumption, Bronchiti«5 1 throat and Lungiji aad re,dical -ureforTâ€" 1 Nervous Complainfc*^ ;s wonderful cnratiTB iJ f cases, has felt it hia gat,- to hissufferingfello^. 7J tive and a desire to'rJsi ig, I will send free of ch2S!3 t. this receipe, in Gbt?' ish, with fufl dlreca^ using. Send by -mail bv J tamp naming thispao-.v' rs Block Roeh%,ler, J^P 'â- ' »rtby Sedd-o0. r monthly meeting of !?o 97S. held in the dt\. m Wednesday eyeoing, i ing preamble ond resolnti by Bro. ifames Boyd, Deo Thos. Eeid, treasarer, ily adopted. Samuel fireadner, who of this lodge contmnou :ation in November, A, ied his intention of removing from this part hereas during all these ya as conducted himself asl member of ©ur Associati •rising and desirable citi himself a kind neigtibi n the case of sickness yaluable siatanceandc iore resolved that we ten ks to Bro. Breadner for i eudered to this lodge, ny acts of kindness to i at we deeply regret his i lany years of fraternal i we cordially recomma ;hem in his- new home! r fullest confidence tt if through the world^ i'rovicence we may not re of Bio. Breadner's lize meeting here, we o so regulated in accor pies, of our Order tHat tltted to meet with him ;e above, intends removing to Pa as navigation opens. irasia generallv trust i amiable wife and with health and pn .6w heme, â€" [Mirror. B Roller 1 UAVING No. 1 WHEJ ring flour from their o t by bringing twenty bash^ W/s on Hai $3.80 to $4.21 r ton JlA 12.1 m^arket price paid for J. W. FORD.\ I Pacifior- WUND BRANCH E TABLE. Mofjday.Jvl/ 28th, 1888- OING NORTH- N-S. ,ye. on. 745am 925" 10 05" 1020" 1032" 1068" 1122" 1147" 1302pm 12 14 " 12 28" 12 88 " 106" 450 62 7 T' 7M sm 8 so 8Si\ 9lO| 10«»| OiNC SOUTH^ mm rSTTT!-? ^Sstssnrrr^ •t Uiit'iiJ- ' "HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THiSY MAY. SE\ rETH YEAR.â€" No. 347. MABKBAXE, ONT., APEEL 28, I§8T. C. W. BUTIiEDGE, Publisher. icaliiii Other Hems. • n f7(A eohimvf: intended tobenefit ""'^^' ?i; " "'â-  "'f'«f.' w**' be charged ten the first imertion and five Ruh-equent insertion. rsv'^ndence, communica- I'DTl"" â€" Cd/v i C loin oil Tueday to inmre ptthtteation it It!"!:- m DAYS! be a lr30Da,vs Only, tJ^ere will â- a discount sale of '!itcks, Clocks, Jewelry, SilÂ¥er- ware, Spex, c., I Do not i^ii-^s li- ^ut come early and Lre soEie of tbe bargains before lev art' •scui' o^b' " ^® days, cjitiidv,'us v.e ara giving you 25 lerctiit, "' oil all cash sales over IiCj. li"' finest make of Nicol lanu 0-t± actnally selling at ll'SijELL' Noted Jeweleby Stoee lroii'y'S-2.GO, while they are $2.50 32J5 chtitthere and the finest liortineiit oi' Fine Plated Chains rtlvSi.COw'iich are geuerajly sold 2.50. eaii toar irii EUSSELL'S IS ,„,^^ .„„ get bargains, no- ,v can compete with us. Gome and for yoarsekes, we will not pay or f^ive you meals as a ilch, but wii! sell you goods a great y clioaptr than you can get else- eie and remember the only place get yoiu- \Yiitch repaired properly feat WStLL'S Noted Jewelry btore, ESHERTON. I Farmei-s buy yoiir land rollers from (Iickscn. 5lAec-i£ iliLLSAP is home from Toronto fcrthe suiiTEcr. Get ycRir plow repairs from Jackson. I metal taken in exchange. For ealcimines or wall finish of any nd. The "best to be had at Mabee's* Harrovrs Harrows 1 Iron and spring I'lOOtb at Jackson's. For ca'icimine brushes, wall brnshes, liairt brashes S:c., see Mabee's, CiOTEE ^c TnioTEY Secds at Stephen's I ^Dg Store. Fisliiiig Tackle all kinds |«theilea:cal Hall, A. Turner, Co. Garden Seeds at I Stephen's Drug Store. 81-clocks just opened out, will be "'1 close, as I bought them right, W. I i'Bro\Tii, Jeweller, fer call aud see M. Co' Bichardson s.neT? stock of styhsh spring suits, ™»« goods at low prices, Flesherton. ^o^s! Plows Sod, General impose and Joiutcrâ€"Fleury and Wilk- «i"s make, at Jackson's. our crown stove poUsh, its a *^ no dust, no dirt, no brushing I ^itee has it. ' ^7"^^ IEP.