i 1l *;?. MABS«AL£« S£AS. !•« 1187. EDMORIALlrDTES. â€" ^The Montreal Can^vbLGommittee have a deficit of $800 toee. Henry Warden Beaoher^was Btrick- en on Sunday last with an attack of Apoplexy, from -which he did not tally. He died on Tuesday morning «t 9^0. â€" In the Alsoma elections, the latest report ^ve Dawson the Con- serrative £0«head with six places to Iiear from. â€" Sir John says he inll have a majority of ahont 45. EAST GREY. Below are townships: Oollingwood... JBuphrMia. Proton.. .. ...1 the official returns by Sproule. Oilraj. .... 450 mi .... 439 158 272 861 ^Melancon... -St. Yineent... Osprer...... 295. 301 287 .224 • 298 249 Ifeaford ...... ISfl 154 Shelbnme .... 127 70 TIm dJJhnat vadotiM 'xHtn Nfifa* a diffennt-aaodeolcBttiKiebinoidarto obtain flMlMgBrtywHmaflwIaigestUnias. The at the l^jfendi tatwiwn fheae and the Tagmia StEftwIitev; aMoead teat whan 4{nini in hilla at ai'n^waâ€" and -timy an Qsnalty^oueaivroihutiya^iltfaeplaiUa an Hftimittod to nm together aaid heeooie in the Jeastcrewded; while othanwiU jieLd-well either in^aaoov nnn or wide -hada, and whera the plai^ heoome mattad. Tn t)p4» » *)iin sntam" the slantaanBOflaal^ aet uat in xowa about thiae feat acact, and tha plants ftjghtwwi infihw to two leat a^patt in the xow. The gsoond ia kept thora^ghly coltivated among the ji'^nta Airn^ ijj^ vn ivn seaaott, and all mnneta cemomd aa aooa aa thejappear, oratXeaetonoa a weak. Ibis iieatment will msne vegr laigB and atmqg jlanta, with juunarons orawaa s bads, lioDt which fnut-etalkawilljHuh -op the following apiing. Whengiown.in angle ^owa, the planta may be aet'abont twelve jnohes apact in ihe rowa,and lor .garden Hiitnr84he.ro«ri-8honld be aboot three feet apart, bnt Iwfield enltore I prefer to allow a little iDoceapaoe hetween the rows, xvloorieet; but thedistanaa may be varied accoTdiag to the Jbahit of Ae plants. In the bed ornattedi^yatea^ two-orthsaa rows are planted in bedeioor feet wide, and the plants allowed to oorer tb* entire surface until they £]rmji-close mat or bed; lienoe the name. One or two oropa an taken, and then the j)lanla are plowed np aa jisoal when ealti«atedin rows. £at ij thinning THE LATEST! -AT- McFarland's. Hew Xjace Gm^ains AT McFarland' s. 2400 1845 Total majority for S^oale, 655. Number of voters on the list, 6291 number of ballots cast, 4279 rejected ballots, 17 spoiled ballots, 17. OmCIAI, .BBTUBNS. Owen sound, March 6. â€" The re- luming ofcer for North Grey to-day ^declared. Mr. James Masson, Conserva- tive, elected by a maiority of 57. Durham, March 5. â€" -The offical «ourt for South Grey gives Mr^ Land- «rkin, Reform a total of 2,292 votes, against 2,195 for Mr. Jamiespn, the Conservative condidate Mr. Lander- kin being elected by a majority of 97. Tlie Orig[in ei the Banjo. â- •'Dar's gwine to be an oberflow, ^aid N oah, loakin' solemn, jFor Noah iook de Herald, .and he r i ~de ribbercolamu, An' BO he sot bis hands to work a-cl'arin' timber patches. n ' 'lowed he's gwine to build a boat to beat the steamer "Natchez." ^ow Noah had done kotched a lot of ebery sort o' beas'e?- Ob all de shows a-trabblin' it beat 'em all to pieces ' He had a Morgan colt and sebeial liead o Jersey cattle, •An' druv 'em 'board de Ark as Boon's he heard de thunder rattle. Kow Ham, de only nigger whut wuz nmnin' on de packet, Sot lonesome in de barber sh(^ aa* c'a'dn't Stan' de racket An' BO, for to amnse hisself, he steamedsome wood and bent it, An' soon Le iiad a banjo made, de fast dat wuz inyented. ' He wet de ledder, staeatched it on; made bridge an' screws an' apron. An' fitted in a proper, neck â€" 'twuz berry long an' tap'rin';; He tuk some tin, and twisted him a thimble for to rmg it. An' den de mighty question, riz how wuz he gwing to string it De 'possum had as fine a tail as olis dat .I'se a-siagin' De ha'r's so long, an' thick an' strong .-.