Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Sep 1886, p. 6

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 IMS'^PIBWWIWW^WWWWWM"'***' .â- giJWJfcaBIfi*^.*;. iHH K' ' i; 4 Food, ita QaaatitT'aiid Qodttr. Ik* oanPMtioB between life ud nntcltioii b w oloee and intepwaUa, Hut theoentlB- BaBoeof the fenierdepeBda open HMMopflf of the Utter. The Tuietlen and farm eC Ufc, iriMther aaiaud er Tegetftble, dopendoapen the qnentlty end qiulitjr of natnden witb wfaiofa h ta tappUed. We ere reedUy ebleto jttdge ef the qnaa- Mtf^aad qoeoity ef nearkhment rapplkd te A Tegetabie thet we ere oering for, end wDl •t OBoe dedde whether the rapply b sonnel, hweffieient or in ezoeae ef tho nntritlen no- eeeeery E fery Itriag ergeBlran demeade ite •m .peeolier eii|mly deeigned for It by the Iftwi of aatnre. When the netorel rapply !â-  â- etmikl ia all respeoti, the life ia heelthy. The tame law holda good ia the higher order ef Ittethat weobaerre la the lower. In- â- â- fioiaat alfaneaUtioa In thoYcgetable klng- dem ia followed by oenacqnenoee whioh we •re not liable to miaondoratand. There ia leaa of health and vigor, a gradnal ahrink- lag. Mid If the prooeta ia permitted to go on, death eocnra. A great exoeaa ef even the aataral nntritlen tenda to the lame reanlt. A auurked departare in either dlreotien from Uie normal atandard of supply 'will, with Tory few cxoeptiona, be folio wed by a mark- ed departnre from the normal standard of life. Ia maa the effect of over-eatfaig or nnder- oatiBg ia net ae obaeryable, owing to the .ore complex nature, atill the aame rale denbtleas helda good. It la needleia te mea- tlon that bmtca atiftet frem imprepsr feeding •ad putionlarly eiverfeediog. Exoeasive •limentatlen in the human beiog la followed by the came benefnl oenic qaenoea. Ia it not • faot that the generality of peopl* eat too mnoh T Very few eat too little. It la a oem- Bon- place aphorlim " He eata ao much that It makes him peer to carry It." As a rule, a large, lean, cadaTerona-looking man, la an immeiderate eater, whilst the m» j ority of oar robust and healthy men are moaerate oonaumera ef feed, or are what we call small eaters. The reason ef this is plain. He who eats more than Is demanded by nature, imposes a heavy atrain en the organs IutoIt- ed in the prooesa ef digestion and elimina- tion. Xhe stomach, for inatance, la capable ef doing a oertaia amount of work, henoe if ever- taxed unduly, the result sooner or later will be imperfoot digestion, impure bleed, disordered functions, and gradual loss of vigor and strength. As certain aa we over- â- tep the beunds of nature and overtax our â- tomach for our palate'a aake, we b^(in to BOW the seed of disease. Oertalnly the â- temaoh is a remarkable organ, and able to resist the asiaulta ef imprudence with won- derful com age, but ita power of endurance will not witbstand every Imposhlon heaped npon it, and sooner or later It will succumb to the force of the unrelenting overwork. The physician should be as careful in re- gard to the treatment of over-fed ana under- fed patients, as in the quantity and kind of medtdne used in the treatment of a special diaeaio. It ia tee cenmien an error, wJien we see patients emaciated, to advise abund- ance of nourishing toed, while probably It ia a well- laden table tbat Is at the foundation ef the condition aought tt 'je relieved. There ia far more danger frem ever Indulgence than onder-eatlDg. Although we desire te Im- prosa the faot that ever- eating is common and sbonld be strictly guarded against, we an net unaware of the existence of under- fed er half-starved pecplc, but this is by no meana aa common an evil, and very little diaeaae Is traceable thereto. Saee eeme eettoa wed. the objMt being te exdade Oe air aad keep ttie pert warm. The paia ef aagiit bawo « aedds aig be ma^hf daeliag ^o- with fleer, â- evere er oxteMtre, farther rai^aal maatlsveqaiioi. LXE DOMHIOI I£W8. Whw tieat- IToteB. Gtoethe says " man ia what he eata." Of the adult men living in citiea one-half are eatimatcd to be bald. The best test of the mother's milk ia the faot that the child thrivoa or doea net thrive, Caulophyllnm is a valuable remedy in rheumatic troubles of the hands and feet, especially ef the smaller jainto. It ia claimed that the popular drink of the future will be milk charged with carbonic •old gas. Milk so charged keeps well. Of 25 consumptives treated at the Adiron- dack Sanitarium two have died, fenr have shewn no improvement, eight are still under ' treatment, and 12 have been apparently re- stored to health. Don't forget to offer the baby pure cold water several times a day these warm days. Dsn't give it the nursing bottle when it is thirsty It needs water just as much aa yon do. We notice in one of our Southern contem- poraries that the white teeth of the negro is said to be due to the ezcets of whito blood oorpnsoles. Wo can now account for the ** whito livered" negroes. A human skeleton weighs frtm ton to sixteen pounds, and the blsod ef the body about twenty-eight pounds but cremation reducea the whole to no mote than eight ounces all else is restored to the gaseous elementa. The early appearai^e of the cholera thia year in so many scattered and distant parta ef Italy is of bad omen, and a rapid and ex- tonsiyo diffusion of the epidemic with the inoreasiog summer heat is almost inevitable. Never was there a mere pernicious notion than that wine, ale or porter ia necessary to • nuraing woman in order to keep up her strength, or to increase the quantity er to Improve the nutritive qualitlea of her milk. Lotion ^ob Suitbubn. â€" Take of powdered borax and glycerine, each six drams roae- wator er elder-flower water, twelve ouncea. Mix. The daily application of tiiia lotion to the face and handa will keep them whito •ad clean by ita exoelleat cleansing proper- ties, will prevent ohapa, and remove sua- tnua. StaUatics UU us tliat of one thousand ehlldrea bom eae hnadred aad fifty die witii- la twelve meatba. Thia give* oa • fkiat Idea of the veat amooat ef ignoraaoe preva- lent In tiie oare of infants. We believe that by intell^eat oare the asnal inf ai mortality oonld be reduced two thirde. The BrMah Medloal Jenmal " InfiaUblo' â- â€¢ys '^The beet lemedy for worma Is a powder, oeataiaiBg from three to five gralaa ef aaatcraiae, aooordiag to age, aad a feorth ef • mtUa ef oeloBMl. Prepen aix tiio first two powders to be tikkea »t twdve heura Intarval aad the remelnder at twoaty-feor heare iatorval, followed by • deae ef eaator eU. BusmABS ScAiJs.â€" CoTor the iBJazed Lebetera are BeUiag la Charlettetewa. P. B. L, at fear to el^t oeata OMh. Aiohed for the Uiad wai opoMd the ether d»y •t H»1lf^T, N. B. Young womea smoking dgara etteaded a oiroaa at Charlottotowa, P. £. L, to- oeatly. Mr. Stewart Gamberlead haa beea 'miad- readlng"at Halifax, N. 8., to aoaMwhat â- mail heaaea Mr. John HUl, ef West Garafraxa. haa two bunbe of the ShropahIre bread whioh weighed 125poanda each whoa four aada halt moatha eld. A two year old ohUd of F. X. Boole, oi Weldon, Qae., a few daya age waa found dead ia a barrel whioh had beea auak into a spring of water. Mr. John T. Rewe, of Oharlettetowa, P. E. L. exhiblta a cucumber weighing five pounda two ouncea, aad meaanring two feet four Inohea ia oircamf erenoe. Diphtheria is aaid to be making sad havoc among the children around Mtra Oat, and that 1 has also broken out near Oew Bay and Bridgeport, Nova Sootia. The first liquid fish glae ever numufao- tured on Canadian territory was sent by » recent atoamer by MesaiB. Chaae Co., of St^. John, N. B to London, Engbuid. Sharks are said to be quite numerous off Tracadle. A fisherman caught one there