i: i;'-i-; 5.-t' h ^^1 m IT;* w- j lip||llWJIJk-l.kl-- j.ijj liwma^ii^miiiiff^m^'m "â- â- iiiPill ^4 iM C. W. BatOttdge. Publisher. MABKDALE, MAR. 17. 1887. EDITOEIAL NOTES. Hon. John Beverly Bobinson, Lieut. -(tot. of Ontario, is to be succeeded by Sir Alexander Campbell. The new L. G. enters upon hisdatiesnext June. â€" Mr. N. McColman ex-M. P- for East Grey has received the appoint- ment of Light House keeper in Odlingwood at a salary of $600 per annum, with summer resid^ice on the iBland and winter residence on the shore. â€" It is estimated than 20,000 per- sons viewed the remains of Bev. Henry Ward Beecber, the great American Divine in his Plymoth Church, Brook- lyulprior to hisinterrment. In accord- ance with the oft expressed wish of Mr. Breecher, there was no emblem -«£ mourning worn by the family, or •draperies for tbe residence, but every- thing in connection witl) the obsequies ~was made as cheerful and brilliant as possible. â€"It has cost Montreal f 20,000 to .remove the snow from the streets of ihat city, and they expect to exspend •other $15,000 to complete the work for this winter â€" The Dominion Parliament has been summoned to meet for despatch •of bufliness on Wednesday, 13th April. It is generally believed Uiatthe session will be yery short â€" and that it is poseible Parliament may adjourn by the Queen's birthday. â€" Mr. Wragge, of the Grand Trunk Eailway Company, was in Owen Sound recently, interviewing the town oflBcials about railway connection with that town. â€" Montreal experienced a It has been annooaoed that oar Siedi* erton ftiends will give a concert in tiie Metiiodiat Cararch here on next Thurs- day evening. A large attendance is bea^ken for them. Proceeds iu aid of temperance funds. Whiz heavy snow storm on Monday which ereatly impeded railway and other traffic. â€"A railway accident eimilar to and Jiearly equalling the disaster took place near Monday, over 80 were killed and over 50 wounded. â€" At a recent meeting of the Dan- dalk Village Council the price liquor licenses within the municipality was placed at $170 per annuam instead of §90 as formarly. It was also voted that a liquor store and grocery store could not be run in cou- uectiou with each other. There has been a great deal of sick- ness in this neighborhood this winter, nearly eyery family has been attacked with the mumps and measles, which has spared nether old or young all who have not previously had them being eerved alike. The school attendance at one time Was aunost nill but it is recruiting again. The changeable weather has been very productiTe of bad colds and other kindred ailments but it is to be hoped that the advent of spring and fine weath- er we will bring a more healthy regime. Mr. John Buchanan is home again. He has been visiting friends in the neighborhood of Hamilton for some time past. Mrs Bichardson of Chatsworth has been here last week on a visit to her friends. Mrs. Merrick is going to Flesherton to hve with h^ niece, Mrs. Hopps, Mr. G. Stewart has been out here canvasing for the supply of milk for the Flesherton cheese factory; He reports good success. The Eclipse saw mill Is in full -blast, there is an immense stock of logs in the mill yard. Mr. John Warliag has secured the job of cutting the shingles. Mr. J. Brodie was in Toronto last week attending the meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge. Why Men Fail. LATEST! ZTeT?sr Osixpets AT â€" McFarland's. New Lace â€" â€" a.T- Curtains Few men come up to their highest measure of success. Some fail through timidity, or lack of nerye. They are un- willing to take the risks incident to life and fail through fear in venturing on or^ dinary duties. They lack pluck. Others fail through impradence, lack of dis- cret on, care, orjsomid judgement. They over-estimate the future, bmldair castles and venture beyond their depths, and fail. Others, again, fail through lack of application and perserverance. They •begin with good resolves, but soon get tired of that and want a change, think- ing they can do much better at some- White Biver â- *^i°S else. Thus they fritter life away, Boston lasf ^^^ succeed at nothing. Others waste time and money, and fail for want of econoaiy. Many fail through ruinous habits â€" tobacco, whiskey, and beer spoil them for business, drive their best cus- (jf i tomers from them, and scatter their prospects of success. Some fail for want of brains, education