Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Sep 1886, p. 7

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 *^.-4i**r-- •V^*^.. .*•..( ANT LOST. X _(COMCHr©BD). '^htai h«r heikrt, ^hl^ bMt f-T aco. ooldaod hwTj M • f-. M' thr i" f»*t«Md H af- f£ fir., with .U a» Hght ^u I h»« torg»nm tm • om- -^Ij, "wh.t I «! H.J *^^ bkppy h«M-lM«it- I knair thkt I h»T« a* .Myt,CjathU-^th.W»h. tl A» b»k« oat int« pitMU BLiJ,mItodor'ih«w*llrf. " nttlBC-plM* f or ma T k ^*r«inWrr«dd-.la*e, j^^wwonted by thia hud ;J£r,Wh6r-Ufo.uldanly BMiDtnt C/nthl* WM paolng rr.,»Mid pale, fightbg a hard J-Tdanly Mine to a great orbia '^,vweill the pau thraudi it 7 li«n»ble »Bd goneroM T Wanid It gnad Id«al whioh ahe had '^ttd believed in, now that \y to be all ber own Wonld 'i ornoUl teet offered harâ€" aha bitberte been her badge and ,. jff t, vhOe ihe doabtad her- LiBgnitb ef her own failoro waa InJnS allâ€" woraa than mortified jWuuied feslbig and the npraet- I Af Mttled oendltiena whIoh had L lecnre. In ber heart ahe knew I ,„o)[ t« ber bad net boon wilfnl. „ Binntei »ge "be had bent erer J'lvklte face and tenohed It with riitvbg there had been no treaoh- .ninly aninneoent anpplantiag, I Cjothia, hi tbe hamllity af har jtu nature, wonderel little, aee- Ibtr and iweek a type of woman- |ni *Uob bad taken her plasa. jkNoId read Leanud like a baak (ihi had found the key; and ahe tfitm her the rennnoution moat ^itaoit agreement which wonld \in boand a leei henonrable man. lb iMnalf proudly that he waa free, [kidiMrerbeen bannd. Bat ooald lBab?y, generenilyl Canld iho innmder ao that it ihenld not inrrender! Oould aha forgive a a jibtold gaeaait waa f arglveneaa I iibup akniggle; bat the queatlon Hand at lait and ahe threw hera^ (bed and ilept the sleep of utter az- |ili «i milei beyond Penmawr astle ivliiih boand the oeaat run ant a reoky point, waahed by the itiTM and ornmbled iato a long I (f i igged, broksn fragments nt f aaa, and covered at high iwatsr. iifteraeon which fellewed their Uias Davflten and C/nthia m a bsnlder of reok at the ex- of the point, looking towards Ihe wavea washed with a dull at the feet ef the cliff j the lead- btyond was hardly atirred l^a liffind lollen clou is hong heavily Vhorii9B, and a pale gleam ef prlm- jUitnggled wanly through the dark i^oluDglng bto rose-colour and pre- |lNp«niog into stormy crimson, adbloedred ever the pale-gray iiaitorm coming up," C/nthla snt te aea. â- ' See how lew ud ourlewi f, and what a flatter tn they keep up and hew the olradi are piled up abeve the set- It will be wild weather by-and- I aid this becanae ahe saw another [tbttsoiDg in the pale face beside I ihe dreaded and would keep [aptken werda which ahe felt instinc Indbtan trembling on these white l^igh the aileat walk. Bat nothing m them back now. Mias Doveton's MMped Cynthia's arm the words, Fithieba and tears, oame like the Jl'pmt-np flood. pida-MUa K^lthâ€" yon moat hear " "y mlierable atory. I oannet 'burden any longer. I cannot live I' iwet between na whioh would l^tarn away from me if yon knew \n C/nthla blanch, and she oovered «l """•ed on with her history. «ilie waited with bowed headend ««y« far Cynthla'a jndgment. ^»M a moment ef aUenoe, only a i!z. ^?