the other day, in about 17 fathoms of wator, which measured over five feet In length. A bear, weighing upwards of 350 lbs., waa killed the other day near Soatta Moun- tain, N. S. Boara are now aomewhat an- merous in the vicinities of Yarmouth and Grand Pro. Two Lunenburg Bohooners passed through the Strait the other day on their way home from Labrabor. They report the Labrador cod fishery a total tailare, and were only able to secure one-third of thdr oargoes. Col. Gieder, the Arctic explorer, haa a personal knowledge of the Hudaon'a Straits, and he ia firmly convinced that they are navigable even by sailing vesaols during a considerable portion of the year. Joseph Menders died at Grey Nannery, at Montreal, on Friday last, aged 106 YOUNG FOIjKS. years. mentna, aid 17 days. Ho was bom tai Portugal, in April, 1780, and, when a aoldlor In the Peninsular wttr, was taken prtsoner by Napoleon. Masked men entoted the house of Mr. Jobn Wright at the Barter Settlement, N. B,, last week, and presenting a revolver- at the head of Mr. and Mrs. Wright com- pelled them te hand ever $1,000 in Amer- rlcan and English geld, t.eir entire eav- SAvings for years. On the let inat. aaon of H. Haddock,a far- mer near Montreal, was aocidentally thrown from a horse that he waa hurriedly riding, striking the back part of his head against a jagged rook, making an ugiy wound and severely fracturing the skull. The young man's condition is precariouB, medical opin- ion being doubtful about hia recovery from the dangerouB injuries doubtful. A Gatpo correspondent writoa ef the Island ot Antioosti :â€" " The Island Is a terrible place for emigranto to aettle en, wbere hardship and hunger are sure to accompany them. Bettor far for poor emigrants in Europe to beg their broad among their kitii and kin than to leave heme and friends In search of fortunes on Antioesti, whence the Government will be obliged to remove them ere they die of starvation." Tenaof thouBanda ef blaokblrds, flying in one flook in a south-easterly direction from Wardaville, waa.a aight nee often wit- naased whioh happened one day recently. Hundreds ef them alightod on a large tree in the English Church parsonage for a few seoonOs, iand then were off again, while othora took their places, and they in turn, after a few seconds rest, followed their companions. The nobe made by the chirp- ing of the birds and the fluttering of their wmga could bo heard for a considerable dis- tance. Blackbirds have also been seen in large numbers in other places. Fishermen tending nets in the vicinity of Cape Sihbiz have been much aimoyed lately by sharks constantly swimming around their boats and devouring the dead honing which happened to drop out of the meshes. Oa Friday last they invaded a large extent of the cod fisb ground, and seme narrow escapes of fishermen are re- ported. One fisherman had to change his ground to get dear ef a Bhark described aa over twenty feet long and bent on mis- chief. Another person out in a small akiff had to call a beat to hia asslstanoo te prevent his oraft being capsized and to aid him In beating off a huge shark whioh seemed detorminod to sample him. A remarkable Instanoe of preflonoe of mind waa displayed by a gentlemaa la Hall the other night, ftnd whioh, although im- perilling himself. In all probability prevent- ed another widespread and dlaastrona ooa- fligratloa. It seemB thatMr. Wm. MoEwaa, a grooer, waa handling a barrel ef hl|(h- winee when the B|dgget fdl eat and a qoan- tity ef the liquid flew out of ttio hole and, netwithBtanding that both handa were aev- verely burned, he kept it there uattl the flames were extingaiahed. If the flamea had reached the ooatenta aa explouea must have oaaued, aad aa the atore waa laorolya frame baildlBg, Blatilar to all the aorreaad- lag heusea, • dia^otrouB fire weald ia all