)r and Plain nery, eyeryth^' icy Turning doniK ince. ' ndard $1.00 â- icultiirist (English 1.0O ti-y]iook,torcvery- ;ilustratioris. Most iWisIied l.OO lie of our Faimer sued during 1887. 1.00 irinj:I886, forward- lirepared for the 1.00 the Engravings of niiei Presidents," this purpose by d G. Mitchell (Ik :ted i^ajjer. Portraits. rtrait of General iiig. Grand Cabinet and engraved at ly for Bubscribera tid supplied to no 1.00 ilate engraving of l(j inches in size, Kraily' elegantly ;hiy tiuished paper or for the centre 1.00 •ait of Henry Ward t size, engraved ribers of thiscom- rocess direct from i, after JMr. Breech- 1 Europe. 1X0 S8.50 ve post-paid for $2.60 â- adway, New York, for py of the Ameriean rinan, specimen proofs cimen pages of Poultry ;/ PROPERTY, ipli?, in the County old OQ Wednesdaj, Lpril, 1887, oon at the Mardale llarkdale, by Tirtue ained in a certain iroclnced at the Sale, Under Mortgage la the 12 concession tip. in the County acres more or less. ments are said to be ut 50 acres cleared, :)g house, log bam, it of the pnrchaae .t day of sale. For ade known at timi^ rtting stallion witb condition nine year* y.Jalso his Harness, further partionl*'^- [AS GAWLEy, Hand Centre P. d« A plSTBICO? ©OUT jtxm cnPSiS OF Ctmvn AM) DlSTMOriKpMW ' OUB KXCHAJICBS PBEPABBD FOE STANDABD BBADEBS. 18 in Ine Forest, request Chorch, Josiah Gamey, of Osprey, ^ing friends in Ohio, U. S. Court of Foresters has been oi^aaft- Pundalk recently. Duudalk Herald has donned a and handsome heading, Kcv. Dr- Aylsworth, of Mt received the unanimons Grace Street, Methodist Tlioinas, to be their Pastor the next â- ree years. Kkm RKABLE.â€" There have been many jarkable cure of deafness reported OKI tlis r,se of Yellow Oil. The pro- ko'tors of this medicine haye « large jiniber of snch testimonials. It is the feat household remedy for pain, in- Imniition, lameness, and somess of erv description, and can be used in- jnally and externally, Wm. Coe, of Mulmnr, poisoned him- ilf bv taking strychnine on Thursday the tr. March. No reason aie assigned for le rash act. He was twenty odd years and married less than a year. The extension of the C. P. R. from 'eeswater through Riversdale, Kinloss, laramis, Tiverton, Underwood and brth Bruce to Port Elgin is talked of. The bill to incorporate Thombnry a t"wn ha? passed its third reading eThornbury Standard reeonimends Aiulvew Grier for Mayor, and Mr. eil McColman for Reeve, of the new lonnci' g B. B .-^IN WORKING ORDER. My husband was troubled with spepsia for more than four years, exnerienced physicians did him no .0 :. We got discouraged, nntil we ad of Burdock Blood Bitters he took Ir tv, bottles and now he is as well ever, and doiuCT heavy work all the lie.' rdra. Richard Rowe, Harley V,. B. B. has cured the worst cases chronic dyspepsia. I Tlip population of the county of lle^i carry is estimated at 5,500, of llich aliQut 5,000 are Macs, and of lesc aT)0ut 1,000 are Macdonalds and lcDo;niels; there are also a largenum- ^r oi' Camerons and Campbells. C. A. Flemins, of the Northern The AMinB«9«Md litis flnlfaadiV W AariMii ue iaterasfciiiR. m udieirted \j liMTydodc^ ^B^^oaa•si«mifewa•fâ- ita the lefsne, tiine ^NM ao one on trial for his life, raithor 'was thne any one Ukely. as the airing is, to get ••set iovn" for petjoiy or any one of these hein- our oriiaes. that the new8pa{ier man always dreads. Judge O'Connor in addressing the Jnr^. eomplimented the County on the absenee of crime, as shown by the smallntunber of oases before the Coort, He said "It is an indiea- tion to xOi-f mind that yon are a healthy commonity.pcosperoorssobwaDdindustiiona that the peqple have eaongh to do to mind their own baainess, and consequently have lost no time in meddling witn the afbirs of others. Crime arises from vaiions causes, not nnfreqaently from indolence, and very often from over indulgence in strong drink. T t^Ab- «^« KrvM^i^ ^T4^ «»-« I ^® fecf^hat you have such a few causes to 1 took one bottle â€" It gave â- ^, ,. immediate relief. I can recommend it *•""« '«*°" *^« "' "^dicates to