Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Oct 1886, p. 5

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 I, manner second I !s in every deparl c patronage. itcbed and good briber ba^^Sj dworkandm^'^cBf ^Tomowrmtneomafvnianl. IfEDDiNO Bku3. â€" ^Miss C. Leiteh, jjnghte' of onr respected citixen, Thos. Leitch, Epq., to Mr. B. Myrick of UlinoiB, ^\ S. took place at the residence of the bride's father on Thorsday last. The lavely bride was beaatifolly attired in fliiie tartan. Miss Aggie Leitch, the -de's sister, and Miss Ayers were the bridesmaeds they also wore dresses tartan. Joseph Blackbom, Esq., ,,43 groomsman. The Rev. Robert leitch the bride's brother, officiated, assisted, by the Rev. W. Ayers. At the conclusion of the ceremony the bridal party, â- w'ith the large number |of guests present, retired to the dining hall where they partook of the viands and- many other delicacies provided for the oc- casion. The handsome presents to the bride were numertius and costly. The newely married couple were accom- piuied by a good number of friends to the depot and left by the evening train for a tour through the western part of Canada thence to their new home near Chicago. The happy couple carry with them the kindest wishes of a large circle of friends in this locality. The Rev. Mr. McCleland, of Shelbume, preached the Missionary sermon in con- nection with the Presbyterian church in this place on Sabbath last. He delivered a very practical and interesting discourse. The Rev. Mr. Cornish preached morning and evening m the Methodist church the ajmiversary sermons in connection with that church. His sermons were eloquent appropriate and interesting. On Monday evening the Harvest Home Banquet was held in the same church, dinner was served from 4 p. m. till late in the evening, the tables fairly groaned nnder the loads of chickens, ;geese, turkeys, stuffed animals, and many other delicacies to numerous to mention. When all had gathered in the audience room of the church, after an opening hymn, Mr. Thorp Wright was called to the chair and to conomence, delivered a very interesting chairman's speech reviewing the past thkty years ofiife in Artemesia; then followed addresses by a number of old pioneers. Mr. John Dinwoody, Mr. D. McMullen and Mr. Grange reach responded as their names were called and gave extempore very interestingly some reminisences of their lives in the backwoods of Artemesia. Then followed the clerical talent; Rev. A. Wilson was the first speaker. His address was brief and practical. He appeared in good ^irits quite in keeping with the spirits of the •occasion. Next followed Rev. G. Corn- ish, the speaper of the evening. His ad- dress was carefully prepared, well de- ivered and very interesting, but for such an occasion a little too lengthy. Next followed Rev. J. Watson who rose to complain of not having had due notice to be able to dehver a polished address. He appeared fuU of the spirit of criticism taking objection to some of the state- ments made by previous speakers, but amidst confusion of thought and jingle of words, we failed to catch the point aimed at by the speaker. The choir rendered some choice selections during the evening. A solo each by Miss Bel- lamy and Miss Leitch was well rendered and duly appreciated. The Brass Band was also present, and by several choice selections enlivened the proceedings. We would not omit noticing Rev. Mr. Ayers, although he carried both lumbago and cane, he appeared in his usual ex- ultant manner. At the close a very hearty vote of thankd was moved by Rev. Wilson, seconded by J. W. Hender- son, Esq., of Toronto, to thQ chairman and the ladies who had provided so zoany good things for the occasion which was unaniniously carried and tendered to the same. The meeting closed by «nging -God Save the Queen." ^- D. S. Munroe, late merchant in place, has located in Indianna where he intends moving his family this week. ^e understand Miss Wright, Mrs. Mun- loe's sister, proposes accompanying her on her long journey. We would suppose there must be good openings for business neu down South, as this is the second ^ingration from this locality in the last ^ee months. Mr. W\ Cook had one of his feet badly crushed in the horse-power of a threehi •"ig machine at John Harrison's a few %s ago, but is now doing «s well as conld be expected. AsE You Mask miaerable by IndigMfwn. ^•ustipation. Dizziness. Loss of Appeitite.. ^e'lowSkin'Shiloh'sViUliier is a positive. ^\i\^ sal? by R. L. Stepiien. ]tniggiaK.I m m uvM TORONTO HOUSE. The Fall season brings with it many necessities which can- not and will not be neglected. The