prelAbility have reaaltod. JUDPIIiia S7 lbfiAB4. Tcddlorldik L blae •â-  the vWeto ^^P^'JIm, dwsbreek, aadoheeke-pl-kl-wOdi •ad bur M goUo" •â-  »uMm. Aad all sheVaTae kind aad leviag aad levaUe. BrtEl^iS grei^l«at,«id thMw-, â€" Pro-orai-ii-«»-*iM»' ...;_ oe« "Sdbe playiag with her dell. « reading • atory-boek, whea her aiamnia ** Ida, d'e^r, ma npstain aad fetoh me » apeol ef silk fr«a my taMe." ^d Ida weald eaawer, with • aweet amUo,â€" 'Jntk ndaate, m a mm a. One miaato weald go by, aad aaottier. Mid • greet BiMiy more. " Wni yoB get my silk. Ha ' Oh yea, TPft"""*, aa aeoa aa I finiah cau chapter." •• N«r, Ida." „ o *v •'In just • mlaate, muaauu" But the oheptor w»a Bore to be finlahed, with per- hapa another eae, before the allk would be fetohed. „ It waa aet ealy eaoe, bat all the nme. ** What oea J do 1" sighed the qaeea, to her truaty oounBollor. " I maat break her ef thia droadf ol habit aome way, er whea aho oemea to rale • kiagdem ef her owe, all willgo to wraok aad raia. What owi I del' •• Teeoh her a Iobboo, year Majesty," ••Id the trasty ceunBollor, gra£B/. "Teeoh her • ieaaeaâ€" • good leaaea.^' Aad oae day the queea remembered her trusty oounaeUor'a words. The Uttlepria- oesB oame bounding In, to be droned for a drive, with her blue eyes shiaiag, and her yellow h^r tossing aboat her face, and her cheekB yinker than usual, whioh la aaylng a good deal. • We're going up to the Mouatala Caatle for lunch, mamma," orled aho, ' aad home around by the lake I And Lillian aaya her undo oan't w^t but » miaato, aad won't you hurry, mamma, aad get me dresaed T' Mamma, the qaeea, waa readiag • book, •nd she hardly niaed her eyes from it, but •nswered, with • Bmlle,â€" •• In • miaato, dear." So the little priaoeao fidgeted reatleealy frem one foot to another for what aeemod te hisr • leag, long time. ' Wea't you, memm» t" ** Oh yea, dear •• aoea ai I finish what I am readiag." Waaa't It awful The blue eyea ef the lit- tle prinoesB began to look like vieleta after a shower and the voloe ef the little prlnoesa trembled. " But they oaa ealy wdt five minntea, mamma," she ]^eaded. " Oh, do hurry I* ** Right eway," anawered mamma, calm- ly. But juat then the little prinoeta heard carriage-wheels rolling down the avenue, and she burst into a cry ef grief and dis- may. " mamma, they've gone without me 1 I told them to il I didn't come in five min- utes. Aad they had cheoolato cake and j«lly tarte for lunch I Oh dear me 1" And Chen a flood of tears oame. Mimma, the queen, couldn't lielp smiling a little, though she felt very sorry, tee. But she hoped this would be the leseon and she took her little daughter en her knee, and talked to her about that old thief, procrastination, which Is, you know, a name for putting-eff-tlll-by-and-by what should be doae iow. " You will try and do bettor, won't you, dear 7" said mamma, the queen, very ten- derly and the little princess, when her Boba were atllled, aaawered that she would try. •' But it's very hard to do things right off," said aho, ' unless It'B things yon want to do, mamma." " Right there aelfishnesB oemea la, dear," aaid mamma, ' and aelfishnesa will unleok the deer aad let la a host of other bad, bad faulta." And then mamma, who oould not bear te ponbh her little giri toe mnoh, ordered her own carriage, and aw^y they sped ettor their friends. Princess Ida ia trying yet te do bettor she haa set a guard over those red lips of hers with strict orders net to let the trou- blesome words, •• In a minute," slip by. And though aho Isn't perfect yet, we think she is aloaost as near that aa It ia possible for any little girl to be. ' "i I I â€" m e !