° 'â- " K.»ith's arms en- a trembling g|rl the golden head fill ?.^ » "»«e reating-plaoo, and 'â„¢U «« that teademeaa which bo- i«/j"" MydearchUdI Stey ttofii "'""""rt »°d help yea. I the two turned hemewarda, i»M«h other hi renewed love and â- ^ tte fifatamttering ef the breed- ftffi*!!?"'" *•« «««»«» waste of K •"•*" fl»»l '«» the black- f^a^i'V*',** memlng that the Wife. « ' » furious north-westerly *5th n '^ly •S^'Mt the oloaed UdeTiS^""' "Weklng and waU- WSJ'iH* and iron bound per- 1^4?^ jWppfag the Bhndderlng »«h.S,f2** »*•" •»* elmainttS ICSL' '*8^ 5 •«* When the Mi^,"«*'« breakfcat the lntt"S!i'***^" I^y Keith {•â- ride down le Mawr laiJ.^'" «••»» In? I* '«V?S2^' wwh wiaitorr ""•Wared OynHUa, ** XU Ihaaaraaea Leenard Hepe, aet free fcwn the elhen, drew Mar* ^1a« onoenaoUna, lyfag in a «ie ' haadkateUtf. wtthagbart^paDw. iq^ie* fin with â- â- â- " nUiga when far â- tUI itaparj Tbipa ker laeilher mWHt^'litt and wesiSsedtf tha iMn kMdu •• Ti^iim aft aiâ€" Ih»dMg£3iktti«a«r kaajiaiUUloBdiB.' liftaJhSf^ •'uta{' 4^nr *fItliaalythebanlis«oftha tsmpMl. QyBthiaansw ' ^^ *^ *^Tksfata Kohkpeniati "Ilwy are mbate-tnaa I" Lssaard az- ohiiaad, fWng hastily and maaliig tta bat- lor at the daor hriauniag ever with tldfaMa. ** My lady, than h a la|e vasael jaal bayesid the Paint in distroas; die ta flrlag aad aignalliMi Griffitha aaw her from tta torret. 8h^ be en tha reeks, ay lady, with «hk wind, asid the tide mnniay la." •• Pear aanls " half aabbed Lady K4tt. " AU,tha aian te tiia ahare at aaaaT Oynthia erdlsred, prempUy and dearly. •* Ltt OwMM t«ke^tiie eart with blaakela and branny Aw|M^Be*7 h«4-w»asr batMas aa Mca. Prioa oaa aand. MarshaO wID take dewa tha laadaa aad the wagoooMa. Tall tha gfoem te bring renad the haiaH !â- - atantty for Miaa DeTatoi^ Mr. Hep^ and myaall, aad then lat him ride far Mr. Mar- wood and the Mawr doolera. Maouaa, aea that Mrs. Prioe has beda prepared and flraa lighted. There ia B»t a awasaat teleaa. Edith, are yon ready t Lianard, will ^ea eOBM ' Ferthafirsttlmala har life there was a little heaitatien, a soaroely perceptible ohange In the eld famlUai oenfideat tone towards her ooosla â€" a ohange te be ielt rather thaa heard. Few words ware apeken aa tiie three rede ra^dly through thi park, where a giaBt elm, which had been, werstiad ia Ita wvealle with the fierce wind, lay, with its apreadiag reets upreared aad bared, right aoroaa their Cth. Skewers of leaves fell at their horses' M, aad swept whirling late their faoea. They pressed oa, aiginatiieaaiBiala te thebr ntmoit" speed, and llatenlng, threngh the imrstt^iiha tittdtenqaaradiampatt, far tha aelamn repetltfsii ef the algna^ ana. ProaeatQrfil^a'inewy feaas, ailagled with dost aoid dead laavaa, blew Inte their faoea. And iriien they tiisnad the shoulder of the hill whIoh lay between them aad the eoeaa their heaitaaoamed.jte ataad atill be- tore oae ef the grandeat, aoleomest, saddest sights la this serrewf ol world. Cleee fat np^ the shore the anow-whlte breakers chomed and dashed In a wild tri- umph ef lawleas might and just beyond, showing blackly agafast their