people will bay what a change in the season makes necessary, this makes Fall Trade, uid as fall trade is what we want, no Rtone kas been left nntnmed and no opportonity neglected in securing such sea- sonable goods as will make oar store the most desirable spot for close and particular buyers. We ask the readers of this column to remember that out- side oar store, we do our talking here, but inside our store we allow the goods and prices to speak for themselves. It is not our idea to exaggerate, but, as we are honest in the belief that we are this season, THE STOEE among the Stores, we cannot very well refrain from epeaking in glowing terms of our large, beautifal and tasty selections of everything through- out oar immense establishment. In order that you may receiye- a beuifit it is necessary that you should see our stock; In order, that yoa come, it is necessary that you .should be convinced that it will be worth your while. We must tell you of our attrac- tions here, therefore do not think that we hrag, but rather say that we are trying to put you upon the well beaten path that leads to the old estabhshed store, where everything is good, where everything is just as rep* resented, and where everything is A 1 in yalne. We woald especially inyite your attention at present to oar Large and STYLISH STOCK of Dress Goods in all the new shades and material, with trim- mings and Buttons to match. New Bilks, New Velvets, New Plashes, New and Stylish Millinery, New Shawls, Blankets and Flannels, New Jerseys in Black Tan and Navy handsom- ly braided; and don't fail to see that new line of Ladies' Saque 'oats, Jersey Coats, and also our ready-made Ulsters of the very latest make, style and finish. We have the only full line of Mens' Youths' and Boys' ready-made Suits and Overcoats to be had in town. We guaran- tee to save you money on every purchase. 2000 pairs BoQts just bemg marked off at (%)ose prices. Our TEAS are loiown far and; wide as the sweetest,, stronger and cheapest to W had in tjie Dominion. Come and see us. We fear no criticism or comparison, on the oontraryi we invite it. B^mem- ber what we say here, and don't forget to call on, W.J.Mclarland, Dirofilt Importer, MARKDAL^ "We show this week a complete stock of Boots Shoes, Beady made Clothing, Tweeds, !Dress Goods, Flaji- nels, Blajikets, Sha^wls, c., Purchased before 'the advance, consequently prices and values are exceptionally good. We hare also secured a large lot of New Japan Teas lately arrived per the C. P. B. which far exceeds former values. Our Shoemaker's Shop eotinnes under the management of Mr. Kay, and is supplied with the very best stock which the- market a^ords. Parties intlrusting there orders are assured of perfect satisfaction. Hello There Have you seen the ariisticaliy painted sign of the town, Stephen's Dnig Store? HElrMlL STOGt ^OF And its Magnificent, Grand, Imposing Pompous, Stately, Superb, August, Mageetic, Impressive, Noble, Cnmmauding, Aristocratic, Dignified, "Oh, Stop," Life is short, time is moving, can't stop long. What have you We have the largest and beait supply in town of Tooth Brushes, NaU Brushes, flair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Flesh Brushes, WATOIffitv CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, Ac.r Just reoeiTed at JAS. 6. RUSSELL'S Noted Jewelry Store, FUE8HERTON. A fine stock to select from in suchlines as the tadnons* Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, which we sell from 19.00 up while other dealers ask from 112.00 up, look to your own interests and buy at the noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton, it will pay you to come 25 miles to do so. -: ,.â€" ^:â€" ' All Repainp»nonalty att9nil»d to by Ruutll the Bow WatChmsur and Jeweler of this DiRtriet. DON'T FAIL TO CALL. Ko trouble to show goods at the NOTED JEWELRY STORE, Flesherton. MS. e. RUSSELL. WHISISl WmSKSi WHISKS! eilAm ASSORTKEHT. i»» Wm. BROWN Farm to Rent or Sell. LOT 9, con. 10, Holland, 221 aorres 90 cleared and under cultivation, meet of which a raaper can be ran on. Well waterod with spring and creek, large bank frame born, good log house, orchard bearing. Con- venient to school and church. QwA stock ot grain farm. Will be let for a term of 10 years or sold on reasonable tocms.* WM. NORTON. 