â-  I â-  â- â-  Johnny Was Posted on Miracles. Little Johnny Jordon was a passenger en a suburban train. Beside him sat a tall, solemn-looking man vrith side whiskers. In front were Johnny's pa and ma, and beliind him his aunt Hetty. The whole party had beea to phurch, and the man sitting beside Johnny was the minister going out to spend the aftornoon with the Jordens. "My little man," said the minister to Johnny, " did yen pay dose attention to the sermon t" •' Yesslr." " Do you remember that I aaid something about miracles 7' " Yesslr." ••WeU, Johnny, An Exaggezatinc FamilT *• Father, I dea't want to ikw Miy weed to- d^y yesterday I aawed about • theoaaad cords aad me^er aiade me walk a handled mlleB aad oarry three or four berrda ef wator for her. 1 haven't Imd • helldey for tea yeara. Lst Jiip aaw seven or eight haa- dredoerda ef weed for • ofaaage." « T^^llMa, yea moat eeeaetiiia exagger- ated way of talkiag. I've nokan to yea about It a millien timea, aad if I have to do it og^ia, ril l»eak year -- do you kaow what^ miracle is " •• Yeaair." "TeU me, please." " Well, aU I knew abeat it ia me aiJd thlamoralng that it weald boa miradeif we ooald go to ohuroh eaoewMieut havia' the minister taggin' home with ua to din- ner. So I guess thia liaia't ae nibâ€"" •' Johaay Jerdoa I (frem tiie treat aeaLV •Yea'm.' A LiciitniiiK Aair-Ont. Ayouag womaa laa oountiy town in Frwoe wha harryiag home during • than- dor storm, shlddiag henelf with aa um- brella, whea she auddealy nyeneaoed a â- toaageaad alanaiag MBirtfoa, the shock being dmaltuoeBs with • very vivid flash el lightaing. She Idt " quito ap«^' Js prooeeded on herw^f. Oa leaohias hmal ahe removed her boaaek, when ahedfaoevaT «d that her hmr had beea ittsrdly «?;S; her head preeeatiag, aatha hidrfelLt^ amne •ppMiuoe •etlieagh it had b^a •haved wMi a raser. Her aairew ee^Z! prodnoed â- ooh aa eilBel nam Vbrn^k^ miadtimtahehaabaea â€" ^^tltJu! M I hava aet Ham laart doabV' nid aa MBinatit nhyilataBat a r«»aat medloal oea- vZ^SaB. •*lha» at least eae aat ef every tea of the people in tUi ooovlry liveoader wme fbrmVMHy. Ia Mine It beoomes vMeaft I b othon noMoaabw la othen never kaewa aer eaqiMOted. except ftere U what might be termed a ooUoneaof droom- itaaoea/^ There have been lema oorieai oaaeeof fthiel«rtapeaieeefiaMalty. Seme aev« or dffht yoeraas* » well kaewa paldfe effislal •f the Stated Ohio vielted Niagara Falls withhiibuidlyferamoath'ireat. Howm aerveoa aad worn oat, and tiiere were oer- taia baaiaeaa and poUtloal mattore wUoh f ellewed him there aad OOXrVD HOT BB SHAKBV OFI, The geatiemen' did aet reeliie thet his nerves were et •!! ehdten j ea the oentrary, he prided himaolf In believing that he oould eadore mere meatal worry than three ordi- aary men. He had been at the Falls three or foar deya whea he waa jdaed by a Cbioa- se oapltaliat. The two had a speouiatioB wgether, and the details were to be settled here. One day after dinaer the pelr weat iato PrespeotTark Mid ••t dewa on » bench fao- Ing e rapida, ead net ever five feet from the wator. Whea they had talked for an hour er so, the Ohio geatleman seemed to be somewhat exoltod in his speech aad mevemiata. He threw aevoral itloka iato the wator, talked la loud toaee, and aeon attraotod attoatiea. The oapltalbt XHOUOHV IT â-² BIT Q1TBBB, but felt no uBeMinesa ontllthe other sud- denly seised him in a tremendous grip and •aid Bl»nk, yea ere a dâ€" â€" d aooaadrel, and I'm going to aend you ever the falls I' The oapitallrt waa the smaller, and the weaker man, and he fdt the hepeloasness ef tbe situation. He waa gripped by the shonldera, but he used his handa to clenoh the seat behind him. and replied to the luna- tic • I knew I'm a bad mui, and yon must give me time to pray." •« All right, all right," said the Ohioaa • yea aball have two ndaatee for prayers, and then we'll go ever the falls together. Say, Blank, yea are a dâ€" d good fellow, •fter ell, uid we'U go together.