J' pork and tha fbenina- **• croup cold, are 's Yellow 'onsehold a berries -•einons, cheaper my foo«! nach. I ft more I m like ft UN)). c Hoarse- Chest, nt? Ifs«, Pr's LuDf contains s does in of tho old â- JOc. and Stephen, lever have i see the 3v,- open' Co'a d speedy roat aod BroTvn'g Brown's own'a own's Fn's. S*r.. Jpht s sei'ions- Jrteys that â- was- des- )ch Wood s had fail- ffered in sats and ofiaSCat ma Setsy ts Whit best stock lean them se in the elves. ost rehable eases. For loase. All Tweed to !se, Ducks ic at M. ghs, Uol ichitis, etc Chere is no- any one of McGregor's r you have s tried this spinion will ed it, viz., ami $1.00 sts, Mark- 1 â- . .~..jtjt^. wmjM HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MA.Y.' skve:??th yeab.-:i^o. 329. MAEKDAIiE, OKT., DECEMBER 26, 1886. C. W. RUTIiEDGE, PnbUsher. local and Other Items. Notices in Oiese columns ialended to benefit [any iniUvidual or Society will be cTiarged ten .â- int/ a line for the first insertion and jive I ;/!t'ts a Une each subsequent insertion.. "HOLIDAY GIFTS n DURABLE BEAUTIFUL and useful in â€" SILVERWARE NOVELTIES W. A. BROWN, Je-weller, MABEDALE •VO TICK. â€" Coireg'pr..idence, commnnicC' linns,. Adi:;)iis';mevi's, tfc„ must be in th' ivreoij noo^on 'vesf'o,j toim-iure pvblica'ion â- hat week. Dinrette m plants anj McGregor s hiti8.A8tbffl* 1 lenders Id at 60c. and •By] A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO AlL Good sleighing again. And business brisk. MRSi Fkavk Averell is visiting friends iu Gleuelg. Markdale Public School closed last Monday for the Holidays. Thk truest proof of a man's religion is tho quality of his companions. WuiLE enjoying the festive season, lout forget the poor and sick of the Lomuiuuity. EviiEY farmer should read the Rural Canadian, the agricultural authority of Cauada. .A N ounce of keep-your-mouth-shut is better than a pound of explanation after you have said it. The cole'orated "Peak Sisters" are to :ake part iu the program on Christmas iu the Methodist Church. Call and see our new stock of parlor suits, sofas and lounges just arrived this week, Coleman Hamilbon. For seasonable bints on farming, gardening, stock or poultry read the Rural Canadian. Dr. Washington the celebrated throat and luug surgeon will be at the Markdale House next Monday the 27th. The entrance enaminationsliave been going on id ihis village Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Taiu-sday of this week. Tau Kat-al Cauadiaoi for 1887 will he better than ever b^ore. Its columns nil! be folly aUve to the best interest of the f ai-iuer. The Shelbume Economist issued a twelve page tinted paper last week as a Christmas number; a creditable ontpui too for a buisy time. k grand annual entertainment will be |lielil at E'jenezer CJjircb, 11th liae Enphrasiaoa the eve aingirf New-year's- iy. See bills for particidars. Get the Tjcst local paper and the most I Meful a^iictdl. tral jouraal iu the eountrv »t a no.iii :a\ j^r.-Ice. The Standard and tiie I^uL-al Caaadian only tl.50 from now till 1st Jaa., 1888. Accident.â€" While assisting at a tuar â- ^ ing at ^Ic, waaou's, 11th line Euphrasia "' on the 13th inst Wm. J. Blakely got his, h^g badly jannned which wffl lay him I «P for some time. PRKPAr vTioNs have been made for a yeat crowd at the annual Chrisimaa ^tertaiument in the Methodist Chnich ^)^e, and a cordial iuiltation is extend [«^ to all to attend- SccscrTBERs at a distance who widi '^eir paper contmued, will kindly be Pwmpt in renewing when their subacrip- ^n expires. There are a large number psuch which expires with the end of *i:e year. ^- M. £. Bebke of Caiatswoxis l^g to Markdale to open a biaiidi |%icaltaralshop. A reliable pnsluBg' |J»i»wUibeputin charge with a fall of farm imj^ementB, cntten* ^es, waggons, pomps, coitiagbozetr mills c. Mr. BcbeoiB a live QessmanandwaixaO* «bii«i Jb- "ag. Dos'T forget thdpediiical meetmgthis Thursday evening in Markdale, imder the auspices of the young men's Liberal Club. Several prominent speakers are to address the electors. Ladies are in- vited