whitenesa^ lay the deemed vessel^ â€" a largo steamer. She lay broadside on to the oiuel rooks, »o near the ahere that the ahrieks of the passengers crowding her deck cenld be heard above the din ef the tempeat and the roar ef the breakfaig watersâ€" so near that, but for that hissing barrier, a rope oenld have saved the feebleot amongst them. Wave after wave waa breaking over her, sweeping each one its tide of victims Into the wUte foaming gulf, te beak the life out ef them there, 'al- though i 1 mardleas ezaltatien over human Impotence. It waa a lonely Inhospitable ooastâ€" far from help aad ainly a few women huddled together nadw shdter ot the oUff. and a few men soattered along the beaoh, looked hdp- lessly on at the oataatrephe. Lite the midst of these OynUiia* who was teremeat, daahad breathless, orying imperatlvdyâ€" " A beatâ€" a beat j WlUneae ef yen try te reaoh them T Men, oan yon atand by and aeethism perish t" ' There isn't a life-beat nearer than Mawr, and that wonld be too lataâ€" aba's breaking np now. And what but the Ute- boat oould live five aeoonds in snob a sea ' one ef the older men anawered. Even as he apeke a hnge Wave atmok the veaad j she rolled .ominously, and did frem the treachereas rooks aad, when the blinding spri^ oleiared, the seething waters were strewn with blaok struggling figares. At this steht Mlsa Deveten, with a great ory, ooyered her face with her hands; and Leonard Hope, oatohing at the dropped reins, turned her hastily baok up the pebbly slope they had just descended. And so it happened that neither ef them saw what oame nextâ€" hew Cynthia, en- oonraging her gallant beast with word and touoh, daslMd down the beaoh and rede daantlessly threngh tiie raging surf. Z A hearse obeer bust nnen the stnusd, aad a.shrill cry, " Heaven bleas her 1" pierced the air, aa Oynthia rode up "^ent of the jaws of doath,^*^' idth' a doasn deaperate hands dinging te her herse and an Infant lying across her knee. ' â-  Ihe woman sank as she handed It np te me. Take care of It^" she said quietly, aa she gave It te no ef^ho women, Then^ it(»M^ faiefi kw Bad41e down amongst thosaTwalU reiouM from Death' dread dominloi, aird busied keiself straight- way |n nikidkaihig w ttaem. ft was a soanty harvest, gleaned after the Great R«aper;bpt.^t wm all that waa gathered that day frangi that loll field. A woman, wild-eyed, and well nigh spent; a young girl idrite as a Uly-; a ^tfiedaak-bair- ed boy, who erUsd^entf -aa fhey set him ea his feet, for his father and hia mother a oonpie of rough sailors in ooarse serge and homely blne-atriped Bl4*a and another man, ef a different stamp. In fine linen and soft-woven twaed, who m* bleeding fram a ghaatly weand over hIa temple. And thla bat had his fingers so tightly denohed In the horse's flawfaig mane Qut the man were forced te ont the long hair away te sat him. free. •• He'a ab?nt dene for. Pity a livelier one hadn't beeaia hie plaoo'l" said eae efthe bystaadara, as he hdped te lay him down la the ahdteref the dlff and tried t» ilaaadi the sapfaig wannd. *• Tha rooka have a'meat fibred tiia life anl! of Urn. He'a a gentleman and he oenldnt stand it ao weUaatbealhar ohapa. BuVijjw-oemea deoter, by good laok. He'll leek to ^^ Mtth " " W^^^*W^^W JW^^P^^^^^^f^ at tke lint itaf alaUthapstlaatiBaTa Hope food tt*.