and fitness for their calling. They lack a know- ledge of human nature and of the motives that actuate men. They have not qualified themselves for their occupa- tion by practical education. â€" An attempt to take the life oi the Czar(TheEmpercrof Bussia) was'made last Sunday. Whils^oingto Church a bomb was thrownathim but it failed to explode. The services he was going to attend were the anniversary services ia commemoration of the death of his lather wiio was Assasinated. Several arrests have been made. â€"Buffalo had a ^800,000 fire on Tuesday morning. Oar Wealthy Men. MaKweli. Your cor. has neglected to "Whiz" for two or three wepks, however he will try again. Weatther severe today (14th.) Miss Preston is visiting friends Markdale, Mr. Joseph Allistcm is visiting friends in this yicimiy. We giadly note that Mrs. Milne ofTo- zonte, who, 4«o xaontSis ago, came np to attend hex bjKdiheni funeral And: was ' j^ostzated with a severe attaek of in- flamation of the luags, has regained lier health and intends to return homo this week. Mr. Wm. Heron has gonabaek to the Don. Miss Melissa Gtamey is home for a iibliday. The annniJ gathering of S. S. No. 3 Osprey was held on Friday last, in the school hooae. The program waa ex- cellent. Oxoat credit is due to the -Leacher,Mis8]rommond,forits thorong'Q preppratioa. ^Ete procee is 426 will be -U3odfor thefurpojeof socnrinj; a bell ijt fchp « chfl 4, Muchhas been| said in newspapers of men who have made large fortunes in comparatively a few years in various business industries. Many of these articles are written by correspondents of prominent newspapers, and copied into others of lesser note. Correspond- ents generally are seldom men of business qualifications and wrongfully picture these men and their business as a thing of accident this is not the case with those we have met. We find ihat where men have made large fortunes by their McFarland's. ^AT McFarland' s. New Boots Shoes AT â€" McFarland's. â- ^i^ a IVew Ties Hats _. TA McFarland's. NEW' JUBILEE HANDKERCHIEFS â€" AT McFarland's. New Black Colored Silks at ftaut^^ McFarlandj' s. My'Eiiibpeaii buyer advises large purchases in New Dress Goods, Muslins, Gloves, Laces, Silks, Parisols,, Plushes, c., c. "Which wlll'e:?:- ceed all former efforts in style price or qual- ity TEA! TEA! TEA! Two extensive Ship- ments of pure Japan Tea's received direct from Japan over the C. P. Railway, via British Columbia. Is it not to your interest to pur- chase your Tea from " Having erected and fitted up m every detail a Saeh, Door and Plain tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everyt bemg new, I am now prepared to turn out Sasb, Dooi%, Blinds, Hoaldings, Holiow Battoiii FRMES, UTH, FEME PICKETS, ftc, And everything neieded in the boildiug trade, in a manner second to nonejl Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m every, department would now respecttuUy solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptij PINE LUMBER Dressed and Uiidiressei Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning doa Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 808 THOS?. IMcIVEA. Give us Franchise and Victory is Ours In making your purchases in small goods don't forget to call at the best established CONFECTIONAKY, TOY and FRUIT STORE in the County. My stock comprises the latest and best designs in TOYS; the choicest and freshest stock of FRUIT and CONFECTIONARY a^so first-claw Fancy Note Paper and Envelopes (all colors.) OYSTERS kept constantly on hand'dnring the season, and sold by the quart or glass. rs. Clement, MARKDALE.! I AND LIQUOR STORE. â- â- â- â- â€" â- â€" â- â€" A fresh stock of grocei? â- ies just opened at store, bought for cash thus saving discounts, and vrLll be sold for spot cash at rock bottom prices. ersu 1. Any person who takes a paper regnk ' lyfrom the post-office, whether d'rected his name, or another's, or whether lie iisil subscribed or not, is responsible for paj i ment. 2. If a person orders his paper discontibsl ed, ho must pay all arrears, or the piibiisli may continue to send it until paymfni made, and then collect the whole amomr| whether the paper is taken from the oiSt^; or not. 2. In suits for subscriptions, the suit as; be instituted in the plauje where the paper published,;aJthoagh the subscriber may resic';^ hundreds of miles away. 4. The courts haye decided tba* refusiE!:^ to take nawapaimrs or periodicals