-jest fie for banjo stringin' Dis nigger shaved 'em oSiso^fhort as waah- day dinner graces. An' sorted ob 'em by de size, from little E's to basses. â- He strung her. tuned her, struck a jig, â€" 'twuz "Nebber min' de wedder" â€" She soun' like forty-lebben bands a playin all togedder ' Some went to pattin' some to dancein' Noah called de figgers. An' Ham he sot an' knocked de tnnea â€" de* happiest ob niggers. An' curi's. too â€" dat nigger's ways 4 hie people nebber loso 'em For whar you find de nigger, j^'t de banjo an' de 'possom. ont occasionally, the beds jnay be kept in a moderately produotiTe condition tor aereral years, especial^ vith aoioe of Oie miae slender growing of our native vazieiiea. Some cultivators, wiio raise strawberiea for market, adopt whal may be called an ""nw^l aystem, setting out plants inspring either in single rows or narro v beds, giving them extra care during the Jrst season; then, after the fruit ia gathered np the next, the beda are pionghed np. â€" A. 8.Fvuja,iuAaaieaa Agrieidturitt for March. -»-m» Cheese Factory Sleetias:. 'fownHaUPleshertonJeb. 26th 1887. Aineeting of patrons was held iot the pugiosfi of jeo]^;anizing for the running, of the ;heese factory for another term of thre e years under the management of M. G. Stew- art. It was resolved to elect officers for the. current year j â€" ^The following were duly el- ected; President, George Stewart. Vice President, Wm. Wilcock. Secretary, Jas. Bxodie. XIBECT0B8, JlouteJIo. I Wm- Wright, " " 2 Jacob Holly. •• " 3 A. Johnston. •• " 4 A. Stewart. " ' 5 T- Wright. •• " 6 8, Pedlar. " " 7C.BeUamy. " " 8 T. McArthur. The meeting then adjourned to Salazday March the x9th at 2 o'clock p. nu when the routes will be £naliy laid out andtbehaiiig of the milk to the factory oyer' the aeveral roads let. Jas. Brodie, See. â- » ♦ â- MABBIED, la CrangevUle on the 24th of Febmary, "by the Bev.|Mr. HenderBon,tMr. A. L.|Morrow, of Ghatsworth, to Miss Mary Elizabeth }T(^le, of Uarkdale. TO RENT. T" -AT- McFarland' s. Ba^Bf WMted and fitted np m etery detaU • 8afh. Door and Plain F«e. 4oi7t ooDtaining all tha latest and most approved machina7, everything beiBg new, I am now prepar^ to turn out Sasb, Doors, Blinds, MonldiDgs, HolloÂ¥ BattoDii, FUMES, Un, FEME ne«Ts, u.. And eirery thing needed in the building trade, in a manner second to none 'A Canada, and baying engaged sapexior meehanies m every department, I wonld now renpecttally solicit public patronage, Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on band. Plain and Fancy Taming doae» Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance, B08 Give us Franchise Victory is Ours! and lF[ew Boots â€" ^ATâ€" â€" Shoes McFarland's. i ^i^.^â€" â- â- -I â- TAâ€" McFarland's. NEWJUBtLEE HANDKElfCHiEf^ ATâ€" â€" McFarland's. â€" â- â€" â- » i I Ne^ijr Black Colored Silks at McFarland's. In making yonr porchases in smalt goods don't forget to call at the best established CONFECTTONAKT, TOY and FRUIT STORE in the County. My stock comprises the latest and best designs in TOYS' the choicest and freshest stock of FRUIT and CONFECTIONARY also first-class Fancy Note Paper and Envelopes (all colors.) OYSTERS kept constantly on hand daring the season, and sold by tbe quart or glass. rs. Clement, MARKDALE. mm, mm\ CONSUMPTION CURED. An old pbysieian, retired trom inaetice tavinghaidplaioeaiB'b|B l^^j^ by an East havingL ^. .~-. .- India mianmiazy-iQw^nnmala. of a winilar vegetable reme^'for tberoeedjumdpennaa- ent cuxeforConsamptioB,Broa^tis,Cataixli /^athTTia. and all tiiXM* and Iiosg Affletkms also a Dositiveaadndieal ewe tor iMrvoaa DebiB^ and all Menoos CompfaiintB. after bavins teated its wontaEfal eorattv* wnran la thonwn*** ftf M"M bae fnlt it tiii daty to m«.k « it known toMMafflMiagfellowit. Aeto- atedbytiUamotivpaBd a deaize to reHere human â- Bffering.KaM "end flrqepfeharge^ allwbo desire it, tbla xeoripe, ia. Gennan. rranehor F^g'****, ^Ib fBu dircettona for HE old and well known PickeQ farm adjoining Flesherton, consisting of 100 acres, eig}ity-fiTe cleared, twenty fall piongh- ed. Splendid bank bam with spacious horse stable, stone cow stable, and never- failing well, allnndemeath barn. Fine yonng orchard of 100 trees bearing well a good varietv of fruit. Comfortable log honse. For terms apply to Wm. Brown, Esq., Markdale. or on the premisee to ^^ W. G.FKJKELL. WoaTBT OF cpiiFi]EKCB.^The pre- paration sold by dmcgista: knosot as Hagyani's Yelloir Oilis wiwthy of all confidence as a bonsehold remedy for -pain. It has been over a qaarter .of a century in ^e agiy^^et, and tieTer taSia to core or reKeTe j^emnatisai, noora^ia, j COyer sore xoat, q^aiaaf, deafiness, boms, scalds, dxoiaes, fspat bites and intmial OT exfe^mala puns and injuries. I".. 