^RT5rENT.-Every ' line "=^fdsou Go's, Flesherton. ^^,000 dcz., of eggs and 2 tons of hi^?'"^f°tIavi3'for which the â- ^^st market price wiU be paid. alreal^f3 ^^' ^^^cted a dwellinghoase and toC '"°^ "" ^*^ ' ""^^^ ^mt"^^ " ^U wool TweedB ^^ has^""" '° Montgomery' old "leaU ca„ w ^^ resturant where hot cents, ^^d at ^U hours, for 16 MowAT BEOS of theMarkdale foundrv have enlarged their premises and are going into the stove manufacturing. Cam, and get M. Bichi^soa ft Go's, quotations for nails and all kinds of building hardware, Flesherton, Ont. Plow Points.â€" All the standard makes and patterns for saje at Mofi^t's foundry, three for #1.00 cash. A fresh stock of meals have just been opened at Davis* which will be sold at a very small advance on cost as he will not be undersold. The trout fishing season commences on Monday next but we have been ^in- formed that quite a few did not wait for the 1st May. Remembeb you can get Bran, Shorts, Henfeed the same price at Bensons, as at the mill, it saves you half an hour trouble, give us a call. We tmderstand our village Police in- tend using cedar for stringers to lay sidewalks this summer. That will be a wise act. If an editors' motives were one tenth asevil and selfish as he often gets credit for, it would be a pity of the community in which his paper was pubUshed. What about an excursion to Toronto Some Chmrch or society should take hold and make some money Don't all speak at once. It's about time the village Police were making a tour of inspection of sanitary interests â€" some one says the school premises are not in a healttiy state. Wm. Mason has about a score of fine rigs nearing completed for the summer. Those in need of such will do well to call and examine and get prices before purchasing: A Walnnt case, 10 stop, Kam Organ, new, beautiful instrument, fine tone, wiU be sold below regular price, and one years time given to good mark, call at W. A. Brown's store. Maekkale Markets. â€" ^FaU wheat 75 to 76 cents spring wheat 75 to 76 barley 30 to 50; peas 48 oats 28 butter 14 to 15 eggs 10; potatoes 75 per bag; pork 5.40 hides 6.50. PEEPAEEfor May 1st, Baskets, bait cans, poles, lines, hooks, sinkers, reels, etc., the only complete stock of fishing tackle in town, at W. A. Brown's Jewelery store. For Oatmeal, "Com meal" "Wheat meal" graham flour pot and pearl barley Bensons is the place to go, they will do better for you than any one in the tOWTl. IS our notice, of Christ Church Vestry Meeting in last week's paper the typo made an error in giving the name of Sam'l Coleman as. peoples Church Warden when it should have been Sam'l Douglas. Subscribes who live at a distance (say outside this county) should not be sur- prised if then: paper stops when the subscription expures. We cannot send the paper to nonresidents of our county on tick. Notice.â€" AU persons indebted to me either by notejor book account are hereby ..1 /Ti _.iAl_ i.1... co-ma izrit.'h The brass band are to favor our citi- zens with music Saturday eyening. SpxctAi^. â€" The largest best assorted and cheapest stock inBopts Shoes in the section are at S. Hill's. As the season is now opened for the sale of Bacon. Benson of the Belfast house is to the fore with a few cases remember he will not be undersold by aiiy one in the trade and if there is a cut to be given they are the boys that will give it to you, they are dacent Uttle chaps. Ladies' haye you seen my stock of MilUnery, all.the latest novelties, and prices very low. Call and examine before purchasing elswhere. S. Hill. A full stock of oranges, lemons, candies of all descriptions, nuts, figs, dates, raisins, biscuits of all kinds, canned goods, a few chests of that thunder, hghtening and blue