«cea hdisa af Mm rOhend together ia CyatUa'a beadeir. Miii DaTetsadtttag by tha fln^ with tiia ialaat sawed from tha wiaek ia har ima, aad Lady Keith aad Oyathia benOM; aww the MttUr waif aa It amllad aad atretebad Its arms tawarda Oem la its aaeeasoleaa arphaa- hoed. " What U Itr OyatUa eriad, at Laoaard'a aatraaoe. ** la ha aUwa I heepekent' ** No," aaswarad Lasoard •• bat ha pre pared for a gnat ntpilse, Oyattla." ' •*Wheblt,LMMrdI" aiag te tremUa. ** Oh. ao one aothiwg that aaed agitate yon I Bat It is etraage hew that wedding at St SabaatiaB's haanta aa in aaaia ahiqpa ar other. Look at thii." He put the paekot-boak iriiiok the SBTgaoB had haaded to him late herhaada. On its first page waa written the nana ' Pardval Daawara." Huah 1" whispend Oyathia quickly. Bat It was too late. " It is the brUegreeB," Leonard add. " Why, Oyathia i*â€" as aha eaaght at tta baok af the ohair frem whioh ahe liad risea. •• Whatâ€" what have yen doae t " ahe stammered. ' 1 1" he oried, aatealshed at her agitatiea. I have tdegraphed for Mrs. Djlaaaalaa." At the same moment Mlaa Doreten ran to har feet, white aa death aad Lady Edth drew the ohlld frem her arms te save it frem falUng. "L«t me sea it," aha whispered In a strange breatiileis vdee, taking the book from Cynthia's handa. A paper fluttered frem It on to the table, and lay then spread oat bafareher aea. It was tha regiater af the dokth of Mar!e Ddorma Danvera, aged 23, en the 25th ef June, 187â€", at BiUa Yiata. St. Jerome. The date aeomed to barn Itadf iate her brdn. Then ahe had wronged htm she had been deodved, as he add, by a triok. And ha lay there, close to her, omeUy wennded â€" dyfaig, threngh her faidt. Instantly' aha perodved that he had perished la briagtag her this vladloatlea ef himidf. S^ms^dy had aald, ahe remembered dimly, that the wreoked vessel was a large Weat Indian ateamer with paiaengen. Dkay and faint as ahe was, the whole story pieoed Itself to- gether before her, and die was stricken with bitter self reproaoh. " L9t ms go te him â€" I must see him I" ahe ezolafaned. " Take me te him 1" " You T" Laanard gaaped. "Yes," she answered, with a ahndder *1 â€" lamhb wife I" • • « • • • â-  Poor ohlld I It has been a terrible blew. She Is quite everwhdmed. If he oenld ealy have epokea to her eaoo men I" Mra. Da- lamalne waa saying, with har haadkorchlef to her eyea. "Daar Lady Kbtth, it is a tragical eadfaig te a moat happy marriage. My poor daughter 1^ oomplotdy owar- whdmodl" Ltdy Kdth only hewed her head gently. Mra. Ddamalne was quite nnoenadens of tiio truth. No oae had had time, la the eonf ndon and diatress when ahe arrived on the aoane, te make any azplaaatlon, aad aow ae oae had aay laoUaatloa te ealightea her. So ehe talked ea of ker dead â- aa'-ia- law'a wbtaea, of his devottea, aad of har daaghter'a heavy leas, naooatradlotad, " Alter snob brief handnaas te bo a widow at eighteoB," the mother lammtedâ€" **a rieli widow toe, whidi is almost an additlond trial He haa left har the whole of hia for- tuno. Nothing oould exceed his llheralltyf excepting bis attaohmant te her. " Poor ohlld 1" Lady Keith eoheed #itlt- gennlne lympathy, thinking hew her-riohtt came to the youag widow weighted wf^a bitter laad of self reproach. Mrs. Ddavuno, nnenlighteaed, qnltked Penmawr Cm*!