â- !•!*â- mmm i*ll*tiAia- .^ -» «l '^â- ii«hi. -^*... .r The SiaotM:. C. W. BuUedge, PnbUAer. MA.RKDALE, NOV. 14. 1886, Editorial IV«t«s. ' â€" ^Like every other appetite, the gree^oftiiPiiiyf[i9w%hy wbatitfeeda upon. Aieher, the EngUsh Jockey was richbeyoud the demands of luxury yet he eonld not bring himself to abandon his gainful calling, which re- quired a most exacting and trying re- gimen. The exigencies of his business undoubtedly contributed to the siok- uess which ended in delirium and suicide. He leaves over $1,000,000, â- â- but was anxious to make more- â€" Lord Sai^isbuby has shown that England will do all she can tor Bulg- aria without endangering her own in- terest; no more. England will be perfectly safe, of course, if she keeps on the side of the majority of the nations in the quarrel, but Bulgaria will have very little to thank her for. Eussia is formention trouble in* Bulg- aria, and is at the same time prevent- ing the Belgarian Government from punishing the rebels. Yet if the Bul- garian Government does not prevent serious rising, Bussia will seize the country underthe pretextof an occupa- tion, Hungary is in earnest, how- ever, in opposing Bnsaian designs and she may drive the Austrian Empire into action. mr: T~-- WBorwtOflutaboatlor MCMlhiag lea ^at^ pouite aiid'mure nmuieralifB. It wffl ooi' d» to ixap the «iaui aSjxiKelfiu^, jeA |re an compelled to pi^ moie attention to. atook and d«r jiag, abid iaf- d^ig «b. it beoomes neonsary to caiefnlly eondder the whole sitaa^ tion the kind, of stoek we have, theix ieea and water, deanliness of â- taUet, (in winter weather) cool and well ventihited milk hmiees Ao., Ac. It ii mjr candid opinion th^ if a high i^ade of battter wan made, a higher piioe woold be obtained notwithstanding the present onsatisfactory made^of marketing I also agree with yba Mr, EJitor, that oreamerias wUl be the^first thing to revola- tibnize the dairy business. The expense of fitting np the way and means to manofactore a real.first daas article, is to great for overy farmer^to undertake even they did know how, and besides, it eonld not be expected that a tub of batter which took say three weeks to make coald be as uniform in color taste and general quality as one which is all made from one churning. The cheese factories -diaTe done a good work, but I hold we require the creamers as well, anduntil we have tiiem. the standard of batter A^ill not bQ A 1. • Fabubb. ,YABSa qha i i SIR JOHI^'S VISIT TO OWEN SOUND. Somehow or another, the veteran Premier|appears to possess more mag- netism than all our other politicians put together. The different Stations from Orange- ville to Owen Sound were hterally packed when the excursion train came along on Monday last. 180 tickets were sold at this station, and other points in proportion. Markdale and and Flesherton Brass Bands were on board adding enthusiasm to the oc- casion. Sir John stepped out at Markdale Station, while the tram was adding, another coach, and the throng pressed to have a shake hands with the Premier and were delighted with the unexpected gratification. After the train moved off he made his way through all the crowded coaches shaking hands with every man woman and child, a circumstance which gratified their curiosity and delighted them above measure. On arrival at Owen 6ound a tre- mendous concourse of people were at the station it is said the largest crowd ever seen in the town at once The streets and houses were profusely decorated with flags and bunting and the procession from Station to the rink, through the principal street, was a dense throng headed with a line of carriages with prominent party men and followed by seven brass bands (two of them Indian) at intervals along the procession, Markdale band and citizens showing to good advantage. Speech making foliowad but the riak wouldn't hold half the crowd. We haven't space for a farther report. EnrroB Standaed:â€" I am glad you'liaye broken the ice in reference to the batter questiou. The piesent season has alAut closed both for the miake and sale of buti^^ and it is well to have thd impoitant qaestiou thoroughly veniiili^ed 86 th:*t there may be on improvement ita the way and means of the mapufactnrd and sale d this staple article the coming season. There id great zoom for unproTement in the manafa(*tare aa well as mode of sale: In the past, fanners have not generally " Oaked itpiia this branch of farming (at least iu tliM iisteict,) iif saffiotent importance ^ta warnuit apedal attei^ian or the necetseiy • 03tfaiy4 t» HDMK* the d(Mked result, but ' vImIc iri^ug f^eix li9»t attention to other %lMauchra, ^ifaa«(|y gnia raiaiag) th« dairy has iiOKU allowed to take care of itttetfi, Thft ' ^caio taiADg q..eatioti haa iwiw proTcAao ' ^â- ^insatiiiiaclQiy andimprofitable. it bucomes A Double Pobpose- â€" The popular remedy Hagyard's Yelloi? Oil, is