318-24. Walter's Falls. Shaving Brushes and Shaving Mugs, School books and Stationery, Purses, Pouches, Wallets, Toilet articles and Perfumery. If you are In need buy ATâ€" STEPHEN'S Drug Store, MarkdaLe. FARM FOR SALE. THE sabscriber being in bad health, will cell lots 70 71, 2nd con., W. T, 8. Boad, Holland 100 acres, 70 acres cleared and fenced with rails, 30 acres seeded down there are two bearing orchardsâ€" -apidee, nears, ploms, cherries and crabs â€" dirioest \ind; plenty of water 1 buildings R miles from Blarkdale, and 1 mile from Berkeley station on (3. P. R. Church, school and post office within a mile of place. Gtood neighbors. Call on or address. WILLUM EWABT, Berkeley P.O.. 319-tf Holhuul- THE 6ENME SINGER THOSE IN NEED OF A SEWING .:. M ACHINE Should be sure and get the To Oonsumert Oealers IN ohjs, Buy the Empire Oil Co's ROYAL PALACE |J|I|I lUummating Oil for Machinery of all kinds. Our CA.STOR, E. OIL Is guaranteed the peer of all Oils in the market. EMPIRE OIL CO., Mannfaicturers and Refiners, TORONTO LONDON. Bep. for Northern Ontario, A Goodby. .S086m YELLOW DIL CURES RHEUMATISM BEIIMIMEIIEWYOBKSIIiaEII The best is the cheapest, and this grand machine is certamly the best. C. W. BELLAMY, Agent, 290 Markdale. PURUC NOTICE Markdale, October llih, 1886. We the nndersicned merchants and business nren of Markdale hereby agree to clo»e onr respectiTe places of busuaess at 7 o'clock p. m. the whole year around excepiang Saturday nights. W. J. McFABLAND, HILL BROS. Signed, • J. O. ANDEBSON, WM. BEOWN, HA8EETT BBOS. 819-21 OIL PAINTINC. Miiss Cornish, JfC.Jg, Z. (PiqrilofPraf. Martin ^gl the Hamilton Ladies' College) is now prepared to give in- stnietions in Oil Punting on Caavo, Wood, OfaMS, Satin, ^. FMnahPaiBtiiig OB White Yalrela speei, •ity. Cassesmay be fonnadtorthirith. Specimens of her work maybe aeen, and terms nude known at her Stodioâ€" the Par- nonage, Mark Street, MarkAtle. lrOBDB8 lOB "Buamaa rmfasnut bbmittsd.] STRAYED I To tiMfraniaM oi Vred StaflM. lot U, 000.7 HoQnd. abmit tiie fcat Ai«a«(. S head tA catdv^^yMrliaga^ « ral aiM% f red heiiex, K^pottfld hnftM. The ownar «ah bam tiMni*by fioriiw i;ropertey«iid paying expenses. Aad Staflivd. m mm sior. B. CABNAHAN would respeetfnily intimate to the inhabitants of the sur- rounding countiy that he has opened a general harness shop on Sing street in the village of HOLLAND CENTRE, where he intends to mannfactnre and keep on hand a lai^e stoisk of LIGHT and HEAVT HABNESS. long and short tuss. 8TBA.W COLLABS. WHIPa, COMBS. BBUSH£S. HABMESS OIL «e. I will nse only first class material aad those requiring anythinK in the harness line will find it to their interest to call at the new harness shop and get prices before go- ing elsewhere. Bepairing done with neat- ness and dispatch. Sohdting a share of pnblia patronage. I am respectfully yours. R.CARNAHAN. PBEEUAirS WORM %s tosplMsaflttotske. GobIbIb throws Is a sals. sure, aad eilMteal ia CtaiIdraaa«Airtl Ganuian Pacific r. r. OWEN SOUND BRANCH TIME TABLE. Taking effect Monday, July 28th, 1888.\ GOINQ NORTH. STATIONS. THE CHEAPEST YET We Sell OS we Advertise. ALL //KINDS //OF // FURNITURE wiU be sold plose to wholesale prides for Tho noxf Tbirfy DtySs HaTing a Urge stock of Furniture from dilierBnt firms gives customers a good ^anee to choose what diey want. All kinds of PICTURE FRAMING done at lowest rates. We alio have ohaad a hu-ge stock of OaslTets iancl CJofKiifs wlEiich |B iiW^ te^tWAhatwtltvar 1M with tbeir ea torn, at. low piioes. Alae Al HiiSABSE iii Coanectian. COUEHAN A HAMILTON, Kezt doocjtp Kn«|p'e st«e,. Toronto. .Leaye Cardwell Junction........ Orange-i AniTe. ........ Tille. [LeaTC OrangcTille Jnn Shelbume...... Dnndalk Flesherton. Markdale........ Berkeley.. ...., Holland Centrs. Chatswcrth .... Owen SoBttd... Mail. Exp. 7 4oam 9 25"' 1006" 1020" 10 32" 10 58" 1122" 11 47 " 1202pm 12 14 " i2 28 " 12 38 " 1 05" 450pm. 6 80 " 7 03 " 7 22 " 7 84 8 04.. 8 30 8 66 910 9 22" 9 82 " 9 49- 1020" OOINC SOUTH. STATIONS. Owen Sound Chatsworth Holland Centre cerKeiey ..............i *uarKuaie ............... Flesherton IHuidalk Shelbume Oi-angeville Jnn Orange Arrive vill".. )â-  Leave Cardwell Junction Toronto ...Arrive £xp. 640am 6 10" 6 25" 6 84" 6 47" 7 "2 " 7 26" 7 51" 8 22" 8 30 " 8 45" 9 25" Mail. 240pm 3 07" ' 3 30 " 8 40 " 3 62" 4 06 " 4 31 " 4 57 " 5 23" 5 36 6 55 " 6 30 " 10 55" I 8 10 New JBakery. I would respectfully intimate to the in habitants of Markdale and surrounding onntiy that I have opened in,, " MONTQOMFRY'S STAND; where I win keep on hanc^a go(d aopply of • 5^^' 8G0NS. ^»*»* OAKBSAPASOBTi' Of mr o«n mannlaetana, aieo Plow, ntfer«BdSgsa taken ui exchange. I coHtt|^aaUot a lOinre of ptiMiajjatron- â- g«. MI* tnirtW honest dealing a^STetoL attentkm to basisesa to.merit jmrniaoat "*W».»mjnWIwrt. Vj motte b No CniU^ ^PBXarwpestftally, 4 It â-  â- â-  !l n 'i â-  â-  '1 'f; li H; ' .! !1 '\M: iJ â- ' M m

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