me that tbat Xr. C. A. FkaniBg tbeUvgesioiielniaigongiBt^ Street kncnm as Eenae^ -Bros. FarmtoM Factory, sad will commeooeimnediate- ly to fit it up to meet the recrements of liis Business CoB^ge. It -vffl^obab- ly be ready for occnpatfoo early in the sumnier. We wish our mtarpnaing young townsmen every success m his new yentnre, and that the Noram Business College, of which be is tte Principal, will continue to gain, as it de- serves to do, an ever.widening reputa- tion as one of the finest institutions in Ontario for the advantages it offers for obtaining a firrt-dass practical educa- tion. â€" [O.B. Times. B.B. B. A SENSE OF DUTY, B. B.B. "I should not think it right did I no* give roy testimonv of what B. B. B. has done for me. I vs^as troubled with biliousness. I HEW mK 4MSmiV9 ImI^^ RUSSELPi Notecl JeweDiy tJj(ore, FLESHERTOir. Consisting of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, CL0CK8. JEWELBlf. SPECTACLES, SILVER- WARE, â- * ♦ as a sure cure for biliousness." Minnie Smith, Orillia, Ont. Patbnted. â€" Mr. A. G. Hunter bas been awarded a patent for his "Auto- matic Orator" for the Dominion of Canada. We vdsh the "Orator" success. â€" fDnnkalk Herald. SEEDS PORKS, SPOONS. KNIVES, Fancy The C. P. v. a«i ao Road. Ontario With many Ontario people the im- pression has for years prevailed that the Canadian Pacific Railway is some- thing that has to do with the North- west, also vdth the Eastern Province, but not much with this one. But a contemi)orary puts in a correction show- ing the numb«r of miles of the Canadian Pacific Railway now in ox)eration, thus In Ontario. ....1984 " Manitoba 771 " The N. W, Territories... 751 " BritiA Columbia '520 •' Quebec 272 of I Mr. asincss College at Owsa Sound, has â-ºceived a bronze medal for an exhibit !Pli'i aid Ornamental Penmanship lliich ho sent to the Colonal Exhibition I Loudon last year. Cx-X?. F'lR IN'FLAMMAT03Y EHEUMATISM. â- Proenre from vour druggist a bottle Ha'.;vard'sYellowOil and use accord- CT to directions. J. D. Cameron, of est'ake. .Ainslie, Cape Breton, was red by this remedy after all other tnient liad failed It may be taken teriially for coughs, colds, sore throats ktc. etc, Alexander Webster, Esq., formerly Pri(;eville but recently of Cookstown las moved to Teeswater, there to s'anie control of a saw mill so says de Chronicle. Mr. Chas. Grant, of Thombury, re- vived a diploma and bronze medal the Colonal Exhibition in London, or his collection of grain. A Profit ABLY life. â€" Few men have conni'ished the same amount of work Qd good in this world as the celebrated Chase. Over 500,000 of his works ave hoen sold in Canada alone. We s oTery person troubled with Liyer 'ilamt.Dvspepsia, Headache, Kidney Uniuary 1 roubles, to buy a bottle of â-ºr. Cb.asi s Liver Cure, it will cure you. |edieiiie and Receipe Book $1. There is a decided improvement I the Chesley Enterprise last week. The Meaford By-Law to raise *2,500 p the erection of a fire-proof fire halli as been carried by a majority of 11. I Archie Hill, formerly of this place Dd lately of Meaford is going to payner to enter business with his pher. who is also a tailor. I ^EEEE THE CANGEE LIES. The chicf nger from taking cold is its liability locate upon some internal organ, as le lungs, the pleura, the bronchical ssages. etc. Hagyard's Pectoral Sana loosens and breaks up the cold 'J's irritation and often prevents or es pulmonary complaints. Total.. „.4303 This looks as if it were something an Ontario road, after all. Just now there are 192 miles in course of construction, of which 122 are in Ontario and 70 in Quebec. The whole annual outlay of the road is six millions and a half of dollars, four millions of which goes for wages, which seems to be keeping the money in the country to some extent. your people have been free from these causes, and representinf;, Mr Foreman of the Jury as you do, a population over, I believe 70,000 people, I deem it my duty to con- gratulate you, and hope that a similar state of aSairs may continue to exist in this loo- aUty." The following