'rir' MOT ICE. A]lpenanB.liMia« aeeoonts aAioat tbe Qidflrngned am jMnby nqaetted to -hand theMBMintoG.^ Bowes,lladidal»«n or before tile ieifardi, and the awM if cooeet wiUbepaadbarliaieaiidSnuBa WiUlaiBa, J9igflglfaRh8thl8^7 â- Kf^/ My Exiropeaai buyer advises large purcliases in New Dress Goods, Muslins, Gloves, Laces, Silks, Parisols, Plushes, c.,c, "Winch will ex- ceed all former efforts in style price or qual- ity. TEA! TEA! a?EA! Two extensive Ship- ments of pure Japan Tea's received direct from Japan over the C. P. Badlw^ay, via British Columbia. Is it not to your interest to pur- chase your Tea from Headquarters rather than through Peddlers who get their supplies from 3rd clq.ss Souses in Toronto or else- where, and charge an exhorbitant price to expei]ises Iti travelling around from house ibo house. Save your money and come direct to McFarlaoid's the largest Tea Dealer iu Chp^|Ckimty. ff. I iimuii. :Puect Imjportep^ -AND- LIQUOR STORE. â- â- e â- â- A fresh stock of grocer- ies just opened at store, bought for cash thus saving discounts, and will be sold for spot cash at rock bottom prices. Japan Tea worth 46 cents selling for 85 cents. Japan Tea worth 65 cents for 46. Ganpowder Tea worth 66 cents for 46. 16 lbs. extra grannlated sugar $1, other grades accordingly. Agent for the lienor Tea Co. A valuable prize given with every six i lb. padcages booght. era. 1. Any person who UAsa a pi^r regular ly from the post-office, whether directed in his name, or another's, .or whether he naa subscribed or not, is lespowiUe for pay- ment 2. If a person orders bis paper discontinu- ed, he must pay all arrears, or the publishci may continue to send it until payment is made, and then collect the whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the office, or not. 2. In suits for subscriptions, the suit may be instituted in the plaee where the paper is published, although the subscriber may reside- hundreds of miles away. 4. The Qonrts haye decided that refusing to take newspapers or periodicals from the post-office or removing and leaving them un- cKlled for. while unpaid, i prima facie evi d- enoe of intentional fraud. I»I£OT'lSIO]VS t Flcmr tican. Shorts, Chop, Screenings, Oatmeal, 3ornmeal, ^c, c. I Bye and Malt, Port and Native Wine, Brandy, Jamaica, Bum, Scotch Whiskey, the best in the market, also a choice lot Bottled JUiquors in iinesc Brandies, Scotch and Irish Whisl^eys, Soperior Malt and 6 year old Hye. Parties requiring liquors for medicinal purposes will do well to give us a call as they may rely upon getting a good article, A. Call KespectfoHy Solicited. For Sale or to Rent AWAQOK SHOP, in the Village of HoUaod Centre, situated on the G, 9. B. 16 miles from Owen Sound, a gpod heavy frame Wagon Shop 24 x 36 ft. with good paint shop and lumber hoQse in oonneotion with it. The above with or without a full stock of good dry lumber will be disposed of on very reasonable terms as the propriety to giving up business, and leaving this part ot the country, for further partienlars addteBa or apply to X. H. NEELAIIDS, Proprietor, HoUland Centre, Ont. SSMO PartnersMp Notice. De's SPROULE dE BRODIE, have entered into a partnership for the practice of their profession. Dr. SproiJe will be found at bis old office Turner's Drug Store, and Dr. Brodie at his offlbe Mathew's new block. 833*40. MABKBAIjS. FOR SALE For sale or to rent for a term of yearsâ€" **TS' etaared weU vatend, good build- """' 1P?*^f'**'"'»*'»I» "nd stones* oyer whioh all kaids of madunezy oan bemn li milaa front irrii;,ift Va *8«-*l WILBBOWN.^ BE .ON TOXTB aUABD 1aanaUowaoddln the hmA |o sloi^ and sorely nm into Oataixh,-whaiyoa oan be ear8dfor25().by9iiagDr,Chase'sOatirrh Caie. A few ^iplipations ewe iQfplnit Mtanb: 1 to t boscp eons ini^inarrflai^hi r. 1 to boates is gnazaateed to erne «bonie WM. BRBADNER. Barpeniter and Builder OEOBeE St., MAttim AT.w A{^ kmds of building and house car- pen|et wodc done in the villaze qc eoviDtcy. OaU Mdy b^Cm the' rush. .«:.;â- ;- 889-(Wi }-f:^r. .-iif iissiliMifli JH