from tk: post-office or rerDoviug and leaving them » cjUled.for. while unpaid, is prima facie eriJ «nc6 of intentional fraud. own business talent and industry they cuo. ^th ^^y^u^^^^ Headquarters rather than through Peddlers K fine Line of choicest uncolored Japan Tea just arrived intending pur- chasers will do well to inspect this Tea before buying elswhere as it \Ki»- itiyely is the best value ever â- offered in the town. 15 lbs. extra granulated sugar $1, other grades accordingly. Agent for the Liquor Tea Co. A valuable prize given with every six^ lb. packages booght. For Sale or to ReiM such businesses when handled with business judgement, ^y No man has been brought before the jubhc as an example of success, both in wealth and magnitude 6i his business (outside of stock and railroad men) more prominently than Dr. G. O. Green of Woodbury, N. J. He is at the head of many large business industries, and ye comparatiTely a yonug man. When the fact that August Flower, for dyspepsia and liver complaint and Boschee's Ger- man Symp, fbicoci^usDdliuig troubles, has grown to a wonderful sale in idl parts of the wgrld, it provas that it wa not an acddenl ae spfrntaaeoos stzike at waatth. His j^edicines are reoofpiiaed as valuable and estaUisbAd retaiediee and the hosineas has grownj gradoaUy and permaPMittv during the last eigh' teen years on aooMint not only of ht. Gzeen'a abiliki«8 as a bnsineas maA his "good luck," bat » the adoalmariiv who get their supplies from 3rd class Houses in Toronto or else- where, and charge an exhorbitant price to cover expenses in travelling around from house to house. Save your money and come direct to McFarland's the largest Tea Dealer in Grey County. of the two iirap«ratk»n.â€" Copied l|oin "^^ fllS AJUl Ulll I T^ItOVlS^IOIVgsJ Flour Bran, Shorts, Chop, Screenings, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, c., c. I Rye and Malt, Port and Native Wine» Brandy, Jamaica, Rum, Scotch Whiskey, the best in the market, also a choice lot Bottled Liquors in finesc Brandies, Scotch and Irish Whiskeys, Superior Malt and 5 year old Rye. Parties requiring liquors for medicinal purposes will do well to give us a call as tliey may rely upon getting a good article. Special Attenticm I wili pay the highest cash pnc© for Timothy Seed. A- Cg-Jf i^qp^tfoUy ^t Sollcited.^ A WAGON SHOP, in the Village Holland Centre, situated on the C. I B. 16 miles from Owen Sound, a good harh frame Wagon Shop 24 x .S6 ft. with good paif shop and lumber house in connection it. Tbe above with or without a full su of good dry lumber will be disjhised of very reasonable terms as the proprietor! giving ap business, and leaving this part the cooutry, for further particulars addn orappltj'to E. H. NEELANDS, Proprietor, HolUand Centre, Ont. 33** PartnersMp Notice. â- *m » Da'a SPROULE BRODIE, entered into a partnership for practice of their profession. Dr. Sprott will be found at his old office Turner sj Drug Store, and I^. Brodie at his offiw Mathew's new Uock. 333 ;;!.' l£ABEl4^i;i£. FOR SALE For nk or to rent for a term of yearfr 60 aerasâ€" till cteaMd well watered^ good buiJ inw, 40 acres frtiftiromstumpft aud swd* over «faidt all kinds of maohineiT can bet li mika irau JlfwkdaU. *W^* .,, ;WM. BROWN. BREADNER. ternefntef and BuHd! CtEORCMB St., MARKDALE. ALL Unda of building and house ctfl P^inAar irodc done in the -village "f oooatry. (^n eaciy before th» r* .-.â- 5U-"i« ••»'«*« *T-J..^!,: 4 Or l^he anni (atiou w knrsday tl a good lit. [Messrs i |cits,Audi iich was KLJ los. Kells B. Ellis illivanâ€" i toUaod â€" ' jllingwoo ^hite. fgprey â€" J^ rtemesia rum. lophrasia- Iso Dr. S] lorke, M. L. Turner, sx Thos. K las. A public Fcrtised co jilray th( bbe chair Ing to ord' vith the b le orgaui T. B. \1 road a pa] to know" oractical, lEUis to h ilatiou of â- advanced lideas. £ ouper in i |Q;Kplained Ireal cause Mr. Gil Jbaudry, a lis well po 1 was listei D. J. I ladies eho port on I Prof. I and logic air draii] for anim: best kind aud how calves au food, car pail to ut uluiruiug â€" Ciinud to the im ing and jjerfereni far aheaj farm. with prj Owinf Mover W. Gl intcrestil Trainiuj plied enl expressJ and usci Mr- LeakagI Prof.I meeting Exhibit what Cl very in| The and va] larger these treat til An«i This I calls upl toexhilf new f e la consl bmldfcf «oodfe| thathel » go ff the cb doUarsJ the I above I thsfe -the to. The fa thati thoi ion lasted QOIBf othr Momel