^' The idea with the Chioage miaa waa, ot oourso, to gdn ttme. The people who had been attraotod by the loud talk had paased on, and it so happeeed that ae one dse oame that way. He hoped the lonatlo would cbango his mind aftor two er throe minutos, but instead of that he Krew more impatient, declaring that they must hurry up or they would be toe late. Despairing ef aid from others, the oapltaliat finally said Sao here, Mr. Blank; let's go up and jump off the Goat Island bridge. We'll have further to swim, and I want to leave my wallet with some one." " By George I Otwtd Idea oome on 1" exclaimed the ether, and they walkod up the path and out of the park arm in arm. They were no sooner out of sight ef the rapids than the Ohiean began to grow oalm- er, and as they bere off toward the hotols HB BKHOTED HIS HAT, soratohed his head in a thoughtful way, and picked up the point he dropped a quartor of an hour before and went on debating the transaction as if nothing had eoourred, An hour lator, when asked if he waa in earnest in threateniog his friend, he waa cemplotoly dumbfounded, nor oould he be made to believe that anything ef the aert had econrred. However, • dim anspioion that he might have been unduly excited by the roar and dash of the watora orept into his mind. He went down to the park alone, but returned almost at enoe, his face very pale, his eyes betraying wildnesa, and hta whole manner showing that he haid passed through a severe struggle. ' I shall keep away em the wator here- after." ho said to tbe capitalist. " loouldn't stay there five minutea without oommltting Buicldo er murder. " The mattor waa ef oounekept quiet, even from his wife, but two years lator, while the gentleman waa making a trip on the Ohio River he waa suddenly missed, and he has never been heard of since. The boat was racing with another, and the probabili- ties are that the excitement brought back his passion for self-destruotlon, and that he went overboard. SOIBSTiriG AND TTSEF ITL. • It oannot be toe widely known that meat is sometimes made unwholesome by the use of oertahi kinds ef wooden skewers. Ezperimenta by M. Benchnt have proved that the tape-worm auooumba to tiie diges- tive actisn of pepaine la large dosea, wblle the more lilghly-organhed tiasuea of the stomach are onafiiBotod. To make • good blaok japan for smftU oast- uga tak^ ef asphaltom half a poand melt and add hot balaam ef oaplvl one pound mix well and thin with oil ef turpentine. Give three ooBto, aad diry la an even at be- tweea 250° aad 300° Fahr. A very uaeful kind ef vwrnlah is described by M. Leon Videl, whidi ia exoeUent for prodadng Imitatien greand glass, and wUl doubtieae be foand available for other pu- Poeeo. The fermak iaâ€" Saadarao, eightoea parte mastio, fear j ether, two hoadred benzd, eighty to one hoadred parti, Te make a waterareof paste to iMok silk on silk, maoerateviitglarabbMrâ€" oaratobouo â€"out iato fiaeol ahavlaga wMi about too •rJ*; f •*«" •* P«* beaaele in »a open mouthjd bottle set fa hot water^avay frem ?~S^* •ooarfondly, uid »dd mero bea- "t!?-" J***^!?^* "»* • P***^ artatlea ia obtuMd. Thaoemeatahoaldnol be naed la aaoh quutlty aa to deUy dryiag. ^By OBatbg over the nrfMe ef glMa mir- rera witii glyoerlae. their doudiog by the MooiaaUttoa ef oeadeaeed water vapoiir tSI iJLFT^*^ » • ooaelderable time. #~ *u"**" •* ••»• g»7«w*»o !â-  io great 2^j5!!13[^*"'»»**«btheUtt«f aelMt SZAF!?**^ '" Mat may prove of great Srti?.*?*!^ **»• â- Â»â€¢ ««4««*ly*roublet IV *• otoadfag of aiMitrmirroie, and d »^rJtobeefTalaetotlio»whe a^ eem- PMtoa to ahave tfaamMlvea la dillly •perl- TWO ^•â- â€¢"•••MeaS: " ^hlte^iJJSS, In a talk iritfc^ tn I heard several §.?••*» a. "We wSr*lH oJthertiew7ff*«».^ BOW one InoldeBt^ 'iJt loons which iSSl* W and»manweoSSii_. *o bag whU, Tl^l slSi lMtthebdlJStfiSlh3 Smith crawlsd ff •Vtfij m«wereholdl,J^a oandy butcher ii»m2f,.*« iT" him. Befo«, iJ"JlIttik55S g»bbedM(tSft?!!