is a list oi the Grand Jury ^Nicholas Bead, Foreman; John MoSat, Andrew Dinsmore, Wm, Stewart, George Edwards, David Christie, John Donglas, Sr., Chas. Watt, Wm. "Westaway. John Beid, John Ncholas, Robert Moffat, Bobt Lynn, jr., Donald Robertson, jr., John W Vickers, Alex- Pringle, Donald McDonald, Matthew Bamage, John W. Morrow, John Street. CcNNiNGHAHv^ Yamsitseh. â€" Au interplead- er action. Gqods having being seized under an execution against Samuel Gainor bis sons and oue Cunningham the Mortgasiee from the sons, claimed the goods. The Jury found the goods belonged to the sons. Masson ifor the plantiffs Eilbo\im for the defendants. JoNBs vt SuLUVAH.â€" This case, Mrs. S. A. Jones sued one Timothy Sullivan for the balance owing to her on a sale of lumber the defendant counter claimed for damages lor non-completion of contract. Judgement for the plantiff for 8400, Eilboum for plan- tiff Masson for defendant. Carson es McBbide. â€" This was a case of slander in which the defendant justified the slander. Judgement for defendant Eilboum for plantiff J. W, Frost for defendant. The prejury oases against Albert Porter and Mrs. Cansbv were thrown out by the Judge before going to the jury.^â€" [0. 9. Ad- vertiser. FIELD GARDEN -AJT- MIRRORS, ALBUMS, VIOLINS c. Any oue looking for Xmas presents will do well to call at RUSSELL'S, FleshertoD, a fine stock to sdeet from, and prices very low. It yonr watch or dock wants repairing, RUSSELL'S is the place to take it: A satisfactory job every time, tS* Remember, JAS. G. RUSSELL' Noted Jewelry Store, FLESHERTON. OWEN SOUND MARDLE WORKS s Mew Hints on House Cleaningr* DRUG STORE. YoTir's Bespectfully, R.L. Stephen. H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTURER OF MARBLE AND GRAITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantles f Furniture Marble, dc. JUST RECEIVED 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble cost last hotel in San Francisco which p50,000 was destroyed by fire loay. No insurance. *. ° freight trains colided on the J^gan Centril Railroad near St. Jo lias last Saturday, killing two l»ake- and completely wrecking two les and seventy-six freight caw. JieFleshertonW. C, T. U. 1ms in- ited a course of Saturday readings hygiene alchol and its effects on tJjfl S'H system. From several years of obsnration of the different methods employed by women in their annual house cleaning, we are convin- ced that most of them make themselves a gfeat deal of unnecessary hard work when putting their "house in order." The usual way is, to go at it as if the fate of the nation depended on having it done at a certain time "Taking it leisurely," is some- thing they do not seem to think of. "Moving" is always dreaded by the men-folks, and house cleaning, as a general thing, is about as bad. We know one woman who has com- pletely revolutionized the old system. She begins with the closets. She empties one at a timfe, cleans it and its contents, retnrng them to it, and goes on to the next, never hurrying the work, and consequently never making herself sick by overdoing, as so many women do every spring. When the closets are in "apple-nie order," she begins with the rooms, taking those up-stairs first, one at a thne, and workmg her way down to the cellar. There is no bustle, no con- fusion, ns "picked-up" meals, and, conse- quently, no out-breaks of wrath on the part of the men-folks, who would not know that house cleaning was going on if they were not asked to help move heavy furniture out of one room into another now and then and carry out the carpets, or bring them in after they had been beaten and aired. When the house is cleaned in this leisurely fashion, itiseasy toget the men to help put up shades and curtains, because they do not get "out of sorts" from the general topsy-turvy condition of things. When the work is com- pleted, the woman of the house is not "all used up." She may be tiredâ€" without doubt she isâ€" but she soon "rests uo," and is "all right agam," while in many cases the woman who cleans house in the old fashion, pays for her over zealous ambition by sick- ness brought on by not "going slow," and working aeoarding to her atrength.