* with many polite spsoohsia to Ite heitesMi, aad took with her a mle sflent widow, whose lips never epanaa in har own borne on the snbjeot af her husband. Society heard the story, after Mrs. Dela- maine's verden, and aympataissd aad waa intereatsd, eapsdally as uien was a large fortnno oeaoemod. Cynthi« was stl staunch and true to her friend. Whoa the Ohristmas festivltiea were ever at'Peamawr, aha and Lady Kdth would oariy Eve Daaven away te anaay Italy to recruit her health and bring baok her roees. And perhapa Leonard might join tham th«re. Wall, the wound oenld net be very deep, alaoe Oyathia was ^annfaig thnt, and delighting hetMlfin her own j^aas i Bat th«fe waa one person â€" and onW one â€" In the drama who waa net satisnedto oever np the memory of the man whom death had planted such a ating in the heart ef Ere. Laonard Hape remembered another Maria Delorme Oanvers â€" a apeotatar with him of that wedding prooesden whieh had played ae strange a part in all their liwea alnoe. And, oonnaotnig that aad pathetio faoe and sadden death irith the hiatery Cynthia had oenfided te him, he found tiie due to the trntii. It mnat have been a men thsa oommon Interest whioh oarrled him, atlll en the trade across to St. Jerome and bniight him faoe te taoe wtthCeoDo Laoraiz. « And my words feUewed him 1" aafd tlie Implaoable Frenohwemaa. "Now my darl- iags may rest la peaoa. They ara awanged." • • • • • • "So that timber will aavar ba feUad," Sir George VivlKa sai4. aa hia wife kid dowa a lotter ahe had beea reading aloud to It waa fiwB CytttUa Kdlh, oaddaM fram a ehaiH fa Tyni, tawUoh Lady KeWi aad her parly had goM, aftsr thsir wiatar la Italy. 1 «'Dtav«n." Ladf V'lviaa nid}«thatfa thariahyoo^ wUmr whoaa haabaad waa I thawht LwMid fareMb SaaisT, Am, 8, lalweiEMM aftta first MeatBhaei Thodislriot waa fink made kaowa to tha world throagV the ao l eh rat sd Oiieatd tcawdlor PeooaSe, whahaMacdIa 1741, te bofai Gseowa. aad. heaiiag of the terrible graadear of the 8awoyAtpa,aateBl«aaaa lerhiMdt He waa aeoempaaisd bv aaiitfaatnroaa faUow- ooaatrmaa aasiied Wiridhasa. They had agoardofaoldlerB. Than wsn ao roads, aad they fdlewod ap Ike cobim af the Arva. A remantm aooeant of the espedl- MealaglvMa lath* Mtrtut d* Suitu tat May aad Jaae^ 1743. I» paBiu AHD ADTaminaa an d eaa rih a M ts great r a s Mpt itdeywatad meaai. ^Rian thay ' bhroaaaked; U^^Mg watA fine, aad flriag oA gaaa daring the â- '•"iVSTJP"' â- a«M«»\ Via rappeaai 1|wrge| aa far h^ t|iaMer«e Glaaoilh^PotBahe'a Anhi|» akM|ba«B wen a peer pnpavalHaa far tradg^ over a glaolerâ€" aad anoh a anaâ€" aad ae he tam- ed baok. tdlmg thp poUte aeoletyef Goaeva of the Woeden Which wen otvia to tHialr daera, nakaewa te theai. It waa »fter this tiaae that the name " Meat Blaao ** watgleea te the ^jaeMfSi of meanaalna," Utherfa a aaaolo^ n^4f 'Lw Mantagaea Maadits," tiia aame by whioh the gnnp waa kaawa. Tha imagia- atien ef thefamona natnrallat, Heraoe Bsao diet ^.