to attend. Thb f 6tilig men of Glenelg and Price- viUe fe. C. Churches will give a grand social in the town hall Glenelg on Thurs- day evening the 30th. Park Bro's string band will furnish music. Befreshments free. Admission 25 cents. A tea-meeting and entertainment will be held the evehing of New-year's-day in the Methodist Church Holland Centre. Good speaking and music will be provid- ed and a good time generally expected to close at 10. o'clock sharp. Admission 2£ cents. OtJs foreman being still indisposed,' leaving us shorthanded, together with the usual rush of work at this season of the year, we have been unable to give the paper iue care in proofreading, but. as this is c he season of mirth, an occasion al typographical error may not be amiss in that direction. Cheap Fakes.â€" The following reduced rates will be given to all stations on the C. P. R. for the Hollidays, viz: single fare on the 25 December good io reliiin up to tho 27th inclusive: Fare and a thkd on Pec. 23rd, 24Lh and 'iSth ^ood to return until January 4th .1 887. Also Single fare on Jan. 1st good to retiun up to January 4th inclusive,|oi- fare and a third, Dec. COth and 31st p.nd January 1st good to returii up to January 4ih in- clusiye. Successful. â€" ^n)n?a Wright daught- er of Mr B. Wright of Artemesia, and Mamie Bowes uau'^liter of Mr. G. S. Bowes of this viUacre, has been success- ful in their coui-se iu CoUiugAvoou Kigh School the pa,st year, as also a term at Owen Sound Model School, aud also xurtuiiate la securing situatiois as teachers la the second and third depart- ment respectively of Markdale Public jchool for 1887. fjUOOEN Death. â€" ^Last TTiursday eve- ning a seveateeu year old daugliier of Mr. Malcolm 31cKiimoa near Pviceville had set tho sup.xji tabic a xd complained ' "'he f ai niaess become Di:;.oj was seat for but before he arrived, ibe youag lady was a corj^ise. Decease appareatly was in good health, aad her suddea demise shoclied tha whole community. â€" [Dur- ham Chroaicle. of not being well, ing alar^iL'g, Dr. Thb Berkeley Sunday School ?])zistmas Tree arid eubertainment will take place oa Monday after Christmas Day, {Dec. 27ih) ia a buildiag kindlv lent for Lhe purpose b? Mr. Hopps p.ud will consist of Dialogues, Reciiatious and €lh:.-istair,s Carols, and we ho;'e the friends will do their best to eaconrage the Berkeley Sunday School, in this their first elfort for the^ will deserve it. ' â€" ^Admission 10 cents. Akiovecsaet Sermons were preached ia the Methodist Church here last Sua- day moroing an evening by Bev. Jas. Gisiy of Toronto; both sermous w^ere praMcal, iaterestia;^' anu listened to with great attention. "J'he choir did their pkrt admirably, and received valuable aaostance from Prof, aoid Mrs. Bxmtley who are singers of rare excellence; Mrs 3. eafeciaUy, delighted the large au- dience in the e feeing: she has an excell- ent and well ixained voice, fall clear and xndodions. Collections 417.64. Tm season of festiyity and present goring is upon us, and many a one wonld be 2^ad to send some token of remember, anoeand well- wishes to a friend at a distance, but the difficulty and expense of tnuiamitting the arlacle is a serious :^4)8taele; we wonld soggest 4Im(I^ if yonr friends has resided in this (Satriot* yon ooold not said a New "Xear's gift for the cost, which wonld be xaoee appreciated than yonr local papor §m "87; only H tat the year, we paying WMfsOo^th Cjiap, a eertrfa and q^Mflf ealds, and all thngt and R* McNaixt has his new building for carriage shop up and is pushing it for- ward with commendable enterprise. The nomination for Centre Grey au Flesherton on Tuesday resulted in three candidates being nominated, Rorke, Mc- Cohnan and Brown. The resnltof such a trio canvas is too obscure for our prophetic vision to fortell. The annual tea-meeting at Townsend's appointment, Glenelg, took place last Monday evening. The eatables were good aad lots of them, after which Dr. Jamieson was called to the chair, which position he filled admirably. The speakers were, Mr. Moffat, reeve of