used both internally and externally, for aches, pains, colds, croup, rheumatism, deafnessand diseases of an in- flammatory nature. TO THE PUBLIC. Twenty -one years have come and gone since I coiomeuced bosiness in Markdale, and it becomes my pleas- ing duty to return sincere thanks to my numerous customers for their liberal and constantly iucaeasing patronage daring that period. Having this season erected new business premises, into which 1 have just moved, I am' now better thaji ever prepared to supply the increasing demand for a genuine article in my-line. I shall continue to use the best stock in the market, and employ the best mechanics which can be procured, so that my costomers and the pubhc can rely on an article that will give genuine satisfaction. Having more room to display my goods, I have now a large stock of Double and Single, Heavy and Light Harness, as well as a full as- sortment of Horse. Clothing, "Whips, Brushes, Combs, c., c., together with all sizes Trunks and Valises, at prices to suit the times. A cordial invitation is extended to all, to give us a call in our new premises. Hoping that our business relations may continue to be satisfactory and mutually profitable. I am respectfully, THOS. MATHEWS. Peof Low's Magic Sclphub Soap. ^Heal- ing, smoothing and cleansmg for all eruptive diseases cf the skin. Del^lhtfnl fortoilet une. Notices of Births, Mamages, and Deatht, tieenty five cents. DEATHS. Mabiij.,â€" In Osprey, on the 9th inst, Miss Jane Madill, ioged 38 years. Brasey,â€" In Euphrasia, ou the 14th inst., the wife of Mr. Thomas Bradey, aged 41 years. liOMAS,â€" In Axtemesia, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr. Edward IJomas, aged 60 years. A Basical ChanoeI â€" ^Daniel Sullivan, of Malcom, Ont., takes pleasure in recommend- ing Burdock Blood Bitters for dyspepsia. It ctired him after years of suffering. From being a sceptic he 's now a confirmed believer in that medicine. DsEXMsts LIVER BLOOD SroittCH AND DANDELION KiMaaiatism, UisessM .peeslbr' ___ _..»..fc JoRx C. Was Jyea., • «HaBt«^ OM. IN CK)LD, OfSLD FHiLBlX,. ^^ and ^vetrora ca^esl: 7, 11, ,«na td jeweUed, from tSOto «41rf)0 war- ,, ranted fine timers. lca» do better " by customers on these ^oods, ^haa any other dealer in Central Grey. Grade, case and warrant conEdde ed. New lines in Chams, Rings, Bar Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, and Necklets. Fnra STOCK-Olocks and Silverware also Musical Instruments, Watches, Clocks, c., carefully repaired. tS- GOODS AND WORK WARRANTED. A Beliable Jeweller, MARKDALE. THE ME, Markdale. We are opening up a choice and finely selected stock of Fall and Winter GOODS at su^risingly LOW .PEIOES. while all goods ^remaining of Mr J. B. Trimble's sl^ek we will run off at a slight advance on cost. Our iStock of Dress Goods s the finest ever shown in thi part of the country. Call and examine our Wool Goods. When youi^ -visit Markdale doa** fail to call at the new r BOOK STATIONERY TOY r G^lQPS and WALL-PAPER Store, Reynolds' Block. Alavkdal' '^^^^ 14?, to the 'Manaioo.. House, where you will see a full ami co '""' rytockiif the above goods. ""^m^ XOYHI TOYS. ^a' igjreat varieti, Df^lts all f iSiesi and prices from 5 cents to $1.25 a I • variety of ttooda.sBitable for Birthday ami other preseiitiit^ ";â- "";;";; co^i^rising Auttbgrapli aJ*d Photograph Albums, Binhda^ '°" ' tt -.i. •^«' â- idi'Cwda, Vases, a gpleudid variety. Perfumery, Sets "'•â- ;% ' M[d'U8tache and Tea Cups, (Jhildren's I .Mugs, Ladies' Leather Bags, from 50c. up, Violins, Accordians, Mouth Organs, Flutes, Writing Desks, Ladies hki) Papeteries, c., School supplies in full variety.also a large assortme t°1 Drawing Utensils, Paint Boxes, Chiids Compamous, c., i All the Fashion Journals not in stock obtained to order on sliort n A large stock of sheet music and music books kep*; cousrautly on h A First instalment of wallpaper just to hand, oyer one thousand nipo^ r five cents per Roll. ^^^^'" A stock of Bibles and Psalms, secured at from 15 to 20 per cent i,iJ regular prices. Methodist, Presbyterian and Episcopal Hymn and Psalm Books in variety Don't fail to call. we are TO THE FRONT, having just opened, in GENTS* and LAD- IES' a choice lot of PERSIAN LAMB and ASTRACHAN. and other Fashionable Bors. IIV Boots Shoes we show a yory LARGE STOCK and will not be undersold; call and be convinced. Ready-made Clothing, Dont forget that we give 25 percent off anything in Reaby-mada Suits. Siee OTir $5 Overcoats. 