^flanssunjiiM fired by the aooennt ef Feeeake'a adviiiltae. Hfa Ufa frem boy- heedVelljoa teaaattfn age waa ooonplad graaify by ezplaiatfaM af the H|gh iOpa, dnrlfy which Ha asade nearly twenty aa- saoee^l atfai^pta to aeale Meat Blaao. Ia 1700 he offend, a ooariden^blo earn ef monaf aa a priis for, w;l)8ST8r iroald risD X wA^,ti» na 96f. Many, basUoa'hinuidf. tried fa wafa te scale IV aad anjsag Iheai wke tried wen somewhow.liaaaa (Batatat, Oaohat. Car- rier) feaTo baeomt famlUar •a^ames af ez- perloaesdamd skilflt} gniSea who hawa wen the ooafideacis aad eateem of Alpfae olieib- Ctott iaiV ad aa fa bed {tlM aid aas iMffal lagstafireatat^ fire aad wento r he wm Baylfea'aezt aasMlli^ vialb Mm t •* At UsVonAig- 8. 1786, Jaqnoa Bahaat, aooompaaled byl a D/. Paooaid, gaiaed the anmailt. iHe wsttt by the Reohen Benges i the reato hilherts fellewed led te the Bmsm dn Dremadaln, whioh had proved utterly iasanaonatajble. Dr. •Paoosrd aaarly leat his Ufa from the eonaaqnonoo ef this terri- ble ezpsditien. Balaat beoame famoas, raoe(yiqg besides Sansaon's priai, preeents fnm tke King of Sardlafa aad others. Nszt year da Sauasure. With a snlto ef nveateen guldea aad perten, reaohod tim top by Bal mat's rente aad oarrled ont aaocwsdally a nrioa ef mast ia^arteat mstoaroleglod ob- aervationa. Daring .forty-one yean Bd- mat'a rente by die Raohero Range waa fol- lowed, rill fa 1827 two Esglishmen made their way by the Corridor and the Mar do fa Oete. At laat fa 1859, Hudson snooeeded fa makbig his way aver L«s BasMs suooes- dve layen of snow falling rOX KlABLT â-² OBITUST have eafabllshed a wav te the anmmil wUoh baow tha least dlffisnlt. But this dn- gle faet Ulnatarates the preoarions oharaoter' of oven the meat favorable adjoaots of Al- pfae oilmblng. In the p^ed of 1786 te 1880 Ment Bfane waa oUmbed by 869 ridten wlthent taking fate aooennt gnldos, perton or local abas- Murs. 01 theee only 49 aaosnded the menn- tafa during the first 68 yeara betveOa 1|86 and 1854; ttie remafa^g 820 during the anoooedlng 26 years. Fewer lives bOmpan- tlvaly, hawe been laat ameng the. olfaibKa ef Meat Blaao Hitto fa etber ^wta of W^ Alps. Tlie fatd record down te 1880 fa^ oluded only 25 persona, 7 ef whom wen taariets. In S ptember, 1870 a party oanalsting ef three tearists, three guides, and five per- ten wen owertakaa aear the summit by a anew storm, whioh oentinasd te nga iHtfa, snch vielanoe that dght daya paaaM baton any aeardi oenld be made. Five froasn oorpios won found abeat 500 yerds bdow the Jep, tha nmafaiiag dz an wnppsd la perpetual anew. Sevenl asoenta have been made for solentlfio pnrpesee sfaee the time ef de Sansiun. Thus, Marolna, BMvala. and LvPJlenr in 1819: Tyadall and Dr. Franklaadfal858, aad Dlr.PiiMhaMrfa:1859. In 1861 Photographer Bkeen reached tha top after one fdlnre. He hadtiieexod- lent guide. AngnOeBalmalL with hfan and tventy-ffVe^ii^. BttfcAe^hi^ oim porters wen qnlto overpowered wKh sleep, the result of fatlgne and tha rarefied air, m that he and Balmat had to de everythfag, naturally with Impesfeot reauUs. al It, 4(Krward. .W^^ika k falgUsl^ hghewfi 8aiMfa( leak the dewr •' Whioh deorr **Theee|lardosr." **Na.'