Glenelg; Mv. Williams, councillor, Thos. Bo^aud, Artemesia W. A. Brown, and Rev. Geo. H. Cornish of Markdale besides recitatioas c., by local talent. The childrens choir" led by E. 1. Hosking furnished good music. Proceeds $30. Chorus Concert. â€" Prof, Buntley gave a chorus concert oa Monday evening last on the occasioa of his departure after p. v/eel.s" earnest and successful music aad rnlce itrill \/itu a class of 35 rades from the new vocalists. There pupils of various ^. ;)eginner to our best If your watch or dock needs repair ing, take it to Russell's, Flesherton it will pay yon to do so a good job every time. Ever^^body is anxious to know where to gettlie-bestn«lne in Xmas presents just try J. G. Andersons he down^ them all. MoMET to loan on easy terms and at low rates of interest. Apply to Wm. Jackson, Markdale. Christmas, New- Year and Birthday cards an extensive assortsnant to select form. 2c. cents upwards at Head Quarters, Markdale, A. Dinsmore. Tea Sets t Tea sets I China Sets Decorated Sets, Colored Sets White, Wheat Sets; Benson have the best stock and variety in town, aad^wiU .clean them out cheaper than any one else in the trade. Call and siee for yourselves. A fine stock of silverware at Russell's noted Jewelry store, Flesherton, at manufacturers list prices. Don't fail to call anxLsee them. Go to Benson's for Cramberrics Labrados'Herrings, Oranges, Lemons, Confectioner y. Biscuits all kinds oheapar v/as a fair attendance, aad the render- 1 than any one in the trade. ings showed through practical work o^ the part of the professor, aad ^ligent apphcatiou by the the pupils. A nu.mb- er of renderings by ihe Prof, and his bettke half also elicitci! applause, and altogether a very enjoyable time was spent. V^e hope it \/ill be our good for- iiine to havre » return visit and Coa- ventioa frooi the Eeicham Co. e'er long. Chmst Church Sunday School Chris- taias Tree Eiitertaioiuent is arranged to take place un the Tuursbdav after Chris- to:as Dav, ]»ec. 30^i,Ii, i Ifasketi's Hall to coojmej?ce at'i7 o'clock p. lu. ""iiis yeav uhe old style (Dialogues aad Recitatioas) wiU ^-je (iispeased with, and ^°*^ ' instead uf thc73i will Ije given the Ijeauti- ^*^* ful O.ierju^?. "Lailf," which will aot onW aa.e -ae advaatage or 'lovelty; (ao^hii;, of «.ae Lasid ,^ -at v/e are aware of haviag everbee.-! perforated in Mark- dale,) but i/oich apart from the novelty wc feel suve \/lll 'xolightall v/ho seej au J hear it. "he children v/ill aupear iu suitable costumes and everyuhing will lo done bO make ulie Ox^uretta as real as circumstaaces v/111 e. -.uit of. As coa- siuerable expeuces wiU 'je iaciurred iu procwiug tlie Ojeretta, it is found necessary' to i-icrease nhe charge for ad- i^Bioii fro±i? the usual fifteen cents to twcnty-fitre cents; children notmembers of the !iunday ochool will be char;;ed fifteea ceats. ' BUSINESS LOCALS. Remember if you want a good drop of the "cratur" for Xmas or the "New Year" Benson's ibhead-iuariers. Having just received a stock of Rye and Malt direct from the distillery, Brandy, Rum, Gin, Irish aad Scotch whiskey, very best of Wines which I will sell cheaper aad better thaxi a.iy one ia this county. Aii\UALS. â€" Uoys ovrsi paper. Girls o S7a paper $2. 10 each, G ood words and Sunday Magaziiie $2.00 each. British Workmen, Cottage, artisan and British Workwoman 50c. each Band of Hope Review, 'x'he advice ami childs own I Ma^gia 35c. each, auu ii host of others â- o Vl.OU au llead Quarters Mark- Dinsmore. Aiiothev larsre consignemt of Over coats at J. G. Anderson's marked away, below reidar prices, call and see them To Rent. â€" ^A two story brick dwelling with 8 rooias, good cellar, cistern and wood bhed, apply to G. S* Bower. IVf arkdale B. B. Precept«ry, Ko 989. OFFICEBS ELECTED FOB THE TEAS 18^7^ Sir Kt„ Jas. Brodie, W. Precp. " W. Brady, L. Precp. " J. McFadden Chap. " Thos. Elliott, Regst. " J. Gipson, 1st Lect. ' J. Bryan, 2nd Lect. •' Thos. Gilray, 1st Censor. " J. H. Carson, 2nd Censor, g. " Thos. Abercrombie, 1st S,"b. " Jas. Trickey 2nd S, B. " J. Erskine, Purs. C'ommittee.