*««iSr «d yeUed ' U ySX^fc r«pBs,thebaUo9fi,Nfi w»dthetentheBtt»ir***fti eyes as they ,i°ffJ'|^,N untUltwJeu'.E.I'O "When the bSS* ward heaven Mlto2n.,*?«*su over the edge rf th/«»4 2! floated beyend ther»L?^^il men^rtednerthJlSy'Cl oarrledtheball„nlS-£«»i,J eight or ten mlleB, IS fclJI loon with the wretowS? Wj lessly in the bS2 ' .^»«i55!| Mitc'hell'B hSr £•» ^rfMkSa from fright fa huT,5S^»1 "Several years »ftertt?l'»*«i Big Smith WMlni^"**^ itwa.belbgkfl,t^;«Jjjq hot air he crawled OTtttol!," '•I ket and another mi ttl^'^H through the erne bdt* fL?*«M •Let go I- Iher,S\.StM onorope,onthe«dro«;M getting out, teek a i»«. " ClutClfghte,'hay.'^»;:«l* Shot Skyward itteek sSSft^ ankle. HU terrlfi«lcwp«S.*a ket. who heard tbe or, efhSHl over tbe crowd, oeuld net k^f^l he changed hi. pi^itl that the basket woddn^Lrltjj would uncoil. After »mJ,TM balloon oame devn with SmiainJ and his head fall of bleod. HwTj covered, and is yet In theihwp^ /l»ii.MiS.j A BSIDEGEOOM JDMPJ TBAffl. While en hU Weddlig tnt kt l_ Crazy and kafftte hit tsAk An exoitfag iceoe wm vltuaj si midnight express trab whtk ta^I high rate of speed on the L«bim Tl Railroad, ten miles frem RetdiB|tbii( night. The pa««enger« ww igU startled by a iccffl m themUdlttftbl A wt 11 dressed yeung mu nunadLnll Brebst arose abmptly, and b i bglt exclaimed ••I'm tired ef riding." His beantlfal yonng wifebaidebli; ed him by the coat and nId: "Siti we'U soon be at Readbv{. "Net a bit of it, Goaiie," htu^ " I'm gofag no farther; leetheligliliii ing out yonder," He then made a haity men tnsii 'loor of the car, when hb wife Hl»dttiJ bis coat and implered him te thdml other passsngeri m tbe ou it fint t' it might simply be apenonilmkimd ing, and they made no effort to I Another lady of tbe party, a nU womao, named Mri, J. C. High, Idij seat and ran to the wife'i aaiituei, Il seized the excited yeang mm isileUI to be seated. By a powerful »ff«rt hi away frem the graep ef Ui wlf«, bit r High kept hold of hii oeat, Brobst now became forleu, nd dragged Mrs. High to the deer. Hall shouted forasiietanoe, botbefsniiri had the courage te interfere Bwbittwl coat, and thus getaway from ttiWj grasp. He leaped fer the deor, ciyBC^ at the top of hia voice " Good by. Here «he goei. The next eecendhe jumped tettff] form, and fa the next Instant leipedtor the darkness, while the train wwrâ€" on at thirty-five miles per henr. The vonng wife fainted to her ie»^^ her husband was being ""'** JT, down a twenty feet rooky embuj The trahi was speedily *^°m'Z^ ilctimwaefeund'dylng.mong.jW" His face and body were hombW ny was brought to Beadtog who h«» St. J^'eP^^l.H'fP'l*' *tarS^ wallet contained S300, wat »"" jumped, and wae net fennd. ^.^ Hewas30ye»r8ofage.an4»^|;jjq well-built youD|^ man. ^JlmiilA Miss Gussle Ltffler «""« ^SW**! vlou. in West Point. Jeb-, »« » '..^ en fchalr wedding trip SWtaPJ ^\ of R^adtog. HU body vr*. W» ^\ where his P^^"" "' « inl""**! says eh. first noticed a ohMge" baud in Obloage. H« J«J °«^^dg •nd had not eaten "jthtogS^ „^ The excitement of hie weao»» t^ very nervous HUmnd^^^SUI unbalanced. H« r'"lf»ffttetril«' ontly, and at last jampedj"" Boys and Their Mothe*^^ Of all the 1«^« »«*S^rf^« Hg.W.!; can surpass the f"^7,J«,d«f.S his mother, I* ",P^i t»^ H •arable in the W/hest dMj« j Z mean a i^^^l'^tni^fSi which makes a tl/ to •vsryb^^'SS his mother, w?.'" ,. Jth »*• Ki that he is fairly in lov« JJ^ „ »•* the love of a ^^'^^"^f^H Oman's Ufe with ^^l^iZi^^^^ toU devotion of,f •'" ^.f bid 'J'S yet knew a boy " *«? .•"J, ost^g Jy falling to, •^„ Ah •«^i*5 aian may fall i" If A«,t trj «^ „d the man ^^^J'^^^m^^ T* maycmellynegleot »W^ .jjj^ wife. Bat the ^Jj^]i *^Z^ p? ifii who will love hi« leaved autumn asn* â- prlig-tlme, Taeebjeoti.Bto?Ji,drO«»«^ «ii fish are welgn*"" .^':.

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