*alijrlJ4^ea.^ ** Wen, yea had bettsr ge dewa aad leak lt,forIheard aeaas aMia tfaekaefc yaii lastalgU.* Aooerdiagly Jamaa paddlae dewa the atain aad iMka the deer. Abeat the tbse Jamsa retaras aad U gofag fa bsd *e r» aarka: •« Did yea ahA tke stair doer f 'Ne,"Baya James. ••Wdl, If it ia aot ahat the eat wm get » fate the ehamber." ' Lather oeme iq^ tkaa." aaya J*wa% m-aaturedly. ' My goedaasa, ae!" ntaras hia wifaf â- * shed suok Ike balw'b breath." Then Jaawa pads dowa-atain agafa. aadatepaeaa ta^ aad deaes the atair deer aad evrssa tbf eat, and ntnrns te the bsdroem* Jest ar ka btglaa it eUab fate his oeaeh his wib obserwes " I forget to briag np seme water sappoM yoa briag np nme fa flio Ug tfa." And BO Jamoa with a mattered oarae, gees down late the dark Utehea aad f alta ewer a phalr, and naps all the tfa wan eC the wsU ia aearah of the •• Mb ".tfa. aad thsa jarks the stair deer open and hawla â- * When the deaoo an the laatdieB " Shagivea hfaaaasfaate direotioB where te find the matohaa, and adda diet dsa wenldnthergiand gat the water heradf than have the whole neighborhood rdsed abent It. After whioh James fiads the matohes, preonrea the water, and oemas np- atein aad pluagaa late bed. Pcaaaatly hia wlfa aaya " Jamaa, Ufa have an nndantanding about money mat* tars. New, next week I've get te pay^â€" " ** I dea't knew what yon'U have te pi^, aad dea't eare i" ahenti James, as ha lunhaa anaad aad janu Us faos agalaittha waU ' aU I waat Is deep." ** That* a all very well for you," snapi his wife, as aha pulls the oaver vioieashf 'yea nevMT tUak ef the- itorry aad ileable I have. Andtiienis Anualnte, whe, Ibor liove Is taUngthe maadea." " Let bar take 'em,"jmjip/s Hareiipan ahe begins te oryaeftly, but about the time Jamas fa falUaglate.a gen- tle doaa^ she pvaohea him lathe ribs with her -dhow aadaaya; ' Id yea hear that aoaadal abeat Mn, Jeaeat' " When r ' says James, sleepily. •• Why, Mrs. Jeiies." ** Whan I" faaulres Jama*. ' ' "I deolare," said Us ^iU»t " yen an getting men atupid every day. You know Mrs. .fenes, who live* at No. 21 1 Wdl, day bden yeeterday Susan Sodth teld Mra. Thempsea that Sam Barker had said that Mn. Joaea hadâ€" »" Henshepsased aadUstaaad. Jamas b saerlag fa piotennd dumber. WKh a Bnwt ef rage aha pnUa all the oaveis off Um, wraps np. in uiam, aad lies awake uatD 9 A.M., thinkihg hew badly ased aha is. Aad that la the way the married woman goeetedeop. • e mam aw BUMHBB BMILfiB. ••Mamma," said Bobby, ••Ihave eatsa my oake all ap. aad Charles hasat tonohed hb yet. Won't yea auka him ahan with me, so as te teaeh him te be goaorons " He steed aader the w|adew aad saac ••Haw Qstt r lAsva TlidJk" Bat he did leave, aad ao suddenly flat tiie dog went baok of the heoM aad wept. AFraaehdod haa resnltad lathe deatt ef oae of the priadpals. It most have beea aa aeddant. We haVelong had a lingering Buspldenthat a Frenohman would get hurt aemo day fa that appiraatiy harmlaaa pas- tima* " â-  â-  i- .. Oerperai to Soldierâ€" Why ia tha bfade of the eabn ^carved lastead of atrdghtf Seldbrâ€" *• If b onirted fa^rder te gtve men feroe te the blew." Oerperalâ€" •• Hambog I The aahn is bnrved m aa te fil the aoab- bard. If it was ttralght hew wonld yea get It fate the oreeked aoabbard tilei^. head!" have fartOyatkfc _.