Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Apr 1887, p. 1

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 ...1^ .ijp!ijj^yp^pppmiiiqppiiill^i0i«iliqiia • -SMIJaHI •HraffPIOfilJlAJER l-As a traitti fei^t and 3r coaches^i J a mile |ora brand In was ae^. pontrol a The train:| pen miles kl the cr (rd and land The dti^^ Iwheels. Thji lately and wL_ under it,^ liad been fatun Itainedthath^, ytii in Huron h aged 55 yeaji It 9.15 Strju,^ lot injiired in a^ Tiained intact. 'Blyth. No I train hands, I used Dr. Jug'gL la bad cough thati p my lungs and Jilts. Can recoi |o affected. ima. Grocer, Wo 5old by A, Ti amp Iflystery. last Monday a â-  1, who had been (a) reached his emplo Township exha ing. His throats aturated with bio ved up by Dr. y made comfor lich he ' related id that when he on Saturday ome distance on s place he waB who wore a bh mt knocked him sea )S to a shanty in money â€" a |$20 bil len cut his throat, 3m e eight inches lay in a shanty when he made ime, with the he scene of thede 1 by many people, wh le described, tho s of a struggle ont 1 the man first at shanty there was CO evidence of ma having been the 'â- â- â-  case was one of net. murder, but tcr of the young e was known tohav session gain credei trace of tho highway! V as, canbe discovei-l Uli (iUAED m iLe Lead to slowjfl Jatanli, when you iug Dr, Chase'd Catan iCitio. 3 cure insipiQ cures ordinary cata0li;| iiteed to cure chr ily 25c. and sure cnrnl 333-8}| !- Roll. nd, for the month ler â€" Maud Fa Bertha McKen Hamilton. tha Freeborn, Will*| litt. .\ndrew McKenni" jn S. Hamilton. Kobert Fr-eeb(iO s Freeborn. "ranees MatheTf^l ry White. L. A. Smith, Teacbfit-j LIFE. if al world we live "".I nr of Mountains, nds ol means of eoF* riobettei wheniBF' ten do the majorilifj it up dishe n out with ion for this feelia*^ 7 obtain satis St Flower will as vhenborDv laint are i^ per oeot, o* IS, IneRgestWVJ NerroosL- l, PaIpitiktiHi |PJ itnssing •! ^owtt "wffl. pie' aiblldo Hi a-, gi J^EHA'f ac f^oc" '?/•• ^ImL A " â- â- 'â-  JIM: '"HEW TO" tj i^.^ l^S#^. 9 iTTOASH W«4-. â- WW rf^-lUlV! BUTE, liET T^' OBOHS FMi WEffiiffi tHJKY MAX' a J' SEVENTH YEAK.â€" Ifo. 345. iff MAEKDAIJS, 0]^T., APEEL t4, 18S7. .4 .lif.iB ,ocal and Otter Items, ISoTKt- in these columnsinteHdedtabeneJU Vti iniiiriJ'.iai or Society will be charged ten nu a t-i' ""â-  " fi^^^ insertion and fate tiU a li"' fncli subiequent insertion. IsOTICE- -- Correspondence, commianca- ons Advert i.iementK, d'c,, mu^t be in this ce hy "^on on Tuesday to itisure publieatwn at icecl-. 30 DAYS Only, there will discount sale of he a For 30 Taja gieat htehes, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver^ ware, Spex, c., Du uol miss It but come early and feecuic yu'.ric of tlie bargains before they iire goue. only for 30 days, positii el3% as we are giving you 25 per cent, off ou all cash sales over Jl.OO. iiie finest make of Nicol \larva Clock actually selling at iUSlSE.LL'S NoTfiD JswELERY Stobe for only $2.00, while they are $2.50 Ito $2.75 elsewhere and the finest assorl;:!e!it Of Fine Plated Chains oulv S^i.OO winch are crenerally sold |for-52 25 to $2.50. EUSSELL'S Is klie pl.J"c jou can get bargains, no- body can compete with us. Come and see for yourselves, we will not pay your uiilrige or give yon meals as a catch. uaS vil! sell you goods a great [deal ciienper than you can get else- where ai u remember the only place Ito get your Watch repaired properly lis at \RUSStLL'S noted Jewelry bfore, FLESHEETON. Thursday 21st April is court day I