blazes tea left yet, the best value in town, try it, every person is getting it now at Benson's. Notice. â€" ^Another consignment of ready made clothing just to hand. Beautiful all wool tweed suits for #7.50 S.Hill. I have a few chests of that notorious uncolored japan tea left which I hav© sold at 30c. per lb and it has been pro- nounced by those who have used it to be better value than any Tea sold in town for the money â€" probably you ask why we can sell cheaper than those in trade the answer is simply because we are satisfied with half the profit. W. L. Davis. A large consignment of fresh Teas just received and another coming Qual- ity better and prices lower than hereto- fore don't fail to give us a caU, S. Hill. If you Want a neat and stylish hat go to Miss Burch's the cheapest in town. Feathers, flowers, ribbons and lace, dress and mantle making eggs taJcen in ex- change for goods. You may talk of the^ signs of the weather. Of tbe coming dajs yon may sing, But sitting down on a red hot stove la a sign of an early spring. W. J. Bowe of Barrhead mills has made important improvements in his saw mill recently, having just ' added 2 new saws and other machinery ^inoreas* ing its capacity to ten to twelve thousand feet per ten hours. He has ' extensive orders for shipment besides a large cus- tom trade which compels him to run the mill night and. day. The finest stock of glassware grocery milk pans, crocks, flour pots, hanging baskels c., to be had at Benson's and will be sold cheaper than by any one in the trade. Remember we mean what we say. CaU and see for yourselves. Db. Jus's Medicine should be used by every one at this season of the jear as it IS the be'it blood purifier in tbe market and will reinvigorate tbe frame and prepare it to bear the beats of summer. Thepdls are justly called the "Little Gems" as they operate without causing eith«r griping or pain and are a sure cure for nervous- ness, biliousness and other affections of the Liver and Kidneys, Buy them and try them and you won't retpret your investment. Bold by Turner Co., Markdale. Davis is to the front, with a new brand of oat meal, the steel cut, try it once and you will use no other, also a fine brand of Com Meal just to hand, in fact anything in the Provision line may be procured at Davis' at prices which cannot be beaten, and if the trade mean to cut prices, he aint like a fellow that can't stay with them. A clerk in one of our stores a few days Flesliertoii. Building operations have now begun bere .^ for^tbis season. Mr. J. Bied, wbo recently moved in bere-t from New York, has completed arrangements for rapidly poshing for^iard the work on bis- new dwelling. Tbe masons are at work on the foundation of Jobn Osborns dwelling. J. E. Moore -is veneering his block on Collingwood street and fitting np a band- some Bbopwitb large glass front next door to M Bicbardsoii CJo's hardware shop. Jobn Hales new dwelling is now almost- ready to be oconpied, be intends moving in, in a few days. Tbe annual spring, sbow of Entire horses beld in tbis village on Fridav last far exceed- ed any previous spring exhibition beld in this Townsbip^ In alL sixteen borses were sbowed â€" tbere were some very fiiie and well bred animals of course tbe usual dis- satisfaction occurred with owners as all did not get first prize â€" The following were tbe- prizes awarded*â€" ImportedDraftâ€" Thorp Wright, for Derby, first prize, Canadian draugbt â€" fi. T.McGirr, first â€" M. Byan second. General Purpose â€" H. King, first, â€" J. Mc- Girr second, Eoadster â€" ^^S. Stckes, first,â€" J. Henry second. Tbere were several Bloods in tbe ling but as none bad registered Pedigrees no prizes were awarded. Tan Baric Bath. â€" Tbe first of tbe season refresbmg and invigorating, was taken by a Mr. Irwin wbo resides not a mUe from' tbi.s Town on Monday last. In S. Damude's Tannery Mr. I. had occasion to enter the vat department and passing tbrongb stepped into a vat full of tbe liquid immersing bim to the sboulders,-a brief dip sufficed. Tbe S. in Xcp, *«UNDi tit^..