*^ w laat yaarl ICntlifawi by will, at a 13MIUJ Thomu Hoalt'i FMdiotioni. Seven months of die year 1886 paased away, and the werid atiU mnoh aaltdld fa 1885 but, aaowfdiagta an andent praoheoy whieh has been aa- earthed by the Petit lloniUur, very Impor- tant events may be looked lor en next De- oember eemes to an end. Oae Thomas Moult, who fianrished la the thirteentk oentnry and whe iraUnud to have foretold the appeannce ef NapOleoa L, therewelii. tieaeil830 the Ikd^a war aadilad|^n-' qusaoes, the war of 1870, aad ether aiOtan of memaat, haa left bahlad him Mvend pn- diotlona for the present year. He preaMod OS, for example, ••««â-  dea rewdntieas"ia one of tha great atotaa of ChriatoBdom a aew form el goveraoient fa a npablio a aetaUe atrile and the aaosnt of a thrrae by a great priaoo. In addMea to th«e prephM|B«, Thomas .beqaoibtbed a few pn- alens wnis for tMjpidaaM f anattrs aad wfaM menhaats. The liarnal, Ka deofarao, J?*i *^J^^ pleatHal, wet priooa wmb* hfah. Ua geapa «ep iritt begeed M|ly fa a lew dlatnofa, aa4i wfae mea iHUaBkto ttebr |dd Btackt ef wtam aad bay mhi^ Ihaasaa Moult waa betaâ€" bataeT Uott flMM predloMoaa hawo bean loymfd. we ModaStwritobbbbgnphy. ""**^ ' Leek at that^t fdlew," remarked mi addressfaig an eld gentleasaa irt.. steed nearhlmi ••he'aaefat, that he meat be aburdsato bbnisU." "I dan't tUnk that ha Is," tha eld gealiemas rajaiaed •' npen tiie oentrary, I think that he b a burden to me." A burden to yea! How ae air ' VBfl married foif deaghter." E liter (•hiverfag fa hb night gatteente, and peering ever the badsten fate flie gleembdew)â€"' Who's then!" Yofae hefaw â€""A burglar." Editor (with hb teeth ohattering)â€" •' I thenght so. Did yen ahat the deer bdifad yea whea yea oame fa!" Burglarâ€"" I didn't." E titer-" I was son yon didn't The blast oomlag npatdn b half fnaalag ms. Is it net eaengh that I am made the vlotim el aaohftBegleot all day at my affioe, withoat hawtng you oome arannd hen in the dead ef night and adding Itemymiaeryl Go baok and ahat the dewi' The oenadeaoe atrlkea baiglar at enoore- traoed hb steps, and ahat the deer frem the entdde leawfaii tkeeditai'a waulta nnrifiod^ A barteadar fa tks baok-rosm af a oouatry Btere, fa mizfag a MA for a oastemer, ao- ddeatally poared fa abeat two tableipeea fnb ef tupeatiae. He dlBeswered Am mbteke, bul^ aayiag aethiag abeat It. he filbd the gfasa with wUd^. The wm draakike mlztan, amaekM hb Ifaa aad walked away. Pretty aoan he ntaraed aad aaid "jni^ l|ifli«rea't.r anoa iteM er good oaatem^avjefKar* •*T!ii.;^»Aa' allaa taek what yer aet afore me wftoiaot aavia* awerdr • Attaa doae the best I eeeld for yer, BlU." "Uw eeW^Aadyi wka^alke matter with yea!" 'W^DTifa jbtthb: Why kaweat yoa beea glwta' me that geed Mqaer ell fl m t ime |^ B eea ar difakfa' Imn the eaeTCagbemaloal aaw, aad well «all itafaar." uiiiiiHiak^iitaiiS

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