Flesherton. at Fob Hardware Novelties, the latest [styles and newest designs at Mabee's. Clovee Timothy Seeds at Stephen's Drng Store. Foe prepared Paints, the best and I cheapest in the county. Call on Mabee. If you want a nobby head-dress for I your feet, go to McLeod's shoe store. "Mr. Bell the Glenelg assessor is in ilarkdale this week. Wm. JUcLoughry Artemesia assessor is on the war path. Two mortgage sales of farm property in this paj.3r. Look them up. Maxwell Spring Show will be held in that village on the 27th April. Just received some beautiful sets of dishes a.nd glassware at S. Hill's. CouxiY of Grey Summer Entrance Examijiations are advertised this week. See for yourself. Ladies" when yon are in town with Butter aud Eggs, call, we will give yon bargains, S. Hill. Anotl.er large consignment of Teas very c'jcap, my house is noted for the ^est teas in tov,n, S. Hill. Fob Hardware, Stoves and Tinwai». See Mabee at the sign of the croes-catt saw. -â-  '\--: IteMaoBBa yoiiiJcan get iran, Shorts, Henfeed the same price at B^moDS, as at the milt it saivea yriti ii j^lf an hmr trouble, give us a caiiL.^ If we judge from the aotiees seewtly going the ronhds of bia ex^han^b^;^ the Flesherton Advance has t^oamiiy^^^ar- ies in the year, the Ist April tatd Jtdy. Maekrale Markets.â€" Fall wheat 75 to 76 cents spring wheat 75 to 76 barley 30 to 50; peas 48 oats 28 butter 15 to 17 eggs 11 potatoes 50 per bag; pork 5.40 hides 5.50. ' Foe anything yon want in the Hardware fine go straight to the sign of the cross-cutt. We will be glad to see yon. We will nse you right. Mabee the Hardware; Fob Oatmeal, "Com meal" "Wheat meal" graham flour pot and pearl barley Bensons is the place to go, they will do better for you than any one in the town. Waix Papees.â€" The finest assortment in central Grey. Over 3,000 pieces to select from at prices to suit the times, from 5 cents to 75 cents per roll. Call at Dinsmore's, Markdale. An Irish magistrate asked a prisoner if he wasniarried. "No,"repliedthemah. "Then." said his worship, amid peals of laughter, "'it's a good thing for your wife. AccoEDiNG to the Government Report there were in Grey County in 1885 1,- 486 births 757 males and 729 females 419 marriages 543 deaths, 286 males and 257 females. An irate female seeks admittance to editor's sanctum. "But I tell yon, madam," protests the attendant, "that editor is too ill to talk to any one to- day." "Never mind; you let me in I'll do the talking." An exchange says, taking it all around the men who have the most to say against a newspaper are those whose accounts remain on the pubUsher 's books unbalanced, and there is more truth than poetry in the statement. Foe Sale. â€" One horse three years old and one mare in fodl, would take stock in part pay for same. Apply to J. HiCKLING, Lot 38 39 con. 8, Artemesia, Maxwell, P. O. Me. Maesh of the Markdale House has erected already this spring an ad- dition of forty feet to his stabling, which will be used during summer season as an agricultural implement house and in winter as a stable. The finest stock of glassware grocery milk pans, crocks, flour pots, hanging baskels c., to be had at I'^naon's and vrill be sold cheaper than by any one in the trade. Remember W6 mean what we say. Gall and sea for yourselves. ^ull stock of oranges, lemons, candies of'ltll descriptions, nuts, figs, dates, raisuxs, biscuits of all kinds, canned goods, a few chests of that thunder, lightening and Wne blazes tea left yet, the: best value in town, try it, every person is getting it now. Whatis Alabastine.