Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Mar 1887, p. 5

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 â- ip mmmmm riiiMi Richardson I Collar XM«bu \xr ware. gi â- â€¢â€¢â€¢r^'-.^riiii: •-a.l .?««*«= To builders aaid those about to build your ^vvants supplied at re- asonable rates. is-naUjS. glass, putty. « HtJRRAH ' FOR THE HEW YEAR XMAS GOODS. M:RICHARDSONCO ' HINGES. BUTTS. SCREWS. DOOR HANDLES. TOWER BOLTS. CHAIN BOLTS, HAMMERS. Good Bye to the Old One. NEW BOODS AHRmMB EVERK WEEK AT RUSSELL'S Noted Jewellry Store, FLESHERTON. The Hev Drag Store, 5th, nnual Clearing Sale iATUBDAY MARCH contimiing through the following week. )me early for choice Bargains In Clothing, Boots, Tweeds, Dress Coods, Mantles, Furs, c., c. ABSTKACT STATEMENT CHISSEL8, S AWS. BRACES. BITTS. CUTTERY. LAMPS. LAMP GLOBES. c. OILS, LEADS AND COLORS! â€" all pure goods â€" PAINTS ground and mixed any sliade ready for the brush in quantitiea from one pint up, guaranteed free from all alkalies and other foreign substances. Full Lines in Tinware at bottom prices. CALL AND SEE US IT WILL PAY YOU. Note tlie place the sign of the crosB cuttsaw. HEAD QUARTERS FOR Books. Stationery. Fancy Coeds, Toys, Wall Paper, Ac, Toronto St. next Door to the Mansion House, Markdale. which i'j stiU in Mark- dale, and the place to Consisting^f GOLD and SILVE R W ATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY. SPECTACLES. SILVER-WARE. FORKS. SPOONS. KNIVES, Fancy MIRRORS. ALBUMS. VIOLINS c. -M'" Any cue looking for Xmas presents will do well to call at RUSSELL'S. j Flesberton. a fine stock to select from, and prices very low, It your watch get cured of your many or clock wants repairing, RUSSELL'S is the place to take it: A satisfactory job every time, IS* Remember, JAS. G. RUSSELS Noted Jewelry Store, FLESHERTON. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS ills, in the shape of a little Soothing Syrup, Pal*egoric, Teething Powders or a Bubber Bing; Should they fail, then resort to a box of STEPHEN' S PARNELL DUBLIN DOGERS. -OF THEâ€" ^y^yi^^^^np-WTreasurers Receipts and Expenditure taki's a pajier regalar wlietber directed In i, or whether he na* responsible for pay .8 his paper discontiim- oart:, or the pubiisbci it until payment is tlin whole amoant, aken from the offiet iptious, the suit may I se where the paper is • subscriber may reside ieculetl that refusing periotlicals from the J and leaving them nih- I, is priimi facie evid- d. â€"FOR THEâ€" For* I TOWNSHIP Of ©LE|^ElaG, the Year JBnaingf 31 ree., ISSe, SHOULDER BRACES I SHOULDER BRACES Ladies and Gents, SHOULDER BRACES H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTUKER OF H/ARBLE AND 6RAITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES. Mantles, Furniture Marble, de. RECEIPTS. To Ballance on hand 2392 05 Assessments 10404 05 J. P- jFines 11 40 Interest Durham De- benture 24 00 N. E.i Taxes. 427 85 Liceijse fund 269 01 Land Improvement Fiind 2536 26 8 80 33 31 Clergy Beserve Fund... Miscyianeous *16106 73 EXPENDITURES. By Salaries Commissionsft 527 11 County Rates 6159 19 School Monies 4682 99 Election Expenses 48 50 Board of Health 20 00 Refund Taxes.., 4 09 Road Bridge Surveys 813 50 Charities 122 64 Printing, Postage Stationery 115 19 Sinking Fund Interest By-law 171 3248 00 Miscellaneous 116 00 Balance in Treasurers hands.... 249 52 n6106 73 in the Village Of situated on the 0. P. I SoHud, a }500il heaty s St) ft. with gootl paint i in connection- with without a full sioii. ill be disposed of ob as the proprietor fc I leavinj; this part of r particulars addreM VNDS, Proprietor, 338-10 Sinking Fund A*!count By^-law 171 Dec. Slit, 1886. To Amount Debentures $20000 00 $20000 00 By Durham Debenture......* 400 00 Amount deposited in Bank, 31st Dec. 1885 as per last audit 8445 48 Deposit 2000 00 Interest on bank account 434 50 Interest on Durham De- benture 24 00 Amount unpaid 86% 02 $20000 00 Colleetors* Rolls. No. 1 Araounit on Roll $2528 68 $2528 53 Collected in 1886 $1123 Ballance uncollected ......... 1404 99 54 $2528 53 No. 2. Amouiit on Roll $2177 66 $2177 66 Collected ..$2094 17 Ballance uncollected 83 49 A. Dinsmore returns his sincere thanks for the very liberal support ac- corded him since commencing as above, and hopes by strict atteu tion to business and moderate prices to merit a continu- ance of public appreciation and patron- age. Those requiring would consult their own interest by ex- amining his stock, consisting of over Three Thousand pieces at from 5 to 75c. per Boll. Sutaday Schools requiring Liberary Books will find Hundreds to select from and at such FAYORABLE TERMS as are sure to satisfy. IS^lVote tlie laet.â€" That until I commenced business there was no such thing as a special discount allowed to Sunday Schools, or if you wanted Books could not get them unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere, now your wants can be suppUed at your Door and at lower prices than Toronto. I therefore with confdence appeal for public support. A full hue of School Books, Stationary, c.,always on hand, also agent for the DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERNS. Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade for Extinguish- ing Fires. IS*NOTE THE ADDRESS, J)l. Iixisiiiox*e. â€" OF â€" Valuable Village Property. In the YiUaee of Markdale, in the County of Grey, there will be sold on Monday the 7th day of March, 1887, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon at the Markdale House, MaxkdaJe, in the Village, by virtue of Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage â€" which will be produced at the Sale, the following property. Under Mortgage from John Montgomery, lot eight on the South side of Mill Street in the said Vulage of Markdale hav- ing a frontage of three roads by a depth of twelve rods containing one quarter of an acre more or less. The following improvements are said to be on the premises, having erected there- on a rongh-cast dwelling, stable, bake shops and sheds. Tebxs :â€" 20 per cent of the purchase money to be paid down on tb.e day of sale. For balance terms will be maid known at the sale. For farther particulars apply to JONES BROS. A MACKENZIE, Solicitors, Toronto Street, Toronto Or to John IjTOKb. Esq., Markdale, Ont. Fare Cremm of Tartar, Fine Baking Soda, Mnstard, Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, AUapices, ground and un- ground of the finest grades. Sohool Books 1 School Books and Stationary at STEPHEN'S Drug Store. LS.IIaB,|M Tailor. In returning thanks to my num- erous customers for liberal patron- age during the paet 14 years in which I haye done business in MarkdaU, and soliciting a com* tinuance of the same, I would also intimate that I have re-moTod to my premises on Mill Street, next door to Stephen's Drug Store, and opposite to the Post Office, where I shall be hi^py to meet all my castomers. Bespectfally Yours, B. S. BAE. Markdale JUST RECEXVED 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble tS" Largest stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the quar ries in Vermont. Will be sold at ptioes- which defy oompetitian. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N. B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Heaii- stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to bide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HABRISON $2177 66 !. Contain their owB Buro. and eOeetMlt Ciiildrenori No. 3. in»(Kmton Boll ...S3305 02 $3305 02 Collected $2350 50 Ballance uncollected 954 52 $3305 02 IV*. 4. Imosnt on Boll, $2293 79 $2293 79 Collected WSOl 00 Ballance uncollected 792 79 $2298 79 cu the twenty-e'gh^ enry Whitby, •««â-  We the undersigned Auditors have examined the Books, Accounts and rouchers of the Treasurer of the Municipality of the Township of Glenelg, or thiB year 1886, and find them correct with a cash ballance on hand of 1*249.52 as shown in detailed statement. We also give a statement of Sink- ng Fund Account and of Collectors' Bolls, all of which is hereto apDended. ^^e have much pleasure in testifying to the clear intelligent and satisfactory lanner in which the Treasurer keeps the books. ADAM TURNEB,) .-^tors. JOHNNICHOL, t Auditors. PartnersMp Notice. Db's 6PROULE BBODIE, Uftve entered into a partnership for the practice of their profession. Dr. Sproofe will be foimd at his old ofSce Tumar's Drug Store, and Dr. Brodie at his offiioe Mathew's new block. 888««8 FOR SALE. A Thorough bred trotting stallion with Pedigree, in good eondition nine years old, color dark dapple bay,^o his Harness, Cutter and Snikey, for farther particulars apphr to. THOMAS QAWLST, 'iiMS UolhiBa Coatee P. 6. 'jlfc«lP*il EOBT. ASEIN, UNDERTAKER, FOHEML FURNISHINGS siq[plied on the shortes notice. A.. Silendi(l Hear»«. ter hire at moderate rates. â€"All kinds of â€" F XJ R. ]V I T U R, K In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING D(me on short notice. KOBT. ASKIN. Farm for Sale. 1 C\C\ ^^^^^' BEING LOT 13. CON., Artemesia, about 70 acres clear- ed and under cultivation, well fenceil with cedar, well watered with spring creek, a con fortable log house and bam, young orchard beariPR. Situated three miles from Mark- dale. For Terms and further particular* apply to JAS. W. LACKEY 3l.t Berkley. Priceville Roller MilL DIIRABIJB-:-HELIA3Lir. Waitbam, EI(b:Iii and Colomblers, â€" » STOCK â€" Amerfcott Clocks, Silverware, Wedding Rings. IS^Watcb lepaiclng «nd fitting Spec- tacW a qpeeialty. MTi., A. JBRO^WIV, â€"I 1 1 III â-  JKWBLLMI, MARKOAL^ THE NEW MILL IS NOW COM- eted and in full working order. Tli« oiler process is thorough in oyery respect and a full hue of rolls. THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE will be paid for any quantity of Wheat. ositirelf no rsdit-- will b) Mill. giran in the The Saw Mill is doing splendid work.-. Bring in your logs and you can. get the lumber h(»ne with yon. First-Class Planer and Matcher. Mr. John McLeod manages the Saw Mill whidi I hope is^ a sufficient guaran- tee fof^ood wor}*,^ iQPBEBT JjpGOWAK^

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