41. G. Anderson, Succ9S8or to J.R.Trimble. FARM FOR SALE. SOUTH half of lot U, con. 21 Euphrasia 6 miles from Markdale 100 acres 60 acres cleared with dwelling house and stable there on, good welL Will be sold cheap and on very easy terms Possession given in October 1888. For further particulars apply at this office or to „„, JOHN EATON, ^^*" Epping. P. 0. ESTRAY_8HEEP. â- pBOMtiiepremisesof Thomas Dunma. tTo •^^^' y-^ ^V^' H°"«»d. about tte fost week m October, 4 Sheep, one SSf JTf ^^. ^^^- In^orSation W^ *^^ ^^" THOMAS DDfMA, Berkeley, P. O. 324-6 CAME ESTRAY. A. DINSMOBE, Propri rieto M/rf^KDALE Having erected and fitted up m every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fl tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everrtiil being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, BMs, Mouldings, Hollow FRAMES, UTH. FENCE PICKETS, Sc, And everything needed in the building trade, in a maimer second tononel Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics in every i would now respectluUy solicit pubhc patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptl| PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressc Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy TurQiugdoj Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 303 THOS' McNEi T^iiLRKlOAr^E LIVERY. GOOT IVIoderate R^IOS, B^ecjjBjg^jj^fiSV* SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CuimthumL TRAVELLED Mathews' Old Stand, opposite Markdale House WJVI. T/tYbOR, PROPRIETOR. .. spotted red* •ndwhite; ateo about the first of Auimst. four yeariugs of which thxeeare steerZ spotted red and white, and one a red heofer. The owner oaa bate them paying e^^OBses. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Village Property, Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contaiB- ed in a c*tain mortgage which will be product at the time of sale, there will be ofFered for sale by pubUc auction on Saturday, the a7th day ef November, 1886, by J. W. Morrow, Esq., auctioneer at the "MarkdaleHouse" in the Village of Mark- dale, at the hour ofione o'clock, in the afternoon, the following landand premises, namely,â€" AU and singular that cefctain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Vill^e of Markdale (otherwise Cornabnss), in the Township of Qlenelg. in the County of Grey, in the Province of Ontario, containing the fifth of an acre more or less, being composed al a part of lot nomber onehundxed in the first concession south.west of the Torodko and Sydenham Boad, in the aforesaid Township, and which may be more particularly known and described as VUla^e liOt number twelve on the north westerly side of MUl Street and fronting thereon as shown on a plan of said village made by A. Maonab, Ksq., P. L. 8.,re«isteredintiteBegis1a7 office for th South Biding^f the County of Grey aforesaid, e On the premises above described is a small plaster dwdling house with kitchen attached in uir Mate of repair. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. Terms and oonditionaaf saleâ€" Twentyper cent of the purchase money tS be paid to the vendors solicitors at the time of Bale, snffioient with the said twenty $er cent to make one half of the pur^ ebaMfnoqey;.witt^ two months hereafter, and the balance to be aaenred by first mortgage over the above pretuises with interest at the rate of six per e«nt par anntun payable half yearly. For farther partlonlarB apply to J. W. Morrow, Bsa.. DuBdalk, or to Keesn. Unlock. Tilt, MiUer andCrowtber, Vendon tkdtciton. 99 King Stre«t East. Toronto. November 8, use. CUSTOM WEM THE subscriber having "i-ened oj the weaviuR busine^ " risJ Ha.skett Bros, ou Elizabeth Street, is P pared to do all kinds of ^f^'f ""^j Lice. Goodworl.a.d.od.|^jaj^ Teacher Wante( FOR Sciiool Section ^^â- JJ^J'^i^l holdii^gaardclasscertdictejg^ iemale. Duties to commence 1st "" "i Apply statin? salaiy to JOSEPH MANABET, Secretary, Goringi^i by 884-6 JAMES ^EDCE, ^Bb. Low^ Wobk Stbop ^»iu famore kiuda of momu from ehildren or adalti •11 TEACHEfl WAHTED. Teache^Wantei F,RS.S.No.l8^^^2.S^ 3rd class cert.hcate fema^^ ^^J commence 1st Januaiy 1887. *«» i '"'^^° WM. 60Yi Sec.. 823.5 STBAYEI Holduig tfahni daas oertifioate,' for S. Seotioii,No. 15^ E^hzasia. BMtieg toeonuneneelaiJainnMiy. Applyslaiting saluyte JAMEftF^TTiTOTt SecTreu^ ^a»4-6 Markd»Ie,lB.:0. Jj lot, 9, con. 7. Eg^^^r anl May last, two ^f-'}^l\Y^iie. An? Pjl S^ spotted red and^^^ ,^ to m ^very wai.Je srn^^^g W^^,f} 833-5 '^^ Sflaids.â€" Ve ti i-^pt we dm not h( jtpnsexf^r f !( • Trom Bonnell Bros lykaproved th -Mr,Wickam,i iihas moved to ti Iieiland in the g has also added cOHiing a citize A lady in to\ jU agents muff foaad it after di Delays are da of West's Cough trouble.scnie !iacl relieving paiu au hold remedy for All durRgists. " This council D V all present. Minutes of fc approved. Galbraithâ€" V â- ior hall in Chai A comumuicj complaiuiug of ing his orchard did not feel it^t Williscrof tâ€" Dimma be allo\ statute labor fo and that Mr. 1 ' that effect. Williscroftâ€" be appointed t( n^^ins, Toron Money orders were passed. 'Howey â€" Gal jonrn until the A Good Inyi eruptions ou iii\ determined togv fair trial. ^. After it was the best Jean Clane-y, Be Our village