â€" It is a pre- parfition of plaster-paris and other ingredients nsed for decorating aQd" whitening walls and ceilijigs, is easily .priied. will not bcale nor rub off, and at told their Annual Spring Show Flesherton ou Friday 22nd ApriL Pebble spex, Crystal Lefi»e8, adid 4 colors in sun glasses. Call at Wj? A. Brown's Jewellry Store. Oil re'^h«ftper end better than calcimine East Grey Agricultural Society "wiU, Ypu'tan get it ii Haskett Bros. As the season is now opened for the sale of Bacon. Btosbn bf the Belfast house is to the fore with a few cases; remember he will not be nndJBtsold by any one in the tirade and if there » a ^£ilse, the champion «attle food for sale at Medical Hall A. Turner Co. A good corofortable brick residence and handsome lot for sale cheap. En- quure at this office. Mechanics see Mabee for yonr outfit he will be pleased to at right pripes. giye yon^ijgpd jgoods Le». Co5t ef this Tillage cot his laft merely b«t Saturday whfledw .- â- â- :-i on «nt to be Riven they are the l»y« ^* wm give it to youi th^aredepeafchttle Ai:n«HT.-Mr- J. W, »«n8«^ ^ao v««, superintendk** #«i^ c^^ m. J. fficUing-*. Aliemesia, lart week, get his arm badly crashed.^ He was attending xnachine wh^ toiJ«ck«t canght in «he gear and aiyw fas ann m, wound ai^ he win P""^^" Ladies' caKaad get AelainAMiUewF no;^ltaM8tS.£BlI*B;' ' ' {*,'•'• £^S9B went down die past week* es- pecially on Simday. Have you seen those beantifal fast colored prints, bring yonr.Buttor and Eggiand get some of them, 9. Hill. J.: G. RxTsssLX, of Flesdiertoii, makes an important ainnoimcenient this week. Bead it on first cohimn. AirXlnglish Chntch is to be erected at Berkeley this summer. Some #800 is abready snbcribed. Jas. Millee our new Provision and Feed Store man is doing an increasing business from week to week. Bead his notice in this paper, and give him a call. B. McNally, Carriage Maker is now fully prepared to supply the wants of the pubUc in his line. Bead his announcement in this paper. Hens Hens 1 1 Hens AU kind of hen eggs wanted at McLeod's shoe store in exchange for boots and shoes. If yon pay cash for boots and shoes, try McLeod's; his boots give great satisfaction for the money. ExTPHEASiA AgricuHural Society Spring Show will be held at Bocklyn on Tues- day the 26th April. Fob Pure Leads, Oils, Yarnishes and Colors, they can be had at the sign of the cross-cut. A Jong felt want supplied. â€" Pre- pared faints ready for use â€" any quantity or shade â€" gu aranteed pure See them at Haskett Bros. Hampden Watches. â€" My own name on â€" ^just received Key and stem wind, will be sold close, cash or time. W. A. Brown, Jeweller. Seeds. Prof. Brown's formula and other popular kinds at the Medical Hall A. T nrner Co. Good Friday was observed as a Holiday in Markdale. The w:eather was delightful. There was appropriate service in the Enghsh Church. Gentleuen. I am clearing out beauti- ful tweeds, worsteds and panting, very cheap, also straw and felt hats, call and realise, S. Hill. Always a large stock of Boots and Shoes on hand. I pay cash for my goods. I cannot be undersold, S. HUl. Since the alteration in the parish, services will be held every Sanday morning and evening in the English Church in this place, and at Berkeley every Sunday afternoon. W. McLeod is determined to turn ont a class of work that caimot be surpassed in the county, and to that end has secured the services of his brother P. McLeod who cannot he beaton on sewed work. Call early. Miss Blades, Dress and Mantle maker ot Holland Centre wishes to intimate to the ladies of the surrounding district that she will open, next week a fine'new stock of fashionable goods. Orders pro- mptly filled. Egotob Hatchtog. â€" Samuel dole- man, Jr., Markdale, P. O. has for sale eggs from the Champion Strain of Light Brahma8at$2,perl3egg8, S. C. White Leghorns *1, for 13. White Fekm Ducks 50c. for 13. Also Fowl for sale cheap. 