â€" W. Rutledge, T. Abott T. McArthur, T. Lackey, H. Hurd, G: Ritchie, W.H. Johnston R. Blakely Tyler. The regular; monthly meeting of L.O L. No. 509, waa held in their Lodge Room Orange Valley on Monday evening Dec. 6 for the despatch of business and election of Officers for the current year. Which resulted as follows â€" ^Worshipfull Master William Wright Deputy Mast- er John Snell. Chaplin, Samuel Morrow, Recording Secretary, Richard Askin. Financial Secretary, Robert H. Wright. Director Ceremonies WiUiam Watchorn. Lecturer.Wiliiam Galbraith, 1st Com mitteman, George Swanton. 2nd Com- mitte man WilUam Davis. 3rd ;om. man William Flesher.. 4th com. man Joseph Beaty. 5th com. man George H. Bo ce. This Lodge meets on the Monday on or before full moon in each month. I ID 4 Reasons why you should purchase Fluid Lightning in preference to all other lemedies are Bapid result â€" cures instantly. It. is easily applied â€" no trpuble â€" no lost time. It dose not require constant use â€" one apph- cati.onis effectual. One bottle will remove more pain than any other remedy in ex- iseteon. Try it for Neuralgia, Toothache Headache, Bheumatipm. Sold at 25c. a, bottle 'ay B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Mark- dale. .3 Aa- and for .20 lbs raisins for $1 at Anderson's. M:;;i. Cleitent can supply Santa Clauh with candy to vs. 13 lbs jfiw fruit Raisins $1 at derson's. Sl"^. Clemcnt keeps the newest best fruit always oa hand. Cheapest place in the county Picture fraoD'og is at Jie Markdale Photo Gallery. Hundreds of Silk Handkerchiefs clear- ing prices for two \7:eeL:s, 25 per cent off at Aadersoa's Mammoth House. All kinds of Peels and flavoring- ex- tracts for Xmas cooking at J. 6, Aadersoa's. Dolls Dolls I Dolls thirty varities to choosefrom, at Head Quarters, Mark- dale, A. Dinsmore. Akotheb consignment of mens felt boots just arrived at J O, Anderson's, bottom prices. ANTONBin need of Xauw or New-Year's gifts win consnlt their own intorests y callins at Boasel's. Flesherton. Glasswabb at Cost â€" Benson's is the cheapest and beat vlaoe in town to buy yonr grocories ecoekery aadf^aaaware. Mas. Clbxbmt has the beat aaaort- •A ttodk of candies in town, always TniBisnalfaingiiioerlQr » pressnt toala^thMia nioe i*«pl dgBua, les Xm^as goods ixi abundance and at right prices at J. G. Ajiderson's no trouble to show good, at the Mammoth House. Ma ' loale Mabkets.â€" Fall wheat 72 to 73 cents soriag wheat 72 to 73 barley 51to 53 peas 46; oate 27; butter 15 ta- 17 eggs 16 potauoes 50 per bag xork 5:25 hides 7:50. Baird's saw laill in Glenelg was de- stroyed by fire on- Monday night last Mrs. Duncan lost some 1200 of lumber. We imderstand there was no iusnranca cause of firo aot known. â- o C© O O o I WOJfDEn. s If McCoIma i will uow be satistfied. Why sentiment has uhstaged so nauch ia East ^ru^ ia two years. If there wUl be a suiiUar c'aaage in ac:it term. If so, who will be the next choice. What are BrowiTs chaces uow. IT he is not the 'oest maa of the three.. But taenj it's not bue maa the'r after. If thcr'l be a-ty special iabercst in the election of School trus^ces. If a presbytcvian should not be elect- ed tnis time. Just for tb^e sake^ef variety. If tne two retiring teachers are to be m d shcMTtly. If the Methodist Chrisimas tea-party wHl be as great a sa(sce8a.aB.u8aaL If not, why not. If the choir does not need' k litQe enthusiasm thrown in. ' If more preaching and not so much exerting wonld not do more good. If Markdale is going to have a can- didate' for Glenelg OonudL If not, why not. If Mr. Reynolds can qnalifiy. li the editor of the Standabd wonld'nt make a good deputy-reeve, If onr authorities cannot stop the forions driving on onr main streets. Why the Stahdabd don'tgiye them a racket. If it don't speak out we'l have to star anothffl- paper. t U.BET. A BsAvr liCMn.â€" "Whan late, my food waslikaafaunpof leaiinny stonaeb. I took Bnrdoeh Blood Bittflo. Ihoaon I took, tboBMno it hdnodsBOM lam bkea 3 o S- o o O CD O 3 3 O X o o o a* CD o i* CD o o •â- " i^MlMHMM