^^^ an exoellflnt Kbw^l -n«ih»l(Oa.{at 18. notified to caU and settle the sancie with A. Turner, Markdale, without delay, thus saye trouble and expense, T. Sproule. Casp bHyers wiU find meat Sarjeant Bro's meat market fts cheap asinwiy other market in Canada. Prime Bacon, Hams and other smoked and driedmeftts. as wellaaall kinds of fresh meats in season. Davis has constantly on. hand a fnU supply of Ford's and Ple^.' ^T. „ S finest quality, if itis.Botnghthr.^ itb«A andyourmoney ^berehmd^^l Special reduction ^U be giTsn foe large lots. ' _, nu«. Jr., M»**^^J *V^ J *^ Qcnm from the CiWBjM****^"*^ ilir-V^ A young man asked the lady of his affections the other evening ho w she liked the looks of his new style of standing collar. After critically snrveymg him and the collar, she replied "Very nice, indeed. It looks like a whitewashed fence around a lunatic asylum." Our village for a number of years past have agitated and carried into effect the early closing moveinent for the summer months commencing the 1st May, but at the close of last summer a step in advancement was taken and the good custom carried out during the vnnter, so that there is now no necessity for any charge, but keep right on in he even tenor of their way. Onions inhaled cause sleep, rest, and refreshment. In order to secure sleep and peaceful rest at night, tie a fresh onion around the neck and bruise it • to extract the odor, and you are certain to obtain the desired object. Onions should not be eaten before going to church for more reasons than one. Lightning mcxET.â€" During the thunder storm on Friday evening the 15th, the house of Peter Mortimer, a farmer in Holland township five miles west of Markdale was struck by hghtn- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer and Mrs. Welsh, a neighbor woman, were sitting in the kitchen when suddenly;the stove Hds jumped off, the ashes -flew, in all directions, the floor burst up from under i^m pitching the threelpersonaoff theur seats, Mr. Mortimer being throvra against the stove; the crash of window glass, breaking of OTOckery and general con- fusion all in the twinkling of an eye caused, the distracted inmates to imagine the end of the world hadarriyed. When the confusion^ had partially suhsided they found th»*onfle on fire up., stairs, but iV was speedily snbdued, and on find- ing that, no one was serionsly, injured they disixnrwea that every wmdow in the house was smaahed, neatly|allftitM! eyookery fanfeentcon^fiiingehinadisikM. fortY 7M^ ' the bottom wa|iDooked dA|^oa^rf» tcakdttla wlndi^^ivM on ^,4rtof«. aadionflFaid fld^ boatt^ b«d^ cooling and invigorating power of tbe bath ago, was placed in rather an awkward j was proven .in tbe agility of tbe batber as be position when a village belle entered the I returned bomenotby tbe way known, as the store and asked to be shown some "dig- Q'^^^"' highwayâ€" /«»cesproyed no barrier to nifierr." Wonderingly the clerk started f^"^^^^^i«^* up the aisle with no idea where he was showing the lady. At length he sum- 400 He has •^*^ stave bolts. exiellent nJoM liMtoWe.lor 18. ^^» " ^^TTIl ^arfMMtfcwJfcdfclteHWM â- liiljirnfl It iiiaeea, ft moil xe- mohed up courage enough to ask the fair customer to be a Uttle more explicit as he was ignorant of what she meant by "dignifiers." .With a look of scorn she repUed "bustles" sir. There is every prospect of â-  Niagara being at last and for ever forced' from the harpies who have so long made it a scandal and a byeword. Tlie whole arrangements about the International Park are nearly completed, and it is to be