345-8 M.*EKDAiiE Sparing Show wiQ be held in this village on Saturday the 23rd .April commencing at 1 o'clock. The bills are ont announcing the same, and attention is directed to the «tt«jsive prise list. 169 in cash being cfi^ed for StaflioDsand Bulls besides a 'cacd of meitt fot seed grain and agcibnltnxal implBmentB. 2{b. Mabi^bu. the dentist nudEBS re- gular trqss to Markdale tiie 1st and 8rd Wednesday of each monih for the pnctioe of hki/ptoleaskm. fie g^tves BsttefiKtion and has ft paying jiactioe here. Next. Wodnooday, the 900^ win be Iwi daji tai^lk^ti^ G-arden Seeds at StfeplierL's pmg Store. BACKWABn spiin^ weather tfaid Week. Plowing has commenced in Queen's VaUey, IxpoBTBn, a lai^ supply of English The Markdale Junior LaoiDsse 'l^gm--* has been ze-organizedipdjer' ttiCi name:.' of '^The CooqnenHB," with J, Wilson,.^. J Capt; Sec. R, Dongas ?Treas.;L. Rob- ' ertson;; Managmg Com.â€" S Cc^^nan, ' R. UinamoBe and W. Mathews. arU .r,. Spbino has now fairly opened ahd ffi9. snow has speedily diasapearad, Sknd H will be the duty ' ot every faoosebelder to make a general "clean up" uonncF' his premises. Our village is natiirally ' yery healthy, but if the accumulations of the long winter which have been buried in snow is not thoughly disposed of, the effects may break ont in diphth' eria or some other virulent disease. If every one does his part a great good will be aocomplished and it may be, a sad calamity thus averted. We omitted last week to mention a visit to this part, by Mr. Geo. Cas- well, formerly of Glenelg bat| now of Bruce Ooi, near Kincardine. He has not visited his old home for 14 year?, an would not recognize a building in Markdale. We are glad to say oUr old acquaintance and school-mate is now a prosperous farmer. Me. Jahes Plewes, father of our re spected citizen Angus Plewes, died at his home, Dnnedin, Simcoe Cc. last Sunday, age 65 years. The old gentle- man accidentaly fell into a mill pond and was nearly drovnied. He regained consciousness, bnt only lived six hours. Deceased was a man of high education and fine intellect, had read much and^ had a remarkable memory. He lived in Markdale some two years bnt moved to Dundalk one years ago where he re- sided until a few weeks since when he Iron HarrO^TSTS "spring moved to Dnnedm. tooth Harrows" Drills a half dozen of our young men droye= anCL SeeaerS irom tne ^iUedtotakepartin a concert under be St mamiiaCtUreS m the auspices of victoria Lacrosse Team Ontario, at Jackson's. pofthat town on Monday night. The Spend less than you earn and you ^°^ y^'^^ ^^ « ^^^^^^^ condition as ' they always are at the breaking up of sleighing. The concert was a decided filled Shoe Uppers at McLeods custom shoe shop, made up to order on short notice â€" ^workmanship cannot be sur- passed. Timothy Seed 'want- ed for^which I will pay highest cash prices. "W. L. Davis' We haye received various offers of Agricultural and others papers to club with the Standabd but generally declin- ed all such this week however we advertise a genuine good offer, which is open to all our sub^pribers who pa^, or have paid in advance, as wdl as new ones. Head the annoimcement