â€" f^m*" ean AgrieuUuritt for April. Honor Boll. Honor Roll S. No. 5, Glenelgfor March 4th Class â€" Lizzie White, Maggie White, Mary Symmes. 3rd Class â€" James Duncan, Robbie Rurnett, Catherine Morris. 2nd Class â€" ^Robbie White, Johnnie Duncan, Nevrton Rell. II Pt. Sr.â€" George Symmes, Eddy Burnett, Mary E. Morris. n Pt. Jr.â€" Alfred Bell, Maud Walker, Ralph Watson. 1 Classâ€" Jessie Duncan, Lozzie Symmes. Aggie Whtte, Teacher. Largest stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the quar ries in Vermont. Will be sold at prices which defy aomnetition, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head- stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HARRISON HEAD QUARTERS FOB Books. Stationery. Fancy Goods, Toys, Wall Paper, b. Toronto St. next Door to the Mansion House. Markdale. In returning thanks to my nam- eroas castomers for liberal patron- age during the paet 14 years in which I haye done basiness in Markdale, and soliciting a con- tinuance of the same, I would also intimate that I have re- moved to my premises on Mill Street, next door to Stephen's Drug Store, and opposite to the Post Office, where I shall be happy to meet all my customers. Respectfully Yours, B. S. EAE. Markdale JblltJJf EOBT. ASKIN, UNDERTAKER, m: j*.k,k:i.a. JL.E FUNERAL FURNISHIN6S supplied on the. shortes notice. A. Si;leiid.id. Hc^arse lor hire at moderate rates. Southern _.,^^ ASTHMA CURE ASTHMA AND BROWCHfTIS BY MAIL on RCCHPT OFPWCC CS. Mo.; IIBOUIAB •0PEt»t.OO vtrnMom m. eo..'1ioeiCTm«. oi*r. Ati X eUent selo^i^n of Cuts te Scot© Bins 8.t the St9.n^a^f' Pl?^®i A. Dinsmore returns his sincere thanks for the very Uberal support ac- corded him since commencing as above, and hopes by strict attention to business and moderate prices to merit a continu- ance of pubhc appreciation aioA. patron- age. Those requiring WALL. JPAPER.S would consult tiieir ovm interest by ex- amining his stock, consisting of over Three Thousand pieces at from 5 to 75c. per Roll. Sunday Schools requiring Liben^ Books will find Hundrods to select from and at such FAYOBS^LE TERMS as are sure to satisfy. rS^PTote the lact.â€" That until I commenced business there was no 9ich thing as a special discount allowed to Sunday Schools, or if you vranted Books could not get them unless by Ha nd ing to Toronto or elsewhere, now jixof wants can be si^plied at yooz Door and at lower prices than Toronto. ItherefoFGi witii ooafdenoe appeal for public nqvpart. A fall line of Sebool Books, Stationary, c.,always on hand, also i^ent foe the DOMESTIC PAP£B PATmBNS. Agent alsofmr The Har- den Star Hand Grena de fwr EbctingniBh- \ingFlreg. @*NOTETHEAlIBS^S^ â€" ^All kinds of-^ F XJ It TV I T XJ R. E In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. â- "â- 'lU.- 'â- (T vr- rr vf^- BTJRABIiE -:- BEI/IABIiE. â€" ^ALBO â€" Waltham, ElgMi and Colomblers, â€"IM STOCKâ€" American Clocks, Silverware, Wedding Jiings. K3* Watch t!B|aiian]|j|iidfittmg Spec- taQlesaqpedatty. ' "l^ « anUBLB JBWBLU^ ' y *.' 1 â- trlj Farm for Sale. inn ^CRES, BEING LOT 13, CON., iV/v/ 14 Artemesia, about 70 acres clear- ed and under cnltivation, well fenced with cedar, w^ watered with spring creek, a com- fortable log house and barn, yoang orchard bearing. Situated th;;ee miles from Mark- dale. For Terms and further particulars apply to JAS. W. LACKliY 3l-t ' Berkley.; TO RENT. THE old and well known Pickell farm adjoining Flesherton, consisting of lOa acres, eighty-five. cleared, twen^ £all plough- ed. Splendid bank barn with spacfous horse stable, stone cow stable, and liovtw- failing well, allundemeath barn. Fine young orchard of 100 trees bearing^ well a good varietv of fmit. G9mfortable log house. For trams appi^ to Wm. Brown, Esq., Markdale. or on t^ premises to W.G.riCKELL. BREADNER. fiy ;pender and Builder GEOBG£;^^r., MARKDALE. ALL kiBdi»9l building and house car- penter work done in the TfUi^e or country. Cail *â- - ly before" the rush