hoped that henceforth visitors to that- world- famous region will come away neither victimized nor disgusted. No one will grudge the expeudituce of the necessary- funds of the desired-, call be fully and'satisfacfeorily secured" If Germany was trying to proyoke war with France, it is difficult to see how she could alter her policy in order to make her course more effective. Such an occurance as that which is reported on the French frontier where a French official is-said to have been enticed upon Germany territory in ordf iL.tp his arrests, and finally actual- ly, arrested on French territeiry, can- not be overlooked. The selfoontrol and moderation of the French press is admirable. War appears to English newspapers so certain that they have already appointed their continental staffs of correspondents. ASTONISHING SUCCESS. It is the duty of every person who has used Boechee's German Byrap to let its wonderful qnalities be kpown to their friends in earing Consomstion, severe Coojebs. Group, Asthma, ^ifiamopia, and in, Uf^-. aUr throat and. hmg ditseases. No p§|3on osn use it without immediate relief, llureedose^ will relieve any ease, uid waoonsider it the doty of all druggists to leaommQsd it to tbe poor, dyingoonsnmptiTe, at least to-^ry onit bottle, as SO.OOD dozen^ bottles were sold Jitst year, and no one ossaibeie it.fde(l ws« i^pgrted. Sndi a mediwae as the 'flifn^ eaiuiotWtoo.^«idel7lmoita .Aatt^nor dtSg^iBb abottt U^ SMBids bofcttas to tir, I An "unusing occurence was witnessed in one of onr meat shops here a few evenings ago in which -tiie firm consisted of partners. The junior, partner being a spirited man undei-took to rule with a high hand the Good senior partiner when the former was kindly placed by the latter in a reclining position un tbe batchers meat block and there kept ia peace till the storm passed by, and both are good friends still." Robert Gallaeher, Esq,, wbo when a young man was Mr. M. Riehardson's first eierk in Flesherton and who is remembered by many of the old residents here as Bob tbe lively boy who played so many practical jokes -.^ whenever and wherever an opportunity pre- sented itself, after an absence of over twenty years paid, this nlace a brief visit on Satur- day, last,; for the past 20 years Mr. (Jallagh- er has spent most of bis time sailing on the Atlantic and elswhere being at one tune, out for five years on a trading vessel weathering many a gale. When here be was but a slim, yuntb, at present we have bat one.; man iii our town who wears too large a coat to fitv slim Bob. On Thnrsday^"^^ a horse trade took place berebetween S. Spirit butcbet andoneO'Brie.'i. Spirit stabled bis newly installed horse under lock and O'Brien left for home appear ently well satisfied, but on Sunday morning Mr,. Spirit met with suvprise to find the stall, empty^^and, old time gray had in some mysterious way wandered back to town â€" A.i Spirit disowned thcgthq gray and he,appear- ed homeless, a kind friend impounded liii:i and there be awaits the arrival of hiij u\vnT for release. M^. Spirit, advertises a stolen horse. Mr, -Jas GlasSi-carricr, wbo has been iu^ the employ ,o( S. Damnde, for noarly niii" yearB;vacat«d bis situation there on Turs- day last. Owing to the inclemency .rf the weather 01^ Wednesday evening last tbe andieuce m the Band Concert was very small, a. guod program was provided and very well ren- dered; at first we tliongbt the Band had little to thank the village for, bat since, w learn the receipts did not suffer, as many of; onr citizens wbo were not present sent in., liberal oontribaMon, altbo' there wonld bare been in^puatioa in a crowded house; Our^ b always deserve our heartiest suppdrt. ThaBevt W.Ayersoeeapledtbe c^^' "^^ apleaaiag na^iner. 'il i^' *• ••

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