carefully the Agriculturist is the best agricultural paper we have seen, and can be had together with those valuable books or portraits and the Standabd all for $2.50. Go to Jackson for land Rollers. Cheapest and best in the market. Call and be convinced. A New Style of boys' trousers has been invented witha .copper seat, sheet-iron knees, riyited down the seams, and waterproof pockets, to hold worms for fishing. will be rich. Mb. John Whitby, of Artemesia, has decided to retire and come to Markdale to reside. We are glad to have such men come to live in our town, and hope there are more to follow. Try Davis' new 30c, Japan Tea yon will be convinced that it is a very superior article for the money, Special re- duction for large pur- chases. B. B. B. ONE OF MANY. B. B. B. Mrs. Agnes Black, of Orton, Ont., says. "For five years I have been a sufferer from dyspepsia and indigestion. I tried one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and was getw^g better; I then bought three more anj^ has cured me." • 'â- Notice" To Farmers, Those that have to buy their "Flour' this sum- mer. Can buy it at Benson's, the Belfast House, the same price as at the mill, and evei?y lb. guaranteed, both Ford's Plewes' kept on hand. Liberal in- ducements made on over one barrel lots. success, and the boys were well used by our sister towns people. Personals. wen It's a mistake to say that a woman's crowning glory in her hair. At this season of the year it is her new Spring bonnet. Mes. Chas. Richabds moves this week to Rochester, there to join her husband where they haye decided to reside. Mes. RiTTLEDOE Sr. returned last week after a prolDuged visit to Aurora and Toronto. Frank Porter, our head teacher, went home for Easter. Miss Stewajrt of the Normal School visited Markadle this week. Sam. Douglas, teacher spent his Easter Holidays at homie. Herb Brown, George. Bowes, Robt J. Brown and Wilhe McFarland were hom6 from Owen Sound High School for their Easter eggs. Fred Cornish of Toronto spent Easteir! Hohdays with his parents in Markdale. Mr. Gimby, a former teacher here, but now studying medicine, visited friends here this week. CharUe Lawrence and W. A. Brown* spent Easter in Toronto. Mias Eliza 3oyd left last we^ tokei^ house for a yourto^man at ftory sotmdV "for belrtfer foT worse.'4 'â- ';.'â- "';. 'V Mr. and Mrs. Allan Morrow of Chats- worth spehf lEaSter in Markdale, C^tL week:' The attenn» ftttfae Yonng Peo- ple's Social in ibe Lecture Boom of the Methodist (Hlttrdt on Wednesday evening last was good, and a highly enjoyable time ^ent. The amuse- ment cras^ by seeldiig the mate to each ticket, waa heartily enjoyed. Befreshmnois was'^- pwrn t M aaid a short ptpcpran readored, and ilionR;h i^liMl the BftiBS of^^'AfomotAwaati: tbe I tiMt» VM n «nft|f j^biii|M» qdriit^tioslSiJ .. note thfuitii6nMi4b:;c""'^^^^?i-i^-.'^£"' Jtii^ t)5 Mcbddl visited ,Marl^iaIe ^%is â- y ..i'^.'j ;,"';i:.^ T li v f â- â€¢ â-  Mr. /rhos. Ma^ta retonoed en Satnrdsy from a three montths visit to England- Dr. Spronle, M. P. Irft- on Tuesday evening for Ottawa to attend par liamen Mrs. Spronle aeconapamed-lum. Db. BBoniE and P. MbCnQough, Bar- rister, spent Eastetrwitb frieads down east. Mb. Wk. Tailob of Barry Bopid district visited his btoth«-ia-law Thos. Mathews tiiis week. Mrs. McDonaldt of Tot^nhM^ is visiting her pacente hare tiiis wealb^ Ifi^Mcirallyi ofOw«tt S^iirad S(^ ' " ' ' «P?^:|^fM: wlB^ Jb*EJ?lRB^ ...... J«iii i. .; v